语法是语言学习中重要的一部分。然而一直以来, 学生学习语法, 大多是为了应付考试, 语法教学也存在“重知识、轻能力”的误区。有些教师脱离现实的语言环境, 过分强调语法概念和侧重语法知识的孤立训练, 结果往往导致学生面对纷繁复杂的语境, 手足无措, 词不达意, 无法灵活地运用语法规则准确地表达自己的思想感情, 这样的语法教学扼杀了学生对外语学习的兴趣。其实学习语法并非仅仅为了考试, 结合英语听说读写技能的培养进行语法教学, 有助于提高学生的语言运用能力。新课标要求, 初中阶段的语法教学, 应从语言运用的角度出发, 把语言的形式、意义和用法有机地结合起来, 引导学生在语境中了解和掌握语法的表意功能。
语法是培养语言运用能力的基础。在初中阶段, 写作是展现语言运用能力的方式之一, 然而很多学生由于语法基础薄弱, 写作时, 英语表述方面总是存在各种语法错误, 严重制约着学生写作能力的提高。究其原因, 是由于写作教学与语法教学脱节, 导致学生缺乏实践和应用的机会。
语言学习需要经历一个“输入———内化———输出”的过程, 如果说语法是知识的输入, 那么写作就是知识的输出。教师可以尝试把语法和写作教学相结合, 以句子或语篇的形式强化语法点, 从而夯实语法基础, 提高写作能力。
【案例分析】以新人教版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?为例, 谈谈语法在英语写作教学中的运用。
标题:Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?
语法知识点:1.正确使用介词on, in, under;
(一) 情景导入
教师向学生介绍故事的主人公Sally, 并进一步引导。
T:This is Sally’s house.Is it beautiful?Do you want to go into her house?
T (因势利导) :OK.Let’s see what’s in her house.
教师可以借此激发学生的求知欲, 自然导入词汇教学。如, desk, table, chair等。
(二) 呈现目标句型
如图1, T:Where’s the clock?
Ss:It’s on the bed.
教师可以作如下引导:So we may say, the clock is on the bed.
如图2, T:Where’s the model plane?
Ss:It’s under the table.
教师可以接着引导:The model plane is under the table.
如图3, T:Where’s the radio?
Ss:It’s in the bookcase.
教师可以继续引导:The radio is in the bookcase.
此环节的设计, 意图在于引入介绍物体方位所需介词in, on, under等, 初步呈现本单元目标句型, 即“某物在某处”。如:
The clock is on the bed.
The model plane is under the table.
The radio is in the bookcase.
由于受母语干扰, 学生容易犯如下错误:
1.名词前面不加定冠词, 如:
(1) Book is on the desk.
(2) Computer is between sofa and desk.
2.介词前没有be动词, 如:
(1) The radio in the bookcase.
(2) The cat under the chair.
教师可以通过汉译英的练习, 让学生充分暴露自己的错误, 再通过小组互评的方式, 引导学生发现并订正语法错误, 为下一步的写作打下坚实的语法基础。
(三) 通过教材上Section B部分的听力练习进一步巩固目标句型“某物在某处”
(四) 通过说的方式进一步强化目标句型
T:This is Dale’s room.Please describe the things in his room according to the pictures.教师可让学生根据图片中的箭头提示, 说出每件物品摆放的位置。如:
1.The cat is on the sofa.
2.The schoolbag is under the table.
3.The baseball is under the desk.
4.The books are in the bookcase.
5.The pictures are on the wall.
由于之前进行了充分的铺垫, 学生可以流畅地说出以上五个句子。这时, 教师可加大任务的难度, 让学生尝试将以上五个句子串联成一篇文章。此环节可以通过“接龙”的方式完成。
S1:Hello!I’m Dale.This is my room.It’s very tidy.
S2:The cat is on the sofa.
S3:Where’s the schoolbag?Oh, it’s under the table.
S4:I have a baseball.It’s under the desk.
S5:The books are mine.They’re in the bookcase.
S6:And the two nice pictures are on the wall.
S7:I like my room.Do you like it?
这个环节属即兴发挥, 效果却非常好。之后, 教师给出范文.
Hello, I’m Dale.This is my room.It’s very tidy.
The schoolbag is under the table and the baseball is under the desk.Can you see a cat?Oh, it’s on the sofa.Where are the books?Are they in the bookcase?Yes, they are.And two nice pictures are on the wall.
