
2024-07-17 版权声明 我要投稿


英文商务信函用语 篇1


We shall be obliged if you will quote us your rock—bottom prices for your products at your earliest convenience.


We offer you firm subject to your reply here by 5p.m,March 21 our time. 3. 兹就你方要求用付款交单方式一事,现奉告,信用证支付为我方惯用方式,故不能对你方例外。

With regard to your request for D/P terms, we wish to inform you that payment by L/C is your usual practice, and we are not in a position to make you an exception.上述例句打底线部分为典型的外贸信函程式化套语,用在信函中能使语言表达地道规范,语气平和得当,、专业色彩浓,表现出鲜明的外贸信函用语行业特征。



We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the question of short weight on the captioned shipment remains unsettled.

汉、英语在各自的语言表达中都有固定的套式,但 “draw”这一动词还可用“call”和“invite”来替换,只是“invite”中词更显礼貌一些。5.提请卖方注意:我方定单拖欠至今尚未履行。

We brought to the knowledge of the Seller that our order had been outstanding for considerable time.


We should be grateful if you should get for US some information about this company.

英语中除了“obliged”, “grateful”这两个词外,还可用“thankful”一词来替换,或用其它的词稍作句型变化: It would be appreciated if... We should appreciate it if... 7.你方9月8日来函收悉。

We are in receipt of your letter of Sept.8. 这一套语汉语还可简化为“函悉’’,几乎为信文开头的常式。8.希望保险索赔一事不会给你方造成麻烦。诸多麻烦,容此申谢。

We hope no difficulty will arise in connection with the insurance claim and thank you in advance for your trouble on our behalf.

这一套语不看译文的确想不到它竟会是汉语“提前致谢”之意。按汉语思维,会译成“Please allow me here to express to you our thanks for bothering you so much”,但这倒像老式的演讲词。再看一例: 9.承蒙合作,容此申谢。

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 用套语一套即可成文,非常实用。10.随函附寄我方价目单一式两份,请查收。

Enclosed please find two copies of our price list. 这一套语原是英语信函套型其实很简单:“Please find two copies„enclosed”,把句中宾补提到句首。类似的还有:

Please find enclosed two copies of... Enclosed are two copies of„

We are sending you under cover two copies of... 当然,最后这一例形式略有不同,“under cover”表达了随函的意思,若改用“under separate cover”、“by separate mail”或“by separate post”等套语,则是“另函”之意了。这一意义英语中还有更接近日常表达的方式: 11.现随函附寄我方最新目录和价格表,上有贵方所需行情。

We enc1ose our latest catalogue and a price list giving details you ask for.12.我方经营多种轻工产品,详见附表。

We deal in a wide range of light industrial products as per list enclosed.

汉语“详见附表”似乎还有另一习惯表达:“For particulars please refer to the list attached”,尽管这也是固定的套语,但较之“as per”,在商函却不及后者地道。“详见附表“这一套语还可更简洁: Details as per the attached list.


Please be advised that the originals of shipping documents are being sent to you through the Bank of China.

“谨告之”不是“sincerely inform you that„”因为它不大合商函套式。除句中“advise”词外,英语还可用“inform”代替它,或用“Please note that„” 和“Please see to it that„”句型来表达。14.请随时告之你方市场形势动态。

P1ease keep us informed of market situation at your end.这与上例形式相近.但意义大不相同(上例是“告之于人”,此处则是“被告之”),不可混用,名中“inform”一词还可用“advise”和“post”代替。同时,英语“at your end”也是商函中的固定习语。


Please let us know your specific requirements in order for us to send you by separate mail our catalogue and quotation.

“请告之”英语不用“Please tell us”(当然也可这样表达)而是用了更为常用的套语(打底线处),就使得表达更显商函特色了。16.承蒙中国银行拉哥斯分行告之贵公司名称和地址,我方得知贵公司为纺织品和棉布出口商。

We owe your name and address to the Bank of China,Lagos Branch,through whom we have learnt you are exporters of Chinese textiles and cotton piece goods.

“承蒙告之”、“得知”也是信函用语,英语“through the courtesy of„”(经由„„的好意)“on the recommendation of”“introduced by„”(由„„介绍)等都可在这一情景下使用。


We take the 1iberty of writing to you with a view to doing business with you. “冒昧”一词系初次交往时使用的礼貌用语,可使语气委婉而不显唐突,纯粹出于客套,实际意义不大,但用与不用效果不同。当然,这里也可以用“take the liberty to write to„”来代替上面的“of”短语。类似的场合下还可使用“to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as„”(借此机会自我介绍)、“to write to introduce ourselves as„”(现函告)和“This is to introduce ourselves as„”(兹介绍)等来代替它。18.盼早复。

We are looking forward to your early reply.

汉语言简意赅,英语则句式相对长一些。类似的英语表达还有: ·We are expecting your early reply. ·We anticipate your early reply.

·We are awaiting your immediate reply. ·We look forward to hearing from you soon.·Let us have your reply soon.

