— — Reading — —
— — Using Language — —
Unit 2 Healthy eating
— — Reading — —
王鹏受好奇心的驱使,走了进去。里面坐满了人。店老板,一个清瘦的女人走上前去来说道:“欢迎光临!我叫永慧。您要是天天来这里用餐。我可以保证在两周内 去掉您的全部油脂。”然后,他递给王鹏一张菜谱。菜谱上有很少几样食物和饮料:只有米饭、醮醋吃的生蔬菜、水果和水。王鹏对此感到吃惊,特别是对它们的价格。这价格比他在餐馆吃一顿好饭还贵。他几乎不能相信自己的眼睛!他甩了菜谱就急忙往外走。在回家的路上,他想起了自己的菜谱。那些菜让人发胖了吗?也许他该去图书馆查查看。他可不能让永慧哄骗人们却不受惩罚!他最好做一番调查!
— — Using Language — —
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note — — Reading — —
亨 利:先生,你叫谁来呀?是叫我吗?
亨 利:(仆人给他打开门)谢谢。
仆 人:早上好,先生,请进。先生,请让我来带路吧。
亨 利:亚当斯,亨利.亚当斯。
亨 利:谢谢。
亨 利:是的,从旧金山来。
亨 利:一点儿也不熟,这是我第一次来伦敦。
亨 利:不介意,请问吧。
亨 利:嗯,谈不上有什么计划,我希望能找到工作。事实上,我在英国上岸是偶然的。
亨 利:嗯,你看,在美国的时候,我有我自己的船。大约一个月前,我开船驶出海湾……(他的眼睛盯着兄弟俩留在餐桌上的残羹剩菜上)。
亨 利:哦,好的。嗯,傍晚时分我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。这都是我的错。我不知道是否能活到早晨。第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘海船发现了我。
亨 利:是的。事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费。这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。我上美国大使馆求助,但是……(兄弟俩相顾而笑)。
亨 利:对不起,先生,你的话我没有听懂。
亨 利:我在一家矿业公司工作。你们能不能给我提供一份工作呢?
亨 利:嗯,老实说,我一分钱都没有了。
亨 利:嗯,这对你们来说可能是运气,但对我来说可不是。事实上,正好相反。如果你们认为这是一个笑话,我可不觉得很好笑。(亨利起身准备走)好了,请原谅,我想我该上路了。
亨 利:(小心翼翼地接过信)是给我吗?
亨 利:噢,这真可笑。
亨 利:噢,不,我不需要你们的施舍,我只要一份老老实实的工作。
亨 利:嗯,怎么不给我讲讲,这究竟是什么回事呢?
仆 人:请这边走,先生。
亨 利:答应,谢谢。再见!
— — Using Language — —
店 主:(看看亨利的那幅穷酸相)那张桌子有人订了。请到这边来。(对服务员)霍勒斯,来等先生点菜。
亨 利:(坐定之后,把信放在桌上)我要火腿加鸡蛋,还来一块大牛排,要特厚的。我还要一杯咖啡,一份菠萝甜点。
亨 利:我明白。我还要一大杯啤酒。
Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars
— — Reading — —
— — Using Language — —
Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”
— — Reading — —
— — Using Language — —
1.基于 “点”的培养:明确基本概念和基本原理, 教会学生抓住知识点。
地理知识点可以是地理概念、地理原理和地理规律等, 掌握它们有助于理解地理事件和地理现象, 所以在教学中要明确基本概念和基本原理、规律, 教会学生抓住基本知识点。
例如:本节有下列主要知识点:大气环流、三圈环流、气压带和风带、气压中心、季风、气候类型等。 通过绘图、演示、讲解等方法让学生理解掌握这些知识点的内涵和原理。
2.基于 “线”的培养: 解析基本概念和基本原理之间的联系, 教会学生链接知识点。
把知识点的相互关系找出来, 形成知识链条, 实现简单的知识迁移。其实在基本原理的探索中, 这种迁移已经实现, 在构建“新旧知识间的联系”时就是在运用知识迁移。
例如, “气压带风带的移动”规律是“由于太阳直射点随季节变化而南北移动, 气压带和风带在一年内也做周期性的季节移动”, 分析时可以引导学生思考:“太阳直射点为什么会移动? 怎样移动的? ”从而激起学生记忆, 联系地球公转。
新知识的形成, 是对旧知识的综合与深入, 这个过程要不断地对旧知识进行迁移, 所以几乎在课堂教学的每个环节中都渗透知识的迁移。 如果教师有意地教会学生理解什么叫知识迁移, 并将迁移方式传授给学生, 那么学生在课堂上就能对“知识迁移”有具体的了解, 迁移能力自然得到培养, 在实际运用中更自如。
3.基于“面”的培养:理清因果关系, 教会学生构建知识网络。
构建知识网络的过程就是实现知识的迁移和呈现可迁移的知识。 例如本节的知识网络 (图1) :
图1由多项简单的知识联系组成的较为复杂的知识网络, 既列出了本节知识的前因后果, 又将前面知识内容迁移进来, 承上启下, 构建了章节间的联系。知识联系的不断补充和延伸, 将使网络越来越壮大, 一直可以壮大到一本教材、一套教材、一门学科、相关学科……这个网络本身就存在, 但是学生并非一开始就有, 需要通过不断学习构建起来, 而这个构建的过程就要运用知识迁移。如果学生能学会迁移知识, 那么对学生的思维能力的培养、知识体系的完善将大有裨益。
从知识点, 到知识点的链接, 到知识网络, 即点→线→面, 体现了知识迁移能力培养的层次性。 层次的梯级上升, 呈现了教学内容的由简到繁、由易到难, 最后又变成了清晰的知识网络, 这有利于重点的把握和难点的突破, 提高学生的知识掌握程度, 逐渐形成地理思维方式, 提高学习效率和解题能力。
习题训练既是考查学生学习状况的重要手段之一, 又是培养学生学习能力的一种有效途径。 教师在课堂教学阶段, 要巧妙借助习题教学, 有意识地进行迁移方法指导, 培养学生的知识迁移能力。 以三圈环流的考查为例。
基础知识迁移是指难度相对低, 用所学的知识点直接可以解出题目。
例一:读图2北半球大气环流示意图, 回答:
(1) 图中字母代表的气压带或风带名称:
B_____带 C_______带 D_______带
(2) 大陆西岸受C、D交替控制而形成的气候类型是______气候, 其特点是夏季_____, 冬季______。
(3) 在图中画出B、D所代表风向。
第 (1) 题:只要参考教材的“地球上的气压带和风带”图, 就能填出B为东北信风带, C为副热带高气压带, D为西风带。对迁移的要求是很低的, 就是对知识点的识记。
第 (2) 题:把题干转换成具体条件即可。 “大陆西岸C (受副热带高气压带) 、D (西风带) 交替控制形成的气候类型是”, 靠识记的知识点可解出为地中海气候。
第 (3) 题:用到的是§2.1中的“大气的水平运动”中的一个基本要求“掌握风向的画法”。 B是↙, C是↗。
图表变式迁移就是指题目中的图表较教材原有图表有了表现形式上的变化, 需要在读懂变式图表的基础上才能解题。对知识迁移能力的要求较高, 知识点较多。
