NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity has boldly gone where no rover has gone before―at least in terms of distance. ____1____
On July 27, after years of moving about on Martian ground, the golf-cart-sized Opportunity had driven more than 24 miles, beating the previous record holder―a Soviet rover sent to the moon in 1973.
“This is so remarkable considering Opportunity was intended to drive about 1 kilometer and was never designed for distance,” says John Callas, the Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager.
____2____ “But what is really importantly is not how many miles the rover has racked up, but how much exploration and discovery we have accomplished over that distance.”
The solar-powered Opportunity and its twin rover, Spirit, landed on Mars 10 years ago on a mission expected to last 3 months. ____3____
Spirit stopped communicating with Earth in March , a few months after it got stuck in a sand pit. But Opportunity has continued to collect and analyze Martian soil and rocks.
During its mission, Opportunity has captured, and sent back to Earth, some 187,000 panoramic and microscopic images of Mars with its cameras. ____4____
The rover doesn’t seem to be ready to stop just yet. If Opportunity can continue on, it will reach another major investigation site when its odometer hits 26.2 miles. ____5____
Researchers believe that clay minerals exposed near Marathon Valley could hold clues to Mars’s ancient environment1. Opportunity’s continuing travels will also help researchers as they plan for an eventual human mission to the Red Planet.
Mars rover n. 火星车
panoramic adj. 全景的
odometer n. 里程计
rack up v. 积累
microscopic adj. 微观的
A It has also provided scientists with data on the planet’s atmosphere, soil, rocks, and terrain.
B He works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
C Scientists call this site Marathon Valley, because when the rover reaches the area, it will have traveled the same distance as the length of a marathon since its arrival on Mars.
D Opportunity has been working on Mars since January .
E The objective of the rovers was to help scientists learn more about the planet and to search for signs of life,such as the possible presence of water.
F Since arriving on the Red Planet in 2004, Opportunity has traveled 25.01 miles, more than any other wheeled vehicle has on another world.
1.F 前文讲“机遇号”在距离上比之前的任何漫游车行进的距离都长,因此接下来应该讨论关于行进距离的问题。
2.B 前文引入了一个新人物John Callas,而后文是他说的一些话,因此这里应该填写的内容是对这个人的进一步介绍。
3.E 前文讲了同时被送入太空的两台漫游车“机遇号”和“勇气号”,因此下文应该对它们的情况进行介绍,而关于发射目的的介绍在这里是合适的。
4.A 前文讲到“机遇号”给地面传回了许多照片,而选项A中讲到它还给地面传回了许多其他信息,在这里是一致的。
短文改错是一项测试考生的判断力、观察力、纠错力等语言基础知识及综合运用能力的题型, 在满分为150分的高考英语中占有10分的比重, 主要针对考生在英语学习过程中, 尤其是写作练习中常犯的错误而设计。在短文改错题的解题中, 只有掌握了其中的技巧, 才能在短时间内完成测试任务。
自1986年高考英语设立短文改错题型以来, 试题结构的基本没什么变化, 即十项判断, 其中无错误判断1题, 有错误判断9题。在有错误判断的9题中, 多词删除1~2题, 漏词补全1~2题, 其余均为纠错题。综观短文改错所考查的知识点不外乎以下几点:时态、词法、句法、语篇结构、行文逻辑等, 涉及名词、冠词、代词、介词、形容词、副词、连词、动词时态、动词语态、非谓语动词、主谓一致等语法知识。下面进行逐个讲解, 各个击破。
(一) 注意时态
英语的时态使英语与汉语在表达方式上有很大区别, 因而是命题者热衷出题的内容。一篇结构完整的短文中, 时态的使用应该是连贯一致的, 所以在看到短文的第一眼就应该把握住整个短文的基本时态, 是一般时还是过去时。之后如果句子中出现与基本时态不一致的情况时, 就需要多加注意, 看是否出现了问题。
如:High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon.The hole became bigger and bigger.全篇使用过去时态, 故discover应改为discovered。当然不是所有不一致的情况都意味着错误, 直接引语等情况也会引起句子时态的变化。
(二) 关注词法
首先, 词法中最常见的就是名词的单复数的问题。这就要求考生有很强的数的概念, 能分清常见名词数的特性, 可数与不可数、单数和复数。错误特征往往表现在不可数名词加复数, 该用可数名词单数的地方用成了复数, 或者该用复数形式却用了单数。
