
2023-04-01 版权声明 我要投稿








1. 基本的公式写在固定的本子上,平时多翻翻


3 写错、不懂的一定要问!然后抄起来,隔一段时间再做一遍,要是做过的题还错那是不应该的

英语英语是很占人便宜的一科你弄懂了 那你就比那些不懂拉上好几十分得距离

1.英语不外乎单词,能背诵拿分得基本上就是送分的 , 但是单词背了可是要来理解阅读理解的,所以背单词总是背不起得同学可以结合句子背诵

2.英语也要做题。 找时间做几篇阅读理解,或上午做点完型填空,下午做点语法填空,做多了自然有感觉



1 背公式。 物理的公式其实挺多的,而且符号又那么多,最好也找个本子记下,而且标明符号代表的东西是什么

2. 做题。理科科目离不开做题,其实做题并不枯燥而且相反很有成就感,忍着做一段时间你看见成效就知道了


1. 化学比较杂,要记得东西笔记多,所以一定要做好笔记,而且要像背文科一样背化学的


2. 还是做题,一天做两三道一天做两三道就OK啦













第三步:模仿.将里面的东西弄懂以后,就是完完全全的模仿,要把自己当作里面的演员。 第四步:选择一个翻译的较好的中文字幕做对照,看看哪里还有问题,及时进行改正。 选择影片技巧


推荐电影:以迪斯尼的动画片为主 Sound of Music, Finding Nemo, Lion King, Beauty and Beast ,Garfield等等。


推荐电影:Forrest Gump, Heaven Earth, Troy, Patriot, Brave Heart, Gone With the Wind 等等。(这些电影只供用来学习文化背景,不推荐用于学习语音,词汇,交流)

对自己的水平比较有信心的同学可以选择Sex and the City, Friends 等等时下比较流行的肥皂剧,通过剧情学习一些比较地道的口语表达,让自己的英语显得更加的地道。(口语听力提高)




该片由文学名著改编,得到很多女性读者的喜爱。而影片则同该书一样出色,曾荣获第12届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳女主角、最佳女配角、最佳改编剧本、最佳艺术指导、最佳剪接等7项大奖,这些奖项的任何一个都足以引起人们观看的欲望。 克拉克·盖博和费雯·丽在片中演对手戏,就算你不在乎这些导演技巧和艺术指导,光是这两位大明星的表演和耳熟能详的经典配乐就能够使近4个小时的影片变得不那么冗长。片中突出的郝思嘉的坚强永远留在观众的心中。


















































世界有十分美丽,但如果没有女人,将失掉七分色彩;女人有十分美丽,但如果 远离书籍,将失掉七分内蕴。 读书的女人是美丽的。 正如着名女作家毕淑敏所说: “日子一天一天地走, 书要一页一页地读。 清风朗月水滴石穿, 一年几年一辈子地读下去。 书就像微波, 从内到外震荡着我们的心,徐徐地加热,精神分子的结构就改变了、成熟了,书 的效力就凸现出来了。” “和书籍生活在一起,永远不会叹息”,罗曼·罗兰这样劝导女人,知识 是唯一的美容佳品,书是女人气质的时装,书会让女人保持永恒的美丽。 女人不可不读书,世界因女人的存在而美丽,女人因书籍的滋养而变得更 加聪慧。

版本一 1.《第二性》:被《时代》周刊评为 20 世纪改变人类思想和生活的 10 本书之一,当代西方女权主义运动的“圣经”,迄

艺术的故事》 25.《人与永恒》 26.《李清照诗词评注》 27.《女人的资本》 28 .《女子与小人》 29 .《关于女人》 30.《懒女孩的健康指南》







6、钱钟书:婚姻的镜子—— 《围城》







13、德克旭贝里:《小王子》 第一章 假如爱情

14、让我来成全你的幸福—— 小仲马《茶花女》

15、灵魂的哲学与博—— 司汤达《红与黑》

16、越过爱情,看见备暧花开—— 简·奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》

17、我爱你,与你无关—— 茨威格《一个陌生女人的来信》(女性 细腻的内心描写,难以相信这出自以为男性作家手笔)

