被督导单位:_______乡________村 督导日期:______年___月__日
3.营养包发放工作形式:①广播通知 ②入户通知 ③碰上通知 ④不通知 4.(是、否)能按上级规定和要求对营养包存放地点进行防潮、防鼠、防虫等工作。5.本月发放营养包数量__________包(是、否)能发现并及时登记口感不适及外出儿童数?口感不适_________人、外出_________人。
三、营养包服务项目登记及随访情况 1.(是、否)对服用儿童进行定期随访? 2.营养包登记表(是、否)按规定填写。
Ischemic heart disease is still the leading cause of mortality in most parts of the world,the concept of repair diseased myocardium by implantation of bioengineered cardiac tissue is an intriguing idea of emerging regenerative cardiac medicine[1],to overcome the poor prognosis of patients with ischemic heart failure,and to address the shortage of heart donors.In recent years,the tremendous increases in the understanding about the biological properties of bone marrow stem cells(BMSCs),especially their capabilities of self-renewing and differentiation into multiple cell lineages,also their angiogenetic activity in myocardium,make us hypothesize that bioengineered artificial tissue with BMSCs may fulfill the requirements to repair the damaged native heart muscle[2].But the evidence is still lacking about whether the bioengineered artificial tissue with BMSCs could integrate with infarcted myocardium and reserve their original biological properties,which should be indispensable for further regenerative reparation.
In present study,we construct a 3-dimensional bioengineered artificial tissue patch by seeding the autologous BMSCs into collagen matrix,and implant it epicardially on the scar tissue of infarcted myocardium of rats,to explore the fate of BMSCs in bioengineered tissue graft and also the evolution of myocardial perfusion.
1.1 Materials and methods
15 male Wister rats[weight(450±15)g]were involved in this study,and all animals were hosted and cared in accordance to the recommendations of the National Institutes of Health(NIH)guide for the care and use of laboratory animals(NIH,revised 1996).All animal experiments were approved by the Animal Welfare committee of Beijing University.
1.2 Animal experiment
All animal surgeries were realized under general anesthesia with Katamine(60 mg/Kg,IM)and Diazepam(60 mg/Kg,IP).Myocardial infarction(MI)model was created by selective coronary artery ligature at the middle-distal part of left descending artery,through left thoracotomy.Bone marrow cells were harvested by aspirations of bone marrow from the tibias of the rats through mini-perforation.
4 weeks later after the MI model creation,survived rats were randomized distributed into two groups.The graft group(n=9)was treated with epicardial graft of AT patch bioengineered from autologous BMSCs,the patch was directly deposed on the scar area of myocardial infarction by 7/0 prolene suture fixation through redo thoracotomy.The control group(n=6)received only a sham surgery but not treated.
99mTc-MIBI SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging was performed for all animals at 2 weeks before and 2months after the graft experiment,the hearts were harvested at the end of study for histological analysis.
1.3 In vitro preparation of BMSCs
In vitro isolation and expansion of BMSCs were conducted following the method previously described[3].Briefly,whole bone marrow cells were suspended in Iscove′s modified Dulbecco′s culture medium(IMDM,Gibco Laboratory,Life technologies)containing 10%fetal bovine serum(FBS,Gibco Laboratory,Life technologies),0.1 mmol/L-mercaptoethanol(BME,Sigma),100 U/mL Penicillin,and 100μg/mL Streptomycin.The cells were grown in 5%humidified CO2atmosphere at 37℃.The medium was changed every 3days,non-adhesive cells were removed with the changes of medium and remaining plastic adherent BMSCs were cultured up to 2 weeks(one passage).The BMSCs character of these cultured cells was confirmed previously by the expression of two common BMSCs markers,as described[4],they are 95%vimentin positive,and 95%~100%α-smooth muscle actin positive.
To identify our cells in the recipient myocardium,BMSCs were labeled with the Bromodeoxyuridine(BrdU:BD pharmigen,BD Bioscience),at the 9thdays cultures,with a final concentration of 10μM in the dishes and incubate for 24 hours.