如:The day before the speech contest English teacher talked to me.She said that she and my schoolmate all... (NMET 2000)
schoolmate是可数名词, 需要改成schoolmates。数的问题还比较有可能出现在一个长句中, 从近几年考试题来看, 短文改错的句子平均长度趋于平稳, 但几乎都有一个长达20多个词的句子。很多考生看到长句在心理上就产生了胆怯感, 以致于找不出错误。出现这种情况应沉下心来, 仔细阅读句子, 找出句子的主干和结构, 分辨清楚修饰词到底是修饰哪个成份的, 这样就可以知晓是用单数还是复数。与之密切相关的还有清楚哪些是不可数名词, 以及一些名词复数的特别形式。
其次, 还有动词的前后一致问题, 动词的在句中的形式通常是由时态或者主语的单复数决定, 我们在上面的讨论对此已经有所涉及, 需要注意的是一些动词短语的固定搭配, 如take off, se about, put up with, look forward to, keep up with等。
如:NMET2002 (春) 85题“But he is difference now…”中的difference很明显应改为different。根据历年的高考试题, 有些单词在改错中出现的频率较高, 同学们在遇到以下的单词时需要留意, noise/noisy/noisily, patience/patient/patiently, honesty/honest/honestly, pride/proud/proudly, anger/angry/angrily。
(三) 语篇结构与行文逻辑
行文逻辑也叫做上下文连接问题, 通常情况下是根据上下文, 应该用肯定的语气却用了否定, 或者应该用否定的时候却用了肯定。这方面的错误查找应从文章整体内容出发, 通篇考虑, 以“行”为单位是难以发现这种错误的。逻辑不一致主要是由肯定与否定、关联词语以及动词 (如come与go, take与bring) 的误用造成, 应多从这方面去查找。
如:We tried to fix it and there was nothing we could do. (NMET1991)
根据行文逻辑, 表示并列关系的and应改为表示转折关系的but。
针对短文改错出现的问题, 同学们可在平常的学习中注意一些学习方法以优化解题策略。
(一) 加强针对性训练, 达到熟能生巧的目的
题做多了, 题感就出来了, “火眼金睛”也就基本上练出来了, 一些小错误在读题的时候就难逃同学们的法眼了。除了多做改错专项练习外, 也要做与短文改错题型相关的其他练习。比如:在平时写作过程中就要十分注意自己容易犯的语法错误。善于总结一些错误类型并加以强化, 提高纠错水平。还可以通过看其他同学的习作, 欣赏的同时也可有意识地进行一下“改错”。
(二) 阅读课外读物, 熟悉英语国家习俗
对英语国家的一些风俗习惯及文化背景有一定的了解, 很多短文改错包括阅读理解、听力的材料都与这些有关。而掌握了这些背景知识对于做这些题的作用是非常大的, 起到了很好的辅垫作用, 所以, 常阅读是英语学习的一个根本途径。
(三) 朗读课文, 培养良好语感
教材是命题的依据, 试题总是紧扣教材范围以内的知识的。分析近年来的试题覆盖面, 会发现试题所涉及的词法、语法及句型的考查, 都未超出中学英语教学大纲及教材的范围。所以熟读对话、课文, 形成良好的语感对于提高判断与校正能力将会有很大的作用。往往在解读试题的过程中, 凭着通过朗读而形成的良好的语感, 你会对某行中的某处感到别扭, 不顺口, 尽管有时你还不一定能用语法术语来解释, 但直观的语感会让你觉得必须改动其中某一个词, 或添加或删除一个词, 这样读起来才顺口。这就是良好的语感帮助发现错误并进行纠正。
[1]宋卫民.高考英语短文改错题型的“去留”[J].教学与管理.2007 (11)
[2]邹申, 杨任明.简明英语测试教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2007
?A very important world problem-in fact, I am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world problems________(1) _________-is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.
This enormous increase of population will create immense problems. By A.D., unless something desperate happens, there will be as many as 7,000,000,000 people on the surface of the earth! So this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime
Why is this enormous increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of _________ (2)_______. You have heard of Birth Control? Death Control is something rather different. Death Control recognizes the work of the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals and the health services in keeping alive people who,_____(3)_____, Would have died of some of the incredibly serious killing diseases , as they used to do. Squalid conditions, which we can remedy by an improved standard of living, caused a lot of disease and dirt. Medical examinations at school catch diseases early and ensure healthier school children. Scientists are at work stamping out malaria and other more deadly diseases. If you are seriously ill there is an ambulance to take you to a modern hospital. Medical care helps _____(4)______. We used to think seventy was a good age; now eighty, ninety, it may be , are coming to be recognized as a normal age for human beings. People are living longer because of this Death Control, and _____(5)_____, so the population of the world is shooting up.
