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八年级上册Unit10英语教学设计与反思 篇1






学习和掌握I’m going to a /an……的句型及其问句what are you going to be when you grow up?会运用该句型进行会话。并能推出除第一人称的用法之外,其他人称都可以用。学习了该句型,学生能用英语进行谈话、讨论,将来干什么职业,并能表达出自己、亲戚及朋友,将来干什么职业。




首先运用句型:what does your father /mother do? my father /mother is a worker /mother is a worker/teacher ……,复习了部分职业名词,为本节课的句型I’m going to be a/an ……埋下伏笔,打下基础,接着通过幻灯机示出本节课的标题:i am going to be a basketball player。并演示两个句型如:what are you going to be when you grow up ? I’m going to be a teacher.what are you going to be you grow up? I’m going to be an engineer。让学生先感知本节课的语言知识。并用幻灯片示出本节课的主要句型,what are you going to be when you grow up? i’m going to be a/an ……然后,出示幻灯图片共15幅,让学生根据图片,运用本课的主要句型,进行两两对话,在练习过程中掌握句型。下一步,让学生互相讨论,进行会话,更一步理解、掌握和运用该句型。进行了几分钟后,让学生进行会话表演,检查学生掌握得如何,如有问题及时进行纠正,做得好的及时表扬,增强学生的学习积极性。为了使学生进一步熟练运用该句型,再出示幻灯图片,让学生进行会话,学生都做得较好。

进行了口头表达训练之后,通过幻灯片出示练习:第一道题是听力练习,listen and fill in the “who” and “what” columns in the chart。学生听完两次后,检查纠正答案,提高学生的听写能力。第二道题是:finish the words according to the first letter and the sentences meaning。学生完成后,逐个学生提问答案,并出示正确的答案,提高学生记忆本节课所学的新单词,第三道题是:ask questions according to the line。同样学生先完成后,逐题提问学生,检查其答案是否对错,并指出其存在的问题,出示正确的答案。

练习完成后,对本节课所学的内容进行小结:本节课学习了what are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a/an ……从会话及练习的检查,大部分同学都掌握得好,都能表达自己将来打算干什么,希望大家回去后调查一下自己的同学或朋友将来打算干什么,并能用英语写出来。及完成补充练习,为我们下一节课学习做准备。





八年级上册Unit10英语教学设计与反思 篇2

【1】be going to + 动词原形

be going to + 动词原形——表示将来的打算、计划或安排。常与表示将来的tomorrow, next year等时间状语或when引导的时间状语从句连用。各种句式变换都借助be动词完成,be随主语有am, is, are的变换,going to后接动词原形。

1) 如果表示计划去某地,可直接用be going to+ 地点

We are going to Beijing for a holiday.

2) 表示位置移动的动词,如go,come,leave,fly等常用进行时表示将来。

The bus is coming.

My aunt is leaving for Beijing next week.

3) be going to与will的区别:

1对未来事情的预测用“will+ 动词原形”表达,will没有人称和数的变化,变否定句要在will后面加not, 缩略式won’t, 变一般疑问句将will提至句首。

Will planes be large in the future?

Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.

2 will常表示说话人相信或希望要发生的事情,而be going to指某事肯定发生,常表示事情很快就要发生。

I believe Lucy will be a great doctor.


I’ll tell you the truth.

4表示计划、打算要做的事情用be going to, 而不用will, 从不严格的语法角度而言,be going to与will二者可以互换, 但注意:

*There be句型的一般将来时结构为:

There is going to / will be + n... 将会有 ......

*come, go, leave, arrive等常用现在进行时表示将来:

He is leaving tomorrow.

* 在条件、时间状语从句中,一般是主将从现:

If it is fine tomorrow, I’m going/will go on a trip.


( )1.There ____going to be a basketball match this afternoon.

A. are B. is C. have D. will

解析: 在there be句型中be与后面的 真正主语 保持一致,a basketball match是单数形式,谓语动词应该使用单数形式,答案:B。

( )2. —Are there going to be any young trees soon?

—Yes, ____.

A. there be B. there is C. there are D. there are going to

解析:问句为Are there…? 其肯定回答为Yes, there are. 答案:C。

( )3.There will be fewer factories,____ ?

A. won’t there B. will there C. isn’t there D. are there

解析:there will be的反意疑问句为won’t there, 但fewer含有否定意义,在反意疑问句中,前面否定,后面疑问部分用肯定形式,答案:B。


( ) 1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. will be going to B. will going to be

C. is going to be D. will go to be

( )2.Charlie ________ here next month.

A. isn’t working B. doesn’t working

C. isn’t going to working D. won’t work

( )3. He ______ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.