·We are looking forward to your favorable reply. ·We look forward to hearing from you favorably. 到底用哪一种则须遵从个人习惯了。上述各例从一定程度上反映了部分信函用语的模式化特征,但在一些商贸术语和行话中,同样也有一些模式化的固定搭配,它们不属标准用语,但却一样在表达上形成了套式,对于套语,必须首先排除汉语思维的干扰,遵从英语的习惯进行表达,例如下例:


Your attention is drawn to the fact that we have not much ready stock on hand.“现货”是固定的专业术语,汉语只有一个,英语却可根据不同上下文用多种形式表达(此句中的“请注意”也是可供现货:

·We can supply the goods from stock. ·We can supply the goods ex stock. ·The goods are in stock for supply. ·The goods are available for supply. 无现货可供:

·The goods are not available for supply. ·The stocks are exhausted. ·The goods are out of stock.存货不多或逐减:

·Our stocks are running low.

·We have low(1imited)stock in(of)the goods. 20.此货需求甚殷,故建议你方尽快惠赐试定单。

We would suggest that you sent us your trial order as soon as possible,as there is a brisk demand for this article.

汉、英对照,英语既看不出“惠”(favour),也看不出“赐”(grant)的意思,然而英语商函一直就这样说。当然,也有客气一些的说法: ·Would you please send us... ·Be kind enough to send us... ·Favor us with... 另外,“需求甚殷”与译文相比,一个文气,一个俗白,类似的英语固定搭配还有: 需求极大:There is a heavy demand for„ 接货过多:There is a heavy commitment„ 货已接满:—be fully committed with„

定单甚多:have received a large number of.. 定单接踵而至:the rush of order...


We are pleased to inform you that we handle a wide range of electric fans.

“经营”一词却有多种说法: “deal in”、“trade in”、“be in the line of„”等习惯表达。与之相应的还有配,例如: 22.现奉告,我方专营工艺品出口。

We wish to inform you that we are specialized in the export of arts and crafts.

当然,“专营”还有另外的说法,“专营”一词,同样也有许多搭配: ·We deal exclusively in the export of„ ·We specialize in the export of...

·We—are specific in the line of the export of„ ·We trade specially in the export of„ 上述“专营”、“经营”在英语中的搭配方式都已相对固定。23.我公司为经营纺织品的大公司,产品畅销海内外。

We are large dealers in textiles,with our products well-sold at home and abroad. “畅销”一词为最常用商业术语,在英语中的说法不下十种,除个别与汉语“畅”字(fast)字面意义相符外,大多采用意译法,且形成固定搭配:

·The products are sold well at home and abroad.

·The products are good sellers at home and abroad. ·The products enjoy fast sales at home and abroad. ·The products enjoy popular sales at home and abroad.

·The products have commanded a good market at home and abroad.

·There is a promising market for the products at home and abroad.

·There will be good prospects for the products at home and abroad.


英文商务信函用语 篇2

What importance does this concept of a double messagehave upon our writing and translating?Considered in its most fundamental terms, a business letter may be defined as a message that attempts to influence its recipient to take some action or attitude desired by the sender.This desired result may be of immediate importance, such as the collecting of a bill, or just an intangible attitude like goodwill.Therefore, we must make sure that the business letter is usually more formal than the other social letters stylistically.Considerably, a translated business letter should first be clear, stating its purposes so directly that there is no possibility of its being misunderstood.Secondly, the translated version should be exact, containing every detail which is necessary for translating the business letters in hand.Thirdly, a translated business letter should be concise.And the finally, a well-translated business letter should be courtesy.Here are the details that how a qualified translator of business letters should abide by.

1 Clarity

Dear Ms.Rutt,

Mr.Liver yesterday called our agent David saying that the mistake was his.As a result, his insurance has acquiesced.Therefore, we shall be repaired the full amount of our subrogation interest in his matter.

If this is satisfactory to you, please sign the attached release and forward it along with the copy of our accident report.

Yours sincerely,


Version One

Dear Ms.Rutt,

Mr.Liver yesterday admitted his blame for your accident on January12.As a result, his insurance company had agreed to repay us the full amount ($2, ooo) for your collision damage.We are quite pleased at their willingness to settle out of court.

If this offer sounds acceptable to you, please sign the enclosed release and return it to us, along with the copy of our accident report.

Yours sincerely,


Version Two

A business letter, the original, is effective only when it communicates the necessary ideas to its reader with clarity, so is the translated version.This seems to be a simple quality, but it is often ignored in actual practice.Let’s take a look at the following sample rendered from the Chinese version, which are some sentences abstracting from the business letters. (Cao Ling, 2003:23)

(1) The statement in version one, “Mr.Liver yesterday called our agent David saying that the mistake was his.”who does this“his”refer to?Mr.Liver or David?Checking it again in the original, we find that rendering in version two“Mr.Liver yesterday admitted his blame for your accident on January 12.”is just the meaning.

