
2022-12-02 版权声明 我要投稿



【摘要】 我县初中数学使用的教材是新人教版(2012年版),对于老教材出现的一些错误,新教材作了很多修正,但笔者在使用的过程中发现新教材也存在着一些瑕疵:知识体系安排不合理、数学数据不合乎常识、知识表述不是很严密.

【关键词】 初中数学教材;欠缺

我县初中数学已经全面采用新人教版(2012)初中数学教材.笔者对新、老教材进行了对比,发现新教材对老教材出现的错误有所修改,内容编排上也有所变动.笔者在实际的教学过程中深深体会到新教材真的是做到了新《数学课程标准》(2011年版)中提到的数学课程基本理念:“面向全体学生,适应学生个性发展的需要,使得人人都能获得良好的数学教育,不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展.”作为一名农村的一线初中数学教师,我们清楚地认识到:初中数学教材是初中数学教师在教学活动中一个十分重要的媒介和载体.我们在教材面前不应该是被动地执行者,应该主动地去做一个研究者、开发者.基于这样的认识,笔者在执教七年级(上册)的教学过程中认真钻研教材,发现新教材中存在着一些小小的瑕疵,如知识体系安排不合理、数学数据不合乎常识、知识表述不是很严密等.这些瑕疵严重影响了这块“美玉”的价值,可能会给一线的数学教师带来了一些困惑. 下面笔者就结合这一学期使用新教材的感受对七年级(上册)数学教材(2012年版)中存在的一些瑕疵与同行作一些探讨.




(1)如果a > 0,那么|a| = a;

(2)如果a = 0,那么|a| = 0;

(3)如果a < 0,那么|a| = -a.

新教材的这个说法应该是正确的,但问题是,新教材在此之前并没有明确告之学生:“a > 0,意思就是‘a是正数’;a < 0,就是‘a是负数’了呢?”笔者特地仔细翻看了新教材的前10页,并没有找到.新教材既然在此之前并没有指出,一般学生又怎么会知道呢?我们再翻过一页,到第12、13页,发现新教材接下来才介绍有关有理数大小的规定同[2]:“(1)正数大于0,0大于负数,正数大于负数;(2)两个负数,绝对值大的反而小.”以及有理数的有关性质和方法,包括如何运用绝对值的知识来比较有理数的大小.所以笔者认为新教材知识体系安排不够合理,使学生会在构建知识体系上产生先后顺序混乱的困惑,笔者建议编写这本新教材的专家对这一问题有所考虑.







两辆汽车从相距298 km的两地同时出发相向而行,甲车的速度比乙车速度的2倍还快20 km/h,半小时后两车相遇,两车的速度各是多少?

笔者在讲解这题时,已临近下课.笔者在学生的众目睽睽下开始解答,以乙车速度为未知数x的方程里,解出x = 192时,笔者当时下意识地叫道:“糟了,肯定是我做错了,不是方程列错了,就是方程解错了.”笔者的学生,有的暗自得意,等着看老师的笑话,大概心里这样想:“哈哈,老师出错了”;有的则表现出惊讶的表情:“老师怎么一下子就意识到自己出错了呢?”可能是这样想的.



学生很快算出是404千米/时.这时,学生也开始怀疑了.因为大家知道《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法实施条例》 中有规定:“高速公路应当标明车道的行驶速度,最高车速不得超过每小时120公里,最低车速不得低于每小时60公里.”所以笔者认定这道数学题目的答案数据是违反常识的,所幸的是教材已经发现了这个问题并做了相应的修改.



(1)4x = 24;

(2)1700 + 150x = 2450;

(3)0.52x - (1 - 0.52)x = 80.



(1)4x + 3 = 5x - (x - 2).



(2)4x + 3 = 4x + 2.



(3)4x + 3 = 4x + 3.




形如ax + b = 0(a,b是常数,且a ≠ 0)的方程,叫做关于x的一元一次方程,x是未知数.

既然说到了这里,笔者顺便提一下:我们去年开始使用的人教版新教材,既然在介绍“解一元一次方程的包括移项、去括号、去分母、合并同类项、系数化为1等一般步骤方法”在后,而“建构一元一次方程的概念”在前,那就应该在教学完一元一次方程的解法之后,按建构学问之构想,也应该及时的归纳概括一下.譬如可以作这样归纳:“在本书中,到现在为止,我们所解过的方程有一个共同的特点,它们或者不含分母,或者分母中不含未知数,将它们经过去分母、去括号、移项、合并同类项等变形后,都能化为最简形式ax = b(a、b是常数,且a ≠ 0).它只含有一个未知数x,并且未知数的次数是1,系数不等于0.我们把这样的方程叫做一元一次方程.”岂不是更好.

这是笔者在使用《义务教育教科书数学(七年级 上册)》(2012年版)的教学过程中遇到的三点瑕疵. 当然,这只是笔者的个人观点,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用,请各位初中数学教育同仁和专家不吝赐教.


[1]中华人民共和国教育部.义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版).北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2012年 1月第1版.

[2]人民教育出版社、课程教材研究所、中学数学课程研究开发中心.义务教育教科书数学 (七年级上册).北京:人民教育出版社,2012年6月第1版.

[3]课程教材研究室、中学数学课程研究开发中心.义务教育课程标准实验教科书数学 (七年级 上册).北京:人民教育出版社,2007年3月第3版.

[4]人民教育出版社、课程教材研究所、中学数学课程研究开发中心.义务教育教科书数学 (七年级下册).北京:人民教育出版社,2012年10月第1版.





























318.根据所给语境,选择适当的答案 ()23.当别人对你说“YourEnglishisverynice!”,你可以说:
















四、阅读短文,选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括基础 TheSpringFestival(节)isourChinesepeople’sfestival.Therearedifferentnamesforeachyear.Weallcallitt heyearofmonkey,theyearofdog… andthisyearistheyearofChicken.Beforethedayofthefestival,peoplearebusyshoppingandcleaning.Onth eEve,thereisabigfamilydinner.Afterdinner,allthefamilystayuplatetowelcomethenewyear.Inthemiddleofthenight,wehavesomedumplingsandwatchTV.OnthefirstdayoftheNewYear,peoplewearnewclothestovisittheirrelativesandsay“HappyNewYear”toeachother.

























( ) 1. ----- How do you do? ----- _____________

A.Hello! B. Good morning! C. How do you do?

( ) 2. ----- _____________ ----- I’m fine. Thank you.A. Are you Michael? B. How are you? C. How do you do?

( ) 3. ----- _____________ ----- See you.

A. See you later. B.How do you do? C. How are you?

( ) 4. Are _____from Japan?

A. she B. he C. they

( ) 5. ________name is Kangkang.

A. I B. My C. You

( ) 6. ----- Where _______they from? ------ They’re from Japan.

A. is B. are C. am

( ) 7. ---- ________, are you Jack? ---- Yes, I am.

A. Hi B. Excuse me C. excuse me

( ) 8. ----________ his telephone number? ----- His telephone number is (010)8217-6952.

A. What’s B what’s C. What

( ) 9. ---- Are you from China? -----Yes,_________.

A. I’m B. you are C. I am

( ) 10. ----Where is Deng Yaping from ? ---- _____is from ______.

A. her; China B. She; China C. Her; China

( )11. 路遇一位朋友,无论何时我们都可以说:

A. Hello B. Bye-bye C. Good morning.

( ) 12. ----Where is Shanghai? ----It’s in ________.

A. Japan B. England C. China

( )13. They and I _____ from England.

A. are B. am C. is

( ) 14 This is Miss Yang. ____ is an English teacher.

A. Her B. He C. She

( ) 15 ----- Who is he? ----- He is __________ .

A. Michael B. Maria C. Jane

( ) 16. ----- ________ is your mom ? ----- She is fine.

A. Where B. How C. What

( )17. ----- Is Kangkang from China? ----- ___________. He’s from Beijing.

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, she is.

( ).18. 下列哪个既是字母又是单词?

A. C B. I C. U

( ).19. 下列哪组字母发音音素相同?


( ).20. 当你在野外发生意外,急需援救时,你应该打出什么信号?



A.从II 栏中选出与I栏恰当的答语.(10分)


( ).1.Welcome to China ! A. No, I’m Jane.

( ).2. What’s your name ? B. Good evening.

( ).3. Where are you from ? C. It is in thee USA.

( ).4. Is he Kangkang ? D. I’m from England.

( ).5.What’s your telephone number ? E. Thank you.

( ).6.Nice to see you? F. My name is Jane.

( ).7. Are you Maria? G. Michael and Maria.

( ).8.Where is New York(纽约)? H. No, he isn’t.

( ) 9. Good evening. I. Nice to see you, too.

( ) 10 Who are they? J. (010)9267-6929

B.完成下列对话,从下框中选词填空, 每空一词:(10 分)

where aren’t who England from teacher in good she’s am

1.----- ___ are you from? ----- I’m from Youxi.

2.----- ___ is he? ----- He is Jim.