A. will be; is B. is; is

C. will be; will be D. is; will be

( )4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

A. was B. is going to have

C. will have D. is going to be

( )5. –________ you ________ free tomorrow?

– No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.

A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will

C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be

( )6. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A. will gives B. will give

C. gives D. give

( )7. – Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?

–________. (不,不要。)

A. No, you won’t. B. No, you aren’t.

C. No, please don’t. D. No, please.

( )8. – Where is the morning paper?

– I ______ for you at once.

A. get B. am getting

C. to get D. will get

( )9. The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.

A. will watching B. watches

C. is watching D. are going to watch

( )10. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.

A. shall be B. will be

C. shall going to be D. will going to be


1. 构成:数词 + 单数名词、数词 + 单数名词 + 形容词(每两词间用连字符 -)

2. 用法:常作定语,用于名词前 , 一般不单独使用。

如:an eight- year-old boy / a ten-metre-tall tree

3. 复合形容词后加复数,表示一类人或物,可独立作主语:Sixteen-year-olds 16 岁的人。


( )1.We will have a______ holiday after the exam.

A. two month B. two-month C. two-months

( )2.I think______ can choose their own life style.

A .nineteen-year-old B. nineteen-year-olds C. nineteen years old

( )3.There is a ____tree in the park.

A. four hundred years B. four-hundred-year-old

C. four-hundred-year old

( )4.Nie Haisheng had a ______flight in space.

A. five-days B. five-day C. five day’s

( )5.I’d like to spend ________holiday in the country.

A. a two-day B. two-day C. two day’s



(1)“If从句 + 祈使句”的句子。

例如:If you want to go, please let me know.

If the green light isn’t on, wait for a minute.

(2)“祈使句 +and(or)+ 陈述句”在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语从句的复合句。

注意:A.“祈使句 +and+ 陈述句”可以转化为if引导的肯定条件状语从句,且主语是第二人称。

B. “祈使句+or+陈述句”可以转化为if引导的否定条件状语从句,且主语是第二人称。

例如:Study hard and you will pass the exam. = If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

Hurry up, or you’ll be late. = If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.

(考题 (2010重庆中考 )Work hard,________ you may catch up withyour classmates soon.

A.orB. butC. andD. yet

思路解析:本句是“祈使句 +and”的句型,句意为“努力学习,你会很快赶上其他同学的”,and在句中表示承接关系,所以选C项。



e.g. If you can’t come tomorrow, we can hold the party a little later.


If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the Great Wall.


2)表示如果某种条件存在,就有可能 / 不可能发生什么事情。

e.g. If you don’t get up early, you will be late for school.


If I play games on it, it will go wrong.



e.g. If it’s fine tomorrow, we can go out. 如果明天天气好,我们就能出去。

She will be happy if she joins the party. 如果她参加聚会她会很开心的。

I’ll ask the teacher for help if I don’t understand. 如果我不懂我会求助老师的。


1.(2010上海)We will have no water to drink ____we don’t protectthe earth.

A. until B. before C. though D. if

[ 答案 ]D.[ 解析 ]if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”。意思是如果我们不保护地球,我们将会没有水喝。

2.(2011重庆)We will plant trees tomorrow, and I don’t know ___Tomwill come and join us.

A. if B. which C. what D. where

[ 答案 ]A.[ 解析 ]if引导宾语从句,表示“是否,是不是”。意思是我们明天将会去植树,但是我不知道Tom会不会去。

—Do you know if _____finished the work?

—Not yet. If he , he____ will give me a call.

A. he’s, will finish B. he’ll, finishes

C. he’s , finishes D. he’ll , will finish

[ 答案 ]C.[ 解析 ] 问句的if引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,从句要用陈述语序,从答句Not yet. 中可以看出从句应该用现在完成时态,答句的if引导状语从句,要遵循主将从现的规律。


Ⅰ . 单项选择:

( )1. You are sure to pass the exam ______ you study hard.

A. if B. though C. that D. since

( )2. I'll go to see the film with you ______I have time this evening.

A. whether B. so C. if D. when

( )3. ______ you study harder, you'll never pass the final exam.

A. If B. Until C. Unless D. Except

( )4.We’ll stay at home if it ______ this afternoon.

A.rain B.rains C.to rain D.raining

( )5.We will go to the Great Wall if it ______tomorrow.

A.won’t rain B.isn’t raining C.rained D.doesn’t rain

( )6.—I don’t know if he ______.

—He will come if it ______.

A.comes; won’t rain B.will come; doesn’t rain

C.comes; doesn't rain D.will come; won’t rain

( )7.Do you know what time ______.

A.the train leave B.does the train leave

C.will the train leave D.the train leaves

( )8.Do you think if______ an English film tomorrow night.