例二:图3是“半球近地面风带分布示意图”, 读图回答。
(1) 图中a处的盛行风向是 ()
A.东北风 B.西北风 C.东南风 D.西南风
(2) 图中b处的气候特征是 ()
A.炎热干燥 B.高温多雨 C.温和干燥 D.温和湿润
解题分析: 本题组结合气压带风带图考查学生的知识运用能力及知识迁移能力。 教材提供的气压带风带分布图是赤道上空侧视图, 本图是极地上空俯视图, 图形的变式是一个难点 (图4) , 正确判读出南或北半球近地面风带分布示意图是解题的前提和关键, 从风向对水平气压梯度力的偏离方向可以看出, 风向向左偏, 故图示的半球为南半球。
第 (1) 题:具体考查风带的纬度分布及风向, 南半球中纬度的盛行西风为西北风。 选B。
第 (2) 题:具体考查根据经纬度确定地理位置和世界气候类型的分布识记能力, 所以需要区域定位知识的迁入。 根据b点经纬度 (135°W, 23°26′S) 可知, 该地地处澳大利亚中部, 为热带沙漠气候, 终年炎热干燥。 选A。
Unit 2 reaching out across the ocean跨越大洋
众所周知,很早很早以前,非洲就与印度和红海文明有联系。中国的丝绸沿丝绸之路运往印度、中东和罗马去交换香料和玻璃--这些在中国根本没人知道的东西。沿印度洋海岸也有丝绸贸易。锡兰,凭借其中心位置,成为中国商人会见阿拉伯商人和了解西方先进科技文化的地方。因此,汉朝人了解非洲并且有书籍描述了红海和非洲沿岸国家。公元,甘英,一位中国大使,从陆路到东罗马并且把一位非洲国王所赠的礼物--犀牛角带回到洛阳。在以后的几百年间,索马里王国以及非洲沿海的岛屿发展成为世界贸易中心,主要经营象牙、香料、犀牛角、贝壳、动物皮毛和糖。这些物品远销到阿拉伯国家、埃及、希腊、罗马、印度、锡兰和中国的商人手中。这些阿拉伯人与非洲海岸国家的接触未后来一位中国人和黑人的会谈准备了条件。公元751年,中国的旅行家--杜环被阿拉伯军队所俘虏。他逃跑了,在经历了阿拉伯国家的长途跋涉之后,于公元762年乘小船回到祖国。回国后,他写了《经行记》,讲诉了中亚、阿拉伯以及非洲国家的情况。在十一世纪,非洲人曾几次通过海路到达宋朝王宫。这是非洲人开始了解中国的一次大发展。在非洲发现的最早 亚洲文化遗产也是从这一时期开始的。一个小青铜狮子塑像已经在尚加的索马里城发现了。还没有类似的东西在东非被发现。中国和非洲几个世纪的接触让双方知道了彼此的存在,但当时还没有精确的地图描述印度洋周围的国家。到了15世纪除,召开了一次大型会议的时机已经成熟。东非沿岸城市正鼎盛时期。而在东方,中国在一个新的朝代的统治下也繁荣起来了。明朝政府拥有一只强大的海军并且也有发挥这只海军作用的想法。从14到1433年,7艘大型的珠宝商船到东方进行贸易和探险航行。在郑和的带领下,这个船队从中国南海出发,跨越印度洋到达红海口,然后继续向南,结果发现了非洲东海岸。郑和常常被成为“中国的哥伦布”。郑和增进了和非洲东部海岸国家的联系。非洲国王送给明朝皇帝一个皇室的礼物:两只长颈鹿。这个精美的礼物和与非洲王室的接触令中国人对非洲如此好奇,以至于郑和给那个国王和别的非洲国家送信,邀请他们派大使并在明朝首都--北京开办大使馆。这些非洲国王很慷慨,他们给明朝皇帝送来了斑马、长颈鹿、贝壳、大象象牙和犀牛角药品。作为往来,明朝皇帝给他们送去了金子、香料、丝绸和各种别的礼物。这种礼物的交换的象征意义远远重于这些物品价值本身。通过和这个船队的贸易,非洲国王开始表示对中国皇帝的友谊。这个船队在结束探险之前或许是为了经济原因进行了几次远征。短期内,中国成为海上霸主。1433年以后,明朝意识到国内存在着巨大的机遇和挑战。
现代诗1 沁园春·长沙2 诗两首 雨巷再别康桥3 大堰河——我的保姆
文言文4 烛之武退秦师5 荆轲刺秦王6 鸿门宴
现代文7 记念刘和珍君8 小狗包弟9 记梁任公先生的一次演讲
新闻10 短新闻两篇
奥斯维辛没有什么新闻 11 包身工飞向太空的航第一单元
现代文1 荷塘月色2 故都的秋3 囚绿记 第二单元
诗歌鉴赏4 《诗经》两首
采薇5 离骚6 孔雀东南飞(并序)7 诗三首涉江采芙蓉 短歌行
游记8 兰亭集序9 赤壁赋 10 游褒禅山记
现代文11 就任北京大学校长之演说12 我有一个梦想13 在马克思墓前的讲话 第三单元
《家》 《巴黎圣母院》
小说1林黛玉进贾府2 祝福3 老人与海
诗歌鉴赏4蜀道难5杜甫诗三首秋兴八首(其一)咏怀古迹(其三)登高6 琵琶行(并序)7 李第一单元
文言文8 寡人之于国也9 劝学10 过秦论11 师说
必考阅读12 动物游戏之谜13 宇宙的边疆14 一名物理学家的教育历程 第三单元
曲1 窦娥冤2 雷雨3 哈姆莱特
第二单元 诗歌鉴赏4 柳永词两首望海潮(东南形胜)雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切)5 苏轼词两首念奴娇·赤壁怀古定第一单元
**(莫听穿林打叶声)6 辛弃疾词两首水龙吟·登建康赏心亭永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古7 李清照词两首醉花阴(薄雾浓云愁永昼)声声慢
现代文8 拿来主义9 父母与孩子之间的爱10 短文三篇热爱生命
文言文11 廉颇蔺相如列传12 苏武传13 张衡传 第三单元
小说1 林教头风雪山神庙2 装在套子里的人3 边城
文言文4 归去来兮辞(并序)5 滕王阁序6 逍遥游7 陈情表 第三单元
现代文8 咬文嚼字9 说“木叶”10 谈中国诗
必考阅读11 中国建筑的特征12 作为生物的社会13 宇宙的未来 第一单元
《中国现代诗歌散文欣赏》 诗歌部分 第一单元 生命的律动
天狗 井 春 无题 川江号子
第二单元 挚情的呼唤
第三单元 爱的心语 蛇
第四单元 大地的歌吟
河床 金黄的稻束
地之子 半棵树 边界望乡
第五单元 苦难的琴音 雪落在中国的土地上
雪白的墙 散文部分
第一单元 那一串记忆的珍珠 动人的北平
特利尔的幽灵 第二单元 心灵的独白 新纪元
美 第三单元 一粒沙里见世界 都江堰 Kissing the fire(吻火)合欢树 第四单元 如真似幻的梦境 森林中的绅士
埃菲尔铁塔沉思 第五单元 自然的年轮 葡萄月令
树(节选)下面是《中国古代诗歌散文欣赏》的教材目录: 第一单元
今别离(其一)/黄遵宪 第二单元置身诗境,缘景明情
长相思/纳兰性德 第三单元
虞美人/李煜 苏幕遮/周邦彦 国殇/屈原
登柳州城楼寄漳汀封四州/柳宗元 菩萨蛮/温庭筠 般涉调.哨遍 高祖还乡/睢景臣 第四单元
庖丁解牛/《庄子》 项羽之死/司马迁 阿房宫赋/杜牧 西门豹治邺/禇少孙
大铁椎传/魏禧 第五单元
第六单元 文无定格,贵在鲜活
苦斋记/刘基 先秦诸子文选选修课目录 第一单元 《论语》选读
七、好仁不好学,其蔽也愚 第二单元 《孟子》选读
四、乐民之乐,忧民之忧 *
七、仁义礼智,我固有之 第三单元 《荀子》选读
大天而思之,熟与物畜而制之 第四单元 《老子》选读
第五单元 《庄子》选读
二、鹏之徙于南冥 *
五、恶乎往而不可 第六单元 《墨子》选读
三、尚贤 第七单元 《韩非子》选读
一、郑人有且买履者 *
第一课 走进汉语的世界……………………………………………………1
第一节 美丽而奇妙的语言——认识汉语…………………………………1
第二节 古今言殊——汉语的昨天和今天…………………………………6
第三节 四方异声——普通话和方言……………………………………..11
