
2024-07-05 版权声明 我要投稿


酒店前厅部工作总结 篇1


Antechamber ministry, chamberlain ministry, 2003 year job reviews 2004 year job to look into report in a flash, 2003 be about to parting, striding one brand-new year to us.Right 2003 bright and beautiful for the hotel, from prepare to construct practice, experienced wind storm rain, it is under the arduous effort of hotel leader, employee, will open wide a gate to the society on September 28 eventually, meet friend of guest of the four seas.One, 2003 year job reviews antechamber ministry: 1, 7, August, the invite applications for a job that basically has stuff and groom the job.2, September, to the end of September, the primary goods and materials that the branch finished to run on antechamber is deployed.3, October portion, since October 12, investment of hotel guest room tries do business, accept book, salute the advent of exposition of small commodities of the 3rd international.In the practice operation of employee, make mistake to its, fallible problem, make groom in the hillock of specific aim, can say, october, to antechamber ministry, it is to have those who challenge a gender in January, but under the effort that reachs a section in hotel leader, the reception of the exposition that finishs satisfactorily the task.4, November, the reception that sums up exposition branch circumstance, undertook major to ministry of guest of center of total stage, business affairs, ceremony groom, especially total stage, during exposition, base of staff professional work is not strong, working error is more, the branch is right this, undertake technical professional work is summed up, decide in November, the business that will have major two months to total stage in December operates flow to groom, its groom schedule is as follows:(see subordinate list one: Antechamber ministry November, will groom in December plan)4, December, the branch takes an exam through theory and real operation, reach working duty, manner according to the professional ability with daily to employee foreman, undertake rating afresh to employee wages pay, the popular feeling of employee was stabilized on certain level, to the branch coagulate the function with provided force to also rise particular;Make piece “ system of sectional rewards and punishment “ , undertake handling to routine error, serious person undertake cash is punished, and every months of bottom is outstanding to the branch employee undertakes selection(2), good is punished so that condemnatory cash rewards employee, solid it is therefore “ those who take at employee, use at employee “.Chamberlain ministry: 1, 7, August, the invite applications for a job that basically has stuff and groom the job;Weave “ the material end guest room shop purchases detailed account “.2, September, undertake open up wasteland works;Follow urge the material end each shop to reach the designated position.3, October portion, it is under the effort of hotel leader and branch, the reception of the exposition that finishs satisfactorily the task.During exposition, employee can be done only from a day 4, 5 rooms can make 12 rooms to a day, from which change, reflective employee people integral quality had rise certainly.4, in November, December, chamberlain ministry from detail proceed with, basically grab clean and wholesome job.Overcome edge construction, edge to do business brought heavy difficulty, make the state has the sanitation of the hotel to change certainly.5, the basis moves actually, edit finish “ post duty and operating sequence “.6, strengthen control of content cost cost, easy bad news is tasted from October 19, 6 yuan / the world falls November 10, 33 yuan / day.(see subordinate list 2: Chamberlain ministry groomed 2003 plan)2, the problem that in going one year, exists: 1, employee abides by sex of hotel regulations system not strong, disobey phenomenon of discipline of inn compasses inn to happen from time to tome.2, employee rank quality is not quite mature still, employee fluctuation is big.Lack staff of skilled a gleam of, the horizon standard of cadre of low level management

also remains to rise.Because most employee just was walked out of from the school gate, lack social experience namely, without what cognitive also to the hotel, although pass a few months groom, but to hotel of fast star class, especially hotel of 5 stars class should be achieved after all how doesn’t a wholesome standard have very good actual acknowledge, although know to want bright and clean, fine dirt is not caught, but most to them person will tell, that just is it seems that can think and cannot ideal state.Moreover, though they groom through theory, also had had brief field trip in other public house, but not quite skilled after all, reason is deficient in working method, technology, experience somewhat, working schedule is not quite fast, also cannot bear the workload of high strenth.3, skilled sex is insufficient in employee unit process of cargo bandling, service craftsmenship is defective.With its photograph of hotel of his 5 stars class is compared, put in experiential difference, service standardization still can be dealt with, but the service of flexibility, individuation is lacked relatively, and hotel of 5 stars class needs this kind of service just about.4, between the branch, between post cooperate to return insufficient tacit understanding, lack is communicated.5, the employee English level of a gleam of such as downstage, telephone exchange is not high, remain to groom further.6, enter often live client quantity is little, passenger source market is not stable still.7, project bequeath and maintenance problem still did not get be settlemented thoroughly, create product of partial guest room unqualified.(Subordinate list 3: Maintenance project detailed list)8, basic goods configuration did not reach the designated position, cause guest room product to be not perfected, the room appears drab.The guest reflects the warmth that does not have place of room of 5 stars class to reflect, costly move generally.(subordinate list 4: Chamberlain ministry guest room did not arrive article detailed list)9, establishment of relevant form a complete set is not perfect.Recreation of business affairs floor, professional bar, Ktv, fitness, bazaar did not reach the designated position.The visitor that enters a public house is pursuit eats, live, amusement, buy process of a series, ability content is worth such house price somewhat.10, the communication tool of employee did not reach the designated position, cause rate of make the rounds of the wards slower.

