
2024-10-21 版权声明 我要投稿


英语感谢信的句式 篇1



1.I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the continuous assistance you offered to me these years.

2.I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for your unselfish love shown to me during my preparation of College Entrance Examination.

3. I am writing to express my appreciation for the generous help you rendered to me since I entered this university.


1.On the one hand, your generous help made it possible that I can gain a splendid academic achievement in my study career. It is because of your encouragement that now I can study in one of the leading universities of our country, and serve as chairman of Student Union.

2.On the other hand, with your help, I could get along well with my friends and have good cooperation with other members during work.

3.I will always remember your kindness and painstaking labor. Besides, It is really an honor for me to be your sister and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever I go.

4.You give me emotional security, care and love and support my study, which is part and parcel for my school days.

5.Without your assistance and care, I can not make good performance definitely. I take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.

6. Your generous help made it possible that I pass my college entrance examination and obtain the good result. I will cherish the good will and family affection you showed me.

7. Your encouragement is my best drving force. Please accept my most cordial thanks for your best love, which I will always remember.

8. On the one hand, it is because of your encouragement and continuous assistance that now I have obtained a splendid academic achievement in my study career, and serve as chairman of Student Union.

9. On the other hand, with your help, I could get along well with classmates and have good cooperation with other members during work.

10. I will always remember your kindness and painstaking labor. It is really an honor to be your student, and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever I go.


1.In a word, my appreciation to you is beyond words.

2.In the years to come, I will make more effort to repay your kindness and refresh our family affection.

3.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind assistance.

4.In a word, my heartfelt gratitude to you is beyond words. In the years to come, I will study harder to repay your kindness and make more progress.


Lovely yours, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely等

英语感谢信的句式 篇2


英语中否定结构形式多样, 有部分否定, 几乎否定, 双重否定等等, 但是有不少句式都不能按照表面意思来理解, 否则很容易理解错误掉入“陷阱”, 笔者对英语语句中常见的否定句式进行了简要剖析, 期望对英语学习者会有一定的帮助。


有些由all, both, every, much, many, often等词与not结合构成的否定句往往表示部分否定。有时not可以置于谓语中, 这是英语的习惯表达方法, 虽然不合逻辑, 但已成习俗, 容易造成误解, 要特别重视。总之在部分否定句中, 不论not出现在什么地方, 通常都译成“不全是”, “不总是”, “并非都”, “未必都”等。举例如下:

All the students did not go to schooly esterday.=N ot all th e students went to sch ool y esterday.


H e doesn’t agree with me entirely.=H e doesn’t entirely ag ree with me.


如果想表示全部否定可以用never, no, none, noth ing, neith er…nor等用法, 例如:

N o student went to school y esterday.


N eith er of th e g asoline eng ines isrunning.



双重否定句中通常会出现两个具有否定意味的词或者短语, 通常是为了加强肯定的语气。试看下列几个句式:

(一) cannot+动词原型+with out+动名词短语


以上这两个句式都相当于“E very tim e/W h enever…..+从句” (每次...总会…) 。例如:

I never g o past th at h ouse but I th ink of my miserable life in th e oldsociety.


(二) 主句中含有noth ing以及修饰noth ing的形容词+but从句, 表示“无论事物多么…。一旦遭受but从句中的情况便会…。”试看下面例句:

N othing is so beautiful but it betray ssome defect on close inspection.

无论多么完美的东西, 一旦仔细审视都会暴露出缺陷。



not+副词 (nearly/h alf/possibly/absolutely/simply等等) ;强烈否定的介词短语如:in no way, by no means, in no wise等等;not+名词短语 (a single/a bit of/a drop of/an inch等等) 以上这些表示“一点都不, 毫不可能, 绝对不”等强烈否定语气, 例如:

H is last experiment was not nearlywell done as th e earlier ones.


O n h earing such g ood news, th e old man did not sleep a wink all night.

译:听到这个好消息, 这个老人一夜都没有合上一眼。


这类句式形式上否定但是内容上却是肯定语气, 要特别小心。有很多常用句式, 现分别介绍如下:

(一) cannot…too (much) …表示“无论怎么样…都不为过;要非常地…。”这里cannot可能有其他可替代形式如:can never, can h ardly/scarcely/barely, It is im possible to等替代形式。同时too (much) 也可以由enoug h, exag g erate, overestimate, overpraise等表示过分行为的词代替。试看下面的例句:

Y ou cannot be too careful in choosingfriends.


