
2024-06-24 版权声明 我要投稿


考研英语词汇5 篇1

一、呈现单词, 示范读音

英语是一种拼音文字, 英语单词的读与写是“二合一”的, 因此建立音、形、义之间的联系, 将有助于减轻记单词的负担, 提高学习效率。

直观教学法。直观教学法是通过直观的手段, 如图片、实物、课件、简笔画等呈现单词, 边呈现边示范发音, 将单词的发音和词义结合起来, 让学生直观地听清发音, 感知其义。本单元主要教学four至ten 7个数字, 我直接在PPT上呈现数字, 通过播放声音文件, 让学生听清音, 随后示范朗读, 引导学生观察口形后再模仿跟读;通过抽读、小组读、齐读等形式, 达到正确、熟练地朗读。在此基础上, 将学生的注意力引导到字形, 尝试拼读。边拼读边给单词配上音调, 如:Four, F-O-U-R, four.字母用升调读, 单词用降调读。通过询问学生:What’s this/the next number?/How to spell it?等让学生作出回应。另外, 通过用手指演示数字、书空单词等活动, 充分调动多种感官参与, 使教学更直观形象。

情境教学法。情境教学法是指教师在教授新词时, 设置一定的语用情境, 这样既将学生带入真实情境, 引起他们的学习兴趣, 又能顺利导入新课。如在教学“lovely”时, 我通过呈现上一课时Project 1 My puppy中的puppy图片, 教学“lovely”, 接着创设Puppy show情境, 呈现多幅puppy的可爱图片, 使学生在亲身体验中感知其意, 激发表达的欲望。T:What’s this?S:It’s a puppy.T:Look at the puppy.S:It’s lovely.How lovely/A lovely puppy.在此情境中, “lovely”一词得到了充分的感知和运用。

以旧带新法。以旧带新法就是利用学生学过的词来学习新的单词。常用的以旧带新的方法有:借助反义词、同音词, 利用成对词、对称词、字形相近词等。本节课中, 我借助同音词for与four, 降低认读单词的难度, 通过观察字形, 降低记忆单词的难度;借助形近词, 引导学生在pen与ten之间建立联系, 学生会发现只要把“p”换成“t”就变成了另外一个新单词。我还引导学生观察sit与six, nice与nine之间的异同。看似简单, 但学生会觉得好玩、好记, 有助于学生克服记忆单词的害怕心理。

语音归纳法。学习新单词离不开记忆, 记忆的秘诀就在于建立与记忆对象相关的联系。音、形、义结合有利于建立联系, 形成发音规则知识。在词汇教学时, 我注意将语音的知识渗透其中, 让学生初步掌握部分语音拼读知识。如在教four, five时, 让学生体会字母F的发音, 学生在比较朗读中发现字母F发[f]音, 在教学seven时, 列出一些已学的含有字母S的单词, 如six, sister, sleep等, 让学生通过观察、朗读、体会, 予以辨别。

二、组织活动, 操练巩固

采用活动, 倡导体验参与, 让学生在活动中巩固词汇、运用词汇, 有利于提高词汇教学的有效性和积极性。

游戏法。“游戏是儿童的天性”, 游戏有助于激发学生的学习兴趣, 减轻学习压力与负担。运用游戏教学法巩固单词符合小学生活泼好动的特点。如果说在呈现阶段, 学生的任务是理解词义、模仿发音、观察词形, 那么在巩固阶段, 他们的主要任务则是加强辨别和记忆, 逐步达到“听音知义、见形会读”, 即熟练掌握单词的音、形、义。在本节课中, 我开展了两个游戏巩固数字:游戏一:Magic eyes———当看到数字或单词时, 请同学大声读出来;当看到炸弹时一起说:“BONG”;游戏二:Magic ears———只做口形不出声地拼读单词, 让学生猜教师拼的是什么单词, 以巩固单词的音和形。

儿歌法。歌谣具有简洁、明快、读起来朗朗上口的特点, 能使学生沉浸其中, 自觉或不自觉地说英语, 记忆会更加鲜明持久。在本单元中, 我引入了儿歌“Don’t be late again”来巩固数字:One, two, three, four, come in and close the door.Five, six, seven, eight, it’s time for class, but you’re late.Nine, ten, nine, ten, don’t be late again.另外, 充分利用教材中Sound time和Rhyme time版块, 让学生听音模仿, 变换朗读方式, 借助儿歌的曲调和格式, 自编儿歌, 在不断练习的过程中, 培养语感, 提高能力。

