仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点

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仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点(通用8篇)

仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点 篇1

主备人:河南省濮阳市华龙区三中 七年级英语组 Unit1 Topic 1 Welcome to China!Section A 第一课时 学习目标: 1.学习字母A—G.2.学习并掌握用英语表达问候,自我介绍及认识他人的交际用语。





A b C d E f G 3.会读单词P130 good---the UK.4.找出1a,2a中不重复的句子,看谁找的多并试着说出汉语意思。

Good morning!Welcomg to China!I’m...Thank you/Thanks Hello/Hi Are you...? Yes.I am.No,I’m not.I’m...Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.合作交流

一.规范写字母 【学习方式】:1.教师先示范,强调笔顺。




二.学习交际用语 【学习方式】:1.教师主动向学生打招呼,学习Good morning!I’m...2.以小组为单位,相互问候并自我介绍。

3.听1b.4.教师先让学生认识1c中的国名,城市名。然后用Welcome to...替换练习。









一. 按顺序在练习本上写下字母A---G,并注意他们的规范书写。



(1)Good morning!A.Hello!(2)Hello!B.Thank you.(3)Welcome to China!C.Good morning!


A: morning!Kangkang.B:Good!

A: to China!B:Thank.仁爱版七年级上册英语教学案

主备人:河南省濮阳市华龙区三中 七年级英语组 Unit1 Topic 1 Welcome to China!Section A 第二课时

学习目标 :学习并掌握用英语表达问候,自我介绍及认识他人的交际用语。



1.熟读2a并达到2人一组来练习对话。2.掌握Are you...?及肯否定回答。3.会读P130 hello---thanks.合作交流




3.教师走上前询问一名学生:Are you...?重复多问几名学生。让学生尝试说出:Yes,I am./No,I’m not.I’m...4.教师走上前和一位学生握手说Nice to meet you.(板书)引导学生说出应答语Nice to meet you,too.(板书)5.组内2人一组用自己名字练习对话。【教师点拨】:1.句子开头单词首字母要大写。2.肯定回答不能出现缩写形式。






一. 成组练习。

S1:Good morning!S2:Good morning

S1:Hello!S2:Hello!S1:Are you...? S2: S1:Welcome to China!S2: S1:Nice to meet you.S2:

满分检测一. 快速翻译下列句子。




4.欢迎来到中国 5.谢谢


1.A: B:Good morning!2.A:Hello!


3.A:Nice to meet you.B:

4.A:I am Fang Ming.Are you Liu Hui?

B: I am Liu Zhi.5.A:Welcome to our school(我们的学校)!B:


主备人:河南省濮阳市华龙区三中 七年级英语组 Unit1 Topic 1 Welcome to China!Section B 学习目标:1.学习字母H---N.2.复习并继续学习问候语 3.学习介绍他人相互认识的句型。学习过程:



H I j K L m N 3.会读单词Mr.---Ms.4.找出1a中关于介绍他人及问候的句子。








1.教师找一个小组,然后把这个小组的成员介绍给全班学生认识。呈现新句型This is...(板书)。让学生明白这句话的意思。

2.教师多准备一些明星的卡片,反复练习This is...3.以小组为单位找3个组长向全班介绍自己的组员。4.听1b.5.组对模仿1a练习1c。



一. 从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语。


()1.Are you Miss Gao? A.Nice to see you,too.()2.Welcome to Beijing!B.Good morning,Kangkang.()3.Nice to see you.C.Yes,I am.()4.How do you do? D.Thank you.()5.Good morning,Mr.Li!E.How do you do? 二.补全对话。

根据对话内容填空,每空一词。A:Good morning,Miss Wang!B:Good ,Bill!A:Nice to you.B:Nice to see you,.A:Miss Wang, is my.Mom,this is my , Wang.B: do you ? C:How do do? 三.单项选择.1.---you Li Ping?---Yes,.A.Are;I am B.Am;I’m not C.Are;I am not D.Am;I am 2.--

--Nice to meet you,too.A.Thanks.B.Thank you C.Hi D.Nice to meet you.3.---

仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点 篇2

【1】be going to + 动词原形

be going to + 动词原形——表示将来的打算、计划或安排。常与表示将来的tomorrow, next year等时间状语或when引导的时间状语从句连用。各种句式变换都借助be动词完成,be随主语有am, is, are的变换,going to后接动词原形。

1) 如果表示计划去某地,可直接用be going to+ 地点

We are going to Beijing for a holiday.

2) 表示位置移动的动词,如go,come,leave,fly等常用进行时表示将来。

The bus is coming.

My aunt is leaving for Beijing next week.

3) be going to与will的区别:

1对未来事情的预测用“will+ 动词原形”表达,will没有人称和数的变化,变否定句要在will后面加not, 缩略式won’t, 变一般疑问句将will提至句首。

Will planes be large in the future?

Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.

2 will常表示说话人相信或希望要发生的事情,而be going to指某事肯定发生,常表示事情很快就要发生。

I believe Lucy will be a great doctor.


I’ll tell you the truth.

4表示计划、打算要做的事情用be going to, 而不用will, 从不严格的语法角度而言,be going to与will二者可以互换, 但注意:

*There be句型的一般将来时结构为:

There is going to / will be + n... 将会有 ......

*come, go, leave, arrive等常用现在进行时表示将来:

He is leaving tomorrow.

* 在条件、时间状语从句中,一般是主将从现:

If it is fine tomorrow, I’m going/will go on a trip.


( )1.There ____going to be a basketball match this afternoon.

A. are B. is C. have D. will

解析: 在there be句型中be与后面的 真正主语 保持一致,a basketball match是单数形式,谓语动词应该使用单数形式,答案:B。

( )2. —Are there going to be any young trees soon?

—Yes, ____.

A. there be B. there is C. there are D. there are going to

解析:问句为Are there…? 其肯定回答为Yes, there are. 答案:C。

( )3.There will be fewer factories,____ ?

A. won’t there B. will there C. isn’t there D. are there

解析:there will be的反意疑问句为won’t there, 但fewer含有否定意义,在反意疑问句中,前面否定,后面疑问部分用肯定形式,答案:B。


( ) 1.There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. will be going to B. will going to be

C. is going to be D. will go to be

( )2.Charlie ________ here next month.

