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七年级上英语语法练习 篇1

A Now more and more Chinese children find life more difficult without their parents.They don’t know how(1)_______________(do)housework because their parents do almost everything for them at home.This is(2)_______________ big problem.Cindy is 14 years old.One day(3)_______________(she)parents went to work, so she had to stay at home alone.At first she(4)_______________(think)she would be happy.She could do everything she liked(5)_______________ her parents were not in.When it was six o’clock(6)______________ the afternoon, she felt hungry.“Oh, it’s time to have supper.Where can I get my food?” she said to herself.Later she found some food in the fridge, but she(7)_______________(not know)how to cook.At that moment, she missed her parents very much.At last she could only go to the super market(8)_______________(buy)some food to eat.Many(9)_______________(child)have the same problem as Cindy does.So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, cleaning their rooms or(10)_______________(dress)themselves.They shouldn’t depend too much on their parents.B

Do you like shopping? Do you know anything about the way of shopping in(1)_______________(west)countries? Most people like to go to the supermarkets(2)_______________ they can get almost everything in one supermarket.And the things in supermarkets are much(3)_______________(cheap).When they get into the supermarket, they carry a basket.Then they put the things they want in(4)_______________basket.After-getting everything they want, they pay for the things.Most people go to the supermarket(5)_______________(one)a week.But in America, most shoppers enjoy(6)______________(shop)in the shopping malls.A mall is a group of many shops.(7)_____________(usual), the mall is under one roof, so the shoppers don’t get cold(8)_____________ wet from rain, wind, or snow.After shopping, they may get(9)____________(tire).They can walk into the sitting rooms for a short rest.(10)____________ they go into the dining rooms in the malls, they can have a good meal.Now more and more Americans like to go shopping there.C

Will it matter if you don’t have your breakfast? Many people in the USA, aged from 12 to 83, took part(1)_______________ a test a short time ago.During the test, these people had different(2)_______________(kind)of breakfast, and sometimes they didn’t have breakfast at all.Scientists wanted(3)_______________(see)how well their bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfast.It shows that if a person eats a good breakfast, he or she(4)_______________(work)better than those without breakfast.If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before(5)_______________(go)to school, he or she will learn more quickly and listen more(6)_______________(careful)in class.Many people think that they can be thinner(7)_______________ they don’t have breakfast.But they are wrong.This(8)_______________(be)because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch.They will not lose weight(9)_______________ get weight.You will lose more weight if you reduce(减少)your other(10)_______________(meal).That is, if you don’t eat much for lunch or supper, you may lose weight.D

Mr Green works in New York.He(1)_______________(bring)his family to China last year.They visited many places of(2)_______________(interesting)and had a good time there.Before they left for New York, the Greens climbed the Great Wall.It was one of(3)_______________(great)buildings over two thousand years ago.They took a lot of(4)_______________(picture)there.Unluckily, it began to rain and they ran to the car.(5)_______________ they returned to the hotel, they couldn’t find their camera.They were all sorry for it.That evening they didn’t have supper.Mr Green hoped(6)_______________(make)others happy, so he said, “Let me tell you a story.(7)_______________ old man lived in a sixty-storey building.One day he fell down from it but he didn’t hurt himself.Do you know why?” Others waited(8)_______________ the answer.“Because he lived on the(9)_______________(one)floor.” They all began to laugh when two(10)______________(policeman)with a bag came in.They said a Chinese boy found the camera under a big tree.The Greens felt very happy.E

My name is Sam.I have(1)_______________ uncle.He is fifty-eight years old now.His eating habits(2)_______________(be)not good.He likes eating meat very much,(3)_______________ he doesn’t like eating any fruit.He doesn’t like(4)_______________(vegetable)as well.So he is very fat.He doesn’t like(5)_______________(play)sports.After work, he often sits on the sofa and(6)_______________(watch)TV.Today is his birthday.His son and daughter come and they buy some gifts for him.“Dad, I buy a soccer ball for you.If you like, you can play it(7)_______________ me on weekends,” his son Tom says.My uncle is very happy.Then his daughter says, “Dad, here is a pet dog for you.You can take it for a walk after dinner.It is good for(8)____________(you)health,” his daughter Cherry says.Hearing(听到)these(9)______________(word), my uncle is very happy.He(10)______________(real)wants to play some sports to keep healthy.语法填空专项训练(二)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。

