作 者:陈怡帆 CHEN Yi-fan 作者单位:华中科技大学,外国语学院,湖北,武汉,430074;武汉市财贸学校,外语教研组,湖北,武汉,430016刊 名:湖南环境生物职业技术学院学报英文刊名:JOURNAL OF HUNAN ENVIRONMENT-BIOLOGICAL POLYTECHNIC年,卷(期):14(1)分类号:H159关键词:文化交流 中式菜名 翻译 归化 异化
随着世界全球化进程的加快, 中国开始变得富裕和强大。中国与世界各地的交往越来越密切。一方面, 中国人走向世界各地, 去留学经商甚至移民国外。另一方面, 世界各地的人民走向中国, 来旅游学习经商等。因此中国的餐饮文化在受到外国文化影响的同时, 也快速地在世界各地传播。因此如何翻译出地道的中式菜名, 弘扬中华传统饮食文化, 引起了国内外华人学者的关注和重视。
2 中式文化菜名的特点
纵览中式菜名, 我们可以把它分为两大类:普通菜名和文化菜名。
一般说来普通菜名主要包含了主料、配料、刀法和烹调方式四个方面。 (刘清波, 2003) 所以根据中式菜名的命名模式和菜名的构成方法, 使得菜名的翻译有规律可循。
文化菜名的命名追求音美、形美、意美:以其谐音、同音、押韵追求音美;以其结构相称、平衡、对仗、双关和寓意追求形美;以其祝福、祈福、好彩、赞美追求意美 (文珊, 2012) 。除此之外, 还有很多菜名是以人名地名或是人文、典故来命名的。
音美文化菜。诸如“三元及第”的“元”与“丸”, 霸王别姬 (甲鱼炖鸡块) 。地名菜, 如西湖醋鱼, 北京烤鸭等。人名菜, 像东坡肉, 麻婆豆腐。
形美文化菜。用比喻的手法, 依据形、色来喻物。芙蓉其实是蛋清, 翡翠是青菜, 白玉是豆腐, 而龙虎凤则是蛇、猫和鸡。
意美文化菜。中国人对幸福、富贵、平安、健康、和睦等的追求, 几千年来始终没变。所以在许多重要的节日和重要的场合都喜欢用说吉利话, 这也体现在宴会和节日饮食当中。比如金玉满堂 (虾仁鸡蛋汤) , 全家福 (砂锅什锦) 八宝菜等。人文典故菜, 有佛跳墙, 大救驾等。
3 中式文化菜名的英译原则
3.1 译入语文化为中心原则
语言是反映特定的民族文化的符号系统, 是代表该文化主客观世界的一种表现形式。语言在翻译的过程中, 一定会受到译入语语言符号系统的改造和影响。而这种改造和影响, 具有强制性, 突出的表现在中式菜名的音、形、意在译入语中都会不同程度的发生变化。
中式菜名承载着中国几千年的饮食文化特定的语言信息, 当译成英语的时候, 往往会产生中西文化的碰撞, 产生语言文化的障碍和冲突。照搬源语, 结果可能会违背译入语的习俗、审美心理以及意识形态, 引起外国食客的反感或者误导他们[3]。但是, 如果以译入语文化为中心, 则导致中国传统饮食文化的淡化和消失, 在这样的情况下, 是否保留源文化面貌变得不那么重要, 而重要的是译文是否能够让食客接受, 不会产生不对称的联想甚至是厌恶感。如:麒麟鸡:Steamed Sliced Chicken with Mushrooms and Vegetables麒麟在中国是一种吉祥神兽, 有太平长寿寓意, 而在西方是金钱拜物教的图腾, 牟利者猎取的对象。富贵鸡:Steamed Chicken with Stuffing。福建名菜, 佛跳墙:Fotiaoqiang—Steamed Abalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw in Broth。大救驾:Da Jiu Jia pastry (baked lard pancake with kernel) A name from a legend telling people in Anhui Province saved an emperor life with this kind of pancake. (王冬梅, 2010)
