
2024-10-15 版权声明 我要投稿


时间时间作文800字 篇1








时间时间作文800字 篇2

1 The Definition of Errors

An error is defined as“being an instance of language that is unintentionally deviant and is not self-corrigible by its author”(James,2001:78).Corder introduced the distinction between errors and mistakes.“Mistakes are akin to slip of tongue.That is,they are generally one-time-only events...An error,on the other hand,is systematic.That is,it is likely to occur repeatedly and is not recognized by the learner as an error”(as cited in Gass&Selinker,2001:78).Students’shortcomings in their compositions are not only individual.They reflect students’basic linguistic competence.“Corder associates errors with failures in competence and mistakes with failures in performance,making use of Chomsky’s distinction”(James,2001:78).

According to the distinction,the students’weak points in their composition would rather be considered as errors rather than mistakes.The errors show in many aspects.Here they are discussed from the perspectives of grammar,lexicon and text.

In the paper,the data are collected from college students’English compositions,whose English is below the level of CET4.They are given 45 minutes to write a composition on the topic of“time”.

1.1 The errors in grammar

Grammar has traditionally been discussed in terms of morphology and syntax,the former handling word structure,the latter handling structures“larger”than the word.At this time,the latter is the object of discussion and the former is put into the discussion of lexicon.The errors of phrase,clause sentence and even paragraphs are considered as syntax errors.The examples are as follows:

1.1.1 Using more than one predicate in a sentence

1)Talk time ways have many more.

2)There are so many students don’t realize the significant of the time.

1.1.2 Inappropriate collocations

1)Time is valuable and limit for everyone.

2)You must do the master of your life.

1.1.3 Confusing tense

1)We can not predicate what the result will be if they went on treating their college time by this way.

(2)One day,my watch broken and it stops working.

1.1.4 Misuse of complex sentences

1)The reason is they don’t know how to use time.

2)They will spend several midnights to study that belongs to a term learning.

1.1.5 Misuse of voice

1)Time is passed.

1.1.6 Incomplete sentences without a subject

1)Do more things what you want and useful.

2)And not kill time to do something is useless.

1.2 Errors in lexicon

Lexis and grammar are not clear cut morphological aspect of words,which used to be treated as part of grammar,can just as well be viewed as part of the word:vocabulary is very important in Language learning,sometimes equating a Language with its vocabulary Lexical errors are also the most frequent category of error.Richards(as cited in James,2001:144)suggested that there are seven things to know about a word:1)its morphology;2)its syntactic behavior;3)its functional or restrictions;4)its semantic value(s),or denotations;5)its secondary meanings or commutations;6)what other words it is associated with;7)Roughly,how likely the word is to be used,that is,its frequency.James divided the seven categories into two kinds,formals and semantic features.The errors in students’compositions are classified by James’s standard.

1.2.1 Formal errors



2)Malformations:These are errors that produce“word”that are won-existent in the foreign Language.The students coined them.


1.2.2 Semantic errors

Collocations are the other words any particular word normally keeps company with.There are some collocation errors:

increase my level(improve my level)to devote our power for(to)the world

1.3 Errors in texts

James(2001:141)holds that text is sometimes used to refer exclusively to a unit of written language larger than the sentence—for which paragraph might be a suitable term.The basic unit of text is a sentence(Zhang Delu&Liu Rushan,2003:170).Halliday and Husan(James,2001:142)make it clear that text may be spoken or written and is not limited to the larger units.Errors in texts influence the understanding of passages.So cohesion is quite important.Here are several kinds of errors appearing in students’composition.

1.3.1 Students make mistakes of reference

Reference is the set of grammatical resources,which allow the speaker to indicate whether something is being repeated from somewhere else in the text(i.e.we have already been told about it),or whether it has not yet appeared in the text(i.e.it is now to us)(Thompson,2000:148).The second category of reference is demonstratives,including“this”,“that”,“these”“those”,the exam papers show that students use fewer demonstrative pronouns.However,students who use it still make mistakes,e.g.,time is very important for us,the reason for this is that every one of us only has less than 100 years.“This”in the sentences should be replaced by“which”,referring to the former part of the sentence.

