
2025-02-19 版权声明 我要投稿


英语写作重点词汇整理 篇1


grant, cartel, boom, doldrums, estuary, slump, buoyancy, tactic, warehouse, revenue, restrictions, subsidy, bloc, freight,deficit, pinch, inroad, perimeter, mothball, tonnage, lifeline, price-fixing, tactic, sterling, marine, freight vessel


scramble, dominate, plummet, bite into, entrench, foresee, impose, ratify, diversify, expand, oversea, pioneer, churn out, lay down, undercut, counter, quadruple

3.Adjectives and adverbs

essential, significant, permanently, vital, stiff, massive, sophisticated, dignified, relatively, extensive, profitable, gradual, universal, obviously, powerless, dependent, numerous, regular, severe, hydrographic, ailing, cut-throat, dodgy, concerted, mercantile

4.Noun Phrases

balance of payments, eastern bloc countries, lion’s share of the trade, Iron Curtain countries, tax concessions, long-established companies, finished manufactured goods, scheduled freight liner service, a status symbol, to make a good killing in business

5.Verb phrases

grab the headlines, elbow out, cash in on, weather the bad times, throw in the towel, stand the test of,6.Other Phrases

英语写作重点词汇整理 篇2

万丈高楼平地起。词汇是英语语言的基本功能单位, 是其基础。忽视词汇的积累, 英语学习就会成为无源之水, 无本之木。教学中遇到许多英语学困生, 就其英语成绩落后的一个共同原因就是词汇量太小。英国语言教育学家Wilkin曾对词汇的重要性作出了精辟的论述, 他说:“没有语法, 人们能说的话很少;没有词汇, 人们一句话也说不出。”笔者认为教师要帮助学生走出困境, 学好英语, 就必须使其扩大词汇量。养成词汇整理的习惯将会发挥积极作用, 使学生受益无穷。笔者在多年的教学中, 一直坚持让学生进行词汇整理, 使不少学生取得了进步。


高中英语教学的目的侧重于培养学生的阅读理解能力和自学能力。在英语考试中阅读理解题所占比重较大。如果没有足够的词汇量, 就不能快速阅读并理解文章。新课程标准对目前高中生的词汇量要求越来越高。教材的词汇不能满足考试的要求, 因此培养学生自己积累词汇是必要的补充。


1. 以词汇整理为抓手, 促进师生关系

亲其师, 信其道。每带一个班, 笔者都会把学生自己整理词汇认真抓好。一开始就提出具体的要求, 过程中认真落实, 加强管理。词汇整理是笔者教学管理的一个窗口, 更是掌握学生学习状况的晴雨表。在检查的过程中, 会发现部分学生特别是成绩落后的学生惰性较重, 虎头蛇尾, 不能坚持做好这份任务。还有部分学生搞形式主义, 应付检查。态度决定一切, 细节决定成败。透过学生的词汇整理本, 笔者能准确掌握学生学习的状况, 及时与之交流, 进一步拉近师生距离。逐步培养学生自主学习的习惯, 变被动为主动, 一些学生在多次教育与交流后, 能感受到老师对其的爱护, 化为自己学习的动力, 也逐渐培养了学生良好的品质和道德情操。实践证明, 教师越尊重学生, 爱护学生, 学生就越期盼得到教师的满意, 自发地想通过教师为中介获得知识。

2. 以词汇整理为抓手, 改善教与学

传统情况下的学生词汇的获得以教师讲解单词、学生记背单词为主。一些本应该由学生自己去观察、发现、理解、思考、猜测、归纳和总结的词汇或规律, 都由老师完成了。这种单一、被动的教与学方式往往使学生感到枯燥、乏味, 而且负担很重, 容易使学生失去学习兴趣, 造成恶性循环。

(1) 通过评语鼓励学生。收阅学生词汇整理本时, 笔者会写上不同的评语“Very good, wonderful, come on, beautiful handwriting”等等, 这样既能有效地检查学生的词汇整理情况, 又能鼓励学生。

(2) 开展多种活动。把词汇整理在本子上不是目的, 记住并会运用这些词汇才是目的。笔者会根据学生们整理出的词汇, 分类统计好他们共同的词汇, 让其进行造句比赛, 话题小作文训练等等。