18、这简直像戏一样—— 威廉·莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》

19、爱永远不用说对不起—— 西格尔《爱情故事》 20、山在那里,你在心碎中微关—— 岩井俊二《情书》

21、 充满暗礁的爱情海洋—— 加西亚·马尔克斯 《霍乱时期的爱情》

22、爱情终究成了一种传说—— 阿兰·德波顿《爱情笔记》

23、 温柔而坚强—— 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 《简·爱》 (不要学习简·爱, 我们没有这么好的远房亲戚在我们需要的时候适时的死去,留下一大笔的遗产)

24、粉色的小爱情—— 堀川波《我就喜欢你这样的地方》

25、有天堂,但是没有道路—— 北村《玛卓的爱情》

26、美与爱是独立的—— 川端康成《雪国》 第二章 生命本真

27、 难缁糊涂的爱情与婚姻—— 列夫·托尔斯泰 《安娜·卡列尼娜》

28、战火中成长的美丽与坚强—— 玛格丽特·米切尔《飘》(更喜 欢电影)

29、用哲学来思考—— 米兰·昆德拉《生命中不能承受之轻》(我 真的看不懂,背负责任使人生变得沉重,抛却责任呢,我们一样的不快活) 30、奥德修斯式的传奇—— 雨果《悲惨世界》

31、二十四小时,路过爱,走过禁区—— 霍桑《红字》

32、最残酷的爱和最不忍的恨—— 曹禺《雷雨》

33、值得一生的等待—— 帕斯捷尔纳克《日瓦戈医生》

34、再翅生命的人—— 海伦·凯勒《假如给我三天光明》

35、只有渺小的人物,没有渺小的爱情—— 西奥多·德莱塞《珍妮 姑娘》

36、黄叶铺满地,我们已不再年轻—— 路遥《平凡的世界》(平凡 的世界,残酷的人生,因为真实所以感动)


寂寞,死的单调—— 萧红《呼兰河传》

38、爱上你的心—— 雨果《巴黎圣母院》

39、爱和欲的煎熬—— 福楼拜《包法利夫人》(每个女孩子身上都 有包法利夫人的影子) 40、我的成长与战争共呼吸—— 安妮·弗兰克《安妮日记》

41、沉重的枷锁—— 张爱玲《金锁记》

42、在自我面前忏悔吧—— 列夫·托尔斯泰《复活》

43、对于 80 后的学生来说,这个意义远比小说的启示更为重要)

44、战争,让女人走开?—— 瓦西里耶夫《这里的黎明静悄悄》

45、包容的爱还是彻底的恨—— 艾米莉·勃朗特《呼啸山庄》 第三章 诗意盎然

46、从“黑暗意识“中苏醒—— 翟永明《女人》

47、溶解心灵的秘密—— 舒婷《舒婷诗集》

48、爱,我们曾共同用有—— 叶芝《当你老了》

49、你最荚的气质足自由—— 惠特曼《草叶集》 第四章 非常生活 50、此幸福,彼幸福—— 杨绛《我们仨》

51、成长是日的,爱足过程—— 张小娴《面包树上的女人》

52、用另一个角度来看婚娴—— 老舍《离婚》

53、 一个女人的城市传奇—— 王安忆 《长恨歌》 (有张爱玲的味道, 相比于小说的情节,我更喜欢像散文般的环境描写,看完《长恨歌》,爱上了上 海的弄堂)