三、词句结合, 交际运用

新的课程标准强调学习过程, 重视语言学习的实践性和应用性, 而数字在生活中也被广泛应用。为此, 我通过呈现电话号码, 如报警电话、火警电话或教师、父母的手机号码、办公室号码等, 让学生尝试朗读, 并找到对应的功能, 通过练习, 既巩固单词又为生活服务。随着对本单元知识的深入学习, 我进一步引导学生关注生活中的数字, 如车牌号、门牌号、QQ号、加减法的认读等。创设生日情境, 数数小组人数、自编对话等, 进一步拓展学习渠道, 引导学生在交际中运用。

词汇短语园地(5) 篇2


They attacked this village during the night.


My friend was attacked by a young man while walking home alone.


She has been attacked for ignoring her son.


Scientists find a new disease that will attack man’s brain.


Spain attacked more in the second half.


attack n. 袭击;攻击;辱骂;抨击;(疾病的)突然发作

The planes began their attack on the city.


The city came under attack during the night.


He is recovering from an attack of flu.


attacker n. 进攻者;袭击者

I didn’t really see the attacker.


2. frightening adj. 吓人的;引起恐惧的

It’s frightening to think that this kind of thing will happen again.


frighten v. 使惊吓;使恐吓

frightened adj. 惊吓的;受惊的



The idea of death is frightening to most people.


He was frightened to look down from the top of the tall building.


3. exist vi. 存在

Does life exist in other planet?


exist on 靠……生活/生存

It was impossible for them to exist on such a small income.


existence n. 存在;实有

came into existence 存在

existent n. & adj. 存在(或实有)的事物;存在的;实有的

existing adj. 现存的;现行的

4. calm adj. 平静的

Although she was shocked by this news, her voice was surprisingly calm.


You must try to be calm.


calm v. 使平静;使镇静

They did what they could to calm her.


calm down (使)平静;镇静;安静

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.


calmness n. 平静;冷静;镇静

It would be wise to deal with these problems with calmness.


calm n. 平静的时期;宁静的状态

I like the calm of the summer evening.


the calm before the storm 暴风雨前的平静

calmly adv. 平静地;冷静地;镇静地

She recovered from her surprise, and answered calmly.


5. cover vt. 占地(多大面积);足以支付;包括;


The city covered ten square miles.



The discussion covered a wide range of subjects.


Dust covered all the furniture.


cover n. 封面;盖子,套子;遮盖物,隐蔽处

read form cover to cover 从头看到底

take cover 藏身;躲藏

under cover 保密;秘密地

6. disappear vi. 不见;消失

When spring comes, the snow disappears.


Let’s hope that our difficulties will soon disappear.


disappearance n. 消失;失踪;不见

We were puzzled by the sudden disappearance of the guide.


7. fortune n. 运气;命运;财富;大笔的钱,巨款

Fortune smiled on me.


You don’t have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty and healthy meals.


fortunate adj. 幸运的

fortunately adv. 幸好/幸运地

8. die out 灭绝;不复存在;熄灭

Tribes and tribal customs died out centuries ago.


The fire died out.


注意:die out/die for/die off/die away/die down的区别

die out意为“灭绝,不复存在”;die for意为“迫切想要某物或做某事”;die off意为“一个接一个死去;相继死去”;die away意为“逐渐减弱;逐渐消失”;die down意为“逐渐变弱;逐渐平息”。

The practice of children working in factories has nearly dies out.


He is dying for the book.


As she got older and older, her relatives all died off.


The sound of the music died away.


When the applause had died down, she began her speech.


9. due to 由于;因……造成;归功于

Her absence was due to heavy traffic.


This situation was in part due to financial difficulties.


due to sb 应支付/应给与/归功于某人

due (for) sth 应有/应得到某物

due to do sth 预定/预期/预计做某事

10. go for 挑选,选择;试图得到,努力争取;批评;


When you offer him apples he always goes for the biggest one.


