
2022-12-20 版权声明 我要投稿



摘 要:语言的学习应该来自生活,最终回归于生活。探索以“话题教学”为主线的初中英语课堂教学新思路,整合教材资源,以生活为蓝本、以话题为线索,可培养学生听说读写的技能,形成英语思维,提高语言素养。




人教版教材《新目标英语》”Go For It”每个单元都围绕一个话题,让学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作、交流和探究等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务,体现了语言教学的整体性和综合性。从内容来看,每个单元的话题联系社会生活,贴近学生生活实际,富有时代气息,体现时代精神,有很强的时代感。教学可在学生的知识和信息存储的基础上拓展新的知识目标,同时给学生大量的活动空间,让学生在交流合作中习得语言知识和交际能力。教师需要有系统地、有针对性地对相关话题的语言材料进行整合,采用任务型语言教学法,按照语言生成规律“词—句—篇”进行训练,遵循“低起点,小步子”的原则,在步与步之间辅设分析、构建一个个小的教学层次,由易到难,循序渐进,最后达成目标。



话题的选择要紧密联系课本内容和学生实际,每堂课或每个单元适宜选择一个教学话题。这样可以使课堂讨论内容相对集中,有利于提高教学效率,同时充分考虑相邻话题之间的关系。如Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 和Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 这两个小话题是人们生活中最基本的话题,可作为相邻话题,构成话题群。






如人教版七年级上册Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 这一单元中,我们共设计了四个学习任务。学习任务一:根据本单元内容,独立进行词汇构建(包括subjects, description words, reasons, time, dates, conversations about one’s favorite subject, composition and grammar.)学习任务二:分享、补充。学生组内交流、明确与他组分享的素材,形成团队的词汇,要求贴近实际,不追求难词、怪词。教师根据学生的掌握程度补充本课时必须掌握的词汇及句型,围绕中心句型What’s your favorite subject? 采用师生、生生对话练习来对新知识进行内化。学习任务三:听力大比拼。课堂辅以相应听力训练内化所学知识并进行适当的语言输出,在听力练习过程中,穿插根据听力材料随机给出的问题并引导学生进行抢答,激发学生的求知欲望,引导学生集中精力迅速捕捉听力任务中的有效信息。在激发学习兴趣的同时提高学生的听力技能。在此基础上布置新的调查任务,(如调查本组同学最喜欢的科目),并在班内进行汇报,使学生在不知不觉中将所学的知识转化成了使用语言的技能。在各种“任务”中,学生能够不断地获得知识或得出结论,从而获得运用语言的能力,随着“任务”的不断深入,整个语言的学习过程会越来越自动化和自主化。


“话题教学”中的展示形式可以多样化。教师应该鼓励学生通过多种途径寻找各种信息,可以分组讨论,也可以由个人阐述自己的观点;可以是以对话的形式进行交流,或是采用辩论的形式,也可以写下自己观点,以课件展示的形式向同学们介绍自己的看法。讨论不必每堂课都有,最好是在一个单元学完之后对这个单元的话题有个整体的认识后再进行讨论,并且最好给学生有比较充分的思考过程和讨论过程。课堂上的这种讨论不是对课文进行简单的重复,而是在此基础上进行更深入的思考。例如,人教版七年级上册Unit 1 My name is Gina 和Unit 2 This is my sister主要介绍自己的家人情况,可以引导学生在理解课本基本内容的基础上,引发学生进一步思考,谈论自己家人的基本情况,理解父母工作的辛苦,爱父母、帮助父母做力所能及的事情。这使学生在“话题教学”的讨论过程中加深对课文的理解并落实了情感目标。






















【摘 要】初中阶段的英语作文主要以话题作文为主,教师要重视话题写作教学在初中英语教学中的重要地位,发挥创造性思维开展多元化的写作教学形式,激发学生的写作兴趣,指导学生有效的写作技巧,建立学生的写作自信,让学生在积极主动的写作创作过程中,不断积累写作经验,增强自身的写作水平,通过写作来提升学生自身的英语素养和英语思维能力,促进学生英语综合能力的全面发展,为学生未来学习英语打下良好的基础。


Teaching Strategies of Topic Writing in Junior High School English

(Yupan Junior High School, Wushan County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province,China) LI Jianhua