I like my room.Do you like it?
(五) 学生练习写作
要求学生以“My room”为题, 写一篇文章。
1.Hi, I’m Linda.I have a tidy room.My computer is on the desk.Where are my bag?It’s under the desk.My bed is big.My room have a plant.Is near the bed.I love my room.
2.Hi!I am a boy.This is my room.The plant near the bed.The computer on the besk.The schoolbag behind the chair.The hat behind the tape player.The clock on the table.The books in the bookcase.I like my room.
3.Hello, I’m Bob.This is my room.There is a bed, it’s very nice.The quilt it’s on the bed.What’s on the bed?It’s my books and computer.I have a plant, it’s near the bed.Here are my coloes, they’re everywhere.Look at the two photos of me.My hat, my ball and my model plane are under the desk.It’s not tidy, but Ilike my room.
(六) 搜集作文中的语法错误, 纠正错误, 提高学生的写作水平
在此步骤中, 教师可以让学生以四人小组为单位交叉批改作文, 并要求学生在作文中留下修改的痕迹, 写上意见并签名。同时将典型的语法错误写到黑板上, 全班一起批改订正。
(1) Where are my bag?It’s under the desk.
(2) My room have a plant.Is near the bed.
(3) The plant near the bed.The computer on the besk...
(4) The quilt it’s on the bed.
(5) What’s on the bed?It’s my books and computer.
(6) Here are my coloes, they’re everywhere.
1.单复数不一致, 如 (1) , (5) 。
2.缺少主语, 或主语重复, 如 (2) , (4) 。
3.单词拼写错误, 如 (3) , (6) 。
4.中式英语, 如 (2) 。
5.介词前缺少be动词, 如 (3) 。
经过学生讨论, 改正后的句子为:
(1) Where is my bag?It’s under the desk.
(2) There is a plant in my room.It’s near the bed. (there be句型的运用)
(3) The plant is near the bed.The computer is on the desk...
(4) The quilt is on the bed.
(5) What’re on the bed?They’re my books and computer.
(6) My clothes are everywhere.
之后, 学生重新行文, 再统一交给教师批改。
学生通过小组合作, 共同探究, 互评草稿, 并从中发现错误。这一过程实质上是检验学生对语法知识的掌握情况。最后, 教师讲评典型错误, 一针见血地指明错因。这样, 不仅有利于强化语法知识, 而且能有效地帮助学生在以后的写作中规避此类错误, 从而提高写作能力。
习作一:Hello!I’m Linda.This is my room.I have many books, they’re in the bookcase.The desk is in front of the window.The computer is on the desk.My bed is near the desk.The nice flower is between the bed and the small table.I have a clock, it’s on the small table.What’s that over there?Oh, it’s a nice picture of the sea.I like my room.What about you?
习作二:I’m Kate.My room is not only tidy, but also warm.My desk is at a corner of the room.It’s next to the window.My bed is at another corner.It makes me feel cheerful.Where is my bookcase?It’s between the bed and the desk.There are a great number of books in it.And my closet is in front of the bed.In a word, it’s really great for me.I love my room.
由习作二可以看出, 这个学生的英语功底非常扎实。作为初一的学生, 不仅会用not only...but also...这组关联词, 还会使用短语at a corner of, a great number of, make sb.adj.结构, 及总结性短语in a word, 这无疑为她的文章锦上添花。但是, 这样的学生毕竟不多。作为教师, 在语法和写作教学中, 还是应该稳扎稳打, 不贪多求全, 从基本句型入手, 再逐渐拓展提升。
正确使用语法是提高学生写作能力的重要保证, 在平时教学中, 教师应灵活地教授语法知识点并加以强化训练, 从而有效帮助学生减少写作中的语法错误。从以上的教学案例可以看出, 在写作教学中贯穿语法教学, 效果很好。
首先, 不论是语法还是写作, 都是新教材的教学环节, 二者相辅相成, 联系紧密。初一的学生正处于接受新知识的最佳阶段, 准确灵活地运用语法对培养学生的表达能力具有十分重要的作用。所以, 要想从初一阶段开始就引导学生进行词句篇章的学习, 离不开扎实的语法知识。
其次, 从上述案例可以看出, 简单重复的训练, 可以更直接明了地纠正学生作文中出现的语言表达错误, 将有关的语法点系统化、模式化, 加强语法点在句子篇章中的运用。
最后, 语法规则是不变的, 教学过程也相对枯燥, 而写作课是学生放飞思维的舞台, 在这里学生可以自由地抒发心中丰富多彩的思想感情。二者相结合可以取长补短, 丰富英语学习形式, 提高学生的学习兴趣。
1. mastery words: farm, hear, meet, course, of course, lot, lot of, enjoy
2. A dialogue between Danny and his new friend
3. The usage of some phrases
Teaching goals: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of the text
2. Remember the mastery words
3. Find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 16
Teaching key points: 1.introduce where you are from
2. some useful expressions
Difficult points: how to introduce yourself
Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcards, and slide projector
Type: dialogue
Teaching procedure
1. Class opening
1) Greet the students in everyday English.