(2) The last sentence is another example:“...and forward it along with the copy of our accident report.”But to whom?The insurance company or writer?So the first translated version is not clear at all.Then the second translated is much better.

(3) The most important event about how to compensate is left out in the first version, as we all know, if a writer or translator leaves out something the reader should know in doing something or forming certain opinion, the clarity of the business letter diminishes.In translated version one, Mr.Middleman did not mention the amount of money the insurance company will pay.So only the amount of compensation is laid out in version two, can Ms.Rutt accept it satisfactorily?

(4) Some others can also make the translated version not clear, just as quoting some jargon (e.g.subrogation interest) , which the reader may not understand easily;the irrelevant information (e.g.agent David) , which not only makes the letter less clear, also does the letter less concise.

2 Correctness

According to the characteristics of business letters (thesource text or language) , the diction must be neat, accurate and easily to read in order to attain success of business instead of some unnecessary frictions or lawsuits.The principle, correctness, is same as the criterion“faithfulness”for any other types of translation;i.e., “faithfulness”—to be faithful to the content of the original” (Liu Zhongde, 2003:24) , and it is the most important in the translation.So is for the translation of business letters.The ideas of the rendered version must be as exact as ones of the original, even more accurate than the latter.Let us see the examples:

(1) 相信阁下业已收到司徒先生的通知:须藤先生意同佐藤先生在原址组建东京商行, 并继续同类业务的合作。

译文1:You will probably have received a notification from Mr.Sudo, he will build a new company named Tokyo Shokai with Mr.Sato and continue in the same line of business in the old premises.

译文2:You will probably have received a notification from Mr.Sudo to the effect that he intends to continue in the same line of business in the old premises, forming a new partnership with Mr.Sato, under the title of the Tokyo Shokai. (qtd.Gong Xueping)

It is obviously to see that the first version can not express the exact ideas of“在原址组建”, the implied meaning which the formerly partnership has been dissolved;“并继续同类业务的合作”the partnership with Mr.Sato is under the title of the new company“东京商行”, not under the style of the other companies especially, the old company.

(2) 兹任命原大和商行的股东——山岛先生为该公司的帐务清算人, 他将负责清偿一切负债并收回该公司的所有欠款。

译文1:Mr.Yamagata, formerly a partner, who has been appointed the liquidator, will discharge all liabilities, and all accounts must be paid him.

译文2:Mr.Yamagata, formerly a partner, who has been appointed the liquidator of the late firm, will discharge all liabilities, and all accounts due to the late firm must be paid him. (qtd Gong Xueping)

A Chinese linguist points out“If you want to make the text concise, the pronouns can not be used any more;if you want to make the text accurate, the nouns should be repeated.”So the translator of the second version adding the phrases“of the late firm”and“due to the late firm”makes the idea more accurate closer to the original.Just as the mentioned above, the exactness is the most important criterion for the translation of business letters.Furthermore, using“big words” (archaism or the elegant and formal words) instead of the“small words”to limit the semantic meanings is still for the purpose of exactness. (Wang Zuoliang, 1987:290) “liquidator”, “liabilities”are more suitable than“receiver”and“debt”to express the business relationships, also prove the view.

3 Conciseness

To be conciseness is to express a message completely in as few words as possible.In business correspondence, this means increased effectiveness and decreased costs.Wordy expressions and redundancies are the major blunders to overcome to communicate concisely.Because English and Chinese are the two different languages, the former is hypotactic, like a tall tree with lots of branches and leaves;but the latter is paratactic, like a flourished flower with many petals.Thus, getting the conciseness, the translators should endeavor to convert the structure from a“flourished flower”into a“tall tree”during the translating of business letters by the means of avoiding wordiness and redundancies (except the repetition used for emphasize, redundancy should be avoided in business letters.

1. 他重复强调, 我们应该遵守规定。

译文1:He repeated again that we should follow the rules.

译文2:He repeated that we should follow the rules. (Sue Kay, 2003:65)

2. 请问误期会有什么后果。

译文1:Please be kind enough to advise us what will happen in the event of a delay?

译文2: (Could you) Please tell me what will happen if there is a delay. (Sue Kay, 2003:66)


译文1:Our company has called a meeting to hold a discussion about the sales figures.

译文2:We have called a meeting to discuss the sales figures.

(3) :兹通知阁下:经双方一致同意, 即日解散与贵公司合伙组织的大和商行。 (qtd.Gong Xueping)

译文1:After reaching the mutual agreement, we inform you that the partnership existed between us under the style of the Yamato Shokai has been dissolved.

译文2:We inform you that the partnership hitherto existed between us under the style of the Yamato Shokai has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.

