
2024-09-01 版权声明 我要投稿


spend的过去分词 篇1









spend weekends 度周末

spend about 花费约;花约

Spend the 花事;度过

Daily spend 日常花费

Table spend 表花费

Spend days 这笔钱不该花天

Recruiting Spend 招聘预算

spend spent 花费


Then how we spend this one hour?


So, do you spend all your money on it?


But the money is yours, spend it as you like.

spend的过去分词 篇2

1. 作定语

1) 持续性动词过去分词和及物动词现在分词的被动式都可以当定语, 但两者在时间关系上是有差别的。如果定语所表示的动作是在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生或者是没有一定的时间性, 一般用过去分词。例如:

This is his written promise.


I have got a radio made in shanghai.


如果定语所表示的动作在说话时正在进行或是与谓语所表示的动作同时发生, 则一般用现在分词的被动式。例如:

The bike being repaired is mine.


The problem being discussed is of vital important.


2) 现在分词被动式当定语一般只能置于被修饰的名词之后。例如:

Is this book being written?


The house being built is our reading-room.


3) 短暂性动词的过去分词可以作定语, 短暂性动词的现在分词被动式一般不可作定语。例如:

Right:The book bought yesterday is very interting.

Wrong:The book being boughtyesterday is very interesting.

4) 不及物动词的过去分词可以作定语, 表示主动的、完成的意思。例如:

He is the comrade come from Beijing.


The escaped prisoners were captured.


2. 作宾语补足语

1) 在使役动词have, get等后一般用过去分词而不用现在分词被动式。例如:

I must have these printed.


Have you had your watch stolen?


2) 在感观动词see, hear, feel, find等后作宾补的分词, 如果表示完成意思的就用过去分词, 如果表示说话时正在进行的动作, 或是与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生, 则用现在分词的被动式。例如:

I find his room cleaned.


I heard the song being sung.


3. 作状语


Combined with practice, the theory is easy to learn.

理论只有与实践相结合, 才容易学到。

Being combined with practice, th theory is easy to learn.

但是在这种情况下, 过去分词用得较多, 现在分词被动式用得甚少。如果强调这个动作是此刻正在进行的, 或是与谓语表示的动作同时发生的, 我们可以用现在分词的被动式形式。例如:

Being asked to sing af song, she couldn’t very well refuse.

有人请她唱支歌, 她不好拒绝。

Being protected by a tombstone he felt be was quite safe.

有墓碑掩护着, 他感到很安全。

注意:如果这个动作先于谓语动词表示的动作, 可以用完成时的被动式。例如:

Having been experimented several times, this new product wil be put into mass production.

经过数次试验后, 这种新产品将投入批量生产。

Having been invited to speak, I’ll start marking preparations tomorrow.

由于应邀讲话, 明天我将开始作准备。

如果不强调这个动作的时间性, 可用过去分词。例如:

Confined to bed, he needed to be waited on in everything.

他卧病在床, 什么事都需要伺候。

United as one, they are fighting a battle.


4. 作表语

及物动词和不及物动词的过去分词都可以作表语, 但现在分词被动式不可作表语。如可以说:He is married.而不能说The tree is fallen.可以说:He is being married.而不能说:The tree is being fallen.

spend的过去分词 篇3



The president made an inspiring speech(= which was inspiring) at the meeting.总统在会上作了令人鼓舞的演说。

The man sitting (= who is sitting) at the desk is his secretary.坐在桌旁那个人是他的秘书。

The moved children (= who were moved) were determined to work harder at their lessons.受感动的孩子们决心更加努力地学习功课。

She showed me the book recommended by the professor (=which was recommended ).她把教授推荐的书给我看了看。


It is well known that China belongs to a developing country.众所周知,中国属于发展中国家。

We are determined to work harder so as to catch up with the developed countries.我们决心更加努力工作以便赶上发达国家。


I was watching the risen moon on the balcony when the telephone rang.我正在阳台上看升起了的月亮突然间电话铃响了。



I saw some foreign guests entering the headmasters office.我看见有几位外宾正走进校长的办公室。

Waiting outside the operating room,she felt her heart beating violently.她等候在手术室外,觉得心在猛烈地跳动。

