
2022-04-01 版权声明 我要投稿




Unit3---A Master of Nonverbal Humour

The Second Period

Reading Teaching aims: 1.Enable students to learn what humor means and what is

nonverbal humor.

2.To introduce the life and work of Charlie Chaplin.

3.To introduce the kind of humour we can all laugh at

---nonverbal humour

4.To train the students’ reading and understanding ability Difficult points: Find out the main ideas of every paragraph. Teaching aids: A recorder and a projector, multimedia Teaching procedure: Step 1. Greetings and Revision

Check homework: ask students to review what we learned in last

period. Step 2. Pre-reading (通过展示几幅幽默图片,使课堂气氛活跃了起来,一下子调动了学生的积极性,然后顺势导入本课的主人公---Charlie Chaplin) Questions: 1.What do you know about Charlie Chaplin?

2.What do you know about his films? Step 3 Reading

Task 1 :find out the main information about Charlie Chaplin




3)Famous character:_________________________________


5)Type of acting:_____________________________________

6) Died:_____________________________________________

Task 2: Listen to the tape of the passage and match the main idea

with each part.


1. Charlie’s childhood


2. His famous character (角色)


3. The Charlie Chaplin’s laughter (笑声)


4. His achievements


5. An example of his work Task 3: Answer the following questions: 1. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The history of English humour?

B. The films Chaplin made.

C. The humour Chaplin made in his films.

D. The Gold Rush in Alaska. 2. When and where is the film The Gold Rush set in?

A. it is set in California at the end of the nineteenth century.


B. it is set in Canada at the end of the nineteenth century

C. It is set in Alaska in the middle of the nineteenth century

D. It is set in Canada in the middle of the nineteenth century 3. Charlie Chaplin made people laugh when they felt depressed, so

they could feel


A. less content with their lives

B. more satisfied with their lives

C. more worried about their lives

D. they had a miserable life Task 4: Give a description on Little Tramp.

The little tramp, a poor, homeless man with a moustache, wore a small round black hat, large trousers and worn-out shoes carrying a walking stick. Task 5: Introduce the main films of Charlie Chaplin.

The Gold Rush , Modern Times, The Great Dictator... --> Enjoy the part of the film ---The Gold Rush (利用多媒体播放卓别林的经典影片The Gold Rush中的片段,让学生体会以下大师的惟妙惟肖的表演,从而激发学生的好奇心,使其迫不及待地去读课文,更深入地了解“无声的幽默的大师—卓别林”.) Task 6: After seeing the film, find the correct order of the following

events. Chaplin tried cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.


Chaplin and his friend washed sand and expected to pick up gold,

but they failed.

They were so hungry that they boiled a pair of leather shoes.

They were caught in a small wooden house.

Chaplin cut off the leather top of the shoe.

Chaplin picked out the laces of the shoe. Step 4: Post-reading Answer the questions: 1.Besides joy, what else can humor bring to us

in our studies and life?

( relaxation, confidence, hope, joy, health, friendship, love...) 2. The reasons for his success: ( Determination, Devotion, Optimistic attitude to life, Kindness

Sympathy to the poor... ) 3. Give students a humorous story if time permitting. Step 5: Conclusion Today we have learned something about humor, it is everywhere in our daily life. I hope you can be optimistic(乐观的) no matter what difficulties you meet with, just as Charlie Chaplin was. Step 6: Homework 1.Write a humorous story in English and find out the Grammar Items

in this passage. 2.Pre-view the important words and expressions in the text.



Journey down the Mekong (Unit 3 Travel journal)

Teaching designer: wang zhongwen No.7 Middle School of wuwei Teaching goals: 1. Students can use what they have learned to describe a trip. 2. Learn something about the Mekong River through reading the text. 3. Students should realize what personalities they should have if they want to success. Teaching important and difficult points: 1. Understand the text well. 2. Try to apply different skills according to different tasks. 3. Be able to use the sentence pattern into speaking. Teaching material: PEP

New Senior English Student Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journey

Reading Teaching methods: 1, Task base teaching method 2. Communicative teaching method. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming-up 1. Review 2. Lead-in: Let’s sing a song together. Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Show a map of the Mekong River. 2. List the countries that the Mekong River flows through. China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam Step 3 Fast reading

Task 1 : Read through the text and try to match the general idea Paragraph 1

dream Paragraph 2

A stubborn sister

Paragraph 3

Preparation Step 4 Detailed reading Task 2: Read paragraph 1 and try to finish the true or fause. 1) Wang Kun and Wang Wei are brother and sister.


