
2024-08-04 版权声明 我要投稿


改错笔记本 篇1




单句改错 篇2






注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。PartII 常见错误:






come –go


here-there 语意重复:because-so;



improve-better;enter into;

marry with;

in last week;

all what;

the place where he lives in;the girl whom he works with her;主系表+to do it.练习:

1.I like singing, my brother likes playing football.2.Do you like sports? If not, join our football team.3.Unless you lose heart ,you’ll fail.4.He wrote to me immediately as soon as he got there.5.Though it was cold, but he went out.二、上下文一致 1.时态一致 2.主谓一致 3.指代一致


5.名词单复数与修饰语和上下文要一致 1.时态一致

1)I would like very much to come but I had an examination tomorrow.2)He offered me coffee and other drinks.We have a good time together.3)I’m sorry, I forget to post your letter.2.主谓一致

1)The students watches the teacher doing the experiment.2)Helping him are worthwhile.3)He as well as his friends know nothing about it.4).Not only he but also I keeps it a secret.3.指代一致

1)Pass Rose and I two pieces of bread, please.2)The football team has done well this year.All of their members have tried hard.3)He drove too fast and the police stopped her.4)This is true that he died in an accident yesterday.5)This is the best film which I have ever seen.6)The weather in Beijing is warmer than it in Jilin.4.平行结构前后要一致

1)He came in, opening his book and began to speak.2)She was eating her sandwich and drank her milk at the table.3)He wanted his children to come out and played.4)The more he has, and the more he wants.5)Sitting down, and he began to work.6)I live in Beijing,where is the capital of China.总结:平行结构连接词:and;but;or;both...and;not...but, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but(also), rather than,instead of

5.名词单复数与修饰语和上下文要一致 1)只修饰可数名词:a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few 2)只修饰不可数名词:a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little 3)抽象名词具体化:a success;a failure;a surprise, 4)物质名词表一场、一杯、一份 a heavy rain;a coffee 5)常见的不可数名词:fun;advice;information;furniture;progress;luggage/baggage 6)零冠词:




4.by+交通工具 练习:

1)We study quite a few subject, such as maths , Chinese and physics.2)He gave me some valuable advices on how to learn English.3)It is pleasure to help others when they are in trouble.4)Large quantities of water is needed for cooling purpose.5)A overpass should be bulit over the road to avoid accidents.三、词的搭配及词本身的用法 1.动词

1)We should stop the children from play fire.2)He sat under the tree ate an apple.3)He wanted try it again.4)Do you know where he is lives ?

5)What your favorite sports? 6)The song has taught many times.7)What had been happened? 8)Play basketball is his favourite sport.9)He reading English in the morning every day.10.The news was really excited.11.He across the street quickly.12.The water is felt cold.13.He made me to post a letter for him.14.Working hard and you’ll succeed.总结:非谓语用法:主动关系用doing,被动用done ①实意动词一般时前不用be;

②vt被动不可缺be; ③vi不能被动故无be;


①系动词+形容词 ② 主 谓 宾+补语(形容词)

③形容词 +名词 ④句子+形容词(伴随状语)

① V +副词 ② 副词 +形容词③副词 + 副词④副词 +过去分词⑤副词 + 句子 1)The fish has gone bad.It tastes terribly.2)He walked very slow.3)The bad news made us sadly.4)People have been great helped by the computer.5)They think high of their new teacher.6)This dancer is much more younger than that one.注意:副词与形容词含义不同


closely仔细地,密切地 2)free免费地

freely自由地,无拘束地 3)hard努力地

hardly几乎不 4)late晚,迟

lately近来 5)most极,非常

mostly主要地 6)wide广阔地,充分地 widely广泛地


highly高度地,非常地 8)deep深,迟




nearly几乎 做题步骤:



3.检查核对,攻克难点 总结:






一.“ 九见九查”法

(一)见平行结构(and连接)。查是否有用词不一致的错误 1.The doctor suggested plenty of food ,rest and exercising

2.She was eating her sandwich and drank her milk at the table when I arrived.3.She screamed , pushed him away and run to her room for the rest of the day.(二)见比较结构,查是否有形容词等级,程度副词,比较连词,比较对象的使用错误 1.Tom is clever than John.2.People in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past.3.Tom is as clever than John