2) Duty report.
3) Main revision of last lesson. Explain when necessary.
2. New lesson
Step1 Lead in
Ask the students some questions:
Do you like to make new friends? Why or why not?
Who is your newest friend? How do you meet?
Discuss them with the class and you gather many different answers.
Step2 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
What does Danny want to buy in Beijing?
Who is Danny’s new friend?
Where does Wu Li come from?
After listening to the tape, answer the questions and discuss the whole text. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points in this period. Write the key points on the blackboard or use the slide projector.
Step3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.
Step4 Practice
Have them read the text aloud for a few minutes and correct their pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.
Step5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
You meet a new friend on the train or bus. What should one say to a new friend? What can one do to enjoy time with a new friend? With a partner, write and practice a dialogue. Present your dialogue to your classmates.
In this part the teacher should guide the students to discuss the questions.
You may give them some words to help them.
Step6 A test
1) The woman behind me is singing. (一般疑问句)
2) She is talking to the man. (对划线部分提问)
3) The baby is sleeping. (否定句)
1) Walk to the station. (否定句)
2) Ben is noisy in class. ( 同义句)
Step7 Summary
Today we learn a dialogue about Li Ming and his friends. They meet a new friend on the train. Then they feel hungry and they discuss what to eat. What did they say? After class, read the text fluently.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) finish the exercises in the activity book
Unit 1 sport 运动 football 足球 any 任一;一些 some 一些 wear 穿
or 或者;还是 basketball 篮球 try 试;尝试 heavy 重的
difficult 困难的;费力的 easy 容易的 hand 手
game 比赛;游戏 ask 问
very 很;非常 answer 回答 policeman 警察
Unit 2 healthy 健康的
strong 强壮的;有力的 before 在……之前 after 在……之后 bad 有害的;糟糕的 next 紧接着;下一个的 often 常常;经常 exercise 锻炼;练习minute 分(钟)hour 小时
high 高;高的;在高处
Unit 3
fan 风扇;扇子;扇 close 关;关闭;合上 angry 发怒的;生气的 lake 湖
swim 游泳(过去式为swam)ship 船;舰 visit 拜访;参观 clever 聪明的
unit4 find 发现,找到(过去式为found)get 开始;得到(过去式为got)party 聚会;晚会 tell 告诉;讲诉 begin 开始
late 晚的;迟到的 early 早的;早到的 cake 蛋糕
2. the usage of adj. and adv.
3. a dialogue about how to take a taxi
Teaching goals: 1: remember the mastery words
2. learn the difference of slow and slowly; quick and quickly
3. understand the meaning of the text
Key points: the usage of slow and slowly; quick and quickly
Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.
Teaching aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcard, slide projector
Type: dialogue
Teaching procedure
1. Class opening
1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report: They can say anything they like to say.
3) Check the homework of last lesson. Explain if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Do you like to take taxi? Why or why not?
Have you ever stayed in a hotel? When? Where?
Maybe they have many different answers. Gather them and then say “Today, Li Ming and his friends get to Beijing. They want to go to a hotel by taxi. Danny has a dialogue with the driver. Let’s look at what does he say to the driver.”
Step 2 Listen to tape with the following questions:
Why is Danny scared?
Can Danny speak Chinese?
Can the driver speak English?
Step 3 After listening to the text, discuss the questions with the students. Go through the dialogue at the same time. Deal with the language points. You can use the blackboard or the slide projector. Pay attention to the different usage of slow and slowly, quick and quickly.
