
2022-06-19 版权声明 我要投稿












Staying at home to work as a postdoctoral researcher is not as disgusting as many years ago. The nation has spared no efforts on investment in science and technology. This attracts many postdoctoral researchers to work domestically. Not only will the national scientific strength see its spring, but also various advantages for postdoctoral researche

The first advantage is increased opportunities in ones’ scientific field. Chinese scientific field is broad. You can cultivate your own field with less competition and enough fund as long as your research is meritorious. Since international communication is frequent, you can directly share your laboratory work with experts on behalf of the nation. However, there may not be such opportunities if you are working aboard.

A second advantage is that more time can be spent with family. Taking the whole family abroad is troublesome. But it is not the case when staying at home. You can both look after your family and your research. The life will be much better compared to work aboard alone.

In addition to increased opportunities and family time, scientific discrimination could be declined. Since excellent researchers work at home, the whole scientific strength will be enhanced. Then the world can see a scientific nation in a different way, a way that is not backward but upward. A prosperous research atmosphere will of course decrease discrimination.

All in all, staying at home is not a bad choice for postdoctoral researchers. One can have more opportunities, family time and less scientific discrimination. “Science has no nationality; knowledge belongs to everyone” is extraordinary for today’s researchers. Keep it also a guide for future research.


With the development of the network communication, social network websites has become more and more popular. Quite a few people register in different kinds of these websites, such as QQ, Renren, Kaixin and so on. Searching online for new information from these websites has become routine work for many people, who share their laughters and tears wi

As every sword has two sides, paying attention to the social network websites has both advantages and disadvantages. Deferent people hold deferent opinions. Some are quite in favor of searching these social network websites, thinking that it is a great and free way to relax themselves and express their inner feelings. However, others hold a totally deferent idea. In their opinion, it is a bad habit to spend time chatting with strangers and argue that people are easy to get addicted to the social network websites, which will surely influent their life as well as work.

In my view, it will do good to people on condition that they properly use the social network websites. In a reasonable range, people, who chat with the friends made in the same social network websites can get much comfort or cheer to encourage themselves to get over the trouble. What is more, it can enable people to learn new knowledge on local traditions or alien culture. As long asusing these websites properly, people can harvest many benefits.




Recently, the issue of ……has aroused public concern. Some people believe that……. But others hold that…….. As to me, the first/second view is preferable. The reasons are as follows.


Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably draw a conclusion that…….. Only under such circumstance, can we…….. 主体:

First of all / to begin with

Besides / furthermore / moreover

Finally / in addition / above all



Poor but with lofty aspirations

My birth was a heavy burden to my family and the difficult circumstance wasn’t better off until the year when I attended junior high school. The story took place just before I graduated from primary school.

My family was in a tight budget. All family members lived on pickles and steamed bread. A meal of pork ribs would be beyond imagination. However, that day, March 16th, 2001, our whole family was enjoying pork ribs when the door opened.

Aunt Lee came in. In a mocking tone, she said to us, “oh, what a big feast! What

day is it today?” She looked around the simple and crude house which indicated what we were just eating was hard to imagine.

“Just a celebration for the elder brother’s winning the first prize,” my mother responded with a little unease.

“Good job, boy!” said Aunt Lee, patting my brother’s head, but the words sounded a little bit ironic. My brother moved away his head with an expression of dislike. After some comments about others’ personal life, Aunt Lee left with a bang behind her.

We didn’t like Aunt Lee for her endless rumors. She not only liked talking about others, but also made up some details attempting to attract the listeners’ attention, but the details used to make waves and quarrels between the neighbors. Because of that, people usually stayed at a respectful distance from her.

As is expected, words began to spread through the neighbors. “Oh, they just chew the bones with pleasure. How can they be so poor?” sighed the neighbors full of ridicule. Without thinking, it must be Aunt Lee’s “masterwork” because there was no one else came to our home that day. Such hearsay was common occurrence from my aunt’s mouth. But as words became more and more excessive and there seemed no stop signs, my father couldn’t tolerate such humiliation any more.

Two days later, when my father ran into my aunt in the alleyway, he talked about the scornful rumor. “We did have pork ribs that day, not bones.” My father corrected.

