
2022-10-31 版权声明 我要投稿




摘 要:随着《义务教育地理课程标准》的颁布,初中地理新教材已在全国范围内使用,并且取得一定成果。以人教版八年级上册地理教材为研究对象,对新旧地理教材中的图像系统及活动系统分别进行比较,分析新教材的优点与不足,并对此提出教学建议,对教师明确新教材侧重点并转变教学方式有一定帮助。








































编辑 段丽君

作者:周步遥 吕娟 杜星慧


Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A 1a-1c(第1课时)

中坝学校 李小迁



1.掌握新单词(soap opera, sitcom , news , stand, mind )和句型:A:What do you think of …?

B: I like them、it / I love them. / I don’t like them. / I can’t stand them. /I don’t mind them

2. 能掌握各类电视节目的名称和谈论对不同类型的电视节目的看法与偏好。


1.通过看视频、大声与小声游戏、看图片猜电视节目类型、听录音等形式,使学生掌握电视节目的种类: news、

soap opera、sports show、 talent show 、game show 、sitcom、 talk show。

2.通过师生问答、角色扮演、句子接龙游戏等形式,使学生学会What do you think of …? I can’t stand them. / I don’t mind them.I like/love them. / I don’t like them. 等句型。







A: What do you think of ......?

B: I like them. / I love them. / I don’t like them. / I can’t stand them. /I don’t mind them.


四、教学过程: Step1 lead-in:

Ask two questions: 1:Do you like watching TV? 2:Do you want to watch a game show? Step2 New words: 1. Presentation: Watch the videos to present the new words.( talk show .game show. sports show. talent show. sitcom. news. soap opera) 2. Practice(play two games):




(1) Finish 1a ( Give students 1 minute to finish 1a and check the answer)

(2)Finish 1b.(A: Tell Ss to read the shows in the box. Make sure they know the meaning of the shows. B. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the shows1-4. C. Play the recording again. Check the answers with the Ss.)

Step3 Sentences: Presentation:

1. The teacher Show some pictures and ask “What do you think of…?” Students answer the questions according to different faces:I love / like /don’t like /don’t mind /can’t stand them /it 2. Ask and answer questions like this: T:What do you think of soap operas? S1: I can’t stand them.

T:What do you think of talent shows? S2: I don’t mind them. …… Practice Pairwork: Make the conversation like 1c


Play a game.------which group is lucky? 1.Divide the class into six groups. Each group chooses the number to get the topic and mark.

2.Each group practices the conversation like this: S1: What do you think of Eglish? S2 : I… it. What do you think of Eglish? S3: I… it. What do you think of Eglish? S4 : I… it. What do you think of Eglish? S5 : I… it. ……….

(规则:以小组为单位,第一个同学问第二个同学What do you think of …?第二个同学回答完第一个同学的问题后,接着问第三个同学相同的问题,以此类推,直到最后一个同学回答完为止。)

3. Then ask two groups to play the game and choose the number to get another mark. Please remember :Don‘t watch TV too much! It‘s bad for your

health and study. Step4 Summary:ask students to read the new words and


五、作业: Do a survey.Ask your family members for

opinions towards different TV shows.


Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Section A 1a-1c What do you think of

sports shows、 talent shows 、game

shows 、sitcoms、 talk shows、 soap opera、news?


love 、like、 don’t mind、don’t like、can’t stand、them it.


仁爱版初中英语八年级上册教案 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking. Section B Teaching person: Teaching time:one class Teaching aims:

1. New words: article , smoke, cancer, litter, dustbin, lawn, energy, necessary, enough 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) How terrible! (2) Don’t walk on the lawn. (3) It’s necessary for your health. (4) Smoking is bad for his health. 3. The use of “ must ,must not” (1) I must ask him to give up smoking. (2) You must put litter into the dustbin. (3) You must not throw litter around. 4. Help students form good habits. Teaching importance : aim 1 ,2, 3. Teaching difficulty: It’s necessary for sb. to do sth.

Teaching steps:

一、Sing an English song. Then greet between the teacher and the students .

二、Review the dialog of Section A.. 1

Ask some sentences: Staying up late is bad for your health. Is going to bed early good or bad for our health ? It’s good . Doing morning exercises is good for our health. 三 、 New lesson:

(一) 1a 1. Read the dialog by themselves . Find the new words and understand their meaning and pronunciation. 2.Listen to the tape and read after it. Thinking :What’s the dialog about ? After reading ,answer it . 3. Read again and understand the dialog with some questions. After reading it ,answer them.