A fewer children are dying
B a few years ago
C what is coming to be called Death Control
D which face us at the present time
E making it possible for people to live longer
F to keep people alive longer
②先看短文后A-F 6个句子。
特定词和关联词主要有:1.“连同、一起”,2.表时间的介词 3.代词,4.定冠词5.“the+名词” 6.复数人称代词7.单数人称代词 8.固定搭配:neither„nor,either„or, not only„but also等。
9、other, another 关联词为the+名词,前一句会出现the 后的名词。 关联词为the second,前一句会出现the first。 关联词为they, 上一句会出现复数名词。
重点词意思是”连同、一起”,说明重点词后的单词会在横线前一句出现。 重点词是表时间的介词,说明重点词后的单词会在横线前一句出现
重点词是代词,说明横线前会出现与重点词相应单复数的人称代词或名词 4.重点词是定冠词,说明横线前会出现重点词后的词
“the +名词”作主语,说明上一句有此名词,或下一句会出现it(单数)或they(复数)
如果是复数人称代词,表示其指代复数名词,之前出现过复数名词或相应人称代词。 如果是单数人称代词,表示其指代单数名词,之前出现过单数名词或相应人称代词。 固定搭配:neither„nor,either„or, not only„but also等。 重点词是other, another等,说明横线前有与之相对应的情况。
a)细节句可能是答案尤其是涉及到数字的选项是答案 b)涉及到篇章逻辑连词副词可能是答案; c)最长项必是选项,EF常是选项; d)细节句常接连出现。
第六部分:完型填空 1)出题特点:
a)各自独立,绝大多数出现在划定篇幅中,偶有从阅读理解中出题的可能性。b)文章有改变,特别是空格移位现象多见。选项变化时宜查词典与原来答案同意词就是答案。完形填空的换空率接近50% c)个别级别,特别是阅读押两道题者,有做为完型填空的可能性。2.要求:①以押题为重点。
Theatmosphere of the early Earth probably contained gases still abundant today onother planets in the solar system. Chemists have experimentally reconstructedthese ancientconditions in the laboratory. If plausible gases are mixed in aflask with water, and energy is added by an electric discharge (simulatedlightning), organic substances are spontaneously synthesized. These include thebuilding blocks of RNA and DNA. It seems probable that something like thishappened on the early Earth. Consequently, the sea would have become a “soup” of prebiological organiccompounds. (22)――――.
Today themost famous self?replicating molecule is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), but it is widelythought that DNA itself could not have been present at the origin of life becauseits replication is too dependent on support from specialized machinery, whichcould not have been available before evolution itself began. DNA has beendescribed as a “high?tech” molecule which probably arose some time after the origin of life itself.Perhaps the related molecule RNA, which still plays various vital roles inliving cells, was the original self?replicating molecule. Or perhapsthe primordial replicator was a different kind of molecule altogether. (23) ――――. Variants that were particularlygood at replication would automatically have come to predominate in theprimeval soup. Varieties that did not replicate, or that did so inaccurately,would have become relatively less numerous. This led to ever?increasing efficiency amongreplicating molecules.
As thecompetition between replicating molecules warmed up, success must have gone tothe ones that happened to hit upon special tricks or devices for their own self?preservation and their own rapidreplication. The rest of evolution may be regarded as a continuation of thenatural selection of replicator molecules, now called genes, by virtue of theircapacity to build for themselves efficient devices (cells and multicellularbodies) for their own preservation and reproduction. (24)――――.
Fossilswere not laid down on more than a small scale until the Cambrian era, nearly600 million years ago. The first vertebrates may date back 530 million years,according to fossil evidence―primitive, jawless fishes with fins, gills, and fish?like muscle patterns―found in China in 1999.Vertebrates appear abundantly in fossil beds between 300 and 400 million yearsago. (25)――――. Mammals and, later, birds, arose from two different branches ofreptiles. The rapid divergence of mammals into the rich variety of types thatwe see today, from opossums to elephants, from anteaters to monkeys, seems tohave been unleashed into the vacuum left by the catastrophic extinction of thedinosaurs, 65 million years ago.
[A]Among vertebrates, the land was first colonized by lobe?finned and lung?bearing fish about 250 millionyears ago, then by amphibians and, in more thoroughgoing fashion, by variouskinds of animals that we loosely lump together as “reptiles”.
[B] Onceself?replicating molecules had been formed by chance, something like Darwiniannatural selection could have begun: variation would have come into thepopulation because of random errors in copying.