The children were found playing by the side of the river.有人发现孩子们在河边玩。

Yesterday my husband had the computer repaired.昨天我丈夫让人把电脑修理好了。

The villagers found the river seriously polluted.村民们发现河流被严重地污染了。

All the doors were found locked.所有的门都是锁着的。



Entering the laboratory,the professor began to do the chemical experiment.教授走进实验室就开始做化学实验。

Not having heard from his parents for a long time,the young man became worried.由于很久没有收到父亲的来信,年青人感到焦虑不安起来。

Seen from the hill,the town looks very beautiful.从小山上往下看,这个城镇显得非常美丽。

Miss Yang walked into the classroom,followed by a group of students.杨小姐走进教室,后面跟着一群学生。



Weather permitting (= If weather permits),we will go out for a picnic next Sunday.如果天气允许,我们下个星期日去野餐。

He related his adventure in the mountains,his eyes sparkling with joy.他叙述他在山中的奇遇,眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。

Everything taken into consideration (=If everything is taken into consideration),his plan is more workable than yours.考虑到各方面情况,他的计划比你的更可行。




The suggestion being discussed was put forward by Mr.Li.正在讨论的这个建议是李先生提出来的。

The problem discussed at the meeting yesterday was of great importance.昨天会上讨论过的问题非常重要。


This (being) done,I set about cleaning

the windows.做完这个,我开始擦窗子。


The children were deeply moved by the story told by the PLA man.(正)

The children were deeply moved by the story having been told by the PLA man.(误)


Compared with other women,your mother is really lucky.同其他妇女相比,你母亲真的很幸运。


The experiment (having been) done,the students left the laboratory.做完了实验,学生们就离开了实验室。


Once seen,it can never be forgotten.一旦见过,就绝不会忘记。

spend的过去分词 篇4

Yeah, but why do you lie?


You have hope than those who lie in the grave!


Do not lie or steal, for you lie to yourself and steal from yourself.

过去式过去分词的练习 篇5

1.This ____ a picture of a school, and that ____ a picture of a factory.2.These _____coats for men, and those _____ coats for women.3.It ____ sunny today, but it _____ rainy yesterday.I hope it ____ fine tomorrow.4.They ____ middle school students last year, but now they ____ college students.5.I _____ a student of English, and my sister _____ a student of history.6.I ______ very glad to see you.7.She _____ often late for school 8.On very cold winter days the lake _____ often covered with ice.9.Now some mummies _______ on show in some museums.10.The students _____ often busy with their homework.用have的适当形式填空

1.A man _____ a face and two hands, and a clock ____ a face and three hands.2.“They are free” means “ They _____ nothing to do.”

3.Uncle Wang _____ neither a radio nor a TV set before but now he _____ both a radio and a TV set.4.Before liberation, the working people _______ not enough to eat or wear, and many of them _____ no house to live in 5._____ you a car ? No, but I _____ one last year.用动词的适当形式填空 1.My brother usually _____(get up)at six o’clock.2.The earth ______(go)round the sun.3.The cat _____(catch)mice very well.4.My sister always ________(wash)clothes for me.5.We ______(read)English every morning.6.Kate _______(study)Chinese harder than Peter.7.They ______(do)their homework carefully every day.8.Mary and Rose ________(see)a film once a week.9.Japan _______(lie)to the east of China.10.When spring ______(come), the trees _______(turn)green.11.____ they _____(watch)TV every Saturday evening ? 12.My father _____(not have)his lunch in the factory.He always has it at home.13._____ it _____(take)you one hour to go to school every day ? 14.I ___________(not like)apples.15.We ________(not study)Russian.We study English.16.______John ______(sing)very well ? 17.______the baby ______(sing)very well ? 18.Her sister ________(not look)like her mother.选择填空

