
2024-07-25 版权声明 我要投稿


新湘少版六英语下教案 篇1

1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought gift和短语took picture等

2、能运用句子How was your summer holiday? What did you do there?对别人在假期里所做的事情展开问答。


1、能听、说、读、写过去式单词ate,took,bought gift和短语took picture等

2、能运用句子How was your summer holiday? What did you do there?对别人在假期里所做的事情展开问答。 教学难点:

1、 掌握四个动词短语过去式的读音和拼写以及句型What did you do over your holiday?的灵活运用。



1 the teaching pictures

2 the figure pictures

3 some photos of the teachers

4 radio and tape

5 the word cards and figure cards 第几课时:6

探索流程 个性添加(教学反思)

Step 1. Warm- up and revision

1) Free-talk:

T: What day is today?

A: Today is…

T: What day was yesterday? (强调 yesterday)

B: Yesterday/ It was…

T: What did you do yesterday?

C: I (did)…yesterday. ( 用前几课时已经学的词组)

2) Chain-drill:

C: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?

D: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?

E, F…( ask the teacher)

T: I went to a park yesterday.

Step 2. Presentation

1) Let’s learn:

继续Chain-drill,由T 引出并出示新授词组:

went hiking.

2) 学生已经了解了go 的过去式后, T 边用

I went ( 这个动词用动作表示)yesterday.表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动作.让学生帮老师说出: went swimming, went fishing.

3)Ask and answer:

A: T ask and Ss answer.

B: S1 ask and S2 answer.

C: S3 ask and T answer.

由此,T 引出新授词组: read a book.

4) 自编chant. Chant together.见附录

5)Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of: went, read.

6)Reading in 2 parts: T say the phrase loudly, Ss say it lowly; T say the phrase lowly, Ss say it loudly.

Step 3. Consolidation


Activity 1 找搭档

Activity 2 我是侦察兵

Activity 3 记忆大挑战


1) Pair work

A: What did you do last weekend? / Did you …?

B: I (did)…/ Yes, I did.

2) 在问答过程中完成书中所示的表格.

3) 邀请几组同学到前面汇报调查结果

板书设计 作业布置

Unit 3Last weekend


新湘少版小学六年级英语上册教案 篇2

1. 能理解并学唱歌曲。

2. 在分享音乐带来的快乐的同时,激发学生热爱读书的情感。






CAI, words cards, models



Free talk:

T talks with pupils while playing the video: Who is he? Where is he? What can you see in the library?

(接下来问学生自己的情况)Do you love reading? Are there any books in your room? What books have you read?

Make objectives clear

T: Wow, you have read lots of books, we all love reading .Today let’s step into a song: I love reading.

Achieve the desired results:

T:Can you read?Can you sing with the tape?

I love reading,reading,reading

Yeah,I love reading books.



T leads pupils to observe the picture and asks: What can you see in the picture? Does Toby love reading? Let’s listen.

Task:Listen,understand and sing the song.

T:Does Toby love reading?


T:How does he read?He reads only page1?Let’s listen to paragraph2 and answer my questions.

Ss:I read and read....ends.

T:Now you are Toby.How do you read?Can you do the actions?

T presents “bookworm”

T lead SS to read and sing.

T:Close your books, Listen to paragraph3.4 and answer:

What are in the books?


Listen to the tape with books closed


①。 T presents the words according to pupils’ answers.

②。 T leads pupils to practice” There are is… and…

③。T leads pupils to read and sing the song.



Write your own song.(学生自己创编歌曲)


Read your songs.


T:Would you like to listen to my song?


T shares the text with pupils.

We can learn fun, interests, information, and knowledge…from books. Books are our best friends. Let’s sing louder(结尾升华主题)


1. Sing the song by yourself;

2. Collect more proverbs about reading.

新湘少版六英语下教案 篇3

Period 1 教学目标: 能听懂、会说新单词。2 能听懂、会说本课对话。能掌握字母的读音和书写,了解在单词中的发音。4 培养学生的阅读理解能力,激发学生的学习兴趣。教学重点及难点:

重点:掌握有关五官的词汇,以及熟练地运用“What is this ? This is a …”谈论五官。


Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。听英语歌曲“What is this ?”让学生跟着小声哼唱。3 复习已学单词。