) 2) Wang Kun and Wang Wei have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. (

) 3) Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries.



4.Wang Kun first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.



Task 3: Pair works: read the passage again, and try to describe their differences.

Wang Wei is stubborn, determined, wouldn’t change her mind. Wang Kun is careful, cares about detail. Step 5: Summary _________ middle school, Wang Kun and his sister had _____________ taking a great bike trip. After _______________ college, with cousins they finally got the ________ to take the trip. Once Wang Wei had ___________________, nothing could change her mind. Finally, they agreed to start their journey at _____________ more than 5,000 metres. From the atlas they learnt that the Mekong begins in a Glacier on a ________________. At first it is small and the water is _____ and _____. As it enters Southeast Asia, its _____slow and at last it flows into the ______________. Step 6 Discuss Is Wang Wei a stubborn girl? Why? Step7 : Homework

1.Suppose you are a newspaper reporter, and you have heard about their plan. You want to interview Wangwei about her plans for the trip along the Mekong River. Please make a dialogue after class. 2. Tick out the sentences that you feel difficult.


Module 1

Cultural Corner

The European Union The general idea of this period: in this period, we will learn some knowledge about the European Union, including its’ history and development. Teaching aims: 1. Review the useful words, expressions and sentences in this module. 2. Improve the students’ reading ability. 3. Learn some cultural knowledge about the European Union.

Teaching important points: 1. Have the students master the new words and structure. 2. Improve the students’ reading ability. Teaching difficult points: 1. Improve the students’ reading ability. 2. Have the students make sense of the whole passage. Teaching methods: 1. Reading, listening and practicing 2. Pair work & group work Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up: Greeting and Lead-in Step 2 Listen to the tape, underline new words and look up the dictionary. Step 3 Fast-reading and summary the main idea of each paragraph. Step 4 intensive reading and discussion Step 5 extension and discussion Step 6 summary and homework Writing design: Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up: Greeting and Lead-in T: Good morning, boys and girls. Before the class, I will tell you a story. As we all know, the Second World War is one of the most destructive war in the history which lasted for 6 years. Many European countries involved in this war but they failed. They lost lots of money and manpower. However, there is a biggest winner in this war. Right! The United States. So, after this war, this United States became the greatest country in the world. And he wanted to be the leader of the whole world. But, of course, the European countries can’t agree with him. They were not willing to follow the United States. What can they do? They come up a way to keep the balance with the United States. They decided to set a new organization and get together. The organization is the European Union. This is what we will learn today. Please open your books and turn to page 9. Step 2 Listen to the tape, underline new words and look up the dictionary. T: Now, please listen to the tape. The only thing you need to do is underline the words you don’t know and then look up them in your dictionary. Step 3 Fast-reading and summary the main idea of each paragraph. T: Well, have you finished? And the second time, I need you to read this passage again. And after that, tell me the main idea of each paragraph. T: Well, time’s up. Who want to have a try? Yes, I think it’s very easy for you right? We can see the main idea of paragraph 1 is the European Union is an organization of European countries.

And the second paragraph talks about the countries are independent and are governed in different ways.

And the last paragraph tell us each of them sends the representatives to the European Parliament which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries. Step 4 intensive reading and answer the question T: This time, please read this passage carefully and answer the questions 1 on page 9. Find the names of three first members and three new members of the European Union. Yes, we can find the answer in paragraph 2, right? The writer list many first members and new members. You can choose three by yourself and write down on your books. Step 5 extension and discussion

T: Now, look at the two pictures on this page. This first one is a building, so beautiful right? It is the EU Headquarters. European Union we can say it EU to make it easier right? And the second picture is the flag of the European Union. Now I will ask you some question, you can discussion with you partners. So listen to me carefully Question 1: Where is the EU headquarters? Question 2: How many star can you see on the flag and what’s meaning? The last question is on you books: In term of the size and population, how big is the European Union compared with China? I will give you 5mins to discuss with your partner and then give me you answer. T: Great! You’re so cleaver. The EU headquarters is in the capital of Belgium——Brussels. And there are 12 stars on the flag. They have a perfect meaning. They are stand for the Virgin Mary. And the last question, compared with the EU, the size of our country is so big and we have much more population than EU. Step 5 summary and homework T: We have learned more about the European Union. And there are some new phrases in this passage. Today’s homework is searching relevant knowledge.

