《新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”。 它采用任务型语言教学(task-based language teaching)模式。教材中每单元都设计一个或几个与该单元话题有关的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中,使用英语获取信息,用英语进行交流,培养运用英语解决实际问题的能力。《新目标英语》有以下几个特色:
(四)词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。
本课是新目标英语八年级上册第8单元,教材以 how was your school trip ? 为中心话题,围绕着描述“过去发生的事情”展开,学习和运用一般过去时态的一般疑问句did you go/see /buy…? were there any…?询问过去的事件,让学生学会谈论和分享过去发生的事件。本课教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活动中,学生通过交换对过去发生的事情的描述及看法,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。section a的主要学习内容是:复习一般过去时态和动词的规则与不规则变化,学习一般过去时态的两种一般疑问句: did you…? were there any …?教材安排了许多听,说,读,写的任务活动,我将灵活运用这些活动,将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合,如:1c,2c和3c的pairwork活动内容相似,我将把2c和3c整合成一个interview(采访)的任务活动。
1、知识目标:单词:学习掌握词汇aquarium, science center, gift shop, seal, shark, octopus, autograph, won,ate,chicago.else等。
句型:did you go to the zoo? yes, i did. no, i didn’t. i went to the aquarium.
were there any seals? yes, there were. no, there weren’t any sharks.
i saw some sharps/ i went to the aquarium.
3、学习策略: 抓住用英语交际的机会,在交际中把注意力集中在意思的表达上,必要时借
4、情感目标: 通过描述过去所做的事,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会尊重和理解别人,学会交换不同的看法,了解他人的喜好,增进情谊。
5、文化意识: 用恰当的方式表达赞扬或自己的观点;了解英、美国家中小学生的业余生活,培养世界意识。
重点 难点
1. 复习词汇museum, beach, zoo, dolphin, pizza, ice cream, friend, movie, went, saw, were, played, read, visited, cleaned 等句型:how was your weekend? it was great. where did you go on your vaacation? i went to the beach.2.学习词汇aquarium, science center, gift shop, seal, shark, octopus, autograph, win3. 学习句型did you go to the zoo? yes, i did. no, i didn’twere there any seals? yes, there were. no, there weren’ti saw some sharps/ i went to the aquarium.what else did you do? 1、一般过去时的规则动词和不规则动词。2、一般过去时的肯定句和否定句。3、did you, were there 引导的一般疑问句。
2.初中生的学习心理特点: (1)兴趣:对英语普遍感兴趣,但有很大的不稳定性,好奇心强,求知欲旺盛,已不满足教师对课文的简单重复。(2)记忆:对刺激记忆手段多的知识记忆深刻,遵从记忆规律。(3)思维:偏重于形象思维,对片面,零碎的材料尚缺乏一定的概括分析能力。(4)评价:主要通过他人评价初步形成对自己的评价,所以很在乎他人的评价;自我认识较模糊、片面,但自我意识却不断增强。因此,在本课教学过程中,在注重启发引导,培养学生分析、概括能力的同时,更要注重教学方法的灵活性,通过任务型教学法,情景交际法,全身反应教学法等,激发学生学习的兴趣,让学生乐于接受,易于接受。
4.本单元学情剖析:本单元的主题是谈论过去的事情,可以采用活动教学法和role playing的学习策略,学习新词汇,掌握重点句型,同时能比较好地运用到实践中,解决类似问题。做到既能巩固所学知识,又能提高解决问题的能力以及综合运用语言能力。
《新目标英语》中的具体语言目标是通过各种各样的tasks来实现的;学生需要运用具体而特定的行动来完成一定的交际任务。整个教学过程中,各种语言结构与语言功能与不同的学习任务有机的结合。任务活动所谋求的效果不是一种机械的语言训练,而是侧重在执行任务中学生自我完成任务的能力和策略的培养;重视形式在完成任务过程中的参与和在交流活动中所获得的经验。因此本节课我将始终引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验,让学生在用中学,在学中用(learning by using, learning for using)。
l 活动性原则 提倡学生主动参与,体验,交流,合作,探究等多种学习。
l 合作性原则 以学生为主体,师生合作,生生合作,体现教与学的互动,交往。
l 任务型原则 任务驱动—激发动机;任务完成—激励学习积极性;执行任务—培养责任 心和合作精神。
l 情感性原则 激发学生学习英语的兴趣和始终保持良好的学习情绪。
本课主要运用“任务型教学法”,并辅助于tpr 全身反应教学法、情景交际教学法和猜谜活动。
l 任务型语言教学法
l 全身反应教学法
全身反应教学法(total physical response,缩写为tpr)是加州心理学家james j. asher(詹姆士j.艾谢,1988)提出来的,注重语言学习中的互动模式,认为学生在一个较放松的环境中学习效果最佳。紧张、焦虑的情绪对学习英语不利。在课堂教学的具体实践中,让学生根据教师发出的指令做动作,或模仿声音。孩子不必用语言做出反应,以听力训练为主,待听力和理解能力得到提高后,方进入说话训练,是自然而然的学会语言的方法。
l 情景交际法
l 多媒体辅助:用flash 软件将本课所需要的动画、录音、图片、文字、图表和音乐制成cai软件,使抽象的语言变得直观,为学生运用英语进行交际创设情景,实现师生互动,生生互动和人机互动的多向交流。
l 非测试性评价:传统的评价观念的`出发点是学科本位,只重学科,不重学生发展。 要体现新课程标准的实施效果,评价体系应该“正确反映外语学习的本质和过程,满足学生发展的需要”。为了达到这一目标,唯有重视形成性评价,充分发挥其积极作用,促进新的评价体系的形成。因此,本课我将各种活动设计成小组活动并开展小组竞赛和填写课堂自我评价表等非测试性评价手段,帮助学生学会自主学习,学会与人合作,培养创新意识以及具备科学的价值观。
教学步骤 活动内容 设计思路
warming up(7”) 1. listening to a song (2”)listen to an english song this old man, let the students do the action while they are listening. 歌曲欣赏,以学生喜闻乐见的形式导入新课,为学生创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。
2games:(5”)l play three short passages by using the multimedia,showing the key words on the screen. each group chooses a student to act according to what they heard. see who do best. 采用tpr全身反应教学法,通过大幅度的动作尝试运动的好心情方式,完成动词的复习巩固。全方位的运动,全感官的参与使记忆更加顺畅。这样的活动能使学生在轻松活泼的气氛中学习和掌握知识。
pre-task任务前活动(12” ) 1. brainstorm(2”)show what i did in my vacation by using the multimedia, ask the students: where did i go on my vacation? what did i do?how was my vacation? etc.then get ss to talk something they did over the weekendsor on their last school trip so that they can revise uses of the past tense learnt before. 多媒体展示了同学们熟悉的活动,激发了学生表达过去活动的欲望。生活就是知识,对于他们熟悉的话题,学生总能大侃特侃,信心倍增。采用brainstorm的教学方法并进行小竞赛,能使学生更积极地参与到课堂活动中。
