
2022-11-15 版权声明 我要投稿


摘要:英语词汇是初中英语教学的重要组成部分,但很多学生在英语词汇的学习上具有一定的困难。一般来说,学生认为英语词汇学习比较枯燥,对词汇学习失去兴趣,很难掌握和记住英语词汇的知识。目前的英语课堂主要采用传统的词汇教学方法,学生对词汇学习没有太大的兴趣和动力,很难将所学的词汇知识进行实际应用。多模态理论侧重于通过刺激人类多种感官,通过多种模态,如视频、音频和图像来传播信息。多模态教学法采用多种模态激发学生的感官,让他们充分投入到英语课堂中,从而提高学习的积极性和效率。因此,本文将多模态教学应用到初中英语词汇教学中,探索多模态词汇教学能否提高学生的词汇学习成绩和词汇学习动机。本文旨在回答以下三个主要研究问题:(1)多模态词汇教学对学生的词汇学习成绩有何影响?(2)多模态词汇教学对学生英语词汇学习的动机有何影响?(3)学生对多模态词汇教学有何看法?本研究选取上海一所初中七年级的两个班级的82名学生,进行了为期两个月的研究。其中一个班级被随机分配为实验班,另一个班为控制班。实验班采用多模态词汇教学模式,控制班采用传统词汇教学模式。研究采用问卷调查、词汇测试和访谈的形式收集实验数据,并使用SPSS 19.0对数据进行分析。通过分析数据,研究结果如下:首先,在两个月的教学实验之后,实验班学生的词汇成绩要明显高于对照班,结果说明多模态词汇教学比传统词汇教学更能有效提高学生的词汇学习成绩,帮助学生更好的学习词汇知识。其次,根据问卷调查结果,多模态词汇教学可以提高学生词汇学习的动机,尤其是学生的内部兴趣动机,分数动机,信息动机和学习情境动机。最后,学生对多模态词汇教学持积极态度,表示教师在课堂中所使用的多种模态,极大地增加了他们对词汇的学习兴趣,提升了他们的词汇学习能力。本研究的结果对多模态英语词汇教学具有一定的启示:(1)教师要合理选择使用不同的模态;(2)要培养学生的长期词汇学习动机,尤其是内部兴趣动机,信息动机和交流动机;(3)多模态词汇教学要和传统词汇教学相结合。





Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

1.2 Analysis of the Current Situation of Vocabulary Teaching

1.3 Multimodal Teaching Method

1.4 Purpose and Significance of the Study

1.5 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Multimodal Teaching Approach

2.1.1 Definition of Multimodality and Multimodal Teaching

2.1.2 Multimodal Language Teaching Mode

2.1.3 Studies on Multimodal Language Teaching

2.2 English Vocabulary Teaching

2.2.1 Definition of Vocabulary and Vocabulary Teaching

2.2.2 Studies on English Vocabulary Teaching Abroad

2.2.3 Studies on English Vocabulary Teaching at Home

2.3 Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching

2.3.1 Studies on Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching Abroad

2.3.2 Studies on Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching at Home

2.4 Theoretical foundation

2.4.1 Social Semiotics

2.4.2 Multimodal Discourse Theory

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Research Subjects

3.3 Research Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaires

3.3.2 Interview

3.3.3 Vocabulary Tests

3.3.4 Teaching Experiment

3.4 Research Procedures

3.4.1 Pre-experimental Stage

3.4.2 Teaching Experiment Implementation Stage

3.4.3 Post-experimental Stage

3.5 Teaching Samples

3.5.1 A Sample Lesson of Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching

3.5.2 A Sample Lesson of Traditional Vocabulary Teaching

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1 The Impact of Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching on Students’ Vocabulary Learning Achievement

4.1.1 Comparison of the Pre-test Scores between EC and CC

4.1.2 Comparison of the Post-test Scores between EC and CC

4.1.3 Comparison of the Pre-test and Post-test in EC and CC

4.2 The Impact of Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching on Students’ Vocabulary Learning Motivation

4.2.1 Comparison of Vocabulary Learning Motivation between EC and CC before the Experiment

4.2.2 Comparison of Vocabulary Learning Motivation between EC and CC after the Experiment

4.3 Students’ Attitudes towards Multimodal Vocabulary Teaching

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

5.2 Pedagogical Implications

5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study



Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C 初中英语词汇学习动机调查问卷

Appendix D 关于多模态词汇教学看法的调查问卷

Appendix E 学生访谈提纲

Appendix F Interview Transcript

