人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子

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人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子(共9篇)

人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子 篇1

1. 做某种选择 make certain choice 2. 古典音乐 classical music

3一张木头做的餐桌 a kitchen table made of wood 4. 个人风格 personal style

5.中国古建筑 classical Chinese architecture 6. 违背,对。。。不利 go against

7.发展中国家 developing countries 8. 天坛 the Temple of Heaven

9.更接近自然 stand much closer to nature 10. 在建设中under construction

11.在…的内部及周边 in and around 12.悉尼歌剧院 the Opera House in Sydney

13. 黑体字 words in bold 14. 流畅的线条 the flowing lines

15. 和…比较 compared with 16. 属于 belong to

17. 从自然中举例子take examples from nature 18. 都一样, 仍然all the same

19.充满 be filled with /be full of 20.用…装满 fill up with

21. 从上面看view from the top 22. 把…置于一旁,储蓄set… aside

23. 把…和…连在一起join … to 24. 装饰着be decorated with

25. 匆忙, 很快地 in a hurry 26. 充当act as

27拆倒. pull down 28. 和…分享share with

29. 在…的选择上 in the choice of 30. 在建设中 under construction

31.覆盖着 be covered with 32. 被…盖着 be covered by

33. 提醒某人某事 remind sb. of sth . 34. 使…变得特别 make sth. special

35.成功地做某事 succeed in doing sth 36.工厂的重生 a second life for factory

37.平面布局 the floor plan 38.拆除 pull down

39.兵工厂 army factory 40.在20世纪50年代早期 in the early 1950s

41.初出茅庐的艺术家 beginning artists 42.在临近地区 in the neighbourhood

43.摇滚乐手 rock musicians 44.艺术展 art exhibitions

45.列出…的清单 make lists of 46.外国侵略者 foreign invaders

47.量体温 take one’s temperature 48.展览 on display

49.以…终结 end up in 50.第一眼 at first glance

51.设定目标 set goals 52.艺术作品 art works

53. prefer sth. 54. 某物给某人印象深刻sth. impress sb.

prefer sth to sth. 使某人牢记某事 ,给某人印象深刻

Prefer to do sth rather than do sth. .impress sth on sb /impress sb.with sth.

=prefer doing sth to doing sth 给某人留下印象make an impression on.sb.

prefer sb(not) to do sth. 55.发现某人做某事 find sb.doing sth

would prefer that…. 发现某事被做成了find sth.done

偏爱have a preference for sth/doing sth 56. in style/out of style 流行/过时

have a preference of sth to sth in the western style西式

56.充满了奇妙的色彩与形状 full of fantastic colours and shape

57.感觉他们冷漠不友好 experience them as cold and unfriendly

58.在墙上张贴两幅图片 put up two pictures on the wall

II. Structures

1.If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like?

(主句谓语would do 从句谓语were/ did) 表示与现在或将来事实相反

2.The room was furnished with antiques. (be furnished with furnish sth with with)

3.It is also convenient to live close to your work.

4.I wouldn’t feel happy living in a block of apartments.

5.Seen from the top,it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird’s nest made of tree branches.

6.1)Modern buildings impress us because they are huge. (impress sb)

We were most impressed by/with your efficiency.

2)The manager impressed on his office staff the importance of keeping accurate records.

(impress sth. on/upon sb)

3)The impression she makes on me is that she is honest. (make/leave an impression on sb.)

7.Both in the choice of materials and shape of buildings, ancient architecture stands much closer to nature.

8..Most of Gaudi’s works were constructed in and around Barcelona. Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes.

10.Birds fill up the spaces between the branches of their nests with soft materials.

11.Honey is to a bee what milk is to a cow.

12.I want you to keep me informed of how things are going with you.

13.At last I succeeded in making myself understood.

14.Often these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years.

15.1)The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as very different from Chinese architecture.

2)She sets aside a bit of money every month.

3)I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.

4)Let’s set aside my personal feelings.

16.Music bands rent space to practise.

17.1)They like these buildings because the rooms and halls are often very large, which is good for

artists who want to make large objects. (be good for…)

2)Is this kind of food good for me?

人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子 篇2

3. in store 4. It is likely that…

5. be set up 6. the late 1990s

7. get started 8. make… a success

9. a growing number of… 10. master’s degree

11. come true 12. set foot in

13. run a company 14. together with

15. have an positive effect on 16. as well as

17. rely on 18. come to life

19. be filled with 20. The success is no accident.

21. put forward 22. make many breakthroughs

23. highly successful 24. aim at

25. over the past twenty years 26. It seems to be love at first..