例如,以“My dream home”的话题写作教学为例,教师在教学之前,首先利用多媒体播放自己家乡的视频资料,视频通过动态的画面及优美的语言介绍,为学生呈现出一个美丽淳朴的家乡风貌。学生通过对视频资料的观看,沉浸在美好的情境之中,进而引发学生对美好家园的憧憬与向往。接着,教师顺利引入今天的写作话题“My dream home”,学生通过前面话题情境的铺垫,对于梦想中的家园有了更多的想法,在写作过程中也能更加充满表达欲望。通过这种利用情境创设来引入话题教学的方式,顺利激发了学生的创作热情,写作教学也能达到更好的效果。



例如,在以“My best friend”为话题展开英语写作教学时,教师可以在本单元的阅读教學过程中,请学生以小组为单位,通过小组对话和小组讨论的形式,利用本文所学的重点句型和词汇来介绍自己最好的朋友。学生在通过口语练习后,对于好朋友的话题有了更多的写作素材,语言素材得到积累的同时,学生的写作思路也因为互相讨论变得更加清晰,在之后进行话题写作时,学生能够更加清晰地表达自己对于最好的朋友的观点。这种借助口语练习来促进写作教学的方式,不仅增强了学生的口语表达能力与语言思维能力,也积累了学生的写作语言素材,让学生写出来的作文更加充实饱满,言之有物,学生的作文质量得到了显著提升。



例如,每年的中考都会涌现出许多优秀的英语作文,这些作文经常作为范本被教师用于教学示范。在进行同类话题写作时,教师就要鼓励学生对优秀的中考范文进行仿写,学习示范作文的表达方式与文章结构,掌握不同体裁的写作技巧。同时,教师也要善于挑选贴合学生实际的话题展开写作教学,诸如“Weekly dairy”“Suggestion letter”“Apology letter”等学生熟悉的话题来进行多种题材的作文练习,这些常见的作文有许多可供学生仿写的范文,学生在学习和仿写的过程中,能够更好地提升自己的写作质量。














(责编 侯 芳)




【关键词】英语 话题作文 提高策略
















作者:何蔚华 赖美玲




1. 到达arrive at/in

2. 乘飞机去北京旅行travel to Beijing by plane

3. 飞去 fly to

4.风景名胜 places of interest 5. 带…参观 show…around

6. 比如 such as 7.观光go sightseeing

8. 照相take photos 9. 购物go shopping/ do some shopping 10. 买明信片buy some postcards

11. 过得很愉快have a good time/ enjoy oneself

12.最有趣的旅行之一one of the most interesting trips 13.在第一天 on the first day

14.第二天the next day 15. 其它天the other days 关于旅游的句型:

1.Last winter holiday, we went to Shanghai with parents by plane /train. 2.I have been to many places in the past, but …is my favorite. 3. It took us about two hours to get there by plane.

4. The sky is blue, the air is fresh and the people there are quite friendly.

5. It’s neither too hot nor too cold all the year round, so it is called “Spring City”. 6. Beijing lies in the north of China. 7. Beijing is famous for the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. 8. Beijing, the capital of China, is really an attractive city with a long history. 9. The guide showed us around many places of interest and we took a lot of photos there.

10. There are many places of interest, such as the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. 11. We did some shopping and I bought some postcards for my friends.

12. on the first day… on the second day… finally….

13. It’s one of the most interesting trips that I have ever had. 14. It’s such an exciting trip that I will never forget it.


(1)北京是一个历史悠久的城市; 2.你在寒假参观了北京的许多名胜古迹: 紫禁城,长城; 3.你希望暑假能带朋友逛北京。

Beijing, the capital of China, is really an attractive old city which has lots of places of interest, such as Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and so on. Last winter vacation, I went sightseeing with my best friends and had a good time those days. On the first day, we took the bus to the Summer Palace and enjoyed the views there. The next day, we went to climb the Great Wall and we reached the top of it. For the summer vacation, my friends will come to visit Beijing. I will show them around the city and I am sure they will like Beijing.

