
2022-11-15 版权声明 我要投稿


摘要:教育部制定的《英语课程标准(2011)》提出小学英语教学目标为激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极态度,初步建立学习英语的信心,要求小学生要“听懂和读懂简单的小故事”。习近平总书记在2018年召开的全国教育大会上指出,立德树人是教育的根本任务,要把思想政治工作贯穿于教育教学的全过程。故事教学法寓教于乐,于小故事中见大道理,正符合小学生阶段思政进课堂的要求。它还能够激发学生学习英语的兴趣,创造出生动活泼的英语课堂,有利于培养学生的综合语言运用能力,同时潜移默化地对学生进行德育渗透。笔者在分析总结国内外文献的基础上,对英语故事教学法在小学英语教学中的应用展开研究。研究对象是本人执教的山西省某地区C小学四年级英语教学班。在为期一学期的研究过程中,笔者在实验班运用故事教学法,而在控制班仍然采用PWP教学模式。本研究设有三个假设:(1)故事教学法能够提高小学生学习英语的兴趣。(2)故事教学法能够提高小学生的英语学习成绩。(3)故事教学法能够对小学生进行德育渗透。本研究采用定性和定量混合的研究方法,采用前、后测,问卷调查,访谈、课堂观察等方式收集数据,使用SPSS 25.0对所收集的数据进行分析和讨论。通过研究笔者发现:经过一学期的实验,实验班学生的学习兴趣和后测成绩有了显著提高且明显高于控制班,证明故事教学法能够有效提高小学生的英语学习兴趣和成绩,让学生体会到了英语学习的乐趣。与此同时,学生不但能读懂简单的小故事,而且能明白其中的大道理。希望本研究成果能够对小学英语教学提供一定的实践启示,尤其是将故事和德育结合起来,融英语教学与德智体美劳素质教育于一炉,把思政教育巧妙地融入英语教学当中,润物无声,立德树人。





Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research background

1.2 Significance and purpose of the research

1.3 Structure of the research

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1.Relevant concepts

2.1.1 Definition of Story

2.1.2 Definition of Story Teaching Method

2.1.3 The characteristics of Story Teaching Method

2.1.4 The procedure of Story Teaching Method

2.2 Theoretical Foundations

2.2.1 Constructivism

2.2.2 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis

2.3 Relevant research abroad and at home

2.3.1 Relevant research abroad

2.3.2 Relevant research at home

Chapter Three Research Methodology

3.1 Research hypotheses

3.2 Research subjects

3.3 Research instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaire

3.3.2 Tests

3.3.3 Interview

3.3.4 Classroom observation

3.4 Research procedure

3.4.1 Preparatory phase

3.4.2 Teaching procedure of CC

3.4.3 Teaching procedure of EC

3.4.4 Tests

3.5 Data collection and analysis

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1 Results and discussion of Students'English learning interest

4.1.1 Data and analysis of students' attitude towards Story Teaching Method

4.1.2 Data and analysis of students’learning interest

4.1.3 Data and analysis of students'attitudes towards PWP modeland Story Teaching Method

4.1.4 Data and analysis of students’classroom performance

4.2 Results and discussion of students'English achievement

4.3 Results and discussion of moral penetration in learning English

4.3.1 Data and analysis of situation of moral penetration

4.3.2 Data and analysis of moral education students acquired

4.3.3 Data and analysis of group cooperation

Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major findings

5.2 Pedagogical implications of the research

5.3 Limitations of the research

5.4 Suggestions for the further research


Appendix I:Questionnaire

Appendix Ⅱ:Interview outline

Appendix Ⅲ: Rules for Evaluating Student Performance in Class

Appendix Ⅳ:Classroom observation scale(课堂观察量表)

Appendix Ⅴ:Pre-test Paper

Appendix VI:Post-test Paper

Appendix Ⅶ:Data of Pre-test

Appendix Ⅷ:Data of Post-test

Appendix Ⅸ: Sample class in CC Unit3 Are you happy? (period 3)

Appendix Ⅹ: Sample class in EC Unit 3 Are you happy? (period 3)

