
2024-06-17 版权声明 我要投稿


英语作文高级句型练习 篇1



I agree to/am in favor of the plan.


First, the building of the factory will provide people with different jobs.


Second,it can save a lot of money.


Last,but not least, it won’t do much harm to the environment.


I don’t agree to the plan.


On one hand, it will take too much space of our school.


On the other hand, the noise of the machines will have bad effect on our teaching work.


In a word, we don’t think it a good plan.


Generally speaking, we must pay much attention to this problem.


In my opinion, it is not worth doing.



This is a picture of our school life.


There is a boy standing there.


Some students are playing basketball.


Others are talking with each other.


There is even one who is practicing taichi.


The sun is shining brightly.


The sky is blue.


The wind is blowing softly.


The birds are singing happily in the trees.


The trees are full of new life.



Opinions are divided about/on the problem.


Eighty percent of the students like school uniforms.


They think the uniforms are well designed.


Therest are not interested in school uniforms.


One third of the students live near their school.


More than half of the students spend 50 minutes on the way to school.


Few of them go to school by car.


There will be 3 million cars in the city in 2020.


It takes them an hour and a half to do their homework every day.


英语作文高级句型练习 篇2


笔者曾经和自己所教过的高一年级几个英语成绩不错的学生探讨有关英语作文的问题, 其中谈到最多的是:“什么样的英语作文算是好作文?”对于这个问题的回答, 大部分学生一致认为, 一篇好的书面表达应该符合以下三个要求:第一, 能够按照书面表达的要求, 完整地把意思表达出来;第二, 表达正确、流畅, 并且很少有语法错误;第三, 无错别字, 即没有单词的拼写错误。

刚升入高中的学生, 通过初中阶段的英语学习, 已经对英语作文有了一个感性的认识。在他们看来, 如果自己的英语作文能够达到以上三个要求, 就是一篇很好的作文了。

但是, 如果你向高三年级的学生问同样的问题, 他们就不会这么认为了, 几乎所有的高三学生都会告诉你:只是达到这三个要求, 书面表达是得不到高分的。

同一个问题, 不同年级的学生其答案是不一样的, 这是因为, 随着高中阶段对英语学习的深入, 如果只是把意思表达出来, 没有词汇拼写和语法错误, 已经不能适应高考的要求了。因为高考英语书面表达评分标准第五档 (很好) 中有这样一段话:“应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误, 但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致。”这就是说, 学生仅仅运用基础词汇和基本句型, 不能体现出较强的语言运用能力, 即使表达无语法错误, 也不能得高分;相反, 有些错误是由于有意识地使用复杂结构或较高级词汇所致, 故也不扣分, 仍属于最高档次。高考把写作要求提到了这样一个高度, 有利于反映学生的水平层次, 有利于指导教学, 原来那种“要点完整、语言无误、行文连贯、表达清楚”的标准早已落后了。

有人说, “翻译是戴着镣铐跳舞”, 那么高考英语写作更是如此, 但考生不仅仅要“戴着镣铐跳舞”, 而且还要跳得优美才好。之所以这样来形容, 是因为高考英语写作的内容通过文字、表格、图片这三种形式在某种程度上已经做了一种限定, 考生所需要做的就是把这些已给的要点和内容进行“包装和提升”, 使其鲜亮和饱满起来。如果只是简单地翻译并堆砌在一起, 显然无法吸引阅卷教师, 这也就是英语写作不同于语文作文的地方。如果说语文作文是一个自由发挥的舞蹈, 那么英语写作就是“戴着镣铐跳舞”。就像穿衣服一样, 不要老去穿毫无变化的“校服” (简单句) , 而要穿一些不一样的“衣服”, 让它显得不那么单调, 也让阅卷教师能够看到与众不同的亮点, 而这些“衣服”也就是多变句型与词汇。

那么, 在平时的训练和写作中应该怎样使用高级词汇和高级句型呢?