Comparing the each two versions, we can be certain of that the second one is much better in keeping the characteristic of conciseness on the condition that the meaning must be accurate Because, particularly in business, people do not have the time to spend reading long, rambling letters or trying to decipher difficult writing (translated business letters) .And it is worthy to mention that it is better to use one sentence for each paragraph to lay out one subject although the original (Chinese) is full of short sentences of phrases to correct and concise information. (see the example3)

In one word, the principles for Chinese-English translation of business letters are the same as the ones for the other types:faithfulness and closeness, as well as more concise, correct and clearer in order to correspond to the features of the original.Of course, there still existed the other principles, like courtesy, consideration, and completeness, etc, for the translation of business letters.But the three discussed in the essay are basic principles.Only a translator does these well, can he reach the aim of helping people to communicating each other efficiently in the era of business transaction by the means of business letters.

4 Courtesy

To be polite is a basic principle for business letter, so is one of its translation principles.Wherever necessary, do not forget to say“thank you, ”“would you please...”, “we would appreciate it...”etc.however, courtesy in business translation is more than just a well-timed“thank you”or“would you please...”A welltranslated courteous letter should be polite, considerate and tactful.To accomplish this goal, several blunders during the translation should be avoided.

1.Avoid suspicion (避免怀疑)

Phrases like“if what you said is true...”, if...as you allege...”may result in the impression that you seem suspicious of reader’s integrity.This is no good to evoke a favorable reaction.Compare the following examples:

Version A:We received the letter in which you claimed that the timer was defective at the time of purchase. (poor)

Version B:We have noticed in your letter that the timer was defective at the time of purchase. (better)

Version A:If the goods were damage in shipment, as you allege, we... (poor)

Version B:As you mentioned the goods were damaged in shipment, we... (better)

2. Avoid accusation (避免指责)

Whenever you wish to evoke a favorable reaction from the reader, do not accuse or reprimand him or her.Phrases like“you neglected”, “you forgot”, “you omitted”may risk offending your reader with accusation.Try to compare the following pairs of examples and think about your possible reaction if you are the reader.

Version A:You obviously ignored our request that you return the report by registered mail. (Poor)

Version B:We did request that you return the report by registered mail. (Better)

Version A:You did not read the operating instruction for the machine carefully. (Poor)

Version B:To enjoy the full benefits of the new machine you should follow the operation instruction carefully. (Better)

3. Avoid talking down (避免居高临下)

In the translation of business letters, the tone of superiority usually has destructive effects, if the writer and the reader aim to cooperate on an equal basis.Please compare the following pair examples:

Version A:In an establishment as large as ours, we seldom.. (Poor)

Version B:Please notice that it is not our common practice to... (Better)

Version A:We shall allow you to... (poor)

Version B:We shall be glad to have you... (better)

Version A:You may call me at... (poor)

Version B:Please call me at...

摘要:加入世界贸易组织极大地刺激了我国与世界其他国家商务交易的一致性。因而, 商务信函的翻译越来越体现出它的重要性。商务信函的翻译也是一种语言转换, 要求翻译工作者不但要遵循其他文本翻译的标准, 而且更要注重精确、精练、清晰和礼貌等原则。该文作者试图探讨上述原则在商务信函汉英翻译中运用。



[1] Cao Ling.English Business Letters[M].Beijing:Foreign Lan guage and Research Press, 2003.

[2] Chen Zhongcheng.Conciseness for Translation of Legislation [C]//Fang Mengzhi, Ma Bingyi.Chinese- English Translation. Tourism Education Press of Bejing, 1996.

[3] Gong Xueping.Translation of Business English[Z].Lecture handout.Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, 7 September, 2012.

[4] Sue Kay.Practical Business writing: A Guide to Improving Writing in English[M].translated by Wang Xiaoming.Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology Press, 2003.

也谈如何撰写英文商务信函 篇3






3.编号 (Serial Number; Reference Number )

4.封内收信人地址(Inside Address)*

5.指定收信人姓名(Attention Line)


7.事由(Subject Line or Heading)

8.开头语(Opening Sentence)


10.结尾语(Closing Sentence)

11.客套结束语(Complimentary Close) *


13.主办人代号(Identification Mark)

14.附件注明(Enclosure Notation)


16.复本注明(Carbon Copy Notation)



信头又信端,一般包括公司名称、地址,也可含电报挂号、电传挂号、传真号码、电话号码、网址(Web Site)、电子邮件地址(E-mailAddress)等内容。通常采取印刷方式或打字方式。如:


有英美之分。英式的写法常把日期写在月份的前面,而美式的写法常把月份写在日期的前面,是期常用基数词,也可用序数词。年份之前的逗号可省略。如:3rd April,1999或3April199(英式);May24th,1999或May24 1999美式)。

3.封内收信人地址(Inside Address)


Mr. Robert Keats

Director of Personnel

Windsor Knitting Mills Inc.

