排球场地 volleyball court
鱼跃 fish dive
一方场区 court
钩手飘球 over float
对方场区 opponent’s court
一次扣杀 direct spike
发球区 service area
上手传球 overarm pass
进攻线 attack line
钩手扣球 windmill smash
判台 official’s tribune
打手出界 spike off the block
标志杆 vertical rod
轻扣、吊球 dink spike
端线 back line
非正常换人 abnormal substitution
后区 back zone
拦网动作 action of blocking
进攻区 attack zone 缓冲动作 action of giving
封准球 alignment with the ball
位置差(扣球) alternate position spike
轮流发球 alternation
传高球 arch
体后屈 arch back
攻球 attack
进攻区 attack area
攻击手 attacker
攻击性发球 attacking shot
进攻线 attack line
攻击手 attack man
接攻击球 attack receive
进攻区 attack zone
后排队员 back
后取角 back corner
后排位置 back court position
后排队员 back field play
Discourse markers (henceforth DMs) are widely used in many languages.They are defined as a class of lexical expression drawn primarily from the syntactic classes of conjunction, adverbs, and prepositional phrases[1].As one of the top ten word categories, they play a fundamental role in spoken interaction[2,3].On average, an‘utterance particle’is found in every 1.5 seconds in continuous talk[4].
You know can serve as a meta-knowledge indicator, and its function of calling attention is evident as well, it ultimately leads to the increasing of shared knowledge or cognitive mutuality between the participants and it can be concluded that such a discourse marker appears as a result of adaptation to the context in communication[5].Although the literal meaning of you know implies that knowledge on the part of the hearer, research agree that this DM functions to create focus on the information it frames, not express that the hearer dose in fact know what is being said[6].Schiffin[7]suggests that you know marks information and can be used to state unknown information which the speakers hope the hearer will understand.Dong Xiaoming[8]investigates the Chinese students’usage of DM you know from the perspective of the overall frequencies, collocation, positions, core meanings and especially pragmatics functions.The conclusion is Chinese students do not use DM you know as often as native speakers do;Chinese learners can use DM you know in a proper way most of the time even though they use less you know than native speakers.
2. Methodology
The corpora of this paper includes two sets of debates:native Chinese speakers’English debates and native speakers’English debate.Native Chinese speakers’English debates (NCD) are from the seventh“FLTRP cup”National English Debating Competition, which is popular and familiar to the university students for many years in China.The total number of this corpus is 15, 594.Native English speakers’English debates (NED) are taken from the presidential debates between Obama and McCain in 2007.The transcription of the presidential debate is cited from the CNN net (www.cnn.com) , including 15, 798 words.
3. Data Analysis and Discussion
The following table shows that the Chinese speakers use much less you know than the native speakers which are the same with Ran Yongping[9]and Xu Jie[10]and this issue exists in the different spoken corpus.
the comparison of you know between NED and NCD
Example 1:
Xia Tian:……and also my dear friend mentioned in his first speech that in a modern city there we have modern ways of communication, you know, you can reach anyone easily this world now by emails, phones and weather.
Example 2:
Xia Tian:Yes, we admit that the urbanization improves the living conditions, but that does not equal to living quality.You know, the living quality as you mentioned in your part, have two components.
Example 3:
Xia Tian:……It’s because we realize that we have already done something, the damage to the environment that we cannot, you know, get them back as it was before.So that is why we find out these solutions for a back-up idea, but if you have thought about this.
Here are the only three examples of you know in the NCD.
The first you know means the next information is the common views.Xia said in his definition in his first speech have mentioned that the quality of living is more but on the human beings’satisfaction on the certain foundation of materials.Then he memorized that in the one of the opponents’speech that in a modern city there we have modern ways of communication.Then he used DM you know to draw the common view that you can reach anyone easily this world now by emails, phones and weather.
The second DM you know has the function of mention.At first, Xia stated that we admit that the urbanization improves the living conditions, but that does not equal to living quality.Then he wanted to mention the two components of the living quality as the opponent mentioned before.So he used DM you know to mention the opponents what he said before.