3.-----Where is Zhou Weilun from? ----- He is ____ Beijing.

4. ----- Where is Nanjing? -----It’s Jiangsu.”

5. Mr Yang is from Sanming. He is a P.E. .

6.----- _____ afternoon! ----- Good afternoon!

7.-----Where is Kumiko from? ----- _____ from Tokyo, Japan.

8.-----Are you Kitty? ----- Yes, I _______ .

9.-----Are Maria and Jane from Washington D.C.? ----- No, they . They’re from New York.

10.-----Joy Smith is from __________. ----- Yes. That’s right .”


A: Excuse ___1 ___ , are you Jane ?

B: Yes, I ___ 2 ___ .

A: Good. My name is Liu Qiang. Welcome to China.

B: ____ 3 ___

A: ____ 4 __ are you from ?

B: I’m from Chicago(芝加哥).

A: Chicago ? Is it ___ 5 ____ England ?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s in ___ 6 ____ .

A: _____ 7 __ he?

B: Oh, ____ 8 _____ Michael.

A: Is he from England ?

B: No. He is from Washington (华盛顿).

A: Is Washington in the USA, ____9 ___ ?

B: Yes, that’s righ. Michael is ___10___ American boy.

( ) 1. A. I B. my C. me

( ) 2. A. am B. is C. am not

( ) 3. A. How are you ? B. Thank you C. Welcome.

( ) 4. A. Who B. What C. Where

( ) 5. A. from B. to C. in

( ) 6. A. the USA B.Canada C. Cuba

( ) 7. A. Who B. Who’s C. What’s

( ) 8. A. it’s B. his C He’s

( ) 9. A. too B. right C.OK

( ) 10. A. a B. an C.. the


( A )

Hello, I’m Lucy. I am from the USA. But now I’m in China. My teacher is Miss Chen. She is from Tianjin. She is Chinese. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. She is in China , too.We are in the same school.

阅读短文,判断句子正(用 “T” )误(用 “F” )

( ) 1. Lily and Lucy are from Canada.

( ) 2. They are in China now.

( ) 3. Miss Liu is their teacher.

( ) 4. Miss Chen is from Dalian.

( ) 5. Lily and I are students.

( B )

Lily is from New York , the U.S.A. She is twelve. She is in Shanghai NO.3 Junior High School. She is in Class Eight, Grade One. Her phone number is 66786019. Dongdong is from Kunming. His English name is Tom. He is eleven .He is in Class Seven,Grade One. His telephone number is 24524233. They are not in the same class. They are good friends


( ) 6. Lily is from _____ .

A English B China C the U.S.A

( ) 7. Dongdong is in Class ______ .

A Six B Seven C Eight

( ) 8. Lily and Dongdong are good___________ .

A students B friends C teachers

( ) 9. Where is Tom from ? He is from______________

A The U.S.A B Japan C China

( ) 10. How old is Lily ? She is ________________

A ten B eleven C twelve



1. two(同音词) ______________ 2. he(复数形式) ___________ __

3. I am(缩写形式) ____ 4. mister(缩写形式) ___________

5. yes (反义词)_________________

(B)用am, is和 are填空(5分)

1. .-----_________ this your friend, Maria? .----- Yes, it ________

2. ----- ________ you Michael? ----- No, I _________ not.

3.Mary and I ___________from Canada. We __________ in China.

4. .-----_________ he Li Ming? .----- No, he ________ Kangkang.

5.My name _________ Kumiko. I ________ from Japan.

VII. 连词成句并正确书写并标上标点符号(10分)

1. meet, too, nice, you, to

2. teacher, is, my, Lee, this, Miss

3. where,they,are,from

4、she, from,is,Japan, not

5、to, welcome, class, our

VIII. 根据要求完成句子,注意一空一词.(5分)

1. -----玛丽来自哪里?-----来自美国。

----- ____ Mary from? -----She is ____ the USA.2. -----你叫什么名字?-----我叫Jane.

----- ____ her name ? ----- ____ ____ Jane.

3. -----他是杰克吗?-----不,他不是。

-----Is _____ Jack? -----No, he _____ .

4. -----你好吗?-----很好。谢谢。

-----___________ are you? ----- I’m fine,_______________.

5.他的电话号码是多少? What’s his _____ ______ ?

Ⅸ. 书面表达.(5分) 下面是Bill的个人信息,请根据表格提供的信息,写一篇小短文,至少三句。


From:the U.S.A

Tel Number: (010)9843-2089



(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)

School:____________ Class: __________ Name:________ Mark:________









A.从II 栏中选出与I栏恰当的答语.(10分)



B.完成下列对话,从下框中选词填空, 每空一词:(10 分)

1. Where_ 2.Who 3.from4.in5.teacher6.Good 7.She’s 8.am 9.aren’t 10.England









1.too/to 2.they 3.I’m 4.Mr. 5.No

(B)用am, is和 are填空(5分)

6.Is;is 7.Are; am 8.are;are 9.Is;is 10.is; am

Ⅶ. 连词成句并正确书写并标上标点符号(10分)

1.Nice to meet you, too.

2.This is my teacher, Miss Lee.

3.Where are you from?

4.She is not from Japan.

5.Welcome to our class.

Ⅶ. 根据要求完成句子, 注意一空一词.(5分)

1.Where’s ; from 2. What’s ; My; name’s 3.he ; isn’t 4.How; thanks 5. telephone; number

Ⅸ. 书面表达.(5分)

Hello! I am Bill. I am from the USA. My telephone number is (010)9843-2089.




第一部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)

I. Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Choose the best answer from A、B 、C or D according to the meaning of the sentence.( )1. The pig has four ______.

A. foot B. feets C. feet D.foots

( )2. Let’s ______ now.

A. to go to home B. go home C. to go home D. go to home

( )3. Helen can play______ volleyball, but he can’t play ______ violin.

A. /; the B. an; the C. the; / D.a; the

( )4. He is old, ______ he is strong.

A. and B. for C. but D.of

( )5. His baseball is ______ the floor.

A. in B. at C. under D. on

( )6.A dictionary is in the library. Is it ______ ?

A. you B. her C. yours D. your

( )7. Call Henry ______ 485-5689.

A.at B. in C. for D. /

( )8. Our cat has a big family. She has six _______.

A.parents B. students C.grandparents D.children

( )9. These are my ________

A.parent B. mother C. father D. parents

( )10. — _______ your name, please? —My name is______ .

A. What’s, Green Jim B. Who’s, Jim Green

C. What’s, Jim Green D. Who’s, Green Jim

( )11. December is the ______month of the year.

A. twelfth B.tenth C.twelveth D.twelve

( )12. ______ is your math teacher? –Mr. Li.

A. What B. Who’s C. Who D. Where

( )13. Edison’s birthday is ______ Feb.11th, 1847.

A. on B. at C. in D. for

( )14. –How much _______ these pants?--_______ten dollars.

A. is; It’s B. are; They C. is; They’re D. are; They’re

( )15. There are some _______on the floor.

A. child B. sock C. desks D. waters

II. Cloze test(本题共15分,每小题1.5分)

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

I’m Wang Jun from China. I’m a Chinese 1 . I’m a boy. My English name is Oscar and I’m twelve. There are 2 people in my family. 3 are my father, my mother, my grandmother and I. My parents are doctors in the same 4 in Harbin. My father is forty-two and my 5 is forty. My grandmother is very old. She lives with 6 . I’m in No. 40 Middle School. I’m in Class One, Grade Seven. There are fifty 7 in my class. We all like English. My classroom is not very big, 8 it is very clean and nice. We have a 9 school because there are lots of flowers and tree 10 it. And we love our school very much.

( )1. A. student B. teacher C. doctor D. worker

( )2. A. six B. five C. four D. three

( )3. A. These B. Those C. They D. There

( )4. A. hospital B. school C. factory D. hotel

( )5. A. sister B. brother C. grandmother D. mother

( )6. A. us B. her C. him D. it

( )7. A. windows B. students C. books D. teachers

( )8. A. and B. so C. or D. but

( )9. A. bad B. small C. beautiful D. sweet

( )10. A. between B. on C. in D. next to

Ⅲ. Communication(本题共15分,A每空1分,,B每空2分)

Complete the dialogue with proper words and sentences.

( A )


Mike: Hi, can I help you?

John Smith.: Yes, please. I want to 1__________ the music club.

Mike: Good. Can I have your 2__________?

John Smith.: John Smith.

Mike: How old are you?

John Smith.: Twelve.

Mike: Can you sing?

John Smith.: 3__________, a little. I like singing and dancing.

Mike: Do you have an 4__________ address?

John Smith.: Yes, it’s cindyj@pep. com. cn.

Mike: Great. 5__________ a lot.

John Smith.: Thank you.



Paul: Hi, my name is Paul. 1_________________________

Nick: My name is Nick.

Paul: 2_______________________

Nick: Nice to meet you, too.

Paul: Do you like playing basketball?

Nick: 3_____________________

Paul: Do you have a basketball?

Nick: 4_______________________ I have a soccer ball.