27. deadly disease

Unit 12

1. make a living 2. applied science

3. the latest idea 4. remind sb. of…

5. lay the foundation of… 6. be considered impossible

7. at the beginning of… 8. It is believed that…

9. set out to do 10. in their efforts to survive

11. turn out to be… 12. on board

13. from that day on 14. be dressed in

15. find themselves surrounded

16. ever since 17. in the end

18. contrary to 19. in public

20. the search of 21. dream of

22. throw light upon 23. at the age of

24. at university 25. attract one’s attention

26. nothing else but… 27. It was… that… (强调句)

28. eight feet in height = eight feet high

29. slow down 30. cup up

31. light the flame of… 32. burn out

Unit 13

1. come up with 2. get started

3. benefit from 4. range from… to…

5. all the way up 6. be made up of

7. … that is… 8. break down

9. become/be available to… 10. mix with

11. even through 12. be measured in…

13. take advantage of… 14. give off

15. be sensitive to 16. add… to…

17. make life possible 18. depend on

19. It sounds as if 20. do sth. bad to sb.

21. play a trick on sb . 22. call in

23. turn out (to be) better 24. have fun

25. a variety of… 26. contribute to

Unit 14

1. give a speech 2. be put in prison

3. join hands 4. in the 1840s

5. be active in 6. as a result of

7. thousands of 8. make him famous

9. all over the world 10. mixed-race marriages

11. have no right to do 12. fight for / against

13. set an example to 14. Born in…, King went to…

15. achieve one’s goal 16. refuse to do

17. take the bus 18. separate…from…

19. It was… that… (强调句) 20. the following year

21. become law 22. from then on

23. of all times 24. struggle for

25. believe in 26. start with

27. go to university 28. ask for sth.

29. in modern times 30. have sth. in common

31. regardless of 32. come up with

33. at first sight

Unit 15

1. see fit 2. look into

3. every now and then 4. get the itch to do

5. spend… on… 6. feel the urge to do

7. stretch itself lazily along… 8. give sb. a glimpse of

9. next to 10. remind sb. that…

11. get tired of 12. cool off

13. be located in 14. breath-taking scenery

15. a wide variety of… 16. go on a trip

17. a far-away destination 18 find out

19. be a lot of fun 20. prefer to do

21. credit card 22. avoid doing

23. make a list 24. seasoned travel

25. travel light

Unit 16

1. ever since 2. deal with

3. be driven off 4. run deep

5. far behind 6. grow up

7. Despite… (名词) / Although… (句子)

8. lead sb. to do 9. take away

10. aim at 11. a series of

12. in the 1960s 13. in honor of

14. in vain 15. seem to do

16. be proud of 17. cultural diversity

18. be determined to do 19. be known for

20. once again 21. take the chance to…

22. disagree with sb. 23. look up

24. as a result 25. wok on

26. go on sale 27. live by

28. used to do 29. exist in huge numbers

30. grow to… 31. be forced to do

32. make agreements 33. be thought to…

34. die out 35. in turn

36. have an effect on 37. end up with

38. make use of

Unit 17

1. overcome difficulties 2. as if

3. win an award 4. Class is over.

5. get/move around 6. everyday things

7. get dressed 8. live a rich life

9. make a contribution to… 10. reach one’s goal

11. play a valuable role 12. realize one’s dream

13. live a meaningful and productive life

14. visually impaired 15. live with

16. accept them as they are 17. get used to

18. while… (虽然) 19. be gifted in

20. every four years 21. mentally disabled

22. take part in 23. It seems as if…

24. Be the best you can be. 25. fail to do

26. participate in 27. gain self-confidence

28. since then 29. at times

30. keep a positive attitude

Unit 18

1. environmentally friendly 2. be tired of

3. have sth. done 4. think of

5. throughout the history 6. come up with

7. It seems that… 8. highly valued skill

9. a matter of 10. allow for

11. get stuck 12. break away from

13. take another look at it 14. as with…

15. a series of… 16. make connections

17. be connected to… 18. be aware of…

19. keep trying 20. trail and error

21. Good ideas are no accident. 22. a great many

23. force sb. to do 24. all in the mind

25. part of our everyday life 26. We are said to do

27. do with 28. be similar to

29. A computer does keep information…

30. be different from 31. after all

32. allow sb. to do 33. not just…but

34. think about 35. now that

36. at such a high pace 37. make mistakes

38. try doing (试一试) 39. make up

40. keep track of…

Unit 19

1. take place 2. make a decision

3. give up 4. have mercy on sb.

5. promise to do 6. It’s useless doing

7. hope for sth. 8. be seated

9. a most troublesome case = a very troublesome case

10. be accused of 11. a consequence of…

12. ask for 13. do right / wrong

14. according to 15. cut off

16. tear up 17. swear to heave to do

18. do the deed 19. be in love with

20. at seat 21. at present

22. pay back 23. sign the agreement

24. so wise a head = such a wise head

25. at the mercy of 26. go down on one’s knees

27. (be) worthy of

Unit 20

1. be curious about 2. date back to

3. be dressed (in) 4. It was / is… that… (强调句)