(2) I had a great trip last winter vacation, it was the best trip I’ve ever had. I went to Harbin with my parents. We went to an ice park on the first night. It was so beautiful and it looked like a castle. There was just so much to see and do there. The most unforgettable one was the ice climbing. I remembered that I fell off a few times and finally got to the top, it was really interesting! There were also many great ice sculptures standing in the street, they were made into the shape of flowers and animals, they all looked so real. The next day, we went to the Sophia Church.

There were many pictures and things that were used in the past which showed the history of Harbin. It was just like a museum. Not only did I spend many happy hours looking around the beautiful church, but I also learned a lot about the fascinating history. By the time we left Harbin, we had bought many souvenirs.

In short, the trip was both fun and educational, I enjoyed it a lot.

(3) Last summer vacation I went to Hainan with my parents. When I got there, I was completely attracted by the scenery. The blue sky, cool wind and fresh air are definitely different from that of Beijing, where I had lived for more than 10 years. On the first day I arrived in Hainan, I went to the beach happily. Although the weather was really hot, I did have a good time swimming in the sea. I think I was too exhausted, so I needed to relax.

Lying on the sandy beach and enjoying the lovely sunshine, both my body and my mind were relaxed. Later in the evening, I went backto the hotel full of happiness and relaxation. I had a delicious meal then. Sitting at the table with wonderful seafood, tasting the soul of the sea and enjoying the fresh air, I finally knew how important relaxation was. This vacation was really exciting. (4) I had a wonderful trip last summer vacation. I went to Paris, the capital of France, to relax myself! I was completely attracted by the scenery. There were all kinds of flowers and trees here and there. The air was also very clear. Walking through the city made me comfortable. The people there were also very kind and helpful, and I made friends with a little French girl. The most wonderful thing in France, however, was the wine. You can drink tasty wine at a very low price. And you will soon fall in love with it. The feeling is so great! All in all, Paris is a quite fabulous city and the memory of this trip will keep in my mind forever. (5) After having a busy time studying, travelling somewhere interesting is always a good way to relax myself. Last vacation, I had a great time in Hainan. Hainan is a warm place in Southern China. So when it is really cold in Beijing, the weather there can be pleasant. Because of this, I swam and even ate ice cream there. Swimming in the sea with beautiful sunshine was such a relaxing thing that I forgot all my problems. The fruits there tasted delicious! I especially liked the mango, for the simple reason that it was really tasty. In general, Hainan is really a wonderful place, I think it might be the most relaxing place that I have ever been to!


The Travel Spotlight—Beijing Are you considering visiting somewhere on vacation? I advise you to come to Beijing where every year thousands of people pay a visit. It really has something worth visiting. First, there are many famous sights in Beijing. One of them is the Great Wall where you must have heard of. If you visit such a place, not only will you be attracted by the scenery, but you will see the whole Chinese history. And these places are always highly praised by the visitors. Then, Beijing snacks are also plentiful. They will meet the needs of nearly all the visitors’ requirement. You must have never tasted such delicious and special snacks that you may can’t help eating much.

Moreover, I want to tell you that the traffic in Beijing is not easy for a visitor to understand. But you can turn to the people for help, they are patient and friendly. Or you can have a map with you in case of losing your way.

In conclusion, it’s a pity if you don’t come here. I’m looking forward to your arriving!


1.1Should people who return lost property expect a reward? 2.2Is online chatting a reliable and effective way to make friends? 3. What are your suggestions for bettering the transportation conditions in your city? 4.My contribution to a harmonious campus 5.3 A memorable experience which has had a major impact on your life 6.Euthanasia/assisted suic

32. Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice. 33. What do you think are symbols of Chinese culture? Can you name at least one and say something about it? 34.7 How do you feel like your college life? What more do you expect? 35. If you were an animal, what would you be? 36. Beauty is more than skin deep 37. What changes would you like to see in your life? 38. Tell us about a well-known personality you admire. 39. Define: “Happiness is…”

40. How do you respond to criticism? 41. What is the greatest book you have ever read? Why? 42. 8Comment on this: “Honesty is the best policy.” 43. Do you believe in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? 44. What is your favourite color? Why do you like it? 45. If you were born in another time, what would you like to be? 46. What is your favourite TV program? How does it influence you? 47. What type of music do you like to listen to? Why? 48. People attend colleges, universities for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend colleges? Use specific examples and details to support your response. 49. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Others people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific examples and details to support your response. 50. It has been said: "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? 51. Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from your parents’generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer. 52. You want to persuade someone to study your native language. What reasons would you give? Support your answer with specific details. 53. 9Some people say that phyical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole day on academic studies.Which opinion do you agree with?Give reasons to support your answer. 54. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific example to support your answer. 55. In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. 56. What are you most concernd about when you look for a job? Why? 57. 11

