
2024-12-06 版权声明 我要投稿


bec商务英语课堂测试 篇1


BEC口语考试模式以其科学性、客观性、权威性和时代感而得到世界各国的广泛赞同和接受.本文以此提出 BEC 口语考试对大学商务英语口语测试的借鉴意义,以克服口语评价过程中的盲目性、随意性和简单化.

作 者:熊晓华 作者单位:广东培正学院外语系,广东,广州,510000刊 名:科技信息(科学・教研)英文刊名:SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION年,卷(期):“”(35)分类号:H3关键词:BEC口试模式 商务英语口语课 测试方法

bec商务英语课堂测试 篇2

(一) BEC考试概况

BEC是剑桥大学考试中心为非英语国家人员的国际商务活动需要而专门设计的一项测试, 尤其注重语言的交际功能。其目的是考查应试者在具体的商务环境中实际应用英语的能力, 考查其能否正确的理解、处理工作中的问题。BEC考试内容以“需求分析”为理论基础, 测试学生在实际交际活动中完成任务的能力。考试根据语言学习中听、说、读、写这四项基本能力, 设计了阅读、写作、听力及口语四部分, 针对不同语言水平的受试者, BEC分为初级、中级和高级三个等级。

(二) 交际性测试特征

早期的语言测试受结构主义语言学影响, 认为语言是由语音、词汇、语法等语言系统构成的元素, 多数采用题型有多项选择、语法填空等分离性的测试方式, 此类测试虽能保证语言测试的可信度, 但却忽略了语言的整体性和内部各元素间的相互作用。20世纪80年代后期, 交际性语言测试发展成为一股强大的理论潮流, 冲击了早期的语言测试模型。测试研究人员开始注重考查受试者在一定语境中运用语言进行有效交际的能力。在1990年, 美国当代著名应用语言学家Lyle.F.Bachman提出交际语言能力模型 (Communicative language ability model) 理论, 认为交际语言能力是指语言知识能力与语言使用场景的特征结合起来, 创造并解释其意义的一种能力。交际性测试相对于传统测试具有以下几个明显特点: (1) 重视需求分析。 (2) 具有真实性, 认为测试应该从交际的真实性 (real-life authenticity) 和情景的真实性 (interactional authenticity) 两个方面来定论。 (3) 该测试强调语境与情景的重要作用。 (4) 交际性测试在语言篇的基础上将听说读写四项技能和考点做出了综合处理, 不仅限于传统分离性的测试方法。 (5) 由于交际性测试衡量的是应试者的表现可否能满足现实生活交际需求, 所以它按照标准参照性 (criterion-referenced) 尺度来评定应试者的能力, 重视主观性评判。

(三) BEC交际性测试特征的体现

BEC测试在很大程度上体现了交际性测试中所涵盖的内容、交际情景和功能。剑桥大学地方考试委员会曾对非英语国家人员进行商务活动的种种需求进行大量调查研究, 根据总结的目标行为 (work-related“can-do”statement) 制定了一套考试大纲, 考查应试者的英语语言能力。BEC测试的规范内容充分体现了交际性测试的特征, 内容规范主要涵盖测试的内容、方法、目的、用途、时间长度、试卷构成及评分标准等多方面。下文以《剑桥BEC真题集 (中级) 》 (2011) 为例, 对其内容和题型进行分析。

1. BEC中级考试的内容分析。

BEC考试的内容是以实际工作中的商务活动为载体, 评估应试者的语言能力。通过阅读、写作、听力及口语四种方式, 还原商务活动中的实际情景, 来确保测试真实性。阅读材料均来自真实素材, 涵盖面广, 主要有公司简介、工作岗位责任说明、事实报告及商务礼仪等。阅读部分体现的情景特征与应试者在职场中目标语应用的情景特征高度一致。BEC中级听力部分的情景真实性, 主要是体现在听力题材来自于真实的商务对话, 保留了日常口语交际中停顿及会话中的自我等特点, 而不是简单地录音和阅读材料。情景主要是商务活动中常遇到的问题, 如产品质量投诉、会议的组织安排及协调解决工作中的问题等。写作部分中, 第一部分短文写作和第二部分商务信函或报告, 都明确设置特定情景, 如考生作为一名总经理秘书, 如何拟定会议通知, 并发布给全体职员。写作情景的设置使写作任务更有目的性和交互性, 更能考查受试者的语言能力。其次, 真实情景的设置, 限制了受试者的写作内容, 有利于制定统一的评分标准, 减少了主观性对评卷的影响, 增加了测试的效度。在口语测试的三部分中, 第一部分要求应试者以其真实身份回答面试官的问题, 情景真实自然, 互动性较强, 可称为热身练习;第二部分要求受试者就商业话题进行简要口头陈述;第三部分为受试者提供了具体情景, 明确规定交际任务和目标。

