
2022-08-02 版权声明 我要投稿




Lesson 1 1.Hello!Hi!你好!

2.Good morning!Morning!早上好! 3.Wow!哇哦! Lesson 2 —Some cake?吃些蛋糕?

—No!No!不!不! Lesson 3 —Look ,it’s a frog!看,一只青蛙!

—Yes,it is.是的。 Lesson 4 1. Look at my kite!看我的风筝! 2. It’s the letter K.它是字母K。 Lesson 5 1. Please read after me!请跟我读! 2. I can see you!我能看见你! Lesson 6 1.—What is it?它是什么?

—It’s the letter Oo.这是字母o. 2.Stand up!起立! 3.Sit down!坐下! 4.Come here.过来。 5.Go back.回去。

6.Run to the window.跑向窗户。 7.Hop to the door.单脚跳向门 Lesson 7 1.—Look!What are they?看!它们是什么? —They’re rabbits.它们是小兔子。 2.—What are they doing?它们正在干什么?

—They’re making the letter Rr.它们在编排字母Rr。 Lesson 8 —Aa is for apple. Lesson 9

—Colour it bulegreenyellow.把它涂成蓝色绿色黄色。 Lesson 10

—Please find Aa.请找到Aa.

—This is Aa.这是Aa. Lesson 11 1. Hello !This is Liping.你好,这是李平。 2. Hi!Glad to meet you!你好!见到你很高兴。 Lesson 12 1.—What is red?什么是红色的?

—The car is red.这个汽车是红色的。 2.—What is black?什么是黑色的?

—The cat is black.这只猫是黑色的。 Lesson 13 1.—Which is a school?哪个是学校?

—This is a school.这个是学校。

2.—Where is the bookshop?书店在哪儿?

—It’s here.它在这儿。 Lesson 14

1.—How many lions can you see?你能看见多少只狮子?

—I can see two.我能看见两只。

2.—How many pandas are there?有多少只熊猫?

—There are six.有六只。 Lesson 15 1. Give me a P!给我一个P! 2. Give me another E!给我另一个E! 3. What have you got?你有什么? Lesson 16 Happy New Year!新年快乐!


Unit 8 What’s in the pizza?

教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands 通过学习,使学生掌握一些常用的蔬菜及食物的英语名称 鼓励学生在父母的指导下在家尝试自己做想吃的比萨饼

交际用语 Expressions in communication What’s in the pizza?

I like to eat a pizza with some onions. What food are they? What’s in your bag?

There is a pencil-case and some books.

重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions Carrots, peas, onions, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, sausages

所需教具 Materials for teaching 相关的蔬菜及食物图片,白纸若干张,相关蔬菜及水果的切片图;教师可以用一张硬纸板,剪出一个像平底锅一样形状,按照练习6的描述准备图片


上课时,教师对学生说Hello ,boys and girls! Let me ask you a question. Do you like to eat pizza? Do you often eat pizza? Who can tell me? What’s in the pizza?教师通过提问,鼓励学生积极动脑筋,回答比萨饼中所放的各种蔬菜及其他用料。了解“in”表示“在„„里面”。最好能让学生跟着一起读这些单词的发音。介绍之后,教师说I like to eat a pizza with carrots.教师出示胡萝卜的图片,然后说Peas, onions, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, and sausages。教师边说边把其他蔬菜切片也放在平底锅的白纸上,等都做完了,教师说Mmmmm,Yummy. We can eat the pizza now. Ok, now let’s do something together. I’m going to give each one of you a piece of white paper. Please use this to draw a big pizza with some vegetables. If you like some fruit, you can also put more on it.说完,教师边发纸边说Now you need to write the words next to your vegetables or fruit. We’ll know what you put inside your own pizza.教师可示范作画并介绍。教师可以让学生练习说,In my pizza, there are some carrots, peas, onions, and sausages.或者I like to eat a pizza with some onions.学生画完后,教师让两个人一组交流一下,然后再到黑板前告诉全班同学。教师还可以展示全班同学的比萨饼,看哪个比萨饼最好,并给予奖励和鼓励。

单元教学活动2 Look and guess 这是一项猜谜语的活动。教师首先说Please look at your books. Open your books and turn to page 31. Work in pairs and say them in English. What food are they? If you don’t know how to say it, you may tick the food. Now you may begin.教师让两个人一组边指边说,教师的职责是检查每个学生是否都在参与,是否在讲英语,是否在做问答。等学生完成后,教师可以说Who can come to the front and tell us about these food? What food are they? You can say, this is a carrot. 图中的食物依次是carrots, apple, pineapple, tomato, p[otato, onion, beanan, pear, watermelon, orange, bean, peach, coconut, lemon

单元教学活动3 Read and match 教师可以用以前用过的方法,先让大家依次看水果和蔬菜的图片卡片,然后把图片贴在黑板上并找学生在图片下写出英语名称。等学生都完成后,教师拿出单词卡片让学生读,同时检查学生的单词拼写是否正确,最后让学生在书中将图片与相应的单词连线,通过多次复习,学生就能比较扎实的建立起单词与图片的联系。着重学习peas, potatoes,onions.

单元教学活动 4 Look, ask and answer 该练习活动是进一步引申本课的句型What’s in the pizza?在这个句型的基础上,教师引导学生问更多的类似的问题,如What’s in your bag? What’s in your pencil-case? What’s in your desk?等。如果学生的英语程度比较好,教师可以让学生问的更广泛一些。比如What’s in your bedroom? What’s in your classroom? What’s in that house? What’s in the park?等。教师先要让学生掌握最基本的句型,然后再扩大,有些教师认为一扩充,内容会太多。但往往给得多的时候,学生可以举一反三,脑子就会越学越灵活。有时,太少的内容学生也不见得就记得住。因为它没有和生活建立起任何的联系。回答时,学生可以说In the zoo, there are lots of animals. In the house, there are many tables and chairs. In my pocket, there are some keys and a pen.在练习问答的基础上,教师鼓励学生做对话表演,可以用书上的句子,然后再加上自己的实际内容,对话可以演变成这样:

Hello, Xiao Li, where are you going? I’m going to school.

Oh, what’s that in your bag?

There are many books and a football.

单元教学活动5 Look, draw and add 该活动有两个目的:一个是让学生照者所给的图画出相应的图,但要求是两个以上;第二个目的是让学生根据画好的图在名词上做适当的添加,使其变为复数。有些单词直接加s,但有些需要加上es.教师还可以在黑板上给出几个特殊年个名词的单复数的图片,如mouse, fish,sheep, foot,并让学生到黑板上添加东西,并写出名词的复数形式。学会了之后,可以让学生拓展练习别的句子:lemons are yellow, beans are green等。

单元教学活动6 Listen, chant and sing 教师将事先准备好的图片按顺序贴在黑板上,让学生依次描述说出,比如Carrots are orange. Apples are green. Bananas are yellow. Peaches are pink等。当学生能根据图说出句子时,教师可以让学生听录音,学唱歌曲,最后,教师让学生看书并与单词相联系,起到巩固复习的目的。学会了之后,可以让学生拓展练习别的句子:lemons are yellow, beans are green等。




在家长的指导下,自己学做一次比萨饼,并将尝试的结果在下次上课时告诉同学们。 让学生自己画或裁剪画报上有关衣物的图片,并写上该图片的英语名称。
