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词汇检测题 篇1

A.in demand B.demande C.on demand D.demanding 30 I can’t understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.A.compliment B.criticize C.flatter D.challenge 31 Because of the bombing that killed six people, Washington has been urging the spokesman to______ terrorism more severely.A.charge B.censor C.blame D.denounce 32 The degree of downward slope of a beach depends o its composition of deposits as well as on the action of waves across its surface.A.sentiment B.sediment C.semester D.segment 33 Nobody at work is very happy, because last week’s sales figures were pretty _____.A.destroying B.depressing C.deceasing D.declining 34 I want to talk about all these points in_____ order of importance.A.declining




Sometimes a dictionary designates a noun as attributive, which means that it can be used to describe another noun or name its attributes.A.conveys




If you call the 911 emergency number, they will______ firemen, policemen, and paramedics immediately.A.assign



D.dispatch 37 The bus moved slowly in the thick fog.We arrived at our______ almost two hours later.A.designation




He was ______ to take over the duties and responsibilities of his father from an early age.A.deduced




My grandmother has been ill for two months, so her health has______.A.deteriorated




Smuggling is a ______ activity which might bring destruction to our economy;therefore, it must be banned.A.pertinent




The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be _____ from a straight line.A.distracted



D.permeated 42 In ancient Egyptian paintings, royal figures were differentiated by making them several times larger than others.A.distinguished




The ______ of the occasion was spoiled when she fell down the steps.A.privacy



D.secrecy 44 Even if I won a million-dollar lottery, I would continue to live_____.A.subtly B.frugally C.explicitly D.cautiously 45 His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.A.listless B.robust C.thrifty D.gullible 46 To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must______ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world market demand.A.improve B.enhance C.guarantee D.gear 47 Desperation, hunger, thirst, and resentment all make it more likely that people will______ a more powerful figure who promised them help and/or salvation.A.be prone to B.give in to C.live up to D.put an end to 48 She ______ at the thought of being parted from her family for so long.A.suffered B.grieved C.discriminate D.scared 49 It______ me to see him in such a bad health.He was such an energetic and strong young man only several months ago.A.depressed B.upset C.harmed D.grieved 50 I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms.It’s not like either of them to bear a _______.A.grudge B.hatred C.disgust D.curse 51 Participants in the Shanghai Cooperation Forum______ regional teamwork to promote investment and economic development.A.cursed B.echoed C.bounced D.hailed 52 The snow_____ my plan to visit my aunt in the countryside.A.confused B.bewildered C.conversed D.hampered 53 The trucks _____ heavy goods from factories to the ports.A.pull B.haul C.drag D.push 54 Cigarette smoking is a great health _____ and may lead to fatal diseases.A.opposition B.protagonist C.fault D.hazard 55 The manager stubbornly_____ the section director from reducing his staff despite the failing business of the company.A.hindered B.adapted C.imposed D.permitted 56 It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all _____ to the flow of ideas shall be removed.A.prophecies B.transactions C.argument D.hindrances 57 Some birds______ when they look for animals to kill on the ground.A.hosed B.rolled C.hovered D.revolved 58 The full _____ of changes in computer technology will be felt within the next few years.A.affect B.impact C.action D.importance 59 The degree of economic growth is an ______ of the level of living.A.index B.advantage C.access D.aspect 60 The policeman tried to ______ the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him directly.A.induce B.abduct C.indulge D.lure 61 Since the package was______, the damage was paid for.A.ensured B.insured C.assured D.promised 62 The point at ______ at the meeting is whether they are to import the assembly line.A.argument B.controversy C.issue D.conflict 63 Lawyer have a terrible habit of using Latin and industry ______ to mystify people and themselves more valuable.A.inflections B.dialects C.accent D.jargon 64 As the cat lay asleep, dreaming her whiskers______.A.twitched B.twisted C.jerked D.jogged 65 The manager______ facts and figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.A.beguiled B.besmirched C.juxtaposed D.juggled 66 The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a_______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion.A.long B.forever C.lasting D.lively 67 His talent for music remained latent until his wife bought him a guitar.A.hidden B.sophisticated C.delicate D.profound 68 When a person dies, his debts must be paid before his _____ can be distributed.A.paradoxes B.legacies C.platitudes D.analogies 69 Now the public has an unprecedented chance to peer over the shoulders of archaeologists and historians and get a firsthand look at the_____ of the Mongols and their Asian predecessors.A.legacy B.bequest C.converse D.miracle 70 The farmer put up iron fences around the flower______ garden neighbor’s sheep should break in.A.on condition that B.now that C.lest D.but 71 _____ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.A.In order that B.Lest C.If D.Providing 72 After the concert, the clean-up crew found the ground______ with papers, bottles and cans.A.scrubbed B.used C.littered D.dispersed 73 I don’t understand why people_____ such a beautiful garden with cans and bottles.A.located B.provided C.protected D.littered 74 Please put your empty cigarette packets and paper bags in the______ bins provided.A.junk B.litter C.scrap D.deposit 75 Laura, who comes from a wealthy family, spends most of her time enjoying herself, but takes _____ pains with her lessons.A.little B.few C.a little D.a few 76 What he told me was a _____ of downright lies.A.load B.mob C.pack D.flock 77 A _____ refers to an animal that is born from its mother’s body, not from an egg, and drinks its mother’s milk as a baby.A.mammoth B.penguin C.mosquito D.mammal 78 He expected the House to pass the bill by a comfortable______.A.maple B.marble C.marsh D.margin 79 The tiger continued to ______ us by walking round and round our tent.A.trap B.transplant C.menace D.provoke 80 A______ of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike.A.value B.merit C.factor D.worth 81 Americans are highly_____, and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.A.moving B.mobile C.movable D.motional 82 The two psychologists had to modify the American Sign Language somewhat in order to accommodate the chimpanzees’ spontaneous gestures.A.change B.abort C.shorten D.enhance 83 The whole program is well designed, but some details need further _____by some experts.A.proofing B.modifying C.demonstrating D.polishing 84 A scientific law is liable at anytime to need_____, that is an eternal truth.A.modifying B.changing C.revising D.adjusting 85 The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchange of ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff_____.A.moral B.mortal C.morale D.mores 86 Another popular misconception is the _____ that great talent is usually highly specifiC.A.notion B.dilemma C.domain D.analogy 87 On behalf of my company, I am______ to you and your colleagues for your generous help.A.subjected B.inclined C.available D.obliged 88 They were tired, but not any less enthusiastic_____ that account.A.on B.by C.for D.with 89 The Barbie doll comes with a whole range of_______ that you can dress her in.A.outlooks B.outlines C.outskirts D.outfits 90 Such an _____act of hostility can only lead to war.A.overt B.episodic C.ample D.ultimate 91 Furthermore, if I were to leave him, he would______, for he cannot endure to be separated from me for more than one hour.A.prevail B.preside C.perish D.persecute 92 There’s one girl at my school who everybody______ because she doesn’t wear what everybody else wears;they are horrible to her.A.picks out B.picks over C.picks on D.picks off 93 Players will be_____ against four others worldwide in a timed competition to answer trivia questions from the 1950s to present day.A.trifled B.wreathed C.instigated D.pitted 94 The criminal’s _____ for leniency was ignored by the jurors.A.protest B.demand C.plea D.defence 95 When the rent was due, the poor man______ for more time.A.pleaded B.squashed C.exerted D.cursed 96 The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been ____ for more pocket money all the time.A.supposing B.pleading C.trailing D.devising 97 He told a story about his sister who was in a sad______ when she was ill and had no money.A.plight B.polarization C.plague D.pigment 98 In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe______ Europe into a great war.A.pitched B.imposed C.inserted D.plunged 99 In 1816, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Northern Europe______ Europe into a bloody war.A.imposed B.plunged C.pitched D.inserted 100 It is not too late, but_____ action is needed.A.right B.urgent C.hurry D.prompt