W e cannot exaggerate the importanceof E ng lish.

译:英语的重要性怎么强调都不为过。 (我们要特别强调英语的重要性) 。

(二) cannot…+比较级表示”非常…;极度…”起加强语气作用。试看下面例句:

I can’t ag ree with y ou more.

译:我对你同意得不能再同意了 (我完全赞同你) .

I can’t care th is problem less.

译:我对这个问题关心的少得不能再少了。 (我一点都不关心这个问题) 。

(三) 否定句与so…as或者与so…but th at连用。表示”如果干了as或者but th at从句后面的事情那么就最具有so后面的某种性质了。”实际上句子是强调so后面的性质, 试看下面例句:

N one is so deaf as those wh o won’t h ear.这句的表面意思是:没有人比那些故意不听的人更聋了, 或者译为:那些故意不听的人最聋。

N o one is so old but th at h e may learn.这句的表面意思是:不管多老都能学习, 即活到老学到老。

(四) noth ingifnot…表示“及其;非常”;noth ing/little sh ort of…表示“简直可以说…”试看下面例句:

H e was noth ing if not stubborn.


H e is little sh ort of a g enius


(五) It’s (a) +adj+n+以th at开头的带否定成分的定语从句。这种句式主要强调前面的形容词, 用一种过分的类似反语的口气来表达肯定的意图。试看下面几个例句:

It’s a long lane that has no turning.

这个句子的表面意思是没有弯的道那是够长的了。实际上说话人用的是一种反语的说法, 委婉地表示出他不相信有什么长道是没有弯的。所以这句话的真实意思是:再长的道也必有弯。再比如下面的句子:

It’s a g ood h orse th at never stumbles.译为:再好的马也会失蹄。

It’s long night th at never finds th e day.译为:再长的夜也会迎来白天。

(六) It’s (a) +adj+n+以th at开头肯定定语从句, 这种句式可以译成:再怎么样的东西也不会….试看下面的例句:

It’s a good fath er th at knows h is son.



在否定句中有些否定的转移不会影响我们的理解, 但是有些否定转移的现象很容易弄错, 这里主要讨论一种容易错误理解地否定转移现象——否定谓语转换为否定状语。当否定句中出现表示程度、方式、地点、时间、原因、目的、活动频度等状语或者状语从句的时候, 尽管形式上是否定谓语的一般否定形式, 但其否定部位有时已经转移到这些状语或者状语从句上了, 试看下面的例句:

T h e earth doesn’t move in empty space.


M eth y lal does not decompose intoCO and H2 like formaldeh y de.

译:甲缩醛不像甲醛那样分解成CO和H2。 (甲醛可以分解成CO和H2, 而甲缩醛是不会分解成CO和H2) 。不要误译成:甲缩醛像甲醛那样不分解成CO和H2。

She is not study ing in the university.


T h e motor did not stop because theelectricity was off.

译:电机停转并非由于断电。不要误译为:因为断电, 电机不转了。

I do not recommend him because heis my broth er.

译:我推荐他并不是因为他是我的兄弟 (有时根据语境也可以译成:因为他是我兄弟, 所以我不推荐他) 。

有时确定否定是否需要转移比较困难, 需要根据具体场景, 上下文语境, 甚至一定的常识和专业知识才能确定, 这儿不再赘述。



英语感谢信的句式 篇3

一、as soon as…

例如:(1)I came as soon as I heard the news. 我一听到消息马上就来了。

(2)As soon as she saw the Statue of Liberty she realized that she was already in the United States. 她一看到自由女神像,就意识到自己已经到了美国。

二、No sooner…than…

例如:(1)No sooner had he sat down than it began to rain. 他刚坐下,天就开始下雨啦。

(2)No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill. 他一到达那里就生起病来。


例如:(1)Hardly had he finished when someone rose to refute his views.


(2)Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.



例如:(1)Scarcely had I opened the door when the dog came running in.


(2)Scarcely had the bird flown out of the nest when the hunter shot at it.





例如:(1)She would help her parents do the housework immediately she got home.