Step 4 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it.
Step 5 Practice
Have them read the text for a few minutes and then have them act out the dialogue in roles. Correct their pronunciation if any.
Step 6 Demonstrate quickly and slowly by performing an action quickly and slowly as you say the words. Point out the difference between “ I am quick/slow.” and “I am ___ing quickly/slowly.”
Ask for volunteers to perform actions quickly and slowly. Describe the volunteers’ actions to the class. Then ask the class to describe the actions.
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make a dialogue about taking a walk on a busy street in Beijing. Let them use slow and slowly, quick and quickly.
Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Work in a small group. Imagine you are a tour guide. Your group members are on a trip to Beijing. Where do they want to go? Where do you take them?
Step 8 A test
1) They eat many _____ . (noodle)
2) Look! They are ________ over there. (help)
3) Be ________ , or we will be late.(quickly)
4) The train is _________ tonight. (come)
5) Thank you for _______ me. (help)
6) They found that lost sheep ________. (quickly)
7) The bike is going _________ . (fast)
8) That old man is walking ________ . (slow)
9) That car is _______ (slowly), but this bus is _______ . (fast)
10) _________ , I can’t go down. (help)
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the exercise of the workbook
the next reading in the student book
Lesson 18 Tian’anmen Square
Teaching content : 1. mastery words: laugh, fly, hard, quietly, worry, put
2. learn a dialogue about flying a kite
3. some word such as quiet and quietly, loud and loudly
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. learn some words of adj. and adv.
Key points: 1. there be…
2. the usage of adj. and adv.
3. some useful words and phrases
Difficult points: the usage of adj. and adv.
Teaching aids: audiotape, word cards, slide projector, a picture of Tian’anmen Square, a kite
Type: text
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in everyday English. Make sure they can response in correct way.
2) Duty report.
3) Check the homework.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Ask the students some questions :
Have you ever visited Tian’anmen Square? If yes, when? If no, why not?
Do you want to visit Tian’anmen Square? Why or why not?
You may give them some words to help them.
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
What happens to Danny?
Can Jenny fly a kite?
Can Danny fly a kite?
Answer the questions together with the students and then discuss the text again. If they have any question, explain to them. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of loud and loudly, quiet and quietly.
Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after it. Give them a few minutes to practice the text. Correct the pronunciation when necessary. Then have them act out the text in roles.
Step 4 Practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about walking in Tian’anmen Square. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary as possible from this unit (easy, hard, loudly, quietly, many, men, women, children, people). Encourage the students to be active and praise them for talking risks with English! The more they experiment, the more they learn.
Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Work with a parter. Draw a map of Tian’anmen Square. Describe your maps to each other. What are the people doing? Try to use loudly, quietly, slowly and quickly.
Step 6 A test
1) 放风筝 _____________ 2) 玩得痛快 __________ 3) 天安门 __________
4) 看见某人放风筝 _________ 4) hurt one’s arm _________
5) Let’s do sth. ___________ 6) laugh at _________
2. 词形转换
1)We often see boys ________ football. (play)
2) Tom is a ____ boy, he often doesn’t talk with others. (quietly)
3) The street is so busy, but the people like to walk ______ (happy)
4) I can’t hear your words, will you speak ________ (loud)?
5) Let’s _______ the basket on the table. (puts)
Step 7 If there is enough time, do the exercises in activity book.
Step 8 Summary
Today we learn a text about Li Ming and his friends. They are flying kites. There are so many people on the Tian’anmen Square. Some people are loud and some are quiet. After class you should understand the meaning of the text and try to use loud, loudly, quiet, quietly correctly.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the activity book in lesson 18
the next reading
Lesson 19 The Palace Museum
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: sky, film, camera, picture, smile, break, tail
2. a dialogue about taking pictures
3. some useful words
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3.master the usage of some words and phrases
Key points: 1. express taking a picture
2. ask permission to do sth.: May I …?
Difficult points: 1. express what you see
2. express taking a picture
Preparations: a picture of the Palace Museum, a camera
Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, a camera, flashcards and slide projector
Type: dialogue
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Everyday report in English.
3) Check the homework and explain if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Have you ever been to the Palace Museum? If yes, when?
What do you know about the Palace Museum?
Do you want to live there? Why or why not?