出示图片或实物(a pencil, a ruler, a pen, a book)T: What is this? Ss: A pencil / ruler /… Step 2 Presentation and drill 1 出示teddy bear.指着它的鼻子。

T: Look!What is this ? This is a nose.Ss: This is a nose.带读。然后让学生单个练读,分组练读。纠正他们的发音。2 用同样的方法教单词mouth, eye, ear,hair,face.游戏——Dragon game S1: What is this? S2: This is a nose.What is this? S3: This is a … 学习新单词:sorry,know 4 出示课文A部分教学挂图。T: Who is she? What’s she? Ss: She is Miss Li, an English teacher.T: What are they doing? 让学生带着问题听课文A部分录音,复述所听内容。听课文A部分录音,跟读。读的时候指着自己脸上相应的部位。

Step 3 Practices 游戏——Monkey see, monkeys do.一名学生做出各种表情,边做边指着相应的五官。另一名学生充当“Monkey”学着做。Step 4 Consolidation 1 游戏——Quick response 教师发出指令“Point to your nose…”学生迅速做出反应,指着相应的器官。看谁的反应又快又准。2 家庭作业: 抄写新单词5遍,背诵课文A,B部分。

Period 2



2、能运用句型“It’s a ……”对面部器官进行介绍。



能运用句型“It’s a ……”对面部器官进行介绍。认识his和her,并理解其意思及用法。

三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。唱英语歌曲“What is this ?” 3 复习已学的面部器官名称。游戏——Golden finger 教师说五官名称,学生快速地指到相应的部位。Step 2 Presentation and drill

1、邀请一名男学生到讲台上当“模特”,给他画像。在黑板上画出,带读单词head 和句子 This is a head。

2、用同样的方法教其他新单词,引导学生用“What’s this ?”询问他人面部器官,并获得信息。

3、游戏——Golden finger 出示课文B部分图片,教师发出指令,学生迅速做出反应,指到对应的部位,并完整地表述。

4、听课文B,C部分录音,跟读。Step 3 Practices 游戏——Golden finger 四人一组进行游戏,一人发出指令“Point to your…”其余三人迅速指到对应的部位。又快又准的一个可以发指令。Step 4 Consolidations


情景: 美术课上,教师给同学们展示了喜、怒、哀、乐等各种表情的脸谱。然后要同学们发挥创意,自己画脸谱。可以请班上同学当“模特”。然后相互展示和介绍自己的作品。S1: Look!Who is he? S2: Sorry, I don’t know.S1: This is Wang Ming!This is his nose!And this is his eye!S2: Ha ,ha!





Period 3



2、能运用句型“This is his/her ……”对面部器官进行介绍。



掌握字母Bb在单词中的发音及音标。能运用句型“This is his/her ……”对面部器官进行介绍。


Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。复习已学的面部器官名称。

游戏——Who is the winner? 根据教师的指令做出反应,指到相应的部位,并完整地进行表演。做错的淘汰,坚持到最后的为胜。分组到讲台上进行比赛。Step 2 Presentation and drill


2、老师引导学生理解F部分的内容大意并掌握字母Bb的发音及音标。3 Practices


2、教学字母Ii、Jj、Kk、Ll的正确书写。4 Consolidations 1 创设情景,自由对话。

湘少版六年级下册英语教学计划 篇4















































































New Standard English 第八册是供小学六年级下学期使用的。全书共分十一个模块,内含一个期末复习模块,每个模块分两个单元。




2,用”be going to” 结构讲述计划和将要发生的事。

















周次 模块

一------二 Module one

三------四 Module two

四------七 Module six, and three

八------九 Module four and five

十------十一 Revise from module one to six

十二------十三 Module seven

十四------十六 Module eight and nine

十七 Module ten

十八 Revision module

十九------二十二 Revise all modules















原版 湘少版四年级上册英语教案 篇5

Nice to meet you!

