
2022-11-15 版权声明 我要投稿


摘要:2003年,教育部颁布了《高中英语新课程标准》(实验)。新的教育思想和课程理念突破了原有的教学思想、模式,给教师和学生,尤其是在职教师,带来了新的要求和挑战的同时,也引起了一定的心理问题,遗憾的是教师的心理健康一直得不到重视,很多教师因工作、生活或发展压力而经常产生难以排解的焦虑感。本文旨在考察新课改背景下广西贵港市市区内高中英语教师教学焦虑的现状,以便为降低教师教学焦虑提出实用的建议。 本文主要研究三个问题:1、广西贵港市市区高中英语教师教学焦虑的总体情况;2、广西贵港市市区普通高中与示范性高中的英语教师的教学焦虑是否存在显著性差异;3、广西贵港市市区高中英语教师教学焦虑产生的原因及解决方法。研究方法采用定量分析和与定性分析相结合,本论文的定量研究部分采用问卷调查方法,探讨高中英语教师教学焦虑总体情况。定性分析采用半结构式访谈,深入分析英语教师对新课程的适应性,教学焦虑产生的原因及解决建议。 研究结果表明:1、市区高中英语教师总体上表现出中等程度的教学焦虑:他们在不适应课堂,害怕教学,害怕评价以及职业不确定性等各方面都表现出了中等程度的教学焦虑;教学焦虑在人口学特征上并无明显区别。2、市区高中英语教师的教学焦虑并没有因为学校的不同而表现出显著性差别,尽管从细节上看来,示范性高中的英语教师的教学焦虑比普通高中教师的要高。3、市区高中英语教师产生教学焦虑的原因可以归结为三类:一是新课程改革的影响,二是教师自身的能力不足,三是学生的能力态度问题;4、降低教师焦虑的策略可以归纳为三方面:一是学校的帮助和支持;二是教师自身的努力和调节;三是社会的适度期望和帮助。 笔者希望通过本文的研究能为了解新课程背景下教师教学焦虑的情况,降低教学焦虑的消极影响提供帮助。






Lists of Tables


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of research

1.2 Objectives of research

1.3 Significance of the Study

1.4 Layout of the thesis

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Definition of anxiety

2.2 Definition of teaching anxiety

2.3 Measurement of teaching anxiety

2.4 Theoretical framework

2.4.1 State-Trait Anxiety Theory

2.4.2 Efficacy expectation theory

2.4.3 Uncertainty theory

2.5 Related researches at home and abroad

2.5.1 Researches of teachers' anxiety

2.5.2 Researches of teaching anxiety

2.5.3 Previous study on teaching anxiety of English teachers

Chapter 3 Methodology

3.1 Participants

3.2 Instruments

3.2.1 Teaching Anxiety Questionnaire for English teachers in senior high schools

3.2.3 Senu-conducted interview

3.3 Data collection and analysis

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Quantitative results and discussion

4.1.1 The general situation of Enlglish teachers' teaching anxiety in the background of the new curriculum reform

4.1.2 Comparison of teaching anxiety of English teachers between demonstrative and ordinary senior high schools

4.2 Qualitative Results and discussion

4.2.1 Sources of teaching anxiety

4.2.2 Measures for reducing teaching anxiety

Chapter 5 Implications of the present study

5.1 Recommendations for teacher themselves

5.1.1 Defining their occupation orientation and career development

5.1.2 Enhancing their efficacy

5.1.3 Improving their psychological endurance

5.2 Recommendations for schools

5.2.1 Establishing and perfecting the system of teachers' professiona #1 development

5.2.2 Providing opportunities for communication and collaboration with colleagues

5.3 Recommendations for the society

5.3.1 Having proper expectation of teachers

5.3.2 Offering psychotherapy

Chapter 6 Condusion

6.1 Summary of the major findings

6.2 Limitation of the present study

6.3 Suggestions for further study


Appendix Ⅰ

Appendix Ⅱ