Some students use pronouns in their compositions,but they change the person arbitrarily.For instance:“In the whole,we should think about future for ourself.Once you lose your time,you would lose your life because time is life.So just value your time.”In the paragraph,the student changes the person from“we”to“you”.It makes readers alter their objects of attention.The change does not keep pace with their expectation.When readers read the first sentence,they expect it will tell the reason or something like that.In general,he will show something about“ours”.Once he changes the person,readers may think that he will talk another thing.The attention is irregular.So it is unnecessary.

1.3.2 Students are unaware of using substitution

They choose to repeat a word all the time.For instance“as a people,time is very important for us.Because if we have no time,it means that we will die.So we should make full use of the time,to do what we should do”.In this paragraph,the student uses the word“time”three times without any substitution.Actually,it refers to the same thing.So it can be used to substitute“time”in the several or third place to make the paragraph more cohesive.

1.3.3 Students ignore using conjunctive adjuncts

Conjunction refers broadly to the combining of any two textual elements into a potentially coherent complex semantic unit.There are basically two ways of approaching the investigation of conjunction.On the one hand,we can start from the clause constituents which we have already identical asserting a textual function in particular,conjunctions such as“but”and“because”and adjuncts such as“nevertheless”and“therefore”.We might also want to include preposition as textual linkers within the clause.Here only conjunctive adjuncts contribute to cohesion.Students ignore using conjunctive adjuncts or to be exact,they have no aware of using them.A student’s structure is as follows:

“There is an old saying...saying your life”.“Time is limited...take our time seriously.”“We can do some reading...or it is harmful to us.”“Being a student,I will spend it correctly.”The short passage is slack.Although we can understand its meaning,it does not give us a clear structure.We need to recognize its main points after reading.It does not give accord with the style of native writers.A few students use several marked words such as“but,however,and,firstly,secondly”.These words are commonly used.They seldom use other words such as furthermore,moreover.This kind of compositions is monotonous.

1.3.4 Few students use topic sentences

Topic sentences are like eyes.Few students use them.Sometimes,I cannot infer the main idea until I finish reading the whole paragraph.For example:“In my life,I had not many persons,some of them are waiting,waiting for the study end,the term end and so on I think this is not good because if you want to make your life better,you must do the master of your life and your time.You could spend time on doing something what you want to do,or do something quickly in order to save time to do more things.And not kill time to do something is useless,or pass the time in order to let it pass.”Such a long paragraph just wants to tell people to cherish time,control it and do things efficiently.If the student could give the topic sentence,it would help readers save lots of time and make the reading easy.

Too many sentences just express his/her subjective attitudes.There is no relevance among the sentences.

“In my life,I believe time works wonders.I want to make full use of my free time.For example:reading books,listening music and art.In college just have three years.It is very quickly so I must take this optiutea to tell ourselves what I mean to do.I should know about world news.I want to be a guide.But it should know much knowledge.So I must take my free time to increase my level...It is a language and a beautiful language.So I must work hard to study English.”

In this paragraph,we can see“I believe”,“I want”,“I must(4 times)”,“I should”and“it should”.Each sentence is not dependent on others.It does not matter if we delete several sentences from it.

The data above show students’errors in the writing.The errors in grammar,lexicon and texts reflect their low competence of English.No one in the whole class does not make mistakes.They have poor grammatical and lexical knowledge,no awareness of constructing texts.

2 Several Reasons for Errors

2.1 Influence of native language on foreign language writing

Although many scholars challenge the idea of behaviorists,who put out language transfer,the data clearly reflect the influence of native language on foreign language writing.They do not shake off native language’s interference.The errors of many sentences such as“to devote our power for the world”equals to Chinese“为世界贡献力量”.“For”is equivalent to Chinese“为”When the learner acquires the word‘devote’,he can not remember the phrase“devote...to...”.No lexical phrase is in this mind When he uses the word“devote”,Chinese thinking mode misleads him to use the preposition“for”.

2.2 Students make errors in basic knowledge

This reflects that they do not pay much attention to the learning of basic knowledge.This may arise from the ignorance of teaching and learning.Now communicative teaching methods are popular.Teachers and students overemphasize on the importance of communication.As a result,they focus on speaking and listening.Some students even think that a few errors are not important and the most important is to make them understood.

