For me the appeal of anthropology is that it draws on a wide range of disciplines, and that it combines theory with empirical study. Anthropology is a useful discipline in the world, where, for example, its use in developing countries is needed to give appropriate consideration as to how to successfully aid development without harming or diluting the country’s indigenous cultures. In my A level courses I have enjoyed the juxtaposition of scientific enquiry with the imaginative scope allowed me by my other subjects. The precision of chemistry, the polemic nature of history and the perceptiveness and observational powers fostered by my classics studies have created a dynamic I’ve enjoyed.
Part of my family lives in Denmark and I feel as though I have been brought up between two worlds; while I consider myself as belonging to both, this has meant that I constantly compare the two, conscious of them each. One of my cousins in Copenhagen gave me ‘Soul Hunters’ by Rane Willerslev, which ignited my passion for anthropology because it combines exploration and adventure with observation and contemplation. It made me see the beauty of the discipline as Willerslev writes so tenderly and I could see that one doesn’t have to completely eliminate any trace of one’s personal self in order to achieve an objective view, but simply be aware of one’s own subjectivity.
Last summer I spent six weeks in the Andes teaching English to primary school children. I was living with a family which accepted me as a surrogate daughter while I was there, even taking me on their family holiday during the ‘fiestas patrias’. This gave me an invaluable chance to experience daily life in Peru. I enjoyed watching the rate at which my Spanish improved during my stay. I also tried to learn some Quechua. It was good to get a feel for the language as it is very central to the identity of the indigenous Peruvians of that area. The experience in highland Peru drew my attention to the wide and apparently unbridgeable gaps in wealth and existences of people that are living side by side but almost unaware of each other. Even with my host family it was strikingly evident that their friendship groups were almost exclusively held with other people of the same kind of economic and ethnic background. I am now reading ‘Linking Separate Worlds, urban migrants and rural lives in Peru’ by Karsten Paerregaard, which is a study of the social identity that urban migrants carry with them.
One afternoon a week I help archive in the small local history museum where amongst other things I am learning about the history of indexing and also about the way that museums and exhibits are arranged. I have just started a course in a circus school and work on Saturdays at an arts bar in London. I am excited about going to University and being in an environment where no one is afraid to think, or is constrained by boundaries created by learning just for exams. Having been involved in the Amnesty International team at school and in starting up the fledgling ecology group and school magazine I would like to continue to seek out and get involved in things that inspire, challenge and stimulate me.
Challenges are also along with opportunities.Culture shock, isolations, those ethical and social factors indirectly affects and damages the country's economy.
To maximize the opportunities and minimize the challenges, the Singaporean government has to set out suitable and practical policies to lead the country's economy into right track as well as to place immigrant workers into right positions.
An increasing number of immigrant demands is due to the insufficiency labor force present in market.Low birth rate gradually diminishes the amount of workforce; it causes vacancies and therefore, the national economic growth will be lower in future years.Immigrants hence can fill the gaps in this period.
However, the goods about immigrants are not as simple as filling the blanks, those people are trained and educated in their own countries, they are specialized in their own areas regardless the level of their skills.Immigrant workers are generally more professional and productive than locals because of their origins and cultural immersions.The businesses then will be able to enjoy the profits brought by division of labor and the accumulation of the higher profits eventually will lift upSingapore's economy.Adam Smith pointed out that specialization could improve productivityin his Wealth of nations; Immigration Checkpoint Authority (ICA) has also noticed this point to enact Professionals/technical personnel and skilled workers scheme for immigration.
Besides enhancing productivities, skilled immigrants themselves are economically valuable toSingapore, the country could enjoy contributions made by immigrants without provide or invest social welfare and education grants before they arrive in the country.Saving in these public expenditures indirectly means higher growth of GDP, and is also an alternative to develop more economic programmes with this saving.
Traditional stereotype for immigrants is that they come to the country to occupy the working places belong to natives, the truth is, instead of “seizing” jobs, foreign workers actually create more occupations in local market.This phenomenon takes place in economies with both high-skilled and low-skilled workers.Less educated immigrant workers are willing to take up jobs that are eschewed by locals.For example, when there is significant number of maids in country, locals can use their own advantages such as knowledge of the business environment to set up maid service companies.Hence, foreign workers satisfy their own needs as well as locals’ desires.