54、爱情与食物的辩证关系—— 徐坤《厨房》

55、勇敢地被启蒙—— 高尔基《母亲》

56、跳来跳去,你跳得出生活吗—— 契诃夫《跳来跳去的女人》

57、棘心天天,母氏劬劳—— 苏雪林《棘心》

58、有时候,钱也是安全感—— 亦舒《喜宝》

59、一切只是私人生活—— 陈染《私人生活》 60、让它变成事实吧——王小波《黄金时代》


1、诗歌 我个人觉得女人不一定要写诗,但是一定要经常读一读,顾城、海子的 诗不能不读。看了春树的一本诗集,不能说诗歌绝对不唯美,但是很现实,仿佛 是一根刺。

2 小说 村上春树: 我个人比较喜欢村上春树的小说, 《挪威的森林》 《天 从 到 黑以后》无一遗漏。 岩井俊二:因为喜欢他的电影,应该是在 04 或 05 年的时候,天津人民 出版社出版了岩井的作品集,绝对值得再读。 度边淳一:没有理由的一本一本的阅读。 上边说的都是我个人比较喜欢的日本作家,虽然他们是日本人,但同样 值得尊敬。艺术与国籍无关。 米兰·昆德拉:富有哲理的文字。文人当中的哲学家。 《刀锋》:这本书也许很多女人都不会喜欢去读,我之所以把她列到其 中,是因为我觉得每一个女人都应该去学习主人公的那种坚定与执拗。毛母所有 的书籍中,我最喜欢的一本。如果实在读不下去,我建议可以看一下同名电影。 大仲马、小仲马、莎士比亚、卡夫卡…… 说说我们国内的吧

,古书籍我不想多说,说说现代文学吧。 《围城》:钱钟书先生的《围城》估计没有人没看过吧,理由就不多说 了。 三毛、张爱玲:一直被我视为文字的珍宝。 安妮宝贝:尽管安妮宝贝现在有心避开网络,但是不可否认她才是 中国最好的网络写作者, 我想她的避而远之, 也反映了网络文字现在的无序状态。 杂志:女人应该经常阅读杂志,当然阅读的杂志中,时尚类杂志最 好不要超过 30%,尤其是 25 岁以后的女人。《新周刊》、《书城》、《三联》 都很不错。














Reading helps me a lot 1.What kind of books do you like to read? 2. In what ways does reading help you a lot?

(1) It is common knowledge that reading can help people a lot. In my opinion, cartoons are very

interesting and attractive. The plots are full of action, the endings are usually surprising. I am

interested in reading. I think the more you read, the more you learn. Books are my friends. They are full of wisdom. I‟m certainly sure that knowledge is power. So let‟s read books.

(2) Reading is an attractive activity which is also instructive. There is a growing number of people who love reading different kinds of books. For me, I do love reading world-famous books such as pride & prejudice. Each word in them hits my heart and makes me excited. Besides cultivating my taste, reading can take away the pressure from the study. Thirdly, I learn knowledge from reading, don‟t I? No doubt that reading helps me a lot. That‟s why I‟ll keep it as my interest in my future life.

When I met a difficulty 1. What difficulty did you meet?

2. Describe how you faced and overcame it. 3. How did you feel after you overcame it?

(1) There‟s no shortage of difficulties in our life. Once I attended an English contest, I was asked t o

memorize one hundred passages. Most words in the passages were the ones I had never seen before and the passages were very long. Because I spent all my spare time on the English contest, my marks on the school report wasn‟t as good-looking as before. Sometimes I even lost interest to go on. However, I chose not to give up and I won a prize for it at last. Difficulties are like the thorns of the rose, which makes the rose more glamorous. We don‟t need to be afraid of them. All we should do is to face them bravely and try our best to overcome it. They‟re not so hard as we think.

(2) There are a lot of difficulties in our life and we must face and overcome them. Once I argued with my best friend. We didn‟t talk to each other. Because we both felt angry. That‟s really a difficulty I thought. I felt sad after the argument. I didn‟t want to lose my best friend. So I decided to communicate with her. Then I wrote a letter to her. I said sorry to her. Finally she forgave me and we are good friends again. I felt very happy after I overcame the difficulty. I think when we meet a difficulty. We needn‟t be afraid of it. Just take it easy and we can solve it.

(3) I met a lot of difficulties in my life. Once I failed in an English exam. When I knew this, I didn‟t cry. I smiled to myself at once. I also said to myself “Don‟t give up, you will succeed.” Then I went over my lessons after I finished my homework every day. Besides, I listened carefully in class. What‟s more, I did a lot of English exercises at weekends. After working hard, I succeeded in the next English exam. I felt happy after I overcame it.