(D)1.The Smiths usually _____ lunch at home.A.haven’t B.hasn’t C.hadn’t D.don’t have(A)2.“ You _____ a class meeting today” said the teacher.A.don’t have B.didn’t have C.doesn’t have D.haven’t(C)3.How often _____ a football match ? A.had you B.have you C.do you have D.have you had(C)4.Martin often _____ his model plane on Saturday afternoon.A.fly B.flys C.flies D.is flying(B)5.The little always ____ his hands before he ____ anything.A.was…eat B.washes…eats C.washs…eats D.washes…eates(B)6.Father usually _____ newspapers after supper.A.read B.reads C.is reading D.has read(A)7.The Blacks often _____ to the cinema on Saturday evenings.A.go B.goes C.have gone D.are going(A)8.People _____ trees in spring every year.A.plant B.plants C.are planting D.have planted(B)9.Tom _______to buy some medicine for his cough.A.want B.wants C.has wanted D.is wanting(A)10.Mr Smith has been busy these days, He _____ tired and ______ a good rest.A.feels…needs B.has felt…has needed C.feels…will needs D.is feeling…is needing(B)11.When he was a child, Mother told Tom the earth _______round.A.was B.is C.are D.Were(A)12.From the magazine I learned there ____ no air or water on the moon.A.is B.are C.was D.were(B)13.The farmer told his children that crops _______without water.A.aren’t living B.can’t live C.isn’t living D.doesn’t live(B)14.Even a child knows that Sunday _____after Saturday.A.come B.comes C.is coming D.has come(A)15.I’ll return the book to Jack if I_______ him tomorrow.A.see B.will see C.am going to see D.saw(C)16.Mother will do some shopping if she _______free this Sunday.A.is going to be B.will be C.is D.was(D)17.Miss Green will go to the meeting if she _____ better this afternoon.A.feel B.will feel C.can feel D.feels(C)18.If I _____some tickets, I will give you one.A.has got B.will get C.get D.gets(B)19.Mike will come to play with us as soon as he _____ writing the composition.A.finished B.finishes C.will finish D.is finishing(A)20.The students will wait here until their new teacher ______.A.comes B.will come C.have come D.is coming(D)20.I go to bed before she _____ “Good night” to her mother.A.say B.had said C.said D.says(A)21.When the meeting ____over , we will go to the dining-room.A.is B.was C.will be D.are(D)22.I ___ at that school ten years ago.A.study B.had studied C.have studied D.studied(D)22.The policeman ______ the thief but found nothing in his pocket.A.has searched B.will search C.is searching D.searched(C)23.The baby _____ at his mother as soon as he saw her.A.smiles B.smile C.smiled D.had smiled(C)24.What did you do last Sunday ? I _____ the piano at home.A.am playing B.have played C.played D.plaid(D)25.The young man got up very early that morning and _____ not to be late again.A.try B.tries C.tried D.tried(B)26.The car ______ and an old man with glasses came out.A.stops B.stopped C.stoped D.was stopping(C)27.The visitor _____that they would go to the Great Wall the next morning.A.hear B.hears C.heard D.heared(B)28.The policemen _____ the thief while he was sleeping.A.cought B.caught C.catched D.Catch 29.The teacher _____ a map on the blackboard before she gave the lesson.A.hanged B.hung C.hang D.hangs(D)30.Mike _____ out a knife and _____ the paper into pieces.A.bringed…cut B.braught…cutted C.brought…cuted D.brought…cut(A)31.Something ____ from the tree and ____ the boy hard.A.fell…hit B.felt…hitted C.fallen…hitted D.falled…hit(A)32.When ___ his car lost ? A.did Mr Smith find B.did Mr Smith found C.Mr Smith found D.were Mr Smith find(D)33.Mrs Black ____ anything at the shop that day.A.not bought

B.don’t buy C.doesn’t buy

D.didn’t buy(A)34.The old man ____ off until the bus started.A.did not get B.has not got C.will not get D.not got(D)35.The teacher ____ what Peter had told her.A.not understood B.understand not C.won’t understand D.didn’t understand(B)36.I ____ at home yesterday afternoon.A.did not be B.was not C.were not D.am not(A)37.Jenny ____ good at sports when she ____ a schoolgirl.A.wasn’t…was B.didn’t…was C.weren’t…is D.isn’t…was(A)38._____ Tom able to speak three languages when he ____ only ten years old? A.Was…was B.did…was C.does…is D.Is…was(A)39.Why ____ she late for school this morning ? A.was B.did C.were D.does(B)40.The people at the meeting _____ surprised at the news.A.are B.were C.is D.did(C)41.Because the parents _____ pleased with their sons homework, they asked him to do it again.A.not were B.did not C.weren’t D.was not(C)42.______ a good time yesterday evening ? A.Did John has B.Did John had C.Did John have D.Had John had(C)43.It rained so hard yesterday that we _____ a good time in the park.A.had not B.have not C.didn’t have D.don’t have(D)44.Betty looks tired, ______ a rest at noon ? A.Had she B.Had she had C.does she have D.did she have(A)45.The policemen ____ into the house as soon as they got out of the car.A.rushed B.rush C.to rush D.rushing(D)46.What ____ when you looked out of the window ? A.have you seen B.were you seeing C.do you see D.did you see(A)47.Peter ____ well as his mother asked him to get up.A.didn’t feel B.doesn’t feel C.hadn’t felt D.wouldn’t felt(D)48.Jack ____ the policemen as soon as he found the spy.A.has called B.had called C.calls D.Called

go的过去式过去分词 篇6


As time went by we saw less and less of each other.