I hear that you are going to go for that job.


My mother went for me when she knew that I told a lie.


Do you go for Chinese food?


What I said about Peter goes for you, too.


go about 着手;从事

go after 追逐;追求

go against 违背;反对

go along 继续;进行

go along with 赞成;支持

go around 传播

go on 发生;进行;继续

go through 遭受;经历;仔细检查;审查;(法律等)被通过

职称英语考试5个词汇的语法讲解 篇3

2.festival、holiday、vacation的区别:festival“节日”,指喜庆的日子或持续一段时间的文娱活动;holiday(假日、休息日),指法定假日或风俗习惯,复数可以表示一个较长的假期;vacation“假期”,指学习或工作中一段长时间的休息。如:The Shanghai Television Festival will be held next month.(上海电视节将在下个月举行) / Sunday is a holiday and most people do not work.(星期天是个假日,多数人不工作) / What are you going to do during the summer vacation/holidays?(在暑期你打算做什么事情?)

3.journey、tour、trip、travel的区别:journey指在陆地上(或海上或空中)进行的长途旅行,不知终点,含有辛苦的意思;tour指途中作短期逗留的巡回旅行,强调游览多处,常用来指观光等;trip通常指往返定时的短途旅行,如出差度假等;travel多指长期或长途的观光旅行,尤其指到国外,没有明确目的地,也作不可数名词,指旅行这一行为。如:He made up his mind to make the journey to Dunhuang.(他拿定主意要去敦煌旅行)/ He has gone on a walking tour.(他步行观光去了) / He took several trips to Shanghai last yeaar.(去年他去了上海好几次) / Did you go to Santiago(圣地亚哥) during your travels?(旅行期间你去圣地亚哥了吗?) / Travelling through thick forests is dangerous.(在密林里边穿行是很危险的)

4.sound、noise、voice的区别:sound指各种声音;noise主要指“噪音”;voice指人的“嗓音”。如:The noise of the street kept me awake in the night.(街上的喧嚣声让我彻夜难眠) / All of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry.(突然间传来几声枪响和一声尖叫) / The singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold.(因为感冒的缘故,这个歌唱家失去了她银铃般的嗓音)

5.fish的问题:指许多条鱼且不管种类时,用fish,单复数相同;fishes 指许多种类的鱼;fish指“鱼肉”时是不可数名词。如:There are many kinds of fishes in the pool. (池子里有很多种类的鱼)/ I prefer fish to meat.(与肉相比我更喜欢鱼)










考研英语词汇5 篇4


screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333“ border=0 dypop=”按此在新窗口浏览图片“>

参与奖励screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333” border=0>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333“ border=0>沪元, 严禁灌screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333” border=0>~~screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333“ border=0>

答案screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333” border=0>详解,回复screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333“ border=0>见,请screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333” border=0>要灌screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333“ border=0>,与答screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333” border=0>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333“ border=0>关screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333” border=0>回帖一律删除并扣沪元screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333“ border=0>screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333” border=0>

1. The chairman says he needs an assistant that he can ___ take care of problems that may occur in his absence.

A. count on B. resort to C. look up to D. seek after

2. His intelligence and experience will enable him to ___ the complicated situation.

A. cope with B. settle down C. intervene in D. interfere with

3. The wood was so rotten that when we pulled, it ___ into fragments.

A. broke away B. broke of C. broke up D. break through

4. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plan in Athens, set to ____ when it arrived in New York.

A. go off B. get off C. come off D. carry off


考研英语词汇5 篇5

boy n.男孩子,儿子;男性服务员


brace v.使防备;支撑;使(手,足,肩等)绷紧 n.托架

bracket n.(方)括号

brain n.(大)脑,骨髓;(pl.)脑力,智能

brake v./n.制动(器),闸,刹车

branch n.(树)条,分支;分店;(学科)分科,部门;支流

brand n.商标,标记,牌子 v.使铭记;打火印,打烙印

brandy n.白兰地酒

brass n.黄铜,铜器

brave a.勇敢的 v.勇敢地面对(危险等)