(2)Make sure the property you are buying is insured immediately you exchange contracts. 一交换合同,就应立刻给所购房产买保险。

六、the moment (that) sb. does/says sth.

例如:(1)He said he would phone you the moment he got home.


(2)She ran out to meet him the moment she saw him coming.


七、the minute…

例如:(1)The policeman rushed to the spot the minute he heard of the road accident.


(2)Lily knew he was not an Englishman the minute Miles began to speak.


八、the instant…

例如:⑴The driver pulled on the brake the instant he saw two kids jumping up and down on the road. 一看见在马路上蹦来跳去的两个孩子,司机就立即踩了刹车。

⑵The instant I saw her, I knew that I couldn?蒺t leave her.



例如:⑴Once she arrives, we can start. 她一到,我们就可以开始。

⑵Once there, they started piling boxes of melons in the back of the pick?鄄up.


十、On/Upon (doing) sth.

例如:⑴On hearing the news of the air attack most foreigners headed for the border.


⑵On the general?蒺s command, all soldiers must salute.


另外,还有“at the thought that/of…”、“at the sight of…”的固定短语译法:

例如:Mary brightened up at the thought that she was going to have dinner with a famous actor. 一想到她将与一位著名的演员共进晚餐,玛丽感到十分高兴。

英语感谢信的句式 篇4


高考英语书面表达专题—感谢信丰富表达,变换句式范例。假如你是某中学高三(1)班班长李华。你们的英语老师Nancy已完成教学任务,准备回美国。请你根据以下内容要点给Nancy写一封email,并代表全班同学对她表示感谢。1.参加Nancy授课的日子非常轻松快乐,大家都被她精彩的教学和优美的声音所吸引;2.Nancy总是组织很多课堂活动,让大家积极参与;3.她经常说的“never say you can not.”给大家留下了深刻的印象;4.她用”team spirit”来鼓励大家交流和分享;5.希望她再来到中国。注意:1.词数为100左右; 2.信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。句子提取及翻译:1.时间飞逝,因为你要回国,所以我们不得不说再见。2.我很高兴能代表全班同学因为你精彩的教学而表示感谢。3 我们真的很感激你给我们上的课,在你的课上,我们感到很快乐,放松。4 我们深深地被你的有趣的教学和迷人的声音所吸引。5 你为我们组织许多活动让大家积极参与。6 我相信每个人在你的课堂上收获很多。7 我们印象最深刻的是 never say you can not.8 你要求我们有团队精神并鼓励我们互相交流并且分享我们的观点。9 多亏你的帮助,我们在英语学习上取得了很大的进步10我们期待着你下次参观中国。一句多译:时间飞逝.因为你要回国,所以我们不得不说再见。Time flies like an arrow./ How time flies!/ As time goes on/ goes by /With time going on/ going by, We have to say goodbye because you are going back / return to your country soon.我很高兴能代表全班同学因为你精彩的教学而表示感谢。I am glad to express thanks / gratitude to you / I am glad to thank you for your excellent teaching on behalf of the whole class.我们真的很感激你给我们上的课,在你的课上,我们感到很快乐,放松。We really appreciate the classes you gave to us, in which we felt happy and relaxed.我们深深的被你的有趣的教学和迷人的声音所吸引。We are deeply attracted by your interesting teaching and charming voice.你为我们组织许多活动让大家积极参与。You organized many activities for us in order that we could take an active part in them.我相信每个人在你的课堂上收获很多。I believe that everyone has gained a lot in your lessons / benefited a lot from your lessons.我们印象最深刻的是 never say you can not.What impressed us most was “never say you can not”.你总是要求我们有团队精神并鼓励我们互相交流并且分享我们的观点。You always required us to have a spirit of teamwork and often encouraged us to communicate with each other and share our ideas.多亏你的帮助,我们在英语学习上取得了很大的进步Thanks to your help, / With your help, we have made great progress in our English study.我们期待着你再到中国。We are looking forward to your second visit to china./ We are looking forward to your coming toChinaagain.范文欣赏Dear Julie,How time flies!By the time you are going b阿ack to Britain, I’d like to say thanks to you on behalf of the whole class for your teaching us so well.We always felt the days when you taught our oral class were pleasant and relaxing.In your lively class, you organized many interesting activities, in which every one of us took an active part.You often said “Never say you can’t”,which left us a deep impression.What’s more, you told us how effectively team spirit works and encouraged us to communicate and share each other’s opinions bravely.Now it’s hard for us to say goodbye to you, though we have to.Wish you a good trip and we sincerely hope you will come back some day.By the way, I am attaching your picture with the whole class.Please do check it out.Yours,Li Hua