这些中式菜名融合了动植物名称、自然景物甚至成语、典故和历史人物, 其独特的内在寓意, 外国食客看到菜名不会有中国食客看到菜名相同的反应。所以在翻译的时候就要以译入语为中心, 了解外国食客对中国饮食文化的认知程度, 尽可能避免因文化缺省而产生理解障碍和文化冲突。以上的例子就是把麒麟、富贵等略去不译, 而只是把菜的食材和烹调方式翻译出来, 虽然失去了原有的饮食文化信息, 但是却更适应了异域食客的消费心理。
3.2 简洁易懂原则
国外的华人餐馆中往往把属于同一类主料的菜名放在一起, 便于顾客的选择和区分。按猪肉、鱼肉、鸭肉、干贝、牛肉、羊肉、素鸡、木须、面条、小吃、汤、煲、饭等分成十几类, 每一类里有很多种烹调方式。比如豆腐就有家常豆腐、红烧豆腐和宫保豆腐等。
很多的形美文化菜如果把形状翻译出来, 显得冗长繁杂。因此翻译时不必每个字每个意思都翻译出来, 应该力求简洁易懂。例如, 龙凤琵琶豆腐:Steamed Tofu with Egg, Chicken and Shrimp。看到这道菜名, 虽然外国食客不会产生中国人脑海里所特有的龙凤琵琶的意象, 但是清楚明白的了解了这是一道什么样的菜。
其实在处理意美文化菜的时候也是同样的道理。比如, 在中国过年过节团圆的时候, 中国人可能就会点上一道全家福。外国人看到Stewed Assorted Delicacies这道菜名的时候不会有祝福的意象, 而如果译成Happiness Family, 会让外国食客不清楚这是一道什么菜。
3.3 动态对等原则
美国的著名翻译家奈达, 指出“从语义到语体, 在译入语中用切近的 (原文) 的自然对等语再现源语信息”。这个定义指出翻译的关键在于在自然的基础上选择意义与原文最接近的译文, 与读者反应最相似 (谭载喜, 2004:234) 。所以在翻译的时候要注意符合四个标准:达意、传神、措辞通顺自然、读者反应相似。在具体翻译的时候至少要符合这其中的一条标准。
龙虎斗, 即蛇肉和猫肉, 如果直接翻译成Battle between dragon and tiger, 是比较形象和生动, 但外国人不一定能接受, 龙在西方国家被认为是一怪物, 能吐烟火凶残可怕, 不被西方人喜欢。所以可以直接翻译成:Stir-fried snake and cat’s meat。虽然不能传神, 但是能够达意。
猫耳朵是西北的一道风味面食。直接翻译成Cat-ear, 形式上没有问题。但是猫在西方被称作巫婆的熟友, 魔鬼的化身。所以就翻译成Cat-ear Shaped Noodle, 形象生动, 也贴近原文意思, 视为传神。
片儿川Pian Er Chuan (Noodles with Preserved Vegetable, Sliced Pork, and Bamboo Shoots in Soup) 。音译加注释, 措辞自然通顺。
醉蟹如果翻译成drunk crab, 意思则变成喝醉了的螃蟹。应该翻译成wine preserved crab, 则与中国食客看到菜名的反应是一致的。
4 中式文化菜的英译策略
4.1 音译来传达文化菜的音美
随着世界上越来越多的人学习汉语和研究汉语, 汉语变得越来越普及。在菜名的翻译中, 很多中式菜名被音译, 即译成汉语拼音。人名中有类似东坡肉、麻婆豆腐等等。地名如西湖醋鱼、兰州拉面、过桥米线等。物名有中国特有的小吃和特色菜品, 像油条、大饼、粽子、米粉、河粉等。这种翻译的方法丰富了英语文化, 另外又会在英语国家中转播了地道的中国饮食文化。
许多中式菜名在音译的时候, 是汉语拼音的“变译”, 顺应了外国人的口音。但是中式文化菜名的音译可以分为几种:一是音译词做修饰部分是菜名的一部分, 比如东坡肉Braised Dongpo pork。二是整个菜名都音译, 像麻婆豆腐Ma Po Tou Fu。三是变译, 炒河粉Chao Fan, 混沌Wonton等等。
4.2 直译保留文化菜的形美