4.There are more trees in villages than cities

(三)见有转折,因果,对比等句子结构,查是否有行文逻辑错误 1.I like singing , my brother likes dancing

2.A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the boy , and he ran away.3.Though I worked hard , but I failed to pass the exam.(四)见有多重句,查是否有时态语态混乱,引导词不当,成分缺失错误 1.He said that he is writing a new novel 2.Our task has finished so far.3.Whether you pay the cost of sending a postcard, the librarian will write to you.4.Tom asks Mark if he knows the man is speaking to him

(五)见有名词,代词,查是否有数、格、指代错误 1.Different people speak different language.2.Tom book is on the desk.3.The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.(六)见有并列主语,从句做主语,动名词,不定式做主语,时间,距离,金钱等做主语,together with 等引导的成分修饰主语时,查是否有主谓不一致错误 1.Tom and John is good students.2.That the earth is round are known to us.3.What he needs are money.4.What he wants is three books.5.The family are a rich one and the family is very friendly.6 Playing football not only makes us grow tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit

7.Thirty dollars are enough.8.She as well as her brothers are fond of studying English.(七)见有短语,词组,查是否有固定结构中副词,介词或冠词使用不当错误 1.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.2.When he came back , he found someone had broken in his house 3.In a fact he has three sons.4.Tom is seriously ill and he is in the hospital now.(八)见非谓语动词,查是否有非谓语动词使用错误 1.I enjoy watch TV.2.If heating , water can be changed into steam.3.She stood there , waited for his boy friend.(九)见有特殊动词或句型,查是否有句子语气错误 1.He ordered that the work must be started at once.2.It is high time that you go to school.讲后练:

(一).Twenty minutes aren’t enough time to finish this test.2.Tom has sent to the nearest hospital.3.Whenever we couldn’t understand him, he will explain for us.4.They were made do the job from morning till night.5.Every means have been tried , but he won’t lose heart forever.6.How beautiful picture he has drawn!7.He was a medical student before he turned a writer.8.I was very angry ,but they were very angrier.9.She not only teaches our English , but also takes us out and shows us around.10.I will never forget the days when we spent together.11.He came to tell us that he had seen there.12.If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.13.We were having classes while someone knocked at the door.14.Nobody likes to be laughed as a fool.15.I want to find a hotel to live.16.We have to stay at home because the heavy rain.17.The reason why I didn’t go to France was I got a new job.18.If you will study hard , you will succeed.19.He was ill and his parents suggested that he had a medical examination.20.Today we invited Mr Bill , he is from England , to give us a lecture on how to improve our reading ability.讲后练


Dear Peter

I’m sorry to hear that any of your classmates make a fun of you and you feel upset.Now I’d like to give you my suggestions.First of all ,you should take a right attitude to your disability , that is important.Secondly ,you’d better to ignore others’ remarks.Only in this way can you feel happy.Thirdly , it also help to believe in yourself and you will make a lot true friends.I’m sure what those who laugh at you will change his views on you sooner or later.I hope my advices will work and you can live happy.二 语法错误


1.Whenever we couldn’t understand him , he will explain for us.2.He was ill and his parents suggested that he had a medical examination.3.Nobody except my parents know anything about it.4.Tom is one of the students who is from Beijing.5.Tom is the only one of the students who are from Beijing 6.Twenty –five dollars are too much to pay for that shirt.7.Fifty minutes aren’t enough time to finish this test.8.Ten miles seem like a long walk to me.9.Tom has sent to the nearest hospital.10.The bike outside is belonged to him

11.You can’t borrow it so long.12.I have bought the book for three days.13.They had got in touch with each other for ages.14.He wanted to see the report about an important football match the night before.15.All the visitors will be separated into four groups.16.He felt someone shouting at him.17.They were made do the job from morning till night.18.The boy went over at once , opened his umbrella for the grandpa.19.Today , too many trees are still been cut through the world.20.The boy stood over there is my little brother.21.For the most part , students working to earn money for their own use 22.When everything ready , the party began.(二)名词错误

1.It is a great fun to go skating on cold winter days.2.Every means have been tried , but he won’t lose heart forever.3.He suddenly appeared on a rainy night ,which was great surprise to us.4.He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests.5, Your knowledges of Greece can help the whole class.(三)冠词错误 1.Go and close window.2.I bought a book yesterday and book is ten yuan.3.Do you know older of the two boys ? 4.Whenever he eats out , he always eats a lot of food and spends too long a time at restaurant.5.I only want small supper.6.How beautiful picture he has drawn!7.Holding the Olympic Games is great success to a country.8.He died of the cancer.9.Mr.Li was elected the chairman of the meeting.10.He was a medical student before he turned a writer.11.On the way to the village , they met a 11-year –old boy