Period 1 Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2)Learn these sentences: be doing sth 2. The targets of skills: 1)Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can understand the sentence structure.3.The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other ‗s actions.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Learn to sing a song

Use the cards to go over the new dialogue Game—Quick response

Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello,boys and girls ,nice to meet you again,today is the first day of this term.let‘s go to a park and have a look,what will happen in the park!Show a picture of a park ,learn the new words A swing 2.Show the pictures and put them on the picture(in the park),and learn to say the words.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening 1)Show the pictures

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves

2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Instive doing Reading the dialogue carefully Listen and repeat the dialogue Retell the story ,check the resul

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Consolidate these new words: slide, bench, bark, chain, swing 2)Can master these sentences: be doing sth 2.The targets of emotion: To love the living surrounding.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can describe the other ‗s actions.retell the story Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Learn to sing a song

Use the cards to go over the new dialogue Game—Quick response Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T :Let‘s listen and repeat the story together

Show the new words ,requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.Step3 Practice 1)Show the pictures

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialog

ue by themselves

2)Listen and repeat ,leads reading 3)Listen and imitation Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out A: Sports meeting ,the children are watching the athelets.They‘re talking about the sports.2)Estimation 3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue, copy the new words Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Learn to sing a song Main points : The new words and sentences, the English song Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions;learn to sing the song Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up Greetings.Go over the four-skill words

Play a game – magic eyes 3.Use the cards to go over the new dialogue ,and make sentences with the present time ,they are required not to make the same sentences 4.Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to read the words ,and try to say the words 2.ow the new words ,leads reading ,and learn to sing the song.3.Listen to tape and follow it ,sing the song together Step3 Practice 1)Part F Explain the situation for the class(The children want to see a film , requires pupils to find out how the children reach the cinema)2)Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book.Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Unit2 It‘s a circle

Period 1 Teaching targets.1. The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: wake up, make the bed, wave, I‘m late 2)Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time)2. The targets of skills: 1)Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can understand the sentence structure.3.The targets of emotion: To form the health living habit Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point:sb do(does)sth at some time.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Learn to sing a song-London Bridge is falling down 3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Guess ,guess, guess 4.Retell the story—Unit 1

Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : You‘re very good.You are all good pupils.And Katie ia a good pupil too.Everyone likes her.She is never late for school.She always gets up early every day.Then she makes bed.after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye.T says the sentences and does the actions to helps pupils to understand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.According to the words ,sk some questions and requires pupils to answer the questions.T: Do you get up early everyday?… 2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher,leads reading 4.Look and say: High and low voice Step3 Fast reading and listening Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What time does Katie‘s father leave for work?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to read the dialogue by themselves 2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing

1)Reading the dialogue carefully 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Consolidate these new words 2)Can master these sentence structure: sb do(does)sth every day 2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentences.Difficult point: Can use the present time of the third person Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Say something about your daily life Step2 Presentation and drill Show the new words : always ,often , usually ,never Requires the pupils to read ,go over the words.Teacher explin the grammar for the pupils.Eg.Katie always get up early.Notes: always表示―老是,总是,一直‖与never相对 Never表示―永不,决不,从来没有‖ Often表示―常常,时常,通常‖ Usually表示―惯常地,通常地‖ Step3 Practice 1)Part D 1)ractice in pairs,according to the form to say something about Peter‘s day.2)Group work Step4 Consolidation always often usually never Makes breakfast for family Washes clothes in the morning Cooks dinner for the hildren ….1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2)Can finish Part E Main points : The new words and sentences

Difficult point: Can describe the other‘s actions ,make differences between ―always,never,often,usually‖ Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Go over the four-skill words Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Explain the sentences for the class ,then requires the pupils to communicate with others ,according to the information in the form.2.Part E Listen to the tape and requires them to finish Part E,check the answers.3.Listen to tape and follow it

4.Requires the pupils to find the answers ,say their answers first ,then write down on the book.Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out

2)Estimation Notes:

Unit3 Look at this elephant

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: underwater world , picnic, library,science story 2)Learn these sentences: sb do sth at some time(the third time)2.The targets of skills: 1)Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can understand the sentence structure: the imperative sentence Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence 3.The targets of emotion: Can describe person‘s willing with the imperative sentence Main points :The new words and the imperative sentence.Difficult point: Let‘s do sth.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T : Hello ,boys and girls.I don‘t feel happy today ,can you guess why? Requires the pupils to guess the reasons.Ss: …

T :Let me tell you , My new watch missing yesterday(show a watch)I want to go to the library to read the science stories ,but my friend told me it was not open.I want to the park for a pinic,but my friend wanted to go to the shopping center.Say the words and show the cards ,helps pupils to understand the meanings.learn the new words Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Patting flies.3.Leads reading the words,and requires the pupils to act as a little teacher, leads reading Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Where did the go?