Paul: Let’s play soccer together!

Nick: 5_______________________ Let’s go!

第二部分 阅读理解 (共计40分)

Ⅳ. Reading comprehension(本题共40分,C、D每小题1分, A、B 、E每小题2分)

( A )

Look at the picture.It’s a small room. We can see Betty in it. There is a bed and a desk in her room. What’s on the wall? It’s a map of England. We can see a picture near the map.It’s Betty’s picture.We can see a clock on the table. There are some flowers near it. Is her black cat on the bed? No,it’s her hat. Where’s her bag? It’s on the bed, too.Answer the following questions according to the passage.

1.Whose room is it?

2.Is the room big or small?

3.What’s on the wall?

4. Where are the flowers?

5. What colour is Betty’s hat?

( B )

Mason’s Clothing Store

Clothes Color Price

socks white, blue $

4pants black $1

1sweater red, white $8

T-shirt red, green, black $7

hat black, red $6

Choose the best choice from A、B、C or D according to what you read.

( )6. —Which is the cheapest of all? —_______

A. Hat. B. T-shirt. C. Pants. D. Socks.( )7. —How much are two sweaters and a hat? —_______

A. $14. B. $20. C. $21. D. $22.

( )8. You can buy _______.

A. black pants B. a blue sweater C. a green hat D. red socks

( )9. You like red and you only have $6. You can take_______.

A. a sweater B. a hat C. a T-shirt D. none(全无)

( )10. You only have sixteen dollars. You can buy_______.

A. a sweater and a pair of pants

B. two T-shirts and a pair of socks

C. a sweater and two pairs of socks

D. a sweater and two hats

( C )

I am Jerry. My family is in New York. We have got a big house . There are three bedrooms. One is for my parents. One is for my sister Betty. One is for my brother Tony and me. I haven’t got any grandparents, aunts or uncles in my family.

My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. My mother is forty. She is a worker in a factory. Betty is sixteen years old. Tony is nine years old and I’m twelve years old. We are students. I love my family.

Choose the best choice from A、B、C or D according to what you read.

( )11. Jerry’s family is in .A. London B. Beijing C. New York D. Shanghai

( )12. There are three in the house.

A. hotels B. restaurants C. offices D. bedrooms

( )13. Jerry’s father works .

A. in a hotel B. in a school C. in a factory D. in a library

( )14. Tony is years old.

A. nine B. twelve C. Sixteen D. Forty- three

( )15. is the best title(标题)for this passage.

A. My School B. My Family C. My Teacher D. My Friend

( D )

This is a picture of Mr. Li’s family. The man in the middle is Mr. Li. The woman is Mrs. Li’s wife. They have two sons. The child behind Mr. Li is Li Lei. He’s thirteen. The boy in front of Mrs. Li is Li Ming. He is seven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They are good students.

Choose the best choice from A、B、C or D according to what you read.

( )16. There are _________ people in the picture.A. three B. four C. five D. six

( )17. Mr. Li is Li Lei’s ___________.

A. uncle B. mother C. father D. son

( )18. Mr. and Mrs. Li have _________.

A. one boy, one girl B. two sons C. two girls D. one boy

( )19. Li Ming is ________ brother.

A. Mr. Li’s B. Mrs. Li’s C. Li Lei’s D. we don’t know.

( )20. How old is Li Ming? He is ______.

A. seven B. twelve C. ten D. thirteen

( E )

Hello, everyone! My name is Betty. I’m thirteen years old. I’m in Class Two, Grade Seven. Today I want to tell you something about my school .

There are 2, 000 students in my school. ①我们有32个教室。In our school we have a big library. It’s behind our classrooms. There are many books in it. We can read them and learn(学习) a lot from them. The science labs(实验室) are next to the library. Behind the library and the science labs there is ②a dining hall. After school, we have our dinner there. After school, we can play table tennis, football and basketball in the playground. Some of us love running. We can also run there.

21. 将①处的句子译为英语。


22. 将②处的短语译为汉语。


23. 判断句子正误(T/F)。

( )Betty is in Class Three, Grade Seven.

24. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。

Where can we play table tennis, football and basketball?


25. 请给文章添加一个合适的标题。


第三部分 书面表达 (共计15分)

V.Writing (本题共15分,A题5分,B题10分)

(注意: 文中不能出现考生真实姓名、校名和老师名,否则不赋分)

( A ) 请你写一则失物招领。

内容: 物品一个黑色书包, 联系人Mike, 联系电话421-3421。





( B ) 根据提示及要求,以“My Favorite Subject”为题用英语写一篇短文。

提示: favorite, subject, Chinese, because, interesting, difficult, Tuesday, don’t , teacher 等。






IV. (A) It’s Betty’s. It’s small.There is a map of England and a picture.

They’re on the table. It’s black.

(E)21. We have got thirty-two classrooms. 注:只要学生答案符合,教师即可酌情赋分。

22.behind 23. F 24. In the playground. 25. My school

V. (A) 注: 表达出关键点即可赋分,若出现时态、拼写错误,扣1分。

(B) 评分要求:根据学生所写的内容和语言表达,初步断定其所属档次,然后赋分。不足70词的,从本题总分中扣1分;书写较差,格式、标点符号错误较多,以致影响阅卷的,降低一个档次。每档次赋分范围和要求如下:

第一档:(9—10分) 完成了试题的内容,覆盖所有题意要求;应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,使用了复合句,基本没有语法和词汇错误;具有较强的语言表达能力;格式和标点规范,符合英语的表达习惯;行文连贯,表达清晰明了,可读性强,完全达到了预期的写作目的。

第二档:(7—8分) 符合题意要求;应用的语法结构和词汇基本准确,并能满足题目的要求,虽有一些语法和词汇错误,但不影响理解;达到了预期写作的目的,可读性较好。

第三档:(4—6分) 基本完成了试题规定的内容,虽漏掉了一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容;语法结构较简单,词汇有限;但就整体而言,初步达到了预期的写作目的。

第四档:(1—3分) 未恰当或未完成试题规定的内容,漏掉或未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关的内容;有较多语法和词汇错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地表达出来。

第五档:(0分) 未能传达任何有关写作信息,写的内容均与所要求的内容无关或写的内容无法辨认。


第一部分 听力技能 (共两节,计20分)

第一节 听力选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)




( )6. What color is Peter’s jacket?

A. Blue. B. Green. C. Red.( )7. What’s this?

A. A book. B. A notebook. C. A map.

( )8. What’s Jim’s phone number?

A. 210-9675 B. 210-6957 C. 201-697

5( )9. Where’s Jane’s watch?

A. In her schoolbag. B. On her bed. C. On her desk.

( )10. How much is the white pen?

A. 12 yuan. B. 14 yuan. C. 16 yuan.


( )11. What does Jack have for breakfast?

A. Eggs and pears. B. Eggs and oranges. C. Oranges and potatoes.

( )12. What does Jack’s father like for dinner?

A. Pears and chicken. B. Potatoes and pears. C. Potatoes and chicken.


( )13. What does Nick think of the music lesson?

A. Easy. B. Boring . C. Relaxing.

( )14. When does Nick have music every week?

A. On Monday and Wednesday. B. On Tuesday and Thursday.

C. On Tuesday and Wednesday.

( )15. What subject does Sandy like?

A. P.E. B. Music. C. Art.

第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)


Teacher Age Birthday Favorite color

English teacher (16) July 21st (17)

Math teacher 24 (18) 9th Black

(19)______teacher 25 August 17th (20)__________

第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计20分)

第一节 语法填空(10小题,计10分)从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

( )21. Tom plays _____ volleyball very well.A. / B. the C. a

( )22. I don’t like geography _____ it’s boring.

A. but B. because C. and

( )23. This is my friend. name is Alice.

A. His B. He C. Her

( )24. —_____ he ______ a ping-pong bat?

—No, he doesn’t.

A. Does, have B. Do, have C. Does, has

( )25. — _______ is your pencil box?

— In my schoolbag.

A. When B. What C. Where

( )26. —______ are they?

— They are my grandfather.

A. What B. Who C. Which

( )27. —When is your birthday?

—My birthday is _____ May 2nd.

A. on B. in C. at

( )28. Jim and I _____ good friends.

A. is B. are C. /

( )29. — _____ are the socks?

— Fifty dollars.

A. Where B. What color C. How much

( ) 30. Today we have _____ classes, and the _____ one is music.