词汇检测题 篇2



1. 名词单复数及所有格变化

例1.Could you pass the (knife) to me?We need them to make pumpkin lanterns. (2010, 常州)

首先括号中给出了名词knife, 接下来在第二句发现了本题的关键词them, 由此可见应该用knife的复数形式。答案为knives。

例2.Many (butterfly) have round marks in their wings that look like eyes. (2010, 无锡)

本题其实出现了很多提示词,如many, have, their,所以答案为复数butterflies。

例3.Have you read (today) newspaper? (2010, 宿迁)


例4.This pretty card belongs to my father as (father) Day is coming. (2010, 淮安)

这张漂亮的卡片属于我的父亲是因为父亲节就要到来了。父亲节的英文表达为Father’s Day,应注意的是除了father用所有格外,首字母f还要大写。

2. 代词的变化

例5.The forienger enjoyed (he) in Qinhu Lake last week. (2010, 泰州)

enjoy oneself是一个固定搭配,表示玩得高兴,答案为he的反身代词形式himself。

3. 形容词或副词的等级变化

例6.There are only 2 days left.We had better talk (little) and do more. (2010, 徐州)


例7.Of all the students, our monitor spent the (little) time but made the most progress. (2010, 淮安)


4. 基数词和序数词的互换

例8.Jack is busy preparing for a party to celebrate his sister’s (twelve) birthday.He wants to give her a big surprise. (2010, 镇江)





例9.Playing too much computer games is (harm) to you. (2010, 宿迁)


例10.Our planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and (pollute) 。 (2010, 扬州)



例11.We should speak to the old man (polite) . (2010, 宿迁)

“我们必须有礼貌地对老人说话。”副词修饰动词短语speak to,因而答案为politely。

例12.This year it has rained so (heavy) in South China that lots of problems are caused. (2010, 镇江)



例13.—On April 14th, an earthquake hit Yushu and destroyed its (beautiful) completely.

—It’s a great pity.(2010,镇江)


例14.Do you know the (important) of the low-carbon lifestyle. (2010, 泰州)



例15.So far, I haven’t made a (decide) about where to go for the coming summer holidays. (2010, 镇江)


例16.The kind-hearted (hunt) often takes care of the sick baby animals before returning them to the forest. (2010, 淮安)




例17.It is (possible) for me to design the poster without your help. (2010, 泰州)


例18.Simon is such a (honest) person that no one believes him. (2010, 扬州)



例19.Four (five) of the students in our class have heard about the trip. (2010, 常州)


例20.The guide has collected all the (visit) ID cards. (2010, 常州)


总之,无论是哪一种情况,我们在做题时候,切忌缺乏思考,无视上下文联系,提笔就写。静下心来,其实还是可以发现一定的答题规律和技巧的。首先我们要判断出所给词的词性,如是名词,则可以先考虑单复数,一般会是如改y为i再加es的;或是直接加es的;还有就是单复数同形,或者干脆就是特殊变化;如是形容词,要考虑是不是要改成副词,等等。二是寻找到句子中的提示词,如例1中的关键提示词them。三是考虑到固定搭配,如例15中的动词短语“做决定(make a decision)”。最后联系上下句,细细推敲,最终确定所给单词的正确形式。


1.—Mum, today is your day, the Women’s Day.Here are some (flower) for you.