第四篇:高中英语时态 教案

高中英语教案 时态总结



时间的划分:过去,现在,将来 状态的划分:一般,进行,完成


四种形式 例:go, went, gone, going 四种形式各有分工 一般:go, went 进行:going 完成:gone 例: 一般

I go to school every day. I went to school yesterday. 进行

we are learning English. I was learning English when you called me yesterday. 完成

We have had breakfast. I had had breakfast by 8 this morning.


时助动词(Auxiliary verb)do, be, will, have持续性动作动词动作性动词(dynamic verb)时态态状态性动词(stativeverb)瞬间性动作动词客观状态动词心理状态动词

那接下来又有新的问题了。比如说,现在分词,它只有一种形式,如going ,或者learning, 那我们时间又不一样,有过去进行的,现在进行的,比如刚才的两个例句,we are learning English, 我们用的是 are. I was learning English yesterday when you called me. 用的是was. 所以我们发现,learning是没有变化的,但前面这个are, was是变化的。它们的变化就把这个时间讲清楚了。而它呢,位于learning实意动词之前的这个,叫助动词。也就是说,be,是个助动词。如果我问be是什么词?很多同学肯定会说be是系动词,其实be又是助动词,又是系动词,这里的be就是助动词。大家该如何理解呢,看这里,一个实意动词,只能把状态讲清楚,但因为一个状态里面,有不同的时间,比如进行,有过去进行,现在进行,和将来进行,而实意动词本身不能把这个时间讲清楚,于是就借助于,求助于,助动词来帮忙,所以这个词就叫做助动词。

那助动词是怎么分配的呢,答案直接告诉大家:一般do,进行时be,完成时 have,将来时 will。通过do,be,have,will不同的形式变化,就把时间给讲清楚了。好,现在造几个句子,你们就有感觉了。

第一句话:我每天都去学校。 I go to school every day.


I went to school yesterday.

好,这是肯定句,那要是否定句呢。 我不是每天都去学校。

I don’t go to school every day.是不是加了do这个助动词表达否定概念。


I didn’t go to school yesterday.这里有人可能有疑问,问什么肯定句是went,而否定句就是 go,为什么就还原成原形了呢?很多人没有想过这个问题,或者想了没有想明白这个问题。其实很简单,大家想一下,否定句中,这个did not,did是不是就已经表达出过去的意思了?所以go就不需要再重复的来体现一般过去时了。而在肯定句里面,在没有助动词的情况下,只能靠go自己用过去式went来体现它的一般过去这个时间。所以我们只要在一个点上可以体现出来就行了。不需要重复体现它的时间,明白了吗?




I do homework every day. I do not do homework every day. 这两个do词性是一样的吗?


I have had breakfast I had had breakfast by 8 this morning.


到现在为止,我学英语已经学了十年了。(并没有结束,还要继续学。) 现在完成 have +过去分词 进行 be +现在分词 have/has been + v-ing I have been studying English for ten years


I will have been studying English for ten years by the end of this year.


I had been studying English for ten years by the end of last year.



时态-Tense状态时间现在present过去past将来future过去将来past future一般一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时一般过去将来时进行continuous完成perfect完成进行perfect continuous现在进行时过去进行时将来进行时过去将来进行时现在完成时过去完成时将来完成时过去将来完成时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时将来完成进行时过去将来完成进行时 1.一般现在时 the present tense 2.一般过去时 the past tense 3.一般将来时 the future tense 4.一般过去将来时 the past future tense 5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense 6.过去进行时 the past continuous tense 7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense 8.过去将来进行时 the past future continuous tense 9.现在完成时 the present perfect tense 10.过去完成时 the past perfect tense 11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense

12.过去将来完成时 the past future perfect tense

13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense 14.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense 15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense

16.过去将来完成进行时 the past future perfect continuous tense


一般现在:I watch TV everyday. 一般过去:I watched TV last night. Be 现在进行:I am watching TV now. 过去进行:I was watching TV at eight last night. Will 一般将来:I will watch TV tonight.

Have 现在完成:I have watched TV.

注意: 1.

I watched TV last night. I didn’t watch TV last night.

didn’t 已经体现了过去的意思,故watch就变为原形,不必重复体现时间。

2. 同音同形异义词 I do homework everyday. I do not do homework everyday. 助动词do - 只起语法作用,没有实际意义 实意动词do – 实际意义:做

I had had my breakfast by 8 a.m. yesterday.