2.3 Students learn words separately

They neither practice words in appropriate context nor compare new words with what they have learnt synonyms.They have very small vocabulary size.They cannot use easy words with high frequency.Their frequency is far away from the standard of CET4and syllabus.In their memory,words are confusing and fuzzy.So there are so many errors in forms and grammars.Because they choose to express one thing in another way when they do not know the exact word,their expressions are so simple.Their words are loquacious because of their low English competence.They are incapable of taking into account of textual style.Writing is of oral characteristics.

2.4 Students do not acquire cultural differences between Eng-lish and Chinese

The differences reflect on their thinking mode.On the one hand,Chinese is paratactic.That is the arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.In Chinese,the sentences such as the rain fell,the river flooded,the house washed away”are acceptable.Comparatively English is hypotactic.That is the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives.Conjunctions are needed to combine single sentences.They are unaware of using cohesive strategies.On the other hand,the students seldom use topic sentences.The meaning of one paragraph is not clear.This causes readers to get into trouble.

2.5 Students and teachers take no notice of writing

Before entering college,students seldom write compositions.They have to write one in the exam.So no feedbacks are given to students.They do not know whether their writings have problems Naturally they have no chance to correct their errors.It is no useful for them to improve their English level.After entering college,few students are interested in English writing.They are unwilling to spend time on it because they think that writing skills’improvement cannot be achieved in one day.As a result,their writing skills stay in the period of fossilization.

2.6 Few students have the habit of writing an outline

After the exam,I asked them why they did not write outlines before writing.They told me time was limited.Writing an outline would waste much time.They did not know spending a few minutes in writing an outline would save a lot of time.What is worse,they did not have a clear structure of a passage and did not know what materials would be used in it.They thought about a sentence and wrote it down and then stopped to think another sentence.Certainly,this kind of passage doesn’t have a clear structure.The text is not cohesive.

3 Some Suggestions for Students and Teachers

3.1 Students need to accumulate basic knowledge

Students have low English competence,so they have to accumulate basic knowledge including grammar and lexicon.They need to pay more attention to the specific usage of high frequency words such as collocations and practice them in context.For purposes of description,as well as pedagogy,it is useful to classify them in terms of their structural and functional characteristics(Nattinger&DeCarrico,1992:37).Teachers may give a more detailed account of functions in discourse.

3.2 Teachers need to provide strategies

Teachers need to provide strategies to assist both reading and writing of students in synthesizing meaning in larger segments of text.These strategies must be based on elements that provide both cohesion and coherence in the discourse,and must divert students’attention,whether on the local or global level from individual lexical items to larger lexical phrase form/function composites.If their cognitive resources can be released from such time-consuming surface-level processes as individual word recognition,students would have more time for processing meaning and would find the organization of information in the discourse more obvious.Training would,therefore,essentially involve bringing these already possessed strategies into conscious awareness.Such strategies are of interest in themselves for what they read about the way readers and writers manage their interaction with written text and how these strategies are related to text comprehension in general.

3.3 Teachers should be aware of teaching students to acquire western cultures

It is necessary for teachers to be aware of teaching students to acquire western cultures.Language is a mirror of thought.Thought is also a mirror of culture.The differences between English and Chinese are attributed to the differences of two cultures.“Language is inextricably bound up with culture.Cultural values are both reflected by and carried through language.It is perhaps inevitable,then,that representation of culture implicitly and explicitly enters into second language teaching.”“ESL writing instruction addresses cultural issues most explicitly in efforts to socialize L2 learners into expected cultural norms for academic texts in the target language”(Eli Hinkel,2001:109).To be efficient learners,students need to focus on the western cultures.It is easier to understand different thinking mode from the perspective of culture.Students are aware of acquiring cultures actively.They may try to read literary works.

3.4 Teachers should direct students to write a composition

It is helpful for teachers to direct students to write a composition.Practice makes perfect.So it is better for students to write a dairy or a composition every two days.Feedback is important for a composition.Richards(2003:178)says:“Despite increasing emphasis on the importance of oral response and the use of peers as sources of feedback,teacher written response continues to play a central role in the most L2 writing classes.”Teachers mark the mistakes and students correct them immediately.

