
2024-08-03 版权声明 我要投稿


八年级英语教案设计 篇1

Teaching aims and demands:

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key vocabulary: robot, everything, paper, use, tree, building, pollution, fewer, less

2. Key structures:

1) Will there be less / fewer / more…?

No, there won’t. There will be more/less/fewer...

2) Kids won’t go to school.

3) They will study at home on computers.

Aims of abilities:

1. Be able to listen for specific information on what will happen in the future;

2. Be able to talk about what will happen in the future using the target language;

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Encourage the students to work hard at their lessons preparing for their own future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening and speaking.

2. Communicative approach.

3. Task-based approach

Key Points:

1. Master the usage of the indefinite tense.

2. Talk about what will happen in the future.

3. Review the Simple Past Tense and the Simple Present Tense.


How to use correctly the simple past tense and the present progressive tense.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings;

2. Duty report

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw a time line on the blackboard and mark the line as the following:

5 years ago now 1 year from now 5 years from now

2. Introduce the indefinite future tense

1) Get the students to read aloud the sentences several times until they can say them correctly.

2) Prompt the students to say what they think the word will is used for.

Step 3 Practice (1a-1c)

1. Get the students to look at the picture and then talk about what they have seen in it. Teach the new word robot at the same time.

2. Ask the students how the world will be different 100 years from now. Check A or D to complete 1a.

3. Listen and circle the predictions you hear in 1a. Complete 1b.

4. Students read the conversation in 1c together.

5. Pair the students to practice making conversations about the predictions in 1a.

Step 4 Listening (2a-2b)

1. Have the students read the sentences in 2a first, teaching the new word pollution using a picture of a factory producing a lot of black smoke and make sure they know what they are asked to listen for.

2. Play the recording for the students to listen and circle the words they hear.

3. Deal with 2b in the same way.

Step 5 Practice (2c-2d)

1. Get one top student to co-operate with the teacher acting out the dialogue in the box in 2c.

2. Have the students work in groups of four.

3. Get some groups to act out the conversations they have made.

4. Role-play the conversation in 2d.


The Second Period

Teaching Aims and Demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key Structures: 1) Five years ago, Sally was …/ played 2) Today Sally is…/plays 3) In five years Sally will be…/ will play…

Aims of abilities:

Be able to use the three different tenses to depict the past, present and future actions or states.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Enable the class to get to know that one creates his own and that only by his hard work can he cherish a bright future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Task-based approach 2. Team work

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings2. Revise the formation of the past tense.

3. Revise the useful words.

1) Get the students to brainstorm the words and write on the blackboard.

2) Get the students to brainstorm the names of the animals.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw the time table on the blackboard.

5 years ago now 5 years from now

2. Show the pictures depicting the past, today and the future of your own and say:

Five years ago, I was a farmer. Now I am a teacher. In five years, I will be retired.

Five years ago, I played table tennis. Now I play the piano. In five years, I will play the violin.

3. Have the class read aloud the sentences after the teacher.

4. Encourage some to tell what they have found out about the use of the three tenses.

Step 3 Grammar focus

1. Have the class read through the sentences in the table and raise questions if they don’t understand any of the sentences.

2. Review the use of “more, fewer, less”. Make sure the students understand.

Step 4 Practice (3a)

1. Ask some students to complete the sentences. 2. Check the answers and explain.

Step 5 Pair work (3b)

1. Ask some students to complete the sentences. 2. The students practice the conversations again in pairs.

Step 6 Draw (3c)

1. Have the students look at the pictures they have prepared and write about them using the structures in 3c. The teacher walks about and offers a helping hand.

2. Put the students into groups of four, describe the future of the city..

Home assignment

The Third Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key and difficult vocabulary:

space, fly, moon, fall, fell, alone, pet, probably, dress, which, even, took, wrote

2. Key structures: I think I’ll be/do…

Aims of abilities:

1. Learn to talk about one’s life in future using the target language.

2. Be able to read for the information about future.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

1. Help the students get to know their bright future is created by themselves not someone else.

2. Through the debate on one’s future, develop the friendship and the cooperative spirits among the students.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greeting. 2. Duty report – My home town in ten years

Step 2 Presentation (1a-1b)

1. Have the class read through the words in 1a and teach the new ones using pictures: astronaut, rocket, space, space station.

2. Get the students to read aloud the words after the teacher until they can say them correctly. 3. Think of other words and write them in the chart in 1a.