2. BEC中级考试的题型分析。

BEC中级试题设计新颖, 题型多样化, 重视主客观题的比例, 并关注测试的信度和效度。阅读题型虽然以客观题为主, 但也搭配有多项选择题与多项选择完形填空题等多种题型, 从不同维度考查应试者的阅读能力。听力部分题型包括填空、多选项搭配和多项选择等主客观题, 相互结合, 相得益彰。写作和口语部分的题型设计主要测试受试者在特定情景下的语言输出能力, 大部分的任务模式设计来源于现实的商务写作, 如记录电话录音、改正商务信件中的错误表达等, 体现了测试的交际真实性。阅读材料的五个部分从不同层面考查了受试者的词汇、句法、篇章结构和阅读技能;听力部分考查了受试者的听记技能、对篇章和细节的理解、语域等语用知识的把握等。BEC中级考试是以篇章为基础设计的, 为受试者提供了翔实的上下文背景, 同时结合自身已有的知识结构, 进行合理的推断, 体现了测试的交际真实性。


语言测试是教学中不可缺少的组成部分, 它们相互影响, 相互补充。根据《高等职业教育英语课程教学基本要求 (试行) 》, 高职英语课程教学应以职场交际中的实际应用为目的, 培养学生英语的实际应用能力, 使其能够在日常活动与未来工作活动中顺利进行基本的口头和书面交流。因此, 高职英语测试的目的和重点是考查学生英语实际交际应用的能力。目前, 交际教学法被普遍地应用到高职英语教学中。交际测试能更科学高效地指导学生学习, 为其语言交际能力的提高起到了很大的促进作用。刘润清、韩宝成在《语言测试和他的方法》中指出, 交际性语言测试的试卷设计者应在对应试者进行需求调研后, 得出其目标行为, 界定出应试者在未来的目标场景中应做的事情, 在此基础之上制定考试大纲和内容说明等, 只有这样测试才能够正确评估并指导教学。语言脱离了语境和情景就失去了具体意义, 所以高职英语测试设计者要重视语境和情景的重要性, 注重测试任务和文章的真实性。最有效的测试就是将语言置于原生态的真实情景语境中去考查。测试目标的真实性决定了高职英语测试必须是交际性测试, 是听说读写技能的综合处理, 评估标准是交际的有效性。


BEC考试根据非英语国家的人员的商务活动需求来设计的, 其考试内容以“需求分析”理论为基础, 测试目标非常明确, 旨在测试学生在日常交际中完成任务的能力。张燕根据Bachman提出的测试方法分析了BEC考试具有情境真实化、综合交际能力考查及质量评分标准化等特征。因此, BEC考试这种典型的交际性语言测试方法对于高职英语测试内容及测试形式的设计有着极其重要的借鉴作用。但是, 高职英语测试是对专门针对英语课程的一种诊断性测试, 决定了其拥有着自己的测试目的及特点, 不能全部照搬BEC考试的内容及测试方法。高职英语测试的目的不仅是要考查学生在一学期中对所学课程的掌握情况, 还要考查学生的实际应用能力, 以此, 教师依据考查得出的结果可以及时地调整授课形式及教学重点。由此, 应充分参考BEC考试特征, 设计出一套专门针对高职英语测试的试卷, 有着重要意义。笔者认为可以借鉴BEC测试设计中以下三方面, 来进行高职英语测试的设计。