2. presentation(5”)let ss list 3 things at least they did in their last vacation or school trip. ask them questions: did you go to the beach/museum/zoo? were there any dolphins/pandas/ lions? etc.meanwhile lead in the new words concerned with this period by using the multimedia. 由上一环节自然过渡到新课的学习,学生在不知不觉中感知新知识;多媒体采用形象生动的卡通图片,保持学习新知识的兴趣。
3. listening(2”)play the tape of 1b twice for ss to listen and follow. then get them to circle what tina did in last school trip. 本环节是教材安排的任务型听力活动,目的是让学生在听音时抓住关键词,培养学生边听边做笔记的学习策略。
4. pair work(3”)ask ss to make dialogues in pairs about the picture on the top of page 57 according to the sentence patterns in 1c. get several pairs to act out their dialogues. 任务前活动用于扫除学生的语言障碍,因此在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过不同的活动让学生感知、操练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。
while-task任务环活动(21”) l task 1:memory challenge(2”)show what tom, jim, tina, susan and bill did in their last school trip on the screen for 30 seconds. then hold a competition, see which group can remind what they have seen most and correctly.l task 2:listening(5”) let the ss look at the picture in 2b and guest what they are talking about. play the tape of 2a twice,ask ss to tick the answers. then play the tape a third time for them to check whether their answers are correct or not. finally play the tape for ss to listen and repeat. l task 3:jigsaw(5”)disorder the reading passage in 3a by cutting it into single sentences. put each sentence on the small piece of papers and give them out to ss of the divided groups. see which group can put them in the right order in the shortest time. then get the whole class to finish the exercises in this part.。l task 4:school trip survey(10)1. get ss to make a survey about what they did in their school trip and fill in the form below:name how where activities
when surveying, they can use the following sentence patterns: how was your school trip? where did you go?did you see any…?were there any…?what else did you do?2. get each group to send a representative to make a report after they finish the survey. 在任务环活动中,我通过设计不同的四个任务,让学生在小组中交流、合作、竞争,每个任务都存在着一定的“信息差”,易于激发学生的表达欲望和急于知道最终结果的心情,在活动中他们一定会努力表现自己,做到最好。四个任务所侧重的训练学生的语言能力的要求也各有不同,他们分别侧重训练学生的听、说、读、写的能力。把任务活动放在小组中进行,还可以解决“大班”难于操练的难题,学生在小组中有更多的时间来运用英语表达自己的思想。
post-task任务后活动(4”) 1. grammar focus(2”)go through the grammar focus with the whole class,ask ss to point out the main points in this period. then show the use of the past tense on the screen, especially the regular and irregular changes of verbs. 2. language practice(2”)practise the sentence patterns and the use of the past tense, especially the errors which ss made while carrying out their tasks. such as subject-verb agreement or tense-agreement, etc. for example: were you see any sharks? he go to the beach. 在学生尽情地参与活动后再让学生反思本节课的语法焦点,并进行适当的操练,对学生在任务活动中的语言失误进行纠正,使学生保持学习信心。语法讲解采用动画形式又保持了学生的学习兴趣。
大家知道, 运用文本特征帮助解读文本, 是有效的学习策略之一。教材中的文本特征包括标题、插图、图形、表格、方框、说明、字体颜色等等。作为阅读的辅助手段, 文本特征可以帮助读者快速处理信息, 从而提高解读文本的效果。按照Field的观点, 文本特征主要有以下九大功能, 即:激活背景知识;概括主次要点;综合信息;强调重点;列清单组织信息;为重要观点提供视觉强化;用图片、表格等进行概念视觉化;提供补充信息;对主要观点进行摘要 (Field, 2007) 。文本特征这些功能决定了其能影响读者的阅读心理, 决定了是否有兴趣继续深入地读下去。因此, 解读文本, 一定要解读文本特征, 通过解读文本特征获取相关信息, 为解读文本内容做好铺垫, 同时可以根据文本特征寻求设计阅读教学活动的切入点。
鉴于文本特征所独具的价值和功能, 本文将以人教版《新目标英语》八年级下册第八单元Section B的2b阅读材料“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”为例, 探讨教师如何指导学生利用文本特征来解读阅读文本, 以达到有效解读文本的目的。
一、读前活动:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读
在文本阅读前, 如果对阅读材料的主要内容、文章结构有了一定的了解, 那么就会大大提高阅读的速度。因为根据现代图式理论, 人们的知识以图式的形式储存在人们的长期记忆中, 在处理外界信息时, 人们要利用这些图式进行预测、解释、组织并吸收这些信息。读者的阅读理解过程是对大脑图式自下而上 (bottom-up) 的资料驱动加工和自上而下 (top-down) 的概念驱动加工 (李爱军, 2011) 。所以阅读前, 首先要利用背景信息激活读者大脑中的背景知识, 从而激活大脑图式, 帮助学生理解。同时, 阅读前仔细查看阅读文本的特征是走进文本解读的第一步。因为利用文本特征进行预测、激活已有背景知识、猜测中心思想, 是阅读教学中有效解读文本的重要方法。
(一) 锁定标题, 导入文本话题
俗话说, 标题就是文章的题眼, 从标题中不仅能揣测作者的写作意图, 也能预测文章的主题和大致框架, 还能获得更多的文本隐含的信息, 为对正文的深入解读确定正确的方向。更重要的是, 它能激发学生参与自主阅读的激情和欲望。为了能够发挥导读作用, 作者总是将标题写得简洁明了, 力求用最少的文字表达最多的信息, 使读者通过阅读标题便能一目了然地了解文本, 抓住中心要点。把握好了标题就等于抓住了文章的主线, 而有了主线的引领, 在解读文本时就会准确把握方向, 学生在教师的指导下, 对文本的理解和感悟也能更为深入和透彻。因此, 阅读前, 教师要指导学生学会锁定标题, 根据标题去预测文本的内容。这样, 学生就能快速带着好奇和激情主动地投入到阅读中, 从而不断走近文本。
教学活动1: (细读标题, 预测主旨大意) Whatis this passage mainly about according to the title?