时态-Tense状态一般进行完成完成进行时间现在do / gobe / goinghave / gonehave been / gone过去did / wentwas, were / goinghad / gonehad been / gone将来willwill bewill havewill have been过去将来wouldwould bewould havewould have been



过去完成进行时由“would have been+现在分词”构成。



He said that by the end of the spring term he would have been studying English for three years. 他说到了春季学期末,他就学了三年英语了。

I want you thinking of food and wine, because these last years would have been miserable for you. 我要你只想吃喝,因为最近几年你的生活够苦的。

在间接引语中,将来完成进行时通常要改为过去将来完成进行时。如: I know by this time next week you’ll have been working here for 30 years. →I knew by that time he would have been working there for 30 years. She will have been teaching in this university for 20 years by this summer. →She told me she’d have been teaching in that university for 20 years by that summer.


高一英语Unit 3 Going Places(说课稿)


Warming-up 由三部分组成:第一部分通过图例可以看出人们旅游过程中发生的不文明行为;第



Speaking 提供的是关于“时光机器”的资料,幻想人们可以借助于这一神奇的交通工具,在过去、未来的时间长河里随心所欲地畅游,文后设计了表格。这是一个比较开放性的话题,学生可以展开想象,结合学过的历史、地理知识畅所欲言,能充分调动他们“说”的兴趣。整个活动涉及了“听、说、写”多个技能,按要求完成一定的表格,使之“说”的时候更言之有物。

Reading 分为三部分:pre-reading, reading, post-reading. pre-reading提供了与阅读材料相关的三个问题,启发学生预测课文内容;reading 是一篇关于探险旅游的材料,其中介绍了hiking 与rafting,话题较新颖;post-reading设计了一些帮助学生检测对课文作浅层、深层理解的巩固练习。

Language study 分word study和Grammar两部分。词汇配对练习引导学生加深对新词汇的理解与记忆;语法项目是让学生进一步学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。同时要求学生掌握有关送行与表达美好祝愿的话语。我对word study的处理,除了听写、默写等机械性记忆外,更多的是有意地把他们分散在每堂课的指令用语与话题里,让学生在语境中学,在运用中学。而Grammar则渗透在reading与 writing里学,道理也同上。

Integrating skills 部分可以说是阅读部分的延续,写作部分的前奏。文中提到了“生态旅游”这一越来越时尚的热门话题。以列表形式提供了两个生态旅游区的资料,让学生稍作了解这一新名词的内涵后,完成文中的表格填写,算是一种mini-writing。



Tips 告诉学生写作前要多作思考,不要急于动手。不失为一剂写作良方。

Checkpoint 简要地总结了本单元的语法重点,并提供了一些例句。



我们教师明确了这一意图后,在引导学生进行四技能操练时就会有的放矢,做到内容、形式、技巧三者的有机结合。当然新教材对我们教师的自身素质、备课深广度的挖掘以及学生想象力的激发都是一场不小的挑战。还有词汇,如本单元新增了hiking, rafting, eco-travel等新词,相应地词汇要求的级别高了,语言的地道性也有了提升。还有workbook, 简直是又一本教材,里面提供了许多关于听、说、读、写的材料与练习,一方面为我们提供了丰富翔实的资料库,另一方面也许也增加了我们的负荷。这是我对新教材与本单元的一点理解。 教学重点难点:


1. 本单元的生词、短语2. 有关旅游的一些表达法3. 掌握游记与来往书信的写法4. 复习动词的用法以及现在进行时用于将来的表达法


1. 动词时态的综合运用2. 语法操练与语言交际活动的有机结合 3. 一些开放性话题的实现4. 课外查阅资料的能力培养 教学目标

1. 语言知识与技能1) 熟练掌握与话题相关的常用词汇与表达法 2) 培养学生听、说、读、写四技能的综合运用能力3) 使学生能就given topics较好地完成一些开放性话题4) 培养学生使用图书馆、网络查阅资料的能力 2. 情感态度与文化意识

1) 在有趣的话题激励下,诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣2) 在师生互动的活动中,加强教师的亲和力,增进彼此的了解与沟通,充分发挥情感教学的优势3) 在共同完成一些调查、采访、取长补短等任务的过程中,加强团体协作意识4) 带领学生领略世界风光之美的同时,增强他们的环保意识

3. 学习策略

1) 兴趣教学策略,其中包括对话、讨论、表演等2) 开放式教学策略,如:brainstorm, role play, given situations 等活动3) 任务型活动策略,在做中学,在交际中进行真实运用