T introduces the situation and requires the pupils to find the answer.2)Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive doing 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then finish the form pople Suggestions Peter Go to the Underwater World

Ling ling Go to the park for a picnic/go to the shopping center Mingming Go to the library Anne Go to the beach Results Too late to go out 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)According to the form,retell the story Finish patC ,then listen and repeat Step5 Consolidation Require the pupils to act it out Estimation s Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these sentence structure: the imperative sentence 2)Can retell the story

2.The targets of emotion: To love the life.Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can use the imperative sentence Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.sing a song

3.Use the cards to go over the words Game—Golden finger Look at the picture and retell the dailogue Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T:Ok,you ‗ve done a good job.today is very hot,I feel very thirsty.Are you thirsty now?I want to have some water Hmm,I‘m not thirsty.But I don‘t have breakfast ,I feel hungry… Lead the pupils to say :Let‘s go to the hospital!2.Do and say(Game)Game—Making friend Hot thirsty bored hungry happy sick Restaurant swimming pool , cinema park hospital cafe Step3 Practice 1.Part D

1)Finish Pard D 2)Group work: Have a competition

Put the cards into a box ,requires pupils to choose one card ,and make a sentence Eg:hot I feel hot ,I want to the swimming pool Step4 Consolidation Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discuss where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill word, text,grammar 2)Can finish Part E,F Main points : To consolidate the grammar Difficult point: To improve the ability of speaking Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song

Game –Guess,guess,guess Choose a card and do the action, requires pupils to guess Step2 Presentation and drill T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

Have a free talk with their partners Game—Quick response T says the name of the place ,requires the pupils to say the activity which we can have Eg: S1:Cinema S2:See a film …

Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Unit4 These are flowers

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: egg yolk , grapes, tea , mooncake 2)Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1)Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can tell the story and understand some traditional festive culture 3.The targets of emotion: Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story.Teaching method and Learning way: CAI Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.3.Retell or act out the Unit2 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : mooncake ,eggyolk ,grapes

T: I‘m hungry ,I want to eat this after class.Do you know what it is?

Lead the pupils to answer like this: It‘s a mooncake

Write the word and lead reading : mooncake , the Mid-Autumn Festive , eggyolk , grapes Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Magic eyes.3.Game –Brain storn Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question How could Chang‘e fly to the moon? 2.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Why did Chang‘e take the magic medicine? What did shi bring with her to the moon? Was Chang‘e happy on the moon?

How did people celebrate Mid—Autumn Festive? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation

Show the picture about the story ,and give them the key words ,retell the story Estimations

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master these words and phrases: shall,except ,each other 2)Canact out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To understand the festive culture of traditional festive Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words Step2 Presentation and drill T put an ornament of Chang‘e

T: I want to fly to the moon,I shall take this medicine Help pupils to understand the meaning

T: I feel so lonely here.There is no one except the rabbit and me.I miss my husband.We miss each other very much.2.Learn to say the new words 3.Require the class to estimate the teacher‘s performance 4.Read the story ,then act out the story(three pupils as a group)Step3 Practice 1.Game--Brain storm Game—Little actor Step4 Consolidation 1)Make a stuation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Discuss where do you want to go ,take a note 2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words Can sing the song:Do Re Mi To cultivate the pupils‘ patriotism, to promote their culture knowleage

Main points : To consolidate the words and can sing the song :Do Re Mi

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song Game – Make friends Choose a card put the cards to the stickers Step2 Presentation and drill 1.T: I want to buy some milk ,where can I go? S: You can go to the supermarket T: I wan to see a football game ,where can I go? S: You can go to the stadium …

2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out 2)Estimation Notes:

Unit5 I like noodles

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:living room,phone,loudly,noisly,quietly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1)Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can use the adv.skillfully 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of good-manners ,to help students to form the habit of good behavior Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story.Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Do Re Mi 3.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : living room,phone,loudly,noisily,quietly T: Who are they?They are my friends,Lingling and Dongdong,Do you know where they were yesterday?They were in my home.T describes the situation vividly, lead the pupils to understand with exaggerational countenance and objects.T:…

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.)Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question What ‗s the weather like today?

Why can‘t Mrs.Chen hear herfriend on the phone? 2.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily

3.Listen and imitation(Ask the pupils to find the adv.And draw out)Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Who is Mrs.Chen talking to? What are the children doing in the living room? How is Dongdong playing?