A. isn’t working B. doesn’t working

C. isn’t going to working D. won’t work

( )3. He ______ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.

A. will be; is B. is; is

C. will be; will be D. is; will be

( )4.There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

A. was B. is going to have

C. will have D. is going to be

( )5. –________ you ________ free tomorrow?

– No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.

A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will

C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be

( )6. Mother ________ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A. will gives B. will give

C. gives D. give

( )7. – Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?

–________. (不,不要。)

A. No, you won’t. B. No, you aren’t.

C. No, please don’t. D. No, please.

( )8. – Where is the morning paper?

– I ______ for you at once.

A. get B. am getting

C. to get D. will get

( )9. The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.

A. will watching B. watches

C. is watching D. are going to watch

( )10. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday.

A. shall be B. will be

C. shall going to be D. will going to be


1. 构成:数词 + 单数名词、数词 + 单数名词 + 形容词(每两词间用连字符 -)

2. 用法:常作定语,用于名词前 , 一般不单独使用。

如:an eight- year-old boy / a ten-metre-tall tree

3. 复合形容词后加复数,表示一类人或物,可独立作主语:Sixteen-year-olds 16 岁的人。


( )1.We will have a______ holiday after the exam.

A. two month B. two-month C. two-months

( )2.I think______ can choose their own life style.

A .nineteen-year-old B. nineteen-year-olds C. nineteen years old

( )3.There is a ____tree in the park.

A. four hundred years B. four-hundred-year-old

C. four-hundred-year old

( )4.Nie Haisheng had a ______flight in space.

A. five-days B. five-day C. five day’s

( )5.I’d like to spend ________holiday in the country.

A. a two-day B. two-day C. two day’s



(1)“If从句 + 祈使句”的句子。

例如:If you want to go, please let me know.

If the green light isn’t on, wait for a minute.

(2)“祈使句 +and(or)+ 陈述句”在意思上相当于一个带有条件状语从句的复合句。

注意:A.“祈使句 +and+ 陈述句”可以转化为if引导的肯定条件状语从句,且主语是第二人称。

B. “祈使句+or+陈述句”可以转化为if引导的否定条件状语从句,且主语是第二人称。

例如:Study hard and you will pass the exam. = If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

Hurry up, or you’ll be late. = If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.

(考题 (2010重庆中考 )Work hard,________ you may catch up withyour classmates soon.

A.orB. butC. andD. yet

思路解析:本句是“祈使句 +and”的句型,句意为“努力学习,你会很快赶上其他同学的”,and在句中表示承接关系,所以选C项。



e.g. If you can’t come tomorrow, we can hold the party a little later.


If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the Great Wall.


2)表示如果某种条件存在,就有可能 / 不可能发生什么事情。

e.g. If you don’t get up early, you will be late for school.


If I play games on it, it will go wrong.



e.g. If it’s fine tomorrow, we can go out. 如果明天天气好,我们就能出去。

She will be happy if she joins the party. 如果她参加聚会她会很开心的。

I’ll ask the teacher for help if I don’t understand. 如果我不懂我会求助老师的。


1.(2010上海)We will have no water to drink ____we don’t protectthe earth.

A. until B. before C. though D. if

[ 答案 ]D.[ 解析 ]if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”。意思是如果我们不保护地球,我们将会没有水喝。

2.(2011重庆)We will plant trees tomorrow, and I don’t know ___Tomwill come and join us.

A. if B. which C. what D. where

[ 答案 ]A.[ 解析 ]if引导宾语从句,表示“是否,是不是”。意思是我们明天将会去植树,但是我不知道Tom会不会去。

—Do you know if _____finished the work?

—Not yet. If he , he____ will give me a call.

A. he’s, will finish B. he’ll, finishes

C. he’s , finishes D. he’ll , will finish

[ 答案 ]C.[ 解析 ] 问句的if引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,从句要用陈述语序,从答句Not yet. 中可以看出从句应该用现在完成时态,答句的if引导状语从句,要遵循主将从现的规律。


Ⅰ . 单项选择:

( )1. You are sure to pass the exam ______ you study hard.

A. if B. though C. that D. since

( )2. I'll go to see the film with you ______I have time this evening.

A. whether B. so C. if D. when

( )3. ______ you study harder, you'll never pass the final exam.

A. If B. Until C. Unless D. Except

( )4.We’ll stay at home if it ______ this afternoon.

A.rain B.rains C.to rain D.raining

( )5.We will go to the Great Wall if it ______tomorrow.

A.won’t rain B.isn’t raining C.rained D.doesn’t rain

( )6.—I don’t know if he ______.

—He will come if it ______.

A.comes; won’t rain B.will come; doesn’t rain

C.comes; doesn't rain D.will come; won’t rain

( )7.Do you know what time ______.

A.the train leave B.does the train leave

C.will the train leave D.the train leaves

( )8.Do you think if______ an English film tomorrow night.

A.is there B.there is going to have

C.there is going to be D.will there be

( )9.Will you please tell me ______.

A.where Pudong Airport is

B.how far Pudong Airport was

C.how can we get to Pudong Airport

D.when was Pudong Airport built

( )10.—Do you know if he _______ to play basket ball with us?

—I think he will come if he ______ free tomorrow.

A. come; is B. comes; will be

C. will come; is D. will come; will be

Ⅱ . 请用正确的形式填空:

1. If I come, I ________ (see) you.

2. If it is fine, we ________ (go) for a walk.

3. If it rained, they _________ (stay) at home.

4. You will spoil it if you ________ (not be) careful.

5. We would be very much pleased if you ________ (come).

6. Will you help me if I________ (need) you.

7. They will get wet if it ________ (rain).

8. What a pity I haven’t got my car. If I had, I _________ ( take ) you to the airport.

9. We would answer if we ________ (can).

10. If you eat too much, you ________ (get) ill.


【1】be going to

一、能力训练及解析答案: 1.B 2.C 3.B


1. C 2. D 3. D 4.D 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. B


【实战演练】:1. B 2. B 3. B 4.B 5. A


Ⅰ . 单项选择: 1-5 ACCBD 6-10 BDCAC

Ⅱ . 请用正确的形式填空:

1.will see, 2. will go 3. would stay 4. are not

5.came 6. need 7. rains 8. would take

仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点 篇3

1. —How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一次电视?

