
2022-05-28 版权声明 我要投稿


Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”(公开课教学设计)[本站推荐]

Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”(公开课教学设计)


1. Let students read the passage and learn about the geography, population, main cities, natural beauty and natural resources of Canada. 2. Get students to learn different reading skills.


1. Develop students’ reading ability.

2. Enable students to learn about some basic information and talk about Canada.



1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Let students learn the knowledge of Canada.


1. Develop students’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.

2. Let students learn how to read a traveling report and how to use a map.

2. Enable students to learn about some basic information and talk about Canada.


1. Stimulate students’ interest in learning about foreign countries.

2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.


Step 1 Leading-in and warming up

1. Show a map of Canada to students and talk about Canada. Then ask them the following questions:

1)What kind of country is Canada?

2)How large is it?

3)What else do you know about Canada?

Suggested answers:

1)Canada is a multicultural country.

2)It’s the second largest country in the world. It covers an area of 9 984 670 square

kilometers. It is a bit bigger than China.

3)(Students’ answer may vary. Encourage them to tell more information. )

2. Make a quiz

Show the following on the screen.

How much do you know about Canada?

1. What language(s) do Canadians speak?

A. English.

B. English and German.

C. English and French.

D. English and Spanish.

2. What is the capital of Canada?

A. Vancouver.

B. Toronto.

C. Calgary.

D. Ottawa.

3. What is the national animal of Canada?

A. Beaver.

B. Grizzly bear.

C. Polar bear.

D. Penguin.

4. What is the Canadian leader called?

A. President.

B. Prime Minister.

C. Governor.

D. King.

5. How many Great Lakes are there in Canada?

A. 4.

B. 3.

C. 5.

D. 6.

Let students work in pairs and answer this quiz. Then have them compare their answers with another pair. Give them the correct answers and see how many students got 80% or better. Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Let students discuss the following questions:

1)What is the longest trip you have ever taken?

2)If you take a trip to Canada, what do you think you might see there?

3)What three words would you use to describe Canada?

3. Have students turn to Page 34 of the text book, look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures and predict what the passage is about. Then have them read the passage quickly to see if they are right. Step 3 Reading 1. Fast reading

Ask students to skim the reading passage and then answer the following questions:

1)What is the passage mainly about?

2)What is “The True North”?

3)How many cities are mentioned in the text? What are they?

Three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.

Suggested answers:

1)The passage is about a trip of two girls, and it tells us some information about Canada.

2)“The True North” is the train that goes across Canada/the cross-Canada train.

3)Five. They are Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Thunder Bay and Toronto.

2. Intensive reading

Allow students to read the passage carefully this time to understand the main ideas of each paragraph and get the important details, and then finish the following:

1)Choose the best answer to each question according to the text.

(1)As you go eastward, you can see the following things except ______________.

A. mountains

B. thousands of lakes

C. forests and wide rivers

D. cows

(2)Who will take part in the Calgary Stampede?

A. Cowboys from Stampede.

B. People from Canada.

C. Anyone who has a gift for riding.

D. Cowboys from all over the world.

(3)Which of the following statements is true?

A. One can cross Canada in less than five days by train.

B. Many people think Calgary is the most beautiful city in Canada.

C. In fact, the population of Canada is more than thirty million.

D. Ocean ships cannot reach Thunder Bay.

(4)Which of the following shows the right route of the cousin’s travel?

A. Toronto→Calgary→Vancouver→Thunder Bay

B. Vancouver→Calgary→Thunder Bay→Toronto

C. Vancouver→Thunder Bay→Calgary→Toronto

D. Toronto→Thunder Bay→Calgary→Vancouver

Suggested answers: (1)D (2)D (3)C (4)B

2)Use the information from the reading passage to fill in the table below.

Basic Facts about Canada

Distance from east to west coast

Oceans on the east and the west coast


Where most Canadians live

Location of the largest fresh water supply

Key points about Vancouver

Key points about Calgary

Key points about Thunder Bay

3)Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

(1)Which continent were the cousins crossing?

(2)Why were they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast?

(3)Why is the population of Vancouver growing so rapidly?

(4)What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

(5)How are ocean ships able to reach the center of Canada?

(6)What are some of Canada’s greatest natural resources?