Step 3 Listening (1c-1e)

1. Play the recording again for them to listen for the details to fill in the blanks. Complete 1d.

4. After-listening: get some to tell the class what they have done and why. Refer the students to the listening materials and check the answers.

Step 4 Reading (2a-2d)

1. Ask some students to say what they know about robots.

2. Read the article carefully and march each paragraph with the questions it discusses.

3. Check answers in 2b.

4. Read again quickly and complete the sentences in 2c.

5. Check answers and read the article together.

6. Fill in the blanks in 2d and then check the answers.

Step 5 Writing (2e)

1. What kinds of animals might robots look like in the future? Ask some students.

2. What do you think these robots will be able to do?

3. Write your answers and discuss them with your partner.

Home assignment

The Fourth Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key vocabulary: the key words in this unit.2. Key structures: the key structures in this unit.

Aims of abilities:

1. Comprehensive use of what has been learned in this unit.2. Cooperative study

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

1. Cultivate the spirits of cooperation. 2. Encourage the students to work hard for their future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Elicitation method 2. Guided reading


Make the students understand that everything is possible if we put our heart into it.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings 2. Duty report – My parent’s/friend’s future life in ten years

Step 2 Revision

1. Revise the key words and structures in this unit and the use of the indefinite future tense.

Step 3 Reading (3a)

1. Read the article quick and then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

2. Check answers and read together.

Step 4 Writing (3b-3c)

1. Complete the chart in 3b and please add more items.

2. Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you.

Step 5 Discuss (4)

1. Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future.

2. Discuss how you think a robot will help other people in the future.

3. Write down your group’s ideas and then show them to the class.

4. Draw a picture about your robot.

Home assignment

The Fifth Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

Key vocabulary and structures: all in this Unit

Aims of abilities:

1. Be able to talk about future.2. Talk about them using the target language.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Through reading about the robot, help the students to understand that man can create their own future by their own efforts.

Teaching Methods:

1. Guided reading 2. task-based approach

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings 2. Duty report – My parent’s/friend’s life in ten years

Step 2 Presentation

1. The robot in my mind

1) Have the students think about the robots with the following questions in mind:

What does your robot look like? What can it do?

2) Put the students into groups of four and do brainstorming exercise and write a report on the result of the group work..

Step 3 Complete the chart

1. Read the words in the box.2. Put the words in the correct columns in the chart.

Step 4 Fill in the blanks

1.Complete the conversation.2.Read the conversation together.

八年级英语教案设计 篇2

只有将英语运用到生活中, 才能使它绽放魅力, 从而提高学生的学习兴趣。我们要充分利用生活中的很多场景和语境为学生提供锻炼和实践的平台。例如:在教师节来临之际, 我要求每位学生都要为英语老师献上一份礼物——那就是一张自制的英语贺卡。第二天, 我收到了100张精美的贺卡, 从中挑出30张, 分别贴在八一班和八二班学习园地内, 让学生共同欣赏。下边是八二班雪静同学的示范贺卡:

这份作业不仅巩固、练习了贺卡的书写格式, 同时也培养了学生的书面表达能力和动手能力, 达到了学中用和用中学的任务目标。


分角色表演有助于激发学生的学习兴趣, 从思想上减轻学生“背诵课文”的压力和负担, 同时培养学生口语交际的能力。学生通过编写对话, 在快乐中表现自己的能力和愿望, 不知不觉地习得知识与技能。因此, 我在布置作业时, 不是让学生“背课文”而是要求学生自由组合2人小组把课文改写成对话, 在第二天上课时表演, 师生共同检测效果。下边是在学习了Go for it Unit 10 Section A 3a之后, 八一班的郝静杰和张彤改写的对话表演内容:H—Hao Jingjie Z—Zhang Tong.

H:What are you going to be when you grow up?

Z:I’m going to be an artist.

H:Where are you going to work?

Z:I’m going to work in Paris.

H:How are you going to do that?

Z:I’m going to study hard and be a student at an art school in Paris.I’m going to study French at the same time.I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents.

H:I hope your dream will come true.

Z:Thank you.

H:You’re welcome.