按照中式文化菜的构成原则, 一般的中式菜名都可以直译成英语。一般按照主料、配料、刀法、烹调和味道五个方面择其要点进行翻译。炒杂碎, Chop suey, 北京烤鸭, Roasted Beijing duck。海外华人餐馆里常用, 已经被正式编入美国《韦伯斯特新世界大学词典》 (Webster’s new world college dictionary) 。香酥琵琶鸡腿, Spiced-steamed and deep-fried pipa-shaped crisp chicken legs (Pipa is a Chinese musical instrument) 。美国人称琵琶鸡腿为“鼓槌鸡腿”Chicken drum stick。
中国菜讲究色香味俱全, 所以在翻译的时候, 把文化菜的色形象生动的翻译出来, 一定会达到传神的效果。比如翡翠虾仁, 一般译成Sautéed Shrimps with Broccoli, 如果译成Emerald Shrimps (Sautéed Shrimps with Broccoli) 鲜翠欲滴的虾仁, 一定会引起外国食客的食欲。
芙蓉三鲜一般译作Three Delicacies with Egg White, 如果译成Three Delicacies with Cottonrose Hibiscus (Three Delicacies with Egg White) 这样就能生动的把菜的形和色翻译出来。
4.3 直译后加注解来传播文化菜的意美
如何既把文化菜名翻译成正确的英文, 又尽量原汁原味地保留菜名的形象性和生动性, 又传递了中国的文化特色, 实在不容易。对于一些已经约定俗成的翻译, 可以把它们规范化, 给有需要的部门一个参考的依据。
狗不理包子, 天津特色小吃, 用汉语拼音, Goubuli baozi, 加注:Steamed buns filled with vegetables, meat or other ingredients, which, even in the hard days, dogs didn’t eat, because it was too oily。驴打滚, 北京风味小吃, 做法是年糕卷沾黄豆面, 如同驴在黄土地上打滚, 非常形象生动, 完全可以翻译成Donkey rolling on dust-ground, 加注:Rolls made of glutinous rice flour coated with soybean flour, looks like donkey rolling on dust-ground。像意美文化菜:大丰收, 其实是一道什锦生菜沙拉, 可以用汉语拼音Dafengshou, 意译Big harvest, 再加注:Salad of assorted fresh vegetables。
5 结束语
纵观中国文化菜名的英文翻译, 无论哪一种原则, 其特点均为简单、直白、明了, 这与外国人简单直白的表达方式和习惯有关, 而中式文化菜在翻译过程中所要传达的音美、形美往往很少表达, 而意美更不复存在, 这就造成了中式文化菜名在翻译过程中的文化缺失。所以, 在向外国人介绍中国文化菜时, 应遵循三步走, 第一步以音译, 直接介绍菜名;第二步意思配以食材和烹饪方法, 让其知晓菜的本质;第三步辅以典故说明, 或附图以形象表达, 或介绍这个典故强化意境, 让外国人在享受中国菜的时候对其饮食文化也有更深一层次的了解。
摘要:从中式文化菜的特点出发, 提出了三条英译原则:译入语文化为中心原则、简洁易懂原则和动态对等原则。并根据文化菜的特点配合使用音译、直译和直译加注解的翻译策略。
[1]刘清波.中式菜名英译的技巧和原则[J].中国科技翻译, 2003 (4) :52-53.
[2]马会娟.汉英文化比较与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版有限公司, 2014:45.
[3]谭载喜.西方翻译简史 (第二版) [M].北京:商务印书馆, 2014:234.
[4]王冬梅.中式菜名英译中的文化缺失[J].海外英语, 2010 (9) :138-140.
[5]文珊.华人菜名英译的对比研究[J].中国科技翻译, 2012 (2) :48-49.