酒店前厅部工作总结 篇2


酒店为了吸引更多的客人入住, 从而获得经济效益。对前厅的服务质量有很高的要求, 服务质量包括设施设备管理、服务质量水平和酒店环境三个方面。

1. 设施设备质量。

前台接待设施设备是指具有与酒店规模与标准相适应的前台接待条件。包括前台接待大厅、总服务台、商务中心、贵重物品寄存处、大堂副理接待处等。酒店对设备的依赖程度日益剧增, 一旦设备出了故障, 服务就要受到影响, 几乎无法由人来代替。酒店的设施设备不仅关系到客人安全和服务质量, 还关系到酒店的设施设备关系到销售价格和酒店的利润, 现在越来越多的酒店管理者们认识到, 做好酒店设施设备管理, 是酒店经营取得成功的关键之一。

2. 前厅服务质量水平。

酒店前厅服务具体是由前厅服务员为客人提供服务。良好的前厅服务能带来良好的首因效应, 它具有先入为主的特点。在前厅服务接待过程中, 第一印象表现为客人通过对前厅服务人员的仪容仪表、言谈举止、工作态度等方面的观察而形成的感观印象。第一印象不仅影响着宾客的心理活动, 还影响着后续的服务工作能否能顺利进行。所以在与客人交往时, 良好第一印象相当必要的。同时良好的前厅服务能给工作带来便利。客人的情绪很容易受到服务人员态度的影响, 因此前厅的服务人员要时刻保持良好的服务。

3. 前厅环境。

前厅是饭店建筑的重要部分, 每一位客人抵达饭店都必须经由这里, 它是客人对饭店产生第一印象的重要空间。另外, 人们选择酒店时除了在价格方面进行决定外, 还要看环境, 所以说舒适、雅致、美观的环境也是消费者考虑的重要因素之一。


1. 前厅部服务人员销售客房的方式和技巧不足。

在酒店与前台紧密相关的客房销售工作主要涉及以下几种情况:预定销售、接待销售。酒店预订主要由有电话预定、网络预定、来店预定、传真预定、电子邮件、手机预订预定这几种形式。在酒店前厅部对预订销售时主要采取的是电话预订和来店预定, 传真预定和电子邮件预定主要由销售部负责。由于部分划分的原因, 前厅人员一直只把自己定位为接待而不是销售。客人电话或直接到前台来预定时, 前厅部服务人员的销售意识不高, 对订房者的推销力度不够, 没能根据客人的特点来有效的推销客房, 在推销技巧上还有所欠缺, 这也在一定程度影响着客房的销售。另外在客人来店办理入住登记手续时, 接待员虽然表现出强烈的酒店服务意识, 但是有时候忽视了对酒店其他服务设施的推销, 比如酒店的餐饮、娱乐、商务、咖啡服务等。

2. 前厅部与其他各部门沟通不畅。

酒店高效的运作离不开各个部门的共同合作, 虽然前厅部在酒店中起到很重要的作用, 但是离开了其他部门的协作, 就不能顺利的完成对客服务, 因此, 前厅部与其他部门的沟通和合作是保证对客服务顺利完成的前提条件。前厅部与其他部门进行沟通的方式有很多方法, 比如有电话、电脑系统、工作报表、工作报告与内容行文、会议、工作日记、团体活动、面谈等。很多前厅部门在与部门沟通上主要采用的是电话沟通、电脑系统沟通、面谈和会议沟通, 沟通的方式比较传统, 而且这些沟通仅仅限于工作上的沟通, 对员工内在感情的沟通比较少, 比如很少举办聚会、郊游。这也在一定程度上影响工作的效率。