5. a variety of 6. tend to do

7. on average 8. It’s not yet known…

9. be linked to 10. have a hand in…

11. in terms of 12. It is thought / believed that…

13. armed conflict 14. It has been proved that…

15. in the eyes of… 16. since then

17. as well as 18. a large quantity of…

19. serve as 20. in ancient times

21. look very much like 22. remind sb. of …

23. because of 24. have links with

25. dig up 26. be filled with

人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子 篇3

1. 换句话说 in other words

2. 上气不接下气 out of breath

3. 总而言之 all in all

4. 取笑 make fun of/ laugh at

5. 特别 in particular

6. 从……中受益 benefit from

7. 没有参加,不在 be absent from

8. (做)……有困难 have difficulty/trouble in (doing) sth

9. 生气 get annoyed

10. 适应 adapt to

Unit 2

11. 考验 test out

12. 打电话给 ring/call up

13. 转向,回转 turn around

14. 不管,让……一个人呆着 leave alone

15. 将……放在一边,节省或保留 set aside

16. 对感到尴尬get /feel embarrassed about

17. 与……有风流韵事have an affair with

18. 严肃对待take …seriously

19. 同情 have sympathy/ pity for

Unit 3

20. 在前面 ahead of

21. 帮助(摆脱困境或危难) help out

22. 对……知道,意识到be/ become aware of

23. 上下翻转过来的,颠倒的 upside down

24. 在此期间,与此同时in the meantime/ meanwhile

25. 思考reflect on

26. 吓死了 (be) scared to death

27. 分类整理 sort out

28. 害怕 be terrified/afraid of

29. 正要,即将 be about to do

Unit 4

30. 接到……的信hear from

31. 极想,渴望 (be) dying to do

32. 偶然遇到或发现 come across

33. 伸出 stick out

34. 完全变干,干透 dry out

35. (河流,井)干涸 dry up

36. 在困难中,在危急中 in need

37. 与……有关 be relevant to

38. 参与…… participate in

39. 确定 for sure

Unit 5

40. 适应,调节 adjust to

41. 保持优秀成绩,继续干下去 keep it up

42. 相适应,相融合 fit in

43. 对……适应,习惯 get/ be used/ accustomed to

44. 就……而言 as far as one is concerned

45. 感觉自在,无拘束 feel at home

46. 安顿下来 settle in

47. 忙于 be occupied in doing sth/ with sth

48. 代替,替换 substitute for

49. 惊呆了be numb with shock

50. 与......平行run parallel to

51. 向......推荐 recommend…to…

52. 值得deserve to do

Book 8 Unit 1

53. 许多; 很多 a great / good many

54. 包括; 吸收 take in

55. 划线标出…. 界线 mark out

56. 与…合作或一起工作 team up with…

57. (某人)想到 occur to …

58.习惯于新的生活方式、工作等; 谋生 make a life

59. 用…办法; 借助… by means of….

60. 大部分 the majority of

61. 很可能…… be likely that

62. 对……宣战 declare war on

63. 继续,保持 keep up

64. 人们相信…… it’s believed that …

Unit 2

65. 得到好结果; 取得成功; 偿清 pay off

66. 使复生 bring back to life

67. 不时; 偶尔 from time to time

68. 一定, 注定(做)… be bound to do

69. 赞成; 支持 in favour of

70. 大众传播媒体 the media

71. 反对 object to

72. 使沮丧 cast down

73. 和……一样 be identical with

74. 适合……be appropriate to

75. 对……有很大的影响 have a (great) impact on

76. 禁止某人做某事 forbid sb to do

77. 在……之后不久 shortly/ soon after

Unit 3

78. 挂断电话 ring off

79. 回复电话 ring back

80. 设法联系上; 做完; 通过 get through

81. 次序颠倒; 发生故障 out of order

82. 不挂断; 紧紧握住; 稍等 hang on

83. 的确; 事实上 in truth

84. 开始(做) set out to do

85. 迅速把手伸入; 一心投入 dive into

86. 踩出来的路; 常规; 惯例 beaten track

87. (以防)万一 in case

88. 开始; 着手 set about

89. 偶尔; 有时 now and then

90. 给… 打电话 call up

91. 申请 apply for

92. 表现自己 distinguish oneself

Unit 4

93. (声音、画面)逐渐模糊、渐淡 fade out

94. 需要… in need of …

95. 再一次 once more

96. 带走; 取走 take away

97. 几天前 the other day

98. 带或领…进来 show…in

99. 就…来说; 从…角度 in terms of

100. 一般来说 generally speaking

101. 惊愕地 in amazement

102. 结识; 与…相见 make one’s acquaintance

103. (某人)冒充… pass… off as…

104. 伪装的; 假扮的 in disguise

105. 说服某人…… convince sb of/ that

106. 避雨 shelter/ hide from the rain

107. 对……失望 be disappointed with/ at

108. 使……处于困境 condemn sb to…

109. 深谈 deep in conversation

人教版英语七年级词组 篇4

Unit 1

1.my/your/his/her name

我的/你的/他的/她的名字 2.Good morning!

早上好!3.Nice to meet you!

见到你很高兴!4.What’s your name?

