
2025-01-31 版权声明 我要投稿


英语教师英文版工作总结 篇1

year-end recap

it is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible.

this will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. you can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

in addition, by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent

these problems.

annual traffic & sales review

reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews.

when you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes.

keyword glossaries

often overlooked are company’s localization glossaries. these are master lists of word pairs that are used in machine translation and translation management tools. throughout the year,you may have done a lot of

keyword research and modeling that may need to be added to the glossary as well as words replaced with those which have more demand or better match searcher’s intent.

if any new products were added this year, they should be added to the glossary as well to make sure that the most relevant versions are integrated.

site-wide diagnostics

due the holidays at the end of the year, your workload may decrease giving time to review and clean up many of the common errors that accumulate in google and bing webmaster tools.

new year/new tactics lunch & learn

schedule a variety of lunch and learns with your various teams to update them on any new techniques and updates like avoiding panda penalties. it is often good to update any new employees that were added in the past few moths on the best practices they may not be aware of.

end of life products

especially if you managing search for a large company you should meet with the product teams to identify products that are no longer sold. it is common in larger companies and especially in consumer electronics that

as product reach their “end of life” for marketing they are removed from the site.

while they are no longer sold, they are still being used by consumers that will need replacement parts, services and hopefully upgrades. you can create a hybrid page that represents these options for

consumers and replace the previous product page to allow you to continue to capture those still interested in your products.

any of these can help find nuggets of opportunities that will help you look good in the first quarter. it will also help you to make budget justifications and support additional headcount or agency budgets for specific roles.

英语教师英文版工作总结 篇2


1 Introduction:Why Bother Investigating Teacher Talk

What do teachers say in the classroom and how do they say it?What is the impact of this on students?Many researchers had probe into this field and I would like to quote some statements from scholars who provide grounds for the reasons for this kind of research first.

“…classrooms are confusing places, with different agendas being pursued by different participants, with many different activities and thought processes happening simultaneously, and with different needs being addressed in all directions.Few lessons follow plans exactly, and few plans follow principles as precisely as theories intend.Teachers work in a world of real people, real motives and conflicting interests and their prime task is to survive in this world, in order to influence learning and direct it towards the most profitable activities and routines for success.”Nunan (1989:10)

The implication of this statement, at least to me, is quite obvious:no matter what theories researchers and educators advocate and believe in, the teachers and the classrooms are the persons and places where these theories will be used or abundant.Theories are illusions and classrooms are realities.Thus what the teachers talk in the English teaching classrooms are of great value to researchers in a way.

The value of second language classes, then, lies not only in the grammar instruction, but in the‘teacher talk’, the comprehensible input.It can be an efficient place to achieve at least the intermediate levels rapidly, as long as the focus of the class is on providing input for acquisition.Krashen (1982:59)

From the Input-theory-point-of-view, learners are exposed to English when they are having English classes, what the teachers have said and instructed would of course constitute a majority part of their language inputs, which will accumulate to their English learning processes.

Thus, teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the classroom but also for the processes of acquisition.It is the major source of comprehensible target language input the learner is likely to receive in the foreign language classroom teaching.

When look into a real language classroom, you may find that most of the teacher talks are instructions for the simple reason that they don’t talk for no purpose and just talk for the sake of talking.For the interest of this paper, I would like to use the term teacher talk together with the term instruction in an ambiguous way and treat them roughly the same thing.

2 The Beginning of Research on Overall Effective-ness of L2 Instruction

The question of whether second language instruction makes a difference was first posed by Long (1983) , who attempted a preliminary answer to this question by reviewing the handful of empirical studies which directly tested Krashen’s then influential claim of a learning/acquisition distinction.Such studies yielded instruction vs.exposure comparisons or independent assessments of five types listed below:

In general, the findings indicated that, for those for whom the classroom is the only opportunity for exposure to L2 input, “instruction”is beneficial.While Long concluded that second language instruction does make a difference, his work was more noteworthy for having identified a number of weaknesses in the prevailing research methodology, and for having inspired the ensuing line of empirical effects-of-instruction research, than for the trustworthiness of the reviewed findings. (Doughty&Long, 2003:261)

3 Classic Researches of Formal Instruction in Lan-guage Classrooms

Language instruction can have many purposes.One of these has traditionally been to teach the learner the formal systems of English, in particular grammar, and the research which solely concerned with the role of instruction in the acquisition of English grammar was named formal instruction (Ellis, 1985:215) .