And the last you know has the same function as the first one The DM You know let the people realized that if we have already done something, the damage to the environment that we cannot get them back as it was before which is the common view known by nearly everyone.
From the above three examples, from one person Xia Tian, no one else use it.But in the NED, the usage of you know are average and have other functions.Schiffrin[11]suggests that you know markers information state and could be used to present unknown information, which the speaker wished to have been accepted by the hearer.Look at the following examples of you know in NED:
Example 4:
OBAMA:We look at some of the underlying issues that have led to wages and incomes for ordinary Americans to go down the--a health care system that is broken, energy policies that are not working, because, you know, 10 days ago, John said that the fundamentals of the economy are sound.
Obama mentioned that the health care system is broken and at the same time the energy policies are not working.The reason is the fundamentals of the economy are sound which pit forwarded by John.Although the reason was known by Obama, he did not sure if McCain known or not.He hoped that McCain known it.So he used you know and stated the present unknown information and hope it will be accepted by McCain and other audiences.
Example 5:
OBAMA:…But it’s an example of this notion that the market can always solve everything and that the less regulation we have, the better off we’re going to be.
MCCAIN:Well, you know, let me just...
Example 6:
OBAMA:…And, John, I--you’re absolutely right that presidents have to be prudent in what they say.But, you know, coming from you, who, you know, in the past has threatened extinction for North Korea and, you know, sung songs about bombing Iran, I don’t know, you know, how credible that is.I think this is the right strategy.
Every minute in the debate are so precious.But there still many discourse markers are used in the debate, such as you know, which waste a great deal of time while having no meaning.But this kind of function didn’t exist in NCD.
4. Pedagogical implication
According the discussion above, the findings of this paper have some pedagogical implications.
There still exist some differences between the native English speakers and non-native English speakers on the usage of discourse markers, especially about the location and quantity.Because of the frequent usage of DMs, the students need more knowledge abou them and how to use them in language learning.According to our knowledge, there is no certain course which teaches students what discourse markers are and how to use them.And the usage of discourse markers in some degree depends on the habit of students themselves.So the teacher should give them a rough idea of DMs to them.It is suggested that students can be given more opportunities to do search and pay attention to observe how the native speakers use them and try to intimate the usage of discourse markers.And then, they could have a role play, for example, the English debate, to practice using them.We could have record about our debate, and transcript it, and then make a comparison with the native speakers especially for the people who wanted to have an English Debate Competition.Finding the mistakes and differences with the native English speakers, the student could have a deep understanding and memory of the usage of discourse markers.Moreover, the teacher should select some main discourse marks, especially well, you know ok to teach which are frequently used in our conversation.The students could first realize the functions of these words and then try to practice how to use the DMs correctly and efficiently.
摘要:This paper, based on Discourse Markers (DM) you know, contrast some functions that exist in the English debate, as the United State presidential debate and the 7th" FLTRP CUP" national English debating competition for example.Except some analysis about the quantity and location of DM you know in the debate, there are also some pedagogical implications.Let people have a further understanding about discourse marker you know.
[1]Fraser, B.1999 What are discourse markers[J].Journal ofPragmatics 31 (1999) 931-952.
[2]Allwood, J.1996.Talspraksfrekvenser.Gothenburg Papers inTheoretical Linguistics S20[M].Department of linguistics, G?teborgUniversity.
[3]Carter, R.A.&M.J.McCarthy.2006 Cambridge Grammarof English:A Comprehensive Guide to Spoken and Written Grammarand Usage[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
[4]Luke, K.K.1987‘The establishment of common groundin natural conversation:The case of the utterance particle LA inCantonese’[R].Paper read at the 1987 International PragmaticsConference, Antwerp.
[5], [9]冉永平.2002.话语标记语you know的语用增量辨析[J].解放军外国语学院学报. (4) :10-15.
[7], [11]Schiffrin, D.1987.Discourse markers[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
[8]董晓铭.2008.中国学习者话语标记语you know的用法研究[D].大连海事大学硕士论文.