The car went out of production in .


In the normal course of events she would have gone with him.


They had gone two days without food.

spend的过去分词 篇7

国内外有大量文献研究了get型被动结构,很多都着重比较它与be型被动结构的异同(Chappell 1980; Carter & Mc Carthy 1999)。与本研究相关的研究有Collins (1996),他们采用基于语料库的方法,对英语中的“get+过去分词”结构进行了研究。但是,为了统一对此结构的分析,Collins没有考虑到结构的语义,而是将所有“get+过去分词”结构都归于被动意义的分析。认识“get+过去分词”结构的实质,以及它们与get型被动结构的关系,将有助于语言研究者们更好地理解备受争议的get型被动结构。


本研究以语料库语言学及语义学为依据,通过在British National Corpus语料库中搜索“get+过去分词”结构,并对其进行加工归纳分类,重新审视了英语中所谓的get型被动结构。get型被动结构指的是动词get和过去分词组成的结构。这种结构有很多类型,含有不同的语义和结构特征。如果不能清晰地区分这些类型,就会误认为所有的“get+过去分词”结构都是被动语态。


get型被动结构从语义上呈现了句子主语承受一个过程或者事件,和普通的be型被动结构差不多:有明显的或者隐含的施事者(Huddleston & Pullum 2002:1441);主动的对应人或物(Collins 1996:45; Fleisher 2006:226),这两个都是被动语态的主要标准。例如:My car got broken into this weekend and they stole $1500 of stuff.

然而,有相当数量的“get+过去分词”结构,比如“get acquainted”和“get dressed”,都没有被动特性。这些结构被称为“伪被动” 或者 “形容词类被动” (Huddleston & Pullum 2002:1441).英语中有很多不及物动词会用于“get+过去分词” 结构。这些不及物动词通常涉及到身体的运动(e.g.,wash, turn,bend),以及身体及心理的人类行为活动(e.g.,prepare, agree,marry,acquaint,complain,brag)。这时,不及物动词表达的意义和“get+过去分词”结构表达的意义没有明显的区别。例如:Get washed.Your father will be home soon.英语中有些动词表示主语主动积极参与的词(get accustomed,get involved,get organized,get settled)也经常用于“get+过去分词”结构中。例如:We only get involved if the problem gets out of control.参与者在同一事件里有相互对称的角色时,相关的动词(get married,get engaged,get acquainted,get divorced)也可以变为“get+过去分词”结构。例如:We got engaged on May 14,2005 at Stonewall Restaurant.类似“get started, get finished,get done”的结构具有动作属性,因为它们表达了一个施事主语单独参与的事件。例如:I got started in programming.当事件参与者对某事件不能完全掌控时,也就是说,主语的施事能力变弱,就可以用到“get+过去分词”结构。例如:She eventually told people that she got separated from my father in the storm.当事件参与者不能控制自己经历的心理变化时,可以用到“get+过去分词”结构。经常使用的动词有get lost,get drunk,get bogged down,get stuck,get trapped,get tangled up,get mixed up,get focused,get addicted,get used, get hooked,get doused,get hurt。例如:It’s easy to get lost in the Colorado mountains.在表达反应的开始时经常用到“get+过去分词”结构,经常用到的动词有get attached,get distracted, get worried,get carried away,get confused,get offended, get settled,get turned on,get excited,get worked up,get sucked in,get discouraged,get swept up,get surprised,get disappointed,get scared,get annoyed,get frightened.例如: I try not to get excited any more over things.有时,“get+过去分词”结构确实存在一个引起因素,而且是很清楚地指出此因素,这会让整个句子看起来确实有被动意义。但是,结构强调的仍然是事件经历者,这个引起因素只不过是事件的一个过程而已。例如:If that happens she’ll never get carried away by passion.