There are lots of researches on formal instruction in the60-80’s last century, which offer valuable insights and inspirations for later research of these kinds.The assumption underlying research into formal instruction is that focusing on linguistic form aids the acquisition of grammatical knowledge. (Though the acquisition that results from teaching may not be immediate and acquisiTable 2 Types of formal instructions (Rod Ellis, 1994:612) tion requires practice of one kind or another.)

The investigation of the role of formal instruction can be undertaken in two ways.First, an answer to the question‘Does formal instruction aid SLA?’can be sought.Secondly, the question‘What kinds of formal instruction facilitate SLA the most can be tackled.In the first question there is an assumption that all types of formal instruction share certain basic premises and that it is, therefore, possible to talk generically of‘formal instruction’.In the second question there is an assumption that formal instruction in general is facilitative and that the important issue is what distinguishes the more successful from the least successful types…

Studying the role of formal instruction in SLA is important both for developing a theoretical understanding of SLA and for language pedagogy.In the case of the former, it can shed light on how differences in environmental conditions affect SLA.In the case of the latter, it can help to test basic pedagogic assumptions such as whether the order in which grammatical structures are presented corresponds to the order in which they are learnt.Ellis (1985, 216-217)

3.1 Research on the effect formal instruction has on the route of development

The route of development means the general sequence or specific order of acquisition.The 12 morpheme and longitudinal studies summarized below (see table 3) are similar studies of classroom SLA concerning the route of development that instruction has affect learners of English. (Thought the conclusions that were drawn must necessarily be tentative) .

Taking these studies together, the following was hypothesized:

1) Instruction does not circumvent the processes responsible for the sequence of development evident in transitional structures such as negatives and interrogatives in naturalistic SLA

2) When classroom learners are required to produce structures beyond their competence, idiosyncratic forms are likely to result.

3) The distorted input may prolong certain stages of development and slow down the emergence of some grammatical features

4) Classroom learners are able to make use of knowledge acquired through formal instruction when they are focused on form

Though more research is needed to substantiate the hypotheses, the table and the studies indicate that formal instruction may develop L2 knowledge, yet this knowledge manifests itself in language use only where the learner is attending to form. (ibid 224)

3.2 Research on the effects formal instruction has on the rate/success of SLA

Long (1983) , in the thorough review of the relevant research, lists 11 studies of these kind.What should be pointed out is that, all of these studies examined the‘relative utility’of instruction.That is, they were concerned with the overall effects of instruction on L2proficiency in relation to the effects of simple exposure to the L2 in natural settings.Thus, none of the studies examined the‘absolute effects’of formal instruction, that is, whether instruction could speed up the acquisition of specific grammatical structures.Furthermore, the studies were not able to say whether formal instruction per se was more effective than exposure per se, but only whether instruction plus exposure was better than exposure by itself, or whether more instruction plus exposure was better than less instruction and exposure.

The studies have produced mixed results, but in general support the hypothesis that instruction aids the rate/success of SLA.Yet Long’s review of the research only confirms a common-sense assumption, since to deny that instruction can help learners to acquire a L2 is contrary to the personal experience of countless teachers and students.

3.3 Research on the relative effectiveness of different types of L2 instruction

By the 1990s, more evidence (e.g.Pica 1983;Zobl 1982;Lightbown1983;Pienemann1989;Doughty 1988;Eckman, Bell, and Nelson1988;Gass1982;Pavesi 1986) formed the basis of an assumption that L2 instruction is effective.Research interest then turned to the question of the type of instruction most facilitative of SLA.

The most comprehensible review of empirical studies that at-tempts to determine the overall effectiveness of L2 instruction, as well as the relative effectiveness of types of instruction, is a statistical metaanalysis of the burgeoning literature published between1980 and 1998 done by Norris and Ortega (2000) .They identified250 potentially relevant studies from the published applied SLA literature.Although they noted a publishing bias in the research pool, it is nonetheless clear that the state of instructed SLA research is more robust now than it was 20 years ago when Long published the first review.Their work set out to classify each instructional type in the studies they reviewed as implicit or explicit, and as focusing on meaning only, forms only, or both.The general findings of the overall and relative effectiveness of L2 instruction and instructional types can be summarized as follows:Once again, as had been the case in the two earlier comparisons of the effectiveness of L2 instruction with simple exposure or with meaning-driven communication (Long 1983;Beebe 1988) , the answer to the overall research question is in the affirmative:second language instruction makes a difference, and, furthermore, the difference is substantial (effect size d=?0.96, where 0.80 is considered a large effect) .With regard to differences among instructional types (see table 5) , the clearest finding (and, according to Norris and Ortega, the only trustworthy one) is an apparent advantage for explicit over implicit types of L2instruction.Moreover, combining the nature of the instruction with the degree of obtrusiveness of attention to form in the pedagogical procedures employed, the findings are as follows:Explicit focus on form (large effect) ?Explicit focus on forms (large effect) ?Implicit focus on form (medium effect) ?Implicit focus on forms (small effect) .In sum, Norris and Ortega (2000) interpret the results of their metaanalysis to mean that:“L2 instruction can be characterized as effective in its own right, at least as operationalized and measured within the domain” (p.480) .This finding is consistent with the rate advantage for instruction already discussed