—Twice a week. 一周两次。

【点拨】 how often意为“多久一次”,是表示频度的词组,一般用表示频度的时间副词或短语every day, usually, sometimes, never, once a week, twice a month等来回答。表示“次数”时,“一次”用once,“两次”用twice,“三次”以上用“基数词 + times”来表示。

2. She says its good for my health. 她说对我的身体有好处。

【点拨】 be good for ... 意为“对……有益”。be good at... 意为“擅长……,对……学得好”。例如:

To drink more water every day is good for you. 每天多喝水对你有好处。

3. How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每晚睡多少个小时?

【点拨】 how many意为“多少”,后面要接复数可数名词。例如:

How many books do you have? 你有多少本书?

4. I hardly ever exercise. 我几乎不锻炼。

【点拨】 hardly是一个副词,意为“几乎不”、“几乎没有”,是一个半否定词。hardly ever意为“几乎从不”。例如:

I can hardly believe it. 我几乎不能相信这件事。

5. I look after my health. 我照顾好我的身体健康。

【点拨】 look after是一个短语动词,意为“照顾、照料”,与take care of的意思相同。例如:

She is looking after her brother at home. 她正在家照看弟弟。

6. So maybe Im not healthy, although I have one healthy habit. 虽然我有一个健康的习惯,但有可能我并不健康。

【点拨】 although(=though)意为“虽然、即使”,是一个从属连词,用来引导让步状语从句,但不可与but连用;若句子中用了but,也就不能再用although了。例如:

Although she is in poor health, she works hard. (= She is in poor health, but she works hard.) 尽管她身体不好,但她还是努力工作。

7. Maybe you have too much yin. 也许你阴气过盛。

【点拨】 too much意为“太多”,用来修饰不可数名词。例如:

I have too much housework to do this afternoon. 今天下午我有太多的家务要做。

8. You should go to bed early for a few nights. 你应该早睡几个晚上。

【点拨】 few与a few修饰复数可数名词,little与a little修饰不可数名词;few与little含有否定意义,a few与a little含有肯定意义。

9. I study late every night, sometimes until 2 am. 我每天晚上学习到很晚,有时到凌晨两点。

【点拨】 句中until是一个介词,意为“直到……”,后面接表示时间点的词语。until除了可作介词外,还可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。与not连用时可构成“直到……才……”句型。例如:

I will wait here until you come back. 我将在这儿等到你回来。

I didnt go to bed until 11

oclock last night. 我昨天晚上直到11点才睡觉。

10. Im sorry to hear that youre not feeling well. 很抱歉听说你感觉不好。

【点拨】 当听到对方/别人有病或感觉不好的消息时,一般可用Im sorry to hear that.(或that从句),来安慰对方。例如:

Im sorry to hear that he has died. 听说他去世了,我感到很难过。

11. —How long are you staying? 你要在那儿呆多长时间?

—Just for four days. 只四天。

【点拨】 how long意为“多久”,用来对一段时间进行提问。例如:

How long have you been here? 你在这儿呆多久了?

12. I just finished making my last movie. 我刚拍完我的最后一部电影。

【点拨】 动词finish, enjoy等后面要跟动词-ing形式作宾语,不可接动词不定式。例如:

Have you finished reading the book? 你看完这本书了吗?

13. How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远?

【点拨】 how far是一个固定短语,意为“多远”,一般用来对距离进行提问。例如:

How far is it from the park to your school? 公园离你们的学校有多远?

14. In China, it depends on where you are. 在中国,它取决你住在哪儿。

【点拨】 depend是不及物动词,常与介词on连用,组成depend on短语,意为“依靠、视……而定、取决于”,后面可接宾语。例如:

You cant depend on your parents any longer. 你不能再依靠你的父母了。

15. Maybe another time. 也许另一个时间。

【点拨】 another可用作代词或形容词,指三者以上或不确定数量中的任意一个人或物,意为“另一个,再一个”。后面可接单数名词或one。例如:

Would you like another apple? 你还再要一个苹果吗?

the other也有“另一个”的意思,但指两者中的另一个,有特定的数量范围,是特指。例如:

My uncle has two children. One is a son, the other is a daughter. 我叔叔有两个孩子,一个儿子,另一个是女儿。

16. Oh, why not?噢,为什么不呢?

【点拨】 “Why not?”意为“为什么不……?”、“为什么不行呢?”,来反问对方为什么不能去。

17. Taras shorter than Tina. 泰拉比蒂娜矮。

Tom is more athletic than Sam. 汤姆比萨姆的体格强健。

【点拨】 单音节形容词的比较级是在词尾加-er构成,多音节形容词的比较级是在前面加more构成;very, quite等只可用来修饰原级,much, far, a little等可用来修饰比较级。例如:

I am a little taller than you. 我比你高一点。

This bike is more expensive than yours. 这辆自行车比你的贵。


()1. —________ do you send e-mail to your cousin?

—Sometimes. (2008广东省)

A. How long B. How much

C. How oftenD. How soon

()2. How many ________ do you want every week? (2008四川泸州)

A. milk B. waterC. apples

()3. —Linda, pass my glasses to me, please. I can_______ read the words in the newspaper.

—With pleasure.(2008青海省)

A. hardly B. nearly C. clearly

()4. Amy, Ill be on holiday for a week. Could you help me _______ my dog? (2008河南省)

A. look for B. look at

C. look afterD. look over

()5. _______ they arrived early at the airport,they nearly missed their flight. (2008天津市)

A. IfB. Because

C. As soon asD. Although

()6. I think real cards are _______ than e-cards.(2008北京市)

A. nice B. nicerC. nicestD. the nicest

()7. —Youve stayed in this school for several days, havent you?

—Yes. I think Ill be here for _______ more days. (2008湖北襄樊)

A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little

()8. —Hurry up. The bus is coming.

—Wait a minute. Dont cross the street_________ the traffic lights are green.(2008安徽省)

A. after B. untilC. while D. since

()9. —I have a bad cold. I feel terrible. (2008四川泸州)


A. All right B. Sorry to hear thatC. OK

()10. —________ have you learned to play the guitar?

—For three years. (2008吉林长春)

A. How longB. How often

C. How soonD. How much

()11. —Linda, when shall we take a walk?

—After I finish ________ the dishes.(2008北京市)

A. wash B. washed

C. to washD. washing

()12. —_______ is it from Haikou to Sanya?