Who is talking louding? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue 3)Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form it Rain heavily outside Lingling and Dongdong Play noisily in the living room Mrs.Chen Talk not clearly on the phone Dongdong Play noisily Lingling Talk loudly Lingling and dongdong Play quietly in the bedroom Estimations Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.:slowly,quickly,softly 2)Can act out the story 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points :The new words and sentence structure.Difficult point: Can act out the story Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Use the cards to go over the words 3.Game—Quick response 4.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill Countiue the game,lead in the new words T walks slowly, guides the pupils to describe the teacher‘s action:The teacher is walking slowly Help pupils to understand the meaning,learn to say the words 2.Learn to say the other new words:softly,speak;Play a game—Singing different tune T: Speak slowly Ss:Speak quickly …… Step3 Practice 1.Part D Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures oraly.Step4 Consolidation 1)Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different

speaking speed ,to edify the students to express their willings politely)2)Estimation

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively 3)Can enhance the interestings of learning English Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill

PartE T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners Step3 Practice Requires the students to express :what is..doing PartF T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing Step4Consolidation Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, choose some to act it out Situation: one morning ,you and your friend go to the park,you see many people are doing morning exercises ,you are talking about it 2)Estimation


Unit6 turn right!

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: Learn these new words: week,worried,scared,measure,weigh, Heavy,light 2)Can understand and retell the text 2.The targets of skills: To improve the skills of listening ,speaking ,reading and writing To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the physique education Main points :Understand the story and retell it.Difficult point: Retell the story ,the method of special question Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Perform the song :Row your boat Use the cards to go over the words Game—Magic eye

Game—What‘s missing 4.Retell or act out the Unit4 Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : week, worried, scared, measure, weigh, Heavy, light T show a phote of baby(a student‘s phote).T:Look,he is one of our classmate.He looked very weak Write the word and lead reading the new word ,explain the words for the students.T: his mother measured him,and he was only 90centimetres,his mother weighed him,he wad only 12 kilogrammers.Use the same way to learn the other words Lead reading the words and check the results.Show another photo

T: Look,he grows fast.Who is he? Do you know?(point out the pupil)T: Is he light now? Ss: No ,he is heavy Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.3.Game –Look and say(Consolidate the adv.)Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question

T: This is Peter ,he is weak,his mother is worried about him,what‘s the matter with him?Let‘s read the text quickly and try to answer How did Peter feel when he saw the doctor? Was the doctor friendly?what did he do? 2.To help the pupils to understand the word: scared Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully, hen answer the following questions: Where did Peter go? Why did Peter go there? How old was he? How tall(heavy)was he? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Choose one picture to retell the story Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form Estimation(评价)Estimate the performance of the pupils‘, conform and encourage,to filter their potential of learning English Notes:

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the sentence structure 2)Can improve the skills of learning English 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points :To master the special question of questioning the other‘s basic situation

Difficult point:To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song:Row your boat 3.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue,have a match Step2 Presentation and drill Introduce a new friend T:Today ,I‘llintroduce you a new friend,please ask him some quedtions.ok? Ss:OK!T:My name is Sun Wukong Ss:How old are you ?

T:I‘m very old.Ss:…

2.Play a game—Quick renponse Step3 Practice 1.Part D Devide into groups,requires the groups to describe the pictures orally.Finish writing exercises ,(can discuss by groups)Step4 Consolidation 1)Free talk(The teacher introduce herself in English with different speaking speed ,to edify the students to express their willings politely)2)Estimation

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Go over these four-skill words 2)Can advance the ability of performing language comprehensively Main points : To consolidate the words

Difficult point: Read and understand the text ,to grasp the divergence of east-west culture

Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Go over the words Requires threestudents to play game,one puts up a word(verb),another put up a word(adv.),the others make a sentence with the two words 4.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill PartE T points to the Mrs.Zhao T: Who is she? Ss:She is Mrs.Zhao T: What is she doing? Answer: She is dancing happily 2.Use the same way to learn another words:politely,carefully 2.Have a free talk with their partners 3.Game—Quick response Step3 Practice Requires the students to express :what is..doing PartF

T:What are they doing ? 3.Listen and sing Step4Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, 2)Estimation


Unit7 Whose is this?