A. five; fiveth B. fifth; five C. five; fifth

第二节 词语填空( 10小题,计10分) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Hi! I’m Lucy. This is my 31 , Anna. She’s 12 years old. Her 32 is on November 8th. Here is a 32 of her. Look! What color are her eyes? Oh! They’re 34 . And her hair is black, too. She is beautiful and healthy. Ping-pong is her favorite 35 . She can play it very well. It’s 36 for her. After school, she plays 37 with her classmates. For breakfast, she loves milk, eggs and fruit. So she has a good eating habit. Her favorite 38 is science. She says it’s useful, 39 I think it’s difficult. Both of us like our science 40 , Ms. Wang, because she is great fun.( )31. A. friend B. mother C. aunt

( )31. A. date B. birthday C. month

( )32. A. photo B. map C. book

( )34. A. black B. blue C. green

( )35. A. food B. sport C. clothes

( )36. A. difficult B. boring C. easy

( )37. A. ping-pong B. football C. basketball

( )38. A. subject B. movie C. story

( )39. A. because B. but C. so

( )40. A. student B. teacher C. room

第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计40分)

第一节 阅读选择 ( 10小题,计20分)



Is this your notebook? It is a Chinese notebook. The cover

(封面)of it is black. It is in the library. Ask the teacher for it.Mary


I lost a schoolbag on the school playground. It is green. Two books, a pencil box and a dictionary are in it. Please call me at 627-0193. Thanks.


( )41. Mary found a notebook .

A. in the classroom B. on the playground C. in the library

( )42. You can get the notebook from .

A. Mary B. Nick C. the teacher

( )43. Nick lost a .

A. notebook B. schoolbag C. pencil box

( )44. If you find a schoolbag, you can call Nick at .

A. 627-0193 B. 627-1913 C. 627-901

3( )45. Which one is TRUE(正确)?

A. Mary’s notebook is in the library.

B. Nick’s schoolbag is green.

C. There are two books, two pencils and a dictionary in Nick’s schoolbag.


I’m Mark. Henry, Peg and Cindy are my classmates. Our friend Paul’s birthday party is next Saturday. He asks us to go to his birthday party.We want to buy some gifts for Paul. Paul likes playing baseball. He has eight baseballs and five baseball bats. But he doesn’t have a baseball cap. I know he likes blue. I want to buy a blue baseball cap for him. Paul likes strawberries and apples, but he doesn’t like pears or bananas. So Cindy and Henry want to buy a birthday cake with some strawberries and apples on it. “What do you want to buy for Paul?” I ask Peg. “Well, Paul is always late for school,” Peg says, “so I want to buy a watch for him.”

( )46. Paul asks friends to go to his birthday party.

A. three B. four C. five

( )47. The underlined word “gifts” means (意思是) “ ” in Chinese.

A.礼物 B.蛋糕 C. 衣服

( )48. Paul doesn’t have .

A. eight baseballs B. five baseball bats C. a baseball cap

( )49. Cindy and Henry want to buy a birthday cake with on it.

A. pears and bananas B. strawberries and apples C. apples and pears

( )50. wants to buy a watch for Paul.

A. Mark B. Peg C. Cindy

第二节 摘录要点( 5小题,计10分) 在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。

I’m Dave. Today, I ask some of my friends about their favorite subjects. Jerry likes geography because she says it is interesting and useful. Linda’s favorite subject is math because she likes her math teacher, Miss Black. Mike’s favorite subject is science. He wants to be a scientist(科学家). Tim’s favorite subject is history. He likes to read stories (故事) about history.

Name Favorite (51) Reason (原因)

Jerry geography It is interesting and (52)

(53) math She likes her math teacher

Mike (54) He wants to be a scientist

Tim history He likes to read (55) about history.

第三节 回答问题 ( 5小题, 计10分) 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。

Hi! I am Gina Smith. I have four good friends. They are Dale, Frank, Penny and Jean. Now we are talking about the months of the year. Dale likes April very much. Our school has an art festival this month every year. He likes art. He wants to take part in (参加)it and he thinks it’s very relaxing. Frank likes July. He can go out for trips in July. For Penny, August is the best month in a year. His birthday is in it. And he doesn’t go to school. I like October best. I can have a one-week holiday this month, and I also like June because Children’s Day is in it.

56. What are Gina and her friends talking about?

57. What does Dale think of art festival?

58. Why does Frank like July?

59. When is Penny’s birthday?

60. Does Gina like June?

第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)



Hello, boys and girls! My name is Sandy. 61.This term is from September to January. I have many subjects. They are math, Chinese, English, history, computer, music, geography, science, art and P.E. 62. My favorite subjects are English and P.E. I’m good at English. I can talk with foreigners (外国人)in English now. In P.E. class, I can do sports. 63. 它们非常有趣。 I can play soccer and basketball very well. And my favorite sport is soccer. 64. I like art, too, because it is very relaxing. I can draw fruit, clothes, and some other funny things in art class. Our art teacher Miss Brown is nice. She always takes us out to draw pictures. What subject do you have this term? What is your avorite subject? Tell me, please. 65. 你可以打电话586-4702找我。 Or you can e-mail me at sandy2015@tom.com.






第二节 完成对话 (5小题,计5分)根据上下文,从右框中选择正确选项补全对话。

A: Good morning, madam. 66. ( )

B: Yes, please. I want to buy a dress for my daughter.

A: Come and look at these dresses.

B: Wow, this one is nice. 67. ( )

A: It’s 200 yuan.

B: Oh, it s too expensive.

A: 68. ( ) It’s only 80 yuan.

B: Hmm, that one is cheap. But my daughter doesn’t like red.

A: 69. ( )

B: She likes green.

A: Oh, green. Look, here is a green dress. Do you like it?

B: Good. I think she’ll like it. 70. ( )

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

第三节 情景作文(10分)

假如你是Alice, 你将要班会上做一个英文的自我介绍,写一篇60字左右的短文,可以包括以下的内容: Age, Phone number, Appearance(外貌), Interest(兴趣), Best friends, Family等。




第一部分 听力技能 (共两节,计20分)

第一节 听力选择 (1小题,每小题1分,计15分)

1-5 BABCC 6-10 CCABB 11-15 BCCBA

第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)

16. 36 17. Red (red) 18. September 19. Chinese 20. Green (green)

第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计20分)

第一节 语法填空(10小题,计10分)

21-25 ABCAC 26-30 BABCC

第二节 词语填空( 10小题,计10分)

31-35 ABAAB 36-40 CAABB

第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计40分)

第一节 阅读选择 ( 10小题,计20分)

41-45 CCBAB 46-50 BACBB

第二节 摘录要点( 5小题,计10分)

51. subject(s) 52. useful 53. Linda 54.science 55.stories

第三节 回答问题 ( 5小题, 计10分)

56. The months of the year. 57. Relaxing (He thinks it’s relaxing).

58. Because he can go out for trips. 59. In August.

60. Yes, he does.

第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)

第一节 翻译语篇 (5小题,计5分)

61. 这个学期是从9月开始到1月结束。

62. 我最喜欢的科目是英语和体育。

63. They are very (really) interesting.

64. 我也喜欢艺术。

65. You can call me at 586-4702.

第二节 完成对话 (5小题,计5分)

66-70 EBADC

第三节 情景作文(10分)


第一部分 听力 (25分)


( )1.

( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

( )5.


( )6. A. I’m fine. B. Fine, thank you. C. How do you do?

( )7. A. She is tall. B. She is my friend. C. She likes English.

( )8. A. Water. B. Hamburgers. C. Rice.

( )9. A. That’s right. B. You’re welcome. C. All right.

( )10. A. Sure. B. Oh, no. C. I’m just looking, thanks.


( )11. A. In a hospital. B. At home. C. At school.

( )12. A. 30. B. 28. C. 58.

( )13. A. Red. B. Yellow. C. Green.

( )14. A. In an office. B. In a hospital. C. In a factory.

( )15. A. It’s 7:45. B. It’s 7:15. C. It’s 6:45.


( )16. Paul comes from England.

( )17. Paul’s mother lives in England.

( )18. He likes eating Chinese food a lot.

( )19. He doesn’t like fish at all.

( )20. Paul can not speak Chinese.


Shopping List

Things How many

Rice 21. bags

Eggs 22. kilos

23. five bottles

Oranges 24. kilos

25. two kilos

第二部分 基础知识运用 (65分)


( )1. My brother wants ____ orange, not ____ orange juice.

A. an; / B. an; an C. a; / D. a; a

( )2. —Is this your book, Alice?

—Yes, it is ____ book.

A. his B. her C. its D. my

( )3. —____ is your schoolbag?

—It’s green.

A. What B. What color C. Where D. How

( )4. —____ your sister know Lucy?

—No, she ____.

A. Do; don’t B. Does; doesn’t C. Does; don’t D. Do; doesn’t

( )5. —Do you have a small mouth?

—No, I don’t. I have a wide ____.

A. it B. one C. them D. ones

( )6. —How old is Tom?

—He is ____.

A. fourteen years B. fourteen year old C. fourteen old D. fourteen

( )7. The girl ____ red is my sister.

A. on B. in C. of D. over

( )8. —____, Tom. Is this your pen?

—No, it isn’t. I think it’s ____.

A. Excuse me; Jack B. Sorry; Jack’s

C. Excuse me; Jack’s D. Sorry; Jack

( )9. —____ does your father work?

—He works in a hospital.

A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

( )10. —What ____ you like ____ breakfast?

—Some milk and two eggs.

A. do; to B. would; to C. would; for D. do; doing

( )11. —Please ____ the tree. Can you ____ any apples on it?