第二课 千言万语总关“音” ……………………………………………16
第一节 字音档案——汉字的注音方法…………………………………..16
第二节 耳听为虚——同音字和同音词…………………………………..23
第三节 迷幻陷阱——“误读”和“异读” ……………………………27
第四节 声情并茂——押韵和平仄………………………………………..31
第三课 神奇的汉字………………………………………………………..37
第一节 字之初,本为画——汉字的起源………………………………..37
第二节 规矩方圆——汉字的简化和规范………………………………..43
第三节 方块的奥妙——汉字的结构……………………………………..48
第四节 咬文嚼字——消灭错别字………………………………………..52
第四课 词语万花筒………………………………………………………..59
第一节 看我“七十二变” ——多义词…………………………………59
第二节 词语的兄弟姐妹——同义词……………………………………64
第三节 每年一部“新词典” ——新词语……………………………..69
第四节 中华文化的智慧之花——熟语…………………………………74
第五课 言之有“理” …………………………………………………..80
“四两拨千斤” ——虚词……………………………………80
第二节 句子“手牵手”——复句和关联词……………………………83
第三节 有话“好好说” ——修改病句………………………………..87
第四节 说“一”不“二”——避免歧义………………………………91
第六课 语言的艺术………………………………………………………97
第一节 语不惊人死不休 ——选词和炼句……………………………..97
第二节 语言表达的十八般武艺——修辞手法………………………..103
第三节 淡妆浓抹总相宜 ——语言的色彩……………………………109
Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars
HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago.However, according to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions.After that, atoms began to form and combine to create stars and other bodies.For several billion years after the “Big Bang”, the earth was still just a cloud of dust.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe.The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.It exploded loudly with fire and rock.They were in time to produce carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases, which were to make the earth’s atmosphere.What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars but, unlike the earth, it had disappeared later.It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.Many millions of years later, the first extremely small plants began to appear on the surface of the water.They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen, which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish.Next, green plants began to grow on land.They were followed in time by land animals.Some were insects.Others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the water.Later when the plants grew into forests, reptiles appeared for the first time.They produced young generally by laying eggs.After that, some huge animals, called dinosaurs, developed.They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years.However, 65 million years ago the age of the dinosaurs ended.Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.This disappearance made possible the rise of mammals on the earth.These animals were different from all life forms in the past, because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.Finally about 2.6 million years ago some small clever animals, now with hands and feet, appeared and spread all over the earth.Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet.But they are not looking after the earth very well.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.As a result of this, many scientists believe the earth may become too hot to live on.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.A VISIT TO THE MOON Last month I was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space with my friend Li Yanping, an astronomer.We visited the moon in our spaceship!