—It’s very thoughtgul of you.Thanks, Kitty. (2010.南京)

2.The tunnel under the Changjiang River makes it much (easy) to get to Pukou District than before. (2010.南京)

3.Most parents don’t think it is (health) for children to stay up too late at night. (2010.南京)

4.There’s not too much (different) in price between the two mobile phones. (2010, 无锡)

5.Thank you for your (value) help and practical advice. (2010, 无锡)

6.Simon hates to be like others, he often tries to do everything (different) . (2010, 徐州)

7.Some computer games have a bad (affect) on people, especially teenagers. (2010, 徐州)

8.Don’t be (patient) !You should listen to what he is saying first. (2010, 常州)

9.When the fire happened, the firemen hurried there and carried the children to (safe) . (2010, 盐城)

10.His fan rushed towards him (short) after the match. (2010, 盐城)

11.This is the (light) and thinnest of all the e-books in the world. (2010, 扬州)

12.It’s (true) possible that robot teachers will be popular in schools some day. (2010, 扬州)

13.I think China is one of the most active (country) in the world market. (2010.淮安)

14.—How many (tooth) does a dog have?

—Sorry.I have no idea.Let’s searth the Internet. (2010.宿迁)

15.A computer is (expensive) than a TV set. (2010.宿迁)


1.flowers 2.easier 3.healthy 4.difference 5.valuable

6.differently 7.effect 8.impatient 9.safety 10.shortly

托福阅读词汇题的备考策略 篇3

词汇题的提问方式一般为:“The word/phrase ___ in the passage is closest in meaning to ___.”词汇题所考查的词汇大多是大学六级以上水平的词汇,以考查动词和形容词为主。该题型主要考查指定单词的基本含义,偶尔也会考查它们在特定语境中的生僻含义。就词汇题的备考策略来说,笔者认为,考生应该以背单词为主要突破口,并掌握根据上下文的逻辑关系来猜测词义的方法。此外,考生还要特别关注一些熟词僻义的情况。下面就从这三方面来讲解。




其次,考生可以通过大量做题来加强对单词的记忆。考生除了要完成《新托福考试官方指南》和《托福考试全真试题集》上的词汇题以外,还有必要做一下TPO (编注:指TOEFL Practice Online,即托福在线考试练习,一个全真模拟托福在线考试的平台)中的词汇题,因为这些题目里涉及的单词都是考试时经常考查的高频词汇。考生在做完题后可以进行总结归纳,把自己每次做错的词汇题记录下来,到临近考试时,可以将自己做错的词汇再好好背诵梳理一遍。





1 Absenteeism and lateness hurt productivity and, since work was specialized, disrupted the regular factory routine. (《新托福考试官方指南》Reading Practice Set 5: Artisans and Industrialization)

The word “disrupted” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___.

A. prolonged B. established C. followed D. upset

解析:由题干句子中的and可知,and前后的词组hurt productivity与disrupt the regular factory routine是并列关系,由此考生可以猜测两个词组中的动词hurt与disrupt的感情色彩是相似的。Hurt的意思是“损害”,是具有负面感情色彩的词汇,四个选项中只有选项D中的upset的感情色彩是负面的,因此考生可推测出此处的正确答案是选项D。此处的disrupt是“打乱”的意思,而upset也有“打乱,搅乱”的意思。



2 Cotton could be grown throughout the South, but separating the fiber—or lint—from the seed was a laborious process. (2003年1月托福真题)

The word “laborious” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___.

A. unfamiliar B. primitive C. skilled D. difficult

解析: 由题干句子中的but可知,but前后的分句应该是转折关系。But前的内容意思是“棉花在南方到处都可以生长”,这是一个正面信息。那么考生可以猜测出,but后面的内容应该是负面信息。结合四个选项来看,前三个选项都不是用于表达负面信息的词汇,因此考生可以推测出正确答案是选项D。题干后半部分的意思是“但是从种子里分离纤维或者皮棉是一个费力的过程”,由此考生也可以断定本题的答案是选项D (difficult)。



3Supporting evidence comes from research showing that aggressive people often distort other people’s motives. For example, they assume that other people mean them harm when they do not. (《新托福考试官方指南》 Reading Practice Set 4: Aggression)

The word “distort” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___.

A. mistrust B. misinterpret C. criticize D. resent

解析:考生如果不知道distort的含义,也能通过for example后面所举的例子来猜测这一单词的意思。For example后面所举的例子意思是“他们认为其他人想伤害自己,而事实并非如此”,也就是说,for example前面的句子的观点应该是“有攻击性的人经常曲解别人的意图”。由此,考生可以猜测出distort的含义为“曲解”,此题的正确答案就是选项B (misinterpret)。



4 Causing participants in experiments to smile, for example, leads them to report more positive feelings and to rate cartoons as being more humorous. (《新托福考试官方指南》 Practice Test 1: The Expression of Emotions)

The word “rate” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___.

A. judge B. reject C. draw D. want

赛达填空题对词汇的要求 篇4







Sally was a lighthearted and even-tempered woman;she had none of her sisters’ ______.(A)affluence(B)affability(C)equanimity(D)resilience(E)truculence

解析:此题是OG(the Official SAT Study Guide)上的一道填空题,官方将其难度值定为H(共有三个难度等级E/易,M/中,H/难)。上半句给出了Sally的两个褒义特点:无忧无虑(lighthearted)和心平气和(even-tempered)。下半句的none告诉我们:空白处的单词应该和上述两个褒义特点截然相反。因此,正确答案必然是贬义的。Affluence的词根flu表示“流动”,前缀af表示同意反复,即使没背过该词,也可断定无明显贬义;affability的词根fa表示“说”,前缀af表示同意反复,同理也可断定无明显贬义;equanimity和常见词equal虽然词性不同,但是意思必然接近,有“平”的内涵,注意到even-tempered中的even正是“平”,故C与even-tempered不会构成反义,不会是答案。至此,A、B、C三项的单词均可在不完全认识的情况下,根据对上下两个分句的逻辑脉络的分析和构词知识排除!剩下的D和E,只要认识其中一个,此题必然做对。对于一个背过SATII物理的考生,一定知道resilient表示“有弹性的”,那它的名词resilience,必然和“有弹力的东西”有关,如果是形容性格的,也是“轻快”的,所以排除。答案选E,truculence(野蛮的)。妙哉!