3. 前台人员流动量大, 人才流失严重。

一名合格的前厅服务员工一般至少需要培训一个月左右才能达到前厅部岗位基本要求。酒店前厅服务员除了要了解酒店所处的地理环境和交通情况, 以及饭店的建筑、装饰、特点、服务设施、客房情况, 还要了解周边酒店的一些基本情况, 大量的信息要求, 导致员工流失严重, 员工流失还会对现在在工作中的员工产生不利影响, 在一定程度上影响其他员工的情绪, 给酒店服务带来不利影响。


1. 提高前厅服务员销售客房的技巧。

所谓技巧, 主要体现在以下方面:

(1) 注重接待细节。客人来店要求住房中表现犹豫不决时可建议参观客房, 认真为客人介绍客房内的情况, 促使客人尽快做出选择。一旦客人做出选择, 应对客人的选择表示赞赏与感谢, 并为客人立即办理入住登记手续, 尽量减少客人等候的时间。如果客人不选择酒店入住, 也要对客人光临表示感谢并欢迎下次光临。

(2) 适时介绍酒店产品。客人登记入住时, 前厅服务员在介绍客房的种类、、朝向、面积、位置、形状、家具、装潢等基础上还可以根据适当的为客人介绍会议、餐厅、理发、游泳、茶座、康乐、商务中心、洗衣、商场、停车场等设施及服务。

(3) 认真观察分析客人心理, 迎合客人需求。酒店客人年龄、性别、职业、住店目的和动机等各有不同, 因此前厅服务员可根据客人的特点推销客房。比如:商务客人, 停留的时间段;消费档次比较高;讲究服务的速度和效率;喜欢住在熟悉的饭店和曾经住过的房间, 那么前厅服务员在推销的时候就可以推销酒店设施设备比较完善的商务客房或豪华房, 尽量安排以前住过的客房。

2. 提升前厅员工的素质与业务操作水平

(1) 前厅部经理要严格把关。其重点是:认真履职监管职责, 规范前厅服务员操作流程, 发现违规操作情况及时予以制止, 杜绝风险安全隐患。并通过不断提升其自身业务素质、加大监督力度, 及时向员工传达合理的操作规范要求, 带动促进前厅部员工操作业务水平的不断提高。

(2) 不断学习, 强化自身。要定期组织员工学习, 增长员工的业务技能。如果酒店信息系统有升级的话还要对最新的系统升级带来的变化与最新的要求及时对全行员工进行有关知识的培训, 以业务辅导和检查督促相结合方式, 使前厅的服务员熟练掌握业务知识和操作流程。

(3) 强化前厅服务人员的服务意识。客人初次到一个酒店对酒店可能不了解, 对酒店产品质量的判断很多是从前厅员工的仪容仪表和言谈举止开始的, 因此, 前厅服务员要强化自己的服务意识, 班前穿好制服, 检查自己的仪容仪表, 以热忱的态度、优雅的举止、快捷的服务接待好每一位客人。

3. 规划员工职业生涯、建立人才储备制度, 用事业留人。


(1) 给员工创造职业发展的良好环境。酒店对员工创造良好的工作平台, 发现人才、使用人才, 为各类人才提供适合的岗位。对进入酒店的新员工, 基本上要按照前厅、餐饮、客房、商务的顺序, 实行轮岗操作, 使每一个新入酒店的员工对各个岗位有一些了解, 并学习基本技能。最后, 根据考核结果确定新员工的具体工作岗位。

(2) 完善学习教育制度, 建立自有的“人才储备库”。加强对现有人员的再培养, 促进员工知识更新, 将极大地为酒店发展提供后劲。按培训工作的年、季、月计划, 对员工进行专业技能、职业道德和现代酒店经营理念进行再学习、再培训。

(3) 建立灵活的薪酬机制是留住人才。根据岗位具体的要求与程度以及员工为酒店所做得贡献来制定合理的薪酬激励机制, 使管理者、酒店、员工形成利益共同体, 实现多劳多得。使员工认为自己创造的价值有所回报和认可, 这样也可以较大幅度地提高部分对酒店贡献比较多的员工工资水平, 同时也激励其他员工的工作积极性。


