
2024-06-26 版权声明 我要投稿


八年级英语活动课教案 篇1

Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation ?


在这一单元中,我们要学习如何谈论假期的计划(Vacation plans),对将来的安排(Future plans)


1. 用现在进行时表示将来。

(Present progressive as future)

2. 用where , when , what , how long 提问的句子。


1. What are you doing for vacation ?

I’m spending time with my friends .

2. When are you going ?

I’m going next week .

3. How long are you staying ?

We’re staying for two weeks .

Step 1. National Day is coming . We all have a long vacation about 7 days . What are you doing for vacation ?

Now Let’s talk about future plans .

在这里,我们用到What are you doing for vacation ?

同学们可能会奇怪,“be doing”结构不是现在进行时吗?在这一单元中,用现在进行时代表将要发生的.动作,表示对未来的计划和安排,译为“我将要…”,“我打算…”。

eg . What’s she doing for vacation ? 她假期要做什么?

She’s babysitting her sister . 她要看她妹妹。


Now , answer my question .

“What are you doing for vacation ? ”

You may have lots of answers . Now , translate the following sentences into English , and choose one as your answer .

Of course , you can add more activities if you like .

Exercise :

1. 我要去野营。

2. 我打算看望我的姨妈。

3. 我打算在家里看电视。

4. 她要照顾她的小妹妹。

5. 他打算玩篮球。

6. 他们要在家里休息。

7. 我要去山区徒步旅行。

8. Dave准备去骑单车。

9. Mary要去旅行观光。

10. Mike准备去钓鱼。

11. Isabella要去散散步并且租些录像来看。

Keys :

1. I’m going camping .

2. I’m visiting my aunt .

3. I’m watching TV at home .

4. She’s babysitting her sister .

5. He is playing basketball (for vacation).

6. They are relaxing at home .

7. I’m going hiking in the mountains .

8. Dave is going bike riding .

9. Mary is going sightseeing .

10. Mike is going fishing .

11. Isabella is taking walks and renting videos .

Step 2 . We’re going to learn other questions to ask about one’s vacation plans .

除了用“What are you doing for vacation ? ”之外,我们还要学习其它几个问句,来帮助我们更好地谈论假期的计划。

1. When are you going ?


when表示对具体的时刻来提问,所以可以用on Monday ,(在星期一),on the 12th (在12号那天)nextweek (下周)、等等。

eg. I’m going the first week in June . 我将在六月份的第一周去。

2. How long are you staying ? 你要在那里呆多久?

How long 是对表示持续的一段时间来提问。因此回答时,也要用表示一段时间的时间状语,而不是具体时刻。

eg. How long is he staying ?

He’s staying for a week . 他要呆一个礼拜。

或He’s staying until September . 他在那里一直到九月份。

3. Where are you going for vacation ? 你要去哪里度假?

I’m going to Italy (Greece or Spain ).


4. What’s it like there ? 那里怎么样?

八年级英语活动课教案 篇2






























八年级英语教学反思 篇3
























八年级英语教案 篇4

【励志小木屋】:good habits are the best friends of man. 良好的习惯是益友


知识目标 1.识记并会运用单词collect, shell, pair, skate, since

2.理解并运用短语 for five years, a pair of...

3. 掌握并运用句型(1) --- how long have you been skating ?

--- i have been skating for five hours.

(2) --- how long have you been skating ?

--- i have been skating since i was seven years old.




难点:have /has been and have/has gone 的区别.



task one 预习本单元的单词 1)个人自读,记忆本课单词2)小组互相检查单词读的情况

收集_______ 贝壳________ 一双 __________溜冰鞋__________ 自从_____马拉松赛跑 ____________ 一双溜冰鞋 ____________ 在马拉松赛中 _______

task two:自主预习1b,2a,2b的听力

1.试译以下句子i’ve been skating for five hours.______________

i skated for four hours.________________________

2. 以上两个句子有什么区别_________________

3.拓展练习a. 自从八点开始,我就已经滑冰了。__________________________

b. 我读过这本书._________________

c. 我收集贝壳已经两年了。_____________________________

task three :how 的相关词组:

how________多少(钱) how _______多少(人) how________多远 how ________多久一次 how_______多大 how ________ 多久以后

(二)预习诊断. 从b栏中找出a栏相应的答语


1.how long has alison been skating?

2.how long did sam skate?

3.was this your first skating marathon ?

4.do you skate every day ?

5.when did you get your first pair of skates ?


a . yes , i do.

b . no, iskated in a marathon last year.

c . she has been skating for five hours.

d . on my tenth birthday.

e . he skated for four hours.