2. Will liars be honest after they die? (骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)
No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒
3. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?) Your age. (你的年龄)
4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)
5. Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?)Because someone will give her away. (因为有人会揭发她。Give away 揭发,在婚礼上把新娘交给新郎)
6. Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)
It has the most stories. (它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层)
7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)
8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?)A whole world. (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)
9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)
1.What part of London is in France
2.What makes a road broad
3.What letter stands for the ocean
4.What letter is to be avoided if you want to borrow money
1.The lette5r “N”.
2.The letter“B”.
3.The letter“C”.
4.The letter“A”, because it makes men mean.
The imbroglio over the ceiling does have a darkly amusing side.Many will recall Republican insistence that “uncertainty” was thwarting economic recovery.Yet it is difficult to imagine policies better designed to create maximum uncertainty than a possible default by the world’s most important debtor.Asked about the consequences of a failure to reach a deal on the ceiling, Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, responded: “You don’t want to know.” But we must seek to know;the results would be calamitous.关于债务上限的纠葛确实有其黑色幽默的一面。很多人会记得共和党坚称“不确定性”正在阻碍经济复苏。但我们很难想象出,还有什么政策比世界最重要债务国违约更能制造不确定性。当被问及无法就债务上限问题达成妥协将有何后果时,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)首席执行官杰米•戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)说:“你肯定不想知道。”但我们必须设法弄清答案。结果将是灾难性的。
Why is the debt ceiling too dangerous to use? This question has two answers.为何债务上限这种步器过于危险、不应使用?可以从两个层面解答这个问题。The first is constitutional.In a recent article, Neil Buchanan of The George Washington University and Michael Dorf of Cornell argue that a binding debt ceiling would create a “trilemma” for the president: “Ignore the debt ceiling and unilaterally issue new bonds, thus usurping Congress’s borrowing power;unilaterally raise taxes, thus usurping Congress’s taxing power;or unilaterally cut spending, thus usurping Congress’s spending power.” Thus, a binding debt ceiling would force the president to violate his obligation to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”.The authors conclude that the president should choose the “least unconstitutional” course and ignore the debt ceiling.But, inevitably, whatever the president did would create a constitutional crisis.No responsible Congress would seek to put the president in that position.首先是宪法层面。在近期一篇文章中,乔治华盛顿大学(The George Washington University)的尼尔•布坎南(Neil Buchanan)和康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的迈克尔•多尔夫(Michael Dorf)辩称,具有约束力的债务上限为总统带来“三难”局面:“忽略债务上限,单方面发行新债券,将篡夺国会的举债权;单方面增税,将
The second reason why the debt ceiling is so dangerous is that the administration could not obey it in a non-destructive way.At some point between October 17 and the end of the month, the administration would lack the money to pay its bills.All choices would be dire.债务上限如此危险的第二个原因是,政府无法在不带来破坏性后果的前提下遵守债务上限。在10月17日到月底之间的某个时点,政府将无钱支付账单。所有的选择都很糟糕。
One much discussed choice is “prioritisation”: the federal government would pay “high priority” claimants, such as the Chinese government, and default to “low priority” claimants, such as beneficiaries of Social Security or Medicare.Yes, the idea is that awful.一个被广泛讨论的选择是“优先支付”:联邦政府将向中国政府等“高优先级”债权人偿还债务,而对社保或联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)受益人等“低优先级”债权人违约。没错,这个主意就是那么“馊”。
The US Treasury has two potent objections.First, prioritisation would not protect the “full faith and credit of the United States” – it would still be a default.Second, the US government’s computer systems do not allow it to choose among the close to 100m payments it makes a month.But Fedwire, the system that handles sovereign debt payments, is distinct from the systems making payments to government agencies and other vendors.So maybe the US Treasury could pay the former obligations first and then use any remaining money for the latter, a possibility it denies even exists, to preserve its bargaining credibility.美国财政部(US Treasury)提出两点有力的反对理由。首先,优先支付不能保护“美国的全部信心和信用”——它仍将是一种违约。其次,美国政府的计算机系统不允许财政部在每月的近1亿笔支付中做出选择。但处理主权债务付款的Fedwire系统与向政府机构和其他供应商付款的系统不同。因此,美国财政部也许能够先向前者偿债、然后用余下的资金向后者支付(但它认为这根本不具可行性),以维持自己讨价还价的信誉。