1)What is Wang Junfeng reading ? He is reading an article about smoking in the newspaper. 2)What does Maria’s father think of smoking ? Because he thinks smoking can help him relax. 3)Why does Maria want to ask her father to give up smoking? Because smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer. 4. After answering them,explain and practice useful phrases. Give some examples . Smoking is bad for his health . I must ask him to give up smoking . The use of “must ” . How terrible !

(二) 1b 1. Read and match the sentences by themselves . 2 .Then say the sentences without looking at the book. 3 . Summarize the use of “ 2

must , mustn’t ”

--Must I finish the task now ? --Yes , you must. --No, you needn’t. --No , you don’t have to.

(三) Look at the picture and say some sentences using “mustn’t , don’t ” . For example: You mustn’t walk on the lawn. Don’t walk on the lawn. You mustn’t climb the tree. Don’t park your bike here and there. Don’t take your pet to the school.You mustn’t throw litter around .


2a 1 . Read the following sentences and understand them. 2 . Read them after the tape twice . 3 . Say the sentences without looking at the book. 4. Solve the hard sentences and useful expressions. It’s necessary for sb. to do sth. For example : It’s necessary for us to review often . 四 、Show some exercises to check the importance. 1 . _______ ( smoke ) is bad for your health . 2 . We must _______ (follow ) the school rules . 3 . Don’t ________ ( read ) in the sun . 4 . You mustn’t ________( stay ) up late at night. 5 . ---Must I stop watching TV right now ? --- No , you ______________ . 6 . It’s necessary ____ us to know some traffic rules . 7. _____ sweet music ! _____ fast he runs ! ( What or How ) 五 、Summarize the useful languages and read them. . 六 、Homework. Write six sentences using “ must , mustn’t , don’t “


七 、The design of the blackboard , Section B 1 . must do , mustn’t do , ---Must I /we do ? --- Yes , you must . --- No , you needn’t . --- No , you don’ t have to . 2 . How terrible ! What a lovely cat ! 3. It’s necessary for your health . 4 . Smoking is bad for our health .


Unit 1 How often do you exercise? I. Teaching article(课题): Unit One II. Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

What do you usually do on weekends?

I sometimes go to the beach.

How often do you eat vegetables?

Every day.

Most of the students do homework every day. III. Teaching importance and diffcult(教学重难点):

Talk about how often you do things. IV. Teaching ways(教学方法):

Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading. V. Teaching tools(教学工具):

Tape-recorder and Lattern. V. Teaching time(教学时间):

Six periods VI. Teaching procedure(教学过程):

The first period I. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge objects

Name of activities.

Aderbs of frequency.

What do you usually do on weekends?

I often go to the movies. 2. Ability objects

Writing skill.

Listening skill.

Communicative competence 3. Moral object

Keep a diary every day in English. II. Teaching Key Points

Watching TV, reading, shoping

Skateboarding, exercising III. Teaching Difficulties

Always, usually, often, sometimes

Hardly, ever, never

What does she do on weekends?

She often goes to the movies. IV. Teaching Methods

Discover method. Listening and writing methods;Pairwork. V. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

Large monthly calendar showing the days of the week.

A projector VI. Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greet the class

T: I’ll introduce myself first. I’ll be your English teacher this term. Do you like English? I hope we’ll get along very well. I’m not only your teacher, but can be your friends. We’ll be happy together. Now let’s begin. This class we’ll learn Unit1. How often do you exercise? Please open books at page1.

Step 2 Section A 1a

First look at the picture. Ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles. Each though bubble shows something a person does on weekends.

Then mae each activity. Ask students to repeat each one.

One girl is shopping.

Another girl is reading.

This boy is watching TV.

These girls are skateboarding.

Point out the sample answer. Then ask students to list all the activities in the thought bubbles If they don’t know to write the activities, use bilingual dictionaries.

Then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board.

Check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities.

Step 3

Display a large calendar that shows the days of the week. Tell students Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Ask students to repeat Weekend.

Then show three new words.

How often 多久一次

Hardly adv. 几乎不;几乎没有

Ever adv 曾;曾经

Step 4 1c Pairwork

First ask two students to read the sample in speech bubbles.

What do you usually do on weekends?

I often go to the movies.

Now work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture. For example.

Step 5 Summary

This class we’ve learnt some names of activities: watching TV, reading, skateboarding, exercising, shopping. And we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never.

Step 6 Homework

Now homework: keep a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend. You can write down they do from the time you get up until you go to sleep.

Step 7 Blackboard Design

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Watching TV





What does she usually do on weekends?

She often goes shopping.