八年级下册英语教案 篇5

3.通过初步学习了解不同国家的饮食文化差异,引导学生热爱生活,增强世界意识。teaching procedures step1 warming-up step2 presentation bring some real objects like pepper, salt, sugar, tomatoes, carrots, beer, wine etc.to class.students are interested in tasting these objects.(learning the new words by watching, tasting)show a photo of a kitchen.there is a nice cupboard in it.it’s closed.ask what’s in the cupboard? then open the cupboard and show the students the things in it.then ask what’s in your cupboard at home? show a pair of chopsticks and ask are americans good at using chopsticks at table? what do they use at table? learn the new words fork, spoon.then ask do you usually help to set the table at home? what is on your table at home during dinner? step3 look, learn and answer in pairs, get the students to look at the colour picture on page i.have them ask and answer questions as in the model.step4 presentation present this dialogue:(1)teacher: i eat a lot of fruit and vegetables for supper.a boy: oh, i don’t.i eat a lot of fish.teacher: so do i.explain that i eat a lot of fruit and vegetables means i often eat fruit and vegetables.so do i means i eat a lot of fish, too.practise the following dialogues with students.(2)teacher: does your mother cook meals for your family every day? student a: yes, she does.she cooks nice food for me and dad.teacher: so does my mum.(3)teacher: i always read english for about half an hour before i go to bed.student b: oh, i don’t.i always read english before i have breakfast.teacher: so does my younger sister.step6 puzzle dialogues sb page1, part3.pairwork first.then check the answers as a class.in pairs, have the students role-play as if they are at a dinner.one of them is a host/hostess, the other is a guest.walk around and give help where needed.encourage them to speak freely and use more expressions they like.step7 homework collect pictures of delicious dishes, nice utensils and your favorite food, write lines about each picture and decorate the classroom with them.often talk about the pictures during break.lesson58 important points 1. 认知目标:通过学习本课,学生应理解并学会正确运用以下单词和句型:italy, india, italian, indian, moscow, even, taste, enjoy, pizza, /it seems that„./ do you think„? yes, i think so./no, i don’t think so.yes, i agree./no, i don’t really agree.i really don’t agree.2.

3. 能力目标:通过阅读课教学,培养学生的略读能力、对课文细节的理解能力及在情境中猜词的能力。情感目标:进一步学习了解不同国家的饮食文化差异,给学生灌输“吃出健康”的饮食理念;了解list.中国饮食在世界上的影响培养学生的爱国情操。teaching procedures step1.warming-up(a guessing-game)get the students to talk about their favourite food in pairs.step3.pre-read then teacher asks ―how do you like „?are they chinese food? are they the most popular food in china? what do you think is the most popular food in china? what about in the world? what do you usually have for meals?(it seems that you like„(a kind of food)best!it seems that „ is/are your favorite food.)do you like fast food? why or why not? get the students to discuss these questions in groups of four, then have one to show their ideas.step4 reading show the title ‖favourite food ― to the class and ask them to predict what the passage is about.fast-reading:1)what’s the most popular food in the world? the students scan the passage for the answer.careful-reading: 1)what kind of food do indians like? 2)do we chinese people eat fish in the same way as japanese? 3)do english people usually eat fish and chips just at home? where else? what does ―on the road ― mean in this passage?(try to explain it in english)4)how do we know that american fast food is the most popular in the world? 5)what’s chinese food like? why is chinese food popular in the world? the students read the passage slowly and carefullly for information.encourage the student to guess the new words ―even‖ and ―taste‖ in the context.read with the tape.help students with their intonation and pronunciation.retell this passage.step 5 presentation “do you know chinese people like to eat a lot of food at supper? i really don’t agree with this kind of behavior.what about you?”

help students understand the difference between‖ i don’t really agree ― and ― i really don’t agree.‖(― i don’t really agree‖ means that you just disagree a little bit but are open to hear the other person’s point of view and you may change your opinion;however,‖ i really don’t agree‖ means that you strongly disagree with the other person and nothing will change your mind.)step6 ask and answer can you find any food from other countries in china/in wenzhou? are they famous? do you like them? why &why not? why is fast food so popular in the world? in america? in china? is it good for health? what food do you think is good for health? what do you think of the food you usually eat? is it healthy or unhealthy?(discuss in groups and then make a list of healthy and unhealthy food.)step 7 homework(choose one of the followings)lesson59 teaching aims and demands 1.