“I can’t remember clearly, but do you have enough money to enjoy a meal of

pork ribs?” asked Aunt Lee.

“I do have. It’s none of your business.” My father was embarrassed at her direct sarcasm.

Aunt Lee refused to show weakness and arguments lasted for a while. Having heard the shouts, crowds of people headed for the alleyway and soon it was tightly packed. Under such circumstance, Aunt Lee became more and more out of temper. Standing outside the crowd, I thought it was too many similar experiences that made her face the dilemma as usual. Aunt Lee not only denied saying such words but also clamored what my father dared to do even if she had. Eventually, the anger in my father’s chest became out of control. He lifted his hands and slapped her face. My aunt cried and ran away, full-mouthed. I was astonished by my father’s rude move, standing by, logy and speechless.

The crowd scattered and my father came over, touched my head and said seriously, “though one is poor, he has lofty aspirations.” The words have been living in my heart since that moment. I gradually comprehend my father’s intention to protest the baseline of his self-esteem.

Like a mirror, the words spur on my constant progress whatever situation I am in. Life is a long journey full of difficulties and obstacles. Any momentary evenness is negligible compared with the long way. Therefore, when others are in trouble, we should not stand by with folded arms, but give them necessary respect and assistance.




With China’s opening up, intercultural communication has become more and more frequent between Chinese and foreigners. A good command of at least one foreign language has increasingly been an essential skill for us. People, especially the youths, pay much more attention to foreign language acquisition than Chinese study.

Various factors can account for this situation. First of all, a good command of a foreign language may help young people to get a good job while Chinese skills may be of no signification one’s job hunting and even their career. Consequently, some students may not treasure Chinese language any longer. Apart from that, nowadays fewer and fewer universities stimulate Chinese language study in campus, which has caused it to be marginalized. Under this circumstance, Chinese language becomes less and less popular in universities. It is clear that professors in the field of Chinese study are not so respected than they were before.

From my point of view, effective measures should be taken to change it. To begin with, the whole society should emphasize the importance of Chinese language in order to make it clear that it is one indispensable part of Chinese culture and Chinese race. Moreover, schools should promote Chinese language study and research. Above all, we individuals should contribute our own efforts to the study and protection of Chinese language.

To conclude, we should pay great attention to Chinese language, since the importance of it is never too great to be exaggerated.



In present-day society,````````are playing significant roles in our lives(第1句写文章要求的背景)。 What is under controversy is whether ````````````(写文章要求的比如去年题目 家长是否应该送子女去学习班),Which has arouses a colossal concern among the public..


Some people assert that`(写自己支持的观点)```````````.Convincing arguments can be made to support their views.

To begin with,+理由

What”s more +理由

Saving the best for the last,What’s neglected but worth mentioning is that+理由

写理由 有很多方法 比较好用的

1例数据法 Statistic from resent survey illustrate that 后面自己编个数据证明下

2举例法 用 For instants 别用For example l例子不要太长 举自己的事情最好

3解释说明就是把观点再用另外一种形式说下 想不出来的时候可以凑字数用


However,the opponents firmly believe that(自己反对的观点)```````,and they claim it for a couple sound reasons.

Firstly```` Secondly ,````Thirdly 也可以用其他连词这段写的短点只要写观点不需要写理由!


From my perspective , although the latter opinion seems reasonable to some extent, the feasibility of the former opinion out weights that of the latter one..(这句话意思就是 尽管后面这个观点在一些方面是合理的,但是前面的观点比后面的更好)。I am in fovour of +观点,再总结··

TIPS句式要丰富 多用从句,保证每句话的形式都不一样, 比如

1倒装句 Under no circumstance should we break the rules

2强调句 It is ~~~~~that

3非限制性定于从句 They tend to be more independent, Which is a very import factor in academic study and research.

4 句首状语提前 Most importantly the government should make sure that citizens can improve their lives

5句中插入短语 Shopping, a necessary part of daily life, is increasingly time consuming


··raise consciousness and awarenessfor提高对什么的意识什么文章都能用 Every jade has its freckle 每块玉都有瑕疵 就是 Every coin has two sides 的意思

The government has obligation to ```````````` 政府有义务~~~
