
2023-01-12 版权声明 我要投稿



摘 要:英语书面表达一直都是英语教学过程中的一个难点,是导致学生英语分数低的一个关键因素,从课堂导入、教师语言、使用高级词汇和复杂句式、重视学生参与度和语言的输入输出等方面进行了探讨,以提高作文讲评课的有效性和学生的写作能力。




良好的开端是成功的一半。一节课能否成功的关键因素就是导入。导入分很多种,有表演式导入、对比式导入、图片式导入、故事寓意式导入等。本节课采用对比式导入,利用PPT呈现了“越来越多的人开始骑自行车”这一句话的多种英语表达方式。例如:More and more people begin to ride bikes/An increasing number of people begin to cycle/Cycling attracts more and more people/Cycling is now adding its appeal for many citizens. 通过对比,学生能够选出自己最喜欢的句子,再给这些句子冠以头衔——小学版、初中版、高中班、本科版、研究生版,激发了学生的兴趣,提高了学生学习热情。


著名的教育家斯洛维夫曾经说过:“教育家最主要也是第一位的助手是幽默。”幽默的教学方式充满了魅力,能让师生关系融洽,促进师生零距离,让学生亲其师,信其道。例如,在PPT中呈现学生书面表达的图片,让他们用英文词汇对良莠不齐的“颜值”进行描述。如“acceptable,next,excellent,perfect,superb,illegible...”,在一些颜值高的作文后给予评价“There should be applause(此处应该有掌声).”

在作文评卷时,老师把作文分为五个档次,不同的档次有不同的要求, 每次老师在跟学生讲解时,学生都认为每个档次的要求冗长复杂。我们备课组老师集思广益,用了如下接地气的表达成功地帮助学生弄明白了作文的分类:漂漂亮亮(21-25分)、有模有样(16-20分)、马马虎虎(11-15分)、稀里糊涂(6-10分)、一塌糊涂(0-5分)。


学生通过高中教材系统地学习了英语语法,掌握了英语句式的分类——简单句(the simple sentence)、并列句(the compound sentence)、复合句(the complex sentence)。 理论知识的充沛无法解决学生写作能力的不足。然而,他们在思维方式上无法做到用英语思考,所以,我们老师在作文讲评时仍然要以学生为主,多安排一些句型转变的练习,帮助学生转变思维方式。例如,我们可以利用名词性从句把“Nice to meet you!”转变成“What delights me is that I can meet you here.”


学生是学习的主体、课堂的主人,在高三复习阶段一定要充分调动学生的主体参与意识。所以,教师在课堂选材方面一定要能引起学生的兴趣,激发其参与热情。所以,在修改学生作文时,我们以一个在同学中人气高的学生的作文为素材,以小组合作学习为手段,共同改善,提升该作文,既保证了全员参与,又学以致用,收到了良好的效果。例如:I think with my constant effort my dreams must be made被学生改成了很多版本,其中以下三个受到好评:

1.I think my constant effort will make a difference in the pursuit of my dreams and goals.

2.I believe as long as I make constant effort, I will get close to my dreams gradually.

3.I assume that the more effort I make, the closer I will get to my dreams gradually.







摘 要:作为智能作文批改系统的代表,句酷批改网各功能模块充当着英文写作的“积木”。在写作过程中,学生需要什么帮助,就可以去批改网各功能模块中寻找相应的“积木”,并根据反馈进行调整,采取适当的策略,最终成功搭建其个性化习作宫殿。







最早开始AES(Automated Essay Scoring自动写作评分)系统研究的是Ellis Page,于1966年开发了PEG(Project Essay Grade)。

1982年,UNIX的程序Writer’s Workbench可以提出标点、拼写及语法的建议。

到20世纪90年代,代表性的AES系统IEA(Intelligent Essay Assessor)、E-rater、IntelliMetric[2]、BETSY(Bayesian Essay Test Scoring System)、CRASE(Constructed Response Automated Scoring Engine)等得以相继开发。E-rater的语言比起PEG,内容比起IEA,都尚待提高[3]。

基于以上自动写作评分系统,后来又衍生出了My Access, Criterion, Writing Roadmap, Write to Learn等。










































[1] 王海啸.大数据时代的大学英语写作教学改革[J].现代远程教育研究,2014(3):66.

[2] 葛诗利,陈潇潇.国外自动作文评分技术研究[J].外语电化教学,2007(5):25.