3. Reading and discussing

Read the passage a third time and then work in pairs to discuss these questions.

1)Which part of the reading passage interests you most?

2)If someday you go to Canada, where will you go? Why?

(Let students have enough time to read the passage carefully and discuss the questions with their partners. Encourage them to expand their answers according to their own experiences. )

4. Dealing with language points

Help students analyze some difficult, long and complex sentences and guess the meanings of some new words and expressions. Encourage them to try to deal with the language points in the context. Give them explanations if necessary.

5. Listening and reading aloud

Ask students to read the passage aloud to the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each new word and the pauses within each sentence. Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebook after class as homework. Read them aloud and try to learn them by heart.

Collocations: be on a trip to, rather than, take the aeroplane, all the way, take the train, at the airport, on the way to, chat about, as well as, less than, aboard the train, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, be famous for, have a gift for, thousands of, in prizes, be amazed to do, at the top of, be surprised at, because of, fresh water Step 4 Consolidation Give students 10 minutes or so and let them do the following: 1. Work in pairs and fill in the table about the type of writing and summary of the idea. A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH”

Type of writing

Main idea of the passage

Main idea of Paragraph 1

Main idea of Paragraph 2

Main idea of Paragraph 3

Main idea of Paragraph 4

Main idea of Paragraph 5 Suggested answers:


Type of writing This is a piece of narrative writing.

Main idea of the passage Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went on a trip to Canada, visiting their cousins and enjoying the beautiful scenery across the whole continent of

Canada from west to east.

Main idea of Paragraph 1 Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada.

Main idea of Paragraph 2 Having arrived in Vancouver, the most beautiful city in Canada, they were to be taken to catch “The True North”, the cross-Canada train.

Main idea of Paragraph 3 Settling down in their seats in the train, they enjoyed the wild scenery whilecrossing the Rocky Mountains to Calgary.

Main idea of Paragraph 4 While arriving at Thunder Bay, they learn more about Canada, its population, resources, etc. Main idea of Paragraph 5 The train rushed towards Toronto while they were sleeping.

2. Complete the summary of the story with one word in each blank and then retell the whole story.

Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on a ______________ across Canada. Instead of taking the aeroplane ______________ the way, they would cross the whole continent of Canada in a ______________ after arriving Vancouver by air.

Danny Lin waited ______________ them at the airport and gave them a brief ______________ about Canada, the second ______________ country in the world and Vancouver, the most beautiful city of the country, while taking them to ______________ the train, “The True North”.

Having settled ______________ in the seats, they looked out of the window ______________ the wild scenery, the mountain goats, and grizzly bears. They went by the city of Calgary and ______________ in Thunder Bay, a city at the ______________ of the Great Lakes, learning more about Canada of its population resources and so ______________. Their last stop is Toronto, one of the southernmost cities in Canada.

Keys: trip; all; train; for; introduction; biggest; catch; down; at; arrived; top; on Step 5 Homework 1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart. 2. Read the reading passage again and try to retell the passage.







第3篇:高三复习 古诗鉴赏公开课教案专题



时间:2015年3月27日星期五上午第四节 地点:高三(6)班


知识和能力:了解古代诗歌的句法;理解作品的思想内涵、艺术魅力的能力。 过程和方法:先讲授例题,再由学生做练习,后由教师讲评;重视学生限时解题。 情感态度和价值观:培养古诗阅读的信心,培养健康高尚的审美情趣,提高文学修养。












3、划分节奏:音节或意义;五言23 七言223 2212 2221 读懂诗歌要领:









玉露凋伤枫树林,巫山巫峡气萧森。 江间波浪兼天涌,塞上风云接地阴。 丛菊两开他日泪,孤舟一系故园心。 寒衣处处催刀尺,白帝城高急暮砧。

2、限时理解诗句并讲评(2分钟) 2012年高考题:


望江南 [宋]李 纲

江上雪,独立钓鱼翁。箬笠但闻冰散响,蓑衣时振玉花①空。图画若为工。 云水暮,归去远烟中。茅舍竹篱依小屿,缩鳊圆鲫入轻笼。欢笑有儿童。 (选自《御选历代诗余》卷二十五)