学生反馈:从标题“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”来看, 作者想告诉我们乡村音乐如何永远改变了她, 这里可能要讨论的是两件事情:What is the country music? 和Howdid the country music song change her life forever, 同时也可以让我们了解主人公Sarah的过去和现在的状况。
其实, 标题可以起到提纲挈领的作用, 从标题导入引起学生对阅读内容的猜测, 给学生提供一个由题猜文的入口, 可以激活他们的背景知识, 引发学习需要。教授每篇文章时, 教师可以依据文本引导学生运用预测、质疑、推断等策略, 探究标题的含义和文本结构等。这样学生的注意力会快速集中, 从而顺利引出文本的话题。
(二) 善用插图, 激活文本背景
插图是对文字的图解, 不仅提供直观的视觉信息和教学媒体, 还给学生提供了想象的空间, 可以让学生结合自身的知识和生活经验, 对文本内容进行大胆推测或预测。教材阅读文本的插图能起到“导教”和“导学”的作用, 形象逼真的画面再现文本的主要内容。教师可以指导学生对图片信息进行提取, 有助于学生对阅读文本有粗略的了解, 快速把握文本内容主要脉络, 合理地对信息进行处理。所以, 教师要学会利用插图解读文本内容, 让学生走近文本。
1.借助插图, 导入文本话题。如《新目标英语》八 (下) Unit 8的Section B 2b阅读文本的插图是一个清纯少女在广阔的蓝天下悠然自地得弹吉他, 让学生了解文中主人公Sarah的年龄特征及爱好, 从弹吉他联想到乡村音乐, 结合文本标题, 可以让学生明白乡村音乐改变了Sarah的生活爱好。这就会自然而然地导入文本的话题, 也为进一步学习做好铺垫。
教学活动: (细看插图, 预测女孩个性) Whatcan you infer from the picture?
学生反馈:Sarah is a teenager and she likesplaying the guitar, I think she also likes countrymusic.
教师补充 :Yes, you are clever. Sarah likescountry music, but she used to be a problem girl.The country music song changed her life a lot.
2.借用插图, 预测文本内容。还可以让学生根据Section B 2b阅读文本的插图预测文本内容是关于音乐的。以此激发学生的求知欲, 提高课堂教学效率。
教学活动: (细看插图, 预测内容) What canyou predict from the picture?
学生反馈 :I think the passage is about thegirl and her music dream.
教师补充 :Yes, you are smart. The text isabout Sarah, the country music and Sarah’s dream.
二、读中活动:利用文本特征, 深入文本解读
在阅读过程中, 教师可以根据文章内容和结构设计相应的图示和框架图来指导学生运用已有经验, 了解文本结构、文本要点和故事发展情况等, 从而深入解读文本内容。本节课笔者指导学生直接利用课后的图表练习和问答练习, 加强理解文本内容。
(一) 借助表格, 帮助理解文本
教学活动: (快速阅读课文, 完成下列表格)
通过完成以上表格的任务, 学生可以快速了解文本的一些要点, 尤其可以掌握country music相关的知识点, 为文本理解奠定基础。这一文本特征可以综合文本信息, 使阅读材料更具视觉效果。
(二) 借助问答, 厘清文本结构
为了让学生进一步掌握文本的具体细节, 笔者要求学生完成课后2c任务 (如下表) , 通过分段回答问题, 学生可以深入了解文本的内容。同时仔细观察后可以发现:这个表格的设计充分关注了文本特征对学生阅读的影响。三个表格用了三种颜色, 不仅美观, 而且能体现排序作用, 帮助学生把握文本故事情节发展过程和文本结构。
教学活动: (再次细读课文, 回答下列问题)
First paragraph
1.Who is Sarah?
2.Where is she from?
3.What does she like?
Second paragraph
1.What is country music?
2.What is country music about?
Third paragraph
1.What is Sarah’s dream?
2.Who is Garth Brooks?
学生反馈:通过第一段三个问题的回答, 让学生了解主人公Sarah的基本情况;第二段两个问题的答案让学生了解什么是乡村音乐和乡村音乐能带给人们哪些美好的回忆;通过第三段两个问题的回答让学生知道Sarah’s dream和音乐家Garth Brooks的一些信息。在回答问题的过程中, 学生可以详细地了解文本的具体内容, 理顺作者写作思路及文本结构。
三、读后活动:利用文本特征, 升华文本解读
在读后环节中, 教师指导学生再次回头关注文本特征, 可以使学生更好地深入理解文本的主旨大意和作者写作意图, 可以升华文本解读。
(一) 巧用插图, 突破文本难点
针对不同的教学内容、教学对象、教学环境等, 突破难点的方式很多。其中, 巧妙利用插图作为解决难点的突破口, 往往会将教学内容化难为易, 使学生学得轻松且愉快。
教学活动: (再看插图, 重新认识女孩) Whatdoes she look like from the photo?