Today Li Ming and his friends go to the Palace Museum. The weather is fine. The palace is red and yellow. It’s beautiful. They take some pictures there. Now let’s join them.
Step 2 Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions:
What happens to Jenny?
What’s wrong with Danny’s nose?
What do they do for Danny’s nose?
What’s wrong with Danny’s tail?
After listening, discuss the questions with the students. Make sure they understand the whole text. Deal with any language point at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of the following words: sunny, help sb. (to) do sth., careful, fall, break
Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.
Step 4. Have them read the text for a few minutes and then ask some students to act out the dialogue in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation.
Step 5 Practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask them to make up a dialogue about visiting the Palace Museum. Encourage the students to use much new vocabulary as they can.
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about taking pictures. Encourage the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as possible (camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly)
As the students work on this dialogue, take real pictures of each group with your camera. Later make a poster of these photos to put up in class. Do this as a class project! Help the students write English sentences under each photograph to describe the action.
Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
In a small group, write a dialogue about taking pictures. Where are you taking pictures? What funny things happen?
Step 7 A test
1) Can you sing? Yes, it’s e_______ .(容易)
2) Working out the problem is h______ . (难)
3) He b_______ that glass , look! He is crying. (打坏)
4) Don’t w________ , the classmates all help you. (着急)
5) Bad luck! He f________ off his bike. (掉下来)
6) Now Tom is putting the f______ in his c________ . (装胶卷)
Step 8 exercise
If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the activity book of lesson 19
read the next reading in lesson 20
Lesson 20 Let’s Write Home
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: letter, dear, dad, soon, bottom, address, stamp
2. a text about writing a letter
3. some useful expressions
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. find and use the list of mastery vocabulary in lesson 24
Key points: learn how to write a postcard
Learn how to write an envelope
Difficult points: write a letter
Preparations: postcards, letters, envelopes
Teaching aids: audiotape, postcards, envelopes, letters
Type: text
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Everyday report in English
3) Check the homework and explain something when necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Ask the following questions: Have you ever write a letter in Chinese?
Do you know how to write a letter in English?
Where do you put the address?
Where do you put the stamp?
Today we will learn how write a English letter.
Step 2 Listen to the tape of a letter. Then look through the text together with the students. Show the students some letters and envelopes and let them know how to write a letter. Learn the words: top, bottom, left and right. Show a letter to the students when explaining.
Step 4. Use objects in the classroom-such as the blackboard, a door or a window-to demonstrate top, left, right, bottom and corner. Ask for volunteers to show you the top, left, right and corner of objects in the classroom.
Step 5 practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about buying postcards. Why are they buying postcards? Who do they buy them for?What pictures do the postcards have?
Step 6 Play a game
Play “Opposites” with the new vocabulary and other vocabulary.
Step 7 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Make a postcard. Draw a picture on it. Include a place for writing a note, for the address and for the stamp. Write to a classmate. Do you know his or her address? Ask!
Step 8 If time permits, do some exercises in the activity book.
3. Homework
1) the remaining activities in the activity book
the next reading in the student book
Lesson 21Sending an E-mail
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: send, e-mail, show, welcome
2. a dialogue about sending an e-mail
3. an English song
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. some useful words and phrases
Key points: how to ask for help and how to send an e-mail
Difficult points: learn how to send an e-mail
Preparations : a postcard, a letter
Teaching aids: audiotape, slide projector, a postcard, a letter
Type: dialogue and song
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report
3) Check the homework and explain something if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 Lead in
Ask the following questions: Do you have a computer?
Where can you buy one?
Do you use e-mail?
Who do you like to send e-mail to?
Today we will learn a short dialogue about sending an e-mail.
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
When will Danny go home?
Who does Danny send an e-mail to?
Where does Danny send his e-mail?
Answer the questions and discuss the dialogue with the students. Deal with the language points at the same time. You can use a computer and show the students how to send an e-mail. If they have any question you can help them.
Step 3 Listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.
Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text. Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.
Step 5 Practice
Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about writing and sending an e-mail. Encourage them to use as many different words as they can.
Step 6 Let’s sing a song
Play the tape for the students to listen.
Read through the songs together. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the song. Deal with any language point at the same time.
Step 7 Listen to the audiotape for a few times again and let them sing after it. Make sure they can sing the song themselves.