(一) 多练习、多实践、多动手

遣词造句, 实践是金。学生在平时的训练中, 要有意识地强化“复杂、高级”这两个概念, 使自己的作文能区别于普通学生的作文, 站在一个比别人高的位置上, 充分显示自己的实力。“处处留心皆学问”。同时, 学生在平时的阅读过程中要善于积累精彩的词句和表达, 不断丰富和扩大自己的“语言库”, 这样, 在高考临场时才能做到“下笔如有神”。

高考中的英文单词可以分为活的词汇和休眠词汇, 休眠词汇是指你认识它, 却没有主动使用它的意识。学生要培养一种主动使用高级词汇的意识, 摇醒在自己脑中休眠的漂亮高级词汇, 停止使用good, very good, very very very good这样的表达, 转而投向wonderful, excellent, outstanding, super, terrific这些宛如衣服上的珍珠一样的词汇, 为自己的作文增光添彩。同样表示“著名的”, famous是一个初一学生的专利, 而高中学生就要求能写出remarkable, distinguished, celebrated等词汇。所以, 想得高分, 一定要使用高级词汇。有的学生说:“distinguished我也认识, 但是我自己写的时候怎么就想不起来呢?”原因很简单, 就是你只是认识而已, 没有实践。大家记住, 每次写作文时脑海中最先闪现的词汇就是要考虑换掉的词汇。当写作中需要表达一个人漂亮的时候, 你写下去的beautiful, 想想是不是能够升级成attractive, good-looking, charming, fair;每当想要表达“许多、大量”时, 是不是马上落笔many/much?先不要!想想是不是可以修改成substantial, abundant或者amount, 甚至使用词组a large quantity of等。

(二) 做一个勤快人、有心人

学生在平常学习中一定要多积累一些高级词汇, 学习这些词汇的时候, 一定要多想一想这些词汇的同义词有哪些, 在这些同义词中, 哪些属于高级词汇。如下面的这些词, 学生在学习时就可以想一想, 能不能用其它的同义词来代替。

目前很大一部分学生的作文得分都处在17~18分左右, 因为写作满分30分, 因此, 17~18分也就是个及格分。到底17~18分的作文差在哪儿?这个问题很容易回答。这样的作文中规中矩, 该对的都对, 内容要点完整, 语法与词形也正确, 但全都是很简单的句子的堆砌, 没有任何亮点;而20多分的作文在句型、词汇方面就做了很好的包装, 它的句子穿的“衣服”已经不是校服, 而是耐克或者是阿迪达斯, 所以让人觉得很“拽”, 而高考英语写作要的就是这种很“拽”的感觉。这种感觉可以通过阅读来提高。从语言学习的规律来看, 在阅读能力达到一定水平之后, 要过渡到写译训练上来, 即从输入过渡到输出上来。只有一定量的输入, 才能产生一定质的输出。中国有句古话:“读书破万卷, 下笔如有神。”这在一定意义上说明了多读和能写之间的密切联系, 多读是能写和会写的基础。汉语如此, 英语亦然。通过阅读才能加深学生对所学词汇的认识, 才能学会它在具体语境中的具体使用, 在写作时头脑中才能反映出这些词汇, 进而使用这些词汇。

虽然高考书面表达提倡和鼓励考生使用高级词汇, 但这并不意味着考生要去选择一些偏、怪、难的词汇。使用高级词汇, 不是片面追求花哨文字, 或拼凑一些错误百出的英语词句, 而是要确保在没有错误的前提下进行适当地发挥。


学生在平常造句时要遵循这样的原则:句式多变, 语法活用。句子是表达一个完整意思的最小单位, 所以, 造句能力在英语写作中是非常重要的。好的英语句子能够生动、形象、准确地表达内容, 要想写出漂亮的书面表达, 必须从写好句子开始。正所谓“万丈高楼平地起”。因此, 学生必须练好扎实的语言基本功。除了掌握好英语简单句的基本句型并学会去应用之外, 学生还要学会使用复合句、长句;力求变换各种句式, 如强调句、倒装句、各种从句和固定句型等, 长句和短句交错使用等等。英语和汉语中都有一词多义的现象, 写作时同样的意思, 考生应该尽可能用多种方法翻译, 然后找出一个最佳表达。比如下面这个句子的翻译:

这本书是如此的有趣, 以至于我读了一遍又一遍。

翻译1:This book was so interesting that I read it again and again.

翻译2:This was such an interesting book that Iread it again and again.

翻译3:This was so interesting a book that Iread it again and again.

翻译4:So interesting was this book that I read it again and again.

这四句译文当中, 评卷教师最欣赏的是第四句, 因为它用了倒装句型。


(一) 学会使用复合句

复合句可以把结构松散的句子连接起来, 从而使表达显得更加高级。高考写作中用到的复合句包括下面三种:

1. 名词性从句

Who has cheated in this math exam?It is clear.