Before we left, Li Yanping explained to me that the force of gravity would change three times on our journey and that the first change would be the most powerful.Then we were off.As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull of the earth’s gravity.It was so hard that we could not say anything to each other.Gradually the weight lessened and I was able to talk to him.“Why is the spaceship not falling back to the earth? On the earth if I fall from a tree I will fall to the ground.” I asked.“We are too far from the earth now to feel its pull,” he explained, “so we feel as if no gravity at all.When we get closer to the moon, we shall feel its gravity pulling us, but it will not be as strong a pull as the earth’s.” I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger.When we got there, I wanted to explore immediately.“Come on,” I said.“If you are right, my weight will be less than on the earth because the moon is smaller and I will be able to move more freely.I might even grow taller if I stay here long enough.I shall certainly weigh less!” I laughed and climbed down the steps from the spaceship.But when I tried to step forward.I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.“Oh dear,” I cried, “walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.” After a while I got the hang of it and we began to enjoy ourselves.Leaving the moon’s gravity was not as painful as leaving the earth’s.But returning to the earth was very frightening.We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth’s gravity increased.Again we were pushed hard into our seats as we came back to land.“That was very exhausting but very exciting too,” I said.“Now I know much more about gravity!Do you think we could visit some stars next time?” “Of course,” he smiled, “which star would you like to go to?”
Unit 1
Lesson 1
A Perfect Day?
A Couch Potato
When I Wake up I don’t get up immediately I turn on the television and watch the children’s programmes and old movies until about half-past ten.Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.For lunch, I have biscuit and a glass of milk, and I watch the news.In the afternoon, I often watch another old film-they’re showing some good ones at the moment.In the evenings, I often watch TV series or sport and the news again.I like the main news at six o’clock.At nine thirty, if there is a good ploy on BBC2, I switch over and watch it.Then at night, I watch more films and I Usually switch off the TV at about two o’clock.I never watch TV all night.I watch TV for sixteen or seventeen hours a day.I also do some exercise every day.I take Tina, the dog, for a walk to the every afternoon.I don’t go far, of course, I walk to the wall outside my house.I always take my portable TV and I sit on the stone wall while the dog walks round in a circle.Of course, I couldn’t live this lifestyle without a good wife.She’s not here now because she’s working, but she always makes my meals.We haven’t got much money, you know, but we’re happy.Sit down and watch TV.Here’s the remote control.You’ve got the world at your feet.And in your hand.Great!沙发土豆
A workaholic
I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm clock goes off.As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed.It takes me less than fifteen minutes to wash, get changed, have breakfast, leave home and get on a bus.I am always the first person to the office.The mornings are even busier!Meetings and phone call take up a large part of the day.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters.By around eight o‟clock, I usually find some time to do my own paperwork and answer some personal e-mail.When I get home at about ten, I look at some documents that I bring back from the office so that I can be ready for the next day‟s work.I get to bed around midnight when my wife and children are already asleep.I seldom have time for fun and other activities with my family.My family complains about it.But I try to work hard so that I can make more money for them.Besides, I get bored if there’s nothing to do.I like being busy.工作狂
Lesson 4
City And Country
Debbie is an accountant in a large company in the centre of London.I need to be in my office by nine o‟clock.I travel to work on “the tube”.That‟s what people call the underground in London.It takes about fifty minutes.Usually, it‟s so crowded that I can‟t find anywhere to sit.I just stand.I‟m always tired before I arrive at work.I don‟t like the underground!
I speed all morning checking numbers.Lunch is always simple.I often get a sandwich in a nearby sandwich shop or I just have some biscuits and a cup of coffee.Then in the afternoon, I return to the paperwork in the office.On Monday nights, I have dance classes, and on Wednesday nights, I go to the gym.I need to do that because I don‟t get enough exercise otherwise.On Tuesdays and Thursday nights, I have French classes.I work for a French company so I think studying French will help me in my job.I go the cinema almost every weekend, Sometimes, if the weather forecast is good, my friends and I drive to the countryside for a weekend break.We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city and go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube.That fresh air is so good for my lings, I love it.Paul lives in a small village in the north of England.I usually get up at four o‟clock every morning when it‟s still dark.I live and work on the farm so I don‟t need to travel.After a big breakfast in my house, I work out of the front door and I‟m already at work.There are many things to do on the farm all day.We don‟t have the same work hours that office workers In the city have.We do jobs when they need to be done and that could be early in the morning or late at night.I have cows, sheep, pigs and chickens on my farm.I have to make sure they are free of sickness.I also grow wheat and vegetables so there are many things to look after.In the evening, I like to play with my children.I have two children, a boy and a girl.They are six and eight years old.I also like to study.Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning.I am very interested in China and it‟s my dream to see the Great Wall one day.I love movies.My wife calls me a “movie fan”.But there isn‟t cinema in my village so I don‟t get the chance to go very often.I go about twice a year, usually when I go to London with my family.We take a weekend break there when I am not too busy on the farm.My wife loves looking in the clothes shops and I like all the crowds and the noise.I also like to buy a few cigars.Unfortunately, my wife isn‟t as fond of them as I am.My son and daughter love to ride on London‟s red buses and they especially love to go on the tube!④城市和国家