大学英语四级词汇训练500题7 篇5

1. this rock has to be _______ in order to build a road.

a. blasted b.explored c.hired d.maintained

2. he did not go to the party last night, which _______ her feelings deeply.

a. wounded b.injured c.hurt d.injury

3.when they returned to the river, they found that the boat had _______ away.

a.framed b.frosted c.frowned d.floated

4.if you need further information, please _______ our office.

a.constant b.construct c.contact d.contain

5.during the war, many soldiers were killed not by _______, but by disease.

a.bulledts b.devil c.bible d.depth

6.we watched the ship until it became only a _______ in the distance.

a. point b.jar c.stove d.dot

7.the english proverb ‘_______ the rod and spoil the child’ means that if you deep from punishing the child, you will spoil its character.

a. rule b.rug c.clap d.spare

8.the _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000.

a. worm b.trial c.tube d.criminal

9.higher education in china is free but the _______ for entrance is strong.

a. comparison b.consequence c.competition d.crawl

10.the light is too _______ for me to read. i can not stand any more.

a. rid b.ripe c.soup d.dim

11.the water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study.

a. sprayed b.puzzled c.inclined d.exported

12.in the united states, congress makes the laws and the president _______ them.

a. orders b.conquers c.executes d.hedges

13.she is too _______ to answer questions in the class.

a. eagle b.cough c.eager d.couch

14.we enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun.

a. beams b.beans c.beef d.beer

15.in the _______ english reading course, the students have to read a lot.

a. extensive b.mechanical c.mercury d.opera

16.he gave up his study in college in _______.

a. bundle b.butcher c.ash d.despair

17.several people _______ the car accident.

a. witnessed b.proved c.swallowed d.drugged

18.they will _______ the project with the necessary funds.

a. refer b.relate c.furnace d.furnish

19.i took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again.

a. grand b.tame c.granted d.thumb

20.he was sent to london on a special _______.

a. missing b.missile c.mission d.mistress

21.this light shelf is strong enough to _______ all the books here.

a. wipe b.wax c.survey d.sustain

22.the _______ court is the highest court in the united states.

a. vital b.thunder c.reverse d.supreme

23.our university has an international student exchange _______ with the university of wyoming in the united states.

a. procession b.provision c.profession d.program

24.he ________ of me the best way to go.

a. investigated b.inquired c.frightened d.resorted

25.mr. white tried to _______ this job through the influence of his father.

a. harness b.fetch c.curse d.obtain

26.the police dog finally found the _______ of the prisoners of war.

a. steep b.resolution c.porter d.trail

27.as the only _______ in the small village, he not only fixed the furniture but also made furniture for the villagers.

a. symbol b.source c.pan d.carpenter

28.a big crowd gathered around the bus, almost _______ the traffic.

a. affecting b.blocking c.creating d.mating

29.as far as i see, this book has its own _______.

a. merit b.signal c.visible d.swift

30.this tree is too _______ to be planted in this area.

a. tremendous b.vigorous c.shy d.tender

31.this product is _______ to change without notice.

a. despite b.evil c.subject d.crust

32.i don’t know how he can _______ himself for such conduct.

a. justify b.locate c.rear d.swear

33.the stolen watch has been _______ to its owner.

a. retired b.pitched c.restored d.cured

34.it is _______ cold this winter in xi’an.

a. considerably b.tight c.naval d.moreover

35.it has been my _______ to meet with this accident.

a. journal b.reduction c.affect d.fate

36.her smile _______ her secret even though she didn’t admit the fact.

a. reviewed b.reversed c.responded d.revealed

37.he ________ that he could finish the job without any help.

a. designed b.headed c.claimed d.preserved

38.professor li _______ his success to his mother.

a. owns b.ruins c.owes d.roars

39.the election _______ for the state governor has begun this year.

a. campaign b.bolt c.hell d.immense

40.anyone without _______ illness can do this simple job.

a. mild b.mind c.mental d.mend

41.glass may _______ at high temperature.

a. profit b.pronounce c.sting d.melt

42.silver _______ electricity far better than other materials.

a. equips b.strikes c.cracks d.conducts

43.everyone is encouraged to _______ food or clothing for those who suffered a great deal in the flood.

a. attribute b.distribute c.contribute d.drift

44.white teeth are a sharp _______ to black skin.

a. content b.contract c.contrast d.contain

45.tom is _______ about photography. he spends nearly all his money on it.

a. justice b.innocent c.fierce d.crazy

46.we need help from the other countries. but we do not _______ on others for support.

a. engage b.lean c.strip d.multiply

47.we will _______ the plan because of the cost.

a. council b.journal c.damp d.oppose

48.our train is _______ at shanghai at seven o’clock this evening.

a. due b.crystal c.cushion d.cooperation

49.her voice was _______ in the noise.

a. filled b.entertained c.enormous d.drowned

50.he is very _______ in his family and never does anything against his wife.

a. hence b.possess c.outer d.humble


词汇检测题 篇6







作为形容词时的意思是made or done with great care or with much detail; marked by complexity精心制作的复杂的;

作为动词时的意思是to give more details about something; to bring something to a more advanced or developed state详细制定,详尽阐述


respectively=in that order

Wind pollination does, of course, require a lot of pollen. Birch and hazel trees can produce 5.5 and 4 million grains per catkin, respectively.