2. 认知目标:通过学习本课,学生应理解并学会正确运用以下句型:either„or„/neither„nor„/make 能力目标:通过warming-up阶段question bombardment培养学生在无法预先准备的真实情况下sb.do sth./ five kinds of simple sentences 运用英语快速反应的能力;通过学习五种基本句型,提高学生运用所学语言进行创造性描写的能力;通过阅读与讨论,引导学生联系实际,发散思维,提高语言综合能力;组织学生进行辩论,培养思维的流畅性、变通性和独特性。

3. 情感目标:培养学生学习与协作的能力,引导学生观察生活,热爱劳动,关注家庭,体恤父母。teaching procedures step1 warming-up step3 presentation either„or„/ neither„nor„.step4 read and discuss ask who does the housework in han mei’s family? get them to quickly skan the first passage for the answer.discuss the three questions on page3 in pairs.show the picture of the indian girl’s family and let the students predict her family life.then ask them to read the second passage carefully and find the right idea.play the tape and have the students repeat.step5 hold a debate topic a: men should do part of the housework.topic b: men don’t need to do housework.step6 homework(choose one of the following two)(1)lesson 60 teaching aims and demands 1.认知目标: 学习something english, take a seat, be famous for , i’m happy you like it.would you like anything else? may i take your order now?等短语句型,并巩固本单元的词汇、句型。2.能力目标: 培养学生在语境中得体运用所学语言进行表演的能力;提高学生的书面表达能力。

3.情感目标: 加深学生对中外饮食文化差异的理解和感受。teaching procedures step1 warming-up ask a student to talk about his feeling about doing part of the housework and ask a student to talk about his/her future family life(the homework the day before).step2 presentation show a picture(half-covered).ask where are the two ladies having dinner? how are they? what’s on the table? then show the whole picture and check the answers.(revise the food items in this unit)step3 presentation(1)ann is inviting a chinese girl chen to dinner.suppose you’re ann, your partner is chen.make up a short dialogue and act.(2)now chen arrives, ann is serving her.predict what they will say to each other when they meet.predict what chen will say when she sees ann’s mother and what they will say to each other during dinner.step3 read and act(1)ask what are they having for dinner? how is the food? books closed.listen to the tape and find out the answers.(2)have the students listen and repeat.step4 presentation show a menu with something english/american/italian/japanese/french on it.ask where do we usually have these kinds of food?(at a restaurant)who will show you a menu when you go into a restaurant?(a waiter and a waitress)what will a waiter/waitress do after that? step5 read and act ask what will linda and paul have for dinner? listen and find out the answer.listen to the tape and repeat.tell the students some differences between an american restaurant and an english one.then ask them to say something about table manners.step6 listening sb page4, part2.step7 homework design an english newspaper in four.the topic will be either food & health or family life.you can show your own opinions or find out some information about that from internet, magazines, tv etc.unit 16 what a good, kind girl!about the teaching material the topic of unit 16 is ―asking and showing the way‖, and the functional item is asking permission and talking about possibility with modal verbs ―can‖ and ―may‖.cognizance: 1.the ss can use the following words: kind, lady, library, cross, reach, corner, church, café, fix, lab, suddenly, history, key 2.the ss can use the following expressions: turn left /right at the„crossing.go on until you reach„.you can’t miss it.on one’s way to, first of all , be /get lost, wait for abilities and skills: 1.the ss can give instructions to some places in the street or according to a map.2.the ss can use different expressions to ask the way.3.the ss can ask permission and talk about possibility with ―can‖ and ―may‖ feeling and attitudes: 1.the ss can realize that they learn english for their real life, not only for the english class and exams.2.give the ss the feeling that they are the centre in english learning activities so that they will try to be active and creative in class.篇二:2014年(春)人教版新目标英语八年级下册教案

