
2022-11-15 版权声明 我要投稿







Chapter Ⅰ Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Research Purpose and Significance

1.3 Content and Overall Structure of the Thesis

Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Key Terms

2.1.1 Art Students

2.1.2 Scaffolding Instruction

2.1.3 Practical Writing

2.2 Theoretical Foundation

2.2.1.Constructivism Theory

2.2.2 Social Constructivism Theory

2.2.3 Zone of Proximal Development

2.3 Previous and Relevant Researches at Home and Abroad

2.3.1 Researches on Scaffolding Instruction

2.3.2 Researches on English Practical Writing

2.3.3 Researches on Application of Scaffolding Instruction toEnglish Writing Teaching

2.3.4 Summary

Chapter Ⅲ Research Design

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Research Subjects

3.3 Research Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaire

3.3.2 Pre-test and Post-test

3.3.3 Interview

3.4 Research Operation

3.4.1 Teaching Background

3.4.2 Procedure

3.4.3 A Teaching Sample

Chapter IV Results and Discussions

4.1 Analysis of the Overall Situation of Students

4.2 Analysis of Questionnaires

4.2.1 Comparison of the Questionnaires between Two Classesbefore and after the Experiment

4.2.2 Comparison of the Questionnaires of the Same Class beforeand after the Experiment

4.3 Analysis of the Pre-test and the Post-test

4.3.1 Analysis of Writing Scores

4.3.2 A Detailed Analysis in Different Dimensions

4.4 Analysis of the Interview

4.5 Summary

Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion

5.1 Research Findings

5.2 Suggestions

5.3 Limitations and Prospects


Appendix Ⅰ Questionnaire

Appendix Ⅱ Pre-test

Appendix Ⅲ Post-test

Appendix Ⅳ Scoring Criteria

AppendixⅤ Scores in Pre-test and Post-test

AppendixⅥ Scores of Four Dimensions in Pre-test and Post-test

AppendixⅦ Interview Questions

AppendixⅧ Excerpts of Interview

AppendixⅨ Revised Drafts and Final Drafts of Three Students