[C] Itis not enough, of course, that organic molecules appeared in the primeval soup.The crucial step, as noted above, was the origin of self?replicating molecules, moleculescapable of copying themselves.
[D]Although we naturally emphasize the evolution of our own kind―the vertebrates, the mammals, andthe primates―these constitute only a small branch of the great tree of life.
[E]Whenthe environment changes, or when organisms move to a different environment,different variations are selected, leading eventually to different species.Harmful mutations usually die out quickly, so they don?t interfere with the process ofbeneficial mutations accumulating.
[F]Three thousand million years is a long time, and it seems to have been longenough to have produced such astonishingly complex contrivances as thevertebrate body and the insect body.
[G]Sometime between these two dates―independent molecular evidence suggests about 4,000 million years ago―that mysterious event, the originof life, must have occurred.[748 words]
by/in virtue of 凭借(某种手段);由于,因为例:He was exempt from charges by virtue of his youth/of being so young.他因年幼而获得免费. / She became a British citizenby virtue of her marriage.她借助婚姻成了英国公民。
extinction n.[U] *①(物种)灭绝,绝种例:be threatened with extinction濒临灭绝②(信仰、生活方式等)遭毁灭,消失,消亡
hiton/upon ①(经长时间考虑后)突然想出(好主意)例:In this way we hit upon over 20useful methods of work.就这样我们想出了20多种有用的工作方法。 *②偶然发现(某物)例: At last she hit upon a room thatsuited them nicely.最后她找到了一间适合他们使用的房间。
in morethoroughgoing fashion以更彻底的方式;in a... fashion以……方式例:Leave thebuilding in an orderly fashion.要有秩序地走出楼去。
interferewith *①妨碍,打扰例:Don?t allow pleasure to interfere withduty.不要让娱乐妨碍了职责。②干扰(广播或电视播送)
lay down ①放下(武器等)例:The general told the troops to laydown their arms.将军命令部队放下武器。②[常用被动态](正式地或坚决地)阐述,声明,规定例:It is laid down that allapplicants must sit a written exam.根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试。③开始建造;开始做(奠基性的工作)例:Crick and Watson laid down thefoundations of modern genetic research.克里克和沃森为现代遗传学研究奠定了基础。 *④ (化石、地层等的)沉积形成
anteater n.食蚁兽, 食蚁动物
contrivance n. *①发明,发明物,发明的才能②计谋,诡计
DNA 脱氧核糖核酸,deoxyribonucleic acid的缩写,指细胞核内携带基因信息的物质,具有双螺旋结构
gill n. *①鱼鳃②(蘑菇或其他菌类的)菌褶
lobe n. *①(生物身体上的)肉垂,圆形的突出物②(=earlobe)耳垂③(尤指脑、肺等的)叶
mutation n.(动物、植物的)突变,变异
opossum n. 尾有卷握力的小有袋动物,负鼠
primeval a. *①太古的,太初的(地球或宇宙存在的最早期)②原始的,远古的例:a primeval forest一片原始森林
primordial a. *①太古的,太初的,自原始时代的例:primordial soup原生浆液(地球上生命开始之前存在的物质、气体等混合物)②形式最简单的,基本的例:primordial passions最基本的情感
RNA 核糖核酸,ribonucleic acid的缩写,指存在于生物细胞以及部分病毒、类病毒中的遗传信息载体,将DNA携带的遗传信息转移至蛋白质中,并参与其他细胞内的化学反应
self?replicating a. 自我复制的
synthesized a. ①组合的,综合的 *②人工合成的
vertebrate n. 脊椎动物
Today the mostfamous self?replicating molecule is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), but it is widelythought that DNA itself could not have been present at the origin of lifebecause its replication is too dependent on support from specialized machinery,which could not have been available before evolution itself began.