A.is there B.there is going to have

C.there is going to be D.will there be

( )9.Will you please tell me ______.

A.where Pudong Airport is

B.how far Pudong Airport was

C.how can we get to Pudong Airport

D.when was Pudong Airport built

( )10.—Do you know if he _______ to play basket ball with us?

—I think he will come if he ______ free tomorrow.

A. come; is B. comes; will be

C. will come; is D. will come; will be

Ⅱ . 请用正确的形式填空:

1. If I come, I ________ (see) you.

2. If it is fine, we ________ (go) for a walk.

3. If it rained, they _________ (stay) at home.

4. You will spoil it if you ________ (not be) careful.

5. We would be very much pleased if you ________ (come).

6. Will you help me if I________ (need) you.

7. They will get wet if it ________ (rain).

8. What a pity I haven’t got my car. If I had, I _________ ( take ) you to the airport.

9. We would answer if we ________ (can).

10. If you eat too much, you ________ (get) ill.


【1】be going to

一、能力训练及解析答案: 1.B 2.C 3.B


1. C 2. D 3. D 4.D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B


【实战演练】:1. B 2. B 3. B 4.B 5. A


Ⅰ . 单项选择: 1-5 ACCBD 6-10 BDCAC

Ⅱ . 请用正确的形式填空:

1.will see, 2. will go 3. would stay 4. are not

5.came 6. need 7. rains 8. would take

八年级上册Unit10英语教学设计与反思 篇3

If you go to the party , you’ll have a great time!

Teaching goals: 1.Words and expressions in this unit.2.Target language: Are you going to the party? Yes, I am.I’m going to wear my jeans.If you do, you’ll have a great time.You should wear your cool pants.3.掌握现在进行时态表示将来(Present progressive as future).4.学习条件状语从句: if + will.5.进一步了解情态动词should的用法.6.学习谈论因果关系.7.做出决定是否做某事.Important and difficult points: 1.学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。2.if 引导的条件状语从句。Teaching aids:

teaching cards, a tape recorder.Period 1

Teaching contents: Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, grammar focus.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in

Draw two pictures on the Bb ,in the first picture a boy is getting up late, and in the second picture the boy can’t catch the early bus.Then talk about the pictures with Ss and write down the sentence “If you get up late , you will not catch the early bus.” Read the sentences ,Ss repeat.Repeat with other sets of pictures.Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 73, 1a.1.Point out the pictures and ask Ss to tell what they see.2.Ask some students to read the statements and responses.3.Have Ss match the statements and responses on their own.Step 3 While-task SB Page 73, 1b.1.Play the tape and get Ss to check their answers to activity 1a.2.Talk about the answers together.SB Page 73, 1c.1.Ask two Ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c.2.In pairs, get Ss to talk about what happened in the pictures.3.Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.SB Page 74, 2a & 2b.1.Read the instructions.Make sure the students know what to do.2.Play the recording.Ss listen and write down their answers.3.Correct the answers.Step 4 Post-task SB Page 74, 2c.1.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue.2.In pairs, get the students to role play the conversation between Andrea and her friend.3.Ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class.Step 5 Grammar Focus SB Page 75, Grammar Focus.1.Review the grammar focus.Ask Ss to say the statements and responses.2.Ask Ss to work in small groups.Ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can.3.Ask some groups to share their sentences with the class.Homework: Have Ss write their sentences on their exercise books.Period 2 Teaching contents: Section A 3a, 3b, 3c, Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in Ask some students to make sentences with if.Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 75, 3a.1.First, let Ss read the notice from the principal.2.Read the dialogue to the class saying bland when come to a blank line.3.Get Ss read the notice again and fill in the blanks.4.Correct the answers.Step 3 While-task SB Page 75, 3b.1.Complete the sentences using your own ideas.3.Get some pairs to say their conversations to the class.SB Page 76, 1a & 1b,1c 1.Read the instructions and play the recording.2.Ss listen and write down their answers.3.Correct the answers.SB Page 76, 2a-2e.In pairs, get Ss to role play a conversation according to the information in activity 2b.Homework: Have Ss write their conversations on their exercise books.Period 3

八年级上册Unit10英语教学设计与反思 篇4

人教版八年级英语教案上册Unit 5 教学设计

Unit 5教学设计





1. 掌握如何礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请:Canyou come to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation

2. 掌握如何谈论自己或别人必须做的事情:Ihave to ...






礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请。Can youcome to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation










任务一:Planning abirthday party.


任务二:Writing aninvitation card.




group member

Yes / No



We are going to have apicnic. Can you come?

When is it going tostart?

I’m sorry. I haveto....

