
2024-10-20 版权声明 我要投稿


出国交流申请书 篇1












出国交流申请书 篇2


目前地方高校的学生出国项目, 大致有以下三种类型。

1. 实践实习项目

这类项目是目前地方高校出国交流项目中的重心, 旨在能够作为常规的工作中。指国内外院校、教育机构、民间团体利用暑假时间组织一些实践实习项目。选派学生赴国外各大公司或学校进行为期三个半月到一年的实习实践期, 学生能够享受到公司方或者学校方每个月的实习补贴或者是工资, 部分学生还能享受到包吃住的待遇, 在国外实习实践所获的工资能够负担自己生活费用。例如地方高校都有的暑期赴美带薪实习项目, 时间为三个半月, 该项目为学生提供3个月的实习机会, 还有半个月的旅游时间, 还有中国教育国际交流协会的AFS赴泰中文助教项目, 春秋季项目时间都为六个月, 这类项目的特点就是交流时间比较短, 对学生的语言、生活的自理能力要求比较高, 而且准备申请材料较多, 但由于时间短, 实践性强, 视野面广, 而且获取工作经验, 所以此类项目深受学生欢迎。

2. 短期文化交流项目

短期文化交流项目, 指国内的高校、教育机构利用5-15天时间组织的文化体验项目, 例如四川长江职业技术学院组织的为期5天的“四川大学生香港行”。也有国外院校组织地方高校学生参加此类项目, 如乐山师范学院学生参加韩国金泉大学组织的为期14天的冬令营。它的特点是活动内容比较丰富, 当然包括学生课程, 也包括参观交流;主要目的还是文化学习、扩展视野、能够提高语言水平。开设这类项目的国内外院校对团体的申请有一定的优惠政策, 个人无法申请。这使得学校学生可以通过该类项目和不同国家同龄大学生进行交流, 所以参加项目的学生比较多。

3. 国外就业项目

随着大学生毕业生越来越多, 国内人才市场的需求量不断减少, 所以国内就业形势的险峻, 出国就业成为很多大学生的选择, 地方高校由于结合地方平台, 能够做到提供相对于适合的就业平台, 国外就业项目大多是国家、国内外教育机构利用在校期间能够做好所有出国的材料和面试, 等到做好准备在拿到学位证和毕业证之后, 获得一年到两年的国外工作经验。当然也包括结合地方高校的地方特征, 比如乐山师范学院近两年来引进了师范生的就业途径, 国家汉办所创办的赴泰中文讲师志愿者, 都是非常好的机会, 这种项目算是比较有特点的项目, 在完成大学的课业同时, 能够做到出去工作的准备。一般时间为一年, 在能够适应了国外的生活, 也能开阔眼界, 还能解决国外生活问题, 所以项目是很多人的选择, 特别是大三大四学生。


1. 学生出国的参加人数多

地方高校对于出国项目的反馈非常重视, 能为学生提供到前面去参加项目的经验, 而且能够保障大家获得不同层次、不同渠道的海外交流机会。在政府的角度, 也是非常支持学生出国的, 而且能够及时给学生提供出国的途径和机会。

在我国政府正在提供完整的手续, 并且大力支持、能够出资金资助学生出国交流的同时, 还有很多国外的政府机构和高等院校给学生提供资金, 吸引地方高校的大学学生能够参加项目。为了能够接受教育全球化的挑战, 能够做到提升国外国家教育的整体的国际竞争力, 美国在近几年来和我国之间的合作日益密切, 也给我国高等院校提供了更多的大学生的出国机会, 从赴美项目开始在地方高校, 2013年为止, 四川省各地方高校已经陆续增加了和美国的各种的合作, 各个地方高校每年共有上千人去美国参加项目。

2. 出国项目宣传方式多样化

地方高校相对于国家级高校而言, 拥有学生的数量相对于比较少, 而且学校的环境还算比较宽松, 丰富的国际资源, 但是还是需要提供宽广的国际交流平台。所以, 出国项目的宣传成为了很多的地方高校出国项目的重心, 尤其是暑假和短期的出国交流项目, 宣传都是由学生自发进行组织的, 现在宣传的方式越来越多, 所以学生能够通过宣传方式帮助学生做宣传, 网络也处于发达的时候, 很多高校成立了属于自己国际部门的网站, 这属于官方的信息, 除了部门网站, 还有其他新的网络传播方式, 例如微博微信, 学生比较喜欢使用的网络纸媒, 出现各个学校外事部门的微信微博公众平台, 吸引学校学生能够参加项目活动, 除了这些网络纸媒, 还有实际性的宣传方式, 包括在学校大范围的做宣讲会, 还有设咨询点宣传方式, 还包括参加活动等等。学生参加项目和项目宣传, 全面丰富了地方高校出国交流项目的宣传方式, 受众面更加宽广。