新目标英语八年级下册授课人: unit 1 what’s the matter? teaching goals: 1.词汇.让学生熟记这些单词,能够很熟练地指出表示身体部位的某些 单词.2.能够用所学的单词谈论身体并且能给出中肯的建议.3.通过听力练习,争取能够提高学生的听力能力.important points: 1.words.2.sentences: i have a headache.you should go to bed.he has a stomachache.he shouldn’t go to bed.she has a toothache.she should see a dentist.difficulty points: how to talk about the health and give the advice.period 1 teaching procedures: step 1 leading in 1.sing a song and do some actions 2.play a game and revise some words we have learned.3.(today we’ll learn some parts of the body.)look at the picture and teach new words.step 2 pre-task 1.read the new words by the ss first.2.then check the ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly.if there is a mistakes ,correct.3.practice reading the new words.give them 6 minutes.page7, 1a.do this part by the ss first.write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list 1.look at the picture and learn the main sentences.a: what’s the matter with you ? b: i have a cold.2.sb page 7,1c look at the pictures , work in pairs and act out.3.sb page 7, 1b.(1)listen and check the answers.(2)listen and fill in the blanks.step 4 post-task 同桌之间设计一个医生与病人之间的对话.step 5.exercises in class period 2 teaching procedures : step 1 leading in 1.revise : ask several pairs of students to the front of the classroom to act out the dialogue: what’s the matter with you ? i have a sore throat.then ask others : what’s the matter with him/her ? help ss answer : he has a sore throat.he should drink lots of water.2.look at pictures and practise the dialogue.step 2 while-task sb page 8, 2a 1.point out the eight items in this activity.read the item to the class.ss repeat.2.there are different conversations.listen carefully.people are talking about health problems they have and getting advice.3.match the problems with the advice.4.check the answers.sb page 8, 2b.pay attention to the four pictures.1.each of these pictures illustrates one of the conversations.2.play the tape ,write the missing words on the blank lines.3.play the tape again and check the answers.4.pairwork.practice reading the dialogues in the pictures.take turns having the problem and giving the advice.5.practice reading the dialogue in 2c ,and make their onw conversations.6.act out the dialogue.sb page 9, 3a.1.point out the picture and ask ss to describe it.(there is a boy sitting on a bench.he’s sick.a teacher is talking to him)2.pay attention to the dialogue and the blanks in the dialogue.3.fill in the blanks in the conversation.4.go over the answers.5.practice reading the dialogue with a student, then work in pairs.step 3 post-task sb page 9 , 3b.1.look at the picture and make your own dialogues setting 3a as an example.sb page 9, part 4.1.read the instructions and demonstrate what a “mime” is.2.read the dialogue by the ss.4.ask one student to give advice.step 4 exercises in class homework 1.when you had some problems.please remember what the doctor said.remember the new words.period 3 teaching procedures : step 1 leading 1.play the game :one student mimes an illness , the other students guess the illness and give advice.what’s the matter? do you have a sore throat ? 2.revise how to talk about health and give advice.step 2 pre-task sb page 10 ,1a.1.look at the picture.point out the four new words andexpressions.say each word and ask ss to repeat.2.the first picture.explain something about it using one of the four words and expressions.3.match the words with the pictures by the ss.4.check the answers.5.practice reading and make sure the ss understand the meaning of the words.sb page 10 ,1b 1.read the four sentences ,ss practice reading.2.look at the picture and match each picture with advice.3.check the answer step 3 while-task sb page 10 ,2a & 2b.1.first ,make sure the ss understand what they will hear.2.then read the four names 3.listen and write the problems on the bland lines.if possible ,write what each person “should” and “shouldn’t” do for their problem.4.check the answers.step 4 post-task sb page 10,2c.1.ask two students to read the conversation to the class.2.pairwork.make conversations with your partner.3.act out the conversations for the class.4.write two dialogues in the exercise book.5.exercises in class period 4 teaching procedures : step 1 leading discussion: how to keep healthy.step 2 while task sb page 11, 3a 1.read the article and fill in the form.2.check the answers.3.explanation 4.exercises step 3 post task sb page 11, 3b let the ss read the paragraph and fill in the blanks.篇三:2015人教版八年级英语下册教学案全集

unit 1 what’s the matter? section a 1a-2c 第1课时 【学习目标】

1. 能听说读写重点单词和词组:matter, sore, have a cold, stomachache, have a stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, x-ray, toothache, take one’s temperature,see a dentist 2.句型:学会用what’s the matter? i have a cold.i have a stomachache.i have a sore back.i have a sore throat.谈论身体情况。3.学习用should 给出建议 【重点】【难点】




1、把你所知道的身体部位的单词写下来,并写出其相应的中文意思。__eye_ __眼睛_ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

2、have a cold的意思是“感冒,着凉”为固定词组,have 表示生?病,解释下列词组的意思。have a sore throat _________ have a sore neck ___________ have a fever____________ have a headache ____________ have a stomachache ________ have a toothache __________ 【合作探究】

1、what’s the matter?怎么了,其后常与介词with 连用。类似的问句还有:_________________________ _________________________ what’s the matter with ben?(改为同义句)what’s _______ with jim?


1)should 常用来表示劝告、建议、认为某人应该做某事。

2)should 本身不能单独作谓语,必须和动词原形连用。should 没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式为shouldn’t.如:we__________ study hard.我们应该努力学习。he ________ lie down and rest.他应该躺下来休息。



1、感冒 ______________________

2、背疼 _________________________

3、发烧 ______________________

4、量体温 ________________________

5、腹痛 ______________________

6、嗓子疼 ________________________

7、牙疼 ______________________

8、上点药 ________________________

9、去看医生 ______________________ ___________________________


11、头疼 _____________________

12、看牙医 _____________________


14、喝些加蜂蜜的热茶 ________________________


1、你怎么了? what’s the matter _____ you?

2、他怎么了? what’s the matter _____ _____?