(3) 相互交流。学生有个体差异, 各人词汇量大小不一。通过交流词汇整理本, 能够互相学习, 取长补短。

(4) 扩大课外阅读。学生的知识面不应局限在课本, 应鼓励学生多看课外读物, 大量吸收课外知识, 拓宽眼界, 扩充词汇。


1. 问题:过程枯燥, 记忆效果差

词汇学习的一大困难便是记忆起来很枯燥, 不少学生抱怨记了又忘, 忘了又记。检查时发现很多学生难以坚持认真整理, 理由就是记不住, 整理了也没有价值, 不如放弃。

对策:巧用课前三分钟, 提高重现率

重复是成功之母。要掌握一个词, 就必须掌握该词的字面意义, 该词的多层意思, 由该词而来的转化词和该词密切相关的搭配等。笔者通常的做法是认真挑选学生整理的共同重点词汇在课前三分钟以默写, 口头背诵, 讲故事, 词性变形等形式提高重现率。如success, 学生能写出反义词failure;动词succeed;succeed in doing sth;Failure is the mother of success.等等。这样的做法既帮学生巩固了所学词汇, 又调动了学生参与课堂的积极性, 一举多得。

2. 问题:平均用力, 主次不分

检查中发现, 许多学生把不认识的词汇一股脑地摘抄下来, 平均用力。结果负担很重, 对考试促进作用不大, 逐渐失去了信心, 降低了学习效果。

对策:依据考纲, 重点突破

考试成绩对学生学习的促进作用无需怀疑。如果学生觉得所整理的词汇在考试中无用武之地, 肯定会影响学生的积极性。因此, 笔者会结合考纲指导学生学会分类, 有的词只要认识意思就行, 有的词听懂就行, 有的词要会写出来, 有的词要会用在自己的作文中等等, 如学生自己整理掌握了任务型阅读中常见词汇:definition (定义) , conclusion (结论) , advantage/disadvantage (利、弊) 等等。


英语写作重点词汇整理 篇3

(1)message意为“消息;信息;口信”。give sb. a message给某人一个口信;take a message for sb.替某人捎个口信;leave a message for sb.给某人留个口信。


There is no room on the bus. 公共汽车上没有空地方了。

(3)pair通常指成对出现的物品。a pair of意为“一双(副)……”,后面接复数名词。如:a pair of shoes/ socks/ glasses 一双鞋子/袜子/一副眼镜。

【拓展】当a pair of...作主语时,谓语动词的单复数情况通常与pair的单复数保持一致。例:

That pair of pants is mine. 那条裤子是我的。

(4)voice意为“声音”。指人的噪音或说话、唱歌发出的声音。如:in a loud voice 大声地

【比较】sound泛指人们听到的“声音”,可以指人和动物的声音,也可以指物体碰撞发出的声音或指大自然的任何声音。而noise则指人们不愿听到的、不悦耳的“噪音”,即:嘈杂声、喧哗、吵闹等。如:make so much noise 大声吵闹。

(5)population意为“人口”,作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。另外,population可以用large, great以及small来修饰,但不能用many, much来修饰。例:

The population of Australia is smaller than that of Canada. 澳大利亚的人口比加拿大的少。

【拓展】询问某地人口的多少要用疑问词what,而不能用how many或how much。例:

What is the population of this city? 这个城市的人口是多少?



This happens every night. 这件事每晚都发生。

【拓展】happen to sb./ sth. 表示“某人怎么了或某物怎么了”。例:

Can you tell me what happened to him yesterday? 你能告诉我昨天他怎么了吗?


What annoys you most when youre shopping? 你在购物时,什么最让你恼火?

【拓展】① annoyed是形容词,意为“(某人感到)恼火的;恼怒的”。be/ get annoyed with sb.

意为“生某人的气”;be/ get annoyed to do sth.意为“做某事感到生气”。

② annoying也是形容词,意为“令人气恼的;令人心烦的”。


【拓展】表示“收到某人的来信”还可以表达为:get ones letter, get a letter from sb., hear from sb.等。

(4)cost意为“花费”,表示“某物花费某人多少钱”,其主语一般是物,常用于结构:“sth. cost sb. + 钱数”,通常没有被动语态。

【拓展】① spend指花费钱财、时间,其主语一般是人。常用于spend time/ money on sth.或spend time/ money in doing sth.的结构中,其中介词in常常省略。

② take常用于“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”结构,表示“某人花多长时间做某事”。