Even if possible, which is unclear, the politics of prioritisation would be disastrous.Yet the economics of a failure to service debt would be worse.US Treasuries are the world’s most important safe assets.If they were to default, even temporarily, there would be an immediate impact on risk premiums and a quite possibly permanent impact on their role as havens.Haircuts would be imposed on their use as collateral.The result, as my colleague Gillian Tett has noted, might be a huge disruption to market liquidity and credit across the world.A Lehman default is one thing;a US default would be quite another.No wonder the gathering of central bankers and finance ministers in Washington last week for the IMF meeting was so agitated about the issue.优先支付即便可行(可行与否尚不明朗),其政治后果也将是灾难性的。但不偿还债务的经济后果更严重。美国国债是全球最重要的避险资产。如果美国国债违约,哪怕是暂时性的,也将对风险溢价产生即刻影响,并很可能对其避险资产角色产生长期影响。它作为抵押品的价值将打折扣。正如我的同事吉莲•邰蒂(Gillian Tett)所说的,结果可能是严重扰乱全世界的市场流动性和信贷。雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)违约是一回事,美国政府违约是另一回事。难怪上周各国央行行长和财长齐聚华盛顿参加IMF年会时,对此问题感到十分焦虑。
The less economically damaging alternative would seem to be for the US government to default on its non-debt obligations.Indeed, many in the Tea Party apparently believe the ceiling is a clever way to impose a balanced budget, though one that would curtail even the short-term borrowing normal for households.Today, this would require immediate elimination of a deficit of about 4.2 per cent of gross domestic product.An instantaneous cut of this magnitude would lower GDP by far more than the 6 per cent that conventional multipliers might suggest.The reason is that all built-in stabilisers would be cut off.As revenue fell along with GDP, spending would automatically shrink further.GDP could fall 10 per cent.This would inflict a domestic and global disaster.经济危害较小的选择似乎是,让美国政府对非债务义务违约。实际上,不少茶党(Tea Party)成员似乎认定债务上限是一种实现预算平衡的更巧妙方法,尽管就连家庭日常所要进行的短期借款也会因此受到抑制。从目前看,对非债务义务违约将立马削减相当于美国国内生产总值(GDP)约4.2%的赤字。但如果突然进行如此大规模的减赤,GDP的萎缩幅度将远超根据常规乘数推算出的6%。原因是,这样一来,所有的内在稳定器都将被切断。随着财政收入伴随GDP下滑,支出也会自动地进一步收缩。GDP可能萎缩10%,对美国国内和全球造成灾难性影响。
Thus, if the administration were to obey the debt ceiling, it would have a choice between a debt calamity and an output disaster.Yet Barack Obama is also right that he cannot concede to people wielding this threat because that would increase their incentive to use it and so, in the long run, the likelihood that the bomb would explode.This device needs to be disarmed.Alas, that is not going to happen.因此,如果政府准备遵守债务上限,它将不得不在债务灾难和经济产出灾难之间做出选择。但巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)也正确地认识到,他不能对那些用这一威胁逼迫他的人让步,因为那会增强他们使用债务上限步器的动力,从而加大长期内这颗核弹爆炸的概率。债务上限步器应被销毁。可惜的是,这是不会发生的。So the administration also needs to decide what it would do if the ceiling were not to be lifted in time – be it now, next month or at a later date.The least bad answer would be: keep borrowing.The president cannot state he would do so, before the fact.Indeed, he must deny it, since knowing this would lower his opponents’ incentive to raise the ceiling.Yet, if it came to the worst, he would have to borrow, invoking the need to preserve the credit of the government, without which it would be permanently damaged.所以,政府还需决定,如果债务上限无法及时解除——不论是现在、下月还是之后——自己应当采取什么行动。负面影响最低的方案是继续举债。总统不能在采取行动前透露这种打算。事实上,他必须否认自己将这么做,因为他的政敌如果得知他有此打算,他们解除债务上限的动力就会减弱。但如果最糟糕的情况发生,总统就必须以“需要维护政府信用”为由举债——如果不这么做,政府的信用将永久受损。
Borrowing under a constitutional cloud would be risky.The simplest way to minimise
these risks would be to borrow short-term.After all, the US Federal Reserve must ensure that the interest rate remains zero, in order to preserve its monetary policy.The House of Representatives might impeach the president for the “high crime” of ensuring the US government fulfils its promises, but this would fail in the Senate.Someone might challenge Mr Obama’s decisions in court.But how could a judge conclude that the president acted unconstitutionally if Congress has given contradictory instructions?
