
2024-08-26 版权声明 我要投稿


happiness英语作文 篇1






happiness英语作文 篇2


小学生的情绪调动比较容易, 我常在课前播放三分钟的音乐。音乐的播放也没有什么固定的主题, 只要是节奏感比较强、学生比较耳熟的旋律即可。有时是欢快的儿歌, 有时是流行曲, 甚至是摇滚音乐, 每天播放的音乐不同, 这样学生永远也猜不出进入课堂后会有什么音乐。当学生习惯了音乐课堂后, 都会早早在教室里等着。我允许学生在这三分钟里可以随着音乐自由活动。随着音乐响起, 他们都会随着节拍哼唱, 并随意扭动, 编创出很多舞蹈动作, 活跃的气氛充满整间教室。

如苏教译林五年级上册Unit3《At a Music lesson》, 上课前我播放的是课文里提到的《We can sing and dance》, 还有《In the classroom》, 《Colour song》等, 学生感到特别新鲜。在学习课文的时候, 当老师问:“What can you sing?”学生会很大声地回答:“We can sing‘In the classroom’first.We can sing‘Colour song’.”这样就很简单地把课文的前半部分学完了。如果还有部分同学对歌曲很生疏, 还可以根据教材后面的“Sing a song”部分, 再次教唱。为了活跃气氛, 我会选择流行的旋律, 如《自由飞翔》、《月亮之上》、《奔跑》等, 因为这些节奏明快, 感染力强。


小学英语中的很多单词都与学生的实际生活息息相关, 比如食物、颜色、玩具、动物、文具, 等等。我们可以利用彩笔作画的方式记住更多的单词, 尤其是在复习的时候, 效果会更明显。老师可以把想让学生记住的内容打印成图画, 然后分发给学生, 让学生根据要求用彩笔涂画。具体的做法就是让学生准备好彩笔, 然后一边复习一边给图填色。实践证明, 颜色和简单的图形能够唤起形象记忆, 降低遗忘率。学生对这种用彩笔帮助学习的方式非常喜欢, 效果也非常好。

如苏教译林版四年级英语上册Unit2《Let’s make a fruit salad》, 教学目标中要求能够初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、a grape、a mango、a pineapple, 虽然都是我们常见的水果, 但是单词都比较长, 学生在识记拼读的时候难度较大。此时, 我们可以发挥彩笔的作用, 把单词识记当做游戏一样。老师课下运用简笔画准备了很多水果的图片, 同时复习以前学过的水果单词如:an orange、a peach、a pear、an apple等, 给每个同学发一张。图片上的题目也有所不同, 有的是一张纸上很多种水果, 根据单词勾选相应的水果图片并涂上颜色;有的是一种水果图片, 勾选正确的单词, 顺便涂色。最后评出谁的图片涂得最准确最漂亮。英语课像美术课一样有趣, 学生在潜移默化中就记住了单词。有图有形的记忆更加深刻, 所以, 我们老师要充分利用学生手中的文具, 帮助他们识记单词简单易行, 识记深刻, 我们何乐而不为呢?


学生都喜欢被赞扬, 当别人发现自己的亮点时, 他们会有更高的满足度。所以每周我都会抽出时间开展“发现美”的活动。我会准备很多彩纸, 剪出水果、鲜花、动物的形状, 每个学生都有一张。我在上面写上了本周内学生表现好的点滴事情。然后把写有表扬信的彩色剪纸放在学生最容易发现的地方。学生得到表扬信的时候都会很高兴, 这种好情绪会越过周末延续到下一周。而下一周的开始, 学生更会在英语课上积极表现, 把自己最好的一面展现出来。

表扬信中我会有意嵌入我们刚刚学过的词汇和句型, 引导学生产生学习英语的兴趣。聪明的学生也学着老师的样子, 开始给老师写表扬信, 有的学生也是“汉英双语”, 有意识地开始运用我们所学过的词汇。我给学生的表扬信有:Your job today is really neat. (你今天的作业真整洁。) Thank you for helping me clean the blackboard. (谢谢你帮我擦黑板。) Today you have read very skilled. (今天你把句型读得很熟练。) 这些都是小事, 但是学生很喜欢, 收到表扬信的时候很自豪。我也有收到学生的表扬信, 如:Dear teacher, today you smile so sweet. (亲爱的老师, 您今天的笑真甜美。) Dear teacher, your hair looks really good. (亲爱的老师, 您的头发真好看。) 这种生活中细微的小事, 被对方视若珍宝, 不断刺激对方向更完美的方向发展。由此师生相处更加和谐, 快乐的课堂收获的当然是更高的教学效率。

happiness英语作文 篇3

As a child, I feel very happy everyday. I have a happy family. My mother takes care of our chores and she can cook a lot of delicious food. No matter how busy my father is, he will spare some time to stay with me. In the weekend, my family will go out to have activity. We communicate a lot and laugh out loudly.


happiness英语作文 篇4

In my house, there are four goldfishes. On weekdays, I’m always busy. I must study and do homework and so on, so I have no time to care them.