Another relationship between foreign workers and economic growth can be inferred from Julian Simon's points of the effect of population on economies scales.In simple words, it states that larger population implies larger total demand goods; larger total demand goods present larger job opportunities.With increasing number of immigrants, more goods would be consumed; more opportunities there are for people to specialize in particular tasks and professions.Larger divisions of labours provide more chances for people to perform in their specialized areas, thus it offers suitable jobs for natives, at the same time, raises productivity per worker, increase the country's GDP.
While opportunities appear, challenges present.Firstly, culture shocks cause less productivity of foreign workers.There is a period when people have to fit in a new environment, during this time, even highly-specialized workers are low productive due to external factors and the distraction to overcome those factors.Secondly, even worse than less productivities, high rate of foreign labor turnover triggered by culture shock and social integration damaged the performance of businesses, hence, decreases the economic growth rate.Foreigners are experiencing different level of isolation inSingapore.They are called as “incorporated but isolated”, the continuous feeling of excluded hinders foreign workers to stay and work in Singapore in long-term, though foreign talents can help to achieve economic growth, their emotions stop them to help Singapore more to achieve permanent economic growth.For individuals, the wealth indicator is not defined as the number of GDP, but GDP per capita.Immigrant workers may boost up the country's economy as a whole, but not always good for individual natives.
新加坡ERC学院成立于,在政府的大力支持下,学院由一群亚洲当代杰出的商界领袖共同创办,拥有新加坡私立教育理事会颁发的EduTrust正式四年认证,并且是新加坡唯一获得Service Class素质服务奖的私立院校。主要分为四个专业:工商企业管理,旅游与酒店管理,财务与投资管理和数码媒体与信息技术。
英国翻译理论学家彼得马克 (Peter Newmark) 在其翻译学著作《翻译教程》中提出了文本类型理论, 将源文本划分为三种类型:信息、表达和呼唤型文本。
1) 信息型文本的目的是传达信息, 它包含各种各样的知识性文本, 如学术论文、技术术语, 科普文学、艺术书籍和新闻报道。
2) 表达型文本旨在传递情感和作家的思想, 可细分为:叙事文本如法律法规、政治演说和文学、法律文献等等。
3) 呼唤型文本主要包括广告, 通知和其他具有说服力的文本。这里“呼唤”是指读者效应, 使读者像原文本预期中的一样做出反应。