价值观是文化体系中最深层的部分,也是跨文化交际的核心。美国著名人类学家Clyde Kluckhohn认为:价值观是“个人或群体所特有的一种显型或隐形的认为什么是可取的观念,这一观念影响人们从现有的种种行动模式、方式和目的中做出选择”[6]。中国的饮食观念是五味调和,而西方的饮食观念则是突出个性。产生如此差别,主要是源于中西方国家不同的哲学思想及因此形成的文化精神和思维方式。首先,从哲学思想看,中国哲学思想的一个重要核心是讲究“气”与“有无相生”,西方哲学思想则讲究实体与虚空的分离与对立。其次,从文化精神和思维方式来看,基于哲学思想的不同,中西的文化精神和思维模式也大不相同:中国讲究天人合一,强调整体功能;西方讲究天人分离,强调形式结构。这就决定了各自饮食观念的不同。
跨文化交际说到底是不同文化所铸就的交际双方以语言为媒介,通过信息源——编码——信息传递——解码——反馈等环节所构成的一个双向信息交换的动态连续过程。在这个过程中,信息在一种文化背景下进行编码,而在另一种文化背景下进行解码,而翻译则作为跨文化意识的载体在信息传递中起着桥梁作用。由于文化背景、宗教信仰、道德观念等方面的因素,一些国家或民族在饮食文化方面还存在一些忌讳,因此在翻译时应强化跨文化意识,提高对文化差异的敏感性,避免引起文化冲突和不必要的麻烦。如湖北荆州的传统名菜“龙凤配”,象征吉祥如意,但如果直译为“dragon and phoenix”显然不妥。因为在西方文化中“dragon”有邪恶之意,而“phoenix”是在中国神话故事中才有的飞禽,西方人对此毫无感性认识。实际上这道菜的主料是鲤鱼和凤头鸡,可以译成“Chicken and Crusian Carp”以避之。当然,翻译不应是被动的语言中介,而应是跨文化交际的积极参与者。在某些情况下,译者应充分提高自身的跨文化交际能力,向不了解对方文化的交际方解释文化差异和有可能出现的误解,提醒有关人员注意外国客人由于文化差异等原因所忌讳的菜品,以避免不必要的误会,努力促进交际双方的理解与沟通。
通讯地址:湖南省长沙市长沙理工大学云塘校区职工小区5-602 凌冰13657358787
With an increasingly important role China plays on the global stage,more and more people from other countries want to have a better understanding of China,especially Chinese culture.As a thread going through the long history of Chinese catering culture,Chinese dish names contain too much cultural elements.Since the name of a dish is the first impression given to a dining person when he or she decides to order a dish,it is of great importance to convey accurate information to the customer.
The profound and complex nature of Chinese menus and culinary terms add much difficulty to the task of English translation of Chinese dish names.As is known,proper English translation of Chinese dish names plays a significant role in promoting the interaction among peoples of different nations as well as informing foreigners of China's special cultural environment.Any improper translation of dish names will lead to embarrassment and misunderstandings.
By analyzing Chinese culinary culture,this paper attempts to provide some humble opinions in improving the quality of English translation of Chinese dish names.The author puts forward some translation standards on dish name translation on the basis of former study.
2 Recent Studies on English Translation of Chinese Dish Names
Many westerners are interested in studying Chinese culinary culture and Chinese dish names,and much work has been done in this field.English-Chinese Bilingual Hotels,Tourism and Catering Management Dictionary(1998)by the famous scholar P H.Collin,covers a variety of aspects concerning basic vocabulary of tourism industry,including dish names.He also cites examples from magazines and other publications to pick out the most satisfied renderings.
A lot of Chinese scholars have also made efforts on dish name translation.In A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Traveling at Home and Abroad compiled by Guo Lianzhang(郭廉彰,2003),over 4000 Chinese dishes are specifically listed together with their English translation.Ren Jingsheng(任静生,2001:56),discussed some basic characteristics of English translation of Chinese dishes and foods,in both oral and written situations.Wen Yue'e(文月娥,2006:118),applied functional equivalence in the translation of Chinese menu.
During the Olympic Games in Beijing,the dishes and drinks served in the capital's restaurants were given'standardized'English names by publishing A Set of Fixed English Translations for Chinese Menu(《中文菜单英文译法》)by the Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages Program,a government-sponsored organization that promoted English among Beijing residents.