3. 出国项目所覆盖的国家较多

除了在美国、日本、加拿大、英国、新西兰、波兰等国际合作方面较为广阔的国家和地区, 地方高校的学生还会到许多学生相对于较少的国家, 例如泰国、老挝、印尼、迪拜等。这些国家有着比较特殊的地域文化, 而且由于人员的要求较高, 而且名额有限, 而且, 通讯、语言沟通有问题, 所以受到制约, 使学校的学生和老师很难了解到那边的情况, 所以, 给这方面的学生管理带来了一定的难度。


1. 以服务学生为主, 增强主要的服务意识

参加出国交流学生的管理工作和普通的学生管理工作唔一样, 具有一定的特殊性, 由于学生一旦出国, 因为时差、地理差异、沟通方式有差异, 学生有时会得不到学校或父母的及时帮助。在很大的意义上, 学生需要自理, 虽然自理这种东西对很多大学生来说都已经成为见怪不怪的事情, 但是从以往出国项目管理经验来看, 国内的高校学生自己的管理能力有限, 在这种情况下, 学校的有关部门、院系能够提供服务, 特别是学生在出国前对学生的行前辅导, 除了给学生介绍要去的国家的文化风俗习惯, 更加要做的是安全辅导, 介绍如何如何应对随时都有可能出现的敏感话题, 遇到紧急问题应该如何处理。学生在外期间, 应定期和负责老师沟通, 鼓励他们定期和老师、父母和同学联系, 提交在国外的新的体会。提出遇到问题后。学生回国后, 要和周围的同学分享在外遇到的问题或者困难。

2. 对参加不同类型项目的学生分别管理

参加出国交流项目的学生的特点是外语水平还算比较好, 生活精力比较充沛, 想要出去接触新事物, 但他们往往对于自己的安全意识不够, 保密意识不够, 能够以自我为中心, 凭了兴趣行事, 相对不够成熟。同时, 不同类型的出国交流项目, 针对于不同的学生有不同的特点, 比如学生出国实践实习项目, 因为时间比较短, 学生能能够收到足够的环境冲击, 学生希望能够利用最短的时间把在外的机会用来参加活动, 往往会造成体力透支, 造成财物丢失, 对于一个管理者而言, 这样才能利用不同的管理点最大限度保护学生的基本利益。

摘要:近年来, 在校学生在出国这一块出国交流已经成为国际竞争力上的新增长点, 学生参加出国项目越来越多, 也为高校的学生在管理工方面带来了新的挑战。做好学生出国交流项目学生管理服务工作, 应该增强具体的服务意识和责任意识, 针对于参加不同种类的项目的学生进行分类处理, 进行系统的管理。

出国交流学习心得体会 篇3











出国交流申请书 篇4









出国申请书 篇5

due to the comprehensiveness of china’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position.though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies.management is a burgeoning field in china, so i hope i can acquire more modern knowledge on management in england.the roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood.my father was among the first of china’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs.as a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs.my mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations.and so it was early in my life that i hoped i, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.with the time of growing up, i preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity.i never ceased to contemplate over the questions i encountered.subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.as a high school student in china, i had to concentrate on the college entrance examination(cee), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life.unfortunately when sitting in the exam in june, XX, i was so nervous that i didn’t score well in the cee exam.i enrolled in the department of computer science in zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine.any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at

the beginning of my college life.after several terms, i realized

that i would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer.at that moment, i lost my direction and objectives.my persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation.as a matter of fact, i enjoyed reading the books included encyclopedia american, and some books about management by peter f.drucker.i began to notice something interesting: why some companies can produce more than others? why some company can sell more than others? why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

with the questions in my mind, i started to read many relevant books.i was lucky to read the book “jack: straight from the gut”by jack welch, in which john a.byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company.when i was a junior, i ran a bookshop by myself near my school.i should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop.from this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely i was increasingly interested in what i was doing.by december, XX, i had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of it.to accumulate more relevant knowledge, i strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.fortunately, as a senior, i began by conducting an internship in the architecture company in zhejiang province.over six months, i worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management

conditions and business performance in different industries.the

experience showed me that management is much more important than that of i thought in big companies.after graduation, i continued my work in this company.in may, XX, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school.through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in

management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas i mentioned.during the short period of training, i realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now.lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs.in your challenging environment, i can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals.i am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of

success.with this in mind, i hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.as a child i often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spent hours watching him work.when i was older, i sometimes set up displays, waited on customers, and even balanced the books.this experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own

business someday, yet i understand that the business world today is more complex.this complexity requires more education, and with that in mind, i am applying to the master’s of business administration program at indiana university bloomington(iub).通过一个故事开头,讲述自己为何对business感兴趣。

in addition to my helping out in my father’s business, i have had numerous other work experiences that further enhance my

qualifications for this program.my resume enumerates the various positions i have held at kerasotes theaters, chili’s restaurants, and indiana university’s new student recreational sports center