295 Magnolia Avenue

Spartanburg, South Carolina 29301

The United States of America


称呼是写信人对收信人的称呼,其位置在封内地址下两至三行。称呼后英式写法常用逗号,美式多用冒号。特别应该注意的是“Gentlemen”这一称呼用于泛称已多年,但今天已被认为有性别歧视,用“Ladies and Gentlemen”代之已呈趋势。



6.客套结束语(Complimentary Close)


(1)亲密式:Cordially,Cordially Yours,Intimately Yours,

(2)普通式:Sincerely, Sincerely Yours,Yours Sincerely,

Very Sincerely Yours,

(3)正式:Your truly,Very truly yours,yours Very truly,

yours faithfully, Faithfully yours

(4)(最正式:Respectfully,Respectfully yours,Yours respectfully,

Very respectfully

(5)随意式:Love,Cheers! With love, Best wishes, Best regards,

Warmest regards,Your devoted friend, See you in Phoenix!等




商务英文信函格式 篇4

【wtojob.com 国际商贸人才门户-世贸人才网 2006-05-31】 【字体:放大 缩小】

商务信函书信是日常生活中常用的文体,是用以交涉事宜、传达信息、交流思想、联络感情、增进了解的重要工具。书信一般可分为商务信件或公函(Business Letter or Official Correspondence)和私人信件(Private Letter)两大类。值得注意的是,英语 书信的写法与汉语书信有一些明显区别,应特别加以区分。英语 书信通常包括下面几个组成部分:信端、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语、签名、附件、再启等。下面我们将逐个进行介绍。





Fuxing Street

Haidian District


Post Code: 100035People’s Republic of China

Tel: 63211234

Aug.20, 2004

(2)斜列式(Indented Form)Fuxing Street

Haidian District


Post Code: 100035

People’s Republic of China

Tel: 63211234

Aug.20, 2004


如果使用标点符号,则在每行末尾加逗号,最后一行的末尾加句号。但当前的信件中行末大都不加标点符号,但在每行之内该用标点符号的地方,仍要用标点。特别要注意的是,门牌号码和街名之间要加逗号。月份和日期之间不可用逗号。在西方国家,城市名称之后往往写有字母或数字(如 New York, 103),表示城市的邮政编码。




③月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为较短,不可缩写。

④写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,„„28,29,30,31等,也可用序数词 lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, „„28th, 29th, 30th, 31lst等。但最好用基数词,简单明了。


① Oct.20, 2004

② 10 May., 2004

③ 3rd June, 2004

④ Sept.16th, 2004


2、商务信函信内地址(Inside Address, Introductory Address)



Ms.Joanna Kerry

Peking University

Haidian District, 100871




Ms.Joanna Kerry

Peking University

Haidian District,100871




对收信人的称呼应自成一行,写在低于信内地址一二行的地方,从信纸的左边顶格开始写,每个词的开头字母要大写,至于末尾处的符号,英国人用逗号,但美国和加拿大 英语 则多用冒号。称呼用语可视写信人与收信人的关系而定。给外国人写英文信时,称呼用语要注意以下几点:

①对没有头衔的男性一般称呼 Mr.。Mr.用在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,不可只用在名字之前,例如对的称呼,应该是:Mr.或 Mr.White, 不可是:Mr.Phil。若称呼多个男性,则在姓名前用 Mr.的复数形式 Messrs.。对一般以人名为名称的公司和企业常用这种称呼,例如:Messrs.Black and Brothers 布莱克兄弟公司。

②对女性一般称呼 Mrs.,Madam 或 Miss。Mrs.用在已婚女子的丈夫的姓氏之前,或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用在名字前 Madame 此词可以单独使用或加在丈夫的姓名之前 Mrs.没有复数形式。若称呼多个女性,则在姓名前用 Mme.的复数形式 Mmes.而对以女子名字为名称的公司、企业可用 Mesdames 称呼。Miss 多用于未婚女子,此词可缩写为 Ms,用于姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用于名字之前。

③对收信人的称呼,也可用头衔或职位的名称,不分性别。例如 Professor(缩写为 Prof.),Doctor(缩写为 Dr.),General(缩写为 Gen.)。这些称呼都放在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,如 Prof.(Phil)White等。

④对外公函中对收信人的称呼,可用 Gentlemen(而不是 Gentleman),Dear Sir(s)和 My dear Sir(s)等。Gentlemen 之前不能加 Dear,后面也不能带姓名。用 Sirs 时,前面常用 Dear 一词,但也可单独用 Sir。若收信人是妇女,则无论已婚或未婚,都可单独使用 Madam 或其复数 Mesdames。

⑤对外国高级官员的称呼,如国家元首、政府首脑、部长、大使、公使和特使等,可用(Dear)Sir,(Dear)Mr.Chairman,(Dear)Mr.Premier,(My dear)Mr.Ambassador,Your Excellency(复数为 Excellencies)。

⑥对君主制国家的国王和皇帝等男性君主,可以 Sir 称呼,对女王、女皇和皇后等女性君主,可用 Madam 称呼。有时也用 Your Majesty 称呼以表示。客气和尊敬Your Majesty 可兼指男性和女性,其复数为 Your Majesties。

⑦对王室成员,如太子、王子、亲王和公主等,一般可用(Dear)Sir 或(Dear)Madam 但在正式尊称时,一般用 Your Highness(复数为 Highnesses)。



夫人、小姐统称Ms.夫妇俩人Mr.and Mrs.两位或两位以上男子Messrs






医学博士Medical Doctor(M.D.)