—Its about 300 kilometres. (2008海南省)

A. How farB. How long C. How many

()13. You should guess its meaning when you meet a new word, dont _______ your dictionary all the time. (2008广西来宾)

A. keep onB. work on

C. look on D. depend on

()14. We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _________ one this month.(2007江苏苏州)

A. the other B. someC. anotherD. other

()15. —What about traveling during the summer holidays?

—_________ It can relax us and open our eyes.


A. Why not? B. What for?C. I think so.

16. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。每空限填一词。


Please dont eat _________ _________ junk food.

仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点 篇4


1.ring/call/phone sb.打电话给sb.=give sb.a call=call/ring sb.up

2.pratice(doing)sth.练习(做)sth.3.Hold the line, please.=Hold on, please.= Wait(for)a moment, please.=Just a moment, please.稍等。4.call sb.to do sth.叫sb.去做sth.call sb.sth.把sb.称之为sth.;叫/称sb.为sth.5.answer the telephone 接电话

the answer to the questions 问题的答案

no one answered 没有人接听

6.at this time yesterday 昨天的这个时候 7.go to the English Corner 去英语角 8.take/have a shower/bath 洗澡

类似:take/have a look 看一下

take/have a walk 散散步

take/have a rest 休息一下 9.be back 回来

10.at school 在上学

at the school 在学校

at church 做礼拜

at the church 在教堂里

in hospital 住院

in the hospital 在医院里


eg.from beginning to end 从头到尾 12.one of his favorite cities 他最喜欢的城市之一 one of + n.[c]pl….……之一

one of + the+adj.的最高级+ n.[c]pl.最……之一

eg.one of the most popular sports 13.do some packing= pack 打包,整理行李

do some cleaning=clean 打扫卫生

do some reading= read 阅读 14.sit on a plane 坐在飞机上

15.pass the time 打发时间,消磨时间(一般指消遣有趣的时光)

kill the time打发时间,消磨时间(一般指无聊地度过时光)16.serve the food 端上食物

17.chat with sb.on the Internet和sb.(在网上)聊天 18.listen to the news 听新闻 19.plant trees/flowers 种树/花 20.visit a museum 参观博物馆

21.eat Beijing roast duck 吃北京烤鸭

22.(1)agree with sb.同意sb.agree +that 从句


agree to do sth.同意去做sth.(2)agree v.——agreement n.同意

反:disagree v.——disagreement n.不同意 23.know/learn about 了解,知道 24.the music of the movie 电影音乐

25.on the last evening of the year 在新年前夕/在除夕

on the morning of the new year 在新年的早上

26.get together in their warm homes在他们温暖的家中团聚 27.with no shoes 光着脚丫

28.in a low voice 低声说着 29.pass by 经过

30.sell sb.sth.=sell sth.to sb.31.fall down 落下,飘下

32.feel cold and hungry 感觉又冷又饿

33.be afraid to do sth.害怕去做sth.be afraid of(doing)sth.害怕(做)sth.34.without selling one box of matches 没有卖掉一盒火柴 35.beat sb.打sb.36.a burning match 一根点燃的火柴 37.warm sb.up 暖暖身子/温暖sb.38.light three matches 点燃/划了三根火柴


39.a delicious roast goose 一只美味的烤鹅 40.go out 熄灭

41.light a fourth match 点燃第四根/又一根火柴 a/an+序数词


42.take sb.with sb.让sb.和sb.在一起 43.hold sb.in one’s arms 把sb.搂在怀里 44.lie against the wall 靠着墙躺着

45.sb.spend /spent some time/money(in)doing sth.花……时间/金钱在做sth.上 sb.spend /spent some time/money on sth.花……时间/金钱在sth.上

46.a holy day 圣日

47.in the early 1800s 在19世纪早期

in the late 1940s/1940’s 在20世纪40年代晚期 48.too+adj./adv to do sth.太„„以致于不能„„ =not enough …to do sth.不足够……去做sth.=so+adj./adv.that…


49.to solve the problem of “blue Mondays” 为了解决“沮丧星期一”这个问题 50.make Saturday afternoon a holiday 让星期六下午成为假日 51.stop doing sth.停止做sth.stop to do sth.停下来去做sth.stop/prevent sb.(from)doing sth.= keep sb.from doing sth.阻止sb.去做sth.52.the beginning of …


at the beginning of…


from beginning to end 从头到尾 53.the two-day weekend = the two days’ weekend 两天的周末 54.make faces/a face 做鬼脸 II.重点句型


(1)I agree with you./ Yes, I think so./ You are quite right.(2)I don’t agree with you./ I disagree./ I don’t think so.2.What were you doing at this time yesterday? —— I was taking a shower.3.I called you to go to the English Corner but no one answered.4.Isn’t it interesting?—— No, I don’t think so.It’s just so-so.5.I don’t know about that, but I think he is very brave.6.It’s very pleasant.7.It was snowy and dark on the last evening of the year.8.Many people were getting together in their warm homes.9.A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes.10.No one heard her when they were passing by.11.She didn’t sell any matches and no one gave her a coin.12.But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her.13.Ah, a burning match may warm me up!14.But all these disappeared when the flames went out.Then she lit a fourth match.15.Her grandmother smiled and held the girl in her arms.16.On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying against the wall, dead!17.When the cat knocked at the door, the mouse was taking a shower.18.The mouse and the cat were chatting happily while they were enjoying the moon.19.In the early 1800s, Sunday was the “holy day”.However, many workers played and had fun on that day.20.And then they felt too tired to work on Money mornings.21.To solve the problem of “blue Mondays”, the English made Saturday afternoon a holiday in 1874.22.This was the beginning of the idea of the weekend in England.III.Grammar(语法)


1.定义:过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行或发生的动作,也表示过去一段时间内的活动或那个阶段正在进行的动作.常用时间状语:at this/that time, at nine o’clock last night, from seven to nine the day before yesterday, all day yesterday等。

如:He were watching TV at 8:00 last night.They were writing a book last month.2.过去进行时的结构: 由be(was/were)+动词ing 3.句型:

(1)肯定句:主语+was/were +doing + 其他

(2)否定句: 主语+wasn’t/weren’t +doing + 其他(3)一般疑问句: Was/Were+主语+doing+其他?