(4) Everyone has difficulties in his life, so do I. I usually met difficulties in study, but when I met difficulties, I didn‟t escape, I faced it bravely. When I met some difficult problems, I tried my best to solve them. Although sometimes I failed, I never gave it up. As a result, I usually overcame the difficulties. Certainly I felt happy and excited, because I succeeded in overcoming the difficulties by myself.

Homework in our study

(1) The homework which is necessary for us every day in our study is just like food for our spirit. So I do my homework every day. Just as the famous saying goes, „He who does not work, neither should he eat.‟ I want to be a good student who is hardworking. And I think better late than never. Nowadays I work hard in order to enjoy the life in the future. In my daily life, there is much homework, but I don‟t complain about anything. I want to he thankful to the teachers. I want to say, „Thank you very much!‟

(2) In my view, homework in my study is necessary and helpful. Not only because I can improve my study by doing it, but also because it can increase my knowledge. However, I think, there is too much homework in my daily life. So I want to ask my parents to let me have more free time for relaxing myself instead of doing so much homework.

(3) I think our homework should be reduced a little. Every day, it takes me more than three hours to do my homework. As a student, it‟s necessary for me to use knowledge correctly and make good exam results. But we should have enough time to take part in different kinds of activities as well, such as reading and having sports. I want to say to my teacher that the most thing students expect is to study happily.

My dream life of senior high school

(1) My dream senior high school life is full of extra activities. Students could enjoy themselves as well as improve their abilities. In my opinion, they will be important and helpful to us in the future. I hope to become a volunteer in my senior high school because there are millions of people who need help. I should try my best to make a contribution to spread my love. I believe that I will have a wonderful life in my senior high school.

(2) My dream senior high school life is relaxing and happy. In my dream senior high school, I hope I can study and live with other students happily. I also want to do something for my dream senior high school. I will try to protect the environment in my school. I want to make friends with others, too. I expect to have teachers who are kind and friendly, friends who can help me and share happiness with me. I hope my dreams will come true. I think I will have a new life as well as some trouble in my senior high school, but I also think I can deal with them and achieve a wonderful experience.

I will succeed


Everyone has difficulties。So do I. But when I am in trouble. I will say “Don‟t give up , and you will succeed” to myself so that I can encourage my self. After saying so, I will try my best to solve the problem I meet with. I think, if you never give up, you will succeed some day. And the success usually depends on your attitude.

(2) Everyone has difficulties in his life. In our life, there may be something unpleasant. For example, I fail in an exam. But when I am in trouble, I‟ll say to myself “keep smiling” smile is an attitude to life. Which scientist became successful without failure? Why not learn to smile? No matter how many times I have fallen on the ground, I won‟t give up. Keep smiling and work harder than before. I believe I‟ll be successful in the future.

The moment I was praised by my ________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Who praised you?

When and why were you praised? How did you feel?

What did you think of at that moment?

(1) The moment I was praised by my warm-heart I was praised by an old grandma five months ago. That day, when I was wandering in the park, a little girl came to me and told me with tears that she had lost her way. So I helped her to find her grandma. She praised me for my warm heart. I felt very happy. And I thought if I could help others, I would get lots of pleasure. I will remember that moment forever and give my helping hand to those in trouble as much as possible.

(2) My class teacher praised me after the Mid-term Exam because of my great progress. Before the exam, I studied much harder, did more exercises and was more careful when I was doing the paper. When my class teacher praised me, I was proud of myself and felt happy. At that moment, I knew “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

My View on Friends 1. How are the friends around you?

2. What do you usually do with your friends?(give at least two examples) 3. How do you keep friendship with your friends? And why?

(1) In my opinion, friends play the most important rule in our life for they share the happiness of life

together. And so are my friends, they are helpful, kind and hardworking. For instance, we share our sadness while facing difficulties and this encourages us a lot to overcome the difficulties. Well, it‟s not so easy to keep my friendship. We should always tell the truth and be tolerant to each other.