该句是一个由but连接的并列句。前一个分句较简单,主干为The most famous self?replicating molecule is DNA... 。后一个分句结构复杂,嵌套了多层从句,其主干是it is widely thought that...;it为形式主语,真主语是that引导的从句;because引导了一个较长的原因状语从句,其中又嵌套了which...非限定性定语从句做 machinery 的后置定语;from... 介词短语后置修饰support。
第一段内容概括:前三句利用时间线索从地球的形成(the Earth was formed)和生命的兴起(life had arisen),引出生命的起源(the origin of life)这一话题。第三句([G])起承上启下的作用,其中these two dates回指上文提到的两个时间;the origin of life与下文末句中的“关键是自我复制实体即基因的出现(the key was the spontaneousarising of self?replicating entities)”在内容上相呼应。末句提出了全文论述的对象――自我复制实体。
连贯性:前三句句首的时间状语(分别为between 5,000 million and 4,000 million years ago, by 3,000 million yearsago, some time between these two dates)相互呼应,是段内句子间连贯性的明显体现。
第二段内容概括:通过介绍生命起源的模拟实验,说明自我复制分子出现的条件。该段内容分为两个部分。第一部分是前四句,围绕“生命起源实验”展开论述。首句指出了进行实验的条件:原始地球大气中的气体现在仍然存在(the atmosphere of the early Earthcontained gases still abundant today)。二至四句具体介绍化学家模拟原始大气状况进行生命起源的实验(reconstructed these ancientconditions in the laboratory),包括实验的材料(gases, water, energy)和结果(organic substances are synthesized)。第二部分是后四句,介绍自我复制分子的出现。第五、六句推理原始地球上出现了模拟实验中发生的情况(something like this happened onthe early Earth):原始海洋成为生命起源以前有机化合物汇集的地方(a “soup” of prebiological organiccompounds)。第七、八句([C])转折指出,但更重要的不是有机分子的产生,而是自我复制分子的出现(the origin of self?replicating molecules)。末句中的self?replicating molecules与第一段末句中的self?replicating entities是同一主题词的复现,达到语篇上下衔接。
连贯性:①同义复现关系和代词的使用是段内连贯性的体现。同义词复现:early与ancient;organic substances、organic compounds和organic molecules;a soup of... 与the primeval soup。第四句中these指代上文提到的organic substances。②本段末句中the crucial step、self?replicating molecules分别与第一段末句中的the key和self?replicating entities是同义复现关系。跨越不同段落的同义复现关系是段落间连贯性的体现。③表假设的if是句内连贯性的体现。表结果的consequently是句与句之间的衔接手段。第七句承上启下,保证段内句子间的连贯性。末句引出下一段对自我复制分子起源的介绍,保证段与段之间的连贯性。
第三段内容概括:介绍最初的自我复制分子以及自然选择法则。该段内容也分为两个部分。第一部分是前四句,承接上段末句内容,讨论最初的自我复制分子是什么。前两句排除DNA并分析原因(DNA itself could not have beenpresent at the origin of life because...)。第三、四句是并列关系,指出可能是RNA或其他类型的分子(Perhaps the related molecule RNA,or perhaps a different kind of molecule)。第二部分是后四句,介绍自然选择对于自我复制分子的作用。第五句([B])是过渡句,指出自然选择法则伴随着自我复制分子而出现(once... Darwinian naturalselection could have begun);第六、七句是并列关系,说明自然选择法则的过程(variants that were good at replication...varieties that did not replicate or did so inaccurately...);末句总结自然选择的结果是提高了复制分子的效率(ever?increasing efficiency)。
连贯性:①同义词、上下义词的使用、关键词重复出现和呼应现象是段内连贯性的体现。DNA, self?replicating molecule,molecule, origin of life这些相关词反复出现。DNA和RNA是self?replicating molecule的同义词。replicating, replication, replicator,copying相互呼应。variant和varieties是同义词。variation与上述两个词相呼应。②转折连词but、选择连词or也是连贯性的体现。
内容概括:作者按时间先后顺序安排本段内容,对自然选择过程作进一步解释说明:它存在于自我复制分子的进化以及其后的整个生物进化过程中。首句承接上段末句内容,指出在复制分子的竞争(即,最初的自然选择过程)中,那些具有自我保存和迅速自我复制能力的分子获胜(success must have gone to the onesthat happened to...)。第二句句首的the rest of evolution提示本句谈论的是后来的生物进化过程,指出它是自我复制分子自然选择的延续(a continuation of the naturalselection of replicator molecules)。第三句谈到复杂生物体的出现是动物长期进化的结果(long enough to have produced complexcontrivances)。
连贯性:同义复现关系、关键词重复和代词的使用保证了本段的连贯性。replicating molecules和replicator molecules是同义词复现;首句中的ones指代上文出现的replicating molecules;devices出现两次;第一句中for their own self?preservation and their own rapid replication与第二句中for their own preservation andreproduction也是同义复现关系。