学生反馈答案:She is a beautiful and outgoing girl and she is also full of sunlight等。然后让学生对比文章第一段句子:When Sarah was ateenager, she used to fight over almost everythingwith her family. 从中可以领悟Sarah的变化, 进一步认识到Sarah从桀骜不训的问题少女变成成熟文静的好少女与乡村音乐戚戚相关。
(二) 品读标题, 感悟文本内涵
标题是文本的点睛之笔, 是文章的灵魂, 也是作者对文本内容的浓缩、提炼和概括。在文本阅读结束后, 教师要再次让学生回到标题, 回忆并巩固文本的主要内容, 就会产生很好的阅读效果。同时教师也可以指导学生通过质疑、反思、重拟标题等活动, 将阅读提高到更高的层次, 升华对文本解读 (杨谢友, 2011) 。
教学活动: (再次细读标题, 感悟文本内涵) Why can the country music change her life?
学生反馈:根据学生的回答, 得到以下信息:The country music made a great difference toSarah. She used to fight over almost everythingwith her family, now she falls in love with thecountry music very much and knows the importance of the family and life, her dream is to go toNashville and see Garth Brooks sing live one day.I think music is the medicine of the breakingheart. (音乐是医治心灵创伤的良药, 这句话是笔者帮助他们翻译的。)
然后, 笔者进行补充:Music is the medicineof the breaking heart. I hope we should learn toenjoy music and love life. 通过此活动, 不但使学生在问题的引领下领悟了文本隐含的内涵, 而且让学生懂得热爱音乐和享受生活, 进一步实现教材情感目标教育。
教材中的阅读文本特征是一种重要课程资源, 在阅读文本解读中的作用不可小觑。通过本节课, 笔者发现, 如果教师在阅读教学的各环节中能有意识地开展基于文本特征的教学活动, 就可以加深学生对文本的理解, 优化阅读教学, 提高学生的阅读理解能力。所以, 在阅读教学中, 教师应有意识地关注文本特征, 揣摩编者意图, 挖掘文本特征的内涵, 最大限度地发挥文本特征在文本阅读中的教学价值。同时, 教师要巧妙地运用教材所提供的文本特征开展教学活动, 引导学生借助文本特征去解读文本, 深化文本理解, 提升阅读能力。
摘要:在英语阅读教学过程中, 如阅读前、中后各环节能围绕文本特征设计阅读教学活动, 可以充分发挥文本特征在文本解读中的引领作用, 加深学生对文本的理解和感悟, 提高阅读理解能力。具体方法有:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读, 深入文本解读和升华文本解读。
[1]Field, Mary Lee.Text Feature and Reading Comprehension[M].Beijing:People’s Education Press, 20007.
[2]刘道义, David Nunan等.新目标英语 (Go for it) 八年级下册[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2013.
[3]王燕.利用文本特征设计阅读教学[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2009, (6) .
[4]李爱军.运用文本特征, 提高初中生英语阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011, (6) .
[5]杨谢友.充分利用文本特征, 提高学生阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011优秀论文专刊.
本节课的教学内容为译林版《英语》1A Unit8 put on your coat 的Story time部分。这是单元的核心板块,通过对话帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,初步形成使用英语与他人交流的能力。本单元story time部分的英语对话主要以冬天时候穿衣为主线,在妈妈对Yang Ling的关心下,Yang Ling也学会了对Teddy的关心。
2.能听懂、根据实际情景给出指令Put on your…,并且能够做出相应的回应。
2.难点:能够听懂、根据实际情景给出指令(Put on your …),并且能够做出相应的回应。
在story time的教学中,应该要注重整体的理解,同时也要保证学生对于知识点的有效掌握。关注到学生的自主学习能力,所以在新授句型的呈现时候,采用层层递进的方式。在学习课文内容的同时,不忘给学生进行情感教育,鼓励学生学会关心他人。
导课:利用歌曲Hows the weather?引出学生对天气的讨论,然后顺利导入新课,新授单词cold。借由教师戴上scarf的动作来新授单词scarf和感知词组put on。
新课学习:采用实物先教授scarf这个新单词,之后利用Yang Ling的衣柜教授beanie和sweater,而coat则放到课文中进行教学。此外,在单词的教学中,慢慢渗透重点句型Put on your…。
以任务型教学为导向,注重学生的整体理解课文。先给出一个问题,让学生带着问题认真看视频并回答问题,借此也是完成新授单词coat的教学。然后通过回答“Mum如何让Yang Ling穿衣服的?”这个问题,让学生巩固新授句型。
巩固:和小伙伴在冬雪中玩耍Lets play的三个游戏环节来巩固本课的重难点。
Step1: Warm-up
1. Greetings
2. Sing a song( Hows the weather?)
T: Hows the weather today?
S1: Its cold. ( teach cold, c-o-l-d)
T: Im cold. So I put on a scarf. (teach a scarf)
T: Look at my scarf. Its blue.
Ss: Its nice.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Teach new words
T: A scarf is for winter. Yang Ling has many clothes for winter too. Can you choose them?
Teach the words: a beanie / a sweater Teach the phrase: put on.
T: Look, Yang Ling is cold, what will you say to Yang Ling? Choose A or B?(A: put on your scarf. B: Look at my scarf.)
S: A. Put on your scarf.(teach put on, 整体带读put on,加动作,put on your beanie. Put on your sweater.逐步呈现句型Put on your...)
2. Lets watch
T: Lets watch the story and tell me what clothes does Yang Ling put on?
S: A coat (teach a coat)
T: Now, who can tell me what does mum say? Lets listen first.
S: Put on your coat, Yang Ling.
T: This is a teddy. He is Yang Lings good friend. He is cold too. Guess what will Yang Ling say to Teddy?
S: Put on your scarf, Teddy.
3. Lets read
T: Group 1and 2, you are mum. And group 3 and 4, you are Yang Ling.
T: Now lets exchange. Group 1and 2, you are Yang Ling. And group 3 and 4, you are mum.
4. Lets act (教师先做示范,之后小组合作完成表演)
Step 3: Consolidation
Lets play
1. Say a chant. (coat, sweater, beanie, scarf)
Cold, cold, its cold. ___, ____, put on your ___.