肯:Yes, 主+was/were.否:No, 主+wasn’t/weren’t.(4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问+ 一般疑问句结构: 特殊疑问+was/were+主语+doing+其他? 如: They were studying English at this tine yesterday.They weren’t studying English at this time yesterday.Were they studying English at this time yesterday?

Yes, they were./ No, they weren’t.3.过去进行时和一般过去时的区别:


Eg.He wrote a letter yesterday evening.他昨晚写了一封信。(信写完了)

He was writing a letter yesterday evening.他昨晚一直在写一封信。(信不一定写完)补充:


I got up at six.Then I washed my face and had breakfast.(4)过去进行时也可表示在过去某个时间看来将要发生的动作。

仁爱版初中英语八年级上册教案 篇5

1.New words: article , smoke, cancer, litter, dustbin, lawn, energy, necessary, enough 2.Learn some useful sentences:(1)How terrible!(2)Don’t walk on the lawn.(3)It’s necessary for your health.(4)Smoking is bad for his health.3.The use of “ must ,must not”(1)I must ask him to give up smoking.(2)You must put litter into the dustbin.(3)You must not throw litter around.4.Help students form good habits.Teaching importance : aim 1 ,2, 3.Teaching difficulty: It’s necessary for sb.to do sth.Teaching steps:

一、Sing an English song.Then greet between the teacher and the students.二、Review the dialog of Section A..1

Ask some sentences: Staying up late is bad for your health.Is going to bed early good or bad for our health ? It’s good.Doing morning exercises is good for our health.三、New lesson:

(一)1a 1.Read the dialog by themselves.Find the new words and understand their meaning and pronunciation.2.Listen to the tape and read after it.Thinking :What’s the dialog about ? After reading ,answer it.3.Read again and understand the dialog with some questions.After reading it ,answer them.1)What is Wang Junfeng reading ? He is reading an article about smoking in the newspaper.2)What does Maria’s father think of smoking ? Because he thinks smoking can help him relax.3)Why does Maria want to ask her father to give up smoking? Because smoking is bad for our lungs and it can even cause cancer.4.After answering them,explain and practice useful phrases.Give some examples.Smoking is bad for his health.I must ask him to give up smoking.The use of “must ”.How terrible!

(二)1b 1.Read and match the sentences by themselves.2.Then say the sentences without looking at the book.3.Summarize the use of “ 2

must , mustn’t ”

--Must I finish the task now ?--Yes , you must.--No, you needn’t.--No , you don’t have to.(三)Look at the picture and say some sentences using “mustn’t , don’t ”.For example: You mustn’t walk on the lawn.Don’t walk on the lawn.You mustn’t climb the tree.Don’t park your bike here and there.Don’t take your pet to the school.You mustn’t throw litter around.(四)

2a 1.Read the following sentences and understand them.2.Read them after the tape twice.3.Say the sentences without looking at the book.4.Solve the hard sentences and useful expressions.It’s necessary for sb.to do sth.For example : It’s necessary for us to review often.四、Show some exercises to check the importance.1._______(smoke)is bad for your health.2.We must _______(follow)the school rules.3.Don’t ________(read)in the sun.4.You mustn’t ________(stay)up late at night.5.---Must I stop watching TV right now ?---No , you ______________.6.It’s necessary ____ us to know some traffic rules.7._____ sweet music!_____ fast he runs!(What or How)五、Summarize the useful languages and read them..六、Homework.Write six sentences using “ must , mustn’t , don’t “

仁爱八年级英语下册知识点 篇6

2. 交通工具:ship 、airplane 、train 、boat 、bike(bicycle) 、car 、bus 、taxi 等

3. ride 骑(自行车),骑(马) cycle 骑自行车

4. find 找到 find out (很努力地)找到、查明

5. over the phone 通过电话

6. three-day 是复合形容词,在此做定语,day 不用复数形式。有“数词+名词”或“数词+名词+形容词”形式

7. decide on/upon sth. 决定,选定 make decision on sth. 对某事做决定

decide 是动词,意为“决定,做决定” ,其后可跟名词、代词、动词不定式(短语)或从句等。

8. departure time 出发时间 arrival time 到达时间

9. per 每,每一 clerk 职员

10. ticket office 售票处 book ticket to 订……的票

11. Can I help you? = What can I do for you? = May I help you? 我可以帮助你么?

12. at 以……

13. VIP room 贵宾房 standard 标准房

14. not afford 买不起 afford 提供 raise (the) money 筹钱

15. ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物

16. not to ask 不定式的否定式(not + 动词不定式)

17. work out 算出

18. times two 乘二 time 时间;乘;次数

19. The student with(具有,拥有) the winning(胜出的) ticket.

20. are sold (被动语态)卖完 is drawn 被选出

21. school day 上学的日子,学校日 greet 迎接 at noon 正午,中午

22. interesting places = places of interest 名胜景点

23. help 后 to 可省略 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

24. the best time to do sth. 最好的时间去做某事

25. hear from 收到……的来信 look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望(做)某事

26. postcard 明信片 whole 整个,整 almost the whole night 几乎整晚 the sea of clouds 云海

as soon as 一……就…… weather report 天气预报

27. left 举,起飞 land safely 安全地着陆 hardly 几乎不,差点

28. He is so great that we love him. He is such a great man that we love him.

so … that 强调形容词,such … that 强调名词

29. It’s nice of sb. to do sth. 某人的行为(做这件事情)是好的

30. online 在线 jeans 牛仔裤

31. in the open air 在旷野上 have no time to do sth. 没有时间做某事

仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点 篇7

1. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事

3. as soon as... 一……就……

5. once upon a time 从前

7. continue to do sth. 继续做某事

9. the journey to ……之旅

11. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事

13. give up 放弃

15. instead of 代替;反而

17. turn... into 变成

19. get married 结婚

21. the main character 主要人物;主人公

23. at other times 在另外一些时候

2. come out (书、电影等)出版

4. become/ be interested in 对……感兴趣

6. the rest of the story 故事的剩余部分

8. leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

10. make a plan to do sth. 筹划/计划做某事 12. lead sb. to someplace 把某人领到某地 14. get lost 迷路

16. change ones plan 改变某人的计划 18. send sb. to someplace 派某人去某地

20. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事

22. remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

24. sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事


1. It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain.


2. This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.


3. Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.



4. Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.