《考试说明》鉴赏评价:能力层级D (1)鉴赏文学作品的形象、语言和表达技巧 (2)评价文章的思想内容和作者的观点态度





春风入树绿,童稚望柴扉。 远壑杜鹃①响,前山蜀客归。

到家逢社燕,下马浣征衣。 终日自临水,应知已息机②。

【注】①杜鹃,又名子规。②息机:摆脱琐事杂务,停止世俗活动。 (1)请简要分析首句中“绿”字的妙处。(2分)【考查对语言的理解】



(1)【要点】 “绿”字写出了春风吹绿林木的动态,表现了春风的活力,显示了春天的生机,增强了诗的韵味。【答题思路:写了什么→表现事物怎样】



寄托了对友人真诚的祝福,也暗含着诗人对超脱世俗的自由生活的向往。 【答题思路:写了什么→表达什么感情】





(选自《太平乐府》) 【注】①草团标:茅屋。 ②山溜响:山间泉流叮咚作响。溜,小股水流 (1)本曲每句都有“山”字,在内容表达上有什么作用?请简要分析。(3分)

1、【考查对语言的理解】 答:强调了“山”在作者生活中无处不在;【写出了作者的生活环境、日常生活都离不开“山”;】


作者山居生活的自乐之情得到了充分的表现。【表现了作者的自得其乐之情】 【答题思路:写了什么→表现事物的怎样→表达什么感情】 (2)“扫山云惊散林鸦”与“月出惊山鸟”(王维《鸟鸣涧》)两句中“惊”的起因各是什么?有什么相同的表达效果?请简要分析。(3分)【考查诗句的理解和表现手法的理解】 答:(第一问)孙曲中“惊”的起因是云朵掠过山林(或扫地发出声响);

王诗中“惊”的起因是月亮升起,月光照射过来。 (第二问)反衬出山间的幽静。












一、读懂诗句 :意向的组合

二、作答有法 :写了什么→表现事物的怎样→表达什么感情










离家今几宿,厌听棹①歌声。 [注]①棹歌:行船时船工所唱的歌。



(2)请从“景” 与“情”的角度,赏析本诗的颔联。(4分)

答: 答:(1)诗人离家日久,思乡情切,厌倦了长期的漂泊生活,所以听到棹歌声便心生厌倦。

(2)诗歌颔联妙在融情于景。诗中描写了鹜“残”、雁“断”、月“新”、潮“生”的凄迷景致,景中寄寓了诗人的羁旅之情、思乡之感。 6. 阅读下面这首诗歌,回答问题。(6分)(2010年)













C.艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯。D.春江花朝秋月夜,往往取酒还独倾。 答:



3、A 6.阅读下面这首诗歌,回答问题。(6分) (2011年)

晓至湖㈠上 [清]历鹗

出郭晓色微, 临水人意静。 水上寒雾生, 弥漫与天永。 折㈡苇动有声,遥山淡无影。 稍见初日开, 三两列舴艋。 安得学野凫, 泛泛逐清景㈢。 (选自《清诗选》) [注]① 湖:杭州西湖。②折:弯曲。③景:影。 (1) 这首诗情感丰富,请做分析。(3分)

(2) 请从表达技巧的角度对“折苇动有声,遥山淡无影”进行赏析。(3分) (1)①喜爱幽静;“人意静”“寒雾生”等。②亲近自然:“临水”、“稍见初日开”等。③向往自由:“学野凫”“ 逐清景”等④自由暂且不可得的惆怅:“安得”。 (2)答题要点:

①对比:以“有声”与“无影”对比,近写声觉,远写视觉,突出层次的远近和景致的深阔。 ②对偶:以“折苇”对“遥山”,近景与远景相结合;以动有声对淡无影,听觉与视觉相结合;节奏优美,意境深阔、淡雅。



意象的组合,跳跃式的,为了押韵、对仗的需要,可调整语序; 划分节奏:音节或意义;五言23

七言223 2212 2221






怀古(咏史)抒情 用典抒情

5、创作手法:----------------- 衬托
















(三)古代诗歌阅读(6分) 6.阅读下面这首诗歌,回答问题。(6分)

望江南 [宋]李 纲

江上雪,独立钓鱼翁。箬笠但闻冰散响,蓑衣时振玉花①空。图画若为工。 云水暮,归去远烟中。茅舍竹篱依小屿,缩鳊圆鲫入轻笼。欢笑有儿童。 (选自《御选历代诗余》卷二十五)