随后, 纽马克提出两种翻译策略, 即基于语义和交际的文本类型翻译策略。根据他的理论, 交际翻译是“在目的语语意和语言结构允许的范围内, 将原文语意准确表达出来。”语义翻译则是“忠实于原文作者, 使译文的词汇, 语法结构和语序尽量贴近源文本。”
纽马克的文本类型理论的主要贡献在于提供一些翻译实践的理论基础。例如, 在传统翻译理论中, 修改和添加可能被视为低劣的翻译方法而应该被避免。然而, 在许多情况下, 由于某种文本类型的特点, 对目标文本的重写可以起到积极作用, 从而帮助读者更好地理解例如《圣经》这种充满了文化负载词的文本。
2 国内高职院校英文网页简介的文本类型分析
高职院校的英文网页最大的功能就是向国外浏览者介绍和宣传该校的基本情况, 使其对该校的水平、实力和地位等产生初步印象。传统的高校简介翻译追求源文本和译文的等值对应, 往往忽略了目标受众和译文要达到怎样的预期功能等重要问题。对此, 本文就文本类型理论对高职院校的英文简介做出以下分析:
1) 目标受众:简介英文的目标受众包括有意来华进行各种学术研究的国外学者;对中国高等教育工作进行研究的国外科研人员;有意来华进一步留学深造的国外学生和一些寻求企业学校合作办学的商界人士。
2) 文本类型:高校简介的英文译本是译者根据源文本中高校的规模, 师资和办学条件等情况为目标受众所提供的一种信息型文本。同时, 因高校简介还起着吸引浏览者来访并且就读本校, 所以在一定程度上, 其英文译本还有着呼唤型文本的特征。因此, 高职院校的英文简介应同时兼具信息型和呼唤型两种功能。
3) 翻译策略:翻译策略取决于所要翻译的文本类型。根据学校英文简介的信息性和呼唤性特征, 译者应采取贴近国外受众的思维习惯的翻译策略, 与受众之间建立起“认同感”, 才能保证外宣翻译的质量。因此, 译者应到采取纽马克两大翻译策略中的“交际翻译”作为高职院校简介翻译的主要翻译策略。
4) 文本载体:高校英语简介的媒介主要是通过网页互联网的形式传播, 互联网是一种“信息密集型”媒体, 在网络上, 浏览者往往很难长时间将注意力集中在某一网站的网页上。基于这一特征, 网页英文版学校简介应尽可能简洁, 紧凑和易读, 篇幅不宜过长。
3 译文分析与翻译策略
高校简介英语译文的主要目的是告诉读者关于学校的现状。如果翻译的源文本和目标文本都是纯粹的信息类型, 这将使译文更容易传输源文本的内容。然而, 在现实中, 有许多因素可能干预翻译的过程, 其中一个就是东西方国家在文化和意识形态的差异。本文分别选取了北京, 上海, 广州和成都排名靠前的职业学校的英文简介翻译进行分析, 结果发现, 不同的学校有不同的翻译。例如, 一些大学在一定程度上使删除, 但其他学校仍然坚持在译文中保留大量的表达和呼唤的信息, 如大学的历史和政治头衔。
3.1 文化性翻译问题:中国特色称号、头衔的英译
在国内判断一个高校的教学质量, 其中的重要标准是师资水平, 而师资水平通常通过这些中国特色荣誉称号、奖励以及头衔来体现。这些为广大中国读者所熟知的称号对于外国受众并不能起到吸引眼球的作用。简介中诸如此类的词汇应当稍加注释或改写。
例一:广州城建职业学院是经广东省政府批准、教育部备案的全日制普通高等职业院校, 起源于1960年广州市建筑工程局主办的“广州业余建筑工程学院”, 2007年在广州大学城建学院的基础上独立设置。2013年, 学校以优异成绩通过广东省高职院校人才培养工作评估, 被中国职业技术教育学会授予“民办高职内涵建设优秀院校”称号, 是广东省深化高校办学自主权综合改革试点单位、广东省教育厅自主招生试点院校。学校位于有“广州市后花园”之称的从化市区, 办学条件优越, 基础设施完备, 校园环境优美, 占地面积约1355亩, 总建筑面积约42万平方米
Guangzhou City Construction College (formerly City Construction College, Guangzhou University) , founded in 1960 then named Guangzhou Spare-Time College of Architectural Engineering and experienced several administrative changes, is now a provincial institution of higher learning approved by the People’s Government of Guangdong Province and the National Ministry of Education to award three-year college diplomas.Covering a total area of 1308mu (87 hectares) and with an overall floorage of 420, 000 square meters, GZCCC is situated in the“back garden”of Guangzhou.