3、她昨天感冒了。she _____ a cold yesterday.4、mary咳嗽。mary ______.5、我觉得头很热。my head ______ very _____.6、你应该回家休息。__________________________________.7、她不应该说太多话。________________________________.8、你弟弟应该早点睡觉。__________________________________.9、--他应该量体温吗?_________________________________?--是的。_____,____________.10、你看起来不太好。_____________________.三、单项选择。

()①what’s ____ with you? a.trouble b.the matterc.the wrongd.matter()② — ______? — nothing serious, but a bit tired.—better have a rest now, dear.a.is that allb.is there anything else c.what’s this d.what’s the matter with you()③【2013湖北孝感】—_________? — i have a headache and i don’t feel like eating anything.a.how are youb.what can i do for you c.what’s the matter with you d.how do you like it()④【2011.云南昆明】27.—what’s the matter with tina? —_______________.a.she is away.b.she is cool.c.she has a sore throat.d.she should take some medicine 【总结反思】

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 【课后作业】


2、根据2a、2b 编5组对话,并和同桌练熟。

(教师复备栏及学生笔记)unit 1 what’s the matter? section a 2d—3c 第2课时 【学习目标】

1、重点单词: headache, break, hurt, herself,2、短语:have a fever,take breaks/take a break in the same waygo to a doctor.3、句型:are you ok? do you have a fever? yes, i do./no, i don’t.what should she do? she should take her temperature.should i put some medicine on it? yes, you should./no, you shouldn’t.【重点】使用should, shouldn’t 给出合理的建议。【难点】根据不同的病症给出多个合理建议。【自学指导一】


1、你还好吗? are you _____?

2、我该怎么办? _____ should i _____?

3、我应该量体温吗? should i _____ ____ ________________?

4、我头疼。i have ___ ________________.5、你周末做什么了? what_____ you_____ on the _________?

7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。i think you should ______ ______ and rest.【合作探究一】




1、休息 ____________ __________

2、没有移动 _______________

3、以相同的方式 _________________


5、割伤自己 ____________________





1、()【2012曲靖中考】i didn’t sleep well last night, because i _____ a toothache.a.was b.wentc.had d.took

2、()【2013山东莱芜】—tony, what’s ___ matter with you? — i have _____ toothache.a.a;theb.the;ac./;the d.the;/

3、()mr.smith eats ______ food, so he’s _____ fat.a.much too;too much b.too many;much too c.too much;too much d.too much;much too

4、()【2013孝感】—why are you so tired these days? —well, i have ________ homework to do.a.too much b.too many c.much too d.many too

5、()you ____ be quiet when you are in the reading room.a.should b.shouldn’tc.cand.can’t

6、()【2013安徽】you _____ drive your car so fast.it’s very dangerous.a.wouldn’t b.shouldn’t c.couldn’t d.mightn’t

7、()david needs ______ a good rest.a.hasb.to have c.have

8、()【2013连云港】30.— id like a cup of black coffee.what about you, maggie?________ sugar.a.than b.for c.withd.to

9、()the boy isn’t ___ to dress himself.a.old enoughb.enough old c.old

八年级英语上复习教案 篇6

通 案

驿马初中 初三备课组



1.What do you usually do on weekends? 2.--How often does he watch TV?--He watches TV twice a month.3.How many hours do you sleep every night? 4.--What’s the matter(with…)? / What’s wrong(with…)? / What’s the trouble(with…)?--I have a headache/sore throat/fever/toothache/stomachache.--You should lie down and rest.5.What are you doing for vacation? What’s he/she doing for vacation? 词汇:

Once or twice a week, two or three times a week, as for, be good/bad for, come home from school/work, get good grades, look after , keep in good health, hot tea with honey, keep/stay healthy.stressed out, go camping, send sb sth ,=send sth to sb, show sb sht=show sth to sb, take a long vacation, think about doing, leave for 重点、难点(知识、技能两个方面)

重点: What do you usually do on weekends?--How often does he watch TV?--He watches TV twice a month.How many hours do you sleep every night?--What’s the matter(with…)?/What’s wrong(with…)?/What’s the trouble(with…)?--I have a headache/sore throat/fever/toothache/stomachache.You should lie down and rest.He shouldn’t eat anything.What are you doing for vacation? What’s he/she doing for vacation? Once or twice a week, two or three times a week, as for, be good/bad for, come home from school/work, get good grades, look after , keep in good health, hot tea with honey, keep/stay healthy.stressed out, go camping, send sb sth ,=send sth to sb, show sb sht=show sth to sb, take a long vacation, think about doing, leave for.难点:能在交际中准确地运用上述句型。


知识与技能目标(分层): 1-30号学生能听懂对话并能脱离课本流利的对话,能听懂并准确的对话,30-40号学生能看着材料对话。最好写出一篇“对话”作文。(对话内容包括上述语言知识内容 过程与方法目标:




(2)通过让学生编自己的对话,培养学生运用语言知识的能力,提高学生的听说水平。(3)通过大量的情景对话,造句来练习。备教学方法与媒体: 教法或学法:教师通过幻灯片展示S、Pt.让小组交流、展示、PK、评价使学生进行流利、准确或基本三个层次的练习,教师积极评价。