3. 拓展学习:











have a rest play there bebe busy practice be free listen to

1. Can they __________the music in the classroom?

2. I’m sorry. TomorrowI’m __________ soccer and having a math lesson.

3. He has got a badheadache. Let him______________.

4.__________ a lot ofinteresting books in the library.

5. We’ll have a pianolesson on Friday. The teacher asked us ________ the piano everyday.

6. Paul and Eliza___________ both ________ on Sunday. They can watch the footballmatch.

7. I’m sorry,I___________ really ___________ this week. I can’t go to seeyou.



( ) 1. Would you like acold drink?

( ) 2. Would you like togo to the cinema on Friday?

( ) 3. Would you like ahamburger?

( ) 4. Would you likethat cassette for your birthday?

( ) 5. Would you likehelp with your homework?

a. No thanks, I don’tlike that kind of music.

b. No thanks, I don’t eatmeat.

c. Yes please, I feelvery thirsty.

d. Yes please, I can’tunderstand it at all.

e. No thanks, I don’tlike cinemas.



1. 应为listento根据题中music,引出词组listen to the music

2. 应为playing,与句尾having amath lesson 呼应。

3. 应为have a rest,注意词组letsb. do sth.

4. 应为There are,因为后面的a lotof interesting books是复数。

5. 应为to practice,注意词组asksb. to do sth.


八年级上册Unit10英语教学设计与反思 篇5

1. Words and expressions:flight,make oneself at home,address,ketchup,majority,in total,mother tongue,situation,equal,global,knowledge,communicate,on the radio,directly trade,come about,

Independent,stay the same,end up with,more or less,bring in,a great many,except for,closet,


2. Patterns:(1)An equal number of people learn English as a second language.

(2)People from the two countries don’t have any difficulty in understanding each other.

(3)Mother told me not to leave the door open after midnight.

(4)Most of the native speakers of English are found in……

3. Grammar:Direct speech and indirect speech;requests and orders or commands.

4. Goals:(1)Learn about differences between American English and British English.

(2)Learn about communication skills.

(3)Write a passage comparing Amecican English and British English.

II. Teaching plans:seven periods

1. Period one:Warming up,listening,speaking,G1-YY-030926-1

Step1(close books)ask the students to listen to the dialogue and answer two questions.

①What is the relationship between the two.

②What are they talk about.

Step2 read the dialogue and answer another two questions.

①What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom?

②Why can’t he find it?

This is the best to deal with some language points.

1. For the first time第一次,初次(介词短语作状语,后不接从句)

The first time(第一次…时,后可接从句)

This∕It is the first time(后接that引导的定语从句,用现在完成时)

eg.They were there for the first time.他们是第一次到那儿。

I remembered John the first time I saw him.我第一次见到约翰时就记住了他。

This isIt is my first time that I have been abroad.这是我第一次出国。

2. We flew all the way direct from Seattle to London.句中all the way一路上;从远道;一直

eg.He came all the way from Australia.他从澳大利亚远道而来。

3. Make yourself at home 别拘束(像在自己家里一样)

befeel at home感到安适,自在;精通。

eg.Make yourself at home and help yourself to these. 别拘束,随便吃。

He is completely at home in chemistry.他精通化学。

Step3:Listen to the tape and ask the student to write down requests and demands.Then tell “requests” from “demands”.

Step4:ask the students to read the following dialogues in pairs or act them out if necessary and it is

good time to ask the students to report requests and demands.

Step5:exercises for period 1


1. 我总共有册书(total)

2. 英语发展成为世界上用得最广泛的语言

3. 汤姆和另外三个孩子一起去看电影去了(as well as)

4. 这个人长相很好,只是满头白发(except for)

Period two:Pre-reading,Reading,Post-reading,G1-YY-030927-2

Step1:One question to draw the students’ attention:In what situation do you use English?

Step2:Listen to the tape once and then read the text.Answer somes about the text.

Step3:Read the text again and give the main idea of each paragraph.

Step4:Retell the text briefly (write some key words on the blackboard)

Exercises for period 2. (单项选择)

1. The child imagined______a plane to the moon and______there for a week.

A.to take,to live B.to take,living C.taking.living D.taking,to live

2. Wilson explained______the teacher why he was late______that week.

A.to ,every day B.X,every day C.to,everyday D.X,everyday

3. The Blacks were______a flight______the Pacific Ocean then.

A.in,on B.for,across C.to,over D.on,across

4. The plane crashed and the______on a______island in the Pacific Ocean.

A.landed,deserting B.were landed,deserting

C.landed,deserted B.were landed,deserted

5. Paul likes to make______those who______other.

A.friends to,care about B.friends with,care about

C.friend with,care about D.friends with,care

6. The people______all felt very safe.

A.on plane B.on board the plane

C.on the plane board D.on board on plane

7. Not only the the student but also Tom______about the answer.

A.is sure B.are sure C.sure D.sures

8. -I’ve got your invitation. -Oh,good______. (春高考)

A.Can you come? B.Thanks a lot C.I’ll take it D.May I help you?