Money is very important in one’s life. Someone says money is everything, while others don’t think money can buy everything. What is your point of view? 58. Since the employment situation for college students is not good enough in recent years, many college students are trying to strengthen themselves in all aspects. What do you think are essential preparations for future employment? Why are they important? 59. Is it good for college students to have part-time jobs? 60. Do you like to live in the countryside or in big cities? When choosing a place to live, what are your major considerations? 61. Are you satisfied with the traffic situation in your city? Do you have any suggestions to improve it? 62. Does gender discrimination still exist in today’s society? Use specific examples to support your viewpoint?

63. What qualities are you looking for in a boyfriend or girlfriend? 64. In our country, people are supposed to retire at the age of 60. However, some of them are still willing to continue to work, then, is it right for the law to force them to retire? 65. The situation of aging people has become a major problem in China. Do you have any suggestions to improve their lives? 66. Do advertisements play a positive or negative role in our society? 67. The fake and shoddy冒充好货的; 劣等的products are rampant in the market. Do you have any suggestions to fight against fake products? 68. Suppose you were a member of the Green Peace Society, what would you do in order to protect the environment? 69.

What are the harms of smoking? Should smoking be prohibited? 70. Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Other choose friends who similar to themselves. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? 71. If you were already a parent, what values would you teach your children to cherish? And Why? 72. If you had the power to invent something, what would be your invention and why? 73. Does television play a positive role or negative role in the modern society? 74. Of all the teachers with whom you have come into contact in high school and college, who has had the greatest influence in shaping your academic career? Describe this person and give examples that illustrate why that person has been so important to you? 75. Many people think it is a waste of time and energy to spend so much time learning English. What do you think? 76. Information technology is becoming more and more accessible for people in China, do you think books will become less and less important? 77. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? 78. Which counts more, tourism or environment? 79. Favorable policies are formulated to encourage college graduates to start their own businesses or find jobs on their own. If you are a college graduate, would you like to start your own business or find a stable job? 80. The early bird catches the worm.





打电话Making telephone calls

感谢和应答Thanks and responses

道歉和应答Apologies and responses

邀请和应答Invitations and responses

请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responses谈论天气Talking about the weather


问路和应答Asking the way and responses

劝告和建议Advice and suggestions

禁止和警告Prohibition and warnings

约会Making appointments

看病Seeing the doctor

语言困难Language difficulties

祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes,congratulations and responses 就餐Taking meals


提供(帮助等)和应答Offers and responses

问时间或日期和应答Asking the time or date and responses 表示肯定和不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertainty请求Requests

表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreement希望和愿望Hope and wish

表扬和鼓励Praise and encourage

高兴Happiness, pleasure and joy







求救和恐惧Calling for help and fear

喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikes

常见标志和说明Some common signs and instructions


1. 谈论你的一次旅游经历。(Talk about your travel)

I went to Rizhao last year. It’s in the east of China . I went there with my father and mother. We stayed there for three days in july. We climed the Wulianshan mountain . And we visited the Liujiawan park. It was beautiful. We had a lovely time there.2. 搜集一些你的爷爷或奶奶的相关信息,写一写。

Many year ago, my grandpa was tall and strong. He was a teacher . my grandma was beautiful and she was a nurse. They didn’t have televisions. They lived in a small house. They didn’t have enough food.

Now,they are old and they are retired. They live in a big house. They have got lots of food.They watch TV everyday. They live a happy life.

3. 谈论一下你上周末做了什么。(What did you do last weekend? )

I had a busy weekend. I did my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I visited my grandma and helped her with the housework. In the evening, I watched TV. On Sunday morning, my parents and I went to a park. In the afternoon, I washed my clothes and cleaned the room. I read books in the evening. I really had a wondful weekend.

4. 谈论一下你的下周末计划。(What are you going to next weekend?)