③ pay意为“支付”,主语是人。通常用sb. pay some money for sth.结构。



For years the old man lived alone. 几年来,那位老人独自生活。

【比较】lonely用作形容词,指的是一种感觉,具有感情色彩,缺乏友爱和帮助,感到寂寞,意为“孤独的;寂寞的”。如:feel lonely感到孤独的。

(2)asleep用作形容词,意为“睡着的;熟睡的”,在句中常用作表语。如:be asleep睡着的;fall asleep入睡。




① 作动词,surprise sb.表示“使(人)惊奇;使(人)感到意外”。

② 作可数名词,意为“惊奇;惊讶”。in surprise吃惊地,惊奇地;to ones surprise让某人吃惊的是。


① 作形容词,意为“几个的;数个的”,用来修饰可数名词。如:several languages 好几种语言;several times 好几次。

② 作代词,意为“几个;数个(人或物)”。例:

Several of us decided to walk home. 我们中有几个人决定步行回家。


① 作不及物动词,意为“回来;返回”。如:return from work 下班回家。

② 作及物动词,意为“归还;退还”。 return sth. to sb. 把某物归还给某人。

③ 作名词,意为“返回;报答”等。例:

He made a return for her kindness. 他回报了她的好意。


① 作代词,意为“两者都不;两者之中任何一个都不”。作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。例:

Neither of the sweaters is good. 两件毛衣都不好。

② 作形容词,意为“两者都不;两者之中没有一个”,所修饰的名词用单数。例:

Neither answer is right. 两个答案都不对。

③ 作连词,意为“也不”。例:

He cant swim. Neither can I. 他不会游泳,我也不会。


Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词。

1. Money is important to us, but money isnt e______.

2. The man wears a skirt in the cold weather. How s______ he is!

3. My parents are never a______ that I watch TV on weekends.

4. It always a______ me when the men around smoke.

5. Ive ever seen an exciting f______ called The Lord of the Rings.

6. If you dont want to ______ (失败) in the exam, you shall study hard.

7. Dont be late again. You are ______ (理应) to get to school on time.

8. My uncle has been raising money for charity for ______ (若干) years.

9. How about sending her a ______ (特别的) gift?

10. The little boy always says ______ (再见) to his parents when he goes to school.

Ⅱ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Its ______ (amaze) that an alien came to our school yesterday.

2. What a ______ (luck) boy! He has won a prize to travel to Japan.

3. Why not invite the ______ (foreign) to our house? They look friendly.

4. We should be ______ (care) when we give others suggestions.

5. Not all ______ (child) like toys. We might send this girl some flowers.

6. Japanese companies have already made robots ______ (walk).

7. The football player is ______ (popular) than you.

8. He invited her ______ (dance) for me.

9. I think I ______ (stay) at home tomorrow.

10. My sister would like ______ (be) a movie star.

11. Which do you like ______ (well), this one or that one?

12. Heilongjiang is in the ______ (northern) of China.

13. He is very ______ (friend) to us.

14. I will try ______ (not be) late for the meeting.

15. If you dont go now, you ______ (be) late.

Ⅲ. 单项选择。

( )1. Only if fewer people go to work by car, there will be less ______ in the street.

A. danger B. traffic C. accident D. silence

( )2. Its ______ to write a thank-you note when you get some help.

A. brave B. lucky C. polite D. careful

( )3. —What will you be in ten years?

—I will ______ become a scientist, but Im not sure.

A. nearly B. clearly C. probably D. especially

( )4. —Gina, you look worried. Whats wrong?

—I have so many snow globes that I dont know where to ______ them.

A. send B. store C. raise D. return

( )5. —Who has ever been to the Water Park, you or your sister?

—______ of us has. We are ______ too busy with our study.

A. All; both B. Both; neither C. Neither; both D. Each; neither

Ⅳ. 根据对话内容,从方框所给的选项中选出合适的单词补全对话。

[true, cost, happen, suggest, pollution, such, received, discovered, traffic, surprise\&]

A: Its (1)______ a nice car. Isnt it yours, Jack?

B: Yes, its the present which I just (2)______ from my grandpa last week.

A: What a (3)______!

B: Yes, but cars dont (4)______ too much in our country.

A: In China, its different. Cars are too dear for everyone to buy.

B: However, I have (5)______ that many Chinese people have their own cars.

A: Thats (6)______. Our country is becoming richer and richer.

B: By the way, what will (7)______ if there are too many cars?

A: Of course, there will be many (8)______ problems.

B: I agree. And cars will make more air (9)______.

A: How bad it is! So scientists (10)______ that people have a low-carbon life.

B: Sounds like a good idea. I will support this idea though I have a car.