2. Draw (choose one and color one)
3. Act
-Oh, its cold.
-Put on your scarf, Su Hai.
-Yes. Look at my red scarf.
-Its nice.
Step 4: Homework
1. Review the new words and phrases.
2. Care about others in winter.
What don’t you get her a scarf?
1. 学习谈论比较不同的东西或事情;
2. 学习用现在完成时表达曾经做过的事;
3. 学习如何给别人提出建议或意见。
1. How about … ?
What about … ?
这两种句式都可以用来向他人提出建议,表示“……怎么样?” “你认为……如何?”,后面连接名词或者动名词(动词ing形式)。
How about going to the movies? 去看电影怎么样?
What about a lovely dog? 一个可爱的小狗你认为如何?
2. Why don’t you …?
Why not …?
Why don’t you go with us? = Why not go with us?
3. What’s the best gift he/she has ever received? “他/她曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?”
这里“he/she has ever received”是一个现在完成时的句子,充当gift的定语从句,省略从句引导词that。
4. compare v. 比较;相比
compare + 名 + with / to + 名
用于比较的情形时,通常用with, 用于比喻时常用to。
Compared with (to) her twin sister Jenny, Fanny is tall.
5. comment n. 评论;解释;说明
He made few comments on that movie. 对于那部电影他没说什么。
No comment! (对于询问)无可奉告!
6. personal adj. 私人的,个人的,亲自的,针对个人的
a personal letter 私人信件
personal opinions 个人意见
a personal interview 亲自会见
7. graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼
graduate v. 毕业
After the graduation from college, he worked in a small company.
8. name v. 叫做;称作;取名
What are the parents going to name the baby?
Emily was named after her grandmother.
9. too…to… 太……而不能……
George is too young to go to school.
Grandpa is too old to read by himself.
George is so young that he can’t go to school.
Grandpa is so old that he can’t read by himself.
10. pro n 赞成;赞成的理由
con n. 反对,反对的理由
pro-American 亲美派
the pros and cons 正反两面的意见
11. much too “太,过于……”,修饰形容词副词
too much “太多……”,修饰不可数名词
too many “太多……”,修饰可数名词
The street is much too crowded. 大街上太挤了。
Don’t spend too much money on clothing. 不要花太多的钱在衣着上。
There are too many monkeys for me to count. 猴子太多,我数不过来。
12. present n.礼物
Yesterday is a history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Only today is a gift,
That’s why it is called present.
1. Next Sunday is my sister’s birthday. What should I get her? (how about, birthday cake)
2. She won’t like that. (too sweet, too boring)
3. Does she like animals? (why not, a cute cat)
4. She likes animals. (mother, not allow, keep pets)
5. What about something to wear, like hair pins or a skirt? (too personal)
6. Well, girls like flowers. Why not send some flowers to her? (too romantic )
7. I think maybe you can invite her to watch a movie. (have a party, too busy)
8. How about giving her two tickets to her favorite concert? (good idea, go with her best friend)
1. When you finish school, you have your g_________.
2. What’s the opposite of the word “cheap ”? It’s e_______.
3. Mr. Zhou Enlai is a great man. We’ll r_________ him for ever.
4. How about the concert? Oh, it’s w_______!
5. Why don’t you buy a photo a_______ to your friend?
6. Singing English songs can i________ our English.
7. Their touching p_________ made many people cry.
8. A necklace is too p_________ to send as a gift.
( ) 1. What should I get my grandma for her birthday?
Why___ you ____ a scarf?
A. not, buy B. don’t, buy C. don’t, to buy
( ) 2. Tomorrow is Sunday. How about ______ to visit your grandmother?
A. go B. going C. to go
( ) 3. People don’t need to spend _______ money buying gifts.
A. too many B. much too C. too much
( ) 4. When did you get the gift?
_____ my _____ birthday.
A. On, sixth B. In, sixth C. On, six
( ) 5. This room is ____ small ____ hold these people.
A. so, to B. too, that C. too, to
一、1. How about a birthday cake?
2. A birthday cake is too sweet, besides, that’s too boring.
3. Why don’t you buy her a cute cat?
4. But my mother doesn’t allow us to keep pets.
5. That’s too personal.
6. They’re too romantic for a brother to send on his sister’s birthday.
7. She’s going to have a party on her birthday. She will be too busy to watch movies.
8. That’s a good idea. She can go with her best friend.
二、1. graduation 2. expensive 3. remember 4. wonderful 5. album
6. improve7. performances8. personal
三、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
本周教学内容:Review of Unit8 What should I get my mom?
1. give away 分配;分送;赠送
give away (美)赠品;(美)广播、电视台的有奖节目;(不经意间)泄密等
He gave all his money away to the charity.
He is sure to giveaway your secret.
2. company n. 同伴;陪伴;公司
A man is known by the company he keeps.
3. remember v. 纪念;记下;记住
remember to do sth. 记得去做某事
remember doing sth. 记得曾经做过某事
I can’t remember his name.
I remember seeing her somewhere.
Remember to turn off the lights when you leave.
4. instead adv. 代替;取而代之的是
I don’t like coffee; give me mineral water instead.
He is tired , let me go instead.
5. rather than ------ 与其…… (不如……) , 不是…… (而是……)
I would do anything rather than let her get hurt.
I would walk there rather than take a bus.
6. a number of 若干;许多
the number of ……的数字
A number of students in our school are from England.
The number of the students in our class is forty-five.
7. look up 抬头望;尊敬;(在词典,参考书等中)查寻
If you don’t know the word, you’d better look it up in a dictionary.
8. try to do sth. 努力去做某事
try doing sth . 尝试去做某事
I’ll try to finish the work in a week.
They are trying using another method to do it.
1. get, I, brother, what, younger, should, my, for
2. you, gift, ever, best, received, what’s, have, the
3. album, how, photo, a, about
4. picnic, about, Saturday, what, next, a, having
5. soccer, why, us, you, don’t , with, play
6. time, sometimes, to, enough, don’t, with, I, her, spend, have
7. pig, a, I, special, so, her, made, house
Selling Shoes
A large store was having its spring sale on shoes and boots. It was the first day of the sale, and the shoe department was full of women who were eagerly trying to buy them. There were all kinds of shoes and boots in a variety of colors, and the prices had been reduced a lot, because the store wanted to get rid of as many as possible in order to make room for their new stock.