The word ”respectively“ in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. over time

B. separately

C. in that order

D. consistently

对于这组词汇,想必大家疑惑的是respectively这个词。在我们记忆的中文意思中,respectively这个词就是指“分别地”, 所以在选择上面的词汇题时,无数同学都会前赴后继地掉入separately这个大坑里。


respectively意为in the order given。


Mary and Anne were respectively 12 and 16 years old. Mary和Anne分别是12岁和16岁。(Mary12岁,Anne16岁)。

而separately意为apart from others, not joined or connected。


He had insisted that we went separately to the club. 他坚持我们不要一块儿去俱乐部。




afford作为动词时有两层意思,第一个大家熟悉的“买得起,负担得起”,第二个“提供”,This affords us the opportunity to ask questions about how the systems might change. 这给我们提供了就系统可能如何改变进行提问的机会。



一方面,pronounced作为形容词本身就有strong marked的意思,另一方面,pronounce作为动词时还可以指“宣称,宣布”,根据这个意义再去体会上下文语境,就能感悟到这组同义配对之间的奥秘了。

Citizens of prosperous, essentially middle-class republics --- whether ancient Romans, seventeenth-century Dutch burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans --- have always shown a marked taste for portraiture.

The word ”marked“ is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) pronounced

(B) fortunate

(C) understandable

(D) mysterious

pursue=engage in

Whereas the East could pursue war and diplomacy more effectively with their enemies on the long eastern frontier, the West was exposed to the more volatile tribal Germanic peoples on a frontier that stretched along the Rhine and Danube rivers for 1,000 miles.

The word “pursue” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. expand

B. engage in

C. control

D. avoid




The government will be free to pursue its economic policies. 政府将可不受限制地实行其经济政策。

所以本题对应engage in,表示“从事,实行”之意。


1)Doorways were larger and more decorative. Fireplaces became decorative features of rooms. Walls were made of plaster or wood, sometimes elaborately paneled.

The word ”elaborately“ is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) done in great detail

(B) put together carefully

(C) using many colors

(D) reinforced structurally

2)People in such places would have had at least two reasons to pursue cultivation and animal raising; they would have had access to new information, plants, and animals brought in by traders, and they would have had a need for something to trade with the people passing through.

The word “pursue” in the passage is closet in meaning to

(A) practice

(B) encourage

(C) prefer

(D) combine

3)The linsey-woolsey covering was found in the colder regions of the country because of the warmth it afforded.

The word ”afforded" is closest in meaning to which of following?

(A) provided

(B) spent

(C) avoided

(D) absorbed

4)On clear still nights when the heat island is pronounced, a small thermal low-pressure area forms over the city.

The word “pronounced” in the passage is closet in meaning to

(A) examined

(B) relative

(C) strongest

(D) darkest




1 Sample:Opportunity and Competitors

2 TPO 01:Timberline Vegetation on Mountains

3 TPO 05:Minerals and Plants

4 TPO 09:The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii

5 TPO 22:Spartina

6 TPO 25:The Evolutionary Origin of Plants

7 TPO 32:Plant Colonization



1 OG:Swimming Machines

2 OG:Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores

3 TPO 04:Deer Population of The Puget Sound

4 TPO 13:Biological Clock

5 TPO 15:A Warm-blooded Turtle

6 TPO 17-3:Symbiotic Relationship

7 TPO 32:Distribution of Tropical Bee Colonies


1 Sample:Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction

2 TPO 05:The Cambrian Explosion

3 TPO 08:Extinction of The Dinosaurs

4 TPO 15:Mass Extinctions

5 TPO 31-1: Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations

6 TPO 30-2: The Pace of Evolutionary Change

7 TPO 33: Extinction Episodes of the past


1 TPO 02:The Origins of Cetaceans

2 TPO 11:Begging by Nestlings

3 TPO 11:Orientation and Navigation

4 TPO 17:Ani mal Signals in The Rain Forest

5 TPO 30-1 Role of Play in Development

6 TPO 29-2:Competition

7 TPO 28-3:Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes

8 TPO 27-3:Predator-Prey Cycles




1 OG:green Icebergs

2 TPO 15:Glacier Formation

3 TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages


1 OG:Geology and Landscape

2 TPO 01:Groundwater

3 TPO 02:Desert Formation

4 TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer

5 TPO 07:The Geologic History of The Mediterranean

6 TPO 12:Water in The Desert

7 TPO 20:Fossil Preservation

8 TPO 21:Geothermal Energy

9 TPO 24:Lake Water

10 TPO 28-1:Groundwater

11 TPO 27-2:The Formation of Volcanic Islands



1 TPO 08:Running Water On Mars

2 TPO 25:The Surface of Mars


1 TPO 16:Planets in Our Solar System

2 TPO 22:The Allende Met




《生活与哲学》检测题 篇7





2.2015年7月23日, 美国航天局宣布, 天文学家通过开普勒太空望远镜确认在宜居带发现第一颗与地球大小相似、围绕类似太阳的恒星运行的太阳系外行星。这一发现

1证明没有思维就不会有存在2说明思维和存在具有同一性3表明具体科学的进步推动了哲学的发展4说明世界上只有尚未认识之物, 没有不可认识之物




1“生死由命, 富贵在天”与“物是观念的集合” 2“世异则事异, 事异则备变”与“天不变, 道亦不变” 3“气者, 理之依也”与“理生万物”4“原子是世界的本原”与“宇宙便是吾心, 吾心便是宇宙”