你叫什么名字? 5.first name

名字 6.last name

姓 7.in China

在中国 8.ID card

学生卡 9.middle school


10.What’s your phone/ telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?

Unit 2 1.This/ That is my...这/那是我的…… 2.Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。3.These/ Those are my...这些/那些是我的…… 4.Have a good day!

过得愉快!5.I see.我明白了。

6.Here is a(n)...这儿有一(个/张)…… 7.Here are...这是……;这(儿)有…… 8.two nice photos of...两张好看的……照片 9.in the first photo

在第一张照片中 10.in my family

在我的家庭里 11.the name of...……的名字 12.a photo of my family


Unit 3 1.pencil box

2.Excuse me

3.Thank you.4.thank sb.For sth.5.Is this/ that...?

6.Are these/ those...?

7.What/How about...?

8.You’re welcome.9.ID card

10.school library

11.ask sb.for sth.12.e-mail sb.at+ 邮箱地址

13.phone number

14.call sb.15.call sb.At + 电话号码

16.a set of

















17.What’s this?

这是什么? 18.How do you spell...?


Unit 4 1.on the sofa


2.on/ under sb’s bed

3.under the table/ chair

4.on the sofa/ table

5.come on

6.Thank you.7.in sb’s room

8.I don’t know.9.I think...10.Is it on/ in/ under...?

11.Are they on/ in/ under...?

12.-Where’s/ are...?

-It’s/ They’re on/ in/ under...13.tape player

14.model plane

15.English book

16.in the bookcase

17.in sb’s schoolbag








我认为…… 它在……上/里/下面吗 它们在……上/里/下面吗








Unit 5 1.tennis ball

网球 2.ping-pong ball

乒乓球 3.ping-pong bat

乒乓球拍 4.soccer ball

足球 5.baseball bat

6.be late

7.on the chair

8.play basketball

9.Let us

10.Let me get it.11.(That/ It)sounds...12.play computer games

13.watch TV

14.go to the same school

15.love sports

16.watch...on TV

17.play...with...18.be easy/ difficult for sb.19.after class

20.in the same school
















Unit 6 1.birthday dinner

生日宴会 2.next week

下周 3.think about

思考,思索 4.Let’s have...then.那么,让我们吃……吧。5.Sounds good.听起来不错。6.sports star

体育明星 7.ask sb.About sth.询问某人关于某事的情况 8.eating habits

饮食习惯 9.one last question

最后一个问题 10.after dinner

晚餐后 11.healthy food

健康食品 12.Do you like...for breakfast/lunch/dinner?


Unit 7 1.How much...?

(购物时)……多少钱? 2.Can I help you?

您想买点儿什么? 3.I need a...for school.我需要一个上学用的…… 4.What color do you want?

你想要什么颜色的呢? 5.I’ll take it.我买下了。

6.Two dollars for one pair.两美元一双 7.Here you are.给你。

8.this/ that brown sweater

这件/那件棕色的毛衣 9.these/ those black trousers

这些/那些黑色的裤子 10.clothes store

服装店 11.great/ big sale

大降价 12.at our great sale

在我们大促销时 13.sell...at very good prices

以非常优惠的价格出售 14.for boys/ girls

对于男孩女孩 15.skirts in purple

紫色的裙子 16.a pair of


Unit 8 1.on June 3rd

在6月3日 2.Happy birthday!


3.How old...?

……多大年纪/几岁了? 4.in August

在八月 5.want sth.想要某物 6.want to do sth.想要做某事 7.want sb.To do sth.想要某人做某人 8.birthday party

生日聚会 9.at three this afternoon

在今天下午三点 10.See you there/ tomorrow/ later/ soon.在那儿见/明天见/一会见/不久之后见。

11.When is your/ his/ her/ sb.’s birthday 你/他/她/某人的生日是什么时候?

12.an English test

一场英语测验 13.School trip

学校旅行 14.an art festival

15.School Day

16.Sports Day

17.English Day

18.book sale

19.this term

20.in the School library

21.Have a good time!

22.next week

23.Children’s Day

24.Natianal Day

25.Women’s Day

26.New Year’s Day

Unit 9 1.favorite subject

2.How’s your day?

一场艺术节 学校开放日


英语节 图书展销会 这个学期


玩得开心,过得愉快 下个星期








体育老师 4.play games with sb.和某人玩游戏 5.It’s boring.它是无聊的。6.the next day

第二天 7.That’s for sure.的确如此。8.on Monday

9.at 8:00

10.have math

11.It’s difficult but interesting.12.after that

13.from 12:00 to 1:00

14.Have an art lesson for two hours

15.Let’s meet on Saturday.16.Is that OK with you?