A People talk with words.Do you think you can talk(1)_______________ words? A smile on your face shows that you are happy and(2)_______________(friend).Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.When you put up your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something(3)_______________ ask questions.You shake your head, and people know you are(4)_______________(say)“no”.Other(5)_______________(thing)can also give some information.For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus(6)_______________(take).A sign on the wall of your school helps you find the library.Signs on doors tell you(7)_______________ to go.People talk to each other in many other ways.An artist(8)_______________(use)his pictures to tell about the blue sea, the beautiful mountains and many other things.(9)_______________(write)write books to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and(10)_______________(they)ideas.They all help us know what is going on in the world.B

Mary is a very good student.She studies hard at school.She is good(1)_______________ all of her subjects.This morning, Mary’s class had(2)_______________ English test.After the test, the teacher checked the(3)_______________(student)papers and then she gave them back to the students in the afternoon.Mary looked at her paper.She wasn’t(4)_______________(happily)about her mark of 95.The answer to the third question in the paper(5)_______________(be)wrong.After class, all the students went out to play,(6)_______________ Mary didn’t.She wanted to stay in the classroom(7)_______________(work)on the third question again.After a short while, she got a new answer.Then she(8)__________(give)the new answer to the teacher.When the teacher saw the answer, she smiled.This time, Mary’s answer was right.When the(9)__________(other)got back, one of them asked Mary, “(10)_______________ did you do the exercise again? You know you can’t get a new mark.” “I don’t study for marks only!” Mary answered.C

Linda is a good girl.Her mother’s birthday is coming soon, so she buys a purple hat for her mum.It is the(1)__________(one)hat she buys for her mother.The hat is nice, and she(2)___________(take)it with 25 She puts it in(3)_______________ beautiful box and gets on the bus.(4)_______________ when she is ready to get off the bus, she can’t find it.It is lost.She begins(5)_______________(cry).The people on the bus ask her the reason, and she(6)_______________(tell)them.“Don’t worry.You can tell(7)_______________(we)your address(地址), and we’ll send it to you if we find it,” they say.The next day, her mum(8)_______________(be)very happy when Linda goes back home from school.“Thank you(9)_______________ your gift, Linda.But I don’t know why you buy so many hats for me.I get ten in different(10)_______________(colour)!” her mum says.D

I was very sleepy in the morning, so I didn’t go running as usual.(1)_______________ nine o’clock, Tom called me to join in a basketball game with him.He said that Jack and other(2)_____________(boy)would also be there.I(3)______________(finish)my homework and had nothing else to do, so I agreed.Tom told me(4)_______________(go)to the basketball club at ten o’clock.On the way there, I bought a little cake.When I got to the basketball club, I was(5)_____________(surprise)to see Tom and Jack fighting.Later on, I learnt that they fought because both of them wanted to start throwing the ball(6)_______________(one).I shouted to them to stop the fight,(7)_______________ they would not listen.Then two men came and stopped them from(8)_______________(fight).Then I asked them to go to the coffee shop for(9)_______________ drink.At the coffee shop, I brought out my little cake and it was good to see Tom and Jack sharing the cake and(10)_______________(laugh)again.E

Dear Peter, I’m glad you ask me for advice.It’s not easy for me to give you some good advice without(1)_______________(know)more about you.But(2)_______________(one), I am sure that you are wrong.You said that nobody would care if you left home.What about(3)_______________(you)parents? They always love you and worry about you.It seems that you are very sad.You’d better go to see a doctor or talk to your parents.They will be able(4)_______________(help)you.Second, I’m sure there(5)_______________(be)someone else in your class feeling lonely, too.You never know(6)_______________ other people feel.Try to make(7)_______________(friend)with your classmates.And you could also take part(8)_______________ club activities to meet new people and make friends.(9)_______________(final), you need to find happiness in yourself.So my last advice is to write(10)_______________ list(清单)of all the good things about yourself and learn to like yourself, and then others will like you, too.Yours, Cindy A.1.to do 4.thought 10.dressing B.1.western shopping 7.Usually 10.If C.1.in 4.will work 7.if