Step 8 Do some exercises in the activity book.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the dialogue
2) learn to sing the song
3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book
the next reading
Lesson 22 The Great Wall
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: today, turn, traffic, light
2. a dialogue about visiting the Great Wall
3. some useful expressions
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the dialogue
2. remember the mastery words
3. learn to use some useful expressions
Key points: 1. follow the direction
2. some phrases: in an hour, arrive in, stop doing
Difficult points: some phrases
Teaching aids: a picture of the Great Wall, audiotape, slide projector
Type : dialogue
Teaching procedure
1. Opening class
1) Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report: they can say whatever they like to say
3) Sing the song learnt last lesson
4) Check the homework
2. New lesson
Step 1 lead in
Discuss the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Have you ever climbed a mountain or walked a long way? Where?
What do you know about the Great Wall? How long is it? How old is it?
Encourage them to discuss the questions and give some words to help them if necessary.
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
Why is Jenny unhappy with Danny?
Which bus do they take to the Great Wall?
How long does it take them to get to the Great Wall?
After listening, answer the questions together with the students. Learn the text and make sure they understand the meaning of the text. Deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to find and look for; in an hour, stop doing sth.
Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let them read after it.
Step 4 Give them a few minutes to read the text and then have them act out the dialogue in roles.
Step 5 A test
1) Look! Who ______ in the pool?
A. swims B. swimming C. is swimming
2) The cup of coffee is _______ you.
A. for B. of C. with
3) The little girl _____ a new bike.
A. is B. has C. have
4) Does he ______ a computer?
A. have B. has C. there is
Step 6 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Work in a small group. Write a song or a poem about the Great Wall. Make a poster for it with the words and some pictures. Practice your song or poem and teach it to your classmates.
Step 7 Activity book
In Number 1, the students can review the direction words.
In Number 2, the students match the correct words and pictures.
Number 3 is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:
Listen. Fill in the blanks.
a. Danny: This is a computer. You can send your friend an e-mail.
b. Jenny: This is a piece of paper. You can send your friend a letter.
Step 8 Summary
Today we know Li Ming and his friends go to the Great Wall. They take a no.919 bus to go there. When they get there they talk about sth. about the Great Wall. After class read the text fluently and remember the useful words.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the activity book
the next reading in student book
Lesson 23 Shopping in Beijing
Teaching content: 1. mastery words: gift, chopsticks
2. a dialogue about shopping in Beijing
3. some useful phrases
Teaching goals: 1. understand the meaning of the text
2. remember the mastery words
3. learn to ask about time
Key points:some sentences about shopping
ask about time
Do things slowly or quickly.
Difficult points: the usage of slowly and quickly
How to ask about time?
Teaching aids: some real things as gifts, some pictures, audiotape, slide projector
Teaching procedure
1. Class opening
1) Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.
2) Duty report: They can talk about weather, friends, family, classmates and so on.
3) Check the homework. Explain if necessary.
2. New lesson
Step 1 lead in
Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”
Do you like to shop quickly or slowly? Why?
Where do you like to go shopping? Why?
Today Li Ming and his friends go to shop at Wangfujing. They buy many things as gift. What do they buy? Let’s go look?
Step 2 Listen to the tape with the following questions:
In the story, who shops quickly and who shops slowly? What do they buy/
Who will go to the hotel with the panda?
After listening, answer the questions and deal with the language points at the same time. Pay attention to the usage of go doing, with, gift and so on.
Step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let the students follow it.
Step 4 Give them a few minutes to practice the dialogue and then have them act out it in roles.
Step 5 Deal with “LET’S DO IT”
Write a paragraph. You go on a trip to Beijing and buy some gifts for your friends. For whom do you buy gifts? What do you buy? Read your paragraph to your classmates.
Step 6 A test
1) They have a _____ meal. They eat their meal ______ . (quick, quickly)
2) The old man walks _____ . He is a ______ man. (slow, slowly)
3) The family are watching TV _____ . They are all very _____ .( quiet, quietly)
4) The students make a _______ noise. They are talking ______ .(loud, loudly)
5) It’s an ______ question . I can answer it _____ . (easy, easily)
6) Lucy is a _____ girl. She does everything _____ . (careful, carefully)
Step 7 If time permits, do some exercises in activity book.
3. Homework
1) understand the meaning of the text
2) remember the mastery words
3) finish the remaining exercises in activity book