(srsc), and what all of these positions have in common is an emphasis on serving the public effectively.further, as an assistant manager at the showplace 11 and a staff coordinator at the srsc, i have gained valuable expertise in managing employees and creating work schedules.both of these positions have allowed me to develop my sales and people skills, which are extremely important in an

increasingly service-driven marketplace.讲述自己的相关经历。但是感觉在谈及经历时候不够具体,应该说明具体做了什么事情,从中得到什么经验或者教训。

not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee.part of my volunteering experience at middleway house, the local battered women’s shelter, involved extensive work on computers, including

word processing, organizing databases and creating spreadsheets.also, i recently participated in an internship program for academic credit with the eli lilly corporation in the personnel division.as a management intern, i was able to watch the workings of a major corporation up close and would like the opportunity to combine my experiences with the theoretical background available in the mba program at iub, with its emphasis on computers, marketing and human resources.志愿者活动同样值得在ps中讲述。

my successful internship is one element of my overall academic success as an undergraduate here at iub, yet i have also made time for a variety of extracurricular activities, including working for my sorority and competing in intramural basketball.my positive

experiences here have resulted in my desire to stay in bloomington to continue my academic endeavors;furthermore, continuing my education here would allow me to make important business contacts, with the

出国留学申请书 篇6














因私出国申请书 篇7

身份证号码                                         姓   名   性别       拼音姓   拼音名   民族       出生日期 年月日 出生地   婚姻状况       政治面貌   文化程度   联系电话       户口地址   所属派出所       本人现住址   邮政编码       本人

身份 □国家工作人员□国有大中型企业中层以上管理人员


□军人□其他人员     单位全称   职务职称       单位地址   联系电话       前往国家   属第次申请因私护照     出国

事由 □定居□旅游□探亲□商务□劳务□留学□其他     申请



类别 □普通护照首次申领□护照补发□护照换发□护照失效重新申领




普通护照换发、补发原因:()     原护照号码签发地有效期至年月日     家

员 称谓 姓名 年龄 工作单位、职务 家庭住址


学年出国留学申请书 篇8

As I look back on early days of my schooling , I am just as grateful to my working parents for having sent me to one of the best boarding schools in Beijing where I received quality primary education and learned to appreciate independence. As I recall , being independent was probably the biggest asset I gained as a teenager with the absence of parental guardianship for most of those 6 years. After I upgraded to secondary school, I offered to go to school by bike. Though hesitant at first, my parents gave their well-thought-out consent to the 15-km ride average Chinese parents would simply veto in the first place given the “one-child policy”and subsequent “little emperors” pampered by parents and grandparents. Thankfully, that day-to-day routine bike trip,rain or sunshine,tempered my strong character. I have been holding myself to highest standards, academically and physically from primary school days through to college life. I have grown up all these years amongst top cohorts and have been exposed to varied horizons and dimensions of school life in and outside of classroom. I am perfectly healthy and stong with a sharp mind and demonstrated commitment to teamwork. I was handpicked to play for school baseball team when I was in primary school. Back then, my proven leadership and excellent skills in the field assured my coach that I was born to be a team leader. And I did justice to his well-timed appointment by heading a team of Beijing to compete in Shanghai and Hong Kong several times. And the strong track record of out outstanding performances each time still fills me with pride and excitement today. During one match tour to Hong Kong in the 1990s, I was immediatel exposed to the enviable luxury and prosperity of the city,the dynamic economic center of Asia. That trip awakened me ,for the first time, to the value of wealth and finance. And it was that very journey to the thriving metropolis that shaped my ambition to be a financer.

Years later,when the colleg entrance exam came,that moment of life and death for most of senior high school students in China,my top preference was Finance Colllege of Beijing Technology and Business Unversity. The result came as a sad surprise as I was admitted to Computer Science College instead. But I stuck with my dream major and decided to minor in finance. I have since worked hard to equip myself with systematic knowledge of finance. As a result , I amd now well on my way to graduation with double degrees in both computer science and finance in 2012.

During my college days,I led my cohorts in starting up a micro company as I dabbled into the real business world. We settled for newspaper as our maiden attempt.. As a new horn,I took a hands-on approach, from editing to circulating, from cost control to market survey. My strong leadership and sunergy of the entire team kept this mini organization going pretty well in its infancy. Yet inexperience in operation and cost management led to a failed business in the end. But I saw the silver lining in the failed venture. I now know more about where I need to work on. When I was a little boy, my parents taught me how to manage money in the safest way. They helped me put my pocket money in the bank and get interest as a return. Now, as a grown-up already,I recognize that systematic learning and book knowledge can truely help me know how much more about what finance is all about. Naturally, as one’s knowledge about swimming increases, the desire to swim in the sea grows. Yet, with more academic exposure, I have come to realize how I am ill-equipped with the knowledge needed to stay afloat in the trubulent sea of finance. That self-conscious humbleness versus the profundiy of finance as a much-respected discipline has led me to opt for further study in the US,home to a number of world-class colleges of finance.