(2) In my opinion, friends are gifts given by God, helping me and keeping me warm and happy. Just like stories in the children book, I have a lot of true friends who are always willing to support me with hope and love around me. In my spare time, I usually have a good time chatting with my

friends. We all open our doors of hearts and share sadness as well as happiness. Otherwise, going

having sports outside is another fun thing for us to do at weekends. After all, friendship is more

valuable than gold, so I always try hard to keep it with great care, true love and honesty.

How to find happiness 1. What’s your view on happiness? 2. Do you agree with the saying , “ Money is happiness”? 3. How do our students find happiness in our study and life?


In my opinion, happiness doesn‟t equal money. Maybe money will give you material pleasure, but it doesn‟t last for long time. After a few days, you will find you are even more lonely than before. In my view, happiness is always around us. In order to find happiness in our study and life, we should have a good emotion first. Then pay attention to everyone around you. Therefore, you will get happiness from their laughter, interesting words they say and warm comforts. If you are able to do these, you will find your happiness. (94words)

My most wanted gift this year 1. What is my most wanted gift? 2. Why do I want it very much? 3. How /when can I get the gift?


My most wanted gift this year is an air ticket to Hainan. The reason why I want to go there is mostly because the beautiful scenery and pleasant weather there. I may receive the gift although it sounds impossible to be realized. Do you know why? My father has already promised that I can get it after the success in the final examination. So, that is, if I study hard. I‟ll have the chance to go to Hainan..(78words)

The best English learner in our class 1. 2. 3. 4. When did he/she start to learn English? How long has he/she learned English? How has he/she developed good English contest? Does he/she help others with their English?


Linda is the best English learner in my class. She started to learn English when she was ten years old. She has learned English for five years. To begin with, she has listened to English broadcasts and watched TV programmes to develop the listening skills. Second, she has spoken English in daily lives to develop the speaking skills. Finally, she has read more out of class to develop the reading skills. She helps others with their English.(77words)

The importance of family 1. 2. 3. 4.

The family is a very important part of everyday life. In my family, my parents and I often help

each other. According to their experience, they give me some advice on my life. Such as that the

most effective way to work out the problem is to put your heart into the work. I think they are right. And it is saying that "Listen to your elders." I think my family is so warm that it makes me happy every day.

Do your parents often help you?

Do your parents give you any advice or suggestions? What? What do you think of their ideas? Do you feel happy? Why or Why not?


Exams in my eyes

(1) Nowadays, many students complain about exams. In my opinion, exams are necessary for us because they are parts of our school life. First, taking exams is a good way of examining ourselves. We can find out what we‟re poor at and try to learn better. We can also gain more experience from all kinds of exams. Secondly, by taking exams, teachers can help us more properly.

(2) I hope teachers can tell us some skills on how to do better in exams. I also hope teachers can help us with our problems more patiently and efficiently after every exam. In my school, there are too many exams. When I take exams ,I usually feel bored. Some students who fail in the exams may not be interested in study. What‟s more, if some students don‟t pass the exams, their parents will be angry with them. It makes the students depressed(消沉的). In my opinion, exams should be easier than before so that most students can succeed. After all , it‟s more important to make students confident.

(3) As a middle school student , I have to take many kinds of exams. My last exam was about one week ago, but after 3 weeks, I‟‟ take the final exam. I just want to say, “ How time flies!”

Taking exams has not only advantages but also disadvantages. To a top student, exams are only a piece of cake (小菜一碟). They can show how clever they are through the exams. So it‟s a good chance for big companies to choose people. Of course, they‟ll choose the best. But, I believe most students don‟t like exams. We must review our lessons all day long. We must do more homework than usual. During the exam time, we‟re usually tired and sleepy. It‟s not good for our health. If we don‟t get good scores ,oh, my god, the result will be terrible. So I hope the exams will be not so difficult, and not so often. We can take the subject‟s exam that we like. And the teachers and parents won‟t be too strict with us. Maybe the result will be better than now. This is my opinion about exams. What‟s yours?