副主席或副董事长Vice Chairman

副总统或副校长Vice President

首相Prime Minister






秘书长Secretary General

一秘First Secretary

二秘Second Secretary


副院长Vice Director


馆长Chief Librarian,Curator



4.商务信函信的正文(Body of the Letter)

信的正文每段第一行应往右缩进约四五个字母。在写事务性信件时,正文一般开门见山,内容简单明了,条理清楚。在写私人信件时,信写好之后若有什么遗漏,可用 P.S.表示补叙。

5.商务信函结束语(Complimentary Close)


Yours(very)truly, Yours(very)faithfully,Yours(very)sincerely,等等。


Yours(very)respectfully, Yours(very)obediently, Yours gratefully, Yours appreciatively, Your obedient servant, 等等。


Fraternally yours, Comradely yours,等等。


Yours, Ever yours, Yours affectionately, As ever, Yours sincerely Yours devotedly,(Most)Fondly yours, Yours excitedly, Intimately yours,等等。


Yours, Ever yours, Yours as ever, As ever, Yours affectionately, Lovingly yours,(Much)Love, With Love,Lovingly, Your loving son, Your most affectionate, Your devoted friend, Devotedly, 等等,意即:“您的”、“永远是您的”、“您的亲爱的”、“您的爱子(孩子、姐妹、侄、侄女、祖母)”、“您的挚友”等。


Yours hurriedly, Yours hastily, Yours in haste, 等等。


Contritely yours, Regretfully yours, Yours in(with)regret, Yours in(with)deep remorse 等。

在欧洲一些国家里,多把Yours 放在 sincerely等词的前面。在美国和加拿大等国,则多用,把 yours 放在 Sincerely 等词之后。Yours 一词有时也可省略。


信末的签名一般低于结束语一二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始写。若写信人是女性,与收信人又不相识,则一般在署名前用括号注上 Miss, Mrs.或 Ms.,以便对方回信时知道如何称呼。有的还有署名后写上自己的职称、职务或头衔


信件若有附件,应在左下角注明 Encl.或 Enc.。若附件不止一个,则应写出2(或3,4,5等)Encls.,例如:

Enc: Resume

Encls:Grade Certificate

8.再启(Postscript, 缩写为 P.S.)






1)Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,1969.2)Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5,1997.3)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,1997.4)Your kind letter of November 22th arrived this morning.5)Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort.6)In reply to your letter dated 4th July,I want to say„

7)Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on Christmas Eve.8)What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5th!

9)It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.10)First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to me.11)With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that „

12)I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering.13)I am too excited and delighted at your good news.14)I am very obliged to you for your warm congratulations.„

15)I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been approved.常用的结束语有:

英文商务信函常用句式 篇5

We shall be very much obliged ```原义是“我们将非常感激”。在商业信函中,意思相同的套语有好几个,目前多倾向于用We shall appreciate it very much```.There is a brisk demand for these goods.对这些的需求很旺盛


1.Could you please``` This company specializes in student exchanges between Europe and China.Could you please send us a copy of your summer calendar of forthcoming cultural and educational events? 本公司专门举办中欧学生的交流活动,敬请寄送暑假文化教育活动日程表一份。

You have previously supplied us with cotton piece goods.Could you please now quote for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed form? 贵公司曾向我们提供过棉匹布,现在请提供所附表格上列举的货物的报价。

2.Will you please```

Will you please quote inclusive of transportation and insurance, and inform us the delivery time.烦请贵公司提供包括运输和保险在内的报价,并告知装运时间。

Will you please send us your completed/general/latest/current catalogue and price-list? 请寄送贵公司总的、普通的、最新的、最近的目录和价格表。

3.We will be interested in```

We will be interested in discussing terms with you.When the final decision has been made, would you please tell us what discounts you offer on bulk purchased?请告知贵公司对批量购买提供的折扣率,待我方做出最终决定后与贵方洽谈具体事宜。

We will be interested in importing American furniture and would be pleased to know the specifications or details of your display cabinets together with prices and the terms of payment.我公司愿意进口美国家具,请寄送有关鬼子的价格和付款条件的详情。

4.```we are interested in```

We have been importers of shirts for many years.At present, we are interested in extending our range and appreciate your catalogues and quotations.多年来,本公司经营衬衫进口生意,现欲扩展业务范围,盼能惠赐商品目录和报价单。

Please send us your keenest quotation for snooker tables.We are interested in purchasing them but we need to have further details of the costs before making a final decision.请寄给我们贵公司台球桌的最优报价,我们有兴趣购买,但需要进一步


5.```interest us```

Your ad in today’s China Daily interests us, and we will be glad to receive samples with your lowest prices FOB Huston.我们对你方刊登在今天的《中国日报》上的广告很感兴趣。如能寄来样品并附上最低的休斯顿离岸价格,我们将不胜欣慰。