4 Conclusion

Writing a good composition is a complex task.It is relatedto students’basic knowledge of syntax,lexicon and semantics.Even if every sentence is correct,the composition can not be con-sidered a good one.They must be connected closely by usingsome strategies such as reference,substitution,conjunctions andso on.Cultural factors influence SLA.The differences betweenEnglish and Chinese require students to give up the thinkingmode of mother tongue and be used to the style of English texts.The data collected from college students’compositions revealthat their basic knowledge is poor and they are not aware of mak-ing texts cohesive.Some suggestions given in Part 3 intend to bebeneficial to student’s learning and teachers’teaching.


[1]James C.Errors in Language learning and Use:Exploring Error Analysis[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.

[2]Hinkel E.Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learn ing[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.

[3]Thompson G.Introducing Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:For eign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.

[4]Richards J C.Second Language Writing[M].Cambridge:Cam bridge University Press,2003.

[5]Nattinger J R,DeCarrico J S.Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1992.

[6]Gass S M,Selinker L.Second Language Acquisition[M].New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,2001.

珍惜时间作文800字 篇3



























珍惜时间作文800字 篇4







凝视时间作文800字 篇5














时间时间作文800字 篇6


我们通过小猫造型的变化来测试视觉反应时间。小猫手中会突然拿起一个棒子, 测试者看到小猫拿起棒子后立马单击小猫, 使用计时器工具计算反应时间并让小猫说出反应时间, 如图1所示。

图2是原始程序, 为了增加猫变身的不确定性, 让猫等待随机数秒后再变身, 变身后, 计时器归零。看到猫举起了棒子后, 按下小猫测定出反应时间。

稳定的实验现象是信息技术实验的一个基本概念, 因此我们建立一个链表“结果”将多次反应时间的数据存储下来。记录20组数据, 将数据从链表中导出, 利用Excel中求平均值的功能, 自动计算平均值, 如图3所示。测得平均值为0.897秒, 此外我们还可以使用Scratch来计算平均值, 如图4所示。



当我们有100组甚至更多的实验数据之后, 便可以对这些数据进行挖掘, 以下是一些实验猜想和实证的结论。


从下页图5所示可以看出20组数据和100组数据的平均值基本一致, 但100组数据的变化幅度更大, 这说明如果只希望得到视觉反应时间的平均值, 测量100次是可行的。


使用COUNTIF函数, 确定每个区间内数据的数目, 将其绘制在图6中, 可以看到数据的分布向0.647一侧靠拢, 这种向左靠拢的现象称为负偏态。

3.是否存在实验的疲劳现象, 即后50组数据比前50组数据的反应时间更长?

使用函数STDEVA计算前50组和后50组的标准差, 发现前50组的平均反应时间为0.720±0.051秒, 后50组数据为0.732±0.042秒, 我们发现这两组数据出现的重合部分很大, 因此说明后50组相比于前50组没有出现明显的疲劳现象。


实验发现, 对于这一位同学而言, 视觉反应时间小于0.662秒的概率为9%。


使用替代图2中的部分代码, 可以研究听觉反应时间, 看看平均值与视觉反应时间相比, 是否有差别。实验结论如图7所示, 是否能够说明该同学视觉反应时间比听觉反应时间小呢?

如果我们将标准差绘制成股价图, 我们可以看出听觉反应时间和视觉反应时间存在着明显的差距, 如图8所示。因此可以判定, 该被试的听觉反应时间明显比视觉反应时间长, 这进一步验证了之前的猜想。

为了更加科学地描述听觉和视觉反应时间是否存在明显差异, 可以使用函数FTEST来判断两组数据没有差异的概率如图9所示, 这种方法是目前最具科学意义的研究方法。

这个结论的意义是该被试视觉反应时间和听觉反应时间相等的概率为0.00073, 意味着有0.073% 的可能性是相同的, 既然两组数据相同的可能性非常低, 这就意味着两组数据有极大的可能性是不同的, 意味着在统计意义上该被试听觉反应时间比视觉反应时间要慢。