5. The story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.

仁爱英语八年级上册U1 T1知识点 篇8


2016年秋仁爱英语八年级上册教案全册共194 页

Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2.Learn some useful sentences:(1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.(2)Would you like to come and cheer us on? 3.Learn the future tense with be going to:(1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.(2)Are you going to join the school rowing club? 4.Talk about preferences: —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —I prefer rowing.5.Talk about sports and games.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步


1.(展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。)T: you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays? Ss: …)

’s review some sports and learn some new ones.(展示学生在打篮球的图片。)T: Look at the picture.Do you know what they are doing? S1, please.S1: They are playing basketball.T: Do you like playing basketball? S1: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.T:)1(展示学生在打排球的图片。)T: What are they doing? S2, do you know? S2教师帮助该生回答。))(用同样的方式引出生词cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。);掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)的用法。)T: Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing? S3: Rowing.T: Good!The phrase “like … better” means “”.)T: S4, which sport do you prefer, basketball or soccer? S4: I prefer basketball.…

Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:10分钟)通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to句型。

1.(利用plan to do sth.,导入“be going to+do”结构。)T: I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about them.Do you want to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon? S1, please.S1: Yes, I do.T: So you plan to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon, right? S1 : Yes.T:)

be going to.OK, boys and girls? Ss: OK.T: I plan to go out for dinner tonight.S2, please.S2: You are going to go out for dinner tonight.T: I plan to climb mountains tomorrow.S3, please.S3: You are going to climb mountains tomorrow.T: Good!When we express something that is going to happen or we plan to do something, we can use be going to.2.(教师让几个学生说说明天户外活动的打算,并引出be going to结构的一般疑问句式,过渡到1a。)T: OK, S4, please tell me what you plan to do tomorrow afternoon.S4: I’m going to swim with my brother tomorrow afternoon.S4:(教师视学生掌握的情况来决定是否要进行更多的操练。)3.(展示一幅即将进行篮球赛的海报,引出单词against, cheer和短语cheer … on。)T: Now look at the poster.Here is the news.Our class is going to have a Ss:Yes, we ’d love to./I’d love to.)1a。)T: Look at this picture.They are Kangkang and Michael.What are they Can you guess? Please listen to 1a and then answer the following questions.4.(学生朗读1a,画出疑难点和关键词,然后教师解释疑难点。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步

巩固(时间:10分钟)创设情景,编对话,在真实的语境中培养学生口头交流能力。1.(根据小黑板上的关键词,分角色表演对话。)T: OK.Now you can use the key words above to act out the dialog in roles.2.(教师引导学生,通过讨论新学期的计划来操练be going to+do句型。)(教师先做示范,然后让学生两人一组练习。)T: S1, what are you going to do this term? S1: I’m going to learn English better.T: What about you, S2? S2: I’m going to study math hard.T: Oh, it’s a good plan.S3, do you know what your partner is going to do? S3: Yes.He is going to learn rowing.T: Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term.3.(创设情景,依据1a编对话,巩固1a及be going to+do句型,完成1b。)T: Just now you talked about your plans for this term.Now suppose you meet your classmate on the playground and you want to talk about your plans for this week.Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a.You can use the key words on the blackboard.talking about? basketball game

(学生两人一组编对话,教师进行鼓励启发,必要时应给予帮助。)Example: S4: Hi, S5.S5: Hi, S4.I am going to play … Are you going to play with us? S4: I’m afraid I can’t.I have to do my homework first.By the way, I saw you play … almost every day during the summer holidays.S5: Yes.You know I am going to play in the … game against Class 2 this Saturday.Would you like to come and cheer us on? S4: Of course.I’d love to.And I hope you will win.(让几组学生到教室前面表演类似的对话,评出最佳表演组及最佳演员等。)(教师出示2中运动项目的图片,引导学生巩固be going to + do句型,使他们熟练掌握其用法,并自然过渡到2。)Step 4 Practice 第四步

练习(时间:10分钟)完成2和3,培养学生听说能力,并通过大量操练,使他们熟练运用含有be going to的一般疑问句及掌握prefer的用法。

1.(通过看图片,练习be going to的用法,导入2。)T: Look at the pictures, what are they going to do? Ss:(Picture 1)They are going to go skating.(Picture 2)They are going to go skiing.…

T: Which sport do you prefer, … or …? S1: I prefer …

T: What about you, S2? S2: I prefer …

T: S3, do you often go swimming? S3: T: Good.You can also say “.“Do you often go swimming?” means “Do you go swimming ”。)4S4: Yes, quite a lot/a bit.T: S5, do you go skiing much? S5: Yes, quite a lot / a bit.(肯)S6: No, seldom.(否)T: Oh, you don’

t like sports.It isn’there.)S7: I am going to join the school rowing club.S8: …

(学生两人一组完成2,除了可以用书上所给的运动名称,也可用他们所知道的其他运动名称进行对话。)2.(让学生听3录音,并完成3。)T: Michael and Kangkang like doing sports a lot.Do you want to know what sports they often do on weekends? Listen to the tape, then fill in the chart in 3.(再放录音3,核对答案。)3.(做一个运用“be going to+do”句型的游戏。)(挑选若干学生上台,做关于运动的动作,该动作要能使同学们明白并成功猜出运动名称。猜到的同学要用be going to+do询问做动作的同学,以证实自己的猜测是否正确。)T: Please do an action about your favorite sport.(S10表演一个动作。)S9: Are you going to play basketball? S10: No, I’m not.S9: Are you going to play volleyball? S10: Yes, I am.…

(让学生尽量多表演动作。)Step 5 Project 第五步


1.(小组活动,在小组中做采访并向全班同学作报告。)T: Work in groups.Ask your partner the following questions, then give a report to your classmates.(1)Which sport do you prefer, … or …?(2)Do you … much?(3)Are you going to …

next week? 2.Homework: 用be going to造五个句子,要求用不同的人称、句式。Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn some new words and phrases: dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, job, active, break, record, gold, give up, shame, single 2.Go on learning the future tense with be going to: 篇二:2016年秋仁爱英语八年级上册教案全册

Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball? Section A The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2.Learn some useful sentences:(1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.(2)Would you like to come and cheer us on? 3.Learn the future tense with be going to:(1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.(2)Are you going to join the school rowing club? 4.Talk about preferences: —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —I prefer rowing.5.Talk about sports and games.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步