Period3:Some language points in reading,word study,grammar:G1-YY-030928-3

Step1:Check homework or ask students to retell the text if necessary.

Step2:Deal with some language points.

1. In only fifty years,English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.

①develop vtvi 发展,壮大,完善,生长

eg. Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。

Some children develop more slowly than others. 有些儿童比其他儿童发育得慢。

八年级上册Unit10英语教学设计与反思 篇6


1.Learn some new words:(1)Learn words about parts of the body: nose, eye, head, face, hair, ear, mouth, neck(2)Learn some other new words: guess, have, small, has, big, know, right, round, long, wide, girl, boy, short 2.Learn some useful sentences:(1)Oh, I know.(2)Yes, you’re right.3.Learn the simple present tense with“have/has”and adjectives of description:(1)I have a big nose.(2)They have round faces.(3)She has long hair.(4)It has big ears.4.Learn how to describe people’s appearances.Ⅱ.教具 黑板、幻灯片课件


Step 1 Review 通过复习,培养学生根据图画和文字信息进行简单交流的能力。

Step 2 Presentation 利用图片,借助体态语,帮助学生学习语言,并培养他们的观察能力。


T: Please listen and follow me, then touch the parts of your body when you say them.Please go!2.利用2a操练表示人体部位的名词。T: Let’s look at this picture.What’s this?(手指画着头部的图片。)S1, please.S1: Head.T: How do you spell it, please? S1: H-E-A-D, head.(以同样方式操练其他表示人体部位的名词。)3.在熟练掌握人体部位和描述人体部位形容词的基础上,结合3a的教学课件中的图片,让学生操练形容词+人体部位的短语,然后教授have和has的用法,进而过渡到完整的句子。



T: Let’s sum up the usages of“have”and“has”.① have: S(I/We/You/They)+have …

② has: S(He/ She/ It)+has …(2)教师带领学生运用身边的实物,练习用have/has造句。

T: I have a book.She has a big pencil-box.He has a beautiful bag.…

Step 3 Consolidation 完成3b和4。通过小组竞赛,接龙游戏,替换练习等活动,进一步操练have,has的用法。

Step 5 Project 通过综合探究活动,使学生能够在真实的语境中锻炼口头表达的能力。同时启发学生的思维,培养他们的观察力。


I have a small nose.Section A 1.I know.2.You’re right.3.(1)I have a big nose.(2)We have small eyes.(3)They have round faces.(4)She has long hair.(5)He has a wide mouth.(6)It has big ears.教学反思

八年级上册Unit10英语教学设计与反思 篇7








一. 翻译。

1.等一会,稍等______________ 2.在昨天的这时__________________

3.洗澡_______________ 4.打扫卫生_____________________

5.听收音机______________ 6.玩电脑游戏___________________

7.植树________________ 8.最有趣的早晨__________________

9.练习作某事______________ 10.接电话_______________________


1. She was giving us a lesson this time yesterday.






1. While 意思为“当......的时候”,引导时间状语从句,从句要用延续性动词。

Somebody broke in while I went out.(×)

Somebody broke in while I was out.(√)


注意:when 和while 意思相近,都可以引导时间状语从句。When当.......时,可以表示瞬间、时间点,主从句所陈述动作、主从句可以同时发生,也可以有先有后。

e.g. It was snowing when we got there.我们到达那里时正在下雪。(同时)

He went home when he finished his work.他做完工作就回家了。(表示动作先后)

While 用于两个延续性动作同时发生。

e.g. Mother was cooking while father was watching TV.


2. hold the line 相当于hold on, wait a moment, just a moment, 打电话用语,意思为“等一会,稍等。”

3. Take a shower 洗澡,同义词组have a shower, take a bath, have a bath.

e.g. I was taking a shower when the bell rang.




Step2 展示学习目标。


a. What is Jane doing now?


b. What was Jane doing at this time yesterday?


Step4 合作学习1a,并掌握重点词组。Hold the line, answer the telephone, take a shower.

Step5 再听1a录音,让学生模仿语音语调并跟读。





一. 完成课本2b.


1.---____you doing your homework at 9 last night?

---Yes, I ____.

