
2022-05-30 版权声明 我要投稿



狮子王A Hey, there he goes. There he goes.

他在那边 往那边跑了 So, go get him. 那就快追呀

There aren’t

no way I’m going in there.What, 我才不愿意到那边去呢!


You want me to come out looking like you,cactus butt? 你想要我跟你一样 变成个仙人掌啊? But we got to finish the job. 我们一定得完成任务

Well, he’s as good as dead out there anyway. 唉! 反正他出去以后 就完蛋定了 And if he comes back, we’ll kill him. 如果他回来的话 我们再杀他 Yeah! You hear that? 对! 你听到没有?

If you ever come back, we’ll kill you! 如果你敢回来 我们就杀了你

Mufasa’ s death is a terrible tragedy… 木法沙的死亡是个可怕的悲剧

But to lose Simba, who had barely begun to live… 但是辛巴几乎才开始他的生命 竟然也…

For me, it is a deep,personal loss. 对我来说 这是一个极大的损失

So, it is with a heavy heart that I assume the throne 我在极悲恸的心情下登上王位 Yet out of the ashes of this tragedy… 但是我们必须振作起来忘掉悲痛

We shall rise to greet the dawning of a new era… 共同迎接一个崭新时代的来临

In which lion and hyena come together..in a great and glorious future 我们狮子将跟土狼一起走向光明伟大的未来

1 Get out! Get out! Get out of here 走开。。走开 快走开

I love this! Bowling for buzzards! 我喜欢赶走秃鹰 Gets’ em every time 每次都成功

Um oh Hey, Timon, you better come look 丁满,你最好过来看看 I think it’s still alive 我看他好像还活着

All right, what have we got here? 哎呦!这什么东西呀? Jeez, it’s a lion! 天啊!是狮子

Run ,Pumbaa, move it! 彭彭,快跑

Hey ,Timon ,it’s just a little lion. 丁满,他只是只小狮子

Look at him .He’s so cute and all alone 你看他那么可爱 Can we keep him? 而且是一个人

我们能留下他吗? Pumbaa , are you nuts? 彭彭,你疯了吗?

You’re talking about a lion 躺在这儿的是只狮子

Lions ear guys like us. But he’s so little 狮子就是专门吃我们的

但是他还那么小 He’s going to get bigger 他以后会长大的

Maybe he’ll be on our side 也许他会变得跟我们一国

Ha! That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard. Maybe he’ll…. 这是我听过最愚蠢的话 了

2 Maybe be.. 或许他会 Hey ,I got it 咦。。我有点子了

What if he’s on our side? 如果他跟我们一国

You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea 有只狮子在身边或许不错的 So, we’re keeping him? 那我们就留下他罗?

Of course Who’s the brains of this outfit? 当然,这里是谁做主啊? My point exactly 我人认为他应该留下 Jeea, I’m fried 哎呀! 天啊! 我热死了

Lets get out of here and find some shade 我们快离开这儿 找个阴凉的地方 You OK kid? I guess so 你还好吧? 孩子

我想是吧 You nearly died 你差点就死了 I saved you 我救了你

Well., Pumbaa helped .. a little 彭彭也帮了。。一滴滴忙 Thanks for your help 谢谢你们帮忙

Hey where you going? 你要去哪里? Nowhere 不知道

Gee,he looks blue 他看起来很blue

3 I ‘d say brownish gold 我倒觉得是金黄色

No ,no no I mean he’s depressed 不,我是说。。沮丧 Kid what’s eating you? 孩子你在想什么?

Nothing He’s at the top of the food chain. 烦?狮子可是万兽之王 The food chain 烦个屁呀!

So,where you from? 那你从哪儿来的?

Who cares? I can’t go back 谁在乎?我又不能回去 Ah, you’re an outcast 你是被扫地出门的 That’s great. So are we 好极了!我们也是 What’d you do ,kid? 你做了什么事?

Something terrible, but I don’t want to talk about it. 很可怕的事,但是我不想跟你们说 Good We don’t want to hear about it 很好,我们也不想听

Come on,Timon Anything we can do? 拜托,丁满 我们能帮忙吗? Not unless you can change the past 除非你们能够改变历史

Kid, in times like this ,my buddy Timon here says.. 孩子你要知道在这个时候我这位伙伴丁满说

You got to put your behind in your past 你必须把你的背后抛到过去 No,no no 不。。

4 Amateur. I mean 我是说。。。笨蛋

Lie down before you hurt yourself 能不能闭上你的乌鸦嘴

It’s you got to put your past behind you 是。。你必须把过去抛到脑后 Look,kid ,bad thing happen 孩子

你经常会碰到一些倒霉的事 And you can’t do anything about it,right? 而你却拿它没办法,对吧? Right –wrong! 对

When the world turns its back on you.. 当这个世界遗弃你的时候

You turn your back on the world 你就去遗弃这个世界

Well, that’s not what I taught 我以前学的不是这样

Then maybe you need a new lesson 那么你或许一个学点新知识 Repeat after me 跟着我一起念

Hakuna matata—what? Hakuna matata It means ‘no worries” 就别担心

Hakuna matata What a wonderful phrase 真是很有意思

Hakuna matata Ain’t no passing craze 简单又好记


co-production 联合拍摄production摄制Consultant 策划

projectsupervisor专案主管executive producer执行监制senior producer总监制


Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人 Producer 制片人

Production Controller 制片总监 Production Director 监制人

Production Supervisor 制片监制 Co-Producer 联合制片人

Associate Producer 助理制片人 Executive Producer 执行制片

Produced by制作人production co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记 location manager 外联制片production administration 行政制作

administrationsupervisor行政主管marketing producer制片主任

productionmanager制片production secreary制作秘书

production accountant制作会计unit manager 项目经理 clapper 场记板

Chief Director 总导演Director 导演 Assistant Director 助理导演

Associate Director 副导演

Shooting Script 分镜头剧本 Original Story 原著 Adapted by 改编 Based on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编 Writer编剧