Despite all these studies,it's still far from satisfactory translation of Chinese menu.It is undeniable and evident at presen that many problems exist in the English translation of Chinese dish names.
Common examples of improper translating work are as follows:1)some English equivalents are so wordy that they read like recipes instead of names,without slightest consideration of cultural differences,such as'红烧狮子头'(Braised Lion's Head),2)some are confusing or misleading,such as'锦绣中华'(Beautiful China),3)some translations fail to transmit the aesthetic value of the original Chinese dish names.A dish'黄鹂鸣翠柳'has its name from a poetic line'Two yellow orioles singing in the green willows'(两个黄鹂鸣翠柳),but a current English version'Steamed Lobsters with Celery'fails to deliver the original aesthetic value.Such a chaotic situation,considering the complexity,profundity and unpredictability of Chinese cuisine,calls for more studies.
3 English translation of Chinese Dish Names on the basis of cultural features
The English translation of Chinese dish names is worth studying for it lives up to certain standards that are required in translating dish names,such as better understanding of the original dish names,transmittance of aesthetic value,convey of cultural elements on the basis of Chinese cultural features.
3.1 Cultural Features of Chinese Dish
The diversity of Chinese dishes is easily reflected by its richness in names,which present the features that distinguish them from that of any other countries.
1)Social characteristics:Chinese dish names are deeply rooted in the social environment of China.Since the Chinese lay great emphasis on ways to keep healthy,food is certain to be regarded as a way to make one strong and healthy.This notion is well presented through Chinese dish names.For example,'枸杞炖蛤'(Clam Soup Simmered with Chinese Wolfberry).
Some dish names emerge in certain historical periods to echo social events.Names of famous people take up a special position in forming Chinese dish names.For instance,a dish'东坡方肉'is named after a famous Chinese poet Su Dongpo who used his special cooking method in cooking pork.
2)Regional characteristics:Chinese dish names are also characterized by regional cultural feature.Culture always confines to a certain region.As there are many regions on China's broad land,the regional culinary culture is inevitably in local dish names.Many dish names are directly named after a certain region,such as'北京烤鸭'(Beijing Roast Duck),'杭州凤鹅'((Pickled Goose,Hangzhou Style).
3)Traditional and auspicious characteristics:Since Chinese culinary culture has distinctive traditional features,it is inevitable to influence its dish names.Within Chinese tradition,six themes of'福(happiness)、禄(fame)、寿(longevity)、喜(joy)、财(fortune)、吉(luck)'are always shown to represent the auspicious concept of the Chinese.The Chinese people add art language to dish names to express their concern for life and eagerness to happy living.
Examples are not rare such as'寿桃'(Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling),'山城血旺'(Sautéed Eel with Duck Blood Curd),'发财鱼翅羹'(Shark's Fin in Thick Soup),etc.
Moreover,some dishes are eaten on certain days as a tradition.For instance,on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month people would eat'腊八粥'(Porridge with Nuts and Dried Fruits).
A proper dish name and good translation not only inform a diner of its ingredient,but also the profound culture it inherits.
3.2 Better Understanding of the Original Dish Names
Yan Fu(1853-1921),one of the most important Chinese translators in the modern times,in his book Evolution and Ethics put forward his influential but controversial principles on translation,'Faithfulness','Expressiveness'and'Elegance'.(王秉钦,2003:65)
Since the most important function of a dish name is to provide information of the dish for diners,it is of crucial importance to fully understand the original dish names,including its ingredients,cooking methods,seasoning,etc.In this way,the translated version can give correct information to the readers and diners.
1)Translation of cooking methods:Take'煮'for example some are translated as'stewed',some'braised','boiled''sautéed',depending on materials used.
大煮干丝:Braised Shredded Chicken with Ham and Dried Tofu
水煮牛肉:Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil
2)Translation of ways of cutting:Chinese dish names also contain lots of forms of ingredients due to the different cutting styles.They cover'切'(cutting),'剁'(chopping),'切丝'(slicing),'切条'(stripping).Translators shall pay special attention to the translation of these points.