这份作业的设置不仅让学生巩固、练习了本节课所学知识, 而且也培养了学生运用英语口语交际的能力。


中学生求知欲望很强, 对任何事物都充满了好奇, 我充分利用学生的这一特点, 布置了他们既感兴趣又乐于完成的任务。生活中的方方面面都能成为学生的调查对象, 让学生在调查的过程中习得知识和技能, 使学生对现实有所思、有所悟, 并培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。例如, 在学了Unit 10 Section B Part 4之后, 我要求学生自由组合4~6人小组, 上网查找或问父母, 共同完成Part 4的作业要求。第二天, 我把各小组代表性作业收起来, 挑选出四份优秀作业, 分别在数码展台上展示给学生, 让学生共同欣赏。下边是八二班郭梦露的作业。

1. We’re going to have speech competitions about the Olympic.

2. We’re going to learn English well in order to talk with foreigners.

3. We’re going to exercise every day.

4. We’re going to hold some Olympic exhibitions.

5. We’re going to learn the history of the Olympic Games.

这份作业的设置不仅培养了学生获取信息、处理信息的能力, 而且也培养了学生如何做才能使奥运精神永存的优秀品质, 体现了新课标“情感、态度、价值观”这一教学目标。


想象性作业是培养学生创造能力的主要途径。爱因斯坦也曾经说过:“想象力比知识更重要, 因为知识是有限的, 而想象力是概括着世界上的一切, 推动着世界上的一切, 推动着进步, 并且是知识进步的源泉。”因此, 教师只有设计出能充分发挥学生想象力的作业, 才能拓宽学生的思维, 培养他们的创造性思维和创新意识。例如, 在学了Unit 10 Section B Part 4之后, 我要求学生自由组合成4~6人小组, 要求各小组充分发挥想象能力来完成这个作业。第二天, 我收了各小组的作业, 出乎我的意料, 学生的想象力太丰富了, 作业中几乎没有什么错误。下边是八二班王晰同学的作业。

这份作业的设置不仅培养了学生的创新思维能力, 而且也提高了学生环境保护的意识。

通过课外作业的优化设计活动, 不仅培养了学生运用知识、口语交际、获取信息、处理信息和创新思维的能力, 而且也提高了学生的学习成绩。与过去比较, 在平均分、优秀率、及格率方面收到了意想不到的效果。下边是100分成绩对比表: (学生总人数50)


八年级英语教学反思 篇3
























八年级英语教案设计 篇4

人教版八年级英语教案上册Unit 5 教学设计

Unit 5教学设计





1. 掌握如何礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请:Canyou come to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation

2. 掌握如何谈论自己或别人必须做的事情:Ihave to ...






礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请。Can youcome to my party? Yes, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, lesson,invitation










任务一:Planning abirthday party.


任务二:Writing aninvitation card.




group member

Yes / No



We are going to have apicnic. Can you come?

When is it going tostart?

I’m sorry. I haveto....

3. 拓展学习:











have a rest play there bebe busy practice be free listen to

1. Can they __________the music in the classroom?

2. I’m sorry. TomorrowI’m __________ soccer and having a math lesson.

3. He has got a badheadache. Let him______________.

4.__________ a lot ofinteresting books in the library.

5. We’ll have a pianolesson on Friday. The teacher asked us ________ the piano everyday.

6. Paul and Eliza___________ both ________ on Sunday. They can watch the footballmatch.

7. I’m sorry,I___________ really ___________ this week. I can’t go to seeyou.



( ) 1. Would you like acold drink?

( ) 2. Would you like togo to the cinema on Friday?

( ) 3. Would you like ahamburger?

( ) 4. Would you likethat cassette for your birthday?

( ) 5. Would you likehelp with your homework?

a. No thanks, I don’tlike that kind of music.

b. No thanks, I don’t eatmeat.

c. Yes please, I feelvery thirsty.

d. Yes please, I can’tunderstand it at all.

e. No thanks, I don’tlike cinemas.



1. 应为listento根据题中music,引出词组listen to the music

2. 应为playing,与句尾having amath lesson 呼应。

3. 应为have a rest,注意词组letsb. do sth.

4. 应为There are,因为后面的a lotof interesting books是复数。

5. 应为to practice,注意词组asksb. to do sth.


八年级英语教案设计 篇5

1.到校 2.乘地铁 3.骑自行车

4.坐父母的车 5.迅速吃早饭 6.早班车

7.带某人到某处 8.公共汽车站 9.步行上学

10.在北美 11.在世界的其他地区 12.依靠。。。决定

13.不是所有的 14.世界各地 15.离开前往

16.少量学生 17.乘校车去上学


1. 你们如何去上海?我乘飞机去,他坐火车去。

2. 去游泳怎么样?