My favorite subject Among so many subjects, I like English best. In my opinion, we can know about different customs by learning English. That‟s why I like it so much.

To learn English better, I listen to the teacher with great care when I have English lessons. After school, I sometimes read English newspapers such as SSP in order to improve my English . I usually discuss with my classmates in English as well. English is so interesting that I am really interested in it. I will do my best to learn it well.

My way of relaxing Everyone has his own way of relaxing. I enjoy listening to music to relax myself. By listening to music, I can not only forget sadness but also release tiredness, so I usually listen to music after I finish my homework. I like various kinds of music, such as country music, pop music, classical music and so on. And I sometimes sing songs. I‟ve got a lot of pleasure in this way.

Music takes me out of my daily life and brings me to a colorful world. I really enjoy this way of relaxing.

Everyone needs help It’s generally accepted that everyone needs help. I’ve got lots of help from others so far. I’ll give help to the people who are in trouble because others help me a lot. In my view, helping others is one of the best ways to show our love and it can make me feel happy and fulfilled as well. Everyone needs a shoulder(肩膀) to cry on sometime in their life, so let’s help people when they need help.

Everyone needs help

(1) As we all know, everybody needs help. And everyday I give help to others and get help from them.

Of course, I enjoy helping others when they are in trouble. Sometimes just a word which is full of kindness and encouragement can change a lot and make others become active again. Besides, helping others is also a good chance to help make myself become more friendly and warm-hearted. I always believe that when I give something to others , I can also achieve something.

(2) Nobody can say:”I don‟t need help” so I think everyone needs help. Once I failed in an English exam, I felt very sad. My good friend Mary came to me and gave me a helping hand at once. She was so kind and taught me patiently. What‟s more, she lent her English notes to me, so I can go over my lessons in the evening. But what means help, I think help can give you confidence when you are in trouble, help can make you happy when you‟re sad. In one word, I‟m always ready to help others when they really need my help.

Thanks to…

(1) I want to say thanks to my English teacher most. I was very poor at English before I met her. I hated English very much. Sometimes I even wanted to give up , but she taught me carefully and patiently. Finally, she made me be interested in English. What‟s more, when I failed in the exams, she always encouraged me instead of being not satisfied with me. I „m very thankful to her help. I think I will learn English better.

(2) I really want to say thanks to my mother. As the song goes “Only mother is good in the world” My mother is always kind and friendly to me. She gives all her love to me Every morning, she wakes me up and cooks food for my breakfast. In the evening, she always stays with me when I do my homework. What‟s more, when I get in trouble, she always give me a helping hand. When I get poor marks, she will encourage me instead of scolding me or complaining about my study. I think my mother‟s love gives me power. I‟d like to say thanks to my great mother.

My school life I like my school very much. The life in school is very interesting and meaningful. Every year, our school holds a lot of activities. In autumn, we have a sports meeting. It always makes us excited. In winter, we have the Art Festival. We enjoy different kinds of wonderful performances .It brings us a lot of fun. What‟s more ,after school, we often play games together a relax ourselves. In addition, I can go to the school library to borrow some books. Besides, if I want some information, I can go to the computer room to surf the Internet. I have learned a lot from the wonderful school life. It makes me independent, confident, brave and knowledgeable. I‟m so thankful to

my school.

I will never forget…

(1) I will never forget the 2008 Olympic Games, which were held in Beijing a few months ago. The opening ceremony was so wonderful that I enjoyed it very much. Athletes from all over the world went to our country , to take part in different matches. Our athletes won many medals and achieved great success. I felt very excited when our team won the games. I felt very proud because China could hold such a successful event.

(2) I will never forget my teacher, Mr Li. he taught me English when I was a pupil .At that time my English was so poor that I often failed in the exams. I was sad , he always taught me although it was time to go home .A few days later ,to my great surprise ,I passed the exam .I was very thankful to him .He was very kind .He made my childhood warm .So I will never forget him.