2016年秋仁爱英语八年级上册教案全册共194 页

Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)Would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. Learn the future tense with be going to: (1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday. (2)Are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. Talk about preferences: —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —I prefer rowing. 5. Talk about sports and games. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步

复习(时间:7分钟) 复习学过的运动项目名称,引出生词。

1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。) T: you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays? Ss: … )

’s review some sports and learn some new ones. (展示学生在打篮球的图片。) T: Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S1, please. S1: They are playing basketball. T: Do you like playing basketball? S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. T: ) 1(展示学生在打排球的图片。) T: What are they doing? S2, do you know? S2教师帮助该生回答。) ) (用同样的方式引出生词cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。) ;掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)

的用法。) T: Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing? S3: Rowing. T: Good! The phrase “like … better” means “”. ) T: S4, which sport do you prefer, basketball or soccer? S4: I prefer basketball. …

Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:10分钟) 通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to句型。

1. (利用plan to do sth.,导入“be going to+do”结构。) T: I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about them. Do you want to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon? S1, please. S1: Yes, I do. T: So you plan to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon, right? S1 : Yes. T:)

be going to. OK, boys and girls? Ss: OK. T: I plan to go out for dinner tonight. S2, please. S2: You are going to go out for dinner tonight. T: I plan to climb mountains tomorrow. S3, please. S3: You are going to climb mountains tomorrow.

T: Good! When we express something that is going to happen or we plan to do something, we can use be going to. 2. (教师让几个学生说说明天户外活动的打算,并引出be going to结构的一般疑问句式,过渡到1a。) T: OK, S4, please tell me what you plan to do tomorrow afternoon. S4: I’m going to swim with my brother tomorrow afternoon. S4: (教师视学生掌握的情况来决定是否要进行更多的操练。) 3. (展示一幅即将进行篮球赛的海报,引出单词against, cheer和短语cheer … on。) T: Now look at the poster. Here is the news. Our class is going to have a Ss:Yes, we ’d love to./I’d love to. ) 1a。) T: Look at this picture. They are Kangkang and Michael. What are they Can you guess? Please listen to 1a and then answer the following questions. 4. (学生朗读1a,画出疑难点和关键词,然后教师解释疑难点。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步

巩固(时间:10分钟) 创设情景,编对话,在真实的语境中培养学生口头交流能力。 1. (根据小黑板上的关键词,分角色表演对话。) T: OK. Now you can use the key words above to act out the dialog in roles. 2. (教师引导学生,通过讨论新学期的计划来操练be going to+do句型。) (教师先做示范,然后让学生两人一组练习。) T: S1, what are you going to do this term? S1: I’m going to learn English better. T: What about you, S2? S2: I’m going to study math hard. T: Oh, it’s a good plan. S3, do you know what your partner is going to do? S3: Yes. He is going to learn rowing. T: Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term. 3. (创设情景,依据1a编对话,巩固1a及be going to+do句型,完成1b。) T: Just now you talked about your plans for this term. Now suppose you meet your classmate on the playground and you want to talk about your plans for this week. Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. You can use the key words on the blackboard. talking about? basketball game

(学生两人一组编对话,教师进行鼓励启发,必要时应给予帮助。) Example: S4: Hi, S5. S5: Hi, S4. I am going to play … Are you going to play with us? S4: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I saw you play … almost every day during the summer holidays. S5: Yes. You know I am going to play in the … game against Class 2 this Saturday. Would you like to come and cheer us on? S4: Of course. I’d love to. And I hope you will win. (让几组学生到教室前面表演类似的对话,评出最佳表演组及最佳演员等。) (教师出示2中运动项目的图片,引导学生巩固be going to + do句型,使他们熟练掌握其用法,并自然过渡到2。) Step 4 Practice 第四步

练习(时间:10分钟) 完成2和3,培养学生听说能力,并通过大量操练,使他们熟练运用含有be going to的一般疑问句及掌握prefer的用法。

1. (通过看图片,练习be going to的用法,导入2。) T: Look at the pictures, what are they going to do? Ss: (Picture 1) They are going to go skating. (Picture 2) They are going to go skiing. …

T: Which sport do you prefer, … or …? S1: I prefer …

T: What about you, S2? S2: I prefer …

T: S3, do you often go swimming? S3: T: Good. You can also say “. “Do you often go swimming?” means “Do you go swimming ” 。) 4S4: Yes, quite a lot/a bit. T: S5, do you go skiing much? S5: Yes, quite a lot / a bit.(肯) S6: No, seldom.(否) T: Oh, you don’

t like sports. It isn’there. ) S7: I am going to join the school rowing club. S8: …