3. 我通常步行,但有时坐公共汽车。

4. 你需要多长时间到校?步行大约10分钟,乘汽车15 分钟。

5. 建造这座桥工人们将花费一年多的时间。

6. 从地球到月球有多远?大约38万公里远。

7. 我们学校到公园大约7 公里。

8. 他们把李平送到医院。

9. 老师想知道她住的离学校有多远。

















八年级英语教案设计 篇6

课时 一课时 教学对象 八年级学生 执教者 田海燕




初二的学生已有一定的语言基本功,比如:-Whth’s your hobby?-I like… -What sport do you play? – When did you start?等句型都已学过,在这基础之上再去学习新的目标语言,这样能够激发学生的学习欲望,从而乐于参与语言实践活动,为英语学习营造良好的课堂学习氛围,为完成教学目标奠定了良好的基础。


Knowledge Object 1.Vocabulary: capital,European, Russian ,Jewish ,Jew, more than, thousand,emperor,quite,certain,miss,the Olympic Games

2.Reading a passage.

Ability Object:1.To train students’reading and comprehensive ability.

2. To train students scan the passage .

3. Aims of emotion and evaluation:

To be interested in learning about Chinese history and western history.


Teaching important points:

1.Vocabulary:capital,European, Russian ,Jewish ,Jew, more than, thousand,emperor,quite,certain,the Olympic Games

2.Key structures: It iswas + adj.+ for sb. to do sth. The more... the more …

Teaching difficult points: How to train students’reading and comprehensive ability.

1. To train students scan the passage .

四、教法选择、学法指导 本节课采用任务型教学法,重在培养学生的阅读能力,以及质疑解疑的能力。

五 资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源。


教学任务 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图




Warming up

( 5minutes)

Show some questions:

1. Do you like history?

2. Do you know any dynasties in Chinese history?

3. How many famous characterrs from Chinese history can you think of ?Make a list.

4. Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Make a list.

Ss talk about these questions.



While you read



reading strategy-scan

2. Scan the text for

information to complete 3a. Do 3a.


Step3 Key phrases.


Show key phrases and structures. 1. Understand key phrases and structures.

2. Use them correctly. 帮助学生正确使用它们。

Step4 Read.

(10minutes) Let studens read each pragraph and summary main idea. Read each paragraph and summary main idea. 培养学生语篇分析能力,宏观上把握课文内容。

Step5 Practice

( 8minutes) Let students read the passage again, then fill in the blank according to the passage. Fill in the blank. 加深对课文重点词的运用。

Step6 Time travel

(5minutes) If you have a chance to live in one of Chinese dynasties, which dynasty will you choose(选择)? What kind of person will you be? Where will you live? What will you do?

Talk freely in groups 调动学生学习的积极性,引发学生思考,培养学生联想能力,及用英语表达的能力。

Step7 homework

( 2minutes)

1. Read the passage again to understand it better.

2. Memorize the words and phrases.

3. Do exersises.

4. Find something you are interested in about Chinese history and write them down.

Choose 1. 2. 3.

(优等生做2、3、4题。) 帮助学生养成及时复习的良好习惯。作业分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生学习。


Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?

Phrases and structures:

(be) in…style more than It is was +adj. +for sb. + to do sth.

The more... The more… with a very colorful history

设计理念和思路及反思 根据新课改的理念: 教育要以人为本,促进人的发展,要关注学生,关注过程,关注发展。课堂教学是以学生为主体,诱发学生内部学习的动机,激活课堂教学活动,教师创造性地运用教材,引导学生探索问题、发现问题、通过交流讨论、感悟、反馈等自主实践活动,获得初步解决问题的能力,从而使学生学会思考、学会学习、学习创新,塑造学生良好的个性心理品质。而要体现这个基本理念,就需要合理的使用教材,合理的整合教材,所以我把SectionA1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,Grammar Focus做为第一课时;3a, 3b, 4为第二课时;Section B 1a,2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,4a 为三课时;Self Check 为第四课时;Reading 为第五课时。既遵循了学生的认知水平,又符合学生的学习心理特点。

《英语课程标准》倡导“任务型”的教学途径,其最终目的是培养学生综合运用英语的能力。所以我把具体的“任务”贯穿与整个教学活动中, 主要是通过听、说、读、写来培养学生的英语交际能力,用知识能力,良好的阅读习惯和阅读技能,还有就是学生的合作精神,学会聆听和分享别人的资源。总而言之培养了学生的认知策略,调控策略,交际策略和资源策略。《新目标英语》倡导以任务为基础的教学,也就是引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。任务的设计也就是要给学生提供明确、真实的语言信息,使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、掌握语言的应用。我们在教学中设计任务应该注意一下几点:















八年级英语教案设计 篇7

指导专家:张志富 (辽宁省英语教研员)

曲端 (辽宁省英语教研员)

刘静雯 (辽宁省大连市英语教研员)

陈玉卿 (辽宁省大连市金州新区英语教研员)


《新目标英语》八年级上Unit 5以娱乐活动为话题, Section A的话题主要围绕电视节目展开, Section B在此基础上引入电影话题。本堂课的教学内容是Section B部分, 阅读语篇围绕卡通片电影展开, 主要谈论美国卡通形象——米老鼠 (Mickey Mouse) 。


任务型语言教学体现了“教师为主导、学生为主体”的理念, 鼓励学生通过体验获得语言技能。在教学实际操作中, 教师需要对教材进行重新整合, 并根据学生的接受能力开展行之有效的教学活动。

本课教学以“阅读教学”为核心, 采用了新《英语课程标准》倡导的“任务型课文教学途径”教学理念, 即要遵循“整体—局部—整体”的原则。


(一) Knowledge and ability

1.Knowledge Master the new language:think of, come out, one of the main reasons, such as, was ready to

2.Ability:Learn to talk about cartoon characters and also the symbols of culture.

(二) Methods and procedures

1.Task based Teaching

2.Use the reading strategies to analyze the reading

(三) Value of emotion and attitudes

To know more about the symbol of American culture and also have a better understanding of Chinese traditional cartoons and the influence on Chinese culture.


(一) 整体阅读教学法

在教学中, 笔者运用了整体阅读教学方法, 对学生进行相关阅读技巧的训练 (如捕捉关键词或细节, 抓住主题句, 利用语境猜测词义等) , 重视培养学生的阅读习惯, 引导学生利用已有的背景知识对阅读材料进行猜测、推断、概括, 达到培养学生阅读能力的目标。

(二) 交际语言教学法

学习语言的最终目的在于交际, 笔者有意识地加强对学生学习策略的指导, 让学生在学习和运用语言的过程中学会学习, 使学生在一定程度上形成自主学习、有效交际的能力。


Key points:Using the target languages to talk about the cartoon characters.

Difficult points:Using writing tips to write the cartoon characters and symbols of a culture.


本课以Mickey Mouse的诞生、成名过程和所拥有的成就为线索展开。为了更好地完成本课教学任务, 培养学生的语言能力, 笔者设计了教学活动流程图 (见图1) 。


笔者运用实物、录音机、多媒体等教学媒介, 为学生创设逼真的情境, 激发学生积极参与的欲望。


Step 1:Leading in

Show the students a video about different cartoon characters in different cartoons.

笔者通过播放一首歌曲, 激发学生的兴奋点, 自然地引出本课的主题“动画人物”。

Step 2:Pre-reading

1. Ask the following three questions

(1) Do you like to watch cartoons?

(2) What is your favorite cartoon?

(3) Why do you like it?

阅读文章是以一个广为人知的卡通形象———Mickey Mouse为核心的。阅读前, 笔者要求学生谈论有关卡通片的话题, 充分激活学生的背景知识。

2. Teach the new language points by introducing the cartoon called“Big Baymax”

Big Hero is a very famous and successful film.The main characters in Big Hero are Xiao Hong and Baymax.It first came out in China on February28, 2015.At first, Xiao Hong was unlucky.He lost his brother and he had some other problems, too.But he was always ready to try his best.And he won at last.

笔者与学生共同探讨较难的词、词组和语法结构, 扫清学生阅读障碍, 帮助学生顺利地进行阅读。

3. Prediction

教材的图片形象直观、新颖有趣。笔者通过挖掘图片资源, 让图片资源为教学服务, 培养学生的读图能力。

Step 3:While-reading

1.Read for the main idea

What’s the passage mainly about?

It is about a famous symbol in American culture——Mickey Mouse.

Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of the passage.

学生快速阅读文章, 并判断自己的预测是否正确。这样, 学生通过快速阅读, 能够整体感知文章, 把握文章大意。

2.Skim for general information

Paragraph 1___Paragraph 2___Paragraph 3___

a.Who is Mickey?

b.What is Mickey like today?

c.Why was Mickey popular?

学生了解每段的大意和写作重点, 为后面的语言输出做好准备。

3.Read for details

(1) 2b Complete the time line.