breach n.违反,不履行;破裂 vt.冲破,攻破

bread n.面包

breadth n.宽度,幅

break vt.打破;中止;违反 vi.破(裂) n.休息时间

breakdown n.崩溃;衰竭;(关系、计划或讨论等的)中断

breakfast n.早餐 v.(给某人)吃早餐

breast n.胸膛,乳房

breath n.呼吸,气息

breathe v.呼吸,吸入










考研英语词汇5 篇6

在中学阶段, 词汇教学一直是英语教学的核心部分, 而英语高频词汇的习得是英语习得中最重要和最基础的部分 (马广惠2006) 。但教无定法, 教师应该教哪些词汇才能让学生摆脱毫无重点地死扣教科书的困境?哪些词汇是教学大纲和考试实战中的“宠儿”?中考英语阅读中词汇的使用频率和覆盖率是教师日常词汇教学的参考。


词群 (word family) 包含了本词及其屈折和派生形式, 例如:本词teach, 其屈折形式为teaches, teaching及taught, 派生形式为teacher。词形 (word form) 是指不同的单词形式, 例如:teach, teaches, teaching, taught, teacher为五个不同的词形。字数 (token) 是指单词出现的个数, 复现的单词累计;词数 (type) 是指不同词形的单词出现的个数, 复现的单词不累计;群数 (family) 是指词群出现的词数, 复现的词群不累计。例如:teach, teacher, teaching, teach的token为4, type为3, family为1。


(一) 研究对象

本次研究对象为近五年来, 即2011~2015年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试 (中考) 的完形填空和阅读理解部分出现的所有单词 (包含选项部分) 。

(二) 研究工具

本研究运用了词汇分析软件Range BNC。Range软件具有强大的测量文本词汇深度和广度的功能, 为广大语言学家广泛认可和运用。本研究参照的词表源自BNC (British National Corpus) , 该语料库涵盖了自20世纪后期以来广泛的英语文本, 词容量超过1亿, 是目前世界上最大、最具代表性的语料库之一。其主要包含16个词表, 本研究使用了其中的三个词表, 包括2555个词群。其中一级词表包括998个词群, 4119个词形;二级词表包括987个词群, 3708个词形;三级词表包括570个词群, 3107个词形。这些词表中的词形都互不包含。Range软件可以统计出文本的字数 (token) 、词数 (type) 和群数 (family) 。


(一) 词汇量分析

如表1所示, 2011~2015年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试 (中考) 的完形填空和阅读理解部分共出现944个词群, 1628个词形。其中, 一级词表中出现的词汇最多, 有7023个字, 占考试总字数的84.27%, 而词形出现了1058个, 占词形总数的64.99%。根据《义务教育课程标准》五级为9年级结束时即初中毕业考试应达到的基本要求, 其中, 对词汇的要求是1500~1600。课程标准中的单词不是这里所说的词群, teach和teacher属于同一词群但是不同的单词。其中有498个字, 186个词形不在词表中, 进一步观察分析结果发现, 这些字大多为人名、地名或其他专有名词。由此可见, 2011~2015年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试的词汇量对于初中毕业生而言是较为适中的, 考查的单词量基本在大纲要求的范围之内。

(二) 词汇频度分析

由表2可见, 在一级词表中, the出现的频率最高, 达到了405次, 频率在100次以上的词有to, a, in, and和of。频率在35以上的词中, 绝大部分是冠词 (a, the) 、介词 (in, of, for, about, on, with, from) 、连词 (and, or, as) 、代词 (you, it, they, he, we, that, this, their) 和be动词 (is, are, was) 。出现频率最高的前30个词中只有一个是名词people。除了以上单词, do, many, at, of, them, be, his, I, one, some, t ime, by, but, the se, so, al so, li ke, se e, ve ry, we re your, because, food, our, want, young等单词的出现频率都达到了25次以上。


(一) 科学预设, 合理控制词汇教学

教师对学生词汇的学习要有科学合理的预设和控制。初中英语的词汇教学在参照大纲要求的词汇的同时, 也要以中考的高频词汇为核心。对于教材中出现的词汇, 以考试的标准进行重点的讲解。在选择测试卷和课外阅读材料的时候, 也应严格按照大纲和中考对词汇的要求, 适当控制并扩充词汇量, 有针对性地提高学生的词汇量, 减轻课业负担。

