
2022-11-15 版权声明 我要投稿


摘要:电子政务是指在公共管理部门运用现代信息技术以实现部门内部工作改进和提高服务效率。电子政务的实施是随着新公共管理概念的兴起而发展起来的。新公共管理的主要目的是改变传统公共部门的运营和管理方式,即改变公共部门繁琐的程序过程,使其与现代企业发展相符。因此,电子政务被认为是新公共管理理念的理想实现方式,可以通过政府改造减少政府规模、实现公共服务的改善与现代化。因此,全世界众多国家选择电子政府作为实现新公共部门管理目标的重要途径。政府采用和实施电子政务以及后续公民的使用就像是硬币的正反面,需要进一步的深入研究。如果不了解公民选择和使用电子政务的影响因素,就会造成电子政务的低效率,影响电子政府项目的预期结果以及公共部门改革的潜力。以往研究已经对其他国家电子政务实施情况进行调查,探索发现了影响公民使用电子政府服务的相关因素,但缺少对加纳情境下的相关研究。因此,本研究试图通过探讨加纳电子政务的实施来填补这一空白,并且进一步探讨了可能影响公民使用电子政务服务的因素。本研究认为感知有用性(PU)、感知易用性(PEOU)、感知服务质量(PSQ)、感知服务供给特征(EPSD)、计算机自我效能(CSE)、感知的政务责任性和透明性(TAG)、公民信任(CT)是影响加纳公民使用电子政府服务的因素。此外,本研究还考察了人口统计学因素如年龄、性别和教育等对电子政府服务使用的影响,以及其他变量的调节作用和中介作用。尤其是本研究检验了人口统计学因素如年龄、性别和教育水平等对感知有用性与使用意图之间积极关系、感知易用性与使用意图之间的积极关系的调节作用。此外,本研究还检验了加纳政府的负责性和透明性、高效率的政府服务在感知易用性和使用意愿之间的中介作用。本研究还讨论了阻碍电子政府项目成功实施的挑战,这些挑战因素的关键就是缺乏足够的ICT基础设施。在提出研究问题、详实的文献回顾、研究模型和假设基础上,本研究选择技术结构模型作为理论框架。本研究在加纳收集了700个结构化调查问卷,通过SPSS 20.0软件对收集到的数据进行分析,采用多元回归分析检验变量之间的关系。研究结果表明,所有的前因变量如感知有用性、感知易用性、感知服务质量、感知服务供给特征、计算机自我效能、政府的责任性和透明性、公民信任都对电子政府服务的使用意图产生积极影响。此外,本研究还发现年龄、性别和教育水平等人口统计学因素对电子政府的使用意图没有显著影响。然而,这些人口统计学因素对感知有用性、感知易用性和使用意图之间的关系起调节作用。此外,政府的透明性和责任性、高效率的公共服务供给特征在感知易用性和使用意图之间起正向的中介作用。本研究具有以下理论贡献:首先,本研究验证了在加纳政府背景下,电子政务服务的易用性和感知有用性的积极影响。其次,研究验证了感知易用性与使用意图之间关系的中介变量,弥补了以往研究的空白。再次,研究表明计算机自我效能显著调节感知易用性与使用意愿之间的关系。最后,研究表明计算机自我效能对感知易用性与感知有用性性之间关系没有显著的调节作用。本研究还表明,年龄、性别、教育水平等人口统计学因素对电子政府服务的使用意愿没有显著影响。本研究还引进了两个重要前因变量即高效的公共服务供给和政府的责任性和透明性,是影响电子政府服务使用意愿的重要变量。在本研究结论的基础上,我们认为加纳政府和相关政策制定者应该采取适当的措施如建立ICT中心,介绍和教学ICT确保公民掌握基本的IT技能,提高公民的计算机自我效能。这样反过来会影响公民的电子政府服务使用意图,因为具有较高计算机自我效能的人更倾向于使用IT相关的服务。本研究还进一步认为中国政府可以通过一带一路政策,加强非洲地区的基础设施建设。一带一路政策可以减轻非洲地区尤其是加纳的ICT基础设施建设中存在的挑战。加纳政府应该利用中国政府的一带一路政策,吸引必要的资金,促进加纳的ICT基础设施建设。为了促进加纳电子政府的建设与发展,采取这一措施非常有必要。





Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Situating the Research within the Proper Context of the New Public Management(NPM)

1.3 Statement of the Problem and Research Questions

1.4 Research Purpose and Contribution

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Review of Literature

1.6.1 Definition and Benefits of E-government

1.6.2 E-government Adoption Studies

1.6.3 Categorization of E-government Government to Government (G2G) Government to Citizens (G2C) Government to Business (G2B) Government to Employers (G2E) Government to Civil Society Organizations (G2CS) Citizens to Citizens (C2C)

1.6.4 Stages of e-government Development Catalogue Stage Transaction Stage Vertical Integration Stage Horizontal Integration Stage