[注]①玉花:喻雪花。 (1)“箬笠但闻冰散响,蓑衣时振玉花空”,这两句的描写颇为精妙,请简要赏析。(3分)【考查表达技巧】


“冰散响”描写轻细的声音,衬托出环境的寂静、钓翁的宁静。 钓翁“时振玉花空”的动作,衬托出钓翁的凝定。 “但”字写出了钓翁心无旁骛。



“云水暮,归去远烟中”渲染环境的高远空旷,暗示钓翁生活的闲适自在; “茅舍竹篱依小屿”描写钓翁生活的简朴与环境的清幽; “缩鳊圆鲫入轻笼”流露出钓翁生活的自得之情; “欢笑有儿童”凸现了钓翁生活的温馨与欢乐。





春风入树绿,童稚望柴扉。 远壑杜鹃①响,前山蜀客归。 到家逢社燕,下马浣征衣。 终日自临水,应知已息机②。

【注】①杜鹃,又名子规。②息机:摆脱琐事杂务,停止世俗活动。 (1)请简要分析首句中“绿”字的妙处。(2分)【考查对语言的理解】



答:(1)【要点】 “绿”字写出了春风吹绿林木的动态,表现了春风的活力,显示了春天的生机,增强了诗的韵味。(意思对即可。其他看法,言之成理亦可)








(选自《太平乐府》) ①草团标:茅屋。 ②山溜响:山间泉流叮咚作响。溜,小股水流。

(1)本曲每句都有“山”字,在内容表达上有什么作用?请简要分析。(3分)答: (2)“扫山云惊散林鸦”与“月出惊山鸟”(王维《鸟鸣涧》)两句中“惊”的起因各是什么?有什么相同的表达效果?请简要分析。(3分)答:


2、【考查诗句的理解和表现手法的理解】 (1)强调了“山”在作者生活中无处不在;




王诗中“惊”的起因是月亮升起,月光照射过来。 (第二问)反衬出山间的幽静。










一、读懂诗句 例1 练习2

二、对题作答 练习1


(八)补充练习 秋兴八首(其一) 杜甫

玉露凋伤枫树林,巫山巫峡气萧森。 江间波浪兼天涌,塞上风云接地阴。 丛菊两开他日泪,孤舟一系故园心。 寒衣处处催刀尺,白帝城高急暮砧。


人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。 月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中


高中英语阅读课人教版必修三《Unit 5 Canada-The True North》说课稿

Good afternoon everyone, It is my great honor to be here to share my teaching ideas with you! The content I chose is the reading part of Unit 5. Now let me introduce it in detail. The teaching goal of this period is to enable Ss to catch the main idea by fast reading. Then to find out the detailed information through careful reading. The third is to express themselves with the language learned in class. The goal of learning ability is to develop Ss basic skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Of course, the centre of this lesson is to practice reading, including predicting, skimming, scanning and digesting. Meanwhile I will encourage Ss to practice, participate and cooperate in the classroom activities, and provide the students with the situations where they can acquire knowledge naturally. As for the teaching method, I will adopt communication method, task-based method and cooperation study method. With the help of the computer, I believe the efficiency of our class will be greatly improved. The teaching steps are as follows: Step 1 is Warming-up In this step, I will ask Ss to talk about something about Canada and do the quiz on their books to arouse their interests in learning English. Step2. Pre-reading Ask Ss to think about the question “What is the longest trip you have ever taken?” Then let the Ss to look at the map of Canada and discuss the question “If you take a trip to Canada, what do you think you might see there?” in pairs. And then look at the picture to predict the main idea of the passage. Step3 Fast-reading In this step, I will ask Ss to read the text as quickly as possible to catch the main idea of the passage and get a brief impression of Canada. By dong so, I will train Ss skimming skills. Step 4 Careful-reading In this step, I will let Ss read the passage carefully and answer the following questions according to the passage. The purpose is to train Ss to get some important facts and some detailed information and improve the ability of scanning skills. Step 5 Post-reading For the Ss to understand the text better, I will get the students to analyze several difficult sentences to smooth away the difficulties of understanding the text. And then I will give Ss 5 minutes to retell the passage. Step 6 Discussion In this step, the Ss will be asked to have a discussion in groups about the question, “If someday you go to Canada, where will you go? Why? ” Then I will invite several groups to report their work to the whole class in public to overcome their shyness. I think to use the language is the most important, so while teaching them, I always provide more opportunities for Ss to practice and cooperate in our class. Step 7 Summary In this step, what the Ss will do is to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Canada as well as listening to the tape so that they can revise what they have learned in the class. Step 8 Homework Write a composition about the summary of the passage. This is about my teaching, and during my teaching, I will try my best to make my class alive and encourage them to practice more and act more. I believe I can arouse their interests in learning English. That’s all. Thank you.人教版高中英语必修3 Canada-The True North教学设计说课教案 语言材料分析