Ⅰ. 1. everything 2. strange 3. against 4. annoys 5. film

6. fail 7. supposed 8. several 9. special 10. goodbye

Ⅱ. 1. amazing 2. lucky 3. foreigners 4. careful 5. children

6. walk 7. more popular 8. to dance

9. will stay/ am staying/ am going to stay 10. to be 11. better 12. north 13. friendly 14. not to be 15. will be

Ⅲ. 1~5 BCCBC

Ⅳ. 1. such 2. received 3. surprise 4. cost 5. discovered

中考英语重点词汇 篇4

distance n.距离,远处

distract v. 分散注意力

documentary a.有文件的;有证件的

double a.两倍的,双的

earth-orbiting adj. 围绕地球轨道的

effect n.效果,效力

elbow n.肘,肘部

emotionally ad. 在情绪上

encourage vt.鼓励,支持,助长

energy n.活力,精力,能量

enhance vt.提高,增加,夸张

exactly adv.确切地

exit n.出口,退场 vi.退出

expect vt.预料,预期,等待

experience v. 经历n.经历;经验

experienced adj.经验丰富的

experiment n.实验,试验

expert n. 专家

explanation n.解释,说明,辩解

exploration n.探索

explorer n.探测者

expression n.词句,表达,表情

extremely ad.极其,非常

fake n.假货,膺品 a.假的

fireworks n.[pl.]爆竹, 烟花

flutter v. 扑腾

follow vt.跟随,结果是

free v.释放

freedom n.自由

fridge n.电冰箱

高考英语重点词汇辨析(上) 篇5


1. they agreed on the project at last.最后他们就这项工程达成了共识。

2. i agree with you =i agree with what you said.我同意你的话。

3. we agreed on a price for the car.我们商定了这辆汽车的价格。

4. the climate here doesn’t agree with me .我不适应这儿的气候。

5. do you agree to that plan?你同意那个计划吗?

6. he has agreed to the arrangement?他已经同意了那个安排。

7. do you agree with what i have just said ?你同意我刚刚说的吗?

8. your story agrees with what i have heard.你说的话与我听到的一致。


1. 三个词组的词意是什么?

回答:agree with ,agree to ,agree on 都可以表示 _________;agree to 一般表示个人同意 ,而agree on 表示 ___________,达成共识。agree with 还可以表示与(气候或食物等)相__________.


回答:agree with 后面一般跟_____或是某人说的____;后面还可以跟words。

agree to 后面一般跟建议、议案、________、_________等。

agree on 后面一般跟表示具体协议的文件、计划等。

determine 与decide 有何区别?


1. we determined to get the work done before may day.我们决定在五一之前把工作做完。

2. he has determined that nothing can prevent him doing what he wants to do .他已经决定没什么能阻止他想做的事情。

3. they determined on an early start tomorrow.他们决定明天早点动身。

4. he has determined to study abroad. 他决心去国外学习。

5. he decided not to tell a lie any longer in the future.他决定以后再也不撒谎了。

6. let’s first decide what to do next.让我们先决定接下来做什么。

7. finally she decided on buying that green hat.最后她决定买那顶绿色的帽子。

8. it’s very difficult to decide between the two .要在两个之间抉择很困难。


1.decide 和determine 在意义上有什么区别?

回答:decide 和determine 在意义上都可以表示_______;be determined 表示_________。

2. 两者在用法上有什么不同?

回答:在用法上两者后面都可以跟________(to do sth )或是___________(比如that ,where,what …从句)

change …into …结构知多少?(put ,translate,turn,divide ,make …)


1. do you know how to change ice into water? 你知道如何把水变成冰吗?

2. he has translated many books into english? 他已经把很多本书翻成了英文。

3. the huts can be made into temporary houses.小屋能被弄成暂时可住的房子。

4. we will divide our class into four groups.我们将把我们班级分成四组。

5. we should put most of our time into our study and work. 我们应该把我们的把大部分时间花在学习和工作上。

6. the teacher often asks us to put sentences into english.老师经常叫我们把句子翻成英文。

7. he was able to put the complicated thoughts into simple words.他能用简单的话来表达复杂的意思。

8. the workers are making wool into cloth.工人们在把羊毛织成布。

9. we should learn to turn failure into success.我们应该学会把失败转变成成功。

10. she knows a way of turning water into steam.她知道一种方法,把水变成蒸汽。



这些词组都是有into 构成的,都是两样东西之间进行的转换,最基本的词义应该是________.

reach 的含义知多少?


1. after a long walk, we reached a small village. 走了很长的路之后,我们来到一个小村庄。

2. the little boy was so short that he could not reach the apple on the desk.那个小孩太矮了,够不到桌上的苹果。

3. your letter reached me the day before yesterday .我昨天收到了你的信。

4. the woods reached as far as the river. 那片树林一直延伸到河边。

5. he reached out his hand for the knife ,but it was too far away. 他伸出手去取那刀子,但是太远了,够不着。

6. would you please do me a favour to reach me that book?请你帮我个忙,把书递给我好吗?