腰果鸡丁:Sautéed Diced Chicken and Cashew Nuts
炸块鸡:Deep-Fried Chicken Chunks
3)Better understanding of ingredients:Apart from the basic knowledge of cooking skills,the translator should also analyze the ingredients of a dish accurately.Mistakes will be made if the translator just translates according to the name itself.For example,'凤'in'泡椒凤爪'always refers to chicken.
3.3 Transmittance of Aesthetic Value
As has been discussed,the Chinese are likely to strive for elegance when they name the dishes.So many dish names often sound beautiful and propitious with symbolic sense by employing various features of symbolism and metaphors in order to please and attract customers.
There are primarily three techniques for translating this kind of dish names.
1)Literal translation with explanation
四喜丸子:Four-Joy Meatballs(Meat Balls Braised with Brown Sauce)
咕噜肉:Gulaorou(Sweet and Sour Pork with Fat)
These dish names are very appealing to diners either because of pronunciation or lively images invoked.The names themselves will stimulate the diners to wonder what kinds of ingredients are used in the dishes.If the translator merely uses literal translation skill,it is likely to cause confusion.Therefore,it is necessary to add some explanation about the ingredients,etc.
2)Free translation
全家福:Stewed Assorted Delicacies
乡村大丰收:Raw Vegetables Combination
These dish names are auspicious because they have some good intention within them.In these cases,free translation is a good choice because it focuses on the sense instead of the words Thus,the aesthetic value of the original names is retained effectively.
3)Literal translation with free translation:What translators should always bear in mind is that people are more interested in what a real dish is like than its name.Thus,when the names are bewildering,it is wise to translate the reality in the dish names in order to better inform diners of the dishes.This may occur to the diners that the original images are lost through this way of translation;however,it should be pointed out that it is the only way to hold back the aesthetic value when the original name seems confusing to the diner.
口水鸡:Steamed Chicken with Chili Sauce
翡翠虾仁:Sautéed Shrimps with Broccoli
By saying transmittance of aesthetic value,it also demands that unpleasant images should be avoided in translating dish names.For example,the dish name'夫妻肺片'will create an awful and horrible impression if translated literally.Thus,it is better to be translated as'Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce'to avoid such results.
3.4 Convey of Cultural Elements
Translation is regarded as a form of intercultural communication.A translator must have the intercultural consciousness and be aware of the cultural differences.Knowing the culinary differences will enable the Chinese-English translators of dish names to adopt proper translation approaches so as to make the versions more intelligible and acceptable.
1)Literal translation with explanation:Many Chinese dishes are with strong cultural allusions or background.Westerners however,know little or nothing about these allusions.Under such circumstances,literal translation still works,but relevant explanations or addition of related words become necessary.
叫花鸡:Beggars Chicken(Baked Chicken)
鱼香肉丝:Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork(Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
2)Free translation:Sometimes,certain cultural elements are unacceptable or incomprehensible to foreigners as a result o cultural differences.In these cases,free translation is more applicable.
罗汉腐皮卷:Tofu Rolls
龙凤汤:Chicken and Crusian Carp Soup
宫保鸡丁:Diced Chicken with Chili and Peanuts in Ho Sauce(Invented by Gongbao in Qing Dynasty)(董莉,2002:3)
Suggested version:Kung Pao Chicken
4 Conclusion
Chinese dish names vividly reflect China's culinary culture The quality of English translation of Chinese dish names has some direct influence on the entry of Chinese food industry into the global market.Therefore,it is of great importance to study on translations of Chinese dish names.
By exploring into Chinese culinary culture and cultural features of Chinese dish names,this paper has analyzed severa principles abided by the translation of the dish names,in the hope of providing some humble opinions in improving the quality of Chinese dish name translation.It is expected that ChineseEnglish menus in restaurants and traveling brochures at home and abroad will serve as culture ambassador to introduce the Chinese culture.