10.meals D.1.brought 2.interest 4.pictures 7.An 10.policemen E.1.an 4.vegetables 7.with 10.really

A.1.without 4.saying 7.where 2.friendly




6.to take 9.Writers 2.are 5.playing

3.but 6.watches


3.the greatest

9.first 5.When6.to make 8.is 2.kinds

3.to see


6.carefully 9.but




3.Cheaper 4.the






7.didn’t know 8.to buy 9.children 8.your 9.words 10.their B.1.at 4.happy 7.to work 10.Why C.1.first 4.But 7.us 8.is 2.takes


5.to cry

6.tells 9.for 2.an 3.students’

6.but 9.others


8.gave 10.colours D.1.At 4.to go 7.but 10.laughing E.1.knowing 4.to help 7.friends 10.a 2.boys 5.surprised 8.fighting

9.a 2.first 3.your 5.is

6.how 8.in 9.Finally

七年级上英语语法练习 篇2


(一) 顺口溜或歌谣法

七年级的学生已初步具形象思维的能力, 而抽象思维的能力还是比较欠缺。如果教师巧妙地把抽象的语法知识转化为形象思维, 主动简化知识, 将枯燥难懂的英语语法知识形象而生动地采用故事、歌谣的方式融入教学活动中, 以符合学生的年龄特征和心理特点, 降低学习难度, 让语法教学生动起来, 使学生牢固掌握知识。这样, 有利于学生学习兴趣的保持, 不断提高成绩, 为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。

(二) 故事法

在故事法教学中, 教师把语言形式和功能有机地结合起来, 以学习者为中心, 让学生参与语法教学的全过程, 激发学生学习语法的兴趣, 并使他们在运用语言的过程中习得语法结构和功能, 充分体现语法的静态和动态两方面。比如, 在教一般现在时与一般过去时时, 教材中往往以XX’s Day为话题材料出现, 为了学生不被动学习, 一节课下来不紧张。我们利用图片提供单词或动词短语让学生编故事效果比较好。就拿话题Lilei’s Day为例, 准备下列单词卡:get up, brush, wash, read, havebreakfast, go to school, begin, play basketball, get home, help his mother, watch TV, do his homework, go to bed等。教师说出故事开头, 要求学生运用所给的动词续编故事, 然后仿写My Day或My Mother’s Day。另外, 现在进行时与过去进行时的教学活动也可以使用此教学法。通过这样的教学活动, 学生可以在实践运用中体会, 记忆深刻, 用起来熟练。


新课改提倡探究式学习和合作学习。采用这种方法学习语法既能激发学生的学习欲望及兴趣, 又能培养他们的合作精神。以小组学习的方式为主, 从以下几方面入手。

(一) 准备阶段

根据教材的内容, 依据教师的指引, 围绕某一个语法项目, 让学生自己去查阅资料, 自己去收集、分析、处理、运用各种信息。此阶段要给学生理解的时间, 允许学生提出问题或求助教师与他人。

(二) 组内讲解

给学生一定的时间, 让学生与同桌、邻桌互相讲解, 要求学生在讲解时板书, 听讲者记录关键点。通过学生小组成员之间的互动交流、互相启发、互相学习, 降低学生作为被动学习者的焦虑感, 真正使学生自主学习, 成为学习的主人。教师在这个过程中只是导演角色, 掌控时间及内容的递进, 必要时进行补充。