外贸英语信函常用的句式 篇5




















英语写作中句式的多样化 篇6


许多学生在写作中倾向于用与人有关系的词性,用名词和代词作为句子的开头,如 People,We,I,He,They,She等。但这种开头见多了,难免让人厌倦。试比较:

A.People throughout the country have greatly demanded all kinds of nutritious food.

B.There is a great demand across the country for all kinds of nutritious food.

第一句改用非人称名词作为主语开头,第二句则用there +be句型开头。这样既改变了主语+谓语+宾语单调句型,又把想强调的意思突出出来。实际上,为了把文章写得生动活泼,除了用主语开头外,还可以用句子的其他成分开头。


Too often,students stray into the habit of cheating on tests.


Air,water and oxygen,everything that is necessary for life.


Dark and empty,the house looked very different from the way I remembered it.


Equally essential to the highest success in learning a language are intense interest plus persistent effort.


My advice you would not listen to;my helps you laughed at.Now you will have what you asked for.



To me the news was very interesting,but to my wife very boring.


Disturbed by the discord of American life in recent decades,Menchester took flight for the pacific islands.


To pass the exam,you should work very hard.


有的学生在作文中使用过多简单句,成了简单句堆砌;有的写复杂句时,动辄用so, and,then,but,or,however,yet等非但达不到丰富表达方式的目的,反而使句子结构松散、呆板。为了避免这种现象,可以通过使用连接词,尤其是一些表示从属关系的连接词,如 who,which,that,because,since,although,after,as,before,when,whenever,if,unless,as if等,不仅能够丰富句型,而且还能够把思想表达得更清楚,意义更连贯。例如:

Natural resources are very limited.They will be exhausted in the near future.It is not true.But it becomes a major concern around the world.This is a widely accepted fact.


It is a widely accepted fact that there is a major concern around the world for the exhaustion of limited natural resources in the near future,though it is unlikely to be true.


The Mississippi River is one of the longest rivers in the world,and in spring time it often overflows its banks,and the lives of many people are endangered.


The Mississippi River,which is one of the longest rivers in the world,often overflows its banks in the spring time,endangering the lives of many people.



(1)We can imagine the beautiful surroundings.(2)There are many trees along the streets.(3)There is a clean river in the city.(4) There are many fishes in the river.(5)There are willow trees on the one side.(6)There are some pieces of grassland on the other side.(7)There are many flowers on them.


(1)Just imagine the beautiful surroundings if we make our cities greener.(2)Green trees line the streets.(3)A clean river winds through the city,in which a lot of fishes abound.(4)On the one side stand rows of willow trees.(5)On the other side lies a stretch of grassland sprinkled with many yellow and red flowers.




1)In no other place in the world can one find such enthusiasm for applying for hosting the Olympic Games.

2)Faith in the Chinese economic reforms the majority of people will never lose.

浅析会展英语词汇与句式特点 篇7

会展英语作为一门特殊用途英语, 有其独特的词汇和句法特征。对会展英语的词汇和句法特征的研究与学习, 有利于从业者提高语言使用效果, 达到顺利交流的目的, 更好地开展涉外会展活动。

2 词汇特点

2.1 专业词汇表达丰富。

以“会议”一词为例, 根据不同的会议类型, 有相应的不同的表达词汇, 如:assembly大会, conference专门会议, congress代表大会, forum论坛, convention年会, exhibition展览展示会, commission委员会, meeting集会, panel专题讨论组, seminar研讨会, symposium专题学术讨论会, trade show展示会, workshop现场讨论会, retreat静修会。会展英语中其它的专业词汇的表达也很丰富, 在此不赘述。

2.2 用词简单通俗、用语得体恰当。

在涉外会展活动中, 得体而又简练的语言, 不仅可以提高会展活动的工作效率, 还会给与会人员带来良好的话语氛围。

(1) Let me declare open the international symposium on the service trade.译文:现在宣布服务贸易国际研讨会开幕。