[3] 梁茂成,文秋芳.国外作文自动评分系统评述及启示[J].外语电化教学,2007(5):18.

[4] 曾剑.冰果英语智能作文评阅系统在大学英语写作教学中的应用探讨[J].梧州学院学报,2014(1):104.

[5] 杨晓琼,戴运财.基于批改网的大学英语自主写作模式实践研究[J].外语电化教学,2015(2):17.

[6] 杨永林,罗立胜,张文霞.一种基于数字化教学理念的写作训练系统[J].外语电化教学,2004(4):4.

[7] 杨永林,王丽娟,张文霞.探索改革之路,感受数字写作——来自“体验英语写作”系统构建与教学实践的报告[J].外语电化教学,2008(4):3.

[8] 王初明.从外语学习角度看大学英语教学和考试的改革[J].外语界,2010(1):17.



Good morning! Dear teacher,dear students.I am honored to have a chance to speak to you today. The topic of my speech today is . I see on TV ,In Africa,the children are dying of hunger. We never want to see the children in hunger. There is no doubt that,we need a peaceful would,without wars,without death. So what shou

早上好! 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,很荣幸今天有机会和你们讲话。今天我演讲的题目是<------。

我在电视上看到,在非洲,孩子们饿死。我们从不想看到饥饿的孩子。毫无疑问,我们需要一个和平的世界,没有战争,没有死亡。 那么我该怎么办?可以做什么?



将来,太空飞机会把人带到任何周围的地方,我们可能生活在海上,在月球上,在星星上---当然,机器人将在人们日常生活中扮演重要角色,我们有魔法书--- 最后谢谢大家的聆听,这就是全部。



On December3, 2002, the Bureau of International Expositions (or call it BIE) announced that Shanghai will host Expo2010. the BIE had received bids from five cities to host Expo2010. Among the 5 nice cities, the BIE chose Shanghai at last! It’s really an exciting news for not only Shanghainese, but also all of Chinese people. Here are some details about it.

Loot at this profile carefully. The title is “The 2010 World Exposition ,Shanghai, China ”. this is the logo.

And the theme is “better city., better life”.OK, let’s guess who is the image representative? Yeah, you’re right, Yao Ming!

Shanghai Expo is the first comprehensive World Expo held in a developing country. And it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme, hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life.

I think, as a student in Shanghai, we should learn to be a gentle person and keep good manners from now on. And try to practice English more in order to communicate with foreigners fluently in the near future. Because, we’re a part of Shanghai!

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. Our government has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.

The city on Wednesday invited people to send in entries for logos and slogans for volunteers who will serve at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai Worldwide artists were encouraged to contribute to the international eventby the end of April, the Bureau of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination announced yesterday.

The invitation also coincided with the 22nd International Volunteer Day.


Throughout its existence of more than 150 years, the Expo will bring new knowledge from a specific period of time and trend of development, reflecting the human civilization. The main attractions of the first session of the World Expo in 1851 in the Crystal Palace in London: almost 500 meters long palace built of cast iron and glass. Subsequently, the participating countries will offer similar advantages to introduce from time to time every few years.


The World Expo in 2010(世博会)英文作文

The World Expo in 2010(2010年世博会)

The World Expo in 2010

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia. So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians. ()ur government has promised that it will be the best one. And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly. As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.

How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit. First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful. Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others. Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future


Right from its establishment in 1992, Shanghai International Exhibition Center has provided much needed new potential for the exhibition industry in Shanghai , becoming the birthplace of many industry definitive exhibitions in Shanghai and making acclaimed contributions to the development of Shanghai exhibition industry. With its quality exhibition facilities and excellent services,it has been the first international exhibition center in China.

As a member of the exhibition industry, Shanghai International Exhibition Center is committed to perfecting its hall services to exceed customers expectations, establishing exhibition brands, enhancing our capabilities of customer service and making contributions to the development of the exhibition industry in Shanghai and China as well!