(三) 总结归纳

时态的教学, 教师有必要列表归纳。如:定义、句型结构、标志词、考点赏析等, 目的是让学生有个清晰的思路。

(四) 巩固运用

语法教学必须在运用实践中才能体现它的价值, 所以巩固运用必不可少。让学生把所学句法或词法结构用到句子中, 看谁写的句子最多。这时教师指导、发现问题并给予点拨。时间到后组内互相交换练习本进行交流评价。课堂气氛别具一番风味, 学生在整个活动中都是积极主动参与, 记忆深刻, 使用灵活, 收到较好的学习效果。时态、词法及句法均可采用此教学活动, 不但提高学生的成绩, 最主要的是提高学生的学习能力及运用能力。


学生学习模式的转变主要是教师教学模式的转变, 探究式教学是以“学生为主体, 教师为主导”的教学模式, 它改变了传统英语教学中灌输式的教学方法, 注重由学生自己进行研究和探索, 同时也要求教师为学生创设探索情境, 营造探索氛围, 评价探究得失, 是一种与英语新课程理念相符合的教学模式。

作为探究式教学的主导者, 教师要为学生创设探究的情境, 鼓励学生采用这种途径学习语法。我讲现在进行时时, 采用了结合任务的语法教学法, 改变以往华而不实的课堂, 较好地落实了语法学习同时也达到了交际运用的效果。

(一) 学生表演——教师发问——学生回答

几个学生做动作, 让其他学生猜测他们在做什么, 因为他们的表演贴近学生的生活, 显得有趣, 学生发言踊跃。此处以意义先行原则为导向, 设定了较为真实的情境, 旨在让学生对现在进行时产生感性认识。

(二) 小组合作设计活动

各小组内轮流表演与发问, 组员猜测现在的活动, 进行组内竞争。这个活动使学生容易理解和巩固语言知识和规律, 属于理解层次的任务设计。

(三) 小组合作探究

让学生观察所给出的动词, 鼓励他们写出其他动词的现在分词以及总结现在进行时的句型结构, 给学生列出一些动词或短语, 用进行时写句子, 组内交流讨论, 然后开展表演活动。大家比较兴奋, 这样的小组合作探究和笔头练习便于动静结合。

总之, 针对不同的教学目标、内容、学生已有的基础、教学时段, 教师可以采用不同的语法教学模式和教学方法。但实施新课改的核心理念是不变的, 那就是学生的兴趣, 学生的参与, 学生的活动、学生的综合运用语言能力的发展。学生不仅仅要掌握语言知识, 更要学会语言的实际运用。


[1].胡春洞, 《英语教学法》, 高等教育出版社, 1992

七年级上英语语法练习 篇3

be 是原形,摇身一变成 am, is, are。下面隆重推出一则口诀,帮你熟记动词be的构成及用法:

我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,

is连着他(he), 她(she), 它(it)。

单数名词用is, 复数名词全用are。




[练习]用am, is或are填空。

1.What color ____ Jim’s shoes?

2.She and I ____ good friends.

3.There ____ a pen and two pencils in the pencil case.

4.I ____ in Class Two. Lily ____ in Class Four.

5.You ____ a teacher, aren’t you?

6.My father ____ a teacher of English.

7.——Are you Li Ming? ——Yes, I ____.

8.Two and three ____ five.


——Hi!Mike. This ____ my brother, George.

10.——What ____ your name?

——My name ____ Zhao Jun.

[Key: 1.are 2.are 3.is 4.am, is 5.are 6.is 7.am 8.is 9.is 10.is, is]








1.____ are at school today.

A. I and she B. She and me C. I and her D. She and I

2.____ are in the same row.

A. You, he and I B. He, you and I

C. I, you and He D. You, I and he

3.Can you see ____?