12.It is pleasure to help others when they are in trouble.13.The Turners are musical family.14.I have been living in the city for five years , five years makes a deep impression on me.15.His daughter plays piano very well.16.Finally we had good idea.(四)形容词与副词错误

1.He was lying in the hospital half deadly , with his ribs broken 2.What he said sounded quite perfectly , 3.It was raining heavily , Little Mary felt cold , so she stood closely to her mother.4.Teachers should receive farther education to catch up with the later development.5.Greenland , the large island in the world , covers two million square kilometers..6.It is generally true that the lower the stock markets fall , the high the price of gold rises 7.I was very angry , but they were very angrier.8.He is more cleverer than Tom.9.I feel fairly better today..The quicker a car is travelling , the longer it takes to stop.11.The book is very difficult for me.12.The members of the group are most young people 13.He mostly fell down.14.Tell the children to keep still , it’s not necessary to be anxious.15.I hope that you think about my request and visit us as soon as possibly.16.…… but he has to work if he wants to live comfortable.(五)代词错误 The twins begin to hate this kind of work with a force that destroy his happiness.2.She not only teaches our English , but also takes us out and shows us around.3.I teach me English.4.I think we will enjoy ourself.5.Oh ,dear.There are always not any taxis when you want it.6.He never helps other.7.He and his children felt tired but neither of them would stop for a rest.8.Today we invited Mr Bill , he is from England , to give us a lecture on how to improve our reading ability.9.He came to tell us that he had seen there.10.I will never forget the days when we spent together.11.Would you like any tea ?.There were 20 people around but no one helped the old man.13.---What is in the box ?----None 14.We need more three chairs.15.A bridge made of stone is stronger than that made of wood.16.The weather in Hangzhou is hotter than it in Beijing in summer.17.My pen is lost , and I’ll buy it.18.If you keep still , you can sit at both end of boat.19.Surely I’m expecting lots of sightseeing tours ,parties and another exciting things.(六)介词错误

1.In that particular evening ,there was a strange excitement in the air.2.The sunlight came in across the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.3.All of us had a good time on that day.4.I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow.5.Last Sunday we took a bus to visit to a farm.6.Unfortunately he found no room to live.7.Then they talked about what they had done since they graduated a university.8.Nobody likes to be laughed as a fool.9.He lives on 25, Nanjing Road , Shanghai.10.He helped the old man over the street.11.Your composition is good except a few spelling mistakes.12.On the font door stood a five-year –old boy from across the street.13.After autumn arrives , the city looks as an old man with falling from the tree.(七)情态动词错误

1.You can have a passport if you want to go abroad.2.Jeff mustn’t have been working hard for hours.He is not feeling tied.3.Some students may also to save up for their college or future use.4.He will recover soon.You can’t worry about him.5.Drivers can’t drive after drinking.6.You need be careful with your homework.7.Why can you do it that way.(八)连词错误

1.Which you can see , he is always ready to help others.2.Do like I told you.3.He was reading then he was walking.4.The thief handed everything which he had stolen to the police.5.I am happy as you passed the exam.6.Go to find your watch.It’s there where you left it.7.How an interesting story he told us!8.I can’t remember the thing what he told me.9.If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.10.We were having classes while someone knocked at the door.11.Because we’ve finished most of the work , let’s have a rest.12.As hard he works , he can’t catch up with his classmates.13.I became very active but made new friends.14.While they find fish come to the surface , they fly down immediately and catch them without delay.三 句法和行文逻辑错误


1.When the child was a little boy , his mother was very poor that she had to send him to a rich family.2.It took him several hours persuade her to give up the idea, 3.I spent three hours do my homework.4.It was in 1986 when I went to college.5.He was just about to get on the bus then he heard someone calling him.6.How do you think of the film?