→It is not clear who has cheated in this math exam.

This is my advice.We should speed up the work.

→My advice is that we should speed up the work

When will you return?I shall be glad to know it.

→I shall be glad to know when you will return.

I made a promise.I’d join the club.

→I made a promise that I’d join the club.

2. 定语从句

The book is mine.He has taken it away.

→The book he has taken away is mine.

3. 状语从句

They were very happy.They worked out the results.

→When they worked out the results, they were very happy.

(二) 学会使用非谓语动词

When he heard the exciting news, the boy jumped for joy.

→Hearing the exciting news, the boy jumped for joy.

When he asked about his family, he made no answer.

→Asked about his family, he made no answer.

He got up early in order to catch the bus.

→He got up early so that he could catch the bus.

(三) 学会使用某些惯用句型

学生在写作中如果能恰当运用英语中某些常见的惯用句型, 可以使文章显得富有“洋味”。

1.It happened (chanced) that+clause.=sb.happened/chanced sth.=sb.did sth.by chance.

当我到那儿时, 碰巧他不在。

→It happened that he was out when I got there.

→He happened to be out when I got there.

→It chanced that he was out when I got there.

→He was out by chance when I got there.

2. It is/was+被强调的部分+that (who) +剩余的部分.


→It wasn’t until he came back that I went to bed.


→It was because he was ill that he didn’t come to school today.

3. It is+段时间+since+主语+did.


→It is five years since he left here.

4. It+谓语+段时间+before+主语+谓语.


→It wasn’t long before the people in that country rose up.

从上面的论述可以看出, 句子是作文最大的单位, 有了漂亮的句子, 用好的连词将其连句成段, 再加上亮点词汇的点缀, 一篇好的高考英语作文就有了。


综上所述, 高考书面表达提出的鼓励学生使用高级词汇和高级句型, 为学生充分发挥自己的英语表达能力提供了很大的空间。只要学生充分发挥自己的主观能动性, 充分发挥自己驾驭语言的能力, 学会使用平常见到的、积累的高级词汇和高级句型, 并学会应用它们, 就一定能把自己的写作能力提高到一个更高的层次。



高考英语作文开头高级句型 篇3

5.It has to be noticed that...

6.It`s generally recognized that...

7.It`s likely that ... 8.It`s hardly that...

9.It’s hardly too much to say that...

10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

11.There’s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that...

13.what’s far more important is that...








65个高级高考英语作文句型 篇4

32. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 通过上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论......

33. Taking into account all the factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that… 考虑到所有的因素,我们可以得出结论......

34. Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at/reach the conclusion that… 从所提供的所有证据来看,我们可以得出结论......

35. All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that… 所有的证据都支持可靠的结论......

36. From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that… 从上面提到的,我们可以得出这样的结论......

37. To sum up/draw a conclusion, we find that… 为了总结/得出结论,我们发现......

38. In short/brief/a word/conclusion/sum/, it is… 简而言之/总之,这是......

39. Therefore/Thus/Then, it can be inferred/concluded/deduced that... 因此,可以推断出......

40. From/Through/According to what has been discussed above, we can come to/reach/arrive at/draw the conclusion that…. 从/通过/根据上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论……

英语作文高级句型练习 篇5


It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.

It is well-known that…

It is self-evident/ conceivable / obvious / apparent that…

It goes without saying that…

It is universally acknowledged that…


We cannot understand why he was so cruel to his roommates.

he problem is not who will go, but who will stay.


As is shown/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ depicted/ described…in the cartoon/ picture/ graph/ table…,

There are many reasons why I want to study in your university.

It is estimated that tens of billions of pounds is spent on cigarettes every year in our country, which is a huge waste.



When the man is enjoying the cigarette, the smoke becomes a monster (怪物) which will devour him.

Whatever the reason is, there are still some problems with student use of computers.


Prof. Kang came to our university, giving us a lecture on how to acquire English better.


Only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.

Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.


Some measures should be taken to deal with the problem.

He is said to have accomplished a lot of great deeds.

It is believed that…


Do you still remember the boy who cried wolf for several times so no one would trust him?


Only then did he realize that he was wrong.

Only in this way are you able to do it well.

Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened.


It was in the park that I met him this morning.

It was this morning that I met him in the park.