(学生两人一组完成2,除了可以用书上所给的运动名称,也可用他们所知道的其他运动名称进行对话。) 2. (让学生听3录音,并完成3。) T: Michael and Kangkang like doing sports a lot. Do you want to know what sports they often do on weekends? Listen to the tape, then fill in the chart in 3. (再放录音3,核对答案。) 3. (做一个运用“be going to+do”句型的游戏。) (挑选若干学生上台,做关于运动的动作,该动作要能使同学们明白并成功猜出运动名称。猜到的同学要用be going to+do询问做动作的同学,以证实自己的猜测是否正确。) T: Please do an action about your favorite sport. (S10表演一个动作。) S9: Are you going to play basketball? S10: No, I’m not. S9: Are you going to play volleyball? S10: Yes, I am. …

(让学生尽量多表演动作。) Step 5 Project 第五步

综合探究活动(时间:8分钟) 通过作报告和写句子,培养学生综合运用本课所学语法及重要句型的能力。

1. (小组活动,在小组中做采访并向全班同学作报告。) T: Work in groups. Ask your partner the following questions, then give a report to your classmates. (1)Which sport do you prefer, … or …? (2)Do you … much? (3)Are you going to …

next week? 2. Homework: 用be going to造五个句子,要求用不同的人称、句式。 Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and phrases: dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, job, active, break, record, gold, give up, shame, single 2. Go on learning the future tense with be going to: 篇二:2016年秋仁爱英语八年级上册教案全册

Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)Would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. Learn the future tense with be going to: (1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday. (2)Are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. Talk about preferences: —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —I prefer rowing. 5. Talk about sports and games. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步

复习(时间:7分钟) 复习学过的运动项目名称,引出生词。

1. (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。) T: you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays? Ss: … ) ’s review some sports and learn some new ones. (展示学生在打篮球的图片。) T: Look at the picture. Do you know what they are doing? S1, please. S1: They are playing basketball. T: Do you like playing basketball? S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. T: (板书并要求学生掌握。) 1(展示学生在打排球的图片。)

T: What are they doing? S2, do you know? S2教师帮助该生回答。) ) cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。) ;掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)

2. (用黑板上有关运动的生词操练,导出prefer的用法。) T: Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing? S3: Rowing. T: Good! The phrase “like … better” means “”. ) T: S4, which sport do you prefer, basketball or soccer? S4: I prefer basketball. …

Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:10分钟) 通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to句型。

1. (利用plan to do sth.,导入“be going to+do”结构。) T: I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about them. Do you want to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon? S1, please. S1: Yes, I do. T: So you plan to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon, right? S1 : Yes. T:) be going to. OK, boys and girls? Ss: OK. T: I plan to go out for dinner tonight. S2, please. S2: You are going to go out for dinner tonight. T: I plan to climb mountains tomorrow. S3, please. S3: You are going to climb mountains tomorrow. T: Good! When we express something that is going to happen or we plan to do something, we can use going to. 2. (教师让几个学生说说明天户外活动的打算,并引出be going to结构的一般疑问句式,过渡到1a。) T: OK, S4, please tell me what you plan to do tomorrow afternoon. S4: I’m going to swim with my brother tomorrow afternoon. S 4 : be

(教师视学生掌握的情况来决定是否要进行更多的操练。) 3. (展示一幅即将进行篮球赛的海报,引出单词against, cheer和短语cheer … on。) T: Now look at the poster. Here is the news. Our class is going to have a Ss:Yes, we’d love to./I’d love to. ) (出示教学挂图,让学生看图片猜测对话内容,导入1a。) T: Look at this picture. They are Kangkang and Michael. What are they Can you guess? Please listen to 1a and then answer the following questions. 4. (学生朗读1a,画出疑难点和关键词,然后教师解释疑难点。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步

巩固(时间:10分钟) 创设情景,编对话,在真实的语境中培养学生口头交流能力。

1. (根据小黑板上的关键词,分角色表演对话。) T: OK. Now you can use the key words above to act out the dialog in roles. 2. (教师引导学生,通过讨论新学期的计划来操练be going to+do句型。) (教师先做示范,然后让学生两人一组练习。) T: S1, what are you going to do this term? S1: I’m going to learn English better. T: What about you, S2? S2: I’m going to study math hard. T: Oh, it’s a good plan. S3, do you know what your partner is going to do? S3 : Yes. He is going to learn rowing. T: Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term. 3. (创设情景,依据1a编对话,巩固1a及be going to+do句型,完成1b。) T: Just now you talked about your plans for this term. Now suppose you meet your classmate on the playground and you want to talk about your plans for this week. Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a. You can use the key words on the blackboard. (学生两人一组编对话,教师进行鼓励启发,必要时应给予帮助。) Example: S4: Hi, S5. S5: Hi, S4. I am going to play … Are you going to play with us? S4: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I saw you play … almost every day during the summer holidays. S5: Yes. You know I am going to play in the … game against Class 2 this Saturday. Would you like to come and basketball game talking about? cheer us on? S4: Of course. I’d love to. And I hope you will win. (让几组学生到教室前面表演类似的对话,评出最佳表演组及最佳演员等。) (教师出示2中运动项目的图片,引导学生巩固be going to + do句型,使他们熟练掌握其用法,并自然过渡到2。) Step 4 Practice 第四步