But today is Sunday, I am very free. Then, I start to enjoy my goldfishes. They are colorful, but each has a big mouth, two small eyes and a long tail. I take the food and intend to feed them. They are very intelligent. It seems that they know I will feed them, so they are coming up from everywhere. Everyone is opening up its big mouth and waiting for the delicious food. I am smiling! They look very lovely! I keep holding the food. Then, they seem a little impatient, starting to swim up and down, and finally using their mouth hitting the tank, making the sound loudly! Their eyes are full of eagerness! I am laughing again, very loudly! Then, I put the food into the tank. They are eating it very quickly. I enjoy this process very much!

happiness英语作文 篇5

Hello ! Everybody ! I’m Tao Xinyi. I’m a lovely girl. I had a happy weekend . Do you want to know ? Let me tell you .

Last weekend, I did a lot of funny things. On Saturday , I had a lesson at ten to eight . After class, I played on the swing with my friends. It was so interesting . Do you like to play it ? After that I went fishing with my father .

On Sunday , It was my sister’s birthday . I went to her birthday party. At the party, there was a very big cake on the table. It was very delicious. I ate a lot. Then we played lots of games . We were so happy.

happiness英语作文 篇6

I am going to have a happy day.

In the morning, I am going to climb mountains. I can breathe fresh air and enjoy nice flowers there. That must be great. At about 11:30, I’m going to have lunch in KFC. That will be very yummy.

In the afternoon, my friends and I are going to the park. We are going to play together. We’re going to row a boat. How exciting! At 5:30, we are going back. And we are going to the bookstore. We are going to buy some story-books. I like reading very much.

happiness英语作文 篇7

I have a nice family.At home,I always help my parents with the housework.We get on well with each other.

They love me and they are proud of me.At school,I study very hard and it is happy for me to make friends.I finish my homework every day.

Teachers all like me because I respect them as I can.At the same time,I get good marks at school.

So,it is not difficult to have a happy life.I think everyone can be happy like me if they are good sons or daughters.





happiness英语作文 篇8

I’m a happy girl优秀英语作文

I’m a happy girl. It’s summer holiday now。i don’t go to school。 I stay at home。 I do my homework for three hours every day。 Then i can do many other things。 I like swimming and dancing。Sometimes i play computer game at home, but i don’t play for a long time。Because it’s too bad for my health。as the saying says。“play while you play ,and work while you work。” I think it’s true。

How happy i am!

happiness英语作文 篇9

You can see how happy I am英语作文

Hi He Liyuan!

Thank you for booking in my class! You have done well today. You are very active and attentive to our class You are also very good in pronouncing words and you have a good accent. Just remember to practice the words we have discussed today. Practice to pronounce them correctly. Lastly, always answer in complete sentence. Happy New Year! Hope to see you again!

happiness英语作文 篇10


(1)掌握单词:happy, birthday, here’s, present, this, pencil, pen, cake(2)能口头运用Happy birthday!向别人祝福生日,并能用Thank you.对别人的祝福表示感谢。

(3)能听懂、会口头使用Here’s your……这个句型。






(1)单词的听说认读:happy、birthday、here、cake、pen、pencil(2)“Happy birthday!” “Thank you.” “Here’s


三、教学难点:(1)“Here’s your ……”句型的认读和口头运用。(2)在庆祝生日的过程中运用所学句子。


happiness英语作文 篇11


我对新课文的教学顺序是先让学生初步接触了解重点句子:Here is your...,接着通过吸引小学低年级学生的好奇、喜欢接触新鲜事物的心理出发,课文生词呈现的形式是以简易的变魔术的方式处理的,在呈现单词同时,有所侧重present的发音及实际意义,并开始运用于句子 Here is your present.,让学生在接触课文前了解句子体会其意境。最后通过cake上的`单词happy birthday进入课文学习,在听力处理方面我按照教学法程序,先让学生整体感知课文,继而理解语:

别把孩子看作是一无所知的。因此,我觉得理应通过简单的再续提问再听全篇录音来理解。后面在角色扮演朗读是时候我采用的是师生、男女对话方式,而下一步就出现疑点了,男女对话后我就直接要求4人一小组分角色扮演,这之前我并没有做好角色分工的示范,尽管他们懂怎么做,但完全是基于以往经验,换是刚刚接触英语的孩子就可能会一头雾水了。为了还原语篇,我设计了一个过生日的环节,邀请本月要过生日的同学上台,继而按生日气氛的模式,全班一起对上台的同学道贺、唱生日歌、送礼物,在送礼环节,我仅局限一个present,只是让学生跟着我把事先准备好的礼物送出去,如果能让他们把自己的随身物品当做礼物送出去也许效果会更好些。下个步骤是通过我随堂拿学生的物品让全班学生一起操练Here is your,在这个步骤取得的效果不是很好,主要是学生还不能完全掌握Hereis,这时候我就意识到了,在起初呈现这个词组的时候读是读了,语境也体现了,但没有把单词卡的背面意思给他们看,或许这一步我做了的话他们的理解会深刻点,然而却忽略掉了。最后快下课了,我匆忙地让他们玩游戏,以方便男女决出胜负,满足他们好胜心理,体会成就感。时间拿捏不准,最后的复习新知识、布置家作这两个步骤还没有操作,这也是一大错误。