此句既简单地说明了会议的主题, 又宣布了会议的开幕。

(2) My heartfelt thanks go to the congress officials for their diligent work in planning, arranging and organizing all these activities for our congress.译文:我衷心感谢本次大会的官员, 他们全力以赴地筹备、安排和组织了我们这次大会的全部活动。


2.3 用词准确、表达固定。

会展英语中的一些词汇, 在翻译成汉语时有固定的表达, 如果因译员不同而出现不同的翻译, 则会造成交流中的误解。如:“floor manager”一般译为“展区管理人”, 如果解释为“地面管理人”则会让人产生误解;“正牌货”常译为“standard brand of goods”, 若译成“real goods”便不达意;“冒牌货”译为“adulterated goods”, 而不是“false goods”。类似的词汇还有很多, 因此, 在会展交流沟通中应选用准确的词来表达相应的意思, 避免带来沟通上的误会。

2.4 大量使用专业术语和术语缩略语。

在国际会展中, 经常会出现一些专业术语和术语缩略语, 正确理解这些术语的含义, 有助于从业人员开展正常的会展英语信息传递与交流。如:public address system展厅广播设备, stand-fitting service, poster session展示, move-in布展, Move-out撤展, space assignment分配的展位, UFI (Union of International Fairs世界会展联盟, ICCA (International Convention and Conference/Congress Association) 世界会议协会, RFP (Request for Proposal) 招标说明书, 报价要求, CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) 注册职业会议筹划者, CVB (Convention and Visitors'Bureau) 会议和旅游局。涉外会展人员应正确掌握一些相关专业术语及缩略语来促进良好地交流。

3 句式特点

3.1 多使用一般现在时和现在进行时。使用这种句式的目的是使对方产生现时感, 使谈论的内容具有可靠性和客观性。如:

(1) It is an all-in-one device, combining the functions of a printer, a copier and a fax machine.译文:这是一款多功能的设备, 它具有打印、复印和传真功能。

对产品功能的介绍, 让参展的础客了解产品的现在的功能而不是过去的功能。

3.2 Our center has a lot of experience of holding events, trade shows and conferences.And there are many photos of these successful events over there.译文:我中心具有丰富的举办会议和展览的经验。那边有许多己成功举办的会议和展览的照片。

3.3 常使用被动语态。为了强调宾语或没有必要提及动作的主语, 甚至不知道动作和主语时常多被动动语态。如:

(1) A list of available facility services and equipment is needed early in the planning process, because the availability or lack of required equipment impacts on overall meeting budget.译文:因为会议所需的设备会影响到会议的全部预算, 所以在会议筹办过程的前期, 需提供一份会务服务的所需的设备清单。

(2) Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference is actually described as a very important annual conference that is well recognized both nationally and internationally.译文:博鳌亚洲论坛被认为是一项非常重要的会议, 每年举办一次, 在国内外享有盛誉。

另外, 介绍公司、展会的性质时常使用被动语态, 如“be established, be counted, be said, be described as---, be considered”等句型。

3.4 多使用虚拟语气。

在会展活动中, 为了让双方在平等友好的气氛中建立长期的业务关系, 展会双方常使用虚拟语气来表达自己的观点, 提出请求或建议。如:

(1) You should pay the remaining amount off at the end of this month.译文:您应该在月底前付清剩余款项。

(2) But I would appreciate it if you could arrange if for us.译文:如果你能为我们安排一下, 我们会感激不尽的。

以上句子中, 虚拟语气的使用, 让会展双方在轻松的话话中完成了会展活动。

3.5 多使用省略句式。

(1) How about per show advertising?译文:单次展览广告怎样的?

(2) Good morning.International Expo Center.Advertising Department.May I help you?早上好。这儿是国际会展中心广告部, 可以为您服务吗?