练习(时间:10分钟) 完成2和3,培养学生听说能力,并通过大量操练,使他们熟练运用含有be going to的一般疑问句及掌握prefer的用法。

1. (通过看图片,练习be going to的用法,导入2。) T: Look at the pictures, what are they going to do?

Ss: (Picture 1) They are going to go skating. (Picture 2) They are going to go skiing. …

T: Which sport do you prefer, … or …? S1: I prefer … T: What about you, S2? S2: I prefer …

T: S3, do you often go swimming? S3: T: Good. You can also say “. “Do you often go swimming?” means “Do you go swimming ” 。) 4S4: Yes, quite a lot/a bit. T: S5, do you go skiing much? S5: Yes, quite a lot / a bit.(肯) S6: No, seldom.(否) T: Oh, you don’

t like sports. It isn’there. ) S7: I am going to join the school rowing club. S8: …

(学生两人一组完成2,除了可以用书上所给的运动名称,也可用他们所知道的其他运动名称进行对话。) 2. (让学生听3录音,并完成3。) T: Michael and Kangkang like doing sports a lot. Do you want to know what sports they often do on weekends? Listen to the tape, then fill in the chart in 3. (再放录音3,核对答案。) 3. (做一个运用“be going to+do”句型的游戏。) (挑选若干学生上台,做关于运动的动作,该动作要能使同学们明白并成功猜出运动名称。猜到的同学要用be going to+do询问做动作的同学,以证实自己的猜测是否正确。) T: Please do an action about your favorite sport.

(S10表演一个动作。) S9: Are you going to play basketball? S10: No, I’m not. S9: Are you going to play volleyball? S10: Yes, I am. …

(让学生尽量多表演动作。) Step 5 Project 第五步

综合探究活动(时间:8分钟) 通过作报告和写句子,培养学生综合运用本课所学语法及重要句型的能力。

1. (小组活动,在小组中做采访并向全班同学作报告。) T: Work in groups. Ask your partner the following questions, then give a report to your classmates. (1)Which sport do you prefer, … or …? (2)Do you … much? (3)Are you going to …

next week? 2. Homework: 用be going to造五个句子,要求用不同的人称、句式。 板书设计: Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some new words and phrases: dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, job, active, break, record, gold, give up, shame, single 2. Go on learning the future tense with be going to: —What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a dancer. 3. Talk about the favorite sports and players: (1)—What’s your favorite sport, Maria? —Basketball, of course. (2)—Who’s your favorite player? —LeBron James. / I like Yao Ming best. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具









____I.听音选图,听句子,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图画顺序。每个句子读两遍。(6分 ) __________名姓_____________级班


2、________ 3________ 4.________ 5._________ 6._______ II.听对话,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。(12分)


听下面4段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最 佳选项。(6分)

( )7.Where does the woman come from ? 校学A. America. B. England. C. Germany. ( )8.What does the boy doing ? A. He was reading. B. He was sleeping. C. He was watching TV. ( )9.What kind of music does the woman like now ? A. Folk music.B. Classical music. C. Rock music. ( )10. How long did it take to build the bridge? A. More than 3 years. B. Less than 3 years. C. Over 13 years. 第二节



11、12题。 ( ) 11.What’s John’s favorite sport ?. A. Swimming. B. Playing basketball. C. Playing baseball. ( )12.How often does John play baseball? A. Seldom. B. Sometimes.C. Often. 听下面一段材料,回答第


( )13 Who is the woman going to spend her summer holiday with ? A. Her husband.B. Her sister. C. Her brother. ( )14. How will the boy go ? A. By train. B. By plane. C. By bus. III.听短文,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍。(6分) ( )15. Mr. Black was usually _________ When he went home. A. pleased.B. tired. C. excited. ( )16. Every summer she travels with her _________. A. watching TV.B. reading.C. lying in bed. ( )17. Mr. Watt wanted to speak to _________ ?