教师引起学生兴趣的切入点:通过交流朋友的长相以及穿着使学生引起学生的兴趣。学生乐于交流参与。通过模仿对话,同桌交流或小组交流来学会如何学习英语,让学生进行大量的听说练习。各单元目标语言: Unit1 1.讨论做事的频率 2.频度副词 3.调查报告的写法 Unit2 1.谈论身体病症。2.给出建议

3.描述自己的生活习惯 Unit3

八年级英语期中复习指导 篇7


1.go on vacation去度假

2.stay at home待在家里

3.go on the mountains去爬山

4.go to the beach去海滩

5.visit museums参观博物馆

6.go to summer camp去参加夏令营

7.quite a few相当多

8.study for为……而学习

9.go out出去

10.most of the time大部分时间

11.taste good尝起来很好吃

12.have a good time玩得高兴;过得愉快

13.of course当然

14.feel like给……的感觉;感受到

15.go shopping去买东西

16.in the past在过去

17.walk around四处走走

18.too many太多

19.because of因为

20.one bowl of…一碗…

21.the next day第二天

22.drink tea喝茶

23.find out找出, 查明

24.go on继续

25.take photos照相

26.something important重要的事

27.up and down上上下下

28.come up出来


1.buy sth for sb/buy sb sth为某人买某物



4.seem+ (to be) +形容词看起来

5.arrive in+大地方/arrive at+小地方到达某地

6.decide to do sth决定去做某事

7.try doing sth尝试做某事try to do sth尽力去做某事

8.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事

9.want to do sth想去做某事

10.start doing sth开始做某事

11.stop doing sth停止做某事


13.dislike doing sth不喜欢做某事

14.why not do sth…?为什么不做…呢?


16.tell sb (not) to do sth告诉某人 (不要) 做某事

17.keep doing sth继续做某事

18.forget to do sth忘记去做某事

forget doing sth忘记做过某事




1) 规则动词过去式的构成

2) 不规则变化:详见课本最后一页Irregular Verbs


1.Do you have______to say for yourself?

—No, I have______to say.





2.—Would you like____to eat?

—Thanks, please.

A.something B.anything

C.some things D.any things

3.Paul and I_______tennis yesterday.He did much better than I.

A.play B.will play

C.played D.are playing

4.—What did Mr.Smith do before he came to China?

—He___in a car factory.

A.worked B.works

C.is working D.will work

5.He went into his room and_______to work.

A.begins B.began

C.beginning D.to begin


1.On weekends, I have nothing to do but______TV.

A.watches B.to watch

C.watching D.watch

2.I didn’t go to the mountains_______the bad weather

A.so B.because of

C.because D.but

3.—How was your summer camp in Beijing last year?

—________.I had a good time with my friends.

A.Awful B.Great

C.Expensive D.Not good

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?


1.help with housework帮助做家务

2.on weekends在周末

3.once a week每周一次

4.twice a month每月两次

5.how often多久一次

6.go to the movies去看电影

7.hardly ever几乎从不

8.use the Internet使用互联网

9.be free有空

10.have dance and piano lesson


11.play tennis打网球

12.stay up late

熬夜, 睡得很晚

13.at least至少

14.go to bed early早点睡觉

15.play sports进行体育活动

16.go camping去野营

17.in one’s free time


18.not…at all一点儿也不…

19.the most popular最受欢迎的

20.such as比如;诸如

21.old habits die hard


22.go to the dentist去看牙医

23.more than多于

24.less than少于


1.help sb with sth


2.How about…?


3.want sb to do sth想让某人做某事

4.How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句?




6.It’s+形容词+to do sth


7.spend time with sb


8.ask sb about sth


9.by doing sth通过做某事

10.What’s your favourite…?


11.start doing sth开始做某事

12.the best way to do sth




1) 含义:表示次数, 频率的副词称为频度副词。常见的频度副词按频率发生的高低依次为

always–usually–often–sometimee–seldom-hardly evernever

2) 表示具体的频率、次数时, 一次用once, 两次用twice, 三次及以上用“基数词+times”表示:three times

3) 位置:一般放在实义动词之前, be动词、助动词或情态动词之后

We never eat junk food.

I can hardly say a word.

4) 对频度副词提问时, 用how often___ How often do you exercise?Never.


1.—Have you even been to Disneyland?

—No, ______.I hope I can go there next year.

A.always B.sometimes

C.never D.often

2.—Ms.Lin is very popular among the students.

—Yes.Her classes are______lively and interesting.

A.always B.sometimes

C.hardly D.never

3.We______play sports on school days.You know, we don’t have enough time.

A.often B.usually

C.hardly D.ever


1.Tina often eats junk food, ______she knows it’s bad for her health.

A.although B.so

C.and D.or

2.—_______do you visit your grandparents?

—Three or four times a month.