7. i like to have my books within my reach.我喜欢把书放在我伸手可取的地方。

8. put the medicine out of the children’s reach..把药品放在孩子们够不着的地方。





回答:reach 可以用作名词 一般是 __________,通常用于out of one’s reach ,within one’s reach。

compare …to …与compare … with…


1. my handwriting can not be compared with my fathers. 我的书写不能跟我父亲的比。

2. compare this radio and that one ,and you will find which one is better. 比较一下这个收音机和那一个 ,你会知道哪个更好。

3. man’s life is often compared to a candle. 人生常比作蜡烛。

4. shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。

5. as a writer ,he can’t compare with luxun. 作为一个作家,他无法与鲁迅比较。


compare … to …与compare …with …意义有什么区别?

回答:compare …to …一般是把一方____另一方;而compare …with …是指把两方进行_____。

hope 与 wish 用法探究


1. i hope we can pass the examination.我希望我能通过考试。

2. we hope to see you tomorrow. 我们希望明天能见到你。

3. there is nothing to be hoped for. 没什么好期待的了。

4. the doctor expressed strong hopes for her recovery.医生对她恢复健康抱有乐观的希望。

5. i wish i could go with you .我希望我能跟你一起去。

6. how i wish it wasn’t raining. 我多么希望天不下雨啊。

7. parents wish their children to be happy always.父母们总是希望孩子们能一直快乐。

8. i wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快!

9. it’s hoped that our team will win the game.大家都希望我们队能赢的比赛。

10. i wish i could fly to the moon one day 我希望有一天我能飞到月球上去。


1. wish与hope分别是什么意思?

回答: wish是指的意思是________。而hope指的意思是________。

2. wish与hope 在用法上有什么不同?

英语四级考试重点词汇复习 篇6

2.appliance n 器具,器械

3.consent n 准许,同意 vi (to) 准许,同意

4.conquer vt 征服

5.defect n 缺点,缺陷

6.delicate a 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的

7.evolve v演变

8.evolution n 演变,进化

9.frown v /n 皱眉

10.frustrate vt 使沮丧

11.guarantee vt /n 保证

12.guilty a 内疚的;有罪的

13.jealous a 妒忌的

14.jeans n 牛仔裤

15.liquor n 酒,烈性酒

16.liter/litre n 升

17.modest a 谦虚道

18.molecule n 分子

19.orbit n 轨道 v (绕)作轨道运行

20.participate v (in) 参与,参加

21.particle n 微粒

22.particularly ad 特别,尤其

23.respond vi 回答,答复;反应

24.response n 回答,答复;反应

25.sensible a 明智的

26.sensitive a 敏感到,灵敏的

27.tremble vi 颤抖

28.tremendous a 巨大的;精彩的

29.trend n 趋向,倾向

30.trial n 审讯;试验

31.apparent a 显然的,明白的

32.appetite n 胃口;欲望

33.deposit n 存款,定金 v存放,储蓄

34.deputy n 副职,代表

35.derive vt 取得,得到;(from)起源于

36.descend v 下来,下降

37.missile n 导弹

38.mission n 使命;代表团

39.mist n薄雾

40.noticeable a 显而易见到

41.notify vt 通知,告知

42.notion n 概念;意图,想法

43.resemble vt 像,类似于

44.reveal vt 揭露

45.revenue n 收入,岁入;税收

46.shelter n 掩蔽处;住所

47.shield n 防护物,盾 vt 保护,防护

48.vital a 重要的;致命的,生命的

49.vitally ad 极度,非常;致命地

50.urban a 城市的

51.urge vt 鼓励,激励

52.urgent a 急迫的,紧急得

53.usage n 使用,用法

54.violence n 强力,暴

55.appoint vt 任命,委派

56.approach v 靠近,接近n 途径,方式

57.appropriate a 适当的

58.bunch n 群,伙;束,串

59.bundle n 捆,包,束 vt 收集,归拢

职称英语考试卫生类重点词汇 篇7

choose v. 选择,选定

choose sth. from/among sth. /从……中挑选; Christmas n. 圣诞节 (= Christmas Day);圣诞节节期

Christmas Eve/圣诞节前夕,平安夜;

chronic adj. 慢性的

a chronic disease/慢性病;

circumstance n. 环境;详情;境况in no circumstances (=under no circumstances)/决不,无论如何也不

in [under] the circumstances/在这种情况下;

citizen n. 市民;公民;