(一) 学生分析



(二) 教材分析

本节课是本单元的第二课时,为阅读课型。阅读部分是围绕两位女孩李黛予和刘倩的加拿大之旅展开的, 通过他们的途中见闻向我们展示了加拿大的一些基本概况, 包括它的地理位置、面积、地貌、主要城市、生态环境、风土人情以及该国的多元文化。一路上,她们看到了加拿大的自然美景和野生动物。中途停靠卡尔加里(Calgary),桑德贝(Thunder Bay),五大湖(the Great Lakes),温哥华(Vancouver),多伦多(Toronto)。

(三) 教学目标 a. 语言知识目标 Ø 词汇:

Canadian continent scenery harbour maple eastward westward upward within nearby frost misty terrified pleased impressive rather than settle down in the distance Ø 句型: Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. Canada is 5,500kilometres from coast to coast. b. 能力目标






(四) 教学重点与难点 a. 教学重点

了解旅游相关知识及加拿大的背景知识;阅读各项微技能训练 b. 教学难点


(五) 教学理论与方法

Ø 理论依据1—高中英语课程标准:强调用英语获取和处理信息的能力 目标;整体语言教学

Ø 理论依据2—图式理论(Schematic Theory) Ø 借助图忆法促进阅读微技能训练 Ø 具体方法

1、任务型教学(以意义为中心,尽力调动各种语言和非语言资源,完成任务 )

2、语篇教学法(Text approach)



授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。近年高考考纲更重视培养学生的自我发展能力,这就要求教师在阅读教学中不仅要教学生“学会”,而且还要教学生“会学”。要用各种方法教会学生“怎样学”,使学生具备学习和运用英语的能力。在阅读过程中根据不同的阅读目的和要求, 采取不同的阅读方式和策略,遵循由浅入深, 由表及里,由具体到概括的顺序要求阅读。采用多媒体教学,用一些有关的精美图片、音像材料激起学生对即将阅读的文章的兴趣,减少陌生感。

六) 教学过程

教学环节/活动设计 Step I Warming-up(6’) Ø Greeting Ø Showing a map of Yun Nan,China on the screen.

have any questions for it? S1: When did you go there? S2: How long did you stay there? S3: Where did you visit? S4: How do you think of these cities? S5: How much money did you spend there? S6: Who went there with you? S7: How did you go there? …

Teacher answers the questions one by one. Then help Ss draw a conclusion and show the mind map to them.

Guide Ss to sum up using a correct sentence struction: Ss: You visited Yun Nan by plane 2 years ago.(板书)






目的:按照话题记忆单词可以促进语篇表达能力,指导学生用思维导图的形式将单词内容表示出来,使 “旅游”这个概念更加具体化,便于学生用语言表达;并为下一步的阅读游记做好铺垫。 T: I visited Yun Nan several years ago.And I find it very exciting. Do you 示一张云南地图,由学生向老StepⅡ While-reading(30’) Ø Fast-reading(5’)

Predict the topic of the text according to the title and the picture on the p34. T: What’s title about? Ss:a trip T: How did the writer go on a trip? Ss:by train. T: Therefore,I can say that the writer went on a trip by train. Am I right? Ss:Yes,of course. T: And I should say that the passage is about the travel journal?