The cashiers were kept busy, and at one moment a woman came to one of them with her money in her hand and said, “I don’t need a bay, thank you. I’m wearing the shoes I bought.” She pointed to them on her feet.
“Would you like a bag to put your old shoes in then?” the cashier asked politely as she took the woman’s money.
“No, thank you,” the woman answered quickly. “I’ve just sold those to someone else.”
1. What were on sale in the large store last week?
A. spring sale B. shoes and boots
C. clothes D. new stock
2. Why were they being sold cheaply?
A. because they were on sale.
B. because they were old.
C. because they were out of fashion.
D. because the store wanted to make room for new store.
3. Was the sale successful?
A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasn’t.
C. Yes, the sale was successful. D. No, the sale was a failure.
4. What did a woman say to one of the cashiers?
A. She wanted to buy a pair of shoes.
B. She didn’t need a bag for her shoes.
C. She wanted a bag for her shoes.
D. She wanted to try the shoes on her feet.
5. What did the cashier ask her?
A. Do you need a bag for your old shoes?
B. Where is your pair of shoes?
C. Have you paid for your shoes?
D. Are they fit your feet?
6. Why didn’t the woman need a bag?
A. She threw them away.
B. She was wearing the shoes she bought.
C. She put them into her handbag.
D. She had sold them to somebody else.
一、1. What should I get for my younger brother?
2. What’s the best gift you have ever received?
3. How about a photo album?
4. What about having a picnic next Saturday?
5. Why don’t you play soccer with us?
6. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to spend with her.
7. So I made her a special pig house.
二、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D
What don’t you get her a scarf?
Title | What don’t you get her a scarf? |
Topic | Gift giving |
Functions | Compare qualities |
Structures | Modalshould
How about (formulaic) Present perfect tense |
Target language | What should I get Liza?
How about a CD? No, that’s too expensive. What’s the best present you have ever received? A bike. |
Vocabulary | photo album, necklace, bracelet, graduation
personal, easy to take care of, hairy snake, mouse, hamster spider |
Recycling | scarf, gift, dictionary, camera, flowers, CD, tennis ball, watch, pet, dog, birthday, soccer, cheap, creative, special, expensive, boring, interesting, short, scary, friendly, noisy, cat, goldfish, parrot, hair, cute, beautiful
grandmother, enough |
Learning Strategies | Listening for specific information
Cooperating |
Ⅰ.Words and Expressions:
(n. 名词 adj. 形容词 adv. 副词 v. 动词 prep. 介词 )
单词/短语 | 词性 | 词义 | 讲解与例句 |
compare | v. | 比较;相比 | The poet compares his lover to a rose in his poems.
诗人在他诗歌中把他的情人比作玫瑰花。 |
suggestion | n. | 提议;建议 | He made the suggestion that we go by train.
他建议我们坐火车去。 |
comment | n. | 评论;解释 | He made a comment about the bad road.
他对这条糟糕的路发表评论。 No comment!无可奉告! |
album | n. | 相片簿 | photo album相册 |
personal | adj. | 为了某人的;私人的 | I have something personal to tell you.
我有秘密的事要告诉你。 This is a personal letter, so you can’t read it. 这是私人信件,因此你不能看。 |
Why don’t you …? | 你为什么不……呢? | Why don’t you take a walk after supper?
晚饭后为什么不去散步呢? |
graduation | n. | 毕业;毕业典礼 | |
name | v. | 叫做;称作 | They named the child Dick.
他们给孩子取名迪克。 Can you name all the plants and trees in this garden?你能叫得出这个花园里所有花草树木的名称吗? |
perfect | adj. | 完美的;极佳的 | The weather during the last few days has been perfect.最近几天的天气十分美好。 |
too …to… | 太……不能…… | He is too young to go to school.
他太小了,还不能上学。 |
company | n. | 同伴;陪伴 | I had no company on the journey.
我在旅行中没有同伴。 Twos company, threes none. 两人成伴三人不欢。 |
spend | v. | 用钱;花费 | How much money do you spend each week?
你每星期花多少钱? I spent an hour reading.我花了一小时读书。 Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.现在城市里越来越多的成年人利用业余时间到学校或大学去深造。 |
instead | adv. | 代替 | If you cannot go, let him go instead.
如果你不能去,让他替你去。 I didnt have a pen, so I used a pencil instead. 我没有钢笔,因此我就用铅笔了。 |
Words from the Reading:
单词/短语 | 词性 | 词义 | 讲解与例句 |
reading | n. | 读物;文选 | He is a man of vast reading.
他是个学识渊博的人。 |
compete | v. | 竞赛;比赛 | Five children competed in the race.
五个孩子参加赛跑。 |
easy | adj. | 从容的;轻松的 | They lead a very easy life.
他们过着很舒服的日子。 His father has stopped working now, and leads a very easy life. 他父亲现在已经不再工作,过着很安适的生活。 |
stage | n. | 舞台 | The stage is her life.演艺事业是她的生命。 |
manner | n. | 态度;举止 | Why are you talking in such a strange manner?
你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话? Mind your manners.注意礼貌。 |
audience | n. | 听众;观众 | Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.三千名听众挤满了音乐大厅。
The audience is/are always very excited by a wonderful goal. 一个精彩的进球总会使观众们非常激动。 |
touching | adj. | 动人的 | The movie I saw last night was very touching.我昨晚看的电影非常感人。 |
performance | n. | 表演;演奏 | Her performance in the play was very good.
她在剧中的表演非常好。 |
heart | n. | 心;内心 | Learn by heart记住;背诵 |
ability | n. | 能力;才能 | He is a man of ability.
他是个有本事的人。 |
total | adj. | 完全的;全部的 | I want total silence.
我要求一点声音也没有。 |
increase | v. | 增加;增大 | My wages have increased this year.