4.2015年8月10日, 据外国媒体报道, 根据新的研究发现, 暗能量是宇宙还在加速膨胀的“罪魁祸首”, 科学家们估计宇宙中高达72%的物质是这种东西在作怪, 重要的是科学家还发现宇宙中存在24%的暗物质和4%的“正常”物质。这里的物质是




5.2015年9 月, 西藏自治区迎来成立50周年大庆。50年来, 西藏自治区发生了翻天覆地的巨变。但西藏古老的语言、灿烂的文化从未改变。山还是那山, 水还是那水, 经幡还是那经幡, 佛号还是那佛号。这表明

1静止是绝对的、无条件的、永恒的2静止是物质的根本属性和存在方式3物质世界是绝对运动与相对静止的统一4静止是运动的一种特殊状态, 是不显著的运动



6.意识是物质世界长期发展的产物, 下列正确反映意识产生的历史演进顺序的是




7.新常态是近年重要的经济术语, 在不同领域有不同的含义。中国经济发展的新常态是基于中国国情提出的发展新思路。这体现的哲理是

1物质决定意识, 意识是物质的反映2物质与意识相互依赖、相互决定3人们可以根据需要创造规律, 造福自身4人们的认识受到主客观条件的制约



8.2015年8 月, 世界卫生组织宣布, 经过初步临床实验分析, 一种由加拿大卫生部研制的埃博拉疫苗对预防埃博拉病毒感染非常有效, 2000多名埃博拉病毒密切接触者在接种疫苗后无一人染病。这表明




9.2015年8月11日, 国务院发布《关于进一步促进旅游投资和消费的若干意见》指出, 促进旅游投资和消费, 对于推动现代服务业发展, 增加就业和居民收入, 提升人民的生活品质, 具有重要意义。这蕴含的哲学道理是



C.联系具有普遍性, 世界是普遍联系的世界


10.2015年7月28日, 国务院召开常务会议, 部署推进城市地下综合管廊建设。会议要求, 各城市政府要综合考虑城市发展远景, 按照先规划、后建设的原则, 编制地下综合管廊建设专项规划。上述要求的哲学依据是

1整体统率着部分, 要树立全局观念, 统筹全局2系统优化的方法要求我们着眼于事物的内部因素3要注意遵循系统内部结构的有序性, 优化组合4关键部分功能的变化对整体功能起决定作用



11.20世纪, 收看电视节目是人们最喜欢的娱乐方式, 电视节目的收视率极高。到了21世纪, 从数字机顶盒、到IPTV、再到智能电视, 尽管相关部门努力做好服务, 但电视节目的收视率还是越来越低。与此同时, 人们越来越多地把时间留给了手机、平板电脑。这一变化的原因是


B.新事物符合客观规律, 是完美的



12.2015年8 月, 哈齐高铁正式通车, “哈大齐”一小时经济圈即将形成。铁路交通从蒸汽机车、内燃机车到电力机车, 动力越来越大, 运力越来越强, 速度越来越快。这表明





13.逆水行舟, 一篙不放缓;滴水穿石, 一滴不可弃滞。这句话蕴含的哲理是

A.离开了人的主观能动性, 量变就不会引起质变


C.没有渐进的量的积累, 质变就不会发生







15.如今, 国家大力发展“互联网+”战略, 互联网迎来了发展的春天。但互联网带来的网络犯罪率也在提高。这说明

①事物都包含着既对立又统一的两个方面②矛盾的同一性是次要的, 斗争性是主要的③矛盾的同一性是绝对的, 斗争性是相对的④矛盾双方相对应而存在, 相斗争而发展



16.2015年7月21日, 国家主席习近平在应约同美国总统奥巴马通电话中指出, 当前, 中美关系总体发展良好, 两国保持密切交往, 各领域务实合作稳步推进, 在重大国际、地区和全球性问题上保持密切沟通和协调。这表明

1主要矛盾在事物发展过程中处于支配地位2事物的性质是由主要矛盾的主要方面决定的3中美关系的主流是好的, 我们要坚持重点论4中美两国国情不同, 因而矛盾各具有特殊性



17.2015年8月17日, 深圳原创大型儒家文化交响曲《人文颂》在国家大剧院奏响。观众在音乐声中聆赏优秀儒家思想的深邃、博大与美好的同时, 还可以欣赏现代交响乐的大气恢宏。《人文颂》的成功体现了





18.2015年网络流行语层出不穷, 主要来源于娱乐话题和热点新闻。如:“世界这么大, 我想去看看”, 引发网友反思;“颜值”“小鲜肉”“单身狗”等更加流行, 并在不同的语境中被赋予新的含义。这些网络流行语





19.2015年7月20日, 中共中央政治局召开会议强调, 实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益是发展的根本目的, 必须把增进人民福祉、促进人的全面发展作为发展的出发点和落脚点。上述要求的唯物史观依据是

1人民群众是社会历史的主体, 是历史的创造者2一切为了群众是党的群众观点的基本内容3价值判断是在价值选择的基础上作出的4价值选择的最高标准是维护人民群众的根本利益



20.2015年8 月11 日, 全国“践行社会主义核心价值观从我做起”演讲暨主题夏令营开营仪式在江苏省南京市举行。通过主题演讲, 孩子们表示, 要自觉践行社会主义核心价值观, 争做为国争光的好少年。这表明





21.第12届摩纳哥国际电影节上, 昆曲电影《红楼梦》获得了最高荣誉 “最佳影片”天使奖、最佳服装和最佳音乐奖。在美国、法国、英国, 该片一票难求, 让观众惊艳。可就是这样一部电影, 在国内上映却遭遇了无人理睬的尴尬。这表明