内容概括:作者按时间先后顺序,介绍脊椎动物的进化历史:最早的脊椎动物出现(the first vertebrates)→脊椎动物大量出现(appear abundantly)→有圆形鳍和肺的鱼出现(lobe?finned and lung?bearing fish)→两栖动物和爬行动物出现(amphibians and reptiles)→哺乳动物和鸟类从爬行动物分化出来(mammals and birds)→哺乳动物的分支(rapid divergence of mammals),如:有袋动物、大象、食蚂动物、猴子等。
连贯性:按先后顺序出现的五个表时间的短语(nearly 600 million years ago, date back 530 million years, between 300and 400 million years ago, about 250 million years ago, 65 million years ago)是段内句子间连贯性的体现。
21.[精解] 答案G本题考核的知识点是:上下文内容的衔接+句子之间逻辑关系。
本题空格出现在第一段中。上文提到两个时间和两个事件:一是五十亿和四十亿年之间地球形成;二是三十亿年以前生命兴起,有用显微镜可见的像细菌一样的生物的化石来证明。下文则谈到没有人知道发生了什么。由于上文给出的是确定的说法,而下文讲述的是不确定的情况,因此空格处的内容应是出现的新现象,而且其出现的关键是下文提到的理论家认为的自我复制单位的自然出现。选项[B]、[C]中虽然都出现了下文中的关键词self?replicating,但它们无法体现逻辑上的转折,即“由知道到不知道”。只有选项[G]提到了生命起源的概念,而没有具体论述,和下文逻辑上顺接自然,此外其中的some time between these two dates和上文的两个时间相互呼应。
22.[精解] 答案C本题考核的知识点是:上下文内容的衔接。
23.[精解] 答案B本题考核的知识点是:上下文内容的衔接+句子之间逻辑关系。
本题空格出现在段中。上文是对自我复制分子DNA和RNA的介绍,指出RNA更可能是最初的自我复制分子,当然也可能是其他种类的分子。下文指出,特别擅长复制的变异种类会自动地在原始“有机汤”中占主导地位。那些不复制的或不能精确复制的变种会相对地变得比较少。这导致了复制分子的效率不断增加。选项[B]、[E]出现下文中的关键词variations,但选项[E]谈论环境造成变异,而且还提到有害变异和有利变异,根本未提及上下文中的self?replicating molecule。选项[B]提到达尔文进化自然选择理论,正是下文内容的综述。
24.[精解] 答案F本题考核的知识点是:上下文内容的衔接+时间逻辑关系。
本题空格出现在段末。上文提到,接下来的进化过程是复制分子(或称为基因)自然淘汰的继续:它们借助自我建立有效的部件(如:细胞和多细胞体)的能力来自我保存和复制。下文提到直到近六亿年以前的寒武纪时代(the Cambrian era)才确定化石小有规模。根据化石证据(在中国发现的“海口鱼”化石)推知最早的脊椎动物可追溯到五亿三千万年前。由自我复制分子的自然淘汰到第一种脊椎动物的出现,之间肯定是漫长的进化过程。空格处内容应弥补这个信息空白。选项[A]超前提出了脊椎动物,[B]停留在自我复制分子的自我淘汰阶段,[C]是自我复制分子的出现,[D]提到了脊椎动物以后的哺乳动物甚至灵长目动物。[G]停留在生命起源。只有F提到,三十亿年的时间里,动物产生了有椎骨的身体,恰当地衔接了上下文。
25.[精解] 答案A本题考核的知识点是:上下文内容的衔接+时间逻辑关系。
原始地球大气或许包含了今天在太阳系的其他行星上仍然含量丰富的气体。化学家已经用实验的方法在实验室里重建这些原始的情况。如果类似的各种气体在装有水的一个细颈瓶中被混合,而且通过放电来加入能源(模拟了原始的闪电),有机的物质就自然地被合成了。这些有机物中包括RNA 和 DNA 的砌块。看起来类似的事情曾经发生在原始地球上。结果是,原始海洋可能变成了生命起源以前的有机化合物汇集的“一锅汤”。当然,仅仅在“原始汤”里出现有机分子是不够的。正如以上所说的,决定性的步骤是自我复制分子的起源,即能够复制自身特征的分子。([C])
今天最有名的自我复制分子是 DNA(脱氧核糖核酸),但人们广泛认为DNA本身在生命起源之初不可能存在,因为它的复制太依赖专门的机制的支持,这在进化本身开始之前是不可能存在的。DNA已经被描述为可能是在生命自身起源之后某个时间出现的“高科技”分子。也许仍然在有生命的细胞中扮演各种不同重要角色的相关分子 RNA才是最初的自我复制分子;亦或许原始的复制者是一种完全不同类型的分子。一旦自我复制分子偶然形成,达尔文自然选择之类的法则可能就开始发挥作用了:群体中会因为复制时的偶然错误而产生变异。([B])特别擅长复制的变异种类会自动地在原始汤中占主导地位。那些不复制的变种或不能精确复制的变种会相对地变得比较少。一种分子的自然淘汰导致复制分子的效率不断提高。
11.【答案】D。解析:D 细节理解题解题依据为本文第一段第一、二句“Over the past decade, American companies have tried hard to find ways to discourage senior from feathering their own nests at the expense of their shareholders.The three most popular reforms have been recruiting more outside directors in order to make boards more independent.”此句大意为:在过去的十年里,美国公司力图寻求方法以阻止资深管理者以牺牲股东利益为代价损公肥私的行为。为此采取了最流行的三种改革措施,如招录外来董事以使董事会更加独立。由此我们可推知招录外来董事的目的是为了保护股东的利益。其中to feather their own nests意为“构筑自己的窝”;at the expense of their shareholders意为“以股东的利益为代价”。
2.【答案】A。解析:A 细节推论题文章第二段最后一句“the consequences have differed from those intended”表明改革的结果是事与愿违,这是一个总的结论。第三、四、五段是具体说明,主要是引用了Westphal的调查结果。因此,本题答案应当是A。
3.【答案】B。解析:B 词义判断题文章第三段最后讲外来董事会的老板们会花很多时间建立联盟,施惠于个人以讨好外来董事,第四段开始接着说这些手段通常是成功的,由此我们可以推知老板的这些手段是为了争取外来董事而结成联盟, 进而可推知B正确。
4.【答案】C。解析:C 细节判断题本题可用排除法。选项A(公司高层应拿高薪)文章未提及;选项B(公司高层的收入与公司增长的利润成比例)也未提及;选项D(公司高层的表现比那些股东更会影响其自身利益)文章同样未提及;选项C(公司高层倾向于利用其地位肥己)与文章第五段最后一句所述之意相符。
5.【答案】A。解析: A 观点态度题纵观全文,作者所述三项改革举措并未收到预期的效果,反而适得其反,事与愿违,由此我们可判断作者对其最终的结果显然持怀疑态度,故正确答案为A,B选项(乐观的)、C选项(肯定的)和D选项(赞成的)均排除。