(二) 重视词汇在语篇中的功能

很多单词在不同的语境中呈现的意义千变万化, 教师不应割裂单词及其语境的联系, 剥夺学生猜词的能力。对于新单词, 教师不必急于告知学生中文含义, 而是先让其联系上下文猜测该词在语篇中的含义。另外, 也要重视一词多义, 呈现同一个词在不同语篇中的功能。

(三) 广泛阅读, 提高词汇复现率

除了课程标准要求的1500~1600个词汇, 中考中还出现了不少超纲的词汇, 教师需要培养学生通过上下文猜测词义的能力, 这一能力的培养离不开学生广泛的阅读, 离开阅读的词汇教学只是纸上谈兵。而课程标准五级也要求学生课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上, 可见阅读与词汇密不可分。词频是影响词汇习得的因素之一 (张伟、马广惠2007) , 阅读可以提高词汇的复现率, 更利于学生在语境中习得词汇。

(四) 重视词群和词形的教学

在上面的研究中, 一级词表中出现了7023个字, 1058个词形。可见同一个单词会以不同的形式出现在文中, 很多不同形式的单词有时又出于同一个词群。教师在平时的教学中应灌输词群意识, 由一个词群衍生出其派生和屈折形式, 从不同层面让学生真正认识一个单词及其不同的含义。


马广惠.2006.中学生英语高频词汇水平研究[J].外语与外语教学, (1) :19-21.

考研英语词汇5 篇7

n. 量,数量;大量

in quantity = in large amounts 大量;很多

a large/small quantity of 大量的/少量的

quantities of 大量;许多

I was overwhelmed by the large quantity of information available. 仅已有的信息量就大得令我不知所措。

It is cheaper to buy goods in quantity. 大宗购物比较便宜。


a large (small) quantity of +可数名词复数形式或不可数名词 充当主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。quantities of+可数名词复数形式或不可数名词,充当主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:

A large quantity of resources has been wasted.

Quantities of food are on the table.

a amount of 或amounts of 后只能接不可数名词。a large amount of修饰不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,但large amounts of 修饰不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。如:

A large amount of water was spilt the floor.

Large amounts of rice were taken from the country to the city by railway.


vi. 趋向,易于;照顾

vt. 照顾,护理

tend to do 趋向;易于,往往会

tendency n. 倾向;趋势

tendency to do sth

People tend to think that the problem will never affect them. 人们往往认为这个问题不会影响他们。

Plants tend to die in hot weather without water. 若没有水,植物在热天容易枯死。

Mother was usually busy tending (to) my younger brothers. 妈妈通常要忙于照顾我的弟弟们。

The nurse skillfully tended their wounds. 那位护士熟练地为他们包扎伤口。

She has a tendency to forget things when she is nervous. 她紧张时很容易忘记事情。


vt. 反对;反抗;与人较量

opposed adj. 反对的;对立的

He threw all those that opposed him into prison. 他把所有反对他的人都关进了监狱。

I oppose you going there alone. 我反对你独自去那儿。

We are not opposed to the plan at all. 我们根本不反对这个计划。

Do not oppose your will to/against mine. 不要违背我的意愿。


oppose sth/sb/doing sth/sb doing sth


be opposed to sth/to doing sth


oppose sth to/against sth



vi. 扫视,看一下

n. 一瞥,扫视

have/take a glance at 扫视,匆匆一看

at first glance 乍一看

She glanced at her watch and left. 她匆匆看了一下手表就走了。

He asked me if he might glance through my album. 他问他是否可以浏览一下我的影集。

She glanced round to see if there was anyone that she knew. 她环视了一下,看是否有她认识的人。

Tom glanced at/took a glance at the newspaper headline. 汤姆匆匆看了一眼报纸的大标题。

At first glance the problem seemed easy. 乍一看,这个问题似乎容易。


glance at to look quickly at sth 一瞥,扫视

stare at to look at sth for a long time 注视,凝视

glare at to look at sth in an angry way 怒目而视

Mr Black glanced at the report. 布莱克先生大致浏览了一下报告。


It is not polite to stare at others in public. 在公共场合盯着别人看是不礼貌的。

The two drunk foreigners glared at each other. 两个喝醉的外国人对对方怒目而视。


vt. 任命,委任;安排,确定(时间,地点)

They have appointed a new headmaster at my school. 他们为我们学校任命了一名新校长。

They appointed Mr Brown (to be) manger of the company.