17.Thank you for your e-mail.18.on Friday afternoon






从十二点到一点 上一节两个小时的美术课




人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子 篇5

Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister. outgoing [aʊtɡəʊɪŋ] adj.外向的

better [betə(r)] adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地

loudly [laʊdli] adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地

quietly [kwaɪətli] adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地

hard-working [hɑːdwɜːkɪŋ] adj.勤勉的;努力工作的 competition [ˌkɒmpətɪʃn] n.竞争;比赛

fantastic [fæntæstɪk] adj.极好的;了不起的

which adj.哪一个;哪一些pron.哪一个;哪些

clearly [klɪəli] adv.清楚地;显然地

win [wɪn] v.赢;赢得;获胜;获得n.胜利

though conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过

care about关心

talented [tæləntɪd] adj.有才能的;有天赋的

truly [truːli] adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地

care [keə(r)] v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎

serious [sɪəriəs] adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的

mirror [mɪrə(r)] n.镜子;反映

necessary [nesəsəri] adj.必要的;必然的

both [bəʊθ] adj.两者都pron.两者

should [ʃəd] aux.应该;可能;应当;将要

touch [tʌtʃ] vt.触摸;感动

reach [riːtʃ] v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联系;延伸;(伸手)去够 heart [hɑːt] n.心脏;内心

fact [fækt] n.事实;真相;实际

break [breɪk] v.打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断

laugh [lɑːf] v.发笑;笑;嘲笑 n.笑声;笑;笑料

similar [sɪmələ(r)] adj.类似的

share [ʃeə(r)] vt.分享,共享;分配;共有

loud [laʊd] adj.大声的;adv.大声地;响亮地

primary [praɪməri] adj.最初的,最早的

be different from和...不同

information [ˌɪnfəmeɪʃn] n.信息;情报;资料;通知 as long as只要

bring out拿出;推出

the same as与...同样的

in fact事实上;实际上;确切地说

人教版九年级英语词组知识点 篇6

1.used to do 过去常常做

2.deal with 对付 应付

3.be proud of 为……骄傲 ,感到自豪

4.take pride in 为……感到自豪

5.from time to time 时常,有时

6.in public 公开地

7.in person 亲身,亲自

8.take up sth 开始做,接受,占用

9.not……anymore 不再

10.worry about 为……担忧

11.hang out 闲逛

12.think about 考虑

13.be alone 独处

14.on the soccer team 在足球队

15.no longer 不再

16.make a decision 做决 定

17.to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是

18.even though 尽管

19.pay attention to 对……注意,留心

20.in the last few years 在过去的几年里

21.be afraid of 害怕

22.turn red 变红

23.tons of attention 很多关注

24.be careful 当心

25.give up 放弃

26.a very small number of …极少数的……

27.give a speech 作演讲

28.all the time 一直 总是

29.be interested in 对……感兴趣

30.change one’s life 改变某人的生

31.take care of 照顾

32.one of……,……之一

人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子 篇7

1. must和have to

这两个词均表示“必须”,must常偏重主观意志,而have to偏重客观需要。must一般只用于一般现在时和将来时态,而have to则有更多的时态。例如:

We must get up at six o’clock every day. 我们每天必须六点钟起床。

It is no time, we have to get up in a hurry. 没有时间了,我们必须快点起床。

We must follow the Party forever. 我们必须永远跟着党走。

He said he would have to go with her the next day. 他说他第二天得和她一道去。

2.almost 和nearly

这两个词意思均为“几乎”、“差不多”。但从程度的角度上说almost更接近些,感情色彩也更浓。在与表示否定意义的词never、nobody、no one、nothing、nowhere、none连用时,要用almost,不能用nearly。但可以说not nearly,而不能说not almost。例如:

It’s nearly time . 时间快到了。

It’s almost time. 时间马上就到了。

Almost nobody knew the accident that happened in the street yesterday.


3 . the number of 和 a number of

the number of 意为“……数目”,用单数谓语动词。a number of 意为“许多的”、“一些”,用复数谓语动词。例如:

A number of students visited the factory last month. 上个月许多学生参观了那个工厂。

The number of the students of our school is more than three thousand. 我校学生的人数是三千多。

4. go to sleep 和 go to bed

go to sleep 意为“入睡”,指睡着了,表示状态。go to bed 意为“去睡觉”,指上床去睡觉,表示动作。例如:

We usually go to bed at eleven. 我们通常十一点上床睡觉。

I found that he had gone to sleep. 我发现他已经睡着了。

5. receive 与 accept


She received a gift from him, but she refused to accept it.