A.When B.Why

C.How often D.How many

3.—How many hours do they exercise every day?


A.Twice a day B.Two

C.Once D.Often

4.Please drink some milk.It’s good______your health.

A.to B.for

C.at D.with

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.


1.more outgoing更外向


3.the singing competition


4.the most important最重要的

5.be talented in music


6.the same as和……相同

7.care about关心, 介意

8.be different from


9.be like a mirror像一面镜子

10.as long as只要, 既然

11 bring out使显现, 使表现出

12.get better grades


13.reach for伸手取

14.touch one’s heart感动某人

15.in fact事实上, 实际上

16.make friends交朋友

17.be good at doing sth


18.the others其他的

19.be similar to


20.be good at



1.have fun doing sth


2.want to do sth想要做某事


4.make sb do sth


5.it’s+adj+for sb do do sth对某人来说, 做某事是……It’s good for me to study English.



1. 一般在形容词、副词后加上er表示比较级。

1) small——smaller

2) young——younger

3) fast——faster

2. 以不发音的e结尾的, 只加上r表示比较级。

1) large——larger

2) nice——nicer

3) fine——finer

3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的, 把y改为i, 然后加上er表示比较级。

1) early——earlier

2) happy——happier

4. 重读闭音节结尾、且末尾只有一个辅音字母, 双写最后一个辅音字母, 然后加上er表示比较级。

1) big——bigger

2) thin——thinner

3) wet——wetter


1. 主语+系动词 (谓语) +比较级+than+比较对象。

I am quieter and more serious t h a n m o s t k i d s.I s Ta r a m o r e outgoing than Tina?

Do you sing better?

Larry works harder than Huang Lei.

2.“比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越……”。多音节比较级用“more and more+形容词原级”形式。

It’s getting worse and worse.The group became more and more popular.

3. the+比较级, the+比较级表示“越来越……”。

The more you read, the more you know.

4. as…as…和……一样……否定形式“not as/so……as”“不如……” (原级比较) 相当于less than。

The room is not as big as that one.Tom works as hard as Jim.

5. 在形容词比较级前还可用much, even, still, a little来修饰, 表示“……的多”, “甚至……”, “更……”, “……一些”。

This city is much more beautiful than before.She’s a little more outgoing than me.

It’s a little colder today.

6.“Which/Who is+比较级/最高级……?两者之间的比较用比较级, 三者以上的比较用最高级

Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one?

Who is the most active, Mary, Lily or Kate?


1.—Time is money.

—But I think time is_______money

A.as important as

B.more important as

C.the most important in

D.more important than

2.—What do you think of Tom’s speaking?

—No one does______in our class.

A.good B.better

C.well D.best

3.The more you smile, the_______you will feel.

A.happy B.happier

C.happily D.more happily

4.Who is______, Tom or Jim?

A.outgoing B.more heavy

C.thinner D.hard-working

5.Jack runs as______as Sam.

A.faster B.fast

C.more fast D.fastly


1.She is not good at_____a bike.

A.ride B.to ride

C.riding D.rides

2.Lily’s book is_____nicer than yours.

A.very B.quite

C.much D.too

3.My best friend is good____swimming, but I do well______running.

A.at;in B.in;at

C.at;at D.in;in

4.He has two daughters;they____doctors.

A.both are B.are both

C.are all D.all are

5.—The coffee is good.

—That’s right.It will taste____with some milk.

A.good B.better

C.best D.the best

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?


1.movie theater电影院

2.close to离……近

3.in town在镇上

4.so far到目前为止

5.10 minutes by bus坐公共汽车10分钟的路程

6.talent show才艺表演

7. more and more…


8. around the world世界各地

9. in common共同, 共有

1 0. and so on等等

1 1. all kinds of…各种各样的

1 2. be up to是……的职责, 由……决定

1 3. play a role in…在……方面发挥作用、有影响

1 4. make up编造 (故事、谎言等)

1 5. for example例如


17.come true实现, 达到


1.Can I ask you some…?我能问你一些……吗?

2.How do you like…?你认为……怎么样?

3.Thanks for doing sth因做某事而感谢

4.What do you think of`…?你认为……怎么样?

5.watch sb do sth观看某人做某事

6.play a role in doing sth发挥做某事的作用

7.one of+可数名词的复数……之一




用于三者或三者以上的人或事之间的比较。表示“最”。最高级前面一般加定冠词the。句子中常含有比较范围的介词of, in等。of后面接代词或名词, in后面接单位或场所。

Bill is the tallest boy of us.Jane has the most friends in our class.


one of the+形容词的最高级+可数名词的复数

Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in our country.