A. he and she B. him and her C. her and I D. she and me

[Key: 1.D 2.A 3.B]


说冠词家庭小不是没有道理的。你瞧:一个a, 一个an, 一个the。哈哈,没有了。它分为不定冠词(a, an)和定冠词(the)两种。a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前,如:a key(一把钥匙), a jacket(一件夹克衫),a quilt(一床被子)等;an用在以元音音素开头的名词前,如:an English book(一本英语书),an orange(一个橘子)等。定冠词the常用来特指某个或某些人或事物。例如: The key is yellow. 这把钥匙是黄色的。当名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your等时不用冠词。例如:this ruler (这把尺子);在习惯用语前也不用冠词,如:in English(用英语)等。

[练习]用a, an或the填空,不填处填写/。

1. This is ____ baseball.

2. That is ____ egg.

3. Where is ____ teacher?

4. Mr Green is ____ old doctor.

5. What color is Peter’s ____ sweater?

6. We are in ____ Class One.

7. ____ sock is black.

8. I can see ____ “U”, ____ “R” and ____ “8” on the wall.

9. ——Do you like playing ____ football?

——Yes. Look! I have ____ football here.

10. Can you see ____ apple on the table?

11. Lucy and Lily are ____ sisters.

12. Look at ____ picture. Who’s ____ man?

13. Do you have ____ e-mail address?

14. After ____ lunch, I have a rest.

15. What ____ funny time to eat breakfast!

[Key:1.a 2.an 3.the 4.an 5./ 6./ 7.The 8.a, an, an 9./, a 10.an 11./ 12.the, the 13.an 14./ 15.a]



1. 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,后面必须跟名词。

2. 如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词,就不能再用冠词(a, an, the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)等修饰词了。

3. 与形容词一起修饰名词时,形容词性物主代词要放在形容词的前面。例如:their Chinese friends他们的中国朋友。


1.那是你的自行车吗?Is that your a bike?

2.那些是我们的书。Those are our the books.

3.这是他的苹果。This is his an apple.

4.你的书在课桌上。Your those books are on the desk.

[Key: 1.去掉a 2.去掉the 3.去掉an 4.去掉those]

五、方位介词不复杂,on, in, under有区别

在物体上面用on, 在物体里面用in, 在物体下面用under。例如:

The books are on the sofa. 书在沙发上。

What can you see in the picture? 在图画里你能看到什么?

Please put your bike under the tree. 请把你的自行车放在树下。


1. 你的鞋在地板上。

Your shoes are ____ the floor.

2. 你的双肩背包里有什么?

What’s ____ your backpack?

3. 那些足球在床下面。

The footballs are ____ the bed.

[Key:1.on 2.in 3.under]

六、take, bring要分清,拿走带来不能混。


I’m thirsty. Please bring me a cup of tea. 我渴了,请给我拿杯茶来。

I want to take some books to the classroom.



1. May I ____ this book home?

2. Next time you come, ____ your daughter.

3. Don’t forget to ____ your homework tomorrow.

[Key: 1.take 2.bring 3.bring]



否定形式don’t和doesn’t, 后接动词原形勿忘记。例如:

Do you do your homework every day? 你每天都做家庭作业吗?

He doesn’t play football on Monday. 他星期一不踢足球。

[练习] 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. 你喜欢这本书吗?

____ you like this book?

2. 她晚上看电视吗?

____ she watch TV in the evening?

3. 凯特不喜欢足球。

Kate ____ ____ football.

4. 他们什么时间吃午饭?

What time ____ they have lunch?

5. 你父亲七点去上班吗?

____ your father ____ to work at seven o’clock?

[Key:1.Do 2.Does 3.doesn’t like 4.do 5.Does, go]