1.6.5 Other E-government Development Models

1.7 Organization of the Remainder of the Thesis

Chapter 2 Overview of E-government Adoption and Implementationin Ghana

2.1 Geographic and Demographic Profile Ghana

2.2 Key Economy Programs

2.3 New Public Management and E-government

2.4 Ghana’s E-government Rankings

2.5 E-government Development Index and World Rankings

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policies and Strategies

2.7 Internet Penetration and Indicators in Ghana

2.7.1 Mobile Broadband Penetration

2.7.2 Fixed Telephone Line Penetration

2.7.3 Internet Users per 100 Population

2.8 Background to E-government Development in Ghana

2.9 E-government Strategy of Ghana

2.10 Challenges of E-government Implementation

2.10.1 Lack of ICT Infrastructure

2.10.2 Digital Divide

2.10.3 Privacy and security issues

2.10.4 Financial Constraints

2.10.5 Leadership

2.10.6 Lack of citizens’ awareness of e-government services

2.11 One Belt One Road (OBOR) –Key Funding Source

2.12 Summary

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Methodology

3.1 Technology Adoption Theories

3.1.1 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

3.1.2 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

3.1.3 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

3.1.4 The Extended Technology Acceptance Model

3.1.5 Diffusion of Innovations (DOI)

3.1.6 Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)

3.2 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

3.2.1 Research Model and Hypotheses Research Model Research Hypotheses Development

3.3 Research Methodology

3.3.1 Research Design and Methods

3.3.2 Research Approach Qualitative Approach Quantitative Approach Mixed Method Approach

3.4 Data Collection Technique and Modes of Data Analysis

3.4.1 Random Sampling

3.4.2 Clustered Sampling

3.4.3 Purposefully Sampling

3.4.4 Sample Population Size

3.4.5 Ethical Consideration

3.5 Case Study Approach

3.6 Summary

Chapter 4 Impact of Demographic Factors on E-government Services Adoption

4.1 Demographic Factors

4.2 Direct Impact of Demographic Factors

4.2.1 Direct Impact of DF on perceived usefulness ofe-government services

4.2.2 Direct Impact of DF on perceived ease of use ofe-government services

4.3 Moderation Role of Demographic Factors

4.3.1 Age as a Demographic Factor Age Moderates on PU and Intention to Use e-government Services Age moderate the impact of perceived ease of use (PEOU) on intentionto use (IU) e-government services

4.3.2 Gender as a Demographic Factor Gender positively moderate the impact of PU on intention to usee-government services Gender positively moderates the impact of PEOU on intention to usee-government services

4.3.3 Education as a Demographic Factor Education will positively moderate the impact of PU on intentionto use e-government services Education positively moderates the impact of PEOU on intentionto use e-government services

4.4 Perceived Usefulness of E-government Services

4.5 Perceived Ease of Use of E-government Services

4.6 Mediating Effect of PU on PEOU and IU

4.7 Summary

Chapter 5 Predictors of E-government Services Adoption from the Citizens’Perspective

5.1 E-government Service Quality

5.1.1 Perceived Service Quality

5.1.2 Efficient Public Service Delivery

5.2 Transparent and Accountable Government (TAG)

5.3 Citizens Trust in E-government

5.3.1 Trust in Government

5.3.2 Trust in the Internet (Technology)

5.4 Self-efficacy Theory

5.4.1 Computer Self-efficacy

5.4.2 Computer Self-efficacy Moderates PEOU and IU

5.4.3 Moderating effect of computer self-efficacy on PEOU and PU

5.5 Other Demographic Information

5.6 Reliability Test

5.7 Descriptive Statistics and Pearson Correlation Analysis

5.8 Multiple Regression Analysis

5.9 Gender Differences

5.10 Structural Equation Model (SEM)

5.11 Summary

Chapter 6 Adoption of E-government Services - A Comparative Analysis

6.0 Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

6.1 Approach

6.2 Intention to Use E-government Services: A Case Study of South Korean Studentsin China

6.2.1 E-Government Rankings

6.2.2 E-Government Rankings of China and South Korea

6.3 Demographic Statistics

6.4 Descriptive Analysis, Correlations, and Reliability

6.5 Causal Effects of Variables

6.6 Moderating effect of Citizen Trust

6.6.1 Moderating Effect of Citizen Trust on the Relationship betweenPerceived Usefulness and Intentions to Use

6.6.2 Moderating effect of citizen trust on the relationship between perceivedease of use and intentions to use

6.6.3 Moderating effect of citizen trust on the relationship between perceivedservice quality and intentions to use

6.7 Gender differences

6.8 Readiness to Use E-government Services in the City of Harbin

6.8.1 Demographic Statistics

6.8.2 Regression Analysis

6.9 Comparative Analysis

6.10 Summary

Conclusion in Chinese



Appendix A: Questionnaire Instrument

Papers published in the period of Ph.D. education