Written by / Scripted by 编剧screenplay by 编剧script translation剧本翻译 english subtitles by英文字幕翻译

Conducted by 指挥

Director of Photography 总摄影 Cinematography摄影Cinematography by 摄影 Associate Director of Photography 副摄影师 Cutter 剪辑师 Montage 剪辑(蒙太奇

Film Editing剪辑firstcameta assistant 副摄影师camera assistant摄影助理 Fireworks 烟火 Lighting 灯光,照明 lighting assistant 灯光助理

Art Design 美术设计 Scenic Artist 美工师Art Director 美工师

Associate Art Director 副美工art directors美术指导Art Direction by美术设计

assistanteditor剪辑助理Editor 编辑 Animated by/ Animation 动画

animationdesign电脑动画制作Digital Effect 电脑数字特效

visual affect artist视觉特效师Visual Effect 视觉效果

Visual Effects Supervisor视觉特效

Sound Engineer 特效化妆 Special Effect Make-up 特技效果摄影 Special Effect Supervisor 特技监制 Visual Effects by 视觉特效film title designed by 片头设计

senior animator/artist高级动画师CG producer电脑特效监制

animators动画员digital intermediate post production数码后期

seniortelecinecolorist高级配光师assistant telecinecolorist助理配光师 digitaleditorial数码编辑assistant digital editorial助理数码编辑

digital output technical supervisors数码输出技术主管digital output



Mixer 调音师 Recording Engineer 录音工程师 Music by 配乐 original music 原创音乐

Music Composed by 作曲 Music Editor 音乐编辑 Music Supervised by 音乐监制 Orchestrated by / Orchestration 配器 Original Score 原创作曲改编 Lyrics by 作词 Song by 歌曲创作 Sound Design 拟音,音响效果 Sound Effect 音响工程师

Vocal by 演唱 Audio Coordinator 音响统筹人 Audio Supervisor 音响监制人 Production Designer艺术指导Military Advisor 军事顾问 legal consultant法律顾问

Best Boy 剧务 Scrip Holder 场记 Set Decorator 布景 Set Designer布景设计师 Prop Master 道具师 Property 道具

Wardrobe 服装 Costume Design 服装设计 Costume Designer 服装设计师 Wardrobe assistant 服装助理properties masters道具make-up artial化妆 Make-up 化妆Hairdresser 发型师assitanthairstylist发型助理

Starring / Co-Starring 主演/联合主演 Starring 演员表 Stunt 替身演员 The Crew 职员表 Casting by… 挑选角色 special appearance 特别演出


Dubbing 配音/录音,电影译制setconstruction音量工程sound assistant 录音助理

unit managers()production sound mixers录音师ADR recording配音室 foleyartists动效foleyrecording效果录音

EFX editor动效编辑dialogue recording对白录音dialogue editor对白剪接 soundmixers混音sound design音响设计

titles subtitles by字幕制作

mandrin recording supervisor国语配音导演mandrinrecordist国语配音录制 cantonese dialogue coach粤语对白录制making-of制作花絮(拍摄)

camera and lighting equipment supplizedby器材提供film stock胶片提供 print洗印sponsored by/ the director wishes to thank鸣谢

television& entertainment licensing authority影视娱乐事物管理处

copies& laboratory copies &laboraory拷贝洗印加工单位

all events, characters and incidents portrayed in this photoplay are fictional any similarity to any persons, living or dead, or to any actual event

iscoincidental and unitentional本片纯属虚构,如有雷同纯属巧合

Film movie motion picture 电影

Cast 演职员表

Adapted by 改编

Animated by/ Animation 动画

Art Design 美术设计

Art Director 美工师

Assistant Director 助理导演

Associate Art Director 副美工

Associate Director 副导演

Associate Director of Photography 副摄影师

Associate Producer 助理制片人

Audio Coordinator 音响统筹人

Audio Supervisor 音响监制人

Based on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编 Best Boy 剧务创思英语http://

Casting by… 挑选角色

Chief Director 总导演

Cinematography by 摄影

Conducted by 指挥

Consultant 策划

Co-Producer 联合制片人

Costume Design 服装设计

Costume Designer 服装设计师

Cutter 剪辑师

Digital Effect 电脑数字特效

Director 导演

Director of Photography 总摄影

Dubbing 配音/录音,电影译制

Editor 编辑

Executive Producer 执行制片

Fireworks 烟火

Hairdresser 发型师

Lighting 灯光,照明

Lyrics by 作词

Make-up 化妆

Military Advisor 军事顾问

Mixer 调音员

Montage 剪辑(蒙太奇)

Music by 配乐

Music Composed by 作曲

Music Editor 音乐编辑

Music Supervised by 音乐监制

Orchestrated by / Orchestration 配器 Original Score 原创作曲改编

Original Story 原著

Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人 Producer 制片人

Production Controller 制片总监

Production Director 监制人

Production Supervisor 制片监制

Prop Master 道具师

Property 道具

Recording Engineer 录音工程师

Scenic Artist 美工师

Scrip Holder 场记

Set Decorator 布景

Set Designer布景设计师

Shooting Script 分镜头剧本 Song by 歌曲创作

Sound Design 拟音,音响效果 Sound Effect 音响工程师

Sound Engineer 特效化妆

Special Effect Make-up 特技效果摄影 Special Effect Supervisor 特技监制 Starring / Co-Starring 主演/联合主演 Starring 演员表

Stunt 替身演员

The Crew 职员表

Visual Effect 视觉效果

Vocal by 演唱

Wardrobe 服装

Written by / Scripted by 编剧