civil adj. 全民的;市民的;公民的 ;

claim n. (根据权利提出)要求;要求权;主张v. (根据权利)要求,声称,主张

make a claim for/对(赔偿等)提出要求……;

class n. 班级;社会等级;种类;(一节)课

at the top of one’s class/在班级中学习居首位in class/在上课中;

classic n. [pl. ] 杰作,名著adj. 第一流的;模范的;著名的 ;

beat v. 打,敲;击败,胜过;[音]打(拍子),(心脏等)跳动

beating against/on sth. /打在……上

the heart beats. /心脏跳动

beat sb. /战胜……

a heartbeat /心跳声;

beautiful adj. 美丽的;很好的;

12月大学英语四级重点词汇盘点 篇8

rhythm n. 节奏,韵律;规律性变化

deny v. 否认;拒绝

population n. 人口

convey v. 传达;运输

route n. 道路;路线;路途;航线;途径,渠道

drift v. 漂流;缓慢移动;漂泊 n. 漂流,移动

crack v. (使)破裂,断裂;重击,猛击 n. 裂缝;缝隙;(突然的)爆裂声

prescribe v. 开药方;规定,指定

accuse v. 责备,控告

pursuit n. 追求;追赶

precaution n. 预防措施;防备

tender adj. 温和的,亲切的;幼小的;无知的

acceptable adj. 可接受的,合意的;受欢迎的

rebel n. 叛徒,起义者 v. 造反,反抗

specific adj. 明确的,确切的,具体的;特定的 n. (复)详情;细节

perform v. 表演,演出;执行,履行

select v. 选择,挑选,选拔 adj. 精选的,优等的

approve v. 赞同;批准,核准

explanation n. 解释,说明

temporary adj. 临时的;暂时的;短暂的 n. 临时工

enable v. 使……能够,使可行;准许

attribute v. 把……归因于;把……归咎于 n. 属性,特征

gentle adj. 温和的;柔和的;温柔的

wrap v. (用纸、布等)包,裹;(用手、脚)围住 n. 披肩,围巾;饺子皮;保鲜膜

appoint v. 任命,指定

participate v. 参与;参加

architecture n. 建筑学,建筑业;结构

capacity n. 容量,容积;能力

establishment n. 成立,建立;机构,企业

grasp v. 抓住,紧握;领会 n. 抓,握;把握;领会

treasure n. 宝物,财富 v. 珍爱,重视;珍藏

dispose v. 清除,处理

command n. 命令,指挥;司令部 v. 指挥,命令;控制,掌管

reasonable adj. 合理的;通情达理的;明智的,理智的

shade n. 荫凉处;色度;稍微;细微差别 v. 给……遮挡(光线);荫蔽

pray v. 祈祷,祈求

installation n. 安装;装置;设施

apparent adj. 显然的;表面上的;似乎真实的

correction n. 批改,修改,改正

fare n. 费用 v. 进展

rural adj. 乡下的;乡村的;农村的;有乡村特色的;田园的;有乡土气息的

legal adj. 合法的,法定的; 法律(上)的

victim n. 受害者;遇难者;牺牲品

deserve v. 应得,值得

intelligence n. 理解力,智力;情报

commission v. 委任,委托 n. 委任;委员会;佣金

hollow adj. 空的,空心的;空洞的 n. 树洞;凹陷处

vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆;工具;传播媒介

approximate adj. 大约的,近似的 v. 接近,约等于

occasionally adv. 偶尔地

scale n. 规模;刻度;级别;比例尺 v. 依比例决定;攀登

hostile adj. 怀敌意的,敌对的

refusal n. 拒绝,回绝

identify v. 识别,认出; 确定,指认

infect v. 传染,感染

duration n. 持续时间,期间

block n. 块; 街区; <英>大楼,大厦;阻碍 v. 阻止; 阻塞

influence n. 影响,影响力;有影响的人(或事物) v. 影响

precision n. 精确;精密

costly adj. 昂贵的,代价高的

precise adj. 精确的,准确的

tunnel n. 隧道;地道 v. 挖隧道;挖地道

possess v. 持有;具有

mineral n. 矿物;矿物质

slice n. 薄的切片;部分;锅铲 v. 切成薄片;大幅降低;砍,削

spray n. 水沫,喷雾器,喷剂 v. 喷雾,扫射,喷射;喷上涂料

formula n. 公式;方案;配方

substance n. 物质;实质;重要性

racial adj. 种族的;人种的

contest n. 比赛,竞赛;竞争 v. 争取赢得;争辩,就……提出异议

shrink v. 收缩,退缩,萎缩;缩水;回避 n. 收缩,萎缩

portrait n. 肖像,画像;描绘

reaction n. 反应,反响;化学反应

concentration n. 专心;集中;浓度

status n. 地位,身份,情形,状况

diverse adj. 不同的,多种多样的

exploit v. 利用;开拓,开采;压榨

shut v. 关闭,合上;禁止通行;(商店)停业 adj. 围绕的,合拢的;关闭的

storage n. 储藏,仓库;(蓄电池的)蓄电

filter n. 筛选,过滤;滤器 v. 过滤

edge n. 边,边缘;优势,上风;刀刃 v. 给……加上边;缓慢移动

sponsor n. 赞助者,赞助商;(法案的)发起者 v. 发起(提案,议案);赞助

resume v. 再继续,重新开始 n. 简历,履历;摘要