Your corduroy cap in assorted colors interests us very much, and we confirm the order we placed with you by telephone this morning.我方很喜欢你方的杂色灯芯绒帽子,现确认今天早晨与您电话联系的订单。

6.We intend to/ want to/would like to ```

We intend to purchase two Sony TV sets before the end of the fiscal year, and we should appreciate your offering us the best price.我们有意在本财政购买2太索尼电视机,敬请贵方报出最优价格。We would like to inform you that we will be accepting orders for the new 100A and 101A models beginning March and expect to e-mail you new prices within this week.我方从三月起接受新型100A和101A的订单,并将于本周内将新价格电邮给你方,特此告知。

7.We will appreciate it very much if```

We will appreciate it very much if you’ll send us the recent ‘US Retail Trade Report’ with regard to the major trends and changes in the US retail industry.敬请贵方寄一份有关美国零售业总趋势和主要变化的《美国零售业报告》

It will be very much appreciated if you will quote your lowest prices with quantity rebate in Deutschmarks.如能报出贵方的最低价及以马克计算的批量购买折扣,将非常感谢。

8.Please inform of```

Please inform of your best prices, C.I.F.Qingdao and send us a catalogue of your product range.请您将最低青岛到岸价格报给本公司,同时将贵方所经营产品的目录提供给我方。

Please inform of your best delivery dates and the terms of payment.We would like to pay on the usual trade terms, i.e.cash 30 days after monthly statement received.请告知我们贵公司最方便的交货期和支付方式。我们愿意用通通常的贸易条件付款,即收到银行结算单后30天付款。

9.We are in the market for```

We are in the market for household linen and shall be glad to receive your best possible quotation, indicating origin, detailed specifications, packing, and quantity available.我们正欲家用亚麻制品,如蒙贵方寄来最优惠价格,注明原产地、详


If you are in the market for the above mentioned products, please let us know.We shall be pleased to send you our latest catalog, together with a list of our quotations, on CIF Dalian basis.如你放需购上述产品,请告知。我方将寄送最近的目录连同大连到岸报价

10.We are prepared to ``` We are prepare to purchase substantial quantity of polyester cotton blended fabrics of the following specifications, and shall appreciate your quoting us your rock bottom prices and acceptable terms of payments.蹦公司需购大量聚酯棉混纺纤维,详细规格如下。请蒙贵公司报以最低价格和可接受的付款条件,不胜感激。We are prepared to allow you a 4 % quantity discount if your order exceeds 1,000 dozen.如你放订货超过1000打,我方将给予4 %的折扣。



⑴ Thanks for your inquiry of ```, requesting terms for bulk buying.谢谢贵方······来函询问大量购买的条件。

⑵We are pleased to learn from your letter of``` that you are interested in our```我们很高兴从你来信中得知你对我们的······很感兴趣

⑶With reference to your inquiry of``` we shall be glad to supply``` at the price of ``` 关于贵方······的询问,我方将乐于以······的价格供应·······

⑷We have received your letter of ``` and noted with pleasure that you are interested in developing business with us in``` 贵方······的函悉,很高兴贵公司愿与我方在······方面发展业务关系。

⑸Your inquiry dated``` has obtained our best and immediate attention.贵方······的询问,得到了我方迅速密切的关注。


⑴ Here are``` on ```现寄上我方有关······的·······

⑵ We take pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation for```我方很高兴附上·······的报价单

⑶ Enclosed please find our catalogue and price list.随函附上我方目录及价目表。⑷Enclosed is our latest catalogue together with a revised price list showing our best possible terms.随函附上我方最新的目录及修订的价目表,从中贵方会看到我方可以提供的最佳条件。

⑸ To acquaint you with``` we handle, we are sending you a commodity list and several sample books for your reference.为使你方熟悉我方经营的·······寄上商品目录和一些样品册,供您参考。


⑴ Please do not hesitate to write to us if you need further information.如果您需要进一步的信息,请写信给我们。

⑵Await your favor.期待您的光顾。

⑶Many thanks for your inquiry, we look forward to receiving your order in the near future.非常感谢贵方的询价函,我方期待不就收到您的订单。

⑷ We assure you that your order, which we look forward to receiving, will have our immediate attention.我方期待收到贵公司的订单,并保证将在第一时间处理贵公司的订单。

⑸We hope you will be well pleased with the goods and that we can establish a pleasant and lasting business connection with you.我们希望您会对这些货物满意,并盼望能与你们建立起愉快而持久的业务关系。



⑴ On examination, we found all the goods were wetted.经检验,我们发现左右的货物都已受潮

⑵We checked some of the items and found they were in damaged condition.我们检查了部分产品,发现它们已严重受损。