As for the type-of-instruction studies summarized in table 6, Norris and Ortega (2000, p.486) concluded that“[g]enerally, the observed instructional effectiveness within primary research to date has been based much more extensively on the application of explicit declarative knowledge under controlled conditions, without much requirement for fluent spontaneous speech.”

4 Concluding Remark

In this overview of the empirical research on instructed SLA, we have seen that considerable understanding has been gained of instructional effects in the domains of rate, route, and type of instruction most facilitative of SLA.

To me, what the teacher instruct students to do in the classroom is more than important.Take one student for example (anyone who is or will be going through the educational process in Mainland China) , the total English learning time for him/her would be:

This does not include the kindergarten time and university study.Considering the total duration that English lessons cast, I really think it is self-evident that what really happen in these hours is extremely crucial to students.And it is also obvious to me through my experience of being an English learner (for several decades!) that what the teachers had instructed me to do in the classroom really counts for my accumulation of learning or acquiring the language step by step.Yet there is one more thing which is equally crystal-clear to me, as an English teacher:instructions and classroom talk can be planned but never be written, since real classroom teaching is like a battlefield where planned movement of fighting could never help you survive, you have to be flexible and situational-based.

So we can only safely say that researches show good teacher talks and instructions in the English classrooms are beneficial to students and teachers should note that their talk is important and worth spending some time on.

There is no scientific basis yet for writing a description of an ideal teaching classroom.Instead, we can observe teachers and students at work and take note of the features that seem to be more beneficial than others, not necessarily in order to copy them, but to become more aware of what is possible.

I would like to use the quotation below to end this review:

蒋介石的英文教师李时敏 篇3

1923年7月的一天蒋介石携当时的“夫人”陈洁如来到香港,蒋微笑着向陈洁如介绍前来码头迎接的一位俊朗绅士:“这位就是在我的英文姓CHIANG字中加了一个‘I’的那个李先生。”这个李先生就是李时敏(JamesZee-MinLee),李时敏的父亲李博(Lee Po,音译)是澳洲悉尼的华侨富商,李家热心公益,也很爱国,曾捐款资助孙中山的革命,在当地侨界很有影响,后全家迁居香港。蒋介石和陈洁如在港期间就住在了位于罗便臣道的李家。其时,李时敏之父已经过世,蒋介石对李老夫人执孝子礼,十分敬重。李时敏带蒋一行到香港各处游览,香港名流周寿臣爵士夫妇(李家的亲戚)也邀蒋一行用餐、谈天。后来李时敏曾教授蒋介石和陈洁如学习英文。蒋返回广州后的一天,从香港寄来一个邮包,里面就是那件后来成为蒋介石“标志”的黑色无袖呢制大氅,这件衣服是在香港时陈洁如见蒋喜欢,偷偷托李时敏为蒋定做的。蒋介石非常喜欢这件大披风,穿在身上在房间里大摇大摆,绕着圈子走来走去,显得十分开心,活像一位魔术师。后来,蒋特致函道谢。


1963年,李时敏帮助陈洁如完成其自传的英文稿,纽约的一家出版公司有意出版。但被蒋家出钱收买,该书未得问世。这本书就是后来的 《陈洁如回忆录——我做了七年蒋介石夫人》。李时敏在用英文完成这部书稿的过程中,无疑是做了不少‘润色’、‘加工’而溶进了他的一些个人观点和见解。

英语教师的英文简历 篇4


Personal Information

Name: xxx

Gender: male

Date of Birth:

Residency: Hunan

Zip Code: 410000

Career Objective:English Teacher

Home Tel: xxx

Mobile: xxx


Political Background:probationary partymember

Work Experience:

20xx/03--20xx/05:xxprivate tutor Center as an English Tutor in xx

20xx/06-20xx/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in xx

20xx/08-20xx/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. xx BranchEducation