翻译目的论, 其鼻祖是德国的翻译理论家费米尔, 早于20世纪70年代就提出了这样的系列模式。对于翻译界来讲, 这样的全新的模式的确存在着一定的意义, 所谓的翻译目的论, 其研究的焦点在于目的的选择, 在翻译的过程中, 基于一定的目的去进行翻译。在他看来, 翻译不仅仅是语言之间的等价交换, 其更多的是在一定的环境下, 基于一定的目的的人类交流。
翻译往往带有一定的目的性, 是符合目的理论的言语学科。其在1984年与赖斯实现了合作, 最终推出了书籍一本, 即《普通翻译理论基础》, 书本对于翻译目的论的基本规则进行了详细的介绍, 主要涉及以下几个方面: (1) 翻译的文本有赖于译者的目的; (2) 翻译的资料是语言和文化的给予者, 源文本是源语言和文化的给予者;在翻译的过程中, 两者的语言和文化实现了沟通; (3) 翻译文本不是对于源语言的机械, 全面的语言还原; (4) 翻译文本之间存在一定的联系, 上述的五个方面的重要性是不断递减的, 其中的目的原则是最重要的。从这样的次序排列可以看出, 在他看来翻译目的论的核心是第一点, 翻译的主要因素取决于翻译的目的。
翻译目的论对于我国高校网页中英文对照的实际水平有着一定的意义, 本文将从这个角度来审视我国高校重视网页中英文对照的重要性和必要性。首先, 这是高等教育网络化的客观要求, 现阶段由于网络被大面积使用到高校的办学过程中, 在网页的建设上开展相关的研究也就成了必要的内容;其次, 这是树立高校学校形象的主要方式, 现阶段我国教育不断发展, 趋向于国际化的发展模式要求进行网页的英文编辑;最后, 实现国际学术交流的必然要求, 目前我国的部分高校有着很多的留学生教育, 如此的网页设计有利于在此方面工作的顺利开展。
综上所述, 中国高校的英文网页制作的质量关系重大, 不仅仅代表着高校的形象, 更是体现了我国教育的国际化。在参考西方部分高校的网站建设的时候, 我们结合自身网站的建设, 还是看到很大差异, 尤其是在翻译目的论下体现出的差异, 已将我们的网页水平下降到一定的水平。无论是网页上的错误译法, 还是网页上的翻译漏洞, 都对大学网站建设不利, 都在交流上出现很多的问题, 这是我们不想看到的。也是作为高校, 必须不断去探索和发现的问题, 以求不断提高网页中英文对照的水平, 更好地实现文化的交流。
在翻译目的论的视角下, 我国高校网页制作上的中英文对照出现了很多失误和不足, 在这些方面还需要作出相应的调整, 主要可从以下几方面入手:
1. 具备尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识
翻译目的论, 要求在翻译的过程中以受众为出发点, 实现宏观层面上的翻译工作。实际上来讲, 它涉及翻译的全部过程, 对于译文的预定能力有着一定程度上的影响。在目的上出现失误, 主要是指译者在翻译的过程中, 缺乏尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识, 造成译文和读者的接受程度不符合。依照翻译目的论的理论, 译者需要依据译文预期的目的和功能来确定使用什么样的翻译技巧和翻译原则。这在高校的网页英文对照的过程中需要重视这一点, 对于学校的介绍不要将那些中国化的宣传直接翻译成英语, 而是结合英文读者的习惯去解释和说明学校的概况。
2. 具备尊重习语, 尊重译入语的习惯