perceive v. 认为,视为;察觉,感觉,认知

seek v. 寻求,寻找,物色;搜索

exceed v. 超过,超出;超越

surgery n. 外科手术;外科;诊所

trace v. 追踪,找出根源;描绘,描摹 n. 痕迹;遗迹;踪迹;足迹

outline n. 概要;大纲;轮廓 v. 描画轮廓,描述要点

loan v. 借出,贷与 n. 贷款;借款

competent adj. 有能力的,能胜任的

majority n. 多数;大多数

independence n. 独立,自主,自立

interfere v. 干预,干涉;妨碍

existence n. 存在,生存

detect v. 测出;发现,查明

distinct adj. 不同的;明显的,清楚的;显著的

gesture n. 手势;姿态 v. 打手势

competition n. 比赛,竞争

英语写作重点词汇整理 篇9

eg, The appropriate handing of a meeting depends on a chairman’s adequate preparations, expertise in the topic of the meeting and tactful chairing manners.3, credential, 学术经历,成就。

eg, I am going to start by covering Randy’s academic credentials.4, tenure, 长期聘用。

eg, He was granted tenure a year early at Shandong university.5, delegate, 代表。Distinguished delegates.6, reservoir, 水库。

eg, Everyone has an enormous untapped reservoir of potential.7, exponentially, 以指数方式地。

eg,If you want to keep your wealth and grow it exponentially, please join me in … 8, adjourned, 休会

eg, I declare the plenary session adjourned until tomorrow.9, recital, 朗诵

biography, 传记

anecdotes, 轶事

eg, Avoid boring the audience with a long recital of the speaker’s biography or with a long series of anecdotes about your acquaintance with him.10, prestige, 威望、声望

eg,The less well-known the speaker is, the more you will need to build up his prestige.11, venue, 地点

eg, Be in attendance at the venue minutes.12, rehearse, 排练

eg, You should rehearse your remarks several times before you chair a meeting.13, podium, 乐队指挥台,讲台

eg, You should walk confidently to the podium, stand erect.14, salute, 致敬,欢迎

eg, “Your Excellencies” used to salute a head or heads of government present.15, allotted, 分配的

eg, You should also indicate the allotted time for each presentation.16, courteous, 有礼貌地,谦恭地

eg, A good chairperson needs to deal with unexpected events in a firm but courteous manner.17, affiliated, 附属的,有关联的,就职于

eg, From 2000 to 2004, he was affiliated with the Institute for Social.18, verse, 诗

crystallized, 趋于完美的 eg, Over time, his verse id simplified and crystallized.Phrase 1, plenary session 全体会议。2, cater to 迎合,为……服务。3, zest for 对……热心。4,back up 支持。

5,pay one’s tribute to 表达对某人的致敬、称赞。6, refreshment arrangement 提神饮料地。7, to name but a few 仅以这些为例。

Task 2 Words 1, propagate, 传播

eg, It is an effective tool for propagating an idea, outlining a plan and explaining a problem.2, mitigate, 减弱,缓和

eg, Wetlands can mitigate extreme weather events.3, buffer, 缓冲物

eg, Coastal wetlands appear to be a buffer for the waves of storms.4, glaciers, 冰川、冰河

eg, Now global warming is causing the glaciers to disappear.5, intact, 完整的

eg, Millions of people depend for their livelihoods on intact and functioning wetlands.6, corridors, 走廊