[1]王平.浅析旅游饭店员工高流失率原因与对策[J].青年文学家2.011 (9)

[2]陈嘉敏.关于酒店人员流失控制的几点思考[J].商场现代化, 2011 (5)

酒店前厅部工作年终总结 篇3


120xx年即将过去,在这一年里,本酒店在上下的共同努力下,经营业绩有了较大的提升。大堂进行了更新和改造,使酒店的服务项目更加完善,同时对5f、6f客房装入宽带,满足了更多商务客人的需求。所有的这些给酒店带来了生机和希望。酒店设备的更新、服务项目的完善、员工服务水准的进一步提高,使我酒店在 在酒店业有了较高的声誉。所有的这些都是店级领导的有效管理和酒店各部门员工的努力是分不开的。所以酒店较注重员工的精神文明建设,今年来前厅部在人员不断更换的情况下,所有的员工仍然能够克服困难、团结进取,圆满的完成酒店交给的各项接待任务,全年共接待了vip团 个,会议无数次,在整个接待过程中受到客人的好评,一年来前厅部做好了以下几项工作:










前台按照公安局的规定对每个入住的客人进行入住登记,并输入电脑,境外客人的资料通过酒店的报关系统及时的向国家安全局出入境管理科进行报关,认真执行公安局下发的通知,对每位住客的贵重物品进行提醒寄存。前厅部所有的报表和数据指定专人负责,对报表进行分类存档并每月统计上报。20xx年客房收入与20xx年客房收入进行对比,住房率增加了,但收入却减少了 元,主要原因是因为酒店业之间的恶性竟争导致平均房价降低,入住率增加 而收入减少的现象,客房简况表附后。



