学生再次速读课文, 并根据2b部分的时间轴补充信息, 其目的是培养学生的寻读能力。

(2) Read and fill the blanks. (见图2)

学生通过细读, 进一步从整体上了解文章的写作脉络, 为复述课文降低了难度。学生四人一组合作完成学习任务, 有利于培养自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的能力。

Step 4:Appreciate the sentences

1.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney.

2.People went to the cinema to see the“little man”win.

英语学习既要有利于发展学生的语言运用能力, 体现工具性, 也要全面提升学生的人文素养, 体现人文性。学生通过了解Walt Disney和当时美国经济大萧条的背景, 进一步深入理解文章。

Step 5:Retelling

复述课文是思维整合和强化记忆的过程。复述课文可以训练学生的思维能力, 使学生巩固所学内容, 提高语言组织能力, 激发想象力。

Step 6:After reading

1.Discuss the following questions.

(1) Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man?Why or why not?Do you want to be like him?

(2) Do you want to be like Mickey?Why or why not?

(3) Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey?Why is the character popular?

(4) What cartoon character can be a symbol of Chinese culture?

口语活动能够使学生加深对文章的理解, 让学生品味阅读内容, 使学生能够将课文内容与自身实际相结合, 促进学生表达自己的观点。

2.Summary and writing (见上页图3)

(1) My favorite cartoon character

(2) Write about a symbol of Chinese culture.

学生对所学知识进行归纳、总结。在此基础上, 笔者为不同层次的学生设计了两个写作题目, 使学生在写作中学习和使用语言。

Step 7:Homework

1.Think of a cartoon character for our school mascot (吉祥物) .

2.Describe the mascot for us.


张红老师的教学设计理念新颖, 目标明确;课堂活动由浅入深, 层层递进。具体体现在以下三个方面:

第一, 重视整体性原则。整个课堂围绕美国卡通形象———米老鼠展开教学活动, 学生通过阅读, 了解了卡通片在美国文化中的地位。每个教学环节紧紧围绕这一主题, 循序渐进、由易入难, 让学生自然融入。张老师设计的任务难度不断加大, 在充分铺垫的基础上, 学生能够很容易达成任务, 形成语言技能。在任务设计时, 张老师给学生提供较大的创造空间, 使学生通过学习掌握描写卡通人物的表达方式。

第二, 重视培养学生的阅读策略和阅读能力。本堂课通过一个短篇文章, 张老师有意识地对学生进行学习策略指导, 使学生学会如何通过速读、细读、略读等方式来获取信息, 让学生在学习和运用英语的过程中学会学习。

第三, 重视工具性和人文性的统一。本堂课张老师的教学设计既有利于发展学生的语言运用能力, 培养学生的听、说、读、写技能, 从而使学生形成运用英语与他人交流的能力, 体现英语的工具性;又有利于全面提升学生的人文素养, 开阔学生的眼界, 丰富学生生活经历, 使学生形成跨文化意识, 体现英语的人文性。

关于八年级英语词汇教学的思考 篇8









英语单词构成也是有规律可循的。在牛津英语8A的study skill中,就逐步分章讲解了单词构成的前缀和后缀。八年级的学生的接受能力和理解能力也逐渐的加强。因此,在课堂上教授单词时,可以有意识地将这些概念穿插地灌输在日常的课堂教学中,潜移默化地影响学生。一般来说,加后缀改变词性,如use,加上后缀可变成:useful , useless等;而加上前缀则改变词义,able加上前缀可变成disabled,enable;还有一些复合词如playground 是由play 和ground合起来的。学生如果知道这些构词法的话,就能很快的记住这些单词。





例如,用first,second,third 和another这几个词:It is the first time for Tom to go to a cinema. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two minutes he comes out, buys the second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys the third ticket. Three minutes later,he comes out and asks for another ticket. Then a girl asks him, “Why do you buy so many tickets?” “Because a big woman always stops me at the door and cuts up my ticket.”当然,讲故事时配上动作与必要的中文提示,能让学生更好地理解短文。又比如,这则小对话“What is the poorest bank in the world? The river bank.”可以让学生轻松记牢bank的两个意思。教师还可以用优美的音乐,如 “Whenever you go,whatever you do, I’ll be right here waiting for you”引出whenever或是wait for这些词汇,学生也能很快明白相关词汇的意义。





[1] Nunan,D.(1992).Language teaching methodology.Sydney: Prentice-Hall.

[2] B.Spolsky(1995)Language Testing in The Modern Language Journal.

[3] 義務教育课程标准实验教科书.英语(新目标)八年级下册[M].人民教育出版社.2011.