⑶ It contained articles different from what we have ordered.这批货物与我们订购的物品不符。

⑷The goods we ordered from you on June 6 haven’t arrived yet.我们6月6日订购的货物至今仍未到达。

⑸The quality of this lot of goods is so far below the standard that we cannot use them for our purpose.这批货物的质量远远低于标准,我们无法使用。

⑹We are disappointed to find that the items delivered don’t match the samples.我们遗憾地发现所运货物与样品不符。

⑺Your incorrect delivery has caused a great deal of trouble to us.你们的错误给我们带来了巨大的麻烦

⑻Delivery of the goods ordered on March 3 is now considerably overdue.3月3日订购的货物的交付时间现已逾期甚久

⑼The goods are not up to the standard.货物没有到达标准。

⑽We regret that only 20 sets have been received to date whereas our order indicates



⑴Would you please send someone to repair it today?您能今天就派人来修理吗? ⑵Please send us the replacement no later than June 20.请于6月20日之前将替换品送来

⑶We would like someone to come and fix it now.我们希望现在有人来进行修理 ⑷Please look into this matter at once and let us know the reasons for the delay.请立即对此事进行调查,尽早通知我们延迟的原因。

⑸We hope that the goods will be sent immediately.希望货物即刻发运


⑴We shall be glad to learn from you that you are preparing to make some allowance for the damage.希望贵方能对我方造成的损失作出补偿

⑵We would be much pleased that the case be settled on an amicable basis.诚望此事有好解决

⑶In view of our friendly business relations, we are sure that the matter will be settled appropriately.鉴于我们之间友好的业务关系,我方相信此事定会得到妥善解决。⑷We are looking forward to a satisfactory conclusion of the matter.我方期待此事有一个令人满意的结局。

⑸Your quick dispatch will be most appreciated.请尽快发运,我方不胜感激 ④强烈要求行动

⑴If you cannot deliver the goods within ten days, we’ll reluctantly turn this matter to our attorney.如果在10日内不能送达货物,我们不得不付诸法律。

⑵Unless your assignment reaches us no later than```, we will cancel our order.除非你们的货物在······前到达,我们将取消订单。

⑶If you cannot provide qualified goods within 3 days, we ’ll ask for a refundment.如果在3日内不能提供合格产品,我们将要求退还货款。

⑷You’ll have to make compensation for all our costs.你们要赔偿我们的全部损失 ⑸I hereby inform you that I am lodging a formal complaint with your company.特此通知贵方,我公司将正式投诉贵公司。




⑴···should reach you in three days```

⑵The attached check for``` is Newton’s way of assuring you that your satisfaction is very important to us.⑶By```(time), your three Dove Bicycles should reach you at ```shop.拒绝索赔:

⑴We understand your concern about the ```As always, we are willing to do as much as we reasonably can to make things right.⑵You were right in assuming that ```We are always interested in doing whatever we can to make our sales satisfactory.⑶Your order and request are sincerely appreciated.We are always grateful for the opportunity of serving you in the best way we can.②间接拒绝索赔

⑴The best we can do is```

⑵```permit us to serve you only as a cash customer

⑶We feel at this time you will be acting in your own interest by```

商务信函中英文 篇6

Kee & Co ., Ltd

34 Regent Street

London , UK(Inside Address 收信人地址)

Dear Sirs :(Salutation 称呼)

We have obtained your name and address from Dee & Co . Ltd , and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us .

We have been importers of shoes for many years . At present ,we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations .

If your prices are competitive we would expect to place volume order on you .We look forward to your early reply .( Body 信文)

Yours faithfully(Complimentary Close 客套结束语)

Tony Smith(Signature Block 签名栏)

英文商务信函用语 篇7

【关键词】英文商务信函 模糊表达式 关联翻译理论





2.模糊表达式的国内研究现状。1979年,北师大伍铁平教授,在Foreign Language上发表论文“模糊语言初探”中最早运用模糊理论对语言模糊性进行研究,并于1998年将该篇文章收录于他的著作《模糊语言学》一书,开创了我国模糊语言学的先河,标志着模糊语言学在中国的诞生。1990年,何自然发表论文“浅论语用含糊”,在其论文中提出语用含糊这一概念,指出在语用中,话语的命题是非离散型的。







1.直译法。例1:Favorably impressed with the fine quality of our products and the reasonable price, many customers have kept placing substantial orders with us.


例1中存在模糊的表达,Favorably impressed,fine quality,reasonable price,many和substantial orders,这几种模糊的表达分别译成留下了良好印象,质地优良,价格合理,许多和大量订货。译者采用这种翻译方法,更符合中国人的语言表达习惯,认为该价格可能会低于其他供货商的价格。

2.增译法。例2:As compared with rival makes, your product is better.



3.省译法。例3:Our cost of raw materials has risen sharply in the past three months and it is impossible for us to reduce the price by 20% as you requested.


例3中存在模糊表达as you requested,译者将“如你方要求”直接省略,不仅符合英文商务信函语言简洁的这一特点,且不影响收信人领会发件人的表达意图。




[2]姜望琪.语用学——理论及应用[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2000.