I received a letter from America yesterday. 昨天,我收到了一封来自美国的信。

I accepted the advice of his. 我接受了他的建议。

6. at the end of 和 in the end

at the end of 意为“在……的末尾”、“在……的末端”。in the end意为“最后”、“最终”是finally和at last的同义词。例如:

After ten months, he finished his work in the end. 十个月以后,他最终完成了工作。

There is a shop at the end of the street. 在街的尽头有一家商店。

7 well和good

两词均译为“好”。当两词都为形容词时,good常用作定语。如用作表语时,后面常与介词for连用。well为形容词时, 多用作表语,指身体好。也可用作定语。例如:

Spring is a good season. 春天是个好季节。

Milk is good for children. 牛奶对儿童有益。

When I saw him, he looked well. 我见到他时,他显得很健康。

He is not a well man. 他不是一个健康的人。


He finished his homework well. 他的家庭作业完成得很好。

8. sleep和asleep

sleep(v.) 动词“睡觉”。asleep(adj.)形容词“睡着的”、“沉睡的”,只用作表语,表示某人睡着了。也常置于名词后,作补语。例如:

The baby sleeps well. 这个婴儿睡得很熟。

Mother is asleep in the next room. 妈妈在隔壁房里睡着了。


he has fallen asleep. 他已经睡熟了。

9. have been to 和 has gone to

have been to… “曾到过……”指曾到过某地,说话时人已经回来。have gone to “到……去了”指已到某地去了,说话时,人已不在这里了。例如:

I have been to Japan. 我曾到过日本。

You can’t see him. He has gone to Tianjin. 你见不到他了, 他已经去天津了。

10. sometimes、sometime和some time

sometimes(adv.)意为“有时”、“不时”是频度副词,用作状语。sometime(adv.)意为“某时”、“日后”,副词,用作状语。some time意为“一些时候”,副词短语,用作状语(也可用作名词性短语)。例如:

I have been waiting for you for some time. 我已等了你一些时候了。

I’ll come to see you sometime next week. 下周,我会来看你的 。

Sometimes I get up late, sometimes I get up early. 我有时起得早,有时起得晚。

11. in the corner 、on the corner 和at the corner

三个词均为“在……角”。in the corner 为“在……角里”;on the corner为“在……角上”“在……拐角上”; at the corner为“在……角边”。下图可表示三个词的区别:

in the corneron the corner (on)at the corner

例如:The bank is on (at) the corner. 银行就在拐角上。

In the corner of the office stands a desk, on the corner of which lies a bag.


corner作“拐角”解,与之搭配的介词,美国英语多用on,英国英语通常用at;corner作角(即180o以内的角)解时与之搭配的介词用in,在……内部的“角”,习惯上用in the corner of….

例如:误:The girl sat at the corner in the classroom

正:The girl sat in the corner in the classroom.


训练1、Don’t sit the corner of the table.

A. on B. in C. to D. at (A)

2. The boy sat _____ the corner of the room.

A. at B. in C. on D. to (B)

3. People came _____ the four corners of the earth.

A. in B. at C. from D. on (C)

4.The house stands ____ the corner.

A. from B. to C. in D. on (D)


1. 承蒙相助,不胜感激。

误:That’s very kind to you to help me.

正:That’s very kind of you to help me.

析:在得到对方帮助、善待时, 你要表示自己的感激之情,常用 That(It) is very kind of you (to do sth.)。而be kind to 意为“(某人)对(某人)好”。


误:I would like seeing him as soon as possible.

正:I would like to see him as soon as possible.

析:would like =’d like, 用来表示“想要、希望、愿意“,后跟动词不定式,不跟动名词。


误:I’m worried for his Chinese.

正:I’m worried about his Chinese.

析:“对……担忧”应用 be worried about 。


误:Two months are quite a long time.

正:Two months is quite a long time.


Ten dollars is enough. 十美元够了。


误:The whole family are going there for two months.

正:The whole family is going there for two months.

析:在这里family指整个家庭,所以动词用单数形式。试比较:My family are very well. 我全家都很健康。(这里指家庭成员,动词用复数)


误:I saw them play football.

正:I saw them playing football.

析:在see、hear、watch等动词后,既可接不带to 的动词不定式,又可带现在分词作宾语补足语,但它们所表示的意义不同。用不定式时说明动作发生了,即动作的全部过程结束了。用现在分词表示动作正在发生,即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束。


误:I’m interesting in science.

正:I’m interested in science.

析:interesting “令人感兴趣的”,可用作标语,其主语是物,也可以用作定语,修饰人或物。interested“感兴趣的”,常用于be(become) interested的结构,主语是人。


误:She went there on foot instead by bus.

正:She went there on foot instead of by bus.

正:She didn’t go there by bus. She went there on foot instead.

析:instead“代替”,表示前面的事情没有做,而是做了后面的事,一般位于句首或句尾,但不能位于句中,且不能接并列成分。instead所在的那个句子一般是肯定形式,前面的那个句子一般是否定形式。而instead of具有否定意义,后可接一个并列成分。


误:The boy had such many strange questions.

正:The boy had so many strange questions.

析:表示“这样(那样)多”,可用so many(用于复数可数名词)或so much(用不可数名词)。它们是固定搭配,so 不能用such代替。


误:Ask him to turn off it, please.

正:Ask him to turn it down, please.

析:表示通过使用开关或调节器,将电器或类似用品(收音机、电视机等)的声音、亮度等调低、关小,用turn down, 其中down是副词,若是代词作宾语时,则要把代词放在turn和down之间。


误:I’ll fly to Shanghai by air next week.