A. Mr. Black. B. Mrs. Jack. C. Mr. Smith. ( )18. Both Mr. Black and Mr. Watt were very _________. A. angry. B. sad. C. happy. ,短文读两遍。(6分)19. ____________ 20. ____________ 21. ____________ 22. ____________


Part One:语言知识运用(35分)

I.选择填空。从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入句中空格的最佳答案。(15分) ()23. -- ________ sweet music! Let’s listen to it again. --OK. A. What aB. WhatC. How ()24. --There ____ a wonderful movie tomorrow. Would you like to watch it with me? --Sure, I’d love to. A. is going to haveB. haveC. is going to be ( )25. —What were you doing at this time yesterday? —We _______ in the classroom. A. read B. were reading C. are reading ( )26. He eats _______ food, so he is _______ fat. A. much too; too muchB. too much; much too C. much too; the many ( )27.You must give up_____. It’s bad for your health. A. smokingB. smoke C. to smoke ( )28.-Would you mind my smoking here? ――_________

A. Sorry, you’d better not.. B. Yes, you can. C No, you can’t smoke ( ) 29.I see you_____ basketball almost every day. A. playB. to playC. playing ( )30. —My aunt goes to climb Mount Gu every Sunday. —Oh? But she _______ hate climbing mountains. A. use to B. used to C. uses to ( )31. —Must I park my car behind the building? —No, you _______. You _______ park it here. A. mustn’t; may B. may not; mustC. don’t have to; may ( )32. She told us a story, and her voice sounded _______. We’re interested in it. A. sweet B. small C. clearly ( )33. Let’s go swimming,_______? A. don’t youB. shall we C. will you ( )34. —I think classical music is pleasant. —_______ I think it’s boring. A.I agree. B.I think so. C.I don’t agree. ( )35. We should do more exercise to keep ______ fit. A. we B. our C. ourselves ( )36. —Do you have _______ to say today? —No, nothing. A. anything important B. important something C. something important ( )37. It’s important to brush you _________ twice a day. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth II.补全对话 从方框中选出正确的句子补全对话。(10分) A: Hi, Lingling! B: Hi, Daming! A: Yes. What’s up? B: Tomorrow is Sally’s birthday. You know, she’s alone in China. A: That’s a good idea! You are so kind. B: . A: Yes, I’d love to. . B: Let’s make it five o’clock in the afternoon.

A: OK. Let’s meet at your house. B: She is Sally’s best friend. A: I will. See you then. III.完形填空 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

In the doctor’s waiting room, many people were sitting on the chair. Bob, a 12-year-old school __ , was among them. They all looked very sad, but Bob looked very was reading an interesting story. Just then the came out and called the next man. Bob up and ran into the doctor’s room . “ is the matter with you, young man?” said the doctor. Before Bob could say a word, the doctor made him down on the chair. “Now let me listen to your heart.” Bob tried to speak, the doctor told him not to say anything. “I’ll take your temperature.” Bob tried to stand up, but the doctor After a while, the doctor said, “Well, boy , you don’t have a There is nothing wrong with you. “ I know there is wrong,” said Bob. “I just come here to get some medicine for my father. ()43. A. man B. woman C. boyD. girl ()44. A. happy B. tiredC. serious D. angry ()45. A. teacher B. doctor

C. actor

D. player ()46. A. gotB. took

C. jumped D. looked ()47. A. What

B. How

C. Which D. When ()48. A. go B. come

C. turn

D. lie ()49. A. so B. but C. or D. and ()50. A. passed B. followedC. forced D. stopped ()51. A. cough B. fever

C. cold

D. headache ()52. A. nothing B. everything

C. something D. anything Part Two. 阅读理解(40分)

A Plants are very important. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals can get their food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. So animals and man need plants in order to live. This is why there are so many plants around us.

_There are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Almost all the trees around ___us are flowering plants. You can know some trees from their flowers and fruit. Non-flowering plants do not ___grow flowers. You can not see many non-flowering plants around you. ___If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many kinds of plants. Some _号plants are large and some are small. Most of them are green. Thanks to the plants around us we can live on )考earth. (根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(10分) 座( )53.We need many plants around us because _______. ___ A. plants can grow easily B. plants are green ___ C. we can get what we need from plants D. we like all kinds of plants ___( )54.There are so many plants around us because _______. ___ A. man doesn’t need any plants B. most animals don’t eat plants __名 C. man and animals need plants to live D. the earth will become more beautiful 姓( )55.There are _______ non-flowering plants than flowering plants around us. ___ A. much fewer B. much more C. much larger D. much better ___( )56.Which of the following does NOT come from a plant? ___ A. Basket. B. Bread. C. Cabbage. D. Stone forest. ___( )57.Which is the best title(题目) of this passage? _级 A. Plants around us B. Man and Animals C. Live on Earth D. Food and Plants 班 B Do You Want to Be an Artist? Do you want to be an artist? Come to our club. We have guitar, violin, piano and drum lessons forjust ¥240 each. You can also learn to sing or dance for just ¥180 each. If you like art, you can be satisfied, too. Art lessons are just ¥200 each. 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(10分)