为了有效地达到以上教学目的,我设计了以下六个任务: 1)The students are to discuss the means of transportation 2)The students are to describe a place they know 3)The students are expected to know what an adventure travel is like 4) The students are supposed to take a virtual travel 5) The students are to write a travel diary/letter 6) The students are to finish a proposal letter/make a survey report

我把本单元计划为六课时,Warming-up & Listening(1课时),Speaking(1课时), Reading(一)(1课时),Reading( 二) (1课时),Grammar & Writing(1课时) ,Integrating skills (1课时),以任务为依托,分别对听、说、读、写四技能进行训练,各有侧重,但又互相结合。注重指导语篇阅读,逐步提高口头表达,笔头写作能力。




Wildlife Protection

Period 4 Writing


Week 17


Unit4 Period 4 (Writing)


Multi-media facilities (Video & Photos)


This period aims at helping students know how to write a letter of advice. Students should be guided to have a basic understanding about the form, structure, tense and some writing tips of a letter. Students should realize their own responsibility and do something as possible as they can.










Enable Ss know how to write a letter of advice.


Enable Ss know how to use the key words to make sentences and use the effective sentences to complete a coherent composition.



Step1:Greetings and pictures (问候,图片)

Step2:Play the video (视频) (唤起注意,酝酿情绪) Step3: 提示本课内容:How to write a letter of advice?

The composition on how to protect wildlife


Step4: 审题

(学生朗读题目,分析要点:文体、时态、人称、内容) Step5:搜集词汇

1.建立:set upfoundestablishstart…

基金:fund 基金会:foundation

鼓励:encourage sb. to do sth. 捐款:donate


信息:information ews houghtsattitude… 保护野生动物:protect wildlifewild animals 3.合作:cooperate with work with…(together)

政府:local governmentofficial organization 相关词汇:killhuntin danger aturehuman beings


Step6: 句型练习

⑴.I’m + adj. (gladhappysadexcitedsorry…)+ that (+句子)


I’m sorry that I lost your bike. 我很高兴你能和我一起学英文。

I’m so glad that you can study English with me. Practice: “我很难过知道许多可爱的野生动物现在都很危险。” I’m so sad that many lovely wild animals are endangered now. ⑵.I suggest that we should (do)…. 例句:我建议我们应该多读英文书刊。

I suggest that we should read more English books. 我建议我们应该鼓励人们经常跑步。

I suggest that we should encourage people to run often. Practice: “我建议我们应该建立个基金会并鼓励更多的人捐款。” I suggest that we should set up a foundation and encourage more people to donate. ⑶.It would be a great idea to (do)…


It would be a great idea to learn some English songs.

Practice: “宣传保护野生动物的信息也是一个好主意。”It would be a great idea to spread the information of protecting the wild animals. ⑷.It is+adj. (important ecessary hardeasy)+ for sb. to (do)…


It is very important for us to keep healthy. 对熊猫来说生活在一个好的环境里非常有必要。

It is very necessary for pandas to live in a good environment. Practice: “对于WWF来说与当地政府合作十分有必要。”It is very necessary for the WWF to cooperate with the local government. ⑸.I hopeelieve that… (+句子) 例句:我相信我们的世界会越来越美。

I believe (that) our world will become more and more beautiful. Practice: “我希望我的建议会有所帮助。”I hope (that) my suggestions will help.


Step7:结构划分 (PPT展示)

格式纠正 (提问学生)


Step8: 看范文,解释结构与格式

Dear WWF, I’m so sad that many lovely wild animals are endangered now.

Firstly, I suggest that we should set up a foundation and encourage more people to donate. Next, it would be a great idea to spread the information of protecting the wild animals. At last, it is very necessary for the WWF to cooperate with the local government.

I hope (that) my suggestions will help. I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours truely,

Li Ming




Step10: 依据本课练习,补充完整此篇作文,可适当增减信息,写在作文本上。


9、导学案 句型:

I’m + adj. (gladhappysadexcitedsorry…) + that …(+句子) I suggest that we should (do)…. It would be a great idea to (do)…

It is+adj.(important ecessary hardeasy) + for sb. to (do)… I hopeelieve that… (+句子) 连接词:

首 先:Firstly At first First of all, …

其次: Secondly Then Next What’s more In additionBesides, … 最 后: Lastly At last Finally, …

在我看来:In my opinion From my view of point As for me As far as I am concerned, … 总

之: All in all In a word In short, …

书信格式: Dear______, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes! (Good luck! Take care!)

Yours truly,