21.【答案】C。解析:C 细节题。文中第二段提及“These included the use of federal student loans to pay off credit cards,effectively shifting the debt,appeals to parents for loans,cutting back on course work to increase time at paid jobs,or even dropping out altogether to work full time.”,因此,正确答案为C项。选项C是college administrators从事的活动,不是美国学生。
2.【答案】B。解析:B 细节题。文中开篇提到“the consequences can be serious-ranging from higher drop-out rates to future employment problems and even suicide”,最后一段谈到“Card issuers were sponsoring school programs,funding activities and even entering into business partnerships with schools”,由此可以看出选项B是card issuers从事的活动,而不是美国学生,更不是使用credit card的后果。因此,正确答案为B项。
3.【答案】A。解析:A 细节题。文末倒数第二句、第三句中提到了“students,card companies,university administrators”都应该为信用卡负面影响负责。因此,正确答案为A项。
4.【答案】A。解析:A 主旨题。本文首句即提到“U.S.college students are increasingly burdened with credit card debt”,第二段主旨是“growing numbers of students who are unable to cope with the stress of their debts and/or part time jobs for servicing their credit cards”。第三段讲“debts can haunt students”,最后一段主要讲述“who should answer for the negative consequences”。因此,正确答案为A项。
5.【答案】 D。解析:D 推断题。文章主要讲述学生使用信用卡的负面影响,但也不能千篇一律断然否定使用信用卡,因而选项B不对。不使用信用卡电不能保证美国学生不自杀,故选项C不对。美国学生有part-time工作,是司空见惯也不能因为信用卡的负面影响而取消,故排除选项A。采用逐个排除法,可以确定正确答案为D项。
31.【答案】A。解析:A 细节题。由第一段第一句“In the first year or so of Web business,most of the action has revolved around efforts to tap the consumer market.”可知在网络商业第一年左右的时期里,大多数的努力
2.【答案】C。解析:C推断题。第三段第一句“Another major shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing.”可知网络商业的另一个重大的改变是关于市场营销的可用技术。接着作者讲到一直以来网络市场的营销活动都以如何把顾客“拉”到网站中为中心。而最近几年,软件公司已经开发出工具让公司直接把信息“推”到目标客户面前。由此可见,市场营销技术在策略上发生了根本性的变化。故答案为C项。
3.【答案】D。解析:D推断题。由第三段倒数第二和第三句“In line culture thinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request.Once commercial promotion begins to fill the screen uninvited,the distinction between the Web and television fades,”可知原来网络文化所认同的是电脑屏幕上的信息都是人们所查询的。否则一旦商业广告不请自来,充斥屏幕,网络和电视就没有差别了。所以可以看出网络纯粹主义者认为商业信息不应该不请自现。因此正确答案为D项。
4.【答案】B。解析:B 细节题。由最后一段第二句可知网络销售获得成功的一些公司都使用了恰当的产品,加上适当的互动、热情和安全,由此来吸引顾客的。因此,正确答案为B项。
2.仔细读被选项,体会被选项之间在语意, 在用词, 在结构上的相互关系(答案往往出自有关系的被选项中。
3.找出被选项中的典型篇章词汇(人称代词,指示代词, 定冠词结构)---判断答案选项的关键。
4.如果被选项中出现了“we(us, our, ours)”或“you(your, yours)”这样的人称代词, 这样的词汇在上下文的使用中应该是一致的。
5.如果被选项出现时态差异, 则时态是一个重要的解题线索 (提示: 相邻语句使用的时态一致(基调时态): 同为现在时态或同为过去时态; 但是, 如果一个句中带有自己的时间状语,则其可以使用自己独特的时态,而不受所在句群的基调时态的影响。
6. 空格前句如果是观点句,则空格处常常出现用于解释论证的例子或解释性的话语; 空格前句如果是概括句(讲述一种通常的情况, 往往出现some, most, a few, generally, usually等词语 ), 则空格处可能会出现转折句, 或出现解释性的话语。
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part . For each sentence there are four choices marked A , B , C and D . Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence . Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pecil.
1.all we can do to help ``Big Jim‘’ is to try___ that he ought to work more.
A. making him to realize B. making him realizing
C. to make him to realize D. to make him realize
2. Mr. Jones told me the other day that the Board of Directors ______ to put Peter in char ge of the worker.
A. decided B. has decided
C. have decided D. had decided
3. Every means _____but without much result.
A. have been tried . B. has been tried
C. have tried D. has tried