A. Are, am B. Were, am C. Are, was D. Were, was

2. My mother doesn’t like playing ___guitar, he’s fond of playing ___basketball.

A., B., the C. the, D. the, the

3. The story is very ____. We are all ___in it.

A.interesting, interesting B.interested, interesting

C.interesting, interested D.interested, interested

4.---Do you often do some____at home?

---Yes, I often help my mother.

A.shopping B.read C.washing D.shop

5.---What ____you ___this time yesterday?

---I was reading a story book.

A. Were, doing B.was, doing

C.is, doing D.did, do


1.I usually __________(get) up at 6, but yesterday I _________(get) up at 7.

2.---Where was your mother this time yesterday?

---She ____________(cook) supper in the kitchen.

3.---________you ____________(skate) when I called you the day before yesterday?

---No, I____________(play) at home.

4.---What ______your parents_________(do) at 9 last night?

---They ______________(enjoy) the concert.

5.---How _____Tom usually_____(go) to school?

---By bus.


1.I’m doing my homework now.(this time yesterday)


2.Jim takes a bath every day.(at that time)


3. We watch TV every evening.(at nine last night)


4. Are you sleeping now?(when I called you)


5. What do you often do in the evening?(when I knocked at the door)



Unit 3 Topic3 SectionB(1a-1c)

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:







一. 翻译。

1.看电影_______________ 2.同意某人(的看法)__________________

3.我认为如此___________________ 4我不认为是这样_________________________

5. 昨晚这个时候你在做什么?我在床上读小说

---What _______you________at this time last night?

---I_________________ novels on the bed.

6.---I think_____________________(集邮一定很有趣)

---_______________. /________________.


7.---___________you a student?(难道你不是一个学生吗?)

---___________,I am.(不,我是。)


1. 否定疑问句,表示肯定意义,特别应注意其回答方式。

e.g.---Isn’t it beautiful?

---Yes, it is.不,它漂亮。

---No, it isn’t.是的,它不漂亮。

2. pleasant 形容词,意思为“令人愉快的”,其名词形式是pleasure意为“愉快”,动词please意为“使.......快乐”

e.g. It’s a pleasant trip.这是一次愉快的旅行。

She takes pleasure from reading.她从读书中获取乐趣。

He did it to please his parents.他这么做是为了取悦他的父母。

3. watch a movie=see a film 其相关的固定短语还有go to the cinema/ go to the movie theater 去电影院,watch TV,看电视,watch a ball game看球赛。

4. agree 是不及物动词,意思为“同意,答应”。但是如果它后面接不同的介词,表达的意思就会不大相同。

a.Agree with 用来表示“同意某人的观点,看法等”。With后面常跟人或人称代词,还可以接what引导的从句。

e.g. Do you agree with me?你同意我的意见吗?I agree with what you said.我同意你所说的。

b.Agree on=agree about 表示“在某件事上取得一致,同意某事”

e.g.We agreed on the plan.我们一致同意这个计划。

c.agree to do sth同意做某事。Agree 之后可以接动词不定式,但不可以接动名词。

e.g. He agreed to buy the book for me. 他答应给我买这本书。


e.g. They agreed that I should buy this book.他们承认我买这本书。



Step2 展示课前准备。

Step3 听1a录音,回答下列问题。

a. What was Maria doing at this time last night?


b. Does Maria think the scenery was beautiful?


Step4 合作学习1a,并掌握重点词组。

Step5 教师点拨重点词组。

Step6 在听1a录音,跟读,操练。

Step7 根据1a,操练1c.并掌握 agree with sb, I think so , I don’t think so 等的用法。


一、 选择。

1. Li lei doesn’t like English. He doesn’t like math____.

A. too B. either C. also D. neither

2.Well done! We’re all ___with your answer.

A. pleasant B. pleasure C. pleased D. unpleasant

3.I ___Jack ___playing in the garden. He ___teaching himself at that time.

A. think, wasn’t, was B. don’t think, wasn’t , was

C. don’t think ,was ,was D. think, was, was

4.One morning while she ____in the forest, she found two birds in the grass.

A. was walking B. walked C. is walking D. walks

5.---What did you do last night?

---I___TV with my friends.

A. watches B. watch C. am watching D. watched


1.Jack was sleeping when the telephone rang.(变否定句)

Jack _________ __________when the telephone rang.

2.I was listening to violin music when my mother came home.(变成一般疑问句)

__________ _________ __________to violin music when your mother came home?

3.They were playing on the computer at 6pm the day before yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

________ __________they __________at 6pm the day before yesterday?


A:Hi,Kate! Did you go to the concert last night?

B:Yes. 1___________

A: 2.

B:Wonderful. Many famous singers sang at the concert. 3

A: What does it mean?

B: 4 .You know many children in the world don’t have enough food.