= They appointed Mr Brown as manger of the company. 他们任命汤姆为公司的经理。

Mary has recently been appointed to the committee. 玛丽最近被任命为委员会成员。

The teacher appointed me to call the roll. 老师指派我点名。

A date for the meeting is still to be appointed. 会议日期尚待确定。

He arrived there half an hour earlier than the appointed time. 他比约定的时间早半小时到了那里。

I made an appointment with the doctor at three.我和医生约好了三点钟看病。

His appointment as head of the department has caused a lot of friction. 任命他为部门的经理引起了很大的矛盾。


appoint sth 任命什么职务

appoint sb (to be/as) sth 任命/指派某人为

appoint sb to sth 任命某人到什么机构工作

appoint sb to do sth 委派某人做某事

appoint sth (for) sth (为某事)确定(日期,场所)

make an appointment 约会,约见

break an appointment 失约

make an appointment with sb 与某人约会/约见


v. 不同,有别;变化,变更,改变

The quality of the students’ homework varies considerably. 学生作业的质量甚是参差不齐。

The menu varies with the season. 菜单随季节而变动。

Study methods may vary from person to person. 学习方法可能因人而异。

Class numbers vary between 25 and 30. 班级的数目从25到30不等。

The shoes vary in color and size. 这些鞋的大小颜色不同。


vary in sth (大小,形状等)不同,有别

vary with sth 随……变化,改变

vary from sth to sth (vary between ... and ...) 从……到……转变


various adj. 各种各样的

variety n. 不同种类,变化,多样性

varied adj. 形形色色的

a variety of = varieties of 种种,多种


vt. 担保,保证

n. 担保,保证

We guaranteed to deliver your goods within a week. 我们保证一周内交货。

I guarantee that I will pay off his debt. 我保证付清他的债务。

The authorities could not guarantee the safety of the UN observers. 当局无法保证联合国观察员的安全。

They guaranteed their workers regular employment. 他们对工人保证会长期雇用他们。

That kind of behavior is guaranteed to make him angry. 那样的行为肯定会让他生气。

He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. 他向我保证这种事情不会再发生。

This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. 这种熨斗对工艺缺陷可保修一年。


guarantee against/from ... 保证某人/某物免受(伤害,危险)

guarantee to do sth 保证去做某事


guarantee to sb 向某人担保

guarantee that 保证

guarantee sth 保证,保修

guarantee sb sth 向某人担保某事

be guaranteed to do 肯定,必定会做某事

be under guarantee 在保修期内

give sb a guarantee that ... 向某人担保

under guarantee 在保修期内


ensure 侧重指使某人相信某种行为或力量产生的结果

guarantee 指对事物的品质,人的行为及人履行义务等的保证

promise 侧重表达自己的主观意向,常指设法用语言使人感到稳当可靠

1. As I waited for Mike to arrive, I , the clock and saw that he was late.

A. glared at B. stared at

C. glanced at D. noticed

2. We are all strongly opposed to to the island without a guide. It is not a wise decision.

A. go B. going

C. be going D. have gone

3. The TV play is said to have won several awards in 2011 and I can you will enjoy it.

A. evaluate B. announce

C. guarantee D. tend

4. —Why does the lake smell terrible?

—Because large quantities of water .

A. have polluted B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted D. have been polluted

5. Romeo fell in love with Juliet . (glance)


6. He when people oppose his plan. (tend)


7. Prices of fruit and vegetables often .(vary)


8. She for her son to see the doctor.(appoint)


9. Not many people money brings true happiness. (subscribe)


10. The computer is . (guarantee)


11. How he left school? (come)


12. Buying a train ticket two days ahead of time will usually . (guarantee)


1~4 CBCD

5. at first glance

6. tends to get angry

7. vary with the season

8. made an appointment

9. subscribe to the idea that

10. under guarantee

11. did it come about that

12. guarantee you a good seat