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:foolishi,bull,horn,kill,rbbed,idea,ugly Learn to tell the story.2.The targets of skills: 1)Can understand the four –skill words.2)Can use the sentence structure:These horns are too big to express the feature of the things 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to believe bad-man easily Main points :Understand the story and use the sentence structure:Th

ese horns are too big to express the feature of the things Difficult point: Retell the story.Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song.Row your boat Game—Making friends Teacher puts the word cards on the Bb,requires the students to collocate into suitable phrases Beatuful, fat, tiger, pig, squirrel, tall, elephant, bird, strong, big, giraffe, small, monkey, naughty Step2 Presentation and drill Learn the new words:kill and foolish 1)Show a picture,a little with a bat in her hand T: What does she want to do? Help the pupils to answer like this:She wants to kill the fly.Write down the word and lead reading T:Can she kill the fly? Ss:No,she can‘t ,she is foolish

Write the word and lead reading the new words,explain the words for the students.Lead reading the words and check the results.2.Use the same way to learn the other words: bull, horn Step3 Fast reading and listening T: What do you think of the horns Ss: They are small.T: Yes, they are small, they are too small for the bull, Why are the bull‘s horns so small?

2.Read the dialogue quickly , then answer the following question Why are the bull‘s horns so small?

3.To help the pupils to understand the word: heavily Step4 Intensive reading 1)Reading the dialogue carefully,then answer the following questions: Where was the bull? What did the lion wan to do to the bull? What the lion say to the bull? What did the bull do? 2)Listen and repeat the dialogue Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form(six elements of a narration)time Long,long again place In a field characters A lion and a bull

reason The lion was hungry course the lion wants to eat the bull the horns are too big rubbed his horns against the tree smaller than the lion‘s ears

result The lion jumped on the bull and killed it

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the adv.: too,just 2)Can use the adv.:too and just to discuss things 2.The targets of emotion: To filter their interestings of learning English Main points : Can use the adv.:too and just to discuss things Difficult point: To perceive the structure of sentence pattern:They are too small Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.Game—Linked heart T showa some words(foolish,bull,kill,rubbed,horns,idea)choose two

pupils to take one word ,and remember in the heart ,the other pupils to guess which word the student choose Free talk

T:Are the bull‘s horns too big? Ss:No, they aren‘t

T:Why did the lion say that the bull‘s horns are too big? Ss:Because the lion wanted to kill the bull ….4.Look at the picture and retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill PartD Lead in the new dialogue,learn the sentence pattern T:Yseaterday was my birthday,my father /mother/husband just came back from Beijing,he/she bought some clothes for me,look,here they are(show a clothes)Doyou think it is ok for me?I don‘t think so,I think it is too big for me.Do you think so? Learn to say :It is too big T:Look ,what do you think of this one? Ss:It‘s too small T: Yes ,I think so,I can‘t wear id ,it is too small.(show another one)T:Look this one ,what do you think of this one?

Ss:It‘s just right for you

Learn to say this sentence:It‘s just right for you.3:Finish partC Step3 Practice 1.Requires the pupils to make sentences with:it is too… T writes down the pupils‘ sentences

Clean one part of the sentences,ask pupils to add the last part KING OF REMEMBER Step4 Consolidation Free talk

Situation:MissLi is doing shopping in a supermarket ,she is satisfied with a sweater,she wants to try it one.2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1`)To practice the usage of too 2)Can advance the ability of listening Main points : To practice the usage of too Difficult point: Understand a story by listening the story

Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Free talk and performance Step2 Presentation and drill T shows a jacket T: Can you wear this jacket? Ss:No,I can not.It‘s too small Write down the dialogue S1:Can you wear the jacket S2:No,I can not ,it‘s too small.Can you wear this pyjamas? Step3 Practice PartF Pair work,discuss the pictures,finish the exercise The bos is 500kg,I can‘t lift it,It is too heavy I can not wear this pair of trousers.They are too long.I can‘t drink this tea,it‘s too hot

The toy car is 500yuan ,I can‘t buy it ,it‘s too expensive Step4Consolidation 1.PartF Look and answer the questions

What do you learn from picture4 What do you learn from picture6 What do you learn from picture7 Listen and arrenage 2.Retell the story Notes:

Unit8 She wears a white and black sweater

Period 1 Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words:garden ,hole,pleased,small,bigger,angry 2)Can understand and retell the text 2.The targets of skills: To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To educate the pupils not to bully the small and weak Main points : To improve the usage of adjective comparative degree Difficult point: Understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing the song :Row your boat Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : 1)T show a picture of a garden

T:Look,what ‗s this ? Ss:It‘s a garden

Learn to say the word:garden 2)T points to the hole T:Look,what ‗s this ? Ss:It‘s a hole

Learn to say the word:hole 3)T:Why are the birds looking at the hole? Encourage the pupils to elaborate their imagination,answer the question.Use the same way to learn the other words:smaller ,bigger Lead reading the words and check the results.4)T: Is he angry? Ss: Yes ,he is.Learn the new words,lead reading the topic sentence and the words.Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question Whose singing is louder ? Whose singing does the girl like better? 2.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the

food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird.1)Reading the dialogue carefully, then answer the following questions: Where did the birds live? What did the two birds look like? What happened to the smaller birds? Who gave food to the birds? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Finish Part C Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,finish the following form TIME Long,long again PLACE In a garden CHARACTER A smaller bird,a bigger bird,a girl REASON …… COURSE …….RESULT …… Estimation(评价)

Period 2 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree 2)Can use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Main points : Use the adjective comparative degree to compara two things Difficult point: The form of the adjective comparative degree Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song

3.Look at the picture and retell the text:the horns are too big Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is thin,one is fat)T: S1 is fatter than S2,S2 is thinner thanS1 Learn to say the new words:thinner ,fatter Requires the pupils to come to the Bb(one is taller,one is shorter)T: S1 is shorter than S2,S2 is taller thanS1 Learn to say the new words: taller ,shorter Step3 Practice 1.Part D

Finish writing exercises ,(can discuss by groups)2.Require two pupils to come to the Bb,ask the other to describe their classmates Step4 Consolidation Free talk(survey your classmates‘ birthday, height,weight ,fill in the form,then give a report)names birthday height weight Anne … … 2)Estimation Notes:

Period 3 Teaching targets.1)Can master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree 2)Can use the adjective comparative degree to write a short paragraph Main points : Master and perform the form of the adjective comparative degree Difficult point: Use the adjective comparative degree to write a short paragraph

Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 3.Retell the story Step2 Presentation and drill 1.PartE T shows a long and s short ruler T: My ruler is longer than yours Learn to say the word :longer T shows two books at different prices T: This book is cheaper than that book Learn the word:cheaper 2.Use the same way to learn another word:older 3.Sum up: A is/are + adjective comparative degree + than B Step3 Practice 1.PartE 1)Two students to discuss the pictures 2)Finish writing exercise Step4Consolidation 1)Make a situation and have a dialogue with their partners, 2)Estimation


Unit9 It‘s one hundred

Period 1

Teaching targets.1.The target of knowledge: 1)Learn these new words: turns,pick up,put dwon,shout at 2)Retell the story with the development order of a story 2.The targets of skills: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively 3.The targets of emotion: To filter the education of loving nature and protecting animals Main points : To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do Difficult point: To perceive the Simple Future Tense: be going to do Teaching Process: Step 1 Warming up

1.Greetings.Quick response Teacher give an order ,the pupils take a response and do the actions T:We are going to play a game ,you are going to do as I ask you to ready? Put up your hands,put down your hands Turn left, turn right …

Step2 Presentation and drill 1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words : T: Put down your hands ,your legs and listen to me.T does the actions ,help the pupils to understand the word T:Oh, bad luck!Can you help me pick them up? Ask a student to pick up the chalks T: Look,he is picking up the chalks ,thanks!Learn to say the phrases: put down , pick up Listen and repeat Step3 Fast reading and listening 1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question T:Please read the passage as fast as you can ,you are going to answer the following questions Where are Lingling and Dongdong ? What is Dongdong going to do?.Listen and imitation Step4 Intensive reading Help the pupils to understand the sentence pattern:…ate most of the food ,leaving only a little for the smaller bird.1)Reading the dialogue carefully, then answer the following questions: What is Lingling looking at? What is Lingling going to do when she turns to look at Dongdong look at? Do you like Lingling ?Why ? 2)Listen and answer the questions 3)Finish Part C Step5 Consolidation Retell the story,according to the following form Lingling Looks at the monkey Is going to shout at Is going to take form…and scold