—Yes, I can.

A. look; see B. look at; see C. see; look D. see; look at

( )12. —What can I do for you?

—I want two ____.

A. bottle of milk B. bottles of milk C. bottles of milks D. bottle of milks

( )13. —____

—Sorry. She isn’t at home now.

A. Are you Jim? B. Do you know Linda?

C. May I speak to Linda? D. Can I help you, Jim?

( )14. —____ are the pants?

—They are 180 yuan.

A. How many B. Whose C. Where D. How much

( )15. —____

—It’s ten o’clock.

A. What’s that in Beijing? B. What’s the time in Beijing?

C. What’s it in Beijing? D. Where is Beijing?


(A) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。(5分)

A:Hi, Betty. Are you free this Sunday?

B: 16._______________ I’ve got a lot of work to do.

A: What about tomorrow morning?

B: 17. _______________

A: Would you like to go out for a picnic with me?

B: 18. _______________

A: What time will we meet?

B: 19. _______________

A: Oh, that’s too late (迟). Why not make it a little earlier (早)?

B: OK! Let’s make it thirty minutes earlier.

A: All right. 20. _______________

B: See you tomorrow morning.

(B) 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余的选项。(5分)

A: Look, Linda. What’s that?

B: It’s a coat. It’s a black one.

A: 21

B: Yes, is it yours?

A: No. Mine is old. 22

B: It looks like Mr. Smith’s.

A: Look! He is there.

B: 23

A: Excuse me, Mr. Smith. 24

C: Let me see. Yes, it is mine. Where do you get it?

B: 25

A: Here you are.

C: Thank you very much.

A: You are welcome.

A. Let’s go and ask him.

B. You are welcome.

C. Whose is it?

D. Is this coat yours?

E. Is it new?

F. Next to that car.

G. How do you spell it?

21._______ 22._______ 23._______ 24._______ 25._______


My uncle is a farmer. He has ninety 26 trees on his farm. My uncle and my 27

can’t pick(采摘) all the apples in fall(秋天). 28 they ask my parents and me to 29 them every year. It’s Sunday. My parents don’t go to 30 and I don’t go to school. So we’ll go to the

31 . We get up early(早) in the 32 . My mother is in 33 old clothes. My father buys many kinds of food for my uncle’s 34 in a shop. She likes them very much. My uncle and aunt 35 us many apples, too. I like to work on the farm.

( )26. A. apple B. orange C. banana D. family

( )27. A. mother B. sister C. brother D. aunt

( )28. A. If B. So C. But D. And

( )29. A. look B. buy C. help D. take

( )30. A. work B. shop C. school D. home

( )31. A. office B. hospital C. home D. farm

( )32. A. evening B. afternoon C. morning D. Sunday

( )33. A. her B. his C. she D. hers

( )34. A. son B. daughter C. father D. parents

( )35. A. take B. bring C. get D. give



Name Age Looks Clothes Favorite Food

Du Li 13 black hair

a small nose

big eyes a pink dress

white shoes fish

Sandy 12 a round face

big eyes

a small mouth a red skirt

a green shirt hamburgers

David 13 brown hair

a big nose

big eyes a white T-shirt

blue pants chicken


( )36. Du Li, Sandy and David are all thirteen years old.

( )37. Du Li, Sandy and David all have big eyes.

( )38. Du Li has black hair and she is in a red skirt.

( )39. Sandy is in a green shirt and she likes fish very much.

( )40. David has a big nose and chicken is his favorite food.


Kate White has a big family. There are (有) nine people. Her grandfather’s name is James White. He is a doctor. Her grandmother’s name is Alice White. She is a housewife(家庭主妇). They have a son and a daughter. Her father’s name is Thomas White and he is an actor. Her mother’s name is Jenny White and she is a nurse. Kate is 13 years old and she is a junior high school student. She has a little brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is three. Charles in her uncle, and Casey is her aunt. They are teachers. They have a baby. His name is Tommy. Kate likes her family very much.


( )41. What’s Kate’s family name?

A. Green. B. White. C. Black. D. Smith.

( )42. How many people are there (有) in Kate’s family?

A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.

( )43. What does Kate’s father do?

A. A teacher. B. A worker. C. An actor. D. A farmer.

( )44. How old is Kate?

A. Nine. B. Thirteen. C. Three. D. Four.

( )45. James is Kate’s ____.

A. grandfather B. father C. brother D. uncle


Hi, my friend! My name is Lin Feng. I’m fourteen years old. I’m a junior high school student of Dongying. There are (有) four people in my family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My sister and I are in the same school. I love my family very much and I like English, too. So I want to have an American pen friend. Let’s be friends, OK? My address (地址) is 35 Jinan Street, No. 1 Junior High School Dongying, Shandong, China. My Email is Linf, L-i-n-f, @mail.sd.cn. You can also call me at 18995647.


46. ____ sends (发送) the Email.

47.Lin Feng likes ____.

48. Lin Feng wants to an ____ pen pal.

49. Lin Feng’s telephoto number is ____.

50. Lin Feng is from ____.

第三部分 写作 (30分)



1. —How are you, Mr. Brown?

—I’m f____. Thank you.

2. I’m in Grade 7 and my brother is in Grade 8. We are in d____ grades.

3. His uncle is a cook. He works in a r____.

4. Mr. Li has two kids. Li Qiang is his son and Li Juan is his d____.

5. Tom and I are in the same class. So we are c____.


6. Look at that cat and its four ____ (baby). They are happy.

7. This isn’t my bike. ____(my) is new but this one is old.

8. Why not ____(fly) a kite with us tomorrow?

9. How about ____(sing) an English song in English class?

10. They are in Class 1, Grade 8. Mr. Dong is ____(they) Chinese teacher.


11. 李华想买一双鞋子。

Li Hua wants to buy ____ ____ ____ ____.

12. 这件衬衫很漂亮。我能试穿一下吗?

The shirt is nice. Can I ____ ____ ____?

13. 我们看起来不一样,但我们是好朋友。

We ____ ____ ____ ____, but we are good friends.

14. 告诉我你的名字,好吗?

____ ____ ____ ____ me your name?

15. 先生,你点餐吗?

May I ____ ____ ____, sir?


请你以David的身份给Mary写一封信, 介绍你自己和你家人的情况。你可以谈谈他们的工作和他们所喜欢的食品。信的开头和末尾已经给出。你需要用下面的提示词: family, happy, teacher, doctor, fish, chicken, vegetables。要求60-70词。

Dear Mary,

I’m David. I’m from England. _________________________________________________




听 力 材 料



1. Mr. Zhang teaches us English.

2. Your shoes look very nice. How much are they?

3. Jack, what’s the time, please?

4. Mom, can I go fishing?

5. I like the baby panda, because it’s very cute.


6. How do you do?

7. What does she look like?

8. What would you like to drink?

9. Thank you very much.

10. Hello! What can I do for you?


11. M: Hello! Jane, do you see Lily?

W: Yes, she’s in our teacher’s office.

Q: Where’s Lily?

12. W: How many students are there in your class?

M: Er, there are 58 students in my class. 28 boys.

Q: How many girls are there in his class?

13. M: Look! The red shirt is Li Lei’s.

W: That’s nice.

Q: What color is Li Lei’s shirt?

14. M: Does your father work in an office?

W: No, he doesn’t. He works in a hospital.

Q: Where does the girl’s father work?

15. W: Excuse me, what time is it?

M: It’s 7:45.

W: Oh, it’s time to go to school.

Q: What’s the time?


Paul is an English boy. He is in China now. He lives with his parents. He is a student in a high school. He can speak Chinese. He likes Chinese food very much. He likes rice, jiaozi, and fish a lot. He thinks China is nice and Chinese people are very kind.


W: Jack, would you help me do some shopping?

M: Sure. What do we need?

W: We need three kilos of eggs and some juice.

M: How many bottles of juice do we need?

W: Five bottles. Oh, we don’t have any rice.

M: How much rice?

W: Two bags of rice.

M: Is that all?

W: Let me see. Mm, six kilos of oranges and two kilos of apples.

M: OK.