4. Generally speaking, people should have_____ as their desires will allow.
A. much education as B. as much education
C. as less education D. little education
5. It‘s time we______ away with our shabby shelf.
A. did B. do C. have done D. shall do
6. ``What a beautiful ring!“”Never____ such a big diamond. ,,
A. have seen I B.I have seen
C. have seen D. I haven‘t seen
7 .______ about the robbery, the policemen rushed out in their cars to catch the robbers.
A. Having been informed B. Having informed
C. Informing D. Be informed
8. Professor Knight,_____ list of achievements includes two Nobel Prizes, will address the meeting tonight.
A. who B. that C. whose D. whom
9. John‘s score on the test is the highest in the group; he_____ last night.
A. should have studied B. must have studied
C. has studied D. should study
10. All things_____ , her paper is of great value.
A. consider B. having considered
C. considered D. considering
11 . Jack_____ to the manager for the mistakes he had made.
A. excused B. pardoned C. forgave D. apologized
12 .______ scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply.
A. Late B. Later C. Latter D. Lately
13. This watch is_____ to all the other watches on the market.
A. superior B. advantageous
C. super D. beneficial
14. Fresh fruits and vegetables are generally less expensive when they are in _____.
A. sale B. need C. season D. time
15 . We can surely________ all difficulties that may come up.
A. get on B. come over
C. get over D. come across
16. He_______ very quickly after his illness.
A. recovered B. discovered
C. uncovered D. covered
17. The designing of a satellite in the heavenly environment is________ an easy job.
A. by all means B. by any means
C by every means D. by no means
18. The good harvest_______ the price of strawberries.
A. brought down B. cut out
C. arose from D. added to
19. Most great artists are exceptionally________ people.
A. sensitized B. sensitive
C. senseless D. sensory
20. He came back later,______ which time they had left.
A. after B. by C. from D for
partⅡReading Comprehension(50%)
Directions : There are 4 passages in this part . Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements . For each of them there are four choices marked A , B , C and D . You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil .
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:
In recent years, many Americans of both sexes and various ages have become interested in improving their bodies. They have become devoted to physical fitness. The need to exercise has almost become compulsive with many persons who have a strong desire to ‘be more physically fit.
By nature, Americans are enthusiastic and energetic about their hobbies and pastimes. They apply this enthusiasm, and energy to jogging/running. As a result, there are running clubs to join and many books and magazines to read about running.
The desire to be physically fit is explained by a ``passion‘’ for good health. The high rate of heart attacks in the 1960s caused an increase on the part of the public in improving the human body. Middle-aged men especially suffer from heart attacks. Thus, they are one group strongly interested in more physical exercise. In