词尾若是s, x, ch, sh, 直接加上-es。







1. address____ 2. photo____3. apple____

4. watch____ 5. boy____6. class____

7. day____ 8. bus____ 9. banana____

10. city____11. birthday____12. key____

13. party____14. dictionary____15. man____

16. family____17. policeman____18. child____

19. tomato____20. wish____21. Chinese____

22. girl friend____ 23. sweater____24. shoe____

25. pencil case ____


1. I have some ____(pencil-box).

2. How many ____(people) are there in your family?

3. There are twenty ____(class) in our school.

4. Where are the two ____(man) ____(worker)?

5. There are thirty-two ____(boy) ____(student) in our class.

6. Whose ____(box) are those?

7. Tomorrow is ____(teacher) Day.

8. She has three ____(knife).

9. There are two ____(ring). They are my mother’s.

10. Are there any ____(apple tree) on the hill?


1. Are there any ____ in the room?

A. childs B. chairsC. bus D. apples trees

2. There are forty ____ and nine hundred ____ in our school.

A. woman teachers; girl student

B. women teachers; girls students

C. women teachers; girl students

D. women teachers; girls student

3. Is that an ____ car?

A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. Beijing

4. Mrs. Green’s coat is ____.

A. orange B. an orange C. the orange D. oranges

5. Is your English teacher ____?

A. a man, a woman B. men or women

C. a man or a womanD. men and women

6. Where are the ____?

A. boys B. boy C. boies D. boyes

7. There are two ____ in the city.

A. cars factory B. car factories

C. car’s factories D. cars factories

8. She was born(出生) in Wuhan, but Zhengzhou has become(成为) her second ____.

A. house B. family C. home D. place

七年级英语语法 篇4

Jim’s coat 吉姆的外套 Jeff’s mother杰夫的妈妈


Teachers’ Day教师节 the twins’ books双胞胎的书

3)不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“ ’s ”

Children’s Day 儿童节 men’s shoes男式鞋



Lucy and Lily’s mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈) Lucy’s and Kate’s rooms 露茜和凯特的房间(各自的房间,两间房子)

七年级英语语法知识点 篇5

1.How many colours do you see? 你能看见多少种颜色?

how many+可数名词复数, 含有how many的特殊疑问句,要用数词来回答。

如: —How many markers do you have? 你有多少枝水彩笔? —I have ten. 我有十枝。/----Just one. 只有一个。

2. My skirt is very old. Can I get a new one? 我的裙子很旧了,我能买一条新的吗?


Eg: I have a nice sweater. Do you want one? 我有一件漂亮的毛衣。你想要一件吗?

3. What’s your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?

What’s your favourite…?是询问“你最喜欢的??是什么?”的交际用语,其答语是:My favourite ....is…如:

---What are your favourite clothes? 你最喜欢的衣服是什么?

---My favourite clothes are blouse and skirts. 我最喜欢的衣服是衬衫和连衣裙。

—What’s your favourite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

—My favourite sport is Ping-pong. 我最喜欢的运动是乒乓球。 (同义句)English is my favourite.=I like English best.

4. Whose coat is this? 这是谁的外套? Whose gloves are these? 这是谁的手套?

Whose “谁的”,用来询问物品的主人,即物品的所有者是谁,也就是说whose对物主代词(my,your,his,her,its,their)和名词所有格

(如:Bob’s, Jenny’s, Danny’s)进行提问,其后必须接名词。即:

Whose +名词单数 + is this? ----It’s +物主代词/名词所有格+名词单数

Whose +名词复数 + are these? ---They are +物主代词/名词所有格+名词复数

Eg: Whose scarf is this?

--- It’s my scarf.

Whose shorts are these? 这是谁的短裤?

---Maybe they are Danny’s shorts.



? 原文再现

I see my mum and dad every day. 我每天看我的爸爸和妈妈。

? 基本用法

adj. every 每一个,每个 I eat an egg every day. 我每天吃一个鸡蛋。

every day 意为:每天,通常与一般现在时连用。 I watch TV every day. 我每天看电视。


? 原文再现

On weekends, I see my grandma and grandpa. 周末,我去看爷爷和奶奶。

? 基本用法

n. weekend 周末,at/on weekends在周末。

My grandma and grandpa go to the park on weekends. 我的爷爷奶奶周末去公园。


? 原文再现

When we call him, he runs to me. 当我们叫他的时候,他跑向我们。

? 基本用法

v. 给??打电话,其后常接表示人的名词或代词,意为“给某人打电话”。phone sb.也可以表示


(过去式: called 过去分词: called 现在分词: calling 第三人称单数: calls) You can call me this evening. 你可以今天晚上给我打电话。

n. 打电话

I answer your call. 我回你的电话了。


My husband and I like Sam a lot. 我的丈夫和我都很喜欢山姆。

? 基本用法

like+名词/代词+ a lot意为“很喜欢??”。

如: My brother and I like bananas a lot. 我的弟弟和我都很喜欢香蕉。

? 知识拓展---其他用法


like doing sth/like to do sth表示“喜欢做某事”

I like playing with my classmates. What about you? 我喜欢跟同学一起玩,你呢?