7.How is the weather like today ?(二)简单句错误

1.There had a discussion on how to solve the problem yesterday afternoon.2.There are three students study in the room.3.Which do you prefer , horse riding and shooting? 4.His parents didn’t allow him to do that , did he? 5.You have never been to Beijing , haven’t you ? 6.Holding yourself steady and you will not lose the balance.7.Tom , you water the flowers , don’t you ? 8.How beautiful flowers he gave me!9.How difficult problem it is!(三)复合句错误

1.The clever boy made a hole in the wall , through it he would see what was happening inside the house.2.I’ll never forget the days when we spent in Qingdao


1.This was a lie ,and his teacher did not know.2.Clever as she is , but she works hard.3.Hi , everyone.First , let me tell you something more about myself.4.John and Jack went to the same school and then to the same university.So they hadn’t met each other since then.5.I’ll never forget the first day at the factory , we arrived here early in the morning.6.There were many great people in history.But many of them are poor in childhood.Schools were few and not good.They couldn’t depend on it for a good education.四


(一)多一词的情况(介词,副词,连词,代词,助动词,冠词,小品词 to)1.The secretary told me that the manager was busy and I should come at some other tome.2.I met my uncle in last Sunday.3.At the last time I saw her , she was playing with her friends near the river 4.When we got to his house , we found him in home.5.The crowd waited for to greet them in England.6.Her strength made me stronger and gave to me courage to try things..7.It is about 200 miles far away from London , and it has a very big schoolyard.8.Although he is very young , but he can retell the story very fluently.9.My parents sent me an e-mail to ask whether how I was getting along with my studies.10.In some parts of the forest where you can find large groups of monkeys which are jumping up and down.11.Since you have visited Greece several times , so I would like to know whether you have seen the old buildings there.12.He writes about books about his travels and about the wild and wonderful animals that he collects them.13.The movement of the parts is beautiful to watch it if they are clear.14.I read your e-mail to my parents and showed them the photo you sent it to me.15.My first one job was to clean the tables in a small restaurant

16.If you will study hard , you will succeed.17.She had taught us English when I attended training courses two years ago.18.This experience has been shown that travelling by air actually is the safest way of making journeys.19.I’m glad to learn that you’ve been settled down in Boston ….20.We hung a sign on the front door that was read : “We’re having dinner.Come back later”

21.Wang Ping was badly ill last night.He was sent to the hospital.22.I told the boy not to write silly things in the public places.23.Music can bring people a pleasure.24.I’m glad you have made such a great progress.25.I will let someone to repair the TV set.26.On cold winter days , many cold-blooded animals have nothing to do but to go to their cave and sleep.27…..he can have the great happiness of seeing himself to make steady progress in his job.28.…..you always gave me special attention and inspired to me to join in activities.(二)缺一词的情况(介词,连词,冠词,小品词,代词,助动词)

1.I want to find a hotel to live 2.The ice is too thin for us to skate

公文改错 篇3















公文改错题 篇4







2.科技部、中宣部、中国科协《关于举办2012年科技活动周的通知》 3.《关于举办“2012年××市科技活动周”的通知》。联系人:李××































××行 李 强 高级会计师 ××所 陈 雨 所长 报告当否,请批示。

××市财政局 2012年8月10日





(五)请 示

因工作需要,我县急需购买小轿车一辆,请批准调拨经费×××××元。另:我县尚缺专业对口技术人员××名,请在制定明年人员编制时一并考虑。上述意见与要求如无不妥,请批复。此致 敬礼!

××县人民政府 ××县财政局 2013年6月




××县人民政府办公室文件 ×县政发〔2013〕××号






(六)××市工业总公司文件 公司发〔201×〕×号





××市工业总公司 二○一×年×月×日








(6)成文日期应用阿拉伯数字,“ 二○一×年×月×日”应该为“201×年×月×日”。


××市工业总公司文件 公司发〔201×〕×号









××市工业总公司 201×年×月×日

























国 务 院

二零一二年九月十日制发 【参考答案】(1)标题不完整。(2)缺主送机关。


(6)“二零一二年十二月十五日”、“ 二零一二年九月十日”应改为阿拉伯数字。(7)“制发”二字多余。




XX市委、XX市政府 13年4月8日













2011年4月8日 评析:







关于对李某某打人事件的通报 各班级:













××市政工程总公司 2003年5月25日














二00五年十月十日 评析:







5、病文分析: 病文1




××××有限公司 二○○五年五月五日 评析:




批 复


经分局研究,现作如下答复:原则上同意你科增加外勤人员2名,但最好先打一个报告给局人事科征求一下意见。至于增配摩托车的事,因为局里目前经费紧张,暂时不予考虑。×× 分局