二、非选择题 (共56分)

23.2015年8 月8 日, 第13 号台风“苏迪罗”在台湾和福建两次登陆, 然后一路向北, 给我国南方九省带来严重灾害。根据气象台预报, “苏迪罗”7月30日20 时在西北太平洋洋面上生成, 8 月2 日14 时加强为台风级, 3 日14时加强为超强台风。虽然气象部门对其一路跟踪预报, 并及时发出台风预警和启动应急灾害预案, 但其带来的影响仍然难以消除。灾害过后, 各地及时开展灾害自救和重建工作, 以减小受灾损失。

结合材料, 运用规律的有关知识, 分析说明我们应如何应对台风灾害。 (15分)

24.2015年7月24日, 中央文明办在安徽合肥召开网络精神文明建设工作座谈会。会议强调, 要大力培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观, 大力加强和改进网络精神文明建设, 进一步唱响网上主旋律, 推动精神文明建设不断取得新的进展和成效。要主动顺应互联网迅猛发展的时代潮流, 深刻认识网络精神文明建设工作的重大意义, 强化网络思维, 积极抢占信息传播技术制高点, 不断创新内容形式、方式方法、途径载体, 加强中华优秀传统文化、红色文化、道德模范和先进典型的网上宣传教育, 深入开展网上“讲文明树新风”活动、精神文明创建活动和网络公益、网络文明传播活动, 大力倡导网络文明新风。

(1) 运用意识的能动作用的知识, 分析大力培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观对网络精神文明建设的意义。 (8分)

(2) 运用联系的观点和创新的知识, 分析运用互联网开展精神文明创建活动的原因。 (8分)

25.2015年7月17日, 习近平总书记在吉林长春召开部分省区党委主要负责同志座谈会。习近平强调, 事物发展总是与各种矛盾相伴相生。目前, 东北地区发展遇到新的困难和挑战, 这其中有全国“三期叠加”等共性方面的原因, 也有东北地区产业结构、体制机制等个性方面的原因。有矛盾有风险本身并不可怕, 关键要有化解矛盾和排除风险的决心和办法, 不能在困难和挑战面前束手无策、无所作为。千难万难, 只要重视就不难;大路小路, 只有行动才有出路。要深入研究在注重质量和效益前提下保持经济稳定增长的举措和办法, 多从内因着眼、着手、着力, 找准症结就有的放矢、对症下药。

分析上述材料体现的矛盾分析方法。 (15分)

26.2015年7月30日, 中共中央政治局会议提出, 要重点推进包括国企等在内的体制机制改革。国有企业走过66年的风风雨雨, 不断发展壮大, 为国家经济发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献。随着社会主义市场经济深入发展, 国有企业同样面临转型升级的挑战。深化国有企业改革, 要完善企业治理模式和经营机制, 真正确立企业市场的主体地位, 增强企业内在活力、市场竞争力、发展引领力。

结合材料, 分析当前深化国有企业改革的唯物史观依据。 (10分)


1.C 2.D

3.C哲学两大基本派别的分歧是围绕物质和意识谁是世界的本原的问题展开的。“生死有命, 富贵在天”属于客观唯心主义观点。“物是观念的集合”属于主观唯心主义观点, 1不符合题意。“世异则事异, 事异则备变”属于辩证法观点。“天不变, 道亦不变”属于形而上学观点, 2不符合题意。


5.B西藏发生的巨变体现了绝对运动, 但西藏的特色文化并没有改变体现了相对静止, 34符合题意。

6.A 1是无生命物质反应, 2 是植物反应, 3是意识反应, 4是动物反应, 由低级到高级排序, A正确。

7.B经济发展的新常态是基于中国国情提出的发展新思路, 体现了1。新常态在不同领域有不同含义, 体现了4。

8.A研制的疫苗是为了防治病毒, 体现了1。疫苗经临床试验分析, 体现了3。2错误, 实践是获得认识的唯一来源, 不是唯一途径。4错误, 科学研究获得的认识只有经实践经验后才能称之为真理性认识。

9.C材料强调旅游投资消费对经济发展、人民生活的影响, 体现了联系的普遍性, C正确。A违背了联系的客观性, 错误。联系是有条件的, B、D表述错误。

10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C

14.D漫画中的“绊脚石”可以转化为“踏脚石”, 说明矛盾双方在一定条件下可以相互转化, 体现了矛盾双方具有同一性, D正确。

15.D互联网的发展有利也有弊, 体现了矛盾的对立统一, 14正确。


17.D 《人文颂》对儒家思想进行了批判继承, 体现了辩证的否定是联系的环节和发展的环节, D正确。


19.B增进人民福祉是由人民群众的社会历史地位决定的, 是党和政府站在人民群众的立场上作出的正确价值判断和价值选择, 14正确。


21.A不同的人对昆曲电影《红楼梦》有不同的态度, 体现了价值判断和价值选择的主体差异性, 13符合题意。

22.B自强不息是实现人生价值的主观条件, 不是客观基础, 1错误。3表述错误, 正确的价值观并不是要放弃个人的合法权益。

23.1规律的普遍性和客观性要求我们必须尊重规律, 按客观规律办事, 而不能违背规律, 一旦违背规律, 必然受到规律的惩罚。应对台风灾害, 必须尊重自然界的客观规律, 研究、遵循气流运动规律, 是人类应对台风灾害的前提基础。2在客观规律面前, 人并不是无能为力的。人们在应对台风灾害过程中, 可以在认识和把握规律的基础上, 根据规律作用的条件和形式利用规律, 做出台风预警, 以提前避险, 开展好灾害自救和重建工作。3人们在应对台风灾害过程中, 既要按客观规律办事, 又要充分发挥主观能动性, 把尊重客观规律与发挥主观能动性结合起来。