(3) I will never forget her

She is my best friend .She is kind ,lovely ,helpful and understanding .We always get along well. And we often share some little secrets with each other . When I play with her ,l feel happy .She is so nice that I like her very much .She is one of the important people in my life .So I think I will never forget her.

_________makes my school life better Friendship makes my school life better As a student in Grade Nine, my school life is really boring and busy. But fortunately, I have many friends and friendship makes my school life better. When I get high marks in the exams, my friends usually share my happiness and they always encourage me after I fail. Whenever I feel bored and tired, my friends will make jokes to help me relax myself. I am rather thankful to them. I think friendship is valuable and it is like a sweet because it makes my school life sweeter and better.

Teachers make my school life better I was poor at maths. Once I had a problem that I couldn‟t solve by myself. To prevent the situation from getting worse, I was suggested that I should ask my teacher. My maths teacher taught me very patiently. So whenever I find myself confused by some difficult problems, I will ask teachers for help. They will teach me the way of solving them. By the end of last term, I had made great progress in my study with the help of my teachers. They make my school life better. My English teacher makes my school life better My English teacher makes my school life better. She is someone who is beautiful and patient. Long ago, my English wasn‟t good, but she gave me courage to overcome the difficulties of learning and helped me with my English. In addition, although she is very tired, she still teaches us English patiently. Nowadays, I think she is responsible for us. Little by little, my school life becomes better because of my English teacher! School visits make my school life better Every year, students in our school have at least two chances to enjoy the school visit. One is in spring, the other is in autumn. I think a school visit could make me relax myself. I can enjoy not only the beautiful scenery but also the fresh air. Another reason that I like school visits is that I can learn something I can‟t learn at school. Therefore, school visits make my school life better. Good manners make my school life better It is known to all that good manners are regarded as the most beautiful language in the world. With good manners, both teachers and students become friendly and polite. All of us smile and get on well with each other by interacting in a friendly way. To meet the demands of the present situation, I must spare no effort to do my bit in order to make my school life better.

Friends make my school life better When I was in my new school, at first, I was too shy to communicate with others so that I felt lonely. But later, my classmates‟ smile encouraged me to make friends with them. Friends make my school life better. My friends often help me with my homework and play games with me as well. When I fell upset, they make me confident. On the other hand, they say congratulations to me when I do well in the exams. Thanks to my dear friends, my school life is better now. All I want to do is to hug them happily.

When others are in trouble...

(1) When others are in trouble and they need my help, I will be glad to give them a helping hand. I can find the best way to solve their problems to help others who are in trouble. For example, I encourage them if they fail in exams. What‟s more, I will help them to work out problems if they can‟t work out the problem alone. In one word, I will do my best to help others who are in trouble.

(2) Everyone has difficulties in his life. When others are in trouble, I am usually glad to give them a helping hand. I can help others who are in trouble to relax themselves and let them try to solve the problem again. As usual, I say “don‟t give up, and you will succeed” to them to encourage them. Sometimes, it‟s very useful. At last, we can succeed together.

My Way of relaxing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is your way of relaxing? Why do you want to relax? When and where do you relax? How do you relax yourself? What do you feel after you relax yourself?


My way of relaxing is to go outside to do some sports such as jogging. When I have done a lot of homework or have read books for a very long time, I want to relax myself so that I can work better next time. I always go to the park in the afternoon or after dinner. And I usually take a walk under the tree so that I can breathe more fresh air. Sometimes I go jogging. It‟s very pleasant for me to listen to the birds singing. After I relax myself, I will feel light and relaxed, and I will be filled with confidence to face all the trouble and to make my life more and more wonderful.


Doing some sports or reading some novels can help us to relax ourselves. Nowadays, have more and more students say that they don‟t have any time to play, even after classes, they will still have to do exercises. So, they always feel nervous and tired. I think it‟s necessary for students to relax themselves. As for me, I often talk to my friends or eat something after classes. And at home, when I finish my homework, I will go for a walk or play badminton with my parents. Sometimes, I read some interesting books like novels for a while. After I relax myself, I will feel energetic and happy. Then, I can do my best to study well. Relaxing is very important for not only students but also people of all age.