我喜欢电影。我的妻子叫我“影迷”。但没有在我村的电影院,所以我没有机会经常。我每年两次,通常当我去伦敦,我的家人。我们用一个周末休息时我不太忙农场。我的妻子喜欢逛服装店,我喜欢所有的人群和噪音。我也喜欢买几支雪茄。不幸的是,我的妻子不象我一样喜欢他们。我的儿子和女儿的爱骑在伦敦的红色双层巴士,他们特别喜欢去管!Culture corner
English Tea And Coffee Culture
One thing British and Chinese cultures share is a love for fine tea.Today, when we think of the English and beautiful china tea cups.Afternoon Tea
People believe that an English duchess, Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford(1788-1861)first introduced the idea of afternoon tea.In the 18th and 19th centuries, the English ate only two main meals each day – breakfast and a heavy supper that would last for several hours in the evening.As a result, people often got these two meals.To solve this problem, the Duchess came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her fir an afternoon meal between four and five o‟clock.This meal included cakes and sandwiches, and tea was served to wash down the food.In order to make this afternoon meal important, fine china cups and plates, and silver teapots, knives, forks and spoons were used.Soon, afternoon tea parties became popular social occasions.Today, afternoon tea parties continue to play an important part in the social life of wealthy people in modern Britain.Will you come for coffee? Coffee also has an important role in British culture.People often use the words “will you come for coffee?” to mean “Would you like to come to my home for a chat?” Normally, several different drink like orange juice will be served as well as coffee, and you will be asked what you would like.However, you will not normally be offered wine at a “coffee” party.Coffeehouses and the London Stock Exchange
In the 17th century London, coffeehouses were busy, noisy places.Merchants and bankers went to coffeehouses to do their business, as well as to drink coffee.In fact, the London Stock Exchange is believed to have started from these coffeehouses.文化角
咖啡馆和伦敦证券交易所 在第十七世纪的伦敦,咖啡馆都忙,嘈杂的地方。商人和银行家去咖啡馆去做他们的生意,以及喝咖啡。事实上,伦敦证券交易所已开始从这些咖啡馆。
问卷,调查表questionnaire 要紧,有重大关系matter 搭档,合作者partner 生活方式lifestyle 牧羊人shepherd平静的,和平的peaceful 放松的,轻松的relaxing 充满压力的,紧张的stressful 认为,猜想suppose 系列series 电视连续剧TV series 卡通片,动画片cartoon 谈话节目,现场访谈talk show 抱怨,投诉complain 长沙发,睡椅couch 终日懒散在家的人couch potato 转换,转变switch 把开关打开,接通switch on 转换频道switch over 把……关掉,关上switch off 英国广播公司BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation 轻便的,手提(式)的portable 遥远的remote 遥控remote control 工作狂workaholic 日常文书工作 paperwork 警报,警告器alarm 闹钟alarm clock(铃,爆竹等)响go off 占据take up 充满着be failed with 急迫的,紧急的urgent 公文,文件document 午夜,半夜midnight 厌烦的,不感兴趣的bored 压力stress 演播室,工作室studio 专家 expert 遭受(痛苦)遭受疼痛suffer 忍受,遭受suffer from 压力pressure 社交的,社会的social 减少,降低reduce 组织 organise 饮食,节食diet 更喜欢,宁愿prefer 忍耐,忍受stand 志愿者volunteer 毕业graduate 零下,负minus 脸盆basin 挑战challenge 支持,支撑support 拨(电话号码)dial 设计design 广告advertisement 表演,展示presentation解决,解答solve 会计,会计师accountant(英)地铁tube 拥挤的crowded 附近的,在附近nearby否则,另外otherwise 预报,预测forecast 预报,预测forecast 人群,一伙人 crowd 肺lung 疾病sickness 距离distance 远程学习distance learning 雪茄烟cigar 此刻,目前at the moment数年间over the years 调查survey 古典的classical 迷你裙mini-skirt正式的,合礼仪的formal 骑自行车cycle(中国)功夫 Kang fu 风格,样式style
Unit 2 Lesson 1
Modern Heroes Nations Hero
China‟s first manned spaceship lifted off at 9 a.m.on Wednesday, October 15th , 2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province.The spaceship, called Shenzhou V, was carrying China‟s first astronaut, Yang LiWei.Yang, who was a pilot in the army, was chosen from 1,500 other army pilots and stared training for his space flight in 1998.The launch was very successful.“When the spaceship was lifting off.I could really feel the high gravity”, said Yang LiWei.When the spaceship separated from the rocket, I suddenly got a feeling of soaring into the sky because of the zero gravity”.During the 21 – hour space flight, the Shenzhou V circled the earth 14 times.While the spaceship was circling the earth for the sixth time, Yang LiWei spoke with ground control in Gansu.He was also able to speak with his wife and 8-year-old son.Yang LiWei had several tasks to complete during the flight and only slept in the spaceship for about 3 hours.While he was sleeping, the spaceship circled the earth twice.When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, Yang LiWei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.At 6:23 a.m.on October 16th, Yang LiWei landed in Inner Mongolia safely.He told reporters later.“The surface of the spaceship was glowing red when it came back into the earth‟s atmosphere.When Shenzhou V let out its parachute, I felt the ship was shaking,” As Yang LiWei returned into the earth‟s atmosphere, helicopters were flying to where he would land, ready to collect him.Millions of people all over China were watching TV when the spaceship landed safely.When Yang LiWei climbed out of the spaceship, he smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.Yang LiWei was happy to be home but he said, “I though 21 hours was too short to stay in space.”
Lesson 3
Sports Stars
VENUS AND SERENA WILLIAMS are sisters.They are also both tennis champions who often have to play each other!Venus is now eleventh in the world, and her younger sister Serena has moved up to third.The two sister were born in a poor and dangerous area of California.It was full of drugs and violence.In a recent interview, Venus spoke about the time when she and Serena were practising tennis and they had to run and hide as bullets started flying through the air.Finally, in 1991, the sister then they have never looked back.The sisters‟ father, Richard, started to train Venus and Serena when they were young children.He has always been very strict with his daughters, training them hard to compete against each they completed their high school while developing their tennis careers.Today, both sisters are studying design at college.They have already expressed a keen interest in working in design after their tennis careers come to an end.The sisters‟ road to success has been amazing.The first time Venus played in a big event was in 1996.Since then, she has won Wimbledon and the US open make fantastic progress.In 1999 and 2002 and 2003, she was the woman‟s singles champion at Wimbledon.Has tennis ever caused problems between the sisters? Fortunately, no.“We‟ve played each other before and it hadn‟t worried us yet!” says Venus.“If she wins,” Serena jokes, “Mama says she has to do the dishes!”