( )58.If you want to be ______ ,come to our club. A. an artistB. a doctorC. a teacherD. a driver ( )59.How many instruments do you know in the ad? 校A. 1 B. 2 C.3D.4 学( )60.How much is it for the piano lesson ? It’s ¥_____. A.180B.200 C.240D.480 ( )61.We can’t learn ______ in the club. A. the drumsB. swimming C. the violin D. art ( )62.If you want to learn to play the guitar and to dance ,you will pay ¥_____. A. 180 B.200 C.240D.420 C James Naismith was a Canadian. He invented basketball in 1891. At that time. He was a P.E. teacher a Springfield College,. In the USA.. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play it even in bad weather.

Do you know how to score points in the game? Well, just put the ball into the other side’s basket. You can throw the ball into the basket from any part if the court. And you can throw it with one hand or both hands. But you must follow the rules. Now, over a century later,. More and more people play basketball ..In the USA. ,the NBA is very popular. People from all over the world like to watch and play basketball. They love this game. 根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(10分) ()63. James Naismith came from_____ A. America B. China C. Canada D. Canadian ()64. In 1891, James Naismith invented_____ A. baseball B. basketball C. football D. volleyball ()65. What did James Naismith do? A. a doctorB. a student C. a worker D. a teacher ()66. Which of the following sentences is not right? A. You must put the ball into the other side’s basket to score. B. You must follow the rules. C. You can only throw it with both hands D. You can throw the ball into the basket from any part of the court. ()67.When was basketball invented? A. Over 100 years agoB. 100 years laterC. 50 years agoD. 50 years later. D Mozart was born in Austria on January 27, 1756 and died on December15,1791. He was a great classical musician. . His father took him to many different countries. He played music for lots of people. . They asked him to stay in a room by himself for a week and let somebody watch the room all the time. After that, people believed that he could write beautiful music. During his short life, he studied music , taught music, played music and wrote music. Even working so hard, he could not make much money. music makes people happy, too. 从方框中所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,补全短文。(10分)






















































thanTony’s. 1










































































mr.GreenhasfourEnglishbooks.mrs.GreenhassixEnglishbooks(合并为一句). mr.Greenhas________Englishbooks___________ mrs.Green.



=jackis______than__________________inhisclass. =jackis______than________________________inhisclass.



Thetwostudentsare__________________thanthe______ 2>我不如我姐姐漂亮.I’m____________thanmysister.







Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?

1.一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。(表示过去发生而现在已经结束的动作或状态,不强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去的事情,常和 a moment ago,last year,yesterday,at that time,in the past等表示过去的时间状语连用。)形式用动词的过去式表示;除be动词外,其他动词没有人称和数的变化,be动词除第一,第三人称单数用was外,其他时候都用were。 如:She was a little girl at that time. I had a word with Julia this morning.


2.something,anything,nothing,somebody,anyone等都是复合不定代词。形容词修饰复合不定代词时,放在复合不定代词后面。 3.seem “似乎;好像”,为系动词,常见用法如下:①主语+seem+(to be+)表语,说明主语的特征或状态。如:Tom seems (to be )a very clever boy.②主语+seem +不定式,seem与不定式一起构成谓语。如:Mrs Green doesn’t seem /seems not to like the idea. ③ It seems /seemed +that 从句,其中it 是形式主语,that引导主语从句。

4.decide“决定”既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。⑴作及物动词时,后面常接名词,动词不定式,特殊疑问词+动词不定式或宾语从句。如: I can’t decide the date of the meeting. We decided to go there. They can’t decide whom to invite. We decided that we would not go to the party tonight.⑵作不及物动词时,常与介词on或upon连用,后接名词。如:She decided on the red shoes. 她决定买这双红色的鞋了。

5.try 作动词意为“尝试”作名词具体用法如下:try to do sth.尽力/努力去做某事(事还未做)如:He tries to catch the early bus every day.他每天尽力去赶上早班车。try doing sth.试着做某事(正在做)如:I try singing a new song. 6.because和because of,because作连词引导原因状语从句或作why 开头的问句的答语,后跟句子;如:He is absent today because he is ill. because of 为介词短语,后接名词,名词短语或代词等 如:He stayed in hospital because of his illness. 7.enough既可作形容词,也可作副词,用法如下: 作形容词,“足够的;充分的”修饰名词放在前后均可。 作副词,“十分地;充分地”放在被修饰动词,形容词或副词之后。 8.few,a few与little,a little few 和a few 修饰可数名词复数,few表否定,a few 表肯定;little和a little 修饰不可数名词,little表否定,a little 表肯定。

如:He has few friends. Please wait for a few minutes. He knows little English. There is a little milk in the bottle.


Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

1. 频度副词:是表示某事发生频率的副词,表示某事在一段时间内所发生的次数。它们一般放在行为动词之前,be动词,助动词及情态动词之后。always的频率是100%,usually的频率是70%左右,often的频率是50%左右,sometimes的频率是20%左右,hardly的频率是5%左右,never的频率为0。 2. sport与exercise,sport 主要指户外运动或野外运动,也指各种游戏活动,作可数名词;exercise一般指为发展智力和体力而设计的练习。

如:Sports make the body strong.

The exercise of memory is very important. 3. how long,how often,how far与how soon ⑴how often “多长时间一次”;How often do you play basketball?Every day. ⑵how long


How long do you do your homework? Two hours. ⑶how far 对距离提问;

How far is it from your home to the shop? It’s

about 3 kilometers.

⑷how soon “多久以后”;

How soon will your father come back?In five days. 4. be good at,be good for与be good to

⑴be good at “擅长;善于”后接名词,代词或动名词,同义词组为do well in。如:Lucy is good at drawing,while Lily is good at singing.

=Lucy does well in drawing,while Lily does well in singing. ⑵be good for “对...有好处”,后接表示人或物的名词,反义词组为be bad for 。Eating more fruit is good for your health. ⑶be good to “对...好”,后面一般接表示人的名词。

Our English teacher is very good to us. 5. ①help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

②help oneself to sth/help sb to sth 为某人自己/某人取用(食物等)

③can’t help doing sth 情不自禁地做某事

④ help sb in doing sth 在某事上帮助某人

⑤ help sb with sth 在某事上帮助某人 6.none与no one:none“没有一个”,既指人也指物常和介词of 连用;no one “没有人”只指人,通常不和of 连用。

2 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

1. 比较级就是指两个人或事物之间的比较。可以是形容词或副词。 比较级有规则变化和不规则变化两种。

规则变化:① 一般在词尾加—er;②以e结尾的词,在词尾直接加—r;③辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词变“y”为”“i”再加-er;④重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写该辅音字母,再加—er。

多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加more。eg:outgoing—— more outgoing 常见用法:①比较级+than eg::You are taller than me.

②可修饰比较级的词有:a bit ,a little,rather,much,far,a lot,a great deal,still,even等。

③ old 有两种比较级形式:older和elder,elder只用于兄弟姐妹的长幼关系。Eg:My elder brother is an engineer.

far 有两种比较级形式:farther和further,farther侧重距离更远,further侧重程度更进一步。

2. as...as 意为“和...一样...”否定形式not so...as...或not as...as.... as many/few+可数名词复数+as描述数量的接近;as much/little+不可数名词+as描述量的相近。

3. win与beat 都可作及物动词 ; win宾语是比赛,战争,奖品,金钱等名词,即race,match,game,war, prize;beat宾语则是比赛,竞争对手,即指人或球队的名词或代词。

4. make sb do sth

see,watch,look at(三眼);hear,listen to(两耳)feel(感觉);以及let,have,make三个使役动词后跟省略to的不定式作宾语补


5. both与all both指“两者都...”反义词neither “两者都不”

all指三者或三者以上都 反义词none “三者或三者以上都不” 6. laugh与smile 都表示笑,可作名词或动词,但含义不同:laugh指出声地笑,既有声音,又有表情;smile 表示(无声地)微笑,指面部表情。 eg:Tom has a happy smile on his face.

His joke made everybody laugh. 7. aloud,loudly与loud ①aloud副词 出声能让人听见,修饰cry,shout,call时有“大声地”意思 ②loud 作形容词或副词。常与speak,talk,laugh连用,多用于比较级,放在动词之后。

eg: Suddenly we heard a loud shout.

She told us to speak a little louder. ③loudly 副词与loud 有时可替换使用,有令人讨厌或打扰别人的意思,位于动词之前或之后。

eg: He does not talk or laugh loudly in public. 他不当众大声谈笑。

Someone knocked loudly at the door.有人大声地敲门。