以上译例对学校的状况进行了定性描述, 是典型的信息型文本内容。其中中文简介出现了许多具有中国特色的称号和头衔, 如:“广州业余建筑工程学院”, “广东省深化高校办学自主权综合改革试点单位”, “广州市后花园”等。然而在英文的译文中, 译者还是采取了直译的方法, 把“业余建筑工程学院”译成了“Spare-time College of Architectural Engineering”。这里的“Spare-time college”显然是一个误译, “Spare-time”的意思是“业余的, 空闲的时间”, 在这里不能跟中文想表达的跟“专业”相对的意思, 所以应该改成“Amateur College”。此外, 英文译文中的”provincial institute”也多多少少让人觉得词不达意, 以至于可能使欧美读者产生不知所云的疑惑。因此, 这里的“省级单位”可以翻译成“Provincial-level College”, 以增强译文的文化顺应性。
3.2 政治性, 呼吁性信息的英译
由于中国社会特有的政治国情, 国内高校的中文简介中常有政治特色词汇, 而英文版学校简介的译者常常因为缺少目标读者意识和跨文化交际的视野, 没有遵循对外宣传“内外有别”的原则。比如:
例二:学校在长期的办学历程中, 积淀了深厚的人文底蕴, 形成了鲜明的办学特色, 夯实了扎实的办学基础, 凝练了以校训“明德、笃行、求实、创新”、校风“勤奋、严谨、活泼、文明”的成航精神。近年来, 学校牢牢把握我国航空工业、民航运输业、汽车工业和现代服务业大发展的有利时机, 紧扣四川“工业强省”建设发展战略, 遵循“源于航空、依靠航空、服务航空”的办学思路, 坚持“以人为本、争创一流, 打造品牌、办出特色”的办学理念。
Since her foundation, CAP has not only been carrying forward the spirit of Serving our country worthily with a powerful aviation industry and pursuing excellence, but also adhering to the educational philosophy of Setting up the people-oriented awareness, striving for the best college, building the brand, demonstrating the unique feature, catering for the needs of both the students and society, serving the aviation industry, military industry and local people, and meeting the satisfaction of the people with her highly qualified education.CAP carries out her motto of Practicing Virtue,
以上两则译例中, 汉语的语言特点非常明显一是二字格、四字格的叠加运用, 二是出现“校训”, “办学精神”和“办学思路”等极具中式文化的词语, 不难看出这是典型的呼唤型文本, 从宏观上来说, 根据前面的理论基础, 高校简介主要是以信息型文本为主, 呼唤型特征只能起到辅助作用, 因此译文在这里采取语义翻译, 即逐字逐句的直译方法就有失妥当。例如, 译文中出现类似中文排比的一大段句子“adhering to the educational philosophy of Setting up the people-oriented awareness, striving for the best college, building the brand, demonstrating the unique feature, catering for the needs of both the students and society, serving the aviation industry, military industry and local people, and meeting the satisfaction of the people with her highly qualified education.”这一段其实只表达了一个意思, 就是学院一直在努力认真办学, 但译文中非谓语动词的重复叠加就不太符合英文较强的逻辑性和信息性的特征, 内容繁琐空洞, 结果会造成让国外读者读起来不知所云。因此, 对于这类呼唤型文本, 译者应采取交际翻译的策略, 运用删除和改写的手法把这一整段内容浓缩成一两句话。
3.3 译文与网页特征的结合问题
由于互联网的特殊性, 在网页上, 很少有读者能够耐心去阅读一篇篇幅冗长, 又包含不少无用信息的网络文本。因此, 一个学校的英文简介字数不应过多, 而纵观国内高职院校的网页, 不少都在几百字以上, 甚至上千 (如成都航空职业技术学院的英文简介就达到1655字) , 而国外院校的大学简介字数都不会超过500字 (如英国约克大学, 牛津大学的简介平均343字) 。因此, 笔者认为大多数国内高职院校的英文简介过长, 内容偏细。针对这一问题, 可以将这些细节信息纳入到专门的栏目里去, 设置成超链接形式, 供有兴趣的读者进一步了解相关信息。
4 结束语
虽然近几年国内翻译研究发展迅速, 很多学者也渐渐开始关注高校网页的英文翻译问题, 但纵观国内的职业院校网页, 许多学校对其英文介绍还不够重视, 这一块还是空白。已经有英文网页的学校译文还是存在诸多问题, 还需相关部门和承担翻译的老师多多重视, 从而使英文简介真正成为学校对外宣传的重要窗口之一。
摘要:近年来, 许多高校都建立了自己中英文简介的网页。此类简介同时具备提供学校信息和宣传学校的两大功能, 其重要性不言而喻。然而纵观目前国内的高职院校英文简介, 笔者发现许多学校不仅在简介创建上有所滞后, 同时在文本翻译处理方面也有失妥当。该文根据彼得纽马克的文本类型理论, 基于高校简介兼具“信息性文本”和“呼唤性文本”的特征, 运用纽马克理论的两大翻译策略, 以案例分析的方式, 剖析目前国内高职院校英文简介的翻译失误并提供相应的解决策略。
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