20xx/09--20xx/06 xx University English Education Associate

20xx/09--20xx/06 xx Normal Univercity English Bachelor

TrainingEnglish excellent Japanese average


20xx/03 TEM Level 8

20xx/04 TEM Level 4

20xx/06 CET-6

20xx/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1

20xx/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate

20xx/7 Teacher qualification certificate Honors/Awards

national scholarship

the first ranking scholarship

the second ranking scholarship

good”s studentSelf Assessment:

英语教师的英文简历[定稿] 篇5

personal Information

Name: xxx

Gender: male

Date of Birth: xxxx/xx/xx

Residency: Hunan

Zip Code: 410000

Career Objective:English Teacher

Home Tel: 086-xxxx-xxxxxxx

Mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx

Email: diyifanwen@glzy8.com

political Background:probationary party member

Work Experience

2006/03--2007/05:xxprivate tutor Center as an English Tutor in xx

2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in xx

2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies

2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc.xx Branch


2004/09--2007/06 xx University English Education Associate

2007/09--2009/06 xx Normal Univercity English Bachelor


2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in xx city English cadet teacher

Language Skills

English excellent Japanese average


2008/03 TEM Level 8

2007/04 TEM Level 4

2006/06 CET-6

2005/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1

2004/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate

2007/7 Teacher qualification certificate


national scholarship

the first ranking scholarship

the second ranking scholarshipgood’s student

Self Assessment

小学英语教师面试英文自我介绍 篇6

In I was admitted by Yunnan University, majored in International Trade. The four-year undergraduate education provided me a wide range of academic knowledge and practical capabilities in many aspects. By studying this major, I passed CET-6 exam in 20xx and get a degree in economics.

I gained an international perspective, not only in my own field, but any other aspects as well. I prefer to focus on the latest global information everyday and I am interested in social event, culture and humanity. Moreover, the college education experience offered me a great opportunity to give full play to my creativity and intelligence, in particular I was been trained to be a good communicator during all sorts of college activities, for instance, I have learned how to cooperate with others since I participated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to combine different opinions by doing various social activates.

英语教师英文版工作总结 篇7

1 Introduction to the Study

It is clear that CLT aims to foster students’communicative ability of second or foreign language and it fits the needs of the economic and political development of the world.Li (1998) reported that CLT has been used by different educators in different ways since its appearance in Europe.However, some experts hold that CLT has not been completely accepted by many teachers because of the clash between CLT and traditional teaching methods.To know about the real condition, many researchers have studied a lot on the use of CLT in contexts where English is taught as a foreign language.For example, Ellis (1994) investigated the appropriateness of CLT in Vietnam.He found that CLT was in conflict with traditional pedagogical beliefs and the original form of CLT was not suitable for the educational conditions then.In order to find out the actual application of CLT after the development of teaching methodologies and educational concepts in recent years, Lewis and McCook (2002) research on the way in which CLT is interpreted by teachers in Vietnam.The research is to study teachers’beliefs and practices in language teaching and learning after they have attended the workshops on CLT and then to compare the results with reports in the literature from various parts of Asia.Lewis and McCook (2002) examine the journal entries written by 14 Vietnamese high school teachers of English during ongoing in-service workshops.260 journal entries are extracted.From their research, it is concluded that teachers in Vietnam have applied some factors of CLT that have been introduced and traditional teaching methods are also reserved during the implementation of CLT.It can be seen although the teachers are willing to adopt CLT, their concept of CLT is not clear.Therefore, they still stick to some local educational understandings and methods.For example, fluency and accuracy, contextualized language use and knowledge about language, oral and written language, and pair work and individual exercises are all emphasized in the journal entries.Students’characteristics valued by the teachers are hard work, sociability and abilities to learn from others.This article has a clear insight into the uptake of CLT by Vietnamese teachers and provides teachers with new understanding of CLT from distinctive perspectives although some points need to be confirmed in further studies.

2 Strengths of the Study

The study offers valuable information on teachers’attitudes towards CLT in Vietnam and the actual application of CLT in this country.There are some strengths which should be learned from this study.

First, the two researchers—Lewis and Mc Cook—are professional and experienced in foreign language teaching.Lewis teaches in workshops across New Zealand and South-East Asia at present.She has carried out many studies on foreign language teaching and written many authoritative books, such as Learning to be a Language Teacher:A Task-based Approach to Language Teacher Education, Giving Feedback in Language Classes, etc.Mc Cook has teaching experience across the tertiary, professional and primary sectors in Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam.She conducted and evaluated professional development programs in Vietnam to assist teachers of English in promoting active learning in their classrooms.Both of them have close contact with and deep understanding of teaching conditions in Vietnam.As a result, they can do the research in depth and in the round.