1.(展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。)T: you enjoy yourselves during your summer holidays? What did you do during your holidays? Did you do sports during your summer holidays? Ss: …)’s review some sports and learn some new ones.(展示学生在打篮球的图片。)T: Look at the picture.Do you know what they are doing? S1, please.S1: They are playing basketball.T: Do you like playing basketball? S1: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.T:(板书并要求学生掌握。)1(展示学生在打排球的图片。)

T: What are they doing? S2, do you know? S2教师帮助该生回答。))cycle, row, skate, tennis, table tennis, ski。);掌握row, skate, tennis, table tennis。)

2.(用黑板上有关运动的生词操练,导出prefer的用法。)T: Which sport do you like better, cycling or rowing? S3: Rowing.T: Good!The phrase “like … better” means “”.)T: S4, which sport do you prefer, basketball or soccer? S4: I prefer basketball.…

Step 2 Presentation 第二步

呈现(时间:10分钟)通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to句型。

1.(利用plan to do sth.,导入“be going to+do”结构。)T: I’m very glad you all like doing sports and know a lot about them.Do you want to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon? S1, please.S1: Yes, I do.T: So you plan to play volleyball tomorrow afternoon, right? S1 : Yes.T:)be going to.OK, boys and girls? Ss: OK.T: I plan to go out for dinner tonight.S2, please.S2: You are going to go out for dinner tonight.T: I plan to climb mountains tomorrow.S3, please.S3: You are going to climb mountains tomorrow.T: Good!When we express something that is going to happen or we plan to do something, we can use going to.2.(教师让几个学生说说明天户外活动的打算,并引出be going to结构的一般疑问句式,过渡到1a。)T: OK, S4, please tell me what you plan to do tomorrow afternoon.S4: I’m going to swim with my brother tomorrow afternoon.S 4 : be

(教师视学生掌握的情况来决定是否要进行更多的操练。)3.(展示一幅即将进行篮球赛的海报,引出单词against, cheer和短语cheer … on。)T: Now look at the poster.Here is the news.Our class is going to have a Ss:Yes, we’d love to./I’d love to.)(出示教学挂图,让学生看图片猜测对话内容,导入1a。)T: Look at this picture.They are Kangkang and Michael.What are they Can you guess? Please listen to 1a and then answer the following questions.4.(学生朗读1a,画出疑难点和关键词,然后教师解释疑难点。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步


1.(根据小黑板上的关键词,分角色表演对话。)T: OK.Now you can use the key words above to act out the dialog in roles.2.(教师引导学生,通过讨论新学期的计划来操练be going to+do句型。)(教师先做示范,然后让学生两人一组练习。)T: S1, what are you going to do this term? S1: I’m going to learn English better.T: What about you, S2? S2: I’m going to study math hard.T: Oh, it’s a good plan.S3, do you know what your partner is going to do? S3 : Yes.He is going to learn rowing.T: Discuss with your partner what you are going to do this term.3.(创设情景,依据1a编对话,巩固1a及be going to+do句型,完成1b。)T: Just now you talked about your plans for this term.Now suppose you meet your classmate on the playground and you want to talk about your plans for this week.Please make a similar conversation with your partner according to 1a.You can use the key words on the blackboard.(学生两人一组编对话,教师进行鼓励启发,必要时应给予帮助。)Example: S4: Hi, S5.S5: Hi, S4.I am going to play … Are you going to play with us? S4: I’m afraid I can’t.I have to do my homework first.By the way, I saw you play … almost every day during the summer holidays.S5: Yes.You know I am going to play in the … game against Class 2 this Saturday.Would you like to come and basketball game talking about? cheer us on? S4: Of course.I’d love to.And I hope you will win.(让几组学生到教室前面表演类似的对话,评出最佳表演组及最佳演员等。)(教师出示2中运动项目的图片,引导学生巩固be going to + do句型,使他们熟练掌握其用法,并自然过渡到2。)Step 4 Practice 第四步

练习(时间:10分钟)完成2和3,培养学生听说能力,并通过大量操练,使他们熟练运用含有be going to的一般疑问句及掌握prefer的用法。

1.(通过看图片,练习be going to的用法,导入2。)T: Look at the pictures, what are they going to do?

Ss:(Picture 1)They are going to go skating.(Picture 2)They are going to go skiing.…

T: Which sport do you prefer, … or …? S1: I prefer … T: What about you, S2? S2: I prefer …

T: S3, do you often go swimming? S3: T: Good.You can also say “.“Do you often go swimming?” means “Do you go swimming ”。)4S4: Yes, quite a lot/a bit.T: S5, do you go skiing much? S5: Yes, quite a lot / a bit.(肯)S6: No, seldom.(否)T: Oh, you don’

t like sports.It isn’there.)S7: I am going to join the school rowing club.S8: …

(学生两人一组完成2,除了可以用书上所给的运动名称,也可用他们所知道的其他运动名称进行对话。)2.(让学生听3录音,并完成3。)T: Michael and Kangkang like doing sports a lot.Do you want to know what sports they often do on weekends? Listen to the tape, then fill in the chart in 3.(再放录音3,核对答案。)3.(做一个运用“be going to+do”句型的游戏。)(挑选若干学生上台,做关于运动的动作,该动作要能使同学们明白并成功猜出运动名称。猜到的同学要用be going to+do询问做动作的同学,以证实自己的猜测是否正确。)T: Please do an action about your favorite sport.(S10表演一个动作。)S9: Are you going to play basketball? S10: No, I’m not.S9: Are you going to play volleyball? S10: Yes, I am.…

(让学生尽量多表演动作。)Step 5 Project 第五步


1.(小组活动,在小组中做采访并向全班同学作报告。)T: Work in groups.Ask your partner the following questions, then give a report to your classmates.(1)Which sport do you prefer, … or …?(2)Do you … much?(3)Are you going to …

next week? 2.Homework: 用be going to造五个句子,要求用不同的人称、句式。板书设计: Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.Learn some new words and phrases: dream, grow, grow up, future, in the future, job, active, break, record, gold, give up, shame, single 2.Go on learning the future tense with be going to: —What are you going to be when you grow up? —I’m going to be a dancer.3.Talk about the favorite sports and players:(1)—What’s your favorite sport, Maria? —Basketball, of course.(2)—Who’s your favorite player? —LeBron James./ I like Yao Ming best.Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具