Lesson 4
Christopher Reeve was born in September, 1952.He was in his first school play when he was eight and he stared to act in TV shows and films while he was still in college.He made many successful films and TV shows but he is most famous for his Superman films.Unfortunately, disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and broke him to live.However, he made amazing progress.At first, he couldn‟t breathe without a machine, but he learnt to breathe on his own.He would never walk again but he stared a new life with great courage.The second year after hid accident, Christopher returned to film making.He also raised a lot of money to promote medical research into back injuries.He made speeches all over the USA about his experiences.This not only draw public attention to research into back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people living with all kinds of problems.From their home, Christopher and his wife Dana spoke about their life after the accident.Have you though of giving up after the accident?
“No.Four days after the injury, I came to understand my situation.My wife Dana and I were in the hospital.The doctor said I was not going to pull through, Dana said: „But you‟re still you, and I love you.‟ And that saved my life.Since that moment I have never thought of giving up.Of course, I‟ve had moments of felling sorry for committing suicide.”
Did you think that your marriage was so strong?
“Yes, because Dana‟s so wonderful.We have always got on really well.Our relationship has always been fantastic.”
How did your parents react to the accident?
“They divorced when I was four.They‟ve got closer since the accident.”
How did you get involved with charity work? “I know a lot of disabled people need my help.This is how I got involved with my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people.”
“With the progress of new medical research, I‟m confident that people like me would be able to walk again one day.So you can see.I‟m far too busy with living to think of giving up!”
Christopher Reeve died on October 10, 2004.But people all over the world will always remember him as a superhero.④超级英雄
“受伤四天后,我才明白我的情况。我的妻子达娜和我在医院里。医生说我不会拉,Dana说:“但你还是你,我爱你,救了我的命。”。从那一刻起,我从未想过放弃。当然,我已经感觉对不起自杀的时刻。” 你认为你的婚姻是如此强烈?
“是的,达娜真棒。我们一直相处得很好。我们的关系一直都很好。” 你的父母是如何对事故的反应?
“我四岁的时候就离婚了。他们走近时由于事故。” 你是如何参与慈善工作吗?
Culture Corner
Space Heros In the course of space exploration, 434 astronauts have made the journey into space.Men and women from nations all over the world have studied, trained and worked hard in order to go into space.Yet, it is not a job without risk and 20 of those people have died while in space or in space programme training.Yuri Gagarin
On April 12, 1961, Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space.He died only seven years later on March 27, 1968 in an air crash during a training session in the East of Moscow.Gregory Jarvis, Ronald McNair, Francis Scobee, Michael Smith, Judith Resnik Ellison Onizuka, Sharon MacAuliffe
On January 28, 1986, these seven American astronauts(five men and two women)died when the space shuttle Challenger exploded soon after launching.Among them was Sharon MacAuliffe, a high school teacher, who was to be the first teacher in space.Millions of people around the world and many students in primary and secondary schools saw the tragedy on TV.Chawla kalpana(USA), Rick Husband(USA), William McCool(USA), Michael Anderson(USA), Laurel Clark(USA), Ilan Ramon(Israel)
On February 1, 2003, 16 minutes before landing, the space shuttle Columbia exploded.The five men and two women crew, which included the first Indian born woman in space as well as Israel‟s first astronaut, all died.Here is part if US President Ronald Reagan‟s speech after the 1986 Challenger disaster:
“For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy.But we feel the loss, and we‟re thinking about you so very much.Your loved ones were daring and brave, and they had that special grace, that special spirit that says,‟ Give me a challenge and I‟ll meet it with joy.‟ They had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths.They wished to serve, and they did.They served all of us.”
文化角 航天英雄
1986年1月28日,这七名美国宇航员(五男两女)去世时,挑战者号航天飞机爆炸后不久,发射。其中沙龙麦考利夫,一个高中老师,谁是第一个进入太空的教师。世界各地的小学和中学的许多学生数百万人在电视上看到的悲剧。Chawla Kalpana(美国),瑞克丈夫(美国),威廉麦库尔(美国),迈克尔安德森(美国),桂克拉克(美国),宜兰拉蒙(以色列)
Bulletin Board
A TV programme, Hero Show, is inviting student‟s opinions on what qualities heroes and heroines should have.Read the notice and the two responses.Then add your ideas on the board.Heroes and Heroines
What qualities should a hero or heroine have? Good looks, a kind heart, a special talent? Send your views to the Hero Show.Here you can share your ideas with other students and exchange photos about your heroes and heroines.Yao Ming is my hero.I think he‟s a fantastic basketball player … He not only plays basketball well, but he is also nice and friendly to his fans.He is the most successful Chinese basketball player who has joined NBA and is admired by Americans.I think he has won honour for our country.My grandma is my heroine.She‟s lived a hard life but still manages to be cheerful and kind to others.She also has a good memory and tells me what life was like when she was young.I‟ve learned a lot from listening to my grandma and want to thank her fir everything she‟s taught me.公告板