第一部分 听力

Ⅰ.1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A

Ⅱ.6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C

Ⅲ.11. C 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. A

Ⅳ.16. T 17. F 18. T 19. F 20. F

Ⅴ.21. two 22. three 23. Juice 24. six 25. Apples

第二部分 基础知识运用

Ⅰ.1. A 不定冠词an, a修饰可数名词, 表示“一个或一类”。当其后的单词以元音音素开头时, 用an;以辅音音素开头时,用a,故第一个空用an;orange juice表示“饮料”, 所有的饮料为不可数名词, 其前不能用an或a,故选A。

2. D 由上下文语境可知, 此处应用形容词性物主代词, 且在上下文中表示“我的”,故选D。

3. B 由上下文语境可知这是对颜色的提问,用what color,故选B。

4. B 在一般现在时的一般疑问句中, 若句子中没有be动词, 常用助动词do/does构成疑问句。your sister为第三人称单数,用does回答,是否定时用doesn’t,故选B。

5. B 在英语中,为了避免与上文提到的人或物重复,常用代词one代替。one代替单数;ones代替复数,故选B。

6. D 对年龄的表示常有两种形式: ①直接用“be+数词”结构;②用“be+数词+year(s) old”结构。“十四岁”可表示为be fourteen或be fourteen years old,故选D。

7. B 表示“穿着什么颜色的衣服”,常用“in+颜色”结构,故选B。

8. C 本题考查excuse me与sorry的区别及名词所有格的用法。做某事前, 打扰或麻烦别人常用excuse me;对做过的事情或未能给予别人满意的答复或帮助时常用sorry。由上下文可知,第二个空应用名词所有格,故选C。

9. D 由上下文语境可知, 对地点的询问常用where作疑问词,故选D。

10. C 本题考查介词for breakfast和would like的用法, 故选C。

11. B 本题考查look与see的区别。look为不及物动词,表示看的动作,表示“看……”,常用look at ...;see“看见/看到”,表示看的结果,故选B。

12. B 本题考查与不可数名词连用的量词词组的用法。中间的量词是复数,且milk为不可数名词,故选B。

13. C 由答语可知,本题考查打电话的常用表达,故选C。

14. D 询问价格的疑问词常用how much,故选D。

15. B 由答语可知, 本题考查询问时间的句型。问时间的句型: What time is it?/What’s the time? 故选B。

Ⅱ. (A)

16. Oh, I don’t think so.

17. I’m free, why?

18. That’s a good idea.

19. How about a quarter past seven?

20. See you tomorrow morning.


21. E 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. F

Ⅲ.26. A 整篇短文描写摘苹果的事情,只有A符合题意,故选A。

27.D 与uncle对应的单词为aunt(姑,婶,姨),其他选项不符合题意,故选D。

28. B 由上下文语境可知, 本题应为“所以”,用表示因果关系的连词so,故选B。

29. C look“看”;buy “买”;help“帮助”;take“带走”。本句指帮助他们摘苹果,故选C。

30. A 由上文“It’s Sunday.”及下文“I don’t go to school.”可知本句指“我父母不去上班”,故选A。

31. D 由本中第一句及整篇文章可知,要去农场摘苹果,故选D。

32. C 由文中“We get up early ...”可知是在早晨,故选C。

33. A 与主语my mother相应的形容词性物主代词是her,故选A。

34. B 由下文“She likes them very much.”可知,此题指“叔叔的女儿”,故选B。

35. D 由上下文可知, 此处表示“送给”的意思,故选D。


36. F 由表格中Age一栏可知这三个孩子不是同样年龄,故本题错误。

37. T 由Looks一栏中对三个孩子外貌的描述,可知他们都长着大眼睛,故本题正确。

38. F 由Clothes一栏中对Du Li衣着的描述可知她没有穿红短裙,而是穿着粉红色的连衣裙,故本题错误。

39. F 由Favorite Food一栏中对Sandy最喜欢食物的描述可知她喜欢汉堡而不是鱼肉,故本题错误。

40. T 由最后一行对David的介绍可知他长着大鼻子,最喜欢鸡肉,故本题正确。


41. B 由文中出现的人物姓名James White, Thomas White等可该家族姓氏为White,故选B

42. D 由文中第二句“…nine people”可知有九口人,故选D。

43. C 由文中第三行“Her father’s … an actor.”可知Kate的父亲是一名演员,故选C。

44. B 由文中第四行“Kate is 13 years old…”可知Kate年龄为13岁,故选B。

45. A 由文中第三句“Her grandfather’s… James White.”可知James是Kate的祖父,故选A。


46. Lin Feng 47. English 48. American 49. 18995647 50. China

第三部分 写作

Ⅰ.A. 1. fine 2. different 3. restaurant 4. daughter 5. classmates

B. 6. babies 7. Mine 8. fly 9. singing 10. their

Ⅱ.11. a pair of shoes 12. try it on 13. don’t look the same

14. Could you please tell

15. take your order


Dear Mary,

I’m David. I’m from England. I want to tell you about my family. Four people are in my family. They’re my mother, my father, my sister and I. My father is an English teacher. He likes fish very much. My mother is a doctor. She likes cooking. Chicken is her favorite food. My sister Julia and I are in the same school. We don’t like eating vegetables. But my parents tell us to eat vegetables. They are good for us. Look! We have a happy family.




Unit 8 When is your birthday?

一. 词汇

A) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写

1. N________ is the eleventh month of a year.

2. Lily and Lucy like listening to pop m______.

3. E________ is the number between the seventh and the ninth.

4. His b________ is April 5th.

5. My grandma is eighty. She is very o______.

6. September is the n________ month of a year.

7. ---What d________ is it today?---It’s Sunday.

8. O________ 1 is the National Day.

9. We’ll have a volleyball g________ this afternoon.

10. We have two Art F________ in a year.

11.December is the t__________ month of the year.

12.I have a birthday p_________.

13.These boys all like the school t_________.

14.My uncle is thirty-one. Today is his t___________ birthday.

15.We have an English evening p________ on may 5th.

16.She is our m_________ teacher. She sings very well.

17.Do you know the boy’s a_________? Yes, he is five years old.

18.Do you know their b__________? Yes, they are July 12th and August 31st.

19.How many m_________ are there in a year? Twelve.

20.When is the English t_________ ? It’s on December 8th.

21. J____________ is the first month of the year.

22. We’ll have an English party this t______________.

23. His birthday is on June ___________.(23) 24.There are many fun and interesting tat school.25. January is the first m_______ of the year. 26. Our school tis in May.

27. When is your birthday? My dof birth is March eleventh.

28. —What’s your a?—Thirty.29. Do you like music fon CCTV? 30. Wdo you have a School Day at your school?


1. __________________(九月) 10th is Teachers’ Day.

2. I live in the ___________________(二十) floor.

3. What’s your ___________________(年龄)?

4. The little girl likes ___________________(艺术) very much.

5. We are all _____________________(中国人).

6. I like _________(音乐) very much.

7. When is the school ___________?(郊游)

8. Students go to school from _____ (四月) to _______ (九月).

9. June _____(一日) is Children’s Day. All the children are very _________(高兴).

10. The _______ (老的) man is _________ (九十) years old now.


1. There are twelve _______(month) in a year.

2. The Art Festival is on September _______ ( nine)

3. Let’s ______ ( play ) basketball.

4. January is the________(one) month of the year.

5. I am thirteen _______ (year) old.

6. When _______(be) your parents’ birthdays?

7. Do you know _________(Joe) birthday?

8.______ your school________(have ) a Chinese contest?

9.I have a sister. _________(she) name is Susan.

10. Do you like to w________ the football game?

11. My birthday is October ________.(two)

12. _______(Jack) birthday is in November.

13. This is the _________(twelve) apple.

14. My number is ________(nine).

15. ---How much _________(be) the shoes?---25 dollars.

D) 英汉互译:

(写出对应序数词)1. one ________2. two _______3. three _________

4. five ________5. eight ________ 6. nine _______7. twelve ________

8. nineteen _______9. twenty __________ 10. thirty-six ________

1. 演讲比赛 ________ ________2. 郊游 __________ ______

3. 生日聚会 ___________ ______4. 篮球赛 ____________ ______

5. 音乐节 ________ __________6. 在十月 _____ ___________

7. 出生日期 ______ ____ _______8. 汉语比赛 __________ ________

9. 排球赛 ___________ ______10. 一月九日 ___________ _______

11. 四月八日 ________ ________12. 五月四日 ______ ________

13. 六月一日 ________ _______14. 八月十五日 ________ ___________

15. 九月十日 ___________ _______16. 十月十二日 _________ ________

17. 十二月二十五日 _________ ____________18. 大卫的生日宴会 _______ ________ ____

19. 莉莉的生日 _________ __________20. 学校上课日 ___________ ______

1. 一场英语演讲比赛 __________2. National Museum __________

3. 出生日期 __________4. Here you are. __________

5. 4月12日__________6. Kate’s birthday party __________

7. 学校上课日 __________8. free meals __________

9. 我的老师的书 __________10. an Art Festival __________


13.David的生日宴会____________________ 14.学校观光___________________


17.艺术节______________________18.红毛衣 ___________________

19.看一看______________________20.演讲比赛 ________________

二. 语法

A) 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词

1. It’s October 2nd, 2004 today. (对划线部分提问) ________ the ________ today?

2. How old is Gina? (改为同义句)________ Gina’s ________?

3. They like Chinese. (改为一般疑问句)________ they ________ Chinese?

4. Her birthday is May 2nd. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ her birthday?

5. We can go to his party. (改为否定句)We ________ ________ to his party.

6. We have a School Day at our school. (否定句)We ________ _________ a School Day at our school.

7. There are twelve months in a year. (对划线部分提问)_________ ________ months are there in a year?

8. Is Beijing in China? (肯定回答)____________, it ___________.

9. Kate has a new English dictionary. (一般疑问句) ________ Kate ___________ a new English dictionary?

10. The English Party is in October. (对划线部分提问)_____________ is the English Party?

11.Mike’s birthday is February 19th. (对划线部分提问) ____________ Mike’s birthday?