A: 5

B: I think people all over the world should help them.

A. That’s true.

B. How do you like it?

C. The concert ended at 10:00pm.

D. I went there with my parents.

E. How did you go there?

F. It was called “Saving the Children”

G. The concert was held for collecting money for poor children.

1._______ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________


Unit 3 Topic3 SectionB(2a-2b)

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:







一. 翻译。

1. 没有什么严重的____________________

2. 生某人的气_____________ 3.做鬼脸____________





1. sad,悲伤的,反义词为happy;副词为sadly悲伤地,不幸地;名词为sadness.

e.g. He still felt sad about his sister’s death.


He is crying sadly.他哭得很伤心。

In people’s lives, they have happiness and sadness.


2. nothing, anything, something, everything 是不定代词,修饰不定代词的形容词应在不定代词的后面,如果既有形容词,又有不定式,不定式应放在形容词的后面。

e.g. something beautiful 一些漂亮的东西

something delicious to eat 一些好吃的东西。

3. make faces/ make a face 做鬼脸,make 的用法还有make sb do sth 让某人做某事。

e.g.The boss makes us work the hours every day.


Make+形容词 使某人.......

e.g. make me strong 使我强壮。

4.give sb lessons 给某人上课,还有教训某人的意思。





a. Why does Bill look so sad?


b. Why was Miss Wang angry?


Step4 合作学习2a.

Step5 教师点拨重点词组,句型。

Step6 听2a,并跟读。




一、 用所给词的正确形式填空。

1.---What _________you _________(do) now?

---I_________(read) a letter.

---Who_____________(write) it?


2.---What __________you ___________(do) at 8 o’clock last Sunday morning?

---I ____________(take) a shower.

3.---___________you__________(go) to school yesterday?

---No, I________. Yesterday was Sunday.

---What_________you ________(do)then?

---I ______________(sleep) all day.

4.---You ____________(look) tired today.

---Yes. I____________(not sleep) well last night.

5.---__________you ___________(go) to the concert tomorrow?

---No, I’m not. I__________(go) to the museum instead.

6.I__________(not read) novels when my mother _________(knock) at the door.


Henry is very fat. He wants ___1___ , so he eats very ____2___ . he eats little _____3___ because it will ____4____ him fat. He does ____5____ very morning. He ____6___ and runs much. Now he is thinner than before.

Henry’s cousin, Susan is healthier ____7___ Henry.

She takes care of _____8____ . She ____9____ a lot of sports every week, and keeps ___10___ .

1.( )A.thin B.to thin C.to get thin D.to get fat

2.( )A.many B.much C.few D.little

3.( )A.wateer B.fruit C.sugar D.vegetable

4.( )A.be B.make C.give D.bring

5.( )A.an exercise B.exercises

C.some exercise D.some exercises

6.( )A.swims B.play C.swimming D.to play

7.( )A.as B.of C.to D.than

8.( )A.himself B. herself C.yourself D.myself

9.( )A.do B.play C.have D.does

10.( )A.healthier B.health C.fit D.healthy


Unit 3 Topic3 SectionC

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:







1.19世纪早期_____________ 2.神圣的日子________________

3.玩得高兴______________ 4.忧郁星期一________________

5.停止做某事____________ 6.太......而不能.......____________

7.过一个双休日周末_______________ 8.洗衣服_______________



1. in the 1800s 在19世纪

e.g. in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代 in the early1700s在18世纪早期 before 1800 在18以前

2.blue Mondays 忧郁星期一 blue 除了有“蓝色”外,还有“沮丧”的意思。

3.stop doing sth 表示停止正在做的事情。Stop to do sth表示停下正在做的事情而去做别的事情。

e.g. He stopped smoking .他停止吸烟。

He stopped to smoke.他停下手中的事情来吸烟。

4. too.....to......“太......而不能.....”。当too前面用否定 词如never时表肯定。

e.g.He is too tired to walk on.他太累了不能继续走了。

It’s never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。


Step1 目标揭示,学法指导。

Step2 展示课前准备。

Step3 将重点短语勾画到书上。

Step4看1a, 完成1b.

Step5 合作学习1a.

Step6 教师点拨1a.

Step7 根据重点词组,逐段复述1a.

Step8 合作学习2a,2b,注意过去进行时。


一. 选择。

1. It’s too hard____ it by myself without your help.

A.not to do B.to do C.that I do D.doing

2.---Why didn’t you come to his birthday party yesterday?

---I ____a wonderful football match.

A. watch B.was watching C.am watching D.am going to watch

3.How are you going to spend the ____weekend?

A.two days B.two-day’s C.two-day D.two day’s

4.I felt tired, so I stopped ____.