1.着重在测试指令中明确材料的主要情景特征, 将测试任务的情景真实性和考生未来的职业场景特征保持高度一致。


3.重视题型设计, 选择多样化题型, 增加主观题的比例, 以此, 从多方面来提高测试的效度。


高职英语测试是教学中的一种考查测评方式, 而不是一种选拔测试, 主要目的是考查学生对高职英语教学大纲的掌握情况和实际应用能力, 因此, 高职英语测试设计应是一种标准参照式测试而不是标准化测试。其次, 现代化语言测试重信度, 轻效度, 表现为测试以客观题为主, 注重领会式技能的考查, 忽视复用式技能的考查。因此, 参照BEC考试, 设计试卷的过程中应该降低客观题的比例, 达到试卷效度和信度的高度统一, 着重考查学生的实际应用交际能力。高职英语测试作为教学的一种评估手段, 不仅是对教学的一种及时反馈, 更应该对教学起指导作用。BEC考试对高职英语测试设计有着借鉴作用, 同样对高职英语教学也有着指导作用。


[1]英国剑桥大学商务委员会.剑桥商务英语证书考试大纲[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 1994.

[2]Davis, A.Principles of Language Testing[M].Oxford:Blackwells, 1990.

[3]刘润清, 韩宝成.语言测试和他的方法[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2001.

[4]郭丽.BEC考试中交际性语言测试的特征[J].外语与外语教学, 1999, (11) :27-30.

[5]Bachman, L.F.Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1990:81-110;300-307.

[6]徐强.关于交际法英语测试[J].现代外语, 1992, (1) :19-22.

bec剑桥商务英语词汇 篇3

dough:n.(加好配料用于制作糕点、面包的)生面团 ingredient:n. 成分 prove:v.愿意是证明,这里表示面团发酵 oven:n.烤炉,烤箱 circuit:n. 环行路线 shelf-life:n. 货架期,保存期限 floorplan:n.楼层平面

despatch:v. 发送 courier:n.信使 silo:n.简仓(存储粮食等散货的立式圆柱塔) electronic:adj.电子的

mechanical:adj. 机器的,机械的 shape:n.形状 yeast:n. 酵母 additive:n.添加剂 sensor:n.传感器

BEC商务英语中级写作 篇4

When someone in the family experiences hearing loss, he is not the only one to experience frustration

Have you noticed a loved one: Missing parts of conversations? Asking people to repeat themselves? Having special trouble with certain letters or sounds? Turning up the volume on the TV?

If so, you can help them and yourself—by encouraging them to find out about a hearing aid. More than six million Americans enjoy improved hearing and better lives-with hearing aids. And the power source they rely on most is Rayovac.

“Rayovac batteries really do make a difference.” One of our customers said so.

Long-lasting Royovac batteries can help hearing aids perform at their best, so sthe whole family can enjoy the difference better hearing can make.

If you are interested, please contact us by calling 446- 8888.

Yours faithfully,


Report on records management conference

A summary of the Records Management Conference I attended in Detroit on August 10 is included in this report.

Summary of Seessions Attended

The following summarizes each of the sessions I attended

1. Filling Equipment

This session was designed to acquaint the participants with the latest filling equipment. Much of the equipment on display was automatic.

2.Records Retrieval

The purpose of this session was to acquaint the participants with the various factors that need ed to be considered in developing a records retentiuon schedule

1. Records Transfer

In this session, participants leaned about the new developments in transferring records from active status to inactive status.


On the basis of my attending the conference, I am making the following recommendations:

1) We investigate the possibility of purchasing lateral filling equipment

BEC商务英语初级写作 篇5


I visited your stall at the Spring Guangzhou Fair,2006 and noticed that you manufacture photocopying machines.

There is a good demand for photocopying machines of high quality.We are interested in your products and would be grateful if you would send us your catalogue with full specifications and the latest price list.

Please let us know what discount you can give us for substantial orders as well as some other favourable terms.?

We look forward to receiving an early reply.


Sanyang Import & Export Company


BEC高级商务英语解读 篇6

Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working


The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working.


My working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proof-read the colour copies of all reports and maps.

As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.


It is clearly that I could be able to undertake the duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and printer.