12.How old are you?(改为同义句)________your _______? 13. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years now。(划线)______ _______ are Lucy and Lily

14. He has a Chinese contest in November. (改为否定句)He ______ _______ a Chinese contest in November.

15. We have an Art Festival every year. (一般疑问句) ______ you ______ an Art Festival every year?

16. My birthday is October 11th. (提问)______________ your birthday? 17. Peter is 18 this year. (提问)____________ is Peter this year?

18. Tom likes baseball. (否定句)Tom ______________ baseball?

19. Jack’s birthday is April 6th .(一般疑问句) _______Jack’s birthday April 6th?

20. The store sells many nice clothes. (提问) _______________ the store ________ ? 21. She is fifteen years old. (划线提问)______ ______ is she?

22. We have an English party every month. (一般疑问句)

_____ ______ ________ an English party every month?

23. My birthday is July fourteenth. (划线提问)______ ____ your birthday?

24. Tom likes basketball games. (改为否定句) Tom ________ _______ basketball games.

25. How old is he? (改为同义句)What’s ______ _______?

26. Is Mother’s Day in June? (做出完整回答) No, _____ _______. It’s in _________.

27. Today is June 18th. (对划线部分提问)What’s ______ _______ today? 28. Today is Monday. (对划线部分提问)________ _____ is today?

29. We have a Music Festival each year. (划线提问)_______ do ______ have each year?

30. Has she an English book? (改为同义句)_______ ______ have an English book?

B) 根据所给汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词

1. 学校什么时候组织郊游?When is the ________ ________?

2. 韩梅的生日是什么时候?________ ________ Han Mei’s ________?

3. 我们喜欢看排球赛。We like watching the ________ ________.

4. 你们想开晚会吗?Do you want to _________ ________ ________?

5. 我们的上课日是从星期一到星期五。 Our ________ ________ is from Monday to Friday.

6.12月31号是Tom的20岁生日。_________ 31st is Tom’s ___________________.

7.你堂兄的生日是什么时候?_________ ______ your __________ birthday?

8.他们每年都在美国举行一次演讲比赛。They have a ________________ in the USA________ year.

9.约翰的生日晚会在10月3日。John’s birthday party is __________________3rd.

10.篮球比赛是什么时候?When is the ________________?

11.我不知道他的出生日期。I don’t know his ________________________. 12五月有31天。There are ________days_______ May.

13. 让我们填写班级的生日日历。 Let’s ______ ____ the class birthday calendar.

14. 你们的学校郊游活动在何时?_______ is your school ______?

15. 大卫的生日派对在10月9日。________ birthday party is October _______.

16. 你多大了?我只有12岁。 _____ _____ are you?I am only ________ years _____.

17. 你们学校有什么活动?我们要举办艺术节。

What event do you have at your school?We have an ______ __________.

18. 第五本词典是我弟弟的。The _______ dictionary is my ___________.



一、根据句意或汉语提示填写所缺单词(5分) 1. ____________(欢迎)to China. 2. Hello !Kangkang. Good morning. _____________. 3. Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you ,________.

4.Hi,___________you Tom? _____________,I am.

二、用所给词的适当形式填空(5分) 1.Where ______(be) Lily from? 2.What’s_________(she)telephone number. 3.________(I) name is Lucy. 4.She is ________(I) English teacher. 5.What is ________(he) name?

三、单项选择(40分) 1. This is ______teacher, Mr.liu. A


B me



D he 2. How _________you do? A







is 3. Hello!____________ A



Nice to meet you


my name is Tom

D good morning! 4. This ______Lingling.



B is



D a 5 .Nice to _________you. A






Dlook 6. Welcome ________Beijing! A




C to

Dwith 7. Good afternoon , Linda._______________. A



Nice to see you


Good afternoon

D Good morning 8. How are you ,Peter?__________________. A


B Morning

C Fine,thanks

D How are you Li Tao 9.___________,are you Tom? A Sorry




Excuse me

DHI 10.______________?My name is Lily. A How are you?

B What’s your name ?

C How do you do

D Good morning 11.Where are you _________? A come



C with

D from 12. ___________he Jim? A

are B




D Is

13. ________is Kangkang from? A


B where



Dhow 14.I am Chinese .I am from _______ A






D UK 15. She is ____________English girl.




D 16.She __________a Chinese friend. A have

B has

C am

Dare 17.Her hair __________short. A

am B is C are D/ 18.My mother is _________singer. A a

B an C the

D/ 19._______ is that boy? He is Tom A What

B How C Where D Who 20.I_________small ears. A have

B has C is D are

四、完形填空(20分) I am _____England .I am ________English girl. _________name is Lucy. I am 11 years old.. I am _________Class4, Grade7. I have a ________friend. She ________from China.__________ name is Wang Li. She is 12. Her telephone ________is 4687905580.We are in the ____class .We are ________friends. (

)1. A




C by

D/ (

)2. A


B the

C an

D/ (

)3. A





D my (

)4. A




C and

D/ (

)5. A




C English

D England (

)6. A


B is



D am (

)7. A his





D I (

)8. A name



C it

D book (

)9. A







difference (

)10.. A


B a



D good



I am a Chinese boy. My name is Gao Hua. I’m in Class 2,Grade 7.My English teacher Miss Zhao is a Chinese girl. My goof friend is Ann. She is an English girl. She is in Class 2,Grade 7,too.She is 11.


)1.Gao Hua is a (an) _________boy

A English

B Chinese

C Japanese (

)2.Ann is in Class_________


B 3

C 1 (

)3.Gao Hua and Ann are good _________

A Students B friends C boys (

)4.Miss Zhao is ___________

A Chinese B Japanese C an English girl (

)5.____________is eleven.

A Miss Zhao B Gao Hua C Ann (

)6Ann is a (an)________girl.

A Chinese B English C Canadian B I’m an English girl .My name is Lily .I’m 13.I’m at school.Look! This is my school .It is No.14Middle school.I’m in Class1,Grade7.I am in Row 3.I am in Team 5.I am No.12.A t school I have a good friend.She is a girl .Her name is Mary.She is not at school today.I think she is at home.My Chinese teacher is Miss Gao .She is a very good teacher.I do’t know her age ,but I think she is not very old .


)1.Lily is a ________girl.

A Good B an English girl C.Chinese

D.Japanese (

)2.Lily is ________

A 13 B 11 C 12 D 10 (

)3.__________is not at school today.

A.I BShe C Mary D Miss Gao (

)4.I don’t know __________age .

A Lily B. Miss Gao C .Miss Gao’s D. Mary’s (

).5.Lily’s friend _________a boy . A. is B isn’t C.not D.are.

I am Tom .I am American boy.Jim is my good friend .He is from England .He is 13. My sister is Ann .She is 10.She has round face and small nose .She is very cute (可爱的).We are in the same school,but we are in different Grades.I am in Class3 Grade 7. Our teacher is from Changsha ,China.She is Miss Gao .She has big eyes and long hair .We like her very much.


)1.Ann is ____________ A. a long face and small nose B. a round face and small nose C a round face and small nose.D. a short face and small nose


)2.___________is from the USA.

A. Tom and Jim B.Tom and Ann C.Tim and Ann D.Tom ,Jim and Ann. (

)3.Out teacher Miss Gao is an _________ A. Canadian B. American C.England.D.Chinese. (

)4.Tom and Ann are in different _________

A. schools B school C. grade D .grade. (

)5. we like _________very much.

A .Jim B.Tom .C.Ann D.Miss Gao 写作(20分) 写一篇不少于40词的自我介绍,包括姓名,外貌,爱好,电话号码等内容。

第7篇:英语试题同步练习题考试题教案七年级英语上册Unit 5重点难点讲解

译林版牛津英语初一7A Unit 5 重点难点讲解

1. I want you to go shopping with me today.今天我想要你和我一起去购物。(P70)

此句型为want sb. to do sth.,意为“想要某人干某事”,want是及物动词,to do sth.为动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:

He wants me to help her with her maths.他想要我在数学方面帮助她。 want还可接名词或动词不定式作宾语,即want sth.或want to do sth.。例如: She wants a pair of jeans.她想要一条牛仔裤。 I want to buy a lot of things.我想要买许多东西。(P70) I want to see my parents this weekend.这个周末我想去看望我的父母亲。 2.I’m not free today.我今天没空。(P70)

free是形容词,意为“空闲的,有空的”。常与be (am, is are, was, were)动词连用。例如: She is not free now.她现在没空。 Are you free this evening? 你今晚有空吗?