我的工资今年增加了。 |
enthusiasm | n. | 热爱;狂热 | his enthusiasm for table tennis
他热衷于打乒乓球 |
imitate | v. | 模仿;模拟 | The little boy imitated his father.
这小男孩模仿他的父亲。 James can imitate his teachers speech perfectly. 詹姆斯能惟妙惟肖地模仿他教师的言语。 |
accent | n. | 口音;腔调 | He speaks with a strong southern accent.
他说话带有很浓的南方口音。 |
repeat | v. | 重复;重做 | Could you repeat the question?
你能把这个问题重复一下吗? |
century | n. | 世纪;百年 | It was built in the 19th century.
它是19世纪建造的。 men of century世纪人物 |
guarantee | v. | 保证;担保 | Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers.
许多店主对顾客许诺,定让他们满意。 My watch is guaranteed for one year. 我的表保修一年。 |
fluent | adj. | 流利的;流畅的 | He is fluent in five languages.
他能流利地说五种语言。 She speaks fluent though not very correct French. 她的法语虽然讲得不太准确,但很流利。 |
support | v. | 支持;拥护 | She supports her husband on the money she earns from teaching.
她用教书挣的钱资助丈夫。 Which football team do you support? 你支持哪个足球队? |
reach | v. | 达到;获得 | It is very important to reach an agreement with this big company.
和这家大公司达成协议是很重要的。 No conclusion has been reached yet. 还没有得出任何结论。 The cost reached billions. 费用总计达到数十亿。 |
spirit | v. | 精神 | He is in good spirit.他很愉快。 |
feeling | n. | 感情;感触 | He had lost all feeling in the left leg.
他的左腿完全失去了知觉。 He has a feeling of discomfort. 他有种不舒服的感觉。 |
memorize | v. | 熟记;记住 | He can memorize this passage in ten minutes.
他十分钟就能熟记这篇文章。 |
hold | v. | 举办;举行 | hold a contest
举办一场比赛 |
mean | v. | 含……之意 | I mean the red one, not the green one.
我是指那个红的,不是绿的。 I mean what I say.我说到做到。 I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘了。 |
brighten | v. | 照亮;使更明亮 | She brightened (up) my life.
她使我的生活有了希望。 His face brightened up when he was told to have won the first prize. 当他得知他得了头奖时脸上露出了喜色。 |
hasten | v. | 急忙;赶快 | She hastened home她急忙回家。
I hasten to say that he is not hurt. 我赶紧说明他没有受伤。 He told her about the accident, but hastened to add that no one was hurt. 他把事故的经过告诉了她,但赶紧随即补充说没有人受伤。 |
fond | adj. | 痴爱的;喜爱的 | I am not fond of eating meat.
我不喜欢吃肉。 Jacks too fond of fun, so the boss doesnt like him much.杰克太喜欢闹着玩了所以老板不太喜欢他。 |
may | aux. v. | 祝 | May they live long.祝他们长寿。
May you be happy!祝你幸福! |
Ⅱ.Sentences and Phrases (句型与词组)
A.Grammar Focus
What should I get my sister? | |
Why don’t you get a camera? | That’s too expensive. |
How about some tennis balls? | They’re too cheap. |
What about a watch? | That’s too personal. |
Why don’t you buy a scarf? | That’s not interesting enough. |
Sentences from the passage (重点句讲解)
◆ Everyone likes gifts. Some little kids think they don’t get enough gifts.
enough 的用法:
1) adj 足够的
Im sure there is enough space for all these desks.
Two male people are quite enough for the job.
2) pron 足够,充足
We have enough to do. 我们有足够的事要做。
Enough is as good as a feast. (谚)知足常乐。
Enough has been said on this topic. 关于这个题目说得已够多的了。
3) adv 充足,足够
warm enough to swim 暖和得足可以游泳
The champion ran well enough but she would have set up another world record indeed if she had tried harder.
It is light enough to play chess. 要下棋这样的光线还是够亮的。
They know well enough what we mean. 他们当然懂得我们的意思。
◆People don’t need to spend too much money. Instead, making a meal is enough.
spend 的用法:
spend money/time on sth. 在……花钱/时间
I spent five yuan on this book. 这本书我花了五块钱
He doesnt spend much time on his homework .
How much money do you spend each week? 你每星期花多少钱?
spend time doing sth. 花费时间做某事
I spent an hour reading.
Now more and more city adults spend their leisure time trying to improve themselves at school or college.
◆The contest was important to help the speaking of English in China.
◆Jason Subler, a writer for 21st Century newspaper, said that although some people can sing quickly and easily, singing songs well in English doesn’t guarantee fluent speaking.
21世纪英文报记者Jason Subler说,尽管有些人唱得又快又轻松,可是英文歌唱得好并不能保证英文就说得流利。
( ) 1. I have no money ___ me.
A. with B. without
C. to D. on
( ) 2. I bought a present for her, ___ she didn’t like it.
A. and B. but
C. so D. for
( ) 3. ___ can live without air.
A. Nobody B. Anybody
C. Somebody D. Everybody
( ) 4. “___ do you fly to Japan to see your son?” “Once a year.”
A. How long B. When
C. How many D. How often
( ) 5. You think foreign languages are more important than science. But I really can’t agree ___ you.
A. to B. at
C. with D. for
( ) 6. He has taught ___ for two years.
A. him B. his
C. himself D. he
( ) 7. You look tired. You’d better ___ to bed earlier.
A. to go B. go
C. went D. going
( ) 8. The suit was ___ expensive that he could not buy it.
A. too B. so
C. very D. such
( ) 9. The man lay on the road. Luckily, he was not ___ hurt.
A. bad B. badly
C. hardly D. serious
( ) 10. He is getting on well ___ his neighbors.
A. with B. for
C. to D. by
( ) 11. Which subject do you like ___, English or maths?
A. the most B. the best
C. better D. well
( ) 12. My grandma ___ for half a year.
A. has been dead B. was dead
C. has died D. died
( ) 13. ___ of the boys dances well.