A. work B.to work C.working D.to working

5.In China few people spend a day ____church during the Christmas.

A.of B.on C.at D.off

6.From four p.m. to six p.m. yesterday, I ___basketball with my classmates.

A. played B.was played C.was playing D.playing


1.Michael was making model planes this time yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

__________ _________Michael ________this time yesterday?

2. Students go to school for five days a week.(同义句)

Students go to school _______Monday ______ Friday.

3.I was watering the flowers when the phone rang .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

_______you _______the flowers when the phone rang?

_______, __________ _________.

4.Jim takes a bath every day.(用at that time 改写过去进行时)

Jim ________ __________ _____ ___________at that time.


Tom was eight years old. He was a good boy. But he could not get up early. He slept until nine or ten o’clock in the morning. He was often late for school.

Tom’s mother didn’t want him to be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said to Tom, “You must get up at seven when you hear the clock ring.”

“Yes, mum,” said Tom. After that Tom got up at seven thirty when he heard the clock ring.

One day, his mother forgot to make the clock get ready to ring. And the next morning Tom didn’t get up at seven thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to see him . Tom was in bed and his eyes were open.

“Why didn’t you get up?” Mother was angry.

“You told me to get up when I heared the clock ring. So I am waiting for the bell.”

1. Tom was a _______.

A.teather B.student C.worker D.driver

2.Tom’s mother bought him a clock because______.

A.he couldn’t get up on time B.it was very beautiful

C.it was Tom’s birthday D.he liked it very much

3.The clock rang at______.

A.6:30 B.7:00 C.7:30 D.8:00

4.What happened that day?

A.The clock was broken B.The clock didn’t ring

C.Tom was ill D.His father took the clock

5.Tom didn’t get up on time that day because he ______.

A.was waiting for the bell in bed B.didn’t want to go to school

C.didn’t want to have breakfast D.was ill


Unit 3 Topic3 SectionD

设计:谭莉 审核: 审批:








1.洗碗____________ 2.看报纸_________________





5. 你那时正在玩电脑吗?是的,我是。


6. 请别挂断。____________________________

7. 我觉得他它一般般。_________________________________

8. 停止做某事___________ 9.多精彩的一天啊!____________




Step2 听1,独立完成1.

Step3 合作完成2.

Step4 合作完成3,注意过去时和过去进行时的区别。

Step5 合作学习4a,4b.


一. 选择。

1.---May I speak to Jane? This is Maria.

---_____.She is in her bedroom.

A.Hold the line,please B.I am Jane C.Yes, I am. D.Speaking

2.---What ____you ____at this time yesterday?

---I was watching TV with my family.

A.are,doing B.were, doing C.do, do D.did, do

3.---Yao Ming is a great basketball player.

---____.Many people like him very much.

A.I agree with you B.I don’t agree

C.I don’t think so D.That’s OK

4.Don’t be angry ____me. I ‘ll study hard.

A.in B.on C.of D.with

5.Jim ___in class. So his teacher was very angry.

A.listened to teacher B.make faces

C.answered questions D.helped others

6.Don’t make him _____like that.

A.to walk B.walking C.walk D.walks

7.They came here in ____.

A.1980’s B.the 1980s’ C.the 1980s D.1980s

8.It’s time for class.The students stopped _____.

A.talking B.to talk C.talk D.talked

9.His sister is ____young ____carry the box.

A.much,to B.so, that C.too, to D.very ,to

10.---Don’t be late for class next time.


A.I won’t B.I will C.I do D.I am


Mr. Brown and his wife had a small bar near a railway station. The bar didn’t close 1 midnight because people came to drink while they were 2 for trains. So the business was good

At three o’clock one morning , a man was 3 sitting at the table in the bar. He was 4 . Mr. Brown’s young wife wanted to go to 5 . She looked 6 the man several times, but the man kept sleeping. Then at last she went to her 7 and said to him, “You have tried to wake that man several times, and he isn’t drinking 8 . Why haven’t you sent him away? It’s too 9 .”

“Oh, no, I don’t want to send him away,” he answered 10 a smile . “You know, each time I woke him up, he gave me five pounds. Then he went to sleep again”

1. ( ) A.when B.until C.as D.while

2. ( ) A.looking B.asking C.waiting D.getting

3. ( ) A.only B.also C.still D.just

4. ( )A.sleeping B.drinking C.talking D.thinking

5. ( ) A.home B.bed C.school D.work

6. ( ) A.for B.in C.around D.at

7. ( ) A.room B.either C.husband D.bed

8. ( ) A.too B.either C.anything D.everything

9. ( ) A.dark B.early C.cold D.late

10. ( ) A.in B.by C.for D.with