24. (1) 1意识对改造客观世界具有指导作用。大力培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观, 能够为网络精神文明建设提供强大的精神动力和正确的方向保证。2意识对人体生理活动具有调节和控制作用。大力培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观, 能够为人们提供高昂的精神动力, 唱响网上主旋律, 推动精神文明建设不断取得新的进展和成效。

(2) 1联系具有客观性, 我们可以根据事物固有的联系, 改变事物的状态, 调整原有的联系, 建立新的联系。运用互联网开展精神文明创建活动, 是运用信息技术为传播网络文明提供新的载体和渠道。2唯物辩证法的本质是批判的、革命的和创新的。运用互联网开展精神文明创建活动, 创新了精神文明建设的形式、方式方法, 有利于促进网络精神文明的传播。

25.1事物发展总是与各种矛盾相伴相生, 有矛盾、有风险本身并不可怕, 关键要有化解矛盾和排除风险的决心和办法。这体现了矛盾具有普遍性, 我们要勇于承认矛盾, 揭露矛盾, 积极寻找正确的方法解决矛盾。2我国东北地区发展遇到新的困难和挑战, 其中有共性方面的原因, 也有东北地区个性方面的原因。这体现了矛盾的普遍性与特殊性、共性与个性具体的历史的统一。3东北地区经济稳定增长, 要注重质量和效益。这体现了要集中力量抓主要矛盾。4找准症结就有的放矢、对症下药。这体现了坚持具体问题具体分析的原则。

词汇检测题 篇8



1.-Is your headache getting __________?

-No, it’s worse.

A. betterB. bad

C. lessD. well

2. Listen to the two girls by the window. What language ___________?

A. did they speak

B. were they speaking

C. are they speaking

D. have they been speaking

3.-Did you tell Julia about the result?

-Oh, no, I forgot. I ________ her now.

A. will be callingB. will call

C. callD. am to call

4.I always take something to read when I go to the doctor誷 __________ I have to wait.

A. in caseB. so that

C. in orderD. as if

5.We hadn’t planned to meet. We met _________ chance.


6.The poor young man is ready to accept ___________ help he can get.

A. whicheverB. however

C. whateverD. whenever

7.-Would you like some more tea?-___________, please.

A. No moreB. Just a little

C. I’ve had enoughD. Yes, I would

8.The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _______ didn’t help.

A. it B. sheC. whichD. he

9.Before building a house, you will have to _________ the government’s permission.

A. get fromB. follow

C. receiveD. ask for

10.If you go by _________ train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get __________ fast one.

A. the; theB. 不填;a

C. the; aD. 不填;不填

11.Mary never does any reading in the evening, _________.

A. so does JohnB. John does too

C. John doesn’t tooD. nor does John

12.______________, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.

A. General speaking

B. Speaking general

C. Generally speaking

D. Speaking generally

13.While watching television, __________.

A. the doorbell rang

B. the doorbell rings

C. we heard the doorbell ring

D. we heard the doorbell rings

14.John, look at the time. ___________ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A. MustB. CanC. MayD. Need

15.“You can’t catch me!”Janet shouted, __________ away.

A. runB. runningC. to runD. ran


1、[评析] 本题属语法和语境搭配题。根据回答句,可以推断问话的意思是“头疼好些了吗?”所以答案是A。另外,一般探病时的习惯用语就是“getting better?”或“any better?”。

2、[评析] 语法语境搭配题。根据前面的条件:两个女生正在谈话,所以答案只能是C。

3、[评析] 语境题。根据说话时的情景,第二说话者用will call来表示意愿,即“我这就给他打电话”。答案B。

4、[评析] 词汇(组)题。用in case表示“万一”的意思。其它词组都没有这种含义。答案A。

5、[评析] 本题考查的是介词词组,因此也可归纳为词汇题。“by chance”表示“偶然”,有“意外”的含义,所以答案为D。

6、[评析] 语法词汇题,考查目的是由 “-ever”引起的表示强调的宾语从句。“whatever help”是“任何形式的援助”的意思,所以C是正确答案。

7、[评析] 语境题。根据“please”一词,可以推断答案是B。A和C在此不能同“please”连用。虽然问话中有“would you”,但根据习惯,回答时也不用“I would”,所以D也不对。

8、[评析] 语法题,考点为并列句。答案是A。“it”表示前面说的“度假”也不起作用。如果没有并列连词“but”,那答案就应该是C了。

9、[评析] 词汇(组)题,考点是词(组)义辨析。答案D,“ask for” 在此表示“申请”的意思,与情境最为相符。

10、[评析] 冠词题几乎每年都是考查重点之一。“by train”是固定词组,不加冠词;“one”则可数,前面要加冠词。答案为B。

11、[评析] 语法题,考点是“nor”置于句首时,其后引出倒装句式。答案是D,表示“John也不……”。

12、[评析] 词汇语法题。答案C是固定搭配。

13、[评析] 语法题,主要考点是省略的时间状语从句中的逻辑主语和主句中的真正主语相一致,兼考“to hear... do something”的用法。“看电视”和“听到”的主语要一致,即“we”;“听到门铃响”中的“ring”要用动词原型,所以答案只能是C。

14、[评析] 语法语境题,考点是情态动词。情态动词为必考考点。此题考查用情态动词表示提问的用法。根据所给语境,答案只能是A,意为带有指责的问题:“你非得……不行吗?”

15、[评析] 语法题,考点是非谓语动词。非谓语动词也属必考考点。本题答案B,非谓语动词“running”表示伴随状况。