正:I’ll fly to Shanghai next week.

正:I’ll get to Shanghai by air(plane) next week.

析:fly to some place =go to some place by air(plane), 它不能再与by air 连用,以免重复。


误:I go to the cinema once every week.

正:I go to the cinema once a week.

析:表示在一段时间内出现一定的次数,用“次数+一段时间”这一结构。如 twice a week(month、year) 每周(月、年)两次。


误:The bag is full with books.

正:The bag is full of books.

正:The bag is filled with books.

析:be full of =be filled with, 意为“某容器装满了某物”,其主语多为容器。


误:Each we have a dictionary.

正:We have a dictionary each.

正:Each of us has a dictionary.

析:each可用作同位语,放在主语、助动词、连系动词之后或句末,谓语动词用复数形式。each of 可和人称代词的宾格连用,谓语用单数形式。


误:The operation kept five hours.

正:The operation lasted for five hours.



误:Do you know what time does their plane leave Beijing?

正:Do you know what time their plane leaves Beijing?



误:The weather of Kunming is better than Lanzhou.

正:The weather of Kunming is better than that of Lanzhou.



误:He told us that the sun was round.

正:He told us that the sun is round.



误:No news are good news.

正:No news is good news.



误:That TV set is now standing at the corner of our sitting room.

正:That TV set is now standing in the corner of our sitting room.

析:“在室内角落处”应说in the corner; 而at(on) the corner (of)表示“在(街、墙)的拐角处”。

21. 他正在忙着做家务。

误:He is busy to do his housework.

正:He is busy doing his housework.

正:He is busy with his housework.

析:be busy doing 表示“忙于做……”,doing不能改为to do; be busy with 也表示“忙于做……”,但后面只能接名词,不能接动词的“-ing”形式。


误:I had tell you about it, hadn’t I?

正:I had to tell you about it, didn’t I

析:have to 意为“不得不”,其疑问句式的构成不能用have,而要根据不同的人称和世态,选用助动词do 、does 或did。

人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子 篇8

1. in a corner of your balcony 在你阳台的角落

2. the stages of growing soybeans 种大豆的步骤

3. a bunch of flowers 一束花


1. a branch of medicine 医学的分支

2. make attempts to do sth 尝试做某事

3. classify…into…把…分类成…

4. the identification of different species 鉴别不同物种

5. be based on 以…为依据

6. at first sight 第一眼

7. conquer the world 征服世界

8. develop a lifelong friendship with sb 和…成为终身的朋友

9. have an appetite for knowledge 对知识的渴望

10. lead a cosy life 过着舒适的生活

11. appoint sb as…任命某人为…

12. according to the instructions 根据指示

13. on the three-year voyage 在三年的航海中

14. calculate the distance between 计算距离

15. be calculated to do sth 旨在,打算做某事

16. the purpose of the expedition 远征的目的

17. look out for 小心,留意

18. on a large scale 大规模的

19. accumulate a great deal of knowledge 积累大量知识

20. experiment with doing sth 试做某事

21. the botanical garden 植物园

22. promote sb to sth 提升某人

23. involve sb in (doing ) sth 使某人参与某事

24. procedure for sth 手续,步骤

25. a group activity 集体活动

26. supply sb with sth / supply sth to sb 向某人提供某物

provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb

offer sth to sb / offer sb sth

language study

1. put together ( = accumulate) enough money 积累足够的钱

2. living expenses 生活费用

3. open a bank account 开银行帐户

4. pass away 去世

5. at one’s own expense 由某人自己负担费用

6. as a reward for 作为…的报酬

7. name after 以…命名

Integrating skills

1. in one’s youth 某人年轻时期

2. deserve special attention 值得特别关注

3. pass on from one generation to the next 从一代传到下一代

4. the influence of environment upon plants 环境对植物的影响

5. adapt to the new environment 适应新环境

6. be of equal importance 同样重要

7. the output of crops 农作物的产量

人教版 高二Unit 3 词组,句子 篇9

养成……的习惯 develop/form/get into/be in the habit of

革除……的习惯 get out of/get rid of the habit of

跟上,不落后 keep up with 对……作出选择 make a choice/choices about

从……中选择,挑选 choose from 选择做某事 choose to do sth

对……有益,有好处;适宜,有效 be good for 对……好 be good to

擅长做某事 be good at 适用于某人/物 go for sb/sth

减肥 lose weight; be/go on a diet 增肥 put on/gain weight

做……的方式 way to do sth, way of doing sth

准备做某事 be ready for/to do sth; be prepared for/to do sth; make preparations for sth