省略句子简洁明了, 避免了交流中的重复罗嗦, 可以提高会展活动的工作效率。

3.6 常使用否句式。在会展活动中, 尽可能减省误会和冲突, 常用否定句式来弱化语气, 如:

(1) I'm afraid 50%of the total amount is required within a week after receiving the booth confirmation.译文:在收到展位确认函之后, 一周之内付清总费用的一半。

(2) It's not an easy task for you to persuade your potential sponsors to become your partners.译文:让潜在的赞助商成为你的合伙人, 可不是一件容易的事情。


结语:在国际会展活动中, 只有正确把握住了会展英语的词汇和句法特点, 才能进行更好的沟通, 才能使中国会展顺利走向世界与国际接轨。


[1]黄映秋.会展英语的特点和译员的培养[J].中国科技翻译, 2007, 3.

[2]伍帅英.会展英语语体特征简析[J].湖北行政学院报, 20075, .

[3]王俐俐.浅析会展英语的词汇特点[J].辽宁行政学院学报, 2009, 12.

[4]浩瀚.会展英语脱口秀[M].北京:北京师范大出版社, 2010.

[5]张占军, 张宝敏, 张宏杰.会展英语[M].北京:中国商务出版社, 2005.

浅析中学英语中的强调句式 篇8

一、 强调句的基本结构和用法

强调句的基本结构为:It is/was+被强调成分+that+句子其余的部分.以句子“Mr Zhang told his students an interesting story in the classroom yesterday.”来说明如何对一个句子的某个成分进行强调。

1. 强调主语。如:

It was Mr Zhang who told his students an interesting story in the classroom yesterday.

2. 强调宾语。有些动词可带有双宾语,直接宾语和间接宾语,所以可以对两个宾语进行强调。如:

It was his students that Mr Zhang told an interesting story in the classroom yesterday.

It was an interesting story that Mr Zhang told his students in the classroom yesterday.

3. 强调地点状语。如:

It was in the classroom that Mr Zhang told his students an interesting story yesterday.

4. 强调时间状语。如:

It was yesterday that Mr Zhang told his students an interesting story in the classroom.


1.用还原法判断。英语中“It is/was...”型的句式很多,对于中学生来说,出现这种句式很难将它们区分开来,所以只有掌握了对它们的基本的判断方法,方可迎刃而解。用还原法判断“It is/was...”结构是否是强调句,只是将已经强调的句子还原为以前未强调的句子。我们知道“It is/was...that...” 强调结构对句子的某个部分进行强调时,是将原句中需要被强调的某个部分提出来置于is/was之后that之前而实现的,由此我们不难发现is/was之后that之前的部分恰好是原句子中所缺少的部分。所以要判断一个“It is/was...that...”结构的句子是否是强调句,只需要将“It is/was...that...”这个框架去掉,只对剩余的句子在不加词、不减词的情况下微调整一下语序,若仍然是一个完整的句子,这就是强调句。例如:

It was the Great Wall that we visited last week.如果将“It was...that...”去掉,只需将the Great Wall 调整到宾语的位置上,就变为:We visited the Great Wall last week.所以原句是一个强调句。

It is the truth that we visited the Great Wall last week. 如果将“It is...that...”去掉,the truth无法还原到后面的句子中,且剩余的部分无法构成一个完整的句子,所以这不是一个强调句。在这个句子中it是形式主语,代替that从句,故整个句子是一个含有主语从句的复合句。

2.根据语境判断。有些含在一定语境中的“It was...” 结构的选择题,即使按照强调句的结构选that后,又用还原法可以还原为一个完整的句子,若只看单个句子,理解为强调句是正确的,但在具体语境中并非是强调句。例如:

—Where did you meet Mr Smith yesterday?

—It was in the factory we worked 10 years ago.

A. that B. where

在这个题中若只看答语,可选A,然后可又还原为:We worked in the factory 10 years ago.这是一个结构、意义完整的句子,是强调句。但放到这个具体的语境中:“—你昨天是在什么地方见到Mr Smith的?—我是在我们十年前曾工作过的工厂里见到他的。”答案只能为B。由此可见,看到一个像强调句结构的句式的题,既要结合还原法,还不能放过具体的语境,只有这样才能做到判断的准确无误。

三、 强调句的特殊现象


Never has she seen a snake before. 对a snake强调:It is a snake that she has never seen before.


Tom found his lost pen in the room where he studied for three years.强调地点状语:It was in the room where he studied for three years that Tom found his lost pen. 本句中的where是关系副词,引导定语从句来修饰the room。