2、________ 3________ 4.________ 5._________ 6._______ II.听对话,根据你所听到的内容选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。(12分)


听下面4段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最 佳选项。(6分)

()7.Where does the woman come from ? 校学A.America.B.England.C.Germany.()8.What does the boy doing ? A.He was reading.B.He was sleeping.C.He was watching TV.()9.What kind of music does the woman like now ? A.Folk music.B.Classical music.C.Rock music.()10.How long did it take to build the bridge? A.More than 3 years.B.Less than 3 years.C.Over 13 years.第二节


听下面一段材料,回答第11、12题。()11.What’s John’s favorite sport ?.A.Swimming.B.Playing basketball.C.Playing baseball.()12.How often does John play baseball? A.Seldom.B.Sometimes.C.Often.听下面一段材料,回答第13、14题。

()13 Who is the woman going to spend her summer holiday with ? A.Her husband.B.Her sister.C.Her brother.()14.How will the boy go ? A.By train.B.By plane.C.By bus.III.听短文,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍。(6分)()15.Mr.Black was usually _________ When he went home.A.pleased.B.tired.C.excited.()16.Every summer she travels with her _________.A.watching TV.B.reading.C.lying in bed.()17.Mr.Watt wanted to speak to _________ ?

A.Mr.Black.B.Mrs.Jack.C.Mr.Smith.()18.Both Mr.Black and Mr.Watt were very _________.A.angry.B.sad.C.happy.,短文读两遍。(6分)19.____________ 20.____________ 21.____________ 22.____________


Part One:语言知识运用(35分)

I.选择填空。从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入句中空格的最佳答案。(15分)()23.--________ sweet music!Let’s listen to it again.--OK.A.What aB.WhatC.How()24.--There ____ a wonderful movie tomorrow.Would you like to watch it with me?--Sure, I’d love to.A.is going to haveB.haveC.is going to be()25.—What were you doing at this time yesterday? —We _______ in the classroom.A.read B.were reading C.are reading()26.He eats _______ food, so he is _______ fat.A.much too;too muchB.too much;much too C.much too;the many()27.You must give up_____.It’s bad for your health.A.smokingB.smoke C.to smoke()28.-Would you mind my smoking here? ――_________

A.Sorry, you’d better not..B.Yes, you can.C No, you can’t smoke()29.I see you_____ basketball almost every day.A.playB.to playC.playing()30.—My aunt goes to climb Mount Gu every Sunday.—Oh? But she _______ hate climbing mountains.A.use to B.used to C.uses to()31.—Must I park my car behind the building? —No, you _______.You _______ park it here.A.mustn’t;may B.may not;mustC.don’t have to;may()32.She told us a story, and her voice sounded _______.We’re interested in it.A.sweet B.small C.clearly()33.Let’s go swimming,_______? A.don’t youB.shall we C.will you()34.—I think classical music is pleasant.—_______ I think it’s boring.A.I agree.B.I think so.C.I don’t agree.()35.We should do more exercise to keep ______ fit.A.we B.our C.ourselves()36.—Do you have _______ to say today? —No, nothing.A.anything important B.important something C.something important()37.It’s important to brush you _________ twice a day.A.tooth B.tooths C.teeth II.补全对话 从方框中选出正确的句子补全对话。(10分)A: Hi, Lingling!B: Hi, Daming!A: Yes.What’s up? B: Tomorrow is Sally’s birthday.You know, she’s alone in China.A: That’s a good idea!You are so kind.B:.A: Yes, I’d love to..B: Let’s make it five o’clock in the afternoon.A: OK.Let’s meet at your house.B: She is Sally’s best friend.A: I will.See you then.III.完形填空 从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

In the doctor’s waiting room, many people were sitting on the chair.Bob, a 12-year-old school __ , was among them.They all looked very sad, but Bob looked very was reading an interesting story.Just then the came out and called the next man.Bob up and ran into the doctor’s room.“ is the matter with you, young man?” said the doctor.Before Bob could say a word, the doctor made him down on the chair.“Now let me listen to your heart.” Bob tried to speak, the doctor told him not to say anything.“I’ll take your temperature.” Bob tried to stand up, but the doctor After a while, the doctor said, “Well, boy , you don’t have a There is nothing wrong with you.“ I know there is wrong,” said Bob.“I just come here to get some medicine for my father.()43.A.man B.woman C.boyD.girl()44.A.happy B.tiredC.serious D.angry()45.A.teacher B.doctor



C.jumped D.looked()47.A.What


C.Which D.When()48.A.go B.come


D.lie()49.A.so B.but C.or D.and()50.A.passed B.followedC.forced D.stopped()51.A.cough B.fever


D.headache()52.A.nothing B.everything

C.something D.anything Part Two.阅读理解(40分)

A Plants are very important.This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight.Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight.Animals can get their food by eating plants and other animals.Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too.So animals and man need plants in order to live.This is why there are so many plants around us._There are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants.Almost all the trees around ___us are flowering plants.You can know some trees from their flowers and fruit.Non-flowering plants do not ___grow flowers.You can not see many non-flowering plants around you.___If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many kinds of plants.Some _号plants are large and some are small.Most of them are green.Thanks to the plants around us we can live on)考earth.(根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(10分)座()53.We need many plants around us because _______.___ A.plants can grow easily B.plants are green ___ C.we can get what we need from plants D.we like all kinds of plants ___()54.There are so many plants around us because _______.___ A.man doesn’t need any plants B.most animals don’t eat plants __名 C.man and animals need plants to live D.the earth will become more beautiful 姓()55.There are _______ non-flowering plants than flowering plants around us.___ A.much fewer B.much more C.much larger D.much better ___()56.Which of the following does NOT come from a plant? ___ A.Basket.B.Bread.C.Cabbage.D.Stone forest.___()57.Which is the best title(题目)of this passage? _级 A.Plants around us B.Man and Animals C.Live on Earth D.Food and Plants 班 B Do You Want to Be an Artist? Do you want to be an artist? Come to our club.We have guitar, violin, piano and drum lessons forjust ¥240 each.You can also learn to sing or dance for just ¥180 each.If you like art, you can be satisfied, too.Art lessons are just ¥200 each.根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(10分)