(3) As for me, most people are often tired for their hard work, so we need to relax ourselves. I think that there‟re many different ways to have a relax. First of all, we can do some sports to emancipate us from all the hard work. Secondly, we can go on a trip without thinking our study, and then we‟ll enjoy ourselves. And last but not least, we can go to a party if one of our friends holds a party. We can even spend the whole night playing in his/her house. The next day, we must feel much happier. Though we may be sad, we can still get much more happiness(es) after we relax ourselves. So if wee feel tired, we need to have a relax.

Make our hometown green 1. What do you think your hometown is like? 2. Why do you want to make your hometown green? 3. What do you do to make your hometown green? My hometown, Chong Ming Island is the third biggest island in China. And it used to be very beautiful, but now more and more people has damaged its environment. Rivers are dirty and sky isn‟t very blue. So we should keep environment beautiful and green because it is our hometown where we live. But what do we do to make our hometown green? Plant more trees and clear dirty rivers. What‟s more, we should advice people not to keep our environment nice. Then, we can have a green hometown.


My hometown is an island. There were many trees and flowers. The water here was very clean with a little sweet. In recent years, more and more buildings for entertainment and business have set up. The trees are cut down for paper and houses. People throw the litter in the river. The environment was polluted seriously. I want to make our hometown greener. Pollution is very harmful to people who live, work and study here. It‟s necessary for us to protect our environment now. In order to make our hometown greener, I will make some signs about protecting the environment. And I will put them in the parks or near the river. I will also tell my classmates, friends and neighbors to throw the litter in the litter bins. We will be successful in making our hometown greener if we work together. Will you join us?

My memory corner A thing comes to my mind again. I still remember it was our sports day. That day, I took part in the 100-metre dash. I said to myself again and again that I should achieve success not only for myself but also for my class. But I felt so painful that I couldn‟t run any longer when I was running on the track. At last, I came last. When I saw the winners walking by with smiling faces, I felt even sadder. However, some of my classmates still encouraged me and told me not to be sad. Now, every time I remember it, I always feel moved because it‟s forgettable.

There is a beautiful and modern school in my memory corner. Our school in my memory corner was very beautiful. There were many trees and grass. Many birds flew in the sky. There was also a small river, and there were many trees and flowers on the river bank. After class, we could play games or breathe fresh air near the river. It was also enjoyable to play in the playground. When the class began, we studied in beautiful classroom buildings. The teacher was kind to us. They were all experienced in teaching and have a high sense of responsibility. It is my school in my memory corner. How beautiful it is!


Everyone has his own memory corner which consists of many things which made him happy, sad or other moods. As for me, many meaningful things are hidden in my memory corner. They are like pieces of photos and they‟re lively. One of them is that my friends and I helped one another. It is recorded because it symbolized the friendship between us. Another is that the whole family includes my grandparents, parents and I had dinner together on a New Year‟s Eve. It showed that we composed a warm family. It is not until I will die that I forget these things. Honesty is important to everyone

Nowadays people are in trouble with many dishonest behaviors in our society. For example, students cheat on exams and some shops sell fake products(假名牌). The main reason for cheating is the benefits people can obtain. But when the truth comes out, the person who cheated will lose his/her credibility(可信度).

It‟s common knowledge that credibility is easier to destroy than to rebuild.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar.” Consequently(因此), a sense of dishonesty will last a long time once people have found out your cheating behavior.

From the story The Boy Who Cries Wolf ,we should notice the importance of honesty because no one can afford to be dishonest in our civilized society. Being honest, you‟ll find it easier to communicate with others and it will also provide you with popularity and give you the courage to stand in front of others. I think a person who has lost his honesty has nothing else to lose.

In a sense, if life was a long journey, honesty would be a backpack( that should be taken along the way. That‟s why we say that it pays to be honest.