BEC商务英语中级阅读技巧 篇7

1. 搭配题





例如,句子中“utlise its current expertise”和文本中“exploit existing skills”相对应。句子中“Move into a more promising market”和文本中“enter a different market”相对应。


2. 句子填空题




3. 阅读理解题



4. 完形填空题





5. 改错题





高级BEC商务英语写作指导 篇8


1. 对于下降趋势的描述:

a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组:

to fall

to decrease

to go down

to slide

to collapse

to decline

to drop

b. 可以使用的名词:

a collapse

a decrease

a fall

a decline

a drop

2. 对于下降到某个位置的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the bottom of+具体数据。

c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the bottom of +具体数据。

d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。

3. 对于下降程度的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+by + 具体数据。

BEC商务英语初级口语词汇 篇9

【商务短语】affinity of aggregation 集团亲和力,内聚力

unit affinity 设备相似

2.affirmation n. 断言;证实;批准

【商务用语】affirmation of a contract 批准合同

make an affirmation 断言

3.agenda n. 议事日程;待办事项记事册

【商务用语】place/put sth.on the agenda 把某事提到日程上来

action agenda 行动记录册

approved agenda 审定议程(最后通过的会议议程)

provisional agenda 临时议程

4.aggregate n.合计,总量;法人团体 adj.合计的 vt.合计

【商务用语】monetary aggregates 货币流通额

output aggregate 总产品

corporation aggregate 社团法人

aggregate expenditure 总支出

5.agreed adj.已经通过协议的,同意的

【商务用语】agreed valuation 协定价值(承运人与托运人互相协定的货物价值)

agreed price 议定价格

agreed charge 优待运费

商务英语BEC高级词汇解析 篇10

e.g. A business overdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans.


2. business partner 商业伙伴

e.g. We work for lasting relationship with our business partners.


3. business plan 经营计划(包括在一定时期提高销量、开发新产品,以及如何筹措资金、资源等)

e.g. The bank manager wants to see a business plan before agreeing to lend money.


4. business practice 经营方式

e.g. Changing business practice have encouraged companies to move to brand-new premises.


5. business process(ing) re-engineering 业务流程重组,简称BPR

6. business sense 商业头脑,经商能力

e.g. We need to employ someone with (a) good business sense and social skills.


7. business teams 企业管理团队

e.g. Today’s business teams take many forms and handle many tasks.


8. Business Telecard International 国际商务电话卡,简称BTI

e.g. You can use your Business Telecard International at any card phone in the UK.

BEC商务英语中级阅读讲义 篇11

试题 2


Questions 8-12

l Read this proposal about the CPT Word Processor.

l Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

l For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer Sheet.

l De not mark any letter twice.

l One answer has been given as an example.

15 June 1993

Ms. Martha Weston

Word Processing Supervisor

ABC Company

Post Office Box 1072

28 King’s Street London

Dear Ms. Weston,

Performance of the CPT Equipment

I’m Pleased to tell you about our experience with the CPT Word Processor as you requested recently____example____ I assume you have looked at several machines and have narrowed down your choices.

Here are my observations.

An approach to adopting word processors

Eighteen months ago we adopted CPT equipment on limited scale with the idea in mind that we could gradually get rid of electric typewriters as we became familiar with the word processor. ____8____ The stations are actually in pairs so each pair can share a common printer ____9____

We use the equipment as dedicated word processors, although we do have the ability to link up with our computer installation.

The step-at-a-time development of our word-processing center has, we think, saved us money and training time. ____10____


In terms of performance, the CPT equipment is excellent. ____11____ Moreover our service contract and warranty have covered all maintenance costs.

We have software packages that check spelling and signal when a mistake occurs. ____12____ Using both printers, we recently prepared 1200 individually typed form letter mailings a under four hours. We have no complaint about our preparation of executive reports.

Example: I

A. So it works very well and has so many different functions.

B. Also it has reduced the confusion that exists about buying software packages.

C. The train stops at each station for only fifteen minutes.

D. We began with two work stations and now have four.

E. Our routine letters are prepared from disc-stored masters.

F. The Rotary W printer with a speed of 45 characters a second can easily handle two input stations.

G. In contrast, its size and weight are ideal for carrying.

H. We have not yet experienced mechanical problems so far.

I. We are pleased with its performance and multi-functions.

上一篇:大班主题教案优质课《我长大了》及教学反思下一篇:从“心”开始 做一名合格的组工干部