(1) 规则变化:


b.以e结尾的, 直接加-st:nice-nicest

c.辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词, 变y为i再加est:heavyheaviest

d.重读闭音节结尾, 双写末字母, 再加-est.big-biggest

(2) 多音节词和部分双音节词, 在前面加上most:creative-most creative;popular-most popular;quickly-most quickly

(3) 动词后缀有ed或ing, 加most:most interesting most boring most relaxed most excited

(4) 形容词+ly构成的副词, 一般加most:cheaply-most cheaply comfortably-most comfortably









1. Breakfast is________meal of the day.It provides us with energy after a long night without food.

A.important B.more important

C.the most important

D.very important

2.—Which month has_______days in a year?


A.few B.little

C.the least D.the fewest

3.—Whose home is_______away from school in our class?

—Liu Mei’s.

A.farther B.far

C.the farthest D.near

4. This is_______article by far that I have ever read.

A.good B.better

C.well D.the best

5. all the boys in his class, Tom is the shortest.

A.In B.For C.From D.Of


1.Our life is getting_______now.

A.good and good

B.better and better

C.well and well

D.more and more

2.Jenny is one of______girls in our school.

A.creative B.the creative

C.much creative

D.the most creative

3.The supermarket is the______my home.I usually do some shopping in it.

A.closet B.farthest

C.closest to D.near

4.Our math teacher has a______voice.Everyone in class can hear him clearly.

A.loud B.quiet

C.low D.friendly

5.He is a very_____student.He does homework______in our class.


B.careful;the most carefully


D.the most careful;the most carefully

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?


1.think of认为

2.learn from从……获得;向……学习

3.find out查明, 弄清楚

4.talk show谈话节目

5.game show游戏节目

6. soap opera肥皂剧

7. go on发生

8. a pair of一双, 一对

9. try one’s best尽某人最大的努力

1 0. look like看起来像

1 1. as famous as


12.have a discussion about


13.one day有一天

1 2. such as例如

15.a symbol of……的象征

1 3. dress up打扮, 梳理

17.take sb’s place代替, 替换

14.do a good job干得好

19.something enjoyable令人愉快的东西

15.interesting information有趣的资料


1.plan to do sth计划做某事

2.hope to do sth希望做某事

3.happen to do sth碰巧做某事

4.expect to do sth盼望做某事

5.How about doing sth?


6.be ready to do sth乐于做某事


1.Remember_______off the lights when you leave the classroom.

A.turn B.to turn C.turning

2.Father often tells me______too much time on computer games.

A.don’t spend B.not spend

C.not to spend D.not spending

3.Do you want_______tennis with me on Saturday morning?

A.to play B.play C.playing

4.—Do you still remember______with Yao Ming in Beijing?

—Yes, of course, three years ago.

A.to meet B.meeting

C.meet D.met

5.Both my friend and I want_______something for the old lady who lives alone.

A.doing B.to do

C.done D.do


1.—Excuse me, could you tell me how_______to Beijing Zoo?

—Well, you may take Bus No.27.

A.get B.gets

C.getting D.to get

2.An accident happened__________him yesterday.

A.on B.to C.of D.for

3.—What do you think of her voice?

—It very sweet, I should say.

A.hears B.sounds

C.listens D.sings

4.—What will the weather be like tomorrow?

—It_______be rainy, cloudy or sunny.Who knows?

A.must B.might

C.shall D.should

5.It’s cold outside.Please put on________.

A.warm something

B.anything warm

C.warn anything

D.something warm

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B


1.D 2.B 3.B

Unit 2 How often do you exercise?


1.C 2.A 3.C


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.D


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B


如何上好八年级的英语阅读课 篇8

关键词:八年级 阅读 方法






例如教Unit 1中的Do you think you will have your own robot?时,我请学生从网络上找相关的图片或者动画片,并提问学生问题,

What can you see in the videos and pictures?

What do these robots look like?

What can they do?


教Unit 3中的Do you remember what you were doing?时,我让学生分四个小组分头寻找资料,向同学讲述刘翔和杨利伟的个人情况;马丁路德金的事迹;美国的911事件和人类第一次探月活动。又例如教这册Unit 4中的阅读文章she said helping others changed her life时,我让每位学生查阅有关徐本禹的情况,并且每人转述你认为他说的最感动你的话。根据学生的情况和需要开展思路,设计有意义的,适合交际的活动,为后面的阅读做好适当的铺垫,收到事半功倍的效果。在学生阅读文章时,应根据文章内容设计任务,注重学生阅读策略的培养,提高他们独立阅读文章的能力。



例如教Unit 2中的Maybe you should learn to relax!时,文中有这么一句:Pushy parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.pushy这个单词在文中的意思不是很容易理解,但是当把整个文章阅读完就会了解到英美国的学生没有什么自己的时间可以放松,那么就可以理解这个词的意思。没有必要去查阅字典了,所以学生应该学会在阅读的时候放弃一些词,等到文章的意思概括后在去理解它,或许理解的更到位。