初中英语句型转换练习 篇6


She doesn’t have to go to school.There isn’t any milk in the bottle.I didn’t see him yesterday..You need not do it today.She can’t run very fast.二.将下列句子改为一般疑问句并作肯定或否定回答。

1.Tom was ill yesterday.(肯定回答)

---------------------ill yesterday?----------,he----------.2.She has 10 pens.(否定回答)

---------she----------10 pens?----------she----------.3.M y mother cleaned the room..(否定回答)

----------your mother----------the room ?----------she---------


People will have robots in their homes.He has a new toy bus.He does his homework in the afternoon.四.对划线部分提问

初一英语句型转换专项练习题 篇7


1.I know the answer.(一般疑问句)______ ______ know the answer?

2.We can see some birds.(一般疑问句)______ ______ see ______ birds?

3.There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句)______ ______ a computer in house?

4.There are some flowers on the teachers’desk.(一般疑问句)

______ ______ ______ flowers on the teachers’desk?

5.There are some apples on the tree.(否定式)

There ______ ______ ______ apples on the tree.6.I think he is very old.(否定句)I ______ think he ______ very old.7.Please colour it green.(否定句)______ ______ colour it green.8.We can speak good English.(变否定句)We ______ ______ speak good English.9.Thank you for helping me.(同义句)Thank you for ______ ______.10.There aren’t any pears in thebox.(同义句)There are ______ pears in the box.11.Whose are these clothes?(同义句______ ______ are these?

12.Let me look at your book.(同义句)

Let me ______ ______ ______ ______ your book.13.Her sweater is red.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ is her sweater?

14.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ your pencils?

15.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问)______ ______ do you get up every day?

16.There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ students are there in your class?

17.These are cars.(用buses改写成选择疑问句)Are these cars______ ______ ?

18.The book is in my schoolbag.(变否定疑问句)______ the book in your school-bag?

19.Two boys are in our house.(改为there be句型)

______ ______ two boys in our house.20.Can’t you find the map?(作肯定回答)______ ,I______.参考答案:

英语作文高级句型练习 篇8

1.这是我的朋友迈克._________________________________________________________ 2.我很高兴见到你.__________________________________________________________ 3.她叫什么名字?她叫玛里牙.__________________________________________________ 4.你的电话号码是多少?是237856

____________________________________________________________________ 5.你的地址是什么?东山路.______________________________________________________ 6.这个用英语(中文)怎么说?文具合.____________________________________________________________________________ 7.这(那)是你的电脑吗?是的._____________________________________________________ 8.这些是公交车吗?不是的_______________________________________________________.9.这钢笔什么颜色?绿色.__________________________________________________________________________ 10.这袜子什么颜色?蓝色.__________________________________________________________________________ 11.你怎样拼读颜色_________________________________________________________

12.打电话给玛利亚请拨2357689.__________________________________________________ 13.穿黄色T恤衫的那个男孩是谁?他是我哥.___________________________________________________________________________ 14.谢谢你帮我做家务?__________________________________________________________ 15.这是我的一张全家照._________________________________________________________ 16.我的肩包在哪?在饭桌下.___________________________________________________________________________ 17.椅子在哪?/在地板上.___________________________________________________________________________ 18.钥匙在哪?在抽屉里.___________________________________________________________________________ 19.门后有一张床.____________________________________________________________ 20.窗户附近有一些花.________________________________________________________ 21.墙上有一副画.___________________________________________________________ 22.盘子里有一点面包.__________________________________________________________ 23房间里有许多人.___________________________________________________________ 24请把你的笔记本明天带到学校来.________________________________________________ 25.请把这些东西带到你的房间去.____________________________________________________________________________ 26请随身带去一把雨衣.__________________________________________________________ 27.他需要一些食物_____________________________________________________________ 28.他需要乘公交车去上学._____________________________________________________ 29.你有乒破球吗?不,我没有.___________________________________________________________________________ 30.我没有任何小刀.___________________________________________________________ 31.他有哥哥吗?不,他没有哥哥.但他有俩个妹妹.___________________________________________________________________________ 32.咱门打网球吧.?听起来不错好注意.____________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 33.汤木吃汉堡包做早餐._________________________________________________________ 34.捷克早上七点起床.___________________________________________________________ 35.他经常在晚饭后看电视._______________________________________________________ 36他通常在晚饭后做作业________________________________________________________ 37.汤木喜欢打篮球.____________________________________________________________ 38.小明英语学得好._________________________________________________________________________ 39.小明喜欢弹吉他,但他不喜欢拉小提琴._____________________________________________________________________________ 40.史密师有一个运动收藏爱好.___________________________________________________ 41.他喜欢看电视里的足球赛._____________________________________________________________________________ 42.他不喜欢吃西红柿作午餐._____________________________________________________ 43.这黑色牛仔裤多少钱/20美元.___________________________________________________________________________ 44.这毛衣多少钱/42元.___________________________________________________________________________ 45.你想要多少苹果?二公斤.__________________________________________________________________________ 46.你需要多少牛奶?三袋.________________________________________________________ 47.让我看看那裙子.好的,我就要这件.___________________________________________________________________________ 48.给你这东西.给你钱.________________________________________________________