Our daughter Betty doesn’t want to be a doctor. 我的女儿贝蒂不想成为医生。

? 基本用法

“want to be + 名词”意为“想成为??”,want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”。如:

I want to go swimming this afternoon. 我今天下午想去游泳。

Do you want to be an actor in the future? 你将来想做演员吗?

Please write your name on the book. 请在书上写下你的名字。

? 基本用法

“write?on?”意为“在??上写下??”。如: Write the important things on your notebook. 把重要的东西写在你的笔记本上。

Who’s that man? 那个男人是谁?

? 基本用法

Who is/are??是对人物进行提问的句型,who是疑问代词,回答时,如果主语为单数,根据人物的性别

选用代词he或she,如果主语为复数,应用代词they。 ---Who are the boys over there? ----They are my classmates.


What do they look like? 他们长的怎么样?

? 基本用法

这个句型是用来询问“某人长什么样?”,其中like介词,意思为“像??”,look like 用来指人的外貌。



? 定义

人称代词是表示“我(们)”“你(们)”“他(们)”“她(们)”“它(们)”的词。人称代词不仅指人,也可以指物,有人称、数和格的变化。I, she, he, they在句中作主语,是主格形式。

? 用法

1. 人称代词“I”在任何情况下都要大写,且与am搭配使用。

2. 在口语中,如果人称代词孤立地用于不带谓语动词的句子中作主语,习惯上用宾格;如果用主格,就 要带谓语动词。

—I like playing baseball. 我喜欢打棒球。 —Me, too. 我也是。

3. 单数人称代词并列作主语时,汉语中通常把“我”排在前面,而英语中的顺序通常是:第二人称→第三人称

→第一人称,即:you and he; he and I; you and I; he and I。但在承担责任时,要把“我”排在前面。

Are you and she friends? 你跟她是朋友吗?

4. 单独使用时,he, she与is搭配使用;you与are搭配使用;I与am搭配使用;而任何两个人称代词并

列作主语时,均表达复数意义,与are连用。 He and I are cousins. 我跟他是表兄弟。


? 定义



? 用法


形容词性物主代词的用法与形容词的用法相似,具有形容词的性质。在句中作定语,修饰名词,一般放在被修饰的名词之前, 不能单独使用。如果名词前面还有其他的定语,物主代词要放在其他定语的前面。

my pen 我的钢笔

my red pen 我的红色钢笔 your name 你的名字 his mother 他的母亲


? 定义


最全七年级英语语法知识点 篇6















































七年级上英语语法练习 篇7

there be意为“某处有某物”。如:

There is a park in front of our school. 我们学校前有个公园。

there be结构表示“某地存在某物或某人”。它的基本句式为:there be +主语(名词)+地点状语,其中there是引导词,本身无词义,也不发生变化,而真正的主语是后面的名词,相当于:主语(名词)+ be + 地点状语。如:

There is a restaurant next to the park. 紧挨着公园有个饭店。

there be结构的一般疑问句只需把be动词提前,回答时根据主语变化用Yes, there is/ are. 或No, there isnt/ arent. 如:

—Are there any teachers in the office? 办公室里有老师吗?

—No, there arent. 不,没有。

由there引导的这种结构,动词be (is, are)放在主语之前,需与其在数方面保持一致,主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is,若为复数时用are。当there be结构中有两个或两个以上主语时,谓语动词be应与邻近的主语在数上保持一致,即“就近原则”。如:

There is a girl and two boys in the classroom. 教室里有一个女孩和两个男孩。




否定句是在was/ were后面加not;一般疑问句是把was/ were提前放到句首。


① 肯定式:主语+动词过去式+其他

② 否定式:主语+ did not (didnt) +动词原形+其他

③ 一般疑问式:Did +主语+动词原形+其他?