[1]Collin P H.English-Chinese Bilingual Hotels,Tourism and Catering Management Dictionary[M].Beijing:World Publishing Company,1998.
【关键词】中式菜名 中译英原则 中译英策略
第一,直译。直译最常用于描述性的菜名,材料、刀法、烹饪方法一目了然。适用于直译的第一类菜名是菜名中只包含了原材料、制作方法或材料形状。翻译时我们只需用“with”把主料与辅料联系起来,同时指明刀法与烹饪方法即可。如“蔬菜虾仁”翻译时将蔬菜与虾仁用“with”连接,译为“shrimp with mixed vegetables”。第二类是菜名中包含了口味的信息。英译时在主要原材料前加上菜的口味便可轻松解决这一问题。如“香脆排骨”常译成“crisp fried spare ribs”。前面提到过的为纪念性的菜名也可用直译的方式,常用方法是将人名或地名置于菜名之前。如“东坡红烧肉”译做“Dongpo braised pork”。另外一种方法是将地名信息以“…..style”的形式放于括号内,置于英译菜名之后。如“无锡排骨”,译做“pork ribs braised in sweet brown sauce(wuxi style)”。第二,意译。意译指不严格追求字面对等或追求原文字顺序一致的翻译技巧。使用意译的目的是传达菜名中真正的涵义,而非复制原文的句子结构或修辞方法。直译行不通时,译者会考虑意译的方式。这种翻译策略常用来翻译浪漫式的菜名以及涵义晦涩、模糊不清的菜名。具体可分为三大类:一保留原材料、制作方式、口味等。某些中国菜名中的因素是无法翻译的,如“拔丝地瓜”中的“拔丝”。事实上,这些文字没有确定的意义。因此我们可将“拔丝地瓜”译成“potatoes in hot toffee”,意味“热糖浆中的地瓜”。二在原意上补充修饰性或暗指性词语。中国人常在菜名中添加修饰性或暗指性词语,使其听起来更具吸引力,在某种程度上这会造成外国人的误解。因此我们需要将那些原始的、有助于理解的涵义或菜的成分补充到菜名中。像“芙蓉虾仁”中的“芙蓉”,翻译时可补充“egg-white”译为“蛋清或蛋白”,帮助外国人理解其真正涵义。三将模糊的意思转换成恰当的语言。这一原则在中国菜名英译中十分重要,因为我们过去所犯的错误中,绝大多数都源于此,例如 “夫妻肺片”,译成“husband and wife’s lung slice”(丈夫和老婆的肺片)。如果这样翻译,我相信没有外国人敢或是愿意品尝。修改过的译本应该分别是“beef and ox tripe in chili sauce”(辣酱油中的牛肉和牛肚)。第三,音译。随着全球一体化的发展,尤其是中国文化与外国文化交流的深入,一些传统的中国菜已为外国人熟知,他们不仅了解将这些菜的中国发音,更是将其编纂到他们的字典中。典型的例子有“tofu”(豆腐),“jiaozi”(饺子)等,几乎不会有外国人会对这些名字感到困惑。第四,多种方式相结合。在实际翻译中,总会碰到上述的翻译策略无法解决的问题,尤其是浪漫式命名的菜品。此时多种策略相结合的方式将帮助我们更准确地进行翻译。例如音译加直译。我们将“麻婆豆腐”译成“Ma Po Tofu (Bean curd with minced pork in hot sauce)”括号内信息意为豆腐加上猪肉末热汤汁。可见既保留了发音,又添加了原料等菜的信息。第五,创造式翻译有些菜名,像“狗不理包子”,可以说任何翻译策略都无法适用。直译的话,为“Dog-Won’t-Pay-Attention”(狗都不愿搭理),如此翻译或许没人愿意品尝。如果音译,是“Goubuli Baozi”,对于不熟悉这一美味的外国人来说,没有任何意义。最值得借鉴的两个翻译版本分别是“Go-believe”,“ Dog-won’t-Leave”。第一个不仅听起来像中文“狗不理”的发音,而且表现出销售者对包子口味的信心;第二个翻译告诉我们连狗闻过包子的香味后都不愿离开。