镇静的,沉着的calm 慷慨的,大方的generous 暴力的violent 人物,性格character 太空船spaceship载人宇宙飞船manned spaceship 省province 宇航员astronauts 飞行,航班flight 发射launch 地心引力gravity升空,升腾soar 联合国the United Nations 探测,勘探explore 和平地,平静地peacefully 记者,通讯员report 发光glow 大气,气氛atmosphere降落伞parachute 直升机helicopter 百万million 数百万millions of 挥手示意wave 革命revolution建立,创立found共和国republic 电灯泡light bulb 意见,看法,主张opinion在我看来in my opinion就自己而言personally 种族主义racism平等的equal 斗争,拼搏struggle 抗议protest 游行示威;行军march 卓越的brilliant灵巧的,熟练的skilful(口)糟糕的,极度的awful 差劲的,无用的useless不平常的unusual 冠军chemical 暴力,暴行violence 子弹bullet 比赛,竞争compete 强烈的,渴望的keen 职业,一生的事业career 令人惊异的amazing竞赛,事件event 幸运地fortunately 运动员athlete超级英雄superhero 然后,后来afterwards 超人supermen 灾难disaster 独立地 on one’s own 促进,提升promote 伤害,损伤injury 放弃give up 开始(认识,理解)come to do something使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关pull through 犯(错误)干(坏事)commit 自杀commit suicide 融洽相处,进展get on 关系relationship 反应react 离婚divorce 涉及,参与involve 参加,参与get involved with慈善,施舍charity 质量,品质quality 残疾的disabled 自信的confident太,极为far too 别胡扯come off it 奥运会的Olympic 羽毛球badminton 钦佩,羡慕admire 完全地,绝对地dead(right)当然,绝对地absolutely 奖章,勋章medal 你所说的似乎有道理。You’ve got a point there!跳水,潜水dive
Unit 3
Lesson Festival
Every year in September or October, the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by the Chinese people all over the world.On this day, the moon is said to meet in the evening and watch the moon.The Mid-Autumn Festival is important because it is special occasion for family.It is also a day for special foods like moon cakes.There are all kinds of moon cake.Traditional moon cakes are usually made with bean paste, but nowadays, there are many different kinds of moon cakes including fruit, coffee, chocolate and even ice-cream moon cakes.Winter
The lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.There are many stories about how the Lantern Festival stared.In one story, lanterns were lit to celebrate the power of light over darkness.In another story, a town was almost destroyed but the light from many lanterns saved it.The story was about a god who wanted to burn down the town.He was fooled when he saw thousands of lanterns.He thought the town was already burning.In the past, lanterns were usually lit by candles and decorated with picture of birds, animals and flowers, etc..Nowadays, most lanterns are made with light blubs and batteries, and they come in many shapes and sizes.In the north-eastern part of China, there are even ice-lanterns.The special food for the lantern festival is the sweet dumping.Sweet dumplings are boiled and served in hot water.Summer
The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year.As it is in early summer, it marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year.The tradition of the Dragon Boat Festival started more than 2,000 years ago.In the old days, dragon boat races were organised only by Chinese people from other cultures have also taken part in the races and enjoyed the fun.There is special food for the festival.It is called zongzi, which is sticky rice in fresh bamboo leaves.①节 秋天
Lesson 3
Weddings in Indonesia
If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding, you can go with him/her, ever if you don‟t receive an invitation yourself.The times of the wedding ceremony and the reception are both on the invitation.However, you ought not to go to the ceremony because it is only for close family.If you really want to see it, you ought to ask first.Everyone can attend the reception afterwards.Nowadays, Indonesian woman don‟t have to caver their heads, but they usually wear traditional clother.There is a box at the entrance to the reception and you ought to put money into it!But don‟t worry, you don‟t have to contribute a lot of money.And remember – at most wedding receptions you can‟t drink alcohol.Greek weddings
On the day of a Greek wedding ceremony, the bridegroom has to ask the bride‟s father for his daughter‟s hand in marriage.The bridegroom‟s best man then goes with the couple to the church, to be married.During the church ceremony, the best man should help put crowns made of flowers on the heads of the bride and bridegroom.A long silk ribbon that links the crowns is a symbol of a long and happy life for the couple.After the ceremony, the guests can attend a wedding reception, which is usually a huge party and can last through the night.There is a lot of eating, drinking and dancing, including the famous Greek circle dance, where everyone joins in.During the reception, guests can throw dishes on the floor and put money on the bride‟s wedding dress for good luck.③婚礼
Lesson 4
Memories of Christmas
For me, Christmas always began in the middle of the cold, windy month of November.My sister, Alison, and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted.We seriously wrote “Father Christmas, the North pole on the envelope, before giving them to our mother to post.With December our excitement grew each day – as we opened the new year calendar, Christmas cards arrived in the post, Christmas lights appeared in the streets, and we attended the town carol service.And of course, there was snow everywhere.Enough snow to make snowmen, and to have exciting snowball fights in the school playground.On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to decorate the house, put up the Christmas tree, the decorations and the balloons.Then, in the afternoon, when Auntie Kathleen and my two cousins arrived, everything was ready.Before we went to bed, we left some wine and biscuits for Father Christmas and then put our stockings at the end of our beds.We tries to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas but the next thing we knew it was morning.Christmas morning!
At the bottom of the bed was the stocking, now full of kinds of small presents and sweets.Christmas morning was bright and I went out into the garden to play a lunch!Was bright and sunny and, after church, my with our new presents.Lunch was always late, but what a lunch!A big turkey with all the vegetables followed put so much food in my mouth sometimes that it was laughed at jokes, put on silly paper hats and laughed again.After lunch, the adults slept on the sofas in front of the Queen‟s speech on television whole we all played cards.Then we had tea, with a huge Christmas cake covered eating.By bedtime all of thr children were very tired.As soon as we turned off the light, we all fell into a deep, happy sleep.④圣诞节 圣诞回忆
Culture Corner
Happy Halloween!