A. Some B. All
C. Neither D. Both
( ) 14. I’m sorry. I have ___ you waiting for a long time.
A. kept B. told
C. made D. let
( ) 15. She ___ to the Great Wall several times.
A. goes B. has gone
C. went D. has been
( ) 16. My son grows bigger and bigger; he can wash himself and get ___.
A. dressed B. to dress
C. dressing D. dress
( ) 17. -- How long have you ___ here?
-- About four years.
A. come B. gone
C. left D. worked
( ) 18. Peter ___ three dollars for the lost book.
A. spent B. cost
C. took D. paid
( ) 19. ___ they will arrive in Beijing? In a week.
A. How many B. How often
C. How much D. How soon
( ) 20. Lin Tao ran faster than ___ in his class.
A. other B. the other boy
C. any other boy D. another boy
1.Must we ________ the work at once? (start)
2.Where ________ our English teacher? (be)
She ________ with some students over there. (talk)
3.His work ________ at half past five. (finish)
4.What ________ your brother ________ in the USA? (do)
5.What time ________ Mr. Read ________ lunch every day? (have)
6.I ________ the washing tomorrow. (do)
7.We _________ any classes next week. (not have)
8.They all like to ________ me Bob. (call)
9.They are beginning ________ the apples. (pick)
10.I want to go to the city ___ Shanghai. (call)
( A )
In almost every big university in the United States football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer.
Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points. This is called a touch—down. It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.
Each university wants its team to win. Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for their favorite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders come on the field to help the people yell more. They dance and jump while they yell.
Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1st, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on television.
( ) 1. In American football players can ___.
A.only kick the ball
B.only throw the ball
C.only carry the ball
D.kick, throw and carry the ball
( ) 2. If a team wants to get points, it has to move the ball ___.
A. 10 yards B. to the other end
C. 40 yards D. away from its own end
( ) 3. Who are dancing and jumping while they yell?
A.The cheerleaders.
B.All those who are watching the game.
C.The winners.
D.The players of both sides.
( ) 4. Most teams play games in ___.
A. spring B. summer
C. autumn D. winter
( ) 5. When do the best teams play again?
A. At Christmas. B. Before the season ends.
C. On New Year’s Day D. On the last day of season
( B )
Japanese students work very hard but many are unhappy. They feel heavy pressures from their parents. Most students are always told by their parents to study harder and better so that they can have a wonderful life in the future. Though this may be a good idea for those very bright students, it can have terrible results for many students who are not gifted enough. Many of them have tried very hard at school but have failed in the exams and have their parents lose hope. Such students feel that they are hated by everyone else they meet and they don’t want to go to school any longer. They became dropouts.
It is surprising that though most Japanese parents are worried about their children, they do not help them in any way. Many parents feel that they are not able to help their children and that it is the teachers’ work to help their children. To make matters worse, a lot of parents send their children to those schools opening in the evenings and on weekends—they only help the students to pass the exams and never teach them any real sense of the world.
Many Japanese schools usually have rules about everything from the students’ hair to their clothes and things in the school bags. Child psychologists now think that such strict rules are harmful to the feelings of the students. Almost 40% of the students said that no one had taught them how to get on with others, how to tell right from wrong and how to show love and care for others, even for their parents.
( ) 1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.The Trouble in Japanese Schools
B.The Problems of Japanese Students
C.The Pressures of the Students in Japan
D.Education in Japan
( ) 2. “Dropouts” are those who ___.
A.make troubles in and out of schools
B.go about or stay home instead of being at school
C.try hard but always fail in the exams
D.lose hope and give up some of their subjects
( ) 3. Why do Japanese students work very hard at school and feel unhappy?
A.They want to find a good job.
B.They want to pass exams.
C.They’re under pressure from their parents.
D.They’re not clever enough.
( ) 4. Failure in examinations cause students to ___.
A.chop out of school
B.quarrel with their parents
C.go to schools opening on weekends
D.have their parents lose hope
( ) 5. According to the passage, it’s necessary to teach students ___.
A.how to study well
B.how to get on with others
C.to show love and care for others
D.all above
Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four parts, 1 a part. You can have days 2 more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and 3 with more of fewer than seven days.
Your ship goes into 4 time part every day if you make a five-day journey across the Atlantic Ocean. As you go into each part, the time 5 one hour. Traveling west, you 6 your clock back; traveling east, you let it ahead. Each day of your journey has 7 twenty-five or twenty-three hours.
If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you 8 the International Date Line. This is the point where a new day 9 . When you go across the line, you change your calendar one 10 day, back or ahead.
( ) 1.A.four hours B.two hours C.half an hour D.one hour
( ) 2.A.between B.with C.for D.at
( ) 3.A.years B.months C.seasons D.weeks
( ) 4.A.a different B.the same C.an interesting D.a moving
( ) 5.A.turns B.changes C.has D.makes
( ) 6.A.take B.give C.put D.set
( ) 7.A.neither B.not C.either D.never
( ) 8.A.cross B.get C.catch D.touch
( ) 9.A.lasts B.begins C.follows D.breaks
( ) 10.A.all B.more C.full D.less
1-5 ABADC 6-10 CBBBA 11-15 CACAD 16-20 ADDDC
1. start 2. is , is talking 3. finishes 4. does, do 5. does, have 6. am going to do 7. aren’t going to have 8. call 9. to pick 10. called
囊(náng) 像口袋的东西。
1. 阅读第一部分“克隆是什么”,说说这部分写了哪几层意思。
2. 简要概括后三部分的主要内容。
通过上一课的学习(Brian, Jenny and Danny决定发动全班同学清扫校园里的垃圾)学生已初步了解“污染”这一概念。课前,先要求学生去关注环境问题,搜集拍摄生活地相关污染图片,和家长或同伴讨论环境的变化。这些相关文化背景知识可以引导学生预测课文内容,激活相关知识网络。将要授课的初二3班,学生英语综合运用能力水平不错。对于需要掌握的词汇和接触词汇,以及文中出现的宾语从句和定语从句,前期学习中均有所接触涉及,不会对阅读形成障碍。