Ø Careful-reading(15’)

Task 1 read the first paragraph and try to get the main idea of it. T: Is there anybody appearing in the first paragraph? Ss:Yes. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian. T: What did they do? Ss:They went on a trip to Canada. T: How did they go there? Ss:first by train then by plane. T: Well done! Can you use a sentence to describe all the information above? S1: 1. Li daiyu and Liu Qian went on a trip to Canadaby Trin and plane.(板书)

Task 2 try to find out the cities they visited.(places) T: Do you want to know where they visited? Ss:Yes! T: So try to find them out one paragraph by one paragraph. (板书) P1 P2 P3 P4


T:According to what you got just now, can you divide the whole passage into some parts? S2:I will divide it into 2 parts. Because the first part tell us some



1、设计相关问题明确几个要素(who, what, how),以便于学生用S+V+O结构造句总结大意。



目的:在英语高考中,阅读所占比重很大,而阅读题型中细节理解题又占最大比例。因此每节阅读微技能训练课中让学生掌握这一技能尤其重要。训information about their trip,and the following paragraphs introduce different cities they visited. T: Good job!

Task 3 How did they think of these cities? (adjectives) Encourage Ss to get some adjectives to describe the places.

Ø Comprehending(10’)

Para 1: Why are the cousins not flying directly to the Atlantic coast? Para 2: According to Danny Li’s words, what can they see in Vancouver? Para 2: Why is the population of Vancouver growing so rapidly? Para 3: What happens at the Calgary Stampede? Para 4: Where is the Thunder Bay? Para 5; What can sometimes be seen from the CN Tower in Toronto?

Step Ⅲ Post-reading(1’)

route of their trip on the shown map.

StepⅣ Speaking(7’)

T: If you got a chance to visit Canada,which cities interest you most according to the text? in Canada…

S4: I hape I can visit Calgary because it’s famous for the Calgary Stampede,which is exciting…

S5: I’ll go on a trip to Vancouver because I can ski in the Rocky Mountains, and it’s the warmest part… …

StepⅤ Assignment(1’)

Ø Read the text carefully after class Ø Find out the difficult words and sentences in thetext




Task 4 listen to the tape and try to finish the following questions.(scenery)

Help Ss recall the information they got from the passage. And make the

S3: I want to visit Toronto because it is the biggest and the wealthies city

阅读输入课型教学反思 1. 课型设计与整体实施效果

本课属于阅读课型,是该单元的第二课时。课后自我评价课堂教学效果良好,能实现既定的教学目标。让学生基本掌握阅读微技能(通过关键词获取信息、寻找文章的大意、扫读、查读等),通过听录音、视频材料及阅读文本信息达到语言及背景知识的输入,并且通过学生的口头语言表达达到学生对知识的理解及输出,使整节课课堂教学首尾呼应,大部分学生能通过简单模仿获取相关知识。教学效率高,学生思维活跃,收益面较大,课堂气氛热烈。充分体现了学生的合作能力与创造能力。 2. 教学课件

本节课围绕“Canada”主题而展开教学。因而在课件的每一张幻灯片右上角标出每一步活动的类型listening、reading、speaking等,有助与学生明确自己每一步该做什么,能做什么,怎么做。在课前通过展示中文版地图,在课中利用思维导图将学生获取的信息形象的体现出来,并板书。利用多媒体手段,让学生借助语境和图片使学生轻松地理解和掌握新语言点。 3. 阅读的技能训练


一、必修二的学习及训练,学生已经基本掌握获取关键词、关键句的技能,在阅读课堂上,主要培养学生从语言输入到输出答案所要注意的事项。 4. 说的技能训练 广东新高考英语要求考查学生的口语听说能力,这对于学困生来说相当困难。首先,学生缺乏自信,不敢开口;其次,各项基础知识如音标、句子结构、用英语思维等都相当薄弱。这些技能的训练并不可能在一堂或几堂课上出效果,必须经过一段长时间的不断的训练方可达到。目前该班级人处于训练的初级阶段,因此让学生开口表达必须要将内容铺垫好,让学生能通过简单模仿,总结规律达到说的目的。因此此课设计中先让学生通过阅读获取加拿大的相关信息,学生掌握并将它转移为自己的观点,即“拿来主义”,以达到说的技能训练。 5. 学生学习效果

课堂上学生的表现,比较好地反映学生对本节课内容的理解和掌握本节课的知识点。 6. 满意之处
