Second, Lewis and Mc Cook (2002) first have a review of Asian traditions of foreign language teaching and learning.For example, teachers are the center of the process;students are passive in learning and their role in class is to receive knowledge rather than construct it;the rules of knowledge must be memorized and followed exactly.Characteristics of CLT have also been talked about in the following passage.These explanations provide readers with background information and help readers identify the features of traditional teaching methods and CLT respectively.Then readers can figure out for certain which kind of teaching approach the teachers use in the study.

Third, Lewis and Mc Cook (2002) make use of the teachers’journal entries to investigate their interpretation and implication of CLT.All the details, including the teachers’and their students’performance in class as well as the teachers’psychological process, can be presented in the journal entries from the teachers’angle.For example, memorization and understanding are both paid attention to by the teachers from their sentences:“they spoke out the conversation naturally without looking at any words on the board.”and“My pupils comprehend the contents of the text.But when I asked them‘why?’, they couldn’t answer correctly.”

Fourth, the journal entries of 14 Vietnamese teachers are guided to write under certain headings:the teaching-learning focus and what makes a good student.These two aspects are suitable and reasonable for investigation.One of the significant differences between traditional teaching methods and CLT is that linguistic knowledge is the focus of traditional methods and CLT aims to promote students’communicative competence.In addition, the demands on students in these two approaches are diverse.Students’hard work and memorization are mostly valued in traditional methods, while students’sociability is the quality teachers extremely care in CLT.According to the teaching focus and concentration on different students’qualities, it is easy to point out which approach is in use by the teachers.

3 Suggestions for Further Studies

Based on the findings of the study, it is evident that some aspects of CLT as well as a few factors of traditional teaching methods have been both employed by the teachers in their class.The teachers in Vietnam have not exploited CLT to the upmost because of the local concrete condition and their misconceptions about CLT.In addition, the findings illustrate many related questions and provide directions for further studies on the implementation of CLT.

First, studies should be conducted more extensively and in multi-levels.More subjects should be selected from more schools and other areas of the country.Further studies should also be carried out on teachers from different education domains, such as primary schools, middle schools or colleges.Profound studies would contribute to deeper understanding of the carrying out of CLT.

Second, the process as well as the product should be put emphasis on in further studies.By examining the phenomena taking place during the process, researchers could know more about the details of the research from a variety of angles and more evidence can be collected during the process.Combining the research process and the research product together can make the results more persuasive.

Third, different types of studies, including both of the quantitative and qualitative studies, should be employed to secure the validity of the findings in the studies.Qualitative study makes researchers have an overall as well as detailed understanding of the research process, but researchers tend to be subjectively immersed in the subject matter.The aim of quantitative study is to construct statistics to explain the phenomena in the research process.Researchers can be objectively separate from the subject matter.Through the combination of them, researchers can provide the results deeply and comprehensively.For example, observation, interviews and questionnaires for teachers would give more insights regarding the research questions.

Fourth, longitudinal studies related to CLT should be carried out to research on the teachers’interpretation of CLT in class.Students’levels and teaching facilities may vary with time;teachers’understanding of CLT and methods to use it must change accordingly.Further investigation into the application of CLT will illustrate whether CLT has been utilized effectively by teachers to the maximum.

4 Conclusion

The paper offers us with precious information on the actualization of CLT in Vietnam.Through the analysis of journals written by14 Vietnamese teachers of English during an in-service course, the study presents evidence that the teachers do not know exactly about the essence of CLT.The teachers have introduced some features of CLT into their classes, but they also retain some traits of traditional teaching methods.Although the findings of the research need to be confirmed by further studies, it furnishes educators and teachers with new viewpoints of the implementation of CLT and basis for further investigation in this field.




[1]Lewis M, McCook F.Cultures of teaching:Voices from Vietnam[J].ELT Journal, 2002 (2) :146-153.

[2]Halliday M.Learning How to Mean-Explorations in the Devel opment of Language[M].London:Edward Arnold, 1975.

[3]Holliday A.Appropriate Methodology and Social Context[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1994.

[4]Littlewood W.Communicative Language Teaching[M].Cam bridge:Cambridge University Press, 1981.

浅谈英语教师如何做好班主任工作 篇8

【关键词】学生管理 艺术 班主任工作
