I am going to visit my grandma next weekend. My grandma is sixty years old. She likes bananas and eggs. So I will buy some for her. And I will take my football. I will play it with my little brother. I think I am going to have a nice day.

5. 介绍自己一天的生活起居。(用一般现在时态)

I usually get up at half past six. Then I have breakfast with my parents at seven o’clock. I go to school at eight o’clock. My favourite subject is English. Because it’s interesting. And I’m good at playing football. After school,I go home and do my homework. After dinner, I watch TV, then go to bed. This is my all day life.

6. 简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。并表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物。

Now I will talk about my three meals. For breakfast, I eat an egg and drink milk. As for lunch, I have rice,or noodles, vegetables. I like vegetables and fruits. I don’t like meat. I often had soup and fruits for dinner. Good food makes us healthy.

7.介绍你的朋友。 能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。

I have a good friend. Her name is.She is 12 years old. She is tall and beautiful. She likes English, but she doesn’t like math. She likes football, but she doesn’t like basketball. She likes apples, but she doesn’t like bananas. This is my friend.8.介绍学校(School life)


My school is very beautiful. It’s in zhangguandian, near Xiangjiahe. It’s zhangguandian primary school. I like my school very much. My English teacher is Miss Huang. She is beautiful and kind. My favourite subject are English and chinese. They are interesting. I don’t like math, it’s hard for me. The teachers are kind. The students are smart. I’m happy in my school.


1. What are the responsibilities of college students?

2. True friendship

3.How should you prepare for a job interview?

4. Learn to walk before you can run

5. The difficulties of finding a job after college graduation

6. My views on the expansion of college enrollment

7. My ideal English teacher

8. In life, it is attitude that matters most.

9. Who should be responsible for environmental protection?

10. Look before you leap.

11. Smile and the world smiles with you.

12. The importance of recycling

13. Is money equal to success?

14. China in 20 years

15. If I had a time machine, …

16. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

17. The role of the Internet for college students

18. My ideal university

19. My views on TV pop shows like “Super Girls” and “Happy Boys”

20. Smoking should be banned in public places.


Directions: In this part, there are 15 settings. Two students are supposed to choose one setting and work together to make up a conversation based on the setting.

Setting 1 Role A: You are a student who just finished the College Entrance Examination. Now you are consulting the information about majors or colleges in Xi’an Technological University. Role B: You are a teacher in charge of admission and try to respond to A’s questions. Setting 2 Role A: You are the coordinator of an international study program and interviewing an applicant for the position of assistant in the program. Role B: You are a senior student in college and want to have a part- time job working for some international students program. You are taking the interview. Setting 3 Role A: You are a student in British university. You are presently looking for a place to live. You saw an ad in the local newspaper to rent out a room in town. You go and have a look at it. Role B: You are a local British family. You have a room to rent out. Setting 4 Role A: You are a student who just came to xi’an city. You talk to your Chinese friend about your impression of xi’an city. Role B: You are a Chinese student who met your foreign friend on campus. Ask your friend some questions about his /her stay in xi’an city. Setting 5 Role A: You are a second-year undergraduate student at Xi’an Technological University. You take B on a campus tour. Role B: You are a fresh man at Xi’an Technological University. A takes you on a campus tour. Setting 6 Role A: You are a student in charge of ### society or club at Xi’an Technological University. Now you are recruiting new member. Role B: You are a fresh man at Xi’an Technological University and want to join ### society or club. Now you are talking with A to inquire details about it. Setting 7 Role A: You want to open a saving account and change money at a bank. Role B: You are a bank clerk. Setting 8 Role A: You are a customer, looking for a shirt. Role B: You are a salesperson, trying to help your customer find what she/he wants. Setting 9 Role A: You haven’t been feeling well this week. You go to see your doctor. Role B: You are A’s doctor .You give A a diagnosis and a prescription. Setting10 Role A: You ask B about his/her favorite movies/directors/actors /actress. Role B: You ask A about his/her favorite movies/directors/actors /actress Setting 11 Role A: You ask B about his/her favorite sports /sports games/sport stars. Role B: You ask A about his/her favorite sports /sports games/sport stars. Setting 12 Role A: You are ordering food in a regular restaurant. Role B: You are a waiter/waitress in the restaurant.