3.I need you to carry all the bags.我需要你拿所有的包。(P70)

(1)此句型为need sb. to do sth.,意为“需要某人干某事”,need是及物动词,意为“需要”,to do sth.为动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:

He needs his parents to clean his bedroom.他需要父母亲打扫卧室。

need还可接名词或动词不定式作宾语,即need sth.或need to do sth.。例如: I need a lot of energy. 我需要许多能量。(P54) Do we need to buy some vegetables? 我们需要买些蔬菜吗 ?(P62) (2)carry意为“搬运、随身携带”,还含有“肩挑、手提”的意思。例如: Could you help me carry the box? 请你帮我拿这个箱子,好吗? bring和take也有“拿、带”的意思,但用法各不相同。


You must finish reading the magazine this evening and bring it here tomorrow.你必须今天晚上看完这本杂志,明天把它带到这儿来。

Your cousin asked me to bring you a birthday present. 你表哥让我给你带来一件生日礼物。

take意为“拿去、带去”,指把某物或某人从说话处带到别处去,它与bring所表示的方向相反。例如: Take away this empty bottle, and bring me a full one,please.把这个空瓶拿走,请给我拿个满的来。 4.Can I help you? 你想要点什么?(72) What can I do for you?我能帮你忙吗?(72)

Can I help you? 与What can I do for you?两者可用来询问别人是否需要服务或提供帮助,意为“要我帮忙吗?”,在不同的场合表达不同的意义。例如:在图书馆,图书馆管理员对你说Can I help you?或What can I do for you?,表示:“您要借书吗?”在商店,营业员对顾客说,表示“您想要买点什么”。

Can I help you? 还可表达成:Could I help you? 或May I help you?,这两者在语气上要比Can I help you?更加客气、委婉。

5.I’m looking for some football cards and stickers of Huanghe Football Team. 我在找些足球卡片和黄河足球队的贴花纸。(P72)

look for意为“找,寻找”。例如:

He is looking for his comic book.他在找他的连环画。 She is looking for her mother.她在找她母亲。(P85)

6. There are some cards and stickers over here.那儿有些卡片和贴纸。(P72)

over here意为“在这儿,在这边”,在句中可作状语。over here也可在句中作表语、定语。例如: My car is over here.我的车在这儿呢。(表语)

You can ask the man over here.你可以问问这边的那个人。(定语)

Please put your school things over here.请把你的学习用品放在这儿。(状语) 7. Take a look.看一看(P72)

take a look 相当于have a look,意为“看一看”。若表示“看一看某物”时,则后跟介词at,表达为:take a look at„或have a look at„。例如:

Take a look at her hair clips. How lovely! 看一看她的发夹,多漂亮啊! Let me have a look at your new watch, please. 请让我看一看你的新手表。 8. How much do the cards cost? 卡片多少钱?(72)

(1)how much可用来询问价格、价钱,或对不可数名词的数量提问。例如: How much is your CD? It’s ten yuan.你的CD多少钱?10元。

How much does the Walkman cost? It’s about 120 dollars.这个随身听多少钱?大约120元。 (2)cost是动词,意为“花费”,其主语为物,后接表示“金钱”的名词作宾语。例如: This teddy bear costs twenty yuan.这只玩具熊20元。

表示“某人花钱干某事”,用spend的句型,其主语必须是人,动词用-ing形式。 He spent two hundred yuan buying this watch.他买这块手表花了200元。

spend后接名词时,用介词on。“他买这块手表花了200元。”这句也可表达成: He spent two hundred yuan on this watch. spend还可表示“某人花时间干某事”,这时用句型(人)spend some time on sth / doing sth.。例如: She usually spends half an hour on English. You mustn’t spend too much time playing volleyball. 也可用句型It takes sb. some time to do sth. 表示“干某事花某人多少时间”。例如: It usually takes her half an hour to read English.读英语花费她半小时。

It usually takes me more than two hours to do homework.家庭作业通常花我两个多小时。 9. I want to buy a present for my friend. (P72)

buy意为“买”,表示“给某人买某物”时,可用句型buy sb sth,也可用give sth for sb。因此原句也可表达为:I want to buy my friend a present.。例如:

I also want to buy a CD for her.= I also want to buy her a CD .我也想给她买个CD。(P72) I don’t have enough money to buy her a CD then.我没有足够都的钱给她买CD了。(P72)

Maybe you can buy him a football in the sports shop.= Maybe you can buy a football for him in the sports shop.也许你可以在体育用品商店给他买个足球。(P75)

10. I’m sure you can find some nice clips for your friend. (P72) (1)find意为“找到、发现”。例如:

She can’t find her mother. 她找不到她母亲。(P72)

(2)look for 和find 都有“找”的意思。但look for强调找的动作,find强调找的结果。例如: What are you looking for? My bag. But I can’t find it. 你在找什么?我的包,但我找不到。 He is looking for his little dog, but he can’t find it. 他在找他的小狗,但他没找到。 (3)find与find out find通常指找到或发现具体的东西,也可指偶然发现某物或某种情况。例如: I looked for my pen here and there, but didn’t find it.我到处找我的钢笔,但没找到。

find out意为“找出、发现、查明”,多指通过调查、寻问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义,指找出较难找到的、无行的、抽象的东西。例如:

Please find out when the train leaves.请查一下火车什么时候离站。 11. They match her favourite T-shirt.他们与她的T恤相配。(P72)

match为动词,意为“适合,(与„„)想配”,相当于go well with。例如: This pair of boots matches my jeans.这双靴子配我的牛仔裤。 Match还可作名词,意为“比赛”。例如:

I like watching football matches very much.我非常喜欢看足球比赛。

12. I don’t have enough money to buy her a CD then.我没有足够都的钱给她买CD了。(P72)


We haven’t got enough apples for so many people.=We haven’t got apples enough for so many people.我们没有足够的苹果供这么多人吃。


I’m not tall enough to reach the basket. 我不够高,够不着篮球架。(P31) The boy is old enough to go to school.这男孩年龄够大了,可以去上学。

Beibei ran fast enough to catch up with her mum.贝贝跑得够快的,能赶上她妈妈。 (3)enough还可作名词。例如:

Would you have some more rice? No, thanks. I’ve had enough.再吃点饭,好吗?不用了,谢谢。我已吃得够多的了。

13. Your Walkman looks great! 你的随身听看上去真棒!(P75) look意为“看上去”,作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。例如: You look so beautiful in a blue dress.你穿上蓝裙子看上去很漂亮。 The children look very happy.孩子们看上去很开心。 14. I’m waiting for my turn.我在等待我的次序。(P77)

wait for one’s turn意为“等某人的次序”,turn是名词,意为“(依次)轮流,轮值”。例如: It’s your turn to read. 轮到你读了。

We take turns to look after the sick.我们轮流照顾病人。

15. She is paying for her new shoes.她在付她新鞋子的钱。(P78) pay for sth. 意为“付某物的钱”。例如:

You should pay for the things before you go . 你应该在走之前先付钱。 He didn’t pay for the coat and left.他没付大衣的钱就走了。 注意pay与spend,cost的区别。试比较他们不同的句型结构: pay: 人 + pay + 钱 + for + 物。 人 + pay + 钱 + to do sth.。 spend: 人 + spend +钱 + on + 物。 人 + spend +钱 + doing sth.。 cost :物 + cost +人 + 钱。

因此,“这条连衣裙她花了100美元。”可表达为: She paid 100 dollars for this dress. She paid 100 dollars to buy this dress. She spent 100 dollars on this dress. She spent 100 dollars buying this dress. This dress cost her 100 dollars.

16. Can our school send them some stationery? 我们学校可以送给他们一些文具吗?(P81)

句型send sb sth,意为“送给/寄给某人买某物”,send意为“送给,寄”,send sb sth=send sth to sb。因此原句也可表达为:Can our school send some stationery to them? 例如:

She always sends her mother a card when Mother’s Day comes.母亲节到来时,她总是个她妈妈寄张卡片。 17. I’d like to buy a pair of football boots. (P81)

would like意为“想要”,相当于want,但比want语气婉转,常用于口语中。 (1)would like to do sth.意为“想要干某事”。例如: She would like to go shopping with us.她想要与我们去购物。 (2)would like sth.意为“想要某物”。例如: Would you like a glass of water? 你想要杯水吗?(P63) I would like a pair of shoes.我想要买双鞋。

(3)would like sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人干某事”。例如:

My parents would like me to work hard at my lessons. I’d like a cup of tea.我想要喝杯茶。 I’d like to ask you some questions. 我想要问你一些问题。(P27) What would you like to have? 你想要吃些什么? 18. Could I try them on? 我可以试穿一下吗?(P81)

try on意为“试穿/戴(衣、鞋、帽等)”,其后接代词做宾语时,代词应置于两词之间。例如:Try on the coat before you buy it.在买大衣前先试穿一下。

This dress looks nice. Please try it on.这件连衣裙看上去很好看。请试穿一下吧。

19. „, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish. „„,总是有许多人在等我完成。(wait for意为“等,等待”,for为介词,后接名词或代词的宾格。例如: I’m waiting for my turn.我在等待我的次序。(P77) They are waiting for him at the bus stop.他们正在车站等他。