谢谢!别客气._______________________________________________________________ 49.跟我们一起来吧!__________________________________________________________ 50.绿色短库以10美元降价出售.__________________________________________________ 51.任何人都付的起这个价格._____________________________________________________ 52.我门的毛衣价格优惠.__________________________________________________________ 53.何时是你的生日?6月23日.___________________________________________________________________________ 54.何时是你父亲的生日?12月11日.____________________________________________________________________________ 55.你多大/16岁._______________________________________________________________ 56.他多大?24岁._______________________________________________________________ 57.你身体好吗/我很好.我不大舒服.___________________________________________________________________________ 58.你母亲身体好吗?他身体好.___________________________________________________________________________ 59.小明住六楼._________________________________________________________________ 60.十二月分是一年中的第十二个月.___________________________________________________________________________ 61.星期四是每周的第五天._______________________________________________________ 62.你想去看电影吗?是的,我想去看功夫片._________________________________________________________________________ 63.马里牙想去看电影吗?是的,他想去看记录片._________________________________________________________________________ 64.我喜欢看喜剧片,因为很搞笑._________________________________________________________________________ 65.你最喜欢的科目是什么?________________________________________________

我最喜欢的科目是数学.__________________________________________________ 66.你最喜欢的运动员是谁?姚明.__________________________________________________________________________ 67.他经常在周末去看电影.______________________________________________________________________ 68.捷克认为恐怖片很可怕._______________________________________________________ 69.你会弹吉他吗?我不会.________________________________________________________ 70.他会讲中文吗/他会讲一点.____________________________________________________________________________ 71.他想要去参加什么类型的俱乐部?______________________________________________

他想要去参加音乐俱乐部.____________________________________________________ 72.你能帮我游泳学英语吗?

__________________________________________________________________________ 73.他想要去了解有关中国的历史.___________________________________________________________________________ 74.你能告诉我有关你父亲的情况吗/

__________________________________________________________________________ 75.你几点中上学?早上5:30._____________________________________________________________________________ 76.他早上几点吃早餐?7:20.____________________________________________________________________________ 77.他经常在晚上7:00洗澡._____________________________________________________

雅思大作文万用句型造句练习 篇9

The access to SNS seems to take a heavy toll on the health of people and on the well-being of society. A case in point is that many, minor and celebrities in particular, are easily bullied or harassed by hurtful and threatening messages posted or by the unflattering picture of a person spreading on these social network sites. Once becoming a target of cyber bullying, not only are those victims more likely to suffer anxiety, depression and even suicide , but this also further does harm to their life, work or study. What is worse, such will also lead to conflicts in real life, sometimes even crimes, an undesirable consequence that further detrimentally affects way more people as well as communities and thus significantly reduce social cohesion.

The exposure to these social network sites on the other hand is a facilitator in extending opportunities of formal learning for different people regardless of geographical location, cultural background and age. Compared with traditional education that learners have to be confined to a specific physical room, learning through SNS empowers them to interact with each other on a even larger scale, sharing information about their culture and work collaboratively and this is an significant way for them to acquire knowledge and therefore to broaden their horizon and networks. For adults, SNS, like Facebook and Skype, is also a useful, indispensable tool for workplace learning thanks to its regular accessibility through which employees could improve their expertise in a flexible way.

The social network site more often than not could function as an effective and efficient social media to promote civic engagement. For one thing, an increasing number of both governments and international organizations take advantage of its fast-spreading nature to advertise and to share public information and new rules and regulations to raise the public’s awareness of a particular field, such as public health and political activities. For another, the social network site is also a place where governments or policy makers could gather some information and ideas on whether a new policy should be implemented from netizens from different backgrounds to help them to make a wise decision.

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