Return to the World Exhibition Thereafter. war restricted China''s attendance at World Exhibitions. It was not until the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition that China returned to the World Exhibition circuit. China sent delegations

Return to the World Exhibition

Thereafter. war restricted China''s attendance at World Exhibitions. It was not until the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition that China returned to the World Exhibition circuit. China sent delegations to the following World Exhibits: the 1982 America Knoxville World Exhibition. the 1984 New Orleans Rivers World Exhibition. the 1985 Tsukuba Science and Technology World Exhibition. the 1986 Vancouver Transportation World Exhibition. the 1988 Brisbane Relaxation World Exhibition. the 1990 Osaka World Gardening Exhibition. the 1992 Spain Seville World Exhibition. the 1992 Genoa Ship and Ocean World Exhibition. the 1993 Taejon World Exhibition. the 1997 Quebec Follows World Exhibition. the 1998 Portugal Lisbon World Exhibition. the 1999 China Kunming World Gardening Exhibition and the 2000 Germany Hannover World Exhibition. The charm and spirit of China again received world-wide attention. The history of China''s participation in the World Exhibition reflected the ups and downs of China from decline to rejuvenation.

However. modern Chinese believed that the universal exhibitions were too competitive. and not entirely without reason. This was almost true in an age of human pride. In the second half of the 20th century. especially after World War II. the humans reviewed their existence. hoping to set up new beliefs on the ruins of war. This is no longer an age of Human Pride. instead we are becoming increasingly modest as we determine our place in the eternity of nature. People are calling for all races to share the power and intelligence of mankind to resolve the issues of existence. Humanity needs to make a concerted effort to address the hole in the ozone layer. the increasingly serious desertification of land. environmental pollution. unsustainable use of resources and weapons of mass destruction. Humanity must unite to remove the threats to human existence. While it started as an arrogant display of national wealth. the World Exhibition now looks to global unification. a common dream of all human beings. Thirty-five years ago. Martin Luther King Jnr. a great American. expressed his visionary faith in the future: "I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted. every hill and mountain shall be made low. the rough places will be made plain. and the crooked places will be made straight. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood." This is the dream of the World Exhibition.




1999年在昆明举办园艺博览会其间.上海市人民政府就决定申请承办2010年世博会.很快获得国务院的同意.国务委员吴仪任2010年上海世博会申办委员会主任委员.吴仪热情洋溢地说:[举办2010年上海世博会.是13亿中国人民共同的心愿.中国政府将全力以赴申办2010年上海世博会.同样.中国政府将竭尽全力.为世界奉献一个完美的令人难忘的世界博览会." 2001年5月2日.我国驻法大使吴建民正式向国际展览局递交了申请函.是世界上第一个正式申办2010年世博会的国家.除中国以外.申办2010年世博会的还有俄罗斯.韩国.波兰.阿根廷和墨西哥.2002年1月30日驻法大使吴建民代表中国政府.向国际展览局秘书长洛塞泰斯递交了中国政府申请2010年在上海举办世界博览会的报告.其中包括中国国家主席江泽民和国务院总理朱?基致国际展览局领导人的申办信.





第5篇:OC 英文作文

People can be influenced by their environment.

Oh, My God, That is my daughter! How can I abandon the only person that I care in this world? I ask myself. The same question keeps revolving in my mind, haunting me like a ghost and stabbing me like a dagger. I fall down on the ground crying and gasping.

I am standing in front of the gambling house where I just lose all my possessions and money, yet my intensive desire for gambling is still alluring me to sell my only daughter for money. Thunder is roaring in my ears and storm slapping on my cheeks.Oh, Jesus. I tell myself. Can somebody tell me what to do?

My three-year-old daughter just sits beside me. She grips my hand and whispers to me, “Dad, I am scared, let’s go home.”

Now there are two choices laying in front me. I can either quit gambling and seize my own fate, or sell my little daughter who symbolizes the only hope of my life. I could just sell my daughter. The profit of this business would bring me a great fortune which might turn my life around, and I would no longer have a burden that distracts me anymore.

However, my little girl is the only reason why I am still breathing, and I love her more than everything I can imagine. I would be condemned forever by my morality if I can’t fulfill my responsibility as a dutiful father.

I slowly turn my head towards my little angel. She is soaked under the harsh rain, suffering and trembling. Having seen this, I quickly stand up and use my body to shield her away from the rain. She looks up at me, and her eyes are filled with purity and innocence. Just from that gaze, I finally make my decision.. Suffering twists my face. In place of raindrops, tears drip on my daughter’s face. My teeth keep chattering, and my hand can’t stop shaking. I look into my little angel’s eyes, and whisper to her in the most sorrowful tone that I have ever used.