④ 特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词+ did +主语+动词原形+其他?



(2)表示过去一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作,此时常与often, always等表示频度的时间状语连用;





(2)由“last +时间名词”构成的短语;


(4)由“一段时间+ ago”构成的短语;


<\\Huxi\刘郸\2015年湖南版\7~8期\七年级\喇叭.tif>[祈使句 ]




Be a good boy! 做个好孩子!

Let +人(或者人称代词的宾格) +动词原形。如:

Let me have a look. 让我看一看。


Stand up, please! 请起立!



Dont ask me when Im busy! 别在我忙的时候问我!



No parking! 禁止停车!

No smoking! 禁止吸烟!

No swimming! 禁止游泳!

(4)加强语气的祈使句:Do +动词原形。如:

Do write to me soon! 一定要快点给我写信呀!


现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在发生或进行的动作或者存在的状态。由“系动词be (am, is, are) +动词的现在分词(v-ing)”构成。其中am, is, are在人称和数上要与主语保持一致。


肯定式:主语 + am/ is/ are + v-ing

否定式:主语 + am/ is/ are + not + v-ing


Am/ Is/ Are +主语+ v-ing?

Yes, 主语+ am/ is/ are.

No, 主语+ am not/ isnt/ arent.

特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词+ am/ is/ are +主语+ v-ing?







Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( )1. Look! The girls ______ cards over there.

A. play B. playing C. is playing D. are playing

( )2. —What are the girls doing?

—They ______.

A. are looking English books B. are seeing a film

C. are listening the music D. watching a film

( )3. ______ weekend, I ______ an old friend in London.

A. Last; visited B. Last; visiting

C. This; visit D. This; am visit

( )4. ______ there a bike and two men under the tree?

A. Is B. Are C. Have D. Has

( )5. —______ take off your coat, Kate. Its cold today.


A. Dont B. Cant C. Youd better D. Please

( )6. —______ you in Australia last year?

—Yes, I ______.

A. Were; was B. Were; were C. Was; were D. Was; was

( )7. —How did you ______ the weekend?

—I helped my mother cook food.

A. spend B. to spend C. spending D. spent

( )8. We ______ the end-of-year exam yesterday.

A. have B. had C. are D. are having

( )9. —When ______ you ______ the room?

—Last Monday.

A. do; clean B. did; clean C. are; cleaning D. does; clean

( )10. —______ yesterday?

—It was rainy.

A. How was the weather like B. What was the weather

C. How is the weather D. What was the weather like

Ⅱ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. I can take Wang Gang there when he ______ (come) to visit.

2. ______ her brother ______ (like) playing football every day?

3. Its nine oclock. His grandfather ______ (lie) in bed.

4. He ______ (have) fun in the Palace Museum yesterday.

5. Many people ______ (run) in the park every Sunday morning.

6. How ______ (be) the weather last winter?

7. On weekdays, when ______ you ______ (get) up?

8. Jims cousin ______ (do) his homework every day. But he ______ (not do) it yesterday.

9. Look! The boy ______ (put) on his sweater by himself.

10. I ______ (buy) a new dictionary the day before yesterday.

11. —______ you ______ (know) the boy over there?

—Which boy?

—The boy who is ______ (sit) near the window of the classroom.

12. I like ______ (read), but I like ______ (go) to the cinema this evening.

13. Would you like ______ (go) to the park this afternoon?

14. Dont ______ (agree) with him. Hes wrong.

15. They ______ (practice) writing at school now.


Ⅰ. 1~5 DBAAA 6~10 AABBD

Ⅱ. 1. comes 2. Does; like 3. is lying 4. had

5. run 6. was 7. do; get 8. does; didnt do

9. is putting 10. bought 11. Do; know; sitting12. reading; to go