摘要:本研究以语料库语言学及语义学为依据,通过在British National Corpus语料库中搜索“get+过去分词”结构,并对其进行加工归纳分类,重新审视了英语中所谓的get型被动结构。并不是所有的“get+过去分词”结构都有被动意义,其实也包含一些主动意义,这时动词get就是一个起始或者使役标记词了。



[1]Carter,Ronald&Michael McCarthy.1999.The English getpassive in spoken discourse:Descrip-tion and implications for an interpersonal grammar.English Language and Linguistics 3(1).41-58.

[2]Collins,Peter C.1996.Get-passives in English.World Englishes15.43-56.

[3]Fleisher,Nickolas.2006.The origin of passive get.English Language and Linguistics 10.225-252.

spend的过去分词 篇8




The result is very disappointing, for we lost the game.


We are all very disappointed because we lost the game.




She is an annoying women.(She made us annoyed)


We are annoyed by her behaviour.



There was a disappointed look on David’s face when he knew he didn’t pass the driving test.

draw的过去式和过去分词 篇9








draw lessons from 从…吸取教训

draw up 草拟,起草;停住;使靠近

draw on 利用;吸收;戴上;临近

draw a conclusion 得出结论;作结论

draw out 取出;拟订;拉长;导致

draw in 引诱;进站;接近黄昏;紧缩开支

draw the conclusion 得出结论;推断

draw attention 引起注意

draw from 从…中得到;从…提取

draw near 靠近;接近

lucky draw 幸运抽奖

draw a picture 画一张图;画幅画

draw upon 利用;[经]开出;总结

draw back 拉开;收回;退却;使保持距离

draw a line 画一条线,划一界线

draw nigh 接近,临近

draw against 按…开具;打成平局

draw together 聚集;靠拢

draw bead 张力调整杆;拉深压边筋;拉道

过去分词作定语和表语的用法 篇10


1. 单个的过去分词作定语时一般兼有被动和完成的意义,常作前置定语。有的过去分词如given, left等习惯上后置。

a lost animal 一只迷路的动物______

a used stamp 一枚用过的邮票

an injured finger 一根受伤的手指

a broken coin 一枚破损的硬币

Complete the sentences with the words given.



spoken English 英语口语

written exercises 书面练习


fallen leaves 落叶

the risen sun 升起来的太阳

the advanced countries 发达国家

a retired teacher 一名退休教师


How I regretted the hours wasted in the woods!


I like wearing clothes made of this kind of cloth.


The books written by Lu Xun are popular.


We’11 go to visit the bridge built hundreds of years ago.



The book bought yesterday cost me ten yuan.

The book that was bought yesterday cost me ten yuan.


The houses, built last year, were destroyed by the earthquake.

The houses, which were built last year, were destroyed by the earthquake.



1. 过去分词作表语,表示主语的特点或所处的状态,前面的系动词有包括be在内的多种形式。

Everyone present is very inspired at his speech.


2. 过去分词作表语,构成的系表结构与被动语态的区别:


This shop is now closed.


This shop is closed at 6 pm everyday.



He was excited at being admitted to Beijing University.


My son was very disappointed when he heard the news.



1. From your______voice, I have to say that you are really______ .

A. disappointed, disappointed

B. disappointing, disappointing

C. disappointed, disappointing

D. disappointing, disappointed

2. This is the problem______at the meeting yesterday.

A. being discussed B. discussed

C. to be discussed D. having discussed

3. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company,______as 3M.

A. knowing B. known

C. being known D. to be known

4. Don’t use words, expression or phrases______only to people with specific knowledge.

A. being known B. having been known

C. to be known D. known

5. The Olympic Games, ______in 776 BC, did not include women players until 1912.

A. first playedB. to be first played

C. first playingD. to be first playing

6. The flowers______sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

A. to smell B. smelling

C. smelt D. to be smelt

7. I like meals______ best. (cook)


8. Most of the people______ did not come. (invite)


9. Why do you always______ ? Do you sleep well these days? (tire)


10. I____________the film I saw last night, I had expected it to be better. (disappoint)


11. Everybody____________to hear the death of the famous film star.(shock)


12. It was cold and damp; the man put up his collar and put his hands to his______ (冻僵了的脸)。(freeze)




7. cooked by mum

8. invited to the party

9. look so tired

10. was very disappointed with

11. was shocked