即使,尽管 jeven if/ though 不时地,偶尔 now and then

缺乏,短缺 be short of 是……的缩写 be short for

一点也不 not a bit 一点 a bit/little, alittle bit

很多,非常 not a little 在将来 in the future

使……强壮 make…strong 小心做某事 be careful to do sth

小心某事/物 be careful with sth 垃圾食品 junk food

……的原因 reasons for… 列单子,造单 make a list of

给某人一些建议 give some advice on sth 发烧 have a fever

感冒 have/catch a cold 一直 all the time

大量,许多 plenty of 抵抗疾病 fight disease

对……有害 be harmful to, do harm to 保持健康 keep fit

Unit 14. Festivals

以……而著名,闻名 be celebrated for 盛装打扮 dress up as/in

听说有关的人/事 hear about 听说过某人/物 hear of

了解有关……人/事的情况 know about 听说过,知道(有)…… know of

聚集,团聚 get together 在接下来的几天中 in the following days

有能力做某事 be able to do sth

允许某人做某事,允许做某事 allow sb to do sth, allow doing sth

与……相似之处 be similar to出于对某人的敬意,为了纪念…… in honour of

不仅…而且…;既…又… as well as 尽可能…… as… as one can

信赖,信仰;支持;主张 believe in 捉弄,戏弄某人 play tricks/ a trick on sb

欺骗,吸收,摄入,理解 take in 起飞,成名 take off

占据(时间/空间);开始从事 take up 呈现 take on

将A与B比较 compare A with B 将A比喻为B compare A to B

与……比较 compared with/to 要求某物 ask for sth

过去常常做某事 used to do sth 事实上 in fact

主题歌 theme song 问候某人 greet sb

与某人分享某物 share sth with sb 与……相似 be similar to

以……为根据,依据 base on; be based on 不得不 have (got) to

该轮到某人做某事 it is one’s turn to do sth

Unit 15. The necklace

认识/识别某人/物 recognise sb/sth (by sth) 毕竟;然而 after all

承认某人/物有效,认可recognise sb/sth (as sth)

因为,由于 because of 最重要的,首先 above all 与某人结婚 marry sb; get/be married to sb 编造 make up

A将B嫁给C A marry B to C 访问某人;号召,呼吁 call on sb

访问某地 call at sp 打电话 call up

回电 call back 要求;邀某人同往 call for

取消 call off 试穿/戴 try on

付款买 pay for 偿还 pay back

还清债务 pay off 记下,写下 write down

值得做某事 be worth doing sth; be worthy of being done; it is worthwhile doing sth/to do sth

提出,想出 come up with 将……扮演出来,将……付诸行动 act out 在某人去某地的路上 on one’s way to

扮演角色 play a role in 日日夜夜 day and night

被邀请去 be invited to 至多 at most

至少 at least 宁愿(不)做某事 would rather (not) do sth

继续做某事 continue to do sth 十年的辛苦工作 ten years of hard work

解开谜团 solve the mystery 在舞会上 at the ball

不幸运 without luck 为什么不做某事 why don’t you/why not do sth

选择A而不选择B prefer A to B

选择做某事而不选择做某事 prefer doing sth to doing sth; prefer to do sth rather than do sth

选择某人做某事 prefer sb to sth 拿回来,使恢复 bring back

Unit 16. Scientists at work

浪费某事 a waste of sth 浪费……做某事 waste sth on sth/in doing sth

在将来 in (the) future 利用,使用 make use of, take advantage of

做某事仔细,小心be careful doing/with/about sth 对某人有利to one’s advatage 免费地 free of charge 负责,掌管 in charge of

被/由……管理 in the charge of 结果证明是 prove to be/turn out

突然哭起来 burst into tears 含泪,流着眼泪 in tears

将某物撕成碎片 tear sth into pieces 扯下,拆毁 tear down

撕裂/毁 tear up 由……组成,构成 be made up of

由……制成(看不出)be made from (看出)be made of

把……制成…… be made into 在……生长,产 be made in

毫无疑问的 there is no doubt that; without/beyond/no doubt

怀疑地 in doubt 依某人看来 in one’s opinion/in the opinion of sb 将……和……联系在一起/将……和……绑/系在一起 tie…to…

将……和……绑/系在一起fasten…to… 保护……免受……protect…from…

为争取……而斗争 fight for 为反对……而斗争 fight against/with

和……并肩作战 fight with 在……(身上)做实验 test on

处理 do/deal with 挑选,辨别出 pick out 接收,捡起,中途搭载,无意中学会 pick up 接近,靠近get close to 制造噪音make noise

对……有益 be good for 对……有害be bad for/harmful to

因……而闻名be famous/known for 作为……而文明 be famous/known as

为……所熟知 be famous/known to sb 全世界 all over the world

在十八世纪 in the eighteenth century 做实验 do/conduct/carry out experiments; do/conduct/carry out an experiment

站立 stand up 将……加到……上 add…to… 加起来达到 add up to

在某人的控制之中 in the control of sb; under control失去控制 out of control 阻止做某事 prevent/stop/keep…from… 至少/多at least/most

例如such as 照顾 take care of 当心,小心 take care, look out, be careful

有/没有权利做某事 have right/no right to do sth

遵守/违背法律 obey/break the law

弄清楚 make clear 违背,反对 go against