Intrusion, 侵入

eg, The wetlands act as transport corridors and provide protection against floods and saltwater intrusion.7, integrate, 整合

eg, Sustainable development therefore means recognizing and integrating these environmental values.8, violated, 侵犯

eg, Women are most often the ones whose human rights are violated.9, echo, 反复、共鸣

eg, If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that … 10, heed, 注意、留心

eg,;Let us heed that call so we can create a word in which … 11, rhetoric, 华丽的辞藻,修辞 eg, We must move beyond rhetoric.12, symposium, 讨论会

canvass, 讨论、细查

eg, The canvass of the symposium is very large.13, divergence, 分歧 eg, There is often a divergence between a person’s actual abilities, contributions and needs.14, destitute, 贫穷的

entitle, 赋予……什么权力

eg, In India, for instance, even if destitute, are not entitled to a pension if they have an adult son.15, altruism, 利他主义

eg, In practice, assumptions about male altruism are often proved wrong.16, claimant, 原告,索赔人

eg, In South Asia they define the legitimate claimants for property.17, seclusion, 隔离

eg, They may even define whether at all women should work outside the home, such as female seclusion norms.18, inheritance, 遗产

eg, Social norms can thus severely restrict women’s economic options by discouraging them from claiming their inheritance or from taking up jobs.19, exogenous, 外因的

eg, Conventionally, economists have taken very little account of perception biases and assume that social norms are exogenous.20, digress, 离题

eg, Don’t allow yourself to digress about side issues or irrelevancies.21, cohesion, 凝聚,结合fragment, 碎片

eg, Without transitions, speeches lack cohesion and sound fragmented.22, monotone, 单调

syllable, 音节

enunciate, 发音,阐明

eg, Do not speak in a monotone, speak each syllable of every word clearly and distinctly and enunciate clearly.23, ambivalent, 矛盾的

eg, If you are bored or ambivalent, your tone and manners will reflect your attitude.24, dwell, 居住,存在于,细想某事

eg, This part is most difficult, let’s dwell a little on it.Phrase

1, move beyond rhetoric, 实际行动 2, take perceptions, 首先来讲 3, be embedded in 根植于……

4, transfer…to… 过户,转账财产,转学,调离工作 5, be entitled to 有权力做某事

6, cut across 径直穿过,抄近路通过 7, claim one’s inheritance, 继承遗产 8, take account of 考虑 9.trim away 剔除,10, glue to 粘上,盯住,注意力集中于 11, dwell on 细想某事

Task 3 Words

1, retention, 保留,扣留

eg, A well-prepared and successful Q&A has many advantages: to clarify points, to gain additional information and to increase retention of information.2, moderator, 仲裁人、调解人

sponsor, 赞助者

panelist, 专家小组 3,toxic, 有毒的

gigantic, 巨大的,庞大的

eg, The result is that we put billions of pounds of toxic materials in the air and generate gigantic amounts of waste.4, crank, 奇想,曲柄

eg, I want to crank the goal of industry in a different direction to produce a world of abundance and good design.5, dispense, 免除,分配

eg, “We’ll tell you at what rate you can dispense death.” 6, juncture, 时刻

eg, The U.S.is pleased to be able to share our experiences at this important juncture in Chinese history.7, dictate, 命令,指示

eg, We have learned the increased economic growth does not dictate a decrease in environmental progress.8, hazardous, 有危险的,碰运气的

eg, We have signed an agreement on hazardous waste management.9, annex, 附加物

eg, This new annex will enhance the successful relationship that has been established between the U.S.and China.10, capacitor, 电容器

eg, China has started work on projects to aid in the cleanup of sites where capacitors are stored and buried.11, disposable, 可任意处理的,用完即可丢弃的beverage, 饮料

eg, Denmark has completely banned the use of disposable beverage containers.12, attribute, 属性、特质

empathy, 神入,感同身受

eg, A manager should possess attribute such as confidence, flexibility , helicopter view(全局观念)and empathy are also very helpful.13, adversity, 逆境

tribulation, 失败,失利

resolute, 坚决的 eg, Every great person has to endure tremendous trail and tribulations, each time you persist in the face of adversity and disappointment, you become stronger and more resolute.14, instill, 徐徐滴入

eg, How do you instill ethical leadership throughout your organization? 15, dictate, 指示,命令

eg, there are some particular dictates:… 16,remunerative, 盈利的

eg, I have to say it is not very remunerative, I couldn’t even make the fight out here.18, groom, 培养人才,整饬

eg, I am looking forward to being a good advisor, making sure that Berkshire is grooming people for whatever succession.Phrase 1, open up 打开,开始

2, integrate…with… 把…结合起来 3, commit to 承诺,许诺 4, helicopter view, 全局观念 5, build into 注入

6, proficiency in 精通,熟练 7, a shred of 碎片,少量 8, wrap up, 包裹,圆满完成