“Sorry, my dear, please forgive me.”

Having sold my daughter, I feel like my dignity and faith has been deprived from my life. The desperation of losing my daughter overwhelms me. I dash into the pub where I always visit, and drink countless bottles of alcohol that I could ever take. In the morning, I look down to those bottles scattered around my feet, and reveal a sneer smile.


The popularity of Chinese

In recent years, learning Chinese has become popular among people around the world, with the rapid development of economy in China. According to the official report in the last year, there are about 3000 high school in 109 countries offer a course on Chinese. Another data has proved students who learn Chinese not only from Southeast Asia but also from western countries.

There are many reasons why more and more people are crazy about learning Chinese. Firstly, as the improvement of the Chinese economy, learning Chinese will facilitate the economic trade contact and enhance the friendship with other countries. Secondly, many experts focus on ancient Chinese literature for Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. Learning Chinese has become a necessary tool for them. Thirdly, due to the plenty of natural landscapes and sceneries of humanities in China, a lot of foreign tourists start to travel in China, showing great interests in learning Chinese.

In addition, several Confucius Institutes have been established in many countries these years by Chinese government more and more foreign students have the access to understand Chinese language culture, which provides an important platform for culture exchange. With the changes of China’s internal standing and influence, we not only let the world know more of China, but also need to know more about the rest of world.

As we all known, learning Chinese is gaining more and more popularity among the people in the whole world. It can’t take away from people who are fully bent upon the dissemination of Chinese culture all over the world. With join efforts, I am sure china will have a better tomorrow.


The transportation

In the modem society ,the transportation is becoming more and more important.whether the people go to work or travel,we must do it by the transportation.So,I think,we should discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the transportation.

The first is the car.Cars have been coming in our life.It is convenient for us whatever we do.If,we have something that is urgent to do ,the importance of the car is showed.But,the cars are quite expensive,some people can’t buy a car,and the gas is also not cheep.On the other hand,the cars will make the air become bad and make the traffic pressure become serious.

The next is the bus.Some people don’t like to go out by bus.In their opinions,the bud is dirty、crowded and tired.But,I think the bus is cheeper a lot than the car,and that will reduce the environment pollution.And we never worry about the car lost.

The last is motor bicycle.It is so convenient for the young people to go out.Whatever we buy things or go to the friends,it will be their first choice.And the motor bicycle is not so expensive.When the young people ride it ,we will become very cool,so a lot of people will ride it fast which is the fatal shortcoming.It is very dangerous ,and that will make the people deform or die.

So,I think we should find the way that is handy .In my opinion ,we should take the bus more,,because it is convenient and it can make the air cleaner than the car and it is safer than the motor bicycle.







第8篇:我的狗狗 英文作文

范立耸 工学1016班 3100101515

Today, I’d like to share some interesting things about my little sister Erica, a two-year old girl. Like other girls, doll is her favorite toy. She loves her monkey doll so much that wherever she goes, she will take it. Every night, before going to sleep, she will place her little head on the doll,gazing at it for a long time, and start rubbing it over and over again. It reminds me of a scene that an affectionate mother is taking care of her baby. That’s really funny, isn’t it?

Erica loves watching TV in the sofa, especially when you hold her and give her a gentle pat on her back. She is quite a brilliant girl. When I’m surfing the Internet, she will never interrupt me, just staying in a corner quietly. But once I turn off the computer, immediately, she’ll run towards me, and pull me out of the room. Though she can’t speak, but I know what she means. She wants me to take her outside and have a break. Since she is too young, she is not accustomed to going downstairs. So every time we go outside, I have to carry her on my shoulder and comfort her, saying that “take it easy, Erica, everything will be OK.”

Sometimes, she is quite eccentric. One day, my mother adopted a cat in the street and brought it into our house. As the little cat was too hungry, my mother took out some food for it. Surprisingly, when Erica saw this, she suddenly went mad and began shouting at the poor cat. She was so angry that she didn’t eat anything until my mother sent the cat back into the street. I don’t know why she hated it, perhaps she thought the cat stole the food and love that she deserved.

Oh, one important thing missed. She has a special hobby, she loves eating bones very much. So can you guess what it is. Yeah, actually, it is a puppy who behaves like a baby. As she has stayed with us since her birth, she is already an essential part of our family. That’s why I call it my little sister.

Thanks for listening, and wish all of you a good day!