酒店前厅部(总机)工作心得 篇4









酒店前厅部工作总结_0 篇5


Had gone some year, in this year, xx big public house manages next having of company and Xx company jointly in Xx bigger change, the capital with two devoted and many partner undertook update and be transforminged to facilities of hotel part facilities, bedraggled and old 3 buildings do business through decorating, those who made up for hotel recreation project is vacant, make the service project of the hotel more perfect, be aimed at the problem of guest room peculiar smell, through opening a window ventilated got essential settlement, at the same time old to guest room TV undertook updating …… , all these brought opportunity of survival and hope to the hotel.Of the level of service of perfect, employee of the project of newer, service of hotel facilities rise further, the best result that throughout history obtains in making Xx big public house criticizes review a case in which a death sentence has been passed by a lower court in the star 2003 the 2nd, make Xx big public house had taller reputation in hotel industry.These active management that are store level leader and all hotels are departmental the effort of door employee is not divided.So the hotel pays attention to the cultural and ideological progress of employee relatively, created good life vacuum to employee, transform the washhouse of the hotel the amphibious room of a capacious employee dining-room and employee activity, acquired the recreational project such as card of ping-pong, ping-pong desk, chess, begin each race for many times, the constitution that enhanced employee namely abounded the spare life of employee again, the hotel still went to installation of solar energy hot water employee dormitory, solved the problem that employee winter bathes.All these employee can pass serious work to sign up for a hotel back and forth only.Come this year below the circumstance that antechamber ministry changes ceaselessly in personnel, all employee still can overcome enterprising of difficult, solidarity, the satisfactory hotel that finish gives each welcome the job, annual welcomed VIP group in all 4, the conference countless, in whole in recieving a process, get of the guest reputably, come one year antechamber ministry has done the following works: One, strengthen vocational training, raise ministry of employee quality antechamber to serve as the appearance of the hotel, every employee should confront a visitor directly, the working manner of employee and service quality report give the service level of a hotel and level of management, because of this pair of employee the working key that grooming is us, will make in the light of 5 branch this year groom in detail plan: Be aimed at telephone exchange, we undertake skill grooms receiving audition phone language;The baggage that is in in the light of baggage is carried and check service undertakes grooming;The ceremony courtesy of dest clerk and skill of carry out room groom;Especially all to antechamber ministry employee will undertake the foreign language of a month grooms is as long as July this year, judge check to lay next certain foundations for the star this year, just can let employee have on skill of Wu of professional knowledge kimono through grooming only rise further, gift is nicer provide excellent service for the guest.2, engraft to employee “ broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure, add close cut down expense ” consciousness, broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure of “ of control good cost, add close cut down expense ” is every enterprise not arrowy pursuit, antechamber department employee answers the call of the hotel actively, begin managing, cut down expense activity, control good cost.For managing charge, antechamber him ministry buys plastic basket to hold the key of the group, reduced the use amount of key bag and room card, to the hotel managing charge(no matter be a group,still come loose so guest, every room must fill in to the room gets stuck and use key bag, after using room card and key bag through group house,saved cost greatly, the room blocks 0.18 yuan / piece, key bag 0.1 yuan / , everyday group house 100 above, a year but the fee with managing bigger brushstroke);Business affairs center is used expire forms for reporting statistics will print draft paper;Supervise and urge the employee of accommodation is managing with water and electricity;Control good office articles for use, had used each each pieces of paper, pen.Pass these control, achieve for the hotel close make the contribution with antechamber due ministry.3, the sale consciousness that strengthens employee and sale skill, rise to lead antechamber ministry basis market condition, actively is advanced medicinal powder guest room sale, come this year the hotel rolled out a series of plan of guest room sales promotion if: The sales promotion activity such as 1000 yuan of certificate of fan room, integral card, acting gold, card, dest clerk is in hotel privilege policy while mix according to market level that day enter a circumstance to master house price neatly, come loose downstage the guest had apparent addition, enter rate rise somewhat, emphasize dest clerk: “ wants downstage guest only, we want the tenet that method lets ” of guest take up one’s quarters, strive for more live entering to lead.4, pay attention to the harmonious job hotel between departmental door to resemble a big family, the hard to avoid in working between branch and branch can happen grind, harmonious stand or fall is affected in working lieutenant general by huge.Antechamber ministry is the centre branch of whole public house, it is having close working relationship with the branch such as meal, sale, guest room, be like occurrence problem, we undertake can actively harmony settlement with this branch, avoid its aggravation, because common goal of everybody is for the hotel, be not solved and had handled the negative effect with will be brought certain to the hotel.5, strengthen of all kinds forms for reporting statistics to reach declare at customs the management of data is downstage the visitor that enters to every according to the regulation of public security bureau undertakes registering, input computer, the cable concern interconnected system that the data of the guest outside the condition adopts a hotel is seasonable to national security bureau division of discrepancy condition management undertakes declaring at customs, carry out the announcement that public security bureau allots seriously, live to every the guest’s valuable undertakes remindful check.All forms for reporting statistics and data appoint antechamber ministry person specially assigned for a task is responsible, undertake classified filing to forms for reporting statistics and every months of statistic appears in the newspaper.Two years guest room income and income of two years of guest room undertake contrast, housing rate increased 9.46% , but income reduced 240223.07 yuan however, because,main reason is between hotel industry malign contend for unexpectedly bring about average room price to reduce, enter rate increase and income reductive phenomenon, after watch of guest room overview is added.Achievement is satisfactory, but either be in us deep also consciousness and experience arrive: 1, flexibility and initiative are lacked on the service;2, the equipment ageing of telephone exchange creates line not free, cause a guest to complain constantly;3, individual new employee operates inexperience to own job;4, ageing of copycat of business affairs center, copycat result is bad, affect the income of business affairs center, the duplicate cash income of center of annual business affairs has 2812.9 yuan only this year.Made new sale index and task to business branch according to the hotel, it is two years to antechamber ministry important year, finish the job to can cooperate to sell a ministry, make a plan of two years of jobs especially: 1, continue to strengthen groom, improve the integrated quality of employee, improve service quality;2, stable employee rank, reduce the liquidity of employee;3, ” of software of “ of ageing of “ hardware ” fills, through improving a service

quality makes up for the inadequacy of equipment ageing;4, the skill of carry out room that increases downstage staff, increase medicinal powder of the guest enter rate, strive to finish the sale job of hotel make known to lower levels.Already began one new year, antechamber ministry faculty will provide the most excellent service with Xiang Bin of new spiritual outlook and real operation’s guest, carry out “ guest consummate, serve the purpose of the first ”.Antechamber ministry: Xxx date
