
2024-08-21 版权声明 我要投稿


北京的英文导游词怎么写 篇1

Peking 读音:英 [pi:ki,pi:ki] 美 [pik, pe-]



vt.& vi.躲避,回避;潜入;忽然低下头(或弯下腰);迅速行进

第三人称单数: ducks 复数: ducks 现在分词: ducking 过去式: ducked 过去分词: ducked

1、roast chicken


例句:He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.




n.鸡;鸡肉;胆小鬼;懦夫 adj.胆怯的;幼小的;胆小的


第三人称单数: chickens 复数: chickens 现在分词: chickening 过去式: chickened

2、roast turkey


例句:We had roast turkey, potatoes and baked squash for Sunday dinner.




12的英文怎么写和怎么写 篇2


1、1至10无规律可循: one、two、three、four、five、six、seven、eight、nine、ten;

2、11至19 :eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen、sixteen、seventeen、eighteen、 nineteen;


北京英文导游词 篇3

The discovery included six complete skulls of Peking Man, 12 skull fragments, 15 mandibles(1), 157 teeth and some sections of broken femur(2), shinbone(3), and upper arm bones belonging to more than 40 individuals of different ages and sexes. In addition 100,000 fragments of stone tools were found together with sites used for fire and burnt bones and stones.

Peking Man created a unique Old Stone Culture which had much influence to the Old Stone Culture of north China. Stone tools are the principal relics of this remote culture. Also discovered in Zhoukoudian are stone points, a new production tool then, and bone articles made and used by Peking Man. Found in the caves were such tools as the larger end of an antler that had been used as a hammer and the sharp end of an antler used as a digging tool. The use of fire was a milestone of the development of civilization and the discovery of Peking Man has pushed back the time that man first used it by tens of thousands of years. The largest ash pile discovered in the caves is six meters thick. Fire allowed people to eat cooked food instead of raw food and promoted the development of the brain and improved health. With his rough tools and simple living conditions Peking man created a unique and very ancient culture.

北京后海英文导游词 篇4

Fortunately, I lived in the so-called west coast a few days ago. When I first arrived in Beijing, I often heard the topic of Houhai. There is a sea, I dont understand. A friend took me to the so-called sea of Beijing. Dizzy Hoo! Successive bars are crowded and crowded one by one.

Inside and outside the bar, the wanton crowd, the muddy “sea” water, and the roaring traffic from the exhaust pipe. I cant count how many bars and teahouses there are in this fart big place. Antique streets glitter with advertising lights of famous brand beer; Silver ingot bridge, Qingshiban Road, come and go.

The place I often stay should be the quietest in Houhai. Maybe people who often come to bars are not used to it. However, if you walk along the twilight setting sun along the river, you will find that sitting in the green and flowery bar in spring and summer, you cant taste the charm, which is slowly pouring into your heart at this time.

The real charm of Houhai is its profound historical concentration. This cultural feature is not tasted in other places in Beijing. It contains the deepest life and culture of this ancient capital of more than 800 years, rich and introverted.

Walking along the coast, people cant help relaxing their tense nerves and rippling a sense of peace and leisure from their hearts. On the Yindian bridge in the distance, the old people are laughing about their lives; Occasionally, a tricycle of “Hu Tongyou” passed by, and the foreigners on the tricycle took pictures blindly with a camera. He Yongs bell and Drum Tower suddenly appeared in his mind: “... Yindian bridge sucks the dust and smoke, and you can draw its face...”

The water in Houhai is still full of vitality. Prince Gongs house, Prince Yus house, Li Lianyings bath, noble ladys boudoir embroidered building, once deep house and courtyard. The relics written in history are the stories of how many wealth and dignitaries are in the state of Chu, which contains the impermanence of world affairs, the coldness and warmth of the world, blood and violence. Fashion is also a kind of violence. They once plundered the peace and tranquility of this water area.

Houhais bar, it makes your thoughts drown away involuntarily and go to the depths of culture and history. If it was Houhais last night, then this loneliness and depth is like the smell of Houhais Eve.

No matter how many civilizations Houhai remembers, “eating” has never been forgotten. It is in the streets along the water and deep in the alleys. “Yinding mountain view” -- centenary “Barbecue Season”. Think of the old season when the “lotus market” set up stalls to sell roast mutton in Daoguangs years: facing a Wang of clear water and overlooking the whirling western mountains, todays people cherish this refreshing barbecue beauty.

电脑的英文怎么写 篇5


The new computer system comes on stream next month.


This job could be done equally well by a computer.


There are still a few residual problems with the computer program.


She is planning to take a computer course.


22的英文怎么写 篇6


I was twenty years old and ready for anything.


Twenty guests are enough, I would have thought.


There were twenty or so people there.


Pick a number from one to twenty.

北京的英文导游词怎么写 篇7

;i am pleased to serve as your guide today.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ this is the palace museum;also know as the purple forbidden city.it is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in china today.under ming emperor yongle, construction began in 1406.it took 14years to build the forbidden city.the first ruler who actually lived here was ming emperor zhudi.for five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when qing emperor puyi was forced to abdicate the throne.in 1987, the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization recognized the forbidden city was a world cultural legacy.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ it is believed that the palace museum, or zi jin cheng(purple forbidden city), got its name from astronomy folklore, the ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the ziwei yuan(north star).the constellation containing the north star was called the constellation of heavenly god and star itself was called the purple palace.because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence.in folklore, the term ¡±an eastern purple cloud is drifting¡± became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, laozi, to the hanghu pass.here, purple is associated with auspicious developments.the word jin(forbidden)is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ the red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic.red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth.yellow is the color of the earth on the loess plateau, the original home of the chinese people.yellow became an imperial color during the tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

地铁的英文单词怎么写 篇8

The Metro journey back to the centre of the town was hot and uncomfortable.


The extension of the subway will take several months.


I always travel by underground.


If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet.


We came by tube.


The underground is ideal for getting to work in Milan.


I took the tube then the train and came straight here


4:45的英文怎么写 篇9

(1)最直接的读法:“小时 + 分钟”:5:10 five ten、7:30 seven thirty、2:40 two forty

(2)所表述的分钟和15有关,(15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter)

9:15 - nine fifteen ; fifteen past nine ; a quarter past nine(英式)/a quarter after nine(美式)

大的英文单词怎么写 篇10

This is the one major drawback of the new system.


They use a lot of big words.


Health and fitness have become big business.


The wedding was a great occasion.


They have a large family to feed.