Over 2000 years ago, people known as the Celts lived in Northern Europe.They worshipped the sun god and believed the god made their crops grow.On the night of 31 October, after their crops had been harvested and stored for winder, the Celts began a 3-day New Year holiday.During this time, they offered crops and dead animals to thank the god and danced in costumes made from animal heads and skin.Later, when the Romans invaded Europe.They adopted the Celts‟ New Year customs and used them in their own festivals.After 835 AD, the Catholic Church in Europe invented a holiday on 1 November, All Hallow‟s Day, to honour saints.Later, it invented another holiday on 2 November, All Souls‟ Day, to honour dead people.To celebrate All Souls‟ Day, people, made big bonfires and dressed up as angels, devils, saints and witches.They lit candles in lanterns made of hollowed-out turnip or pumpkin to frighten away ghosts.On this night, people also traveled from village to village to ask for food.It was believed that any village that did not give food would have bad luck.Gradually, over the years, the Celtic, Roman and Catholic customs and holidays got mixed together, and finally 31 October became known as Halloween.In the nineteenth century, Irish immigrants took Halloween customs from Europe to the USA.Today, in the USA and the UK in particular, Halloween has become a special occasion for young people.In these countries, children wear spooky costumes and go from door to door saying “Trick or treat!” and they are given sweets to take home.文化角 万圣节快乐!
Bulletin Board
A travel agency is collecting information about the Chinese festivals for a group of foreign visiting students.Read the notice and the two responses.Then add information you know about on the board.Festival Collage
October 1 is the day when the People‟s Republic of China was founded.It is a national holidays.People have different activities to celebrate the day.There is always a huge public firework display on National Day.Sometimes there are parades and gatherings.Since it is one of the longest holidays in the year, for most people it‟s the time to get relaxed or go out of the city to travel.We‟re collecting information about the Chinese festivals for a group of visiting foreign students.Ideally, the information should include special customs, decorations or food used in celebrating Chinese festivals.If you would like to help us, contact Lisa Wang on 88889132.The Spring Festival is the most important holiday for the Chinese people.There are many traditional activities to celebrate the festival, such as to do a thorough cleaning to have a new look for the new year, to paste handwritten couplets on front doors to bring good luck, to conduct Yangge dance and lion dance to increase the festival atmosphere, to prepare a variety of foods to treat the family, friends and relatives.The festival lasts for 15 days.It‟s usually the biggest family gathering for most families, so everyone is supposed to go home to join the celebration.Train and airplane tickets are very difficult to get before the festival.公告板
Literature Spot 1
It was Christmas Eve.Ebenezer Scrooge was in his office, the office of Scrooge and Marley.His clerk, poor Bob Cratchit, was working Suddenly, Scrooge‟s young nephew came into the office.“Hello uncle.Merry Christmas!” he said happily.“Do you want to come and have Christmas dinner with us tomorrow?” “Christmas?” Scrooge replied.“Bah!Humbug!” Scrooge hated Christmas and he refused his nephew‟s invitation for dinner on Christmas Day.His nephew went away.Later two men came to the office, asking for money for the poor.“Bah!Are there no prisons for these people?” Scrooge refused to give even a penny.Then, when it was time to close the office, Bob Cratchit asked for the day off, because it was Christmas.“All right,” Scrooge was sitting in front of his fire at home when, suddenly, he saw a ghost in front of him.“Who are you?” Scrooge asked nervously.“In life, I was Jacob Marley, your partner.I an wearing these chains and I can never be in peace, because when I lived, I only though about money.But I an here to help you.You have a change to escape my terrible destiny.Tonight he woke up.The figure of a strange old man appeared near his bed.“I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.Of your past,” it told Scrooge.The ghost took Scrooge to scenes of Christmas from the past.In one scene Scrooge saw himself as a boy at school.He was reading a book.All the other boys had gone home for Christmas.In another scene Scrooge saw himself as a young man.He was talking to his girlfriend, who he didn‟t marry because she didn‟t have any money.Scrooge began to feel sadder and sadder.“Stop!Show me no more!” he cried.Finally the ghost brought him home and Scrooge fell asleep again.Later that night, Scrooge woke up again.“I am the Ghost of Christmas present.Look at me!” said the second ghost, laughing.He was a large man with a beard, wearing a green robe.He took Scrooge to the house of Bob Cratchit and his family.It was cold in the house and Bob and his family were sitting around a very small Christmas pudding.“What a wonderful pudding.Merry Christmas everyone!” cried Bob.Scrooge felt sad, because he could see ho poor the Cratchits were.Bob‟s smallest child, Tiny Tim, was weak and ill.The ghost finally took Scrooge to a very poor area of London.There were two poor children?” he asked the ghost, who repeated what Scrooge had said before.“Are there no prisons?” The ghost laughed and disappeared.Then, the third ghost appeared.He was dressed in black and looked…
“Are you the Ghost of Christmas Future?” Scrooge asked nervously.The ghost did not answer.It took Scrooge and showed him scenes of the future.In one people were talking about Scrooge‟s death, but not one person was unhappy about it.The ghost also took him to the Cratchit family.The family was very sad.The little boy, Tiny Tim, him died.The next morning Scrooge opened his window and asked, “What day is it today?”
“Why sir, it‟s Christmas Day,” replied a young boy in the street.“Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!” He wished everybody he saw Merry Christmas.He met the man who had asked for money for the poor and gave him a large sum of money.Scrooge then went and visited his nephew and had the best Christmas dinner in his life.The next day he went to his office early.He waited for Bob Cratchit.“You are late!” said Scrooge in an angry voice.“Yes, I‟m very sorry…” replied poor Bob.“In that case, I‟m afraid I‟m going to…increase your salary!Merry Christmas, Bob!”
From that day, Scrooge was the happiest man in the world.He gave money to the poor.He helped Bob Cratchit‟s family.And people always said of him: “he knew how to celebrate Christmas.”
文学现场1 圣诞颂歌
史克鲁奇感到很伤心,因为他可以看看可怜的Cratchits。鲍勃最小的孩子,小提姆,是软弱和生病的。鬼终于带着他到一个非常贫穷的地区,伦敦。有两个可怜的孩子?“他问鬼,谁重复克鲁奇说之前。“有没有监狱?“鬼笑了,消失了。然后,第三鬼。他穿着黑衣服,看„ “你是未来的圣诞鬼魂?“他紧张地问。
第二天早晨,他打开了窗户,问,“今天是什么日子?“ “为什么先生,今天是圣诞节,”一个小男孩在街上说。