翻译目的论主张, 原文是译文的信息提供者, 追求同样的性质, 同样数量的信息传达, 是译者做不到的事情。在此观点看来, 对外宣传的英语翻译首先要在明确目的之后, 保证读者和接受者在接受信息时不受到影响。结合英国当代翻译理论家诺伊贝特的观点, 对外宣传的翻译要完全结合目的语言, 也就是说要结合译入语的使用习惯、使用方式和使用频率, 从而实现与原始语言的用语习惯的一致性。在高校网页内容编辑过程中, 要尊重相关的习语使用, 尤其是在学校的专业介绍的版块上, 有些专业的术语尽量做到和语言上的一致, 充分体现出译入语的文化和气息, 这一点在我国高校网页编辑上做的不是很理想, 还需要不断强化。
3. 具备尊重原文, 尊重原文预期的态度
在翻译目的论看来, 译文的预期读者, 译文的受众都是对于中国大学比较感兴趣的人, 他们要么是想进修中国高校的学生, 要么是希望了解中国高校教育或希望和中国文化实现交流的学者, 或是希望和中国高校实现合作的外企人士。对于这些群体进行分析, 我们可以看到, 他们往往缺少一定的中国文化知识背景, 在此要求在翻译操作时注意适当的调整, 对于一些原文的内容, 进行详细的批注和解释, 将有利于其顺利地理解网站的内容, 这就是要求做到尊重原文的预期内容, 尊重原文的宣传目的。
4. 具备尊重文化, 尊重文化差异的素质
翻译目的论认为, 翻译应符合目的语文化的习惯。此时文化, 即社会个体成员为了实现异同点熟知的规范和惯例。文化性差异的存在是客观的、难以避免的, 在翻译过程中就是指译文和译语言之间在惯例和规范上出现了冲突, 这是要使用同化和异化的方式, 使翻译尽量做到符合目标语言的文化思维, 实际上文化性翻译失误的情况常常发生, 这就是因为译者没有注意内外有别、文化差异的原因。在高校网页的建设中, 要求译者做到尊重文化, 尊重文化的差异性, 做出适当的调整, 使高校的网站内容趋向于英语国家的表达习惯。
综上所述, 翻译的标准是多样化的, 翻译的目的也是多样化的。相应的翻译手段、翻译的方式也是多样化的。以目的论为理论基础, 我们可以看到, 为什么现在的翻译界出现了如此多的翻译标准, 因为翻译的目的发生变化, 其相应要做的改变也是多方面的。这也对译者提出了相应的要求, 其在翻译的过程中, 需要作出的改善也是必然的。
综上所述, 以互联网为基础建立的网页内容, 在新的形势下需要做的改善是多方面的, 需要不断调整, 尤其要以翻译目的论为基础, 广泛开展高校网页内容的改善和修正, 以语言的精炼、准确、高效为目标, 实现文化的有效交流。从而推动我国高校国际化发展的趋势。为此我们需要在以下几方面做好工作: (1) 具备尊重受众, 尊重读者的意识; (2) 具备尊重习语, 尊重译入语的习惯; (3) 具备尊重原文, 尊重原文预期的态度; (4) 具备尊重文化, 尊重文化差异的素质。相信在不断的探索和研究中, 我国高校在网页质量上将会出现很大的改观。
摘要:本文基于翻译目的论的相关理论, 从翻译目的论的起源, 谈及翻译目的论的基本原则, 在此基础上以翻译目的论的视角, 去审视现阶段我国高校网页的中英文对照, 在进过一系列的研究后, 发现翻译目的论的确在我国高校网页的中英文翻译中得到了广泛的使用。其对于以后的网页中英文对照研究具有一定的历史意义, 是很值得去深究的领域。
[1]孙迎春.“翻译标准多元互补论”研究[J].外语与外语教学, 2003 (8)
[2]卞正东.翻译目的论[J].无锡教育学院学报, 2004 (3)