1.4 Artificial tissue engineering
The 3-dimensional artificial tissue patch was engineered by seeding autologous BMSCs into typeⅠcollagen matrix using the‘3D collagen cell culture system’(ChemiCon ref:EMC 675)with the casting mould.150μL of the ice-cold collagen/cell mixture containing 1×106BMSCs was poured into a circular mould,the mixture was allowed to gel at 37℃for 30minutes before culture medium was added to the dish.Medium changes were performed after overnight incubation in 5%humidified CO2atmosphere at 37℃,and then every two days,two weeks later a circular bioengineered artificial tissue patch(1 mm thick,1 mm wide,and 10 mm diameter)was constructed for corresponding animal′s graft experiment.
1.599mTc-MIBI SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging
Serial99mTc-Sestamibi pinhole SPECT imaging were recorded according to a previously described method[5,6],by using a conventional single-head gamma-camera(DSX,General Electric,USA)equipped with a 3-mm pinhole collimator.The animals were sedated by the intra-peritoneal injection of 60 mg/kg of sodium pentobarbital and acquisitions were started60 min after the intravenous injection of 400 MBq of99mTc-Sestamibi.Thirty projections of 30 seconds each were acquired on a 180°circular orbit centered on the heart(from 45°right-anterior to 45°left-posterior orientations)using the following parameters:64×64matrix,2.5 zoom,(140%±20%)keV energy window,beat acceptance window set to±20%of averaged R-R interval for contiguous gated-SPECT,total acquisition time was about 20 min.
The myocardial perfusion was quantitatively evaluated with reconstructed un-gated short-axis sectional imaging of left ventricular displayed on‘bull′s eye’polar-map,The under-perfused MI area was defined as those showing a99mTc-Sestamibi uptake lower than 70%of the maximal voxel value,corresponding to the mean-1.5SD of the segmental values of99mTcSestamibi uptake in normal adult rats[6].The percentage of under-perfused MI area over whole left ventricular wall was calculated.Left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)was determined automatically by QGS software on the contiguous short-axis imaging obtained from serial99mTc-Sestamibi gated-SPECT.
1.6 Histological analysis
All rats were sacrificed with lethal potassium injection after the last SPECT acquisition.The hearts were harvested and were cut in short axis at the middle part of grafted artificial tissue.The thickness of infarcted left ventricular wall and the capillary density per square millimeter were recorded with hematoxylin-eosin(HES)stained 5μm thick sections,and the mean values were averaged from 5 randomized measurements of each rat.
To detect the proliferation of transplanted BMSCs and their angiogenetic activity,frozen heart sections were immunostained with a BrdU antibody(Harlan)and CD31 antibody(Pharmingen),digital photographs were taken at×40 magnifications for observation.
1.7 Statistics
Data were expressed as(mean±SD)and analyzed by using appropriate software(SPSS 10.0).Comparisons of continuous variables between two groups were made by using a two-sided paired t test.Value of P<0.05 was considered statistically significance.
2 Results
The mortality of selective coronary ligature was about 30%,the pinhole99mTc-Sestamibi SPECT imaging recorded 2 weeks before the graft experiment revealed obvious myocardial perfusion deficit at the anterior-apex wall of left ventricular in all survived animals as the example shown in Figure 1A.The underperfused MI area represents about 10%~35%of whole left ventricular wall.The mean value of99mTc-Sestamibi uptake in the under-perfused MI area was(56±8)%,and the mean value of LVEF was(49±8)%.The survived rats were randomly distributed into two groups,and all quantitative variables were equivalent between two groups as detailed in Table 1.
Note:覮P<0.05 for the paired t test between two groups
As shown in Figure 1:2 months after the artificial tissue patch graft experiments,99mTc-Sestamibi SPECT examination detected an apparent amelioration of myocardial perfusion in rats from graft group(n=9)as the example shown in Figure 1C&D,but not in control group(n=6)Figure 1B.A significant reduction of the percentage of under-perfused MI area over whole left ventricular wall was noted in graft group compared with the control group[(10±7.1)%vs(20±12.9)%;P=0.02].The99mTc-Sestamibi uptake of the under-perfused MI area was significantly augmented in graft group compared with the control group[(65±17)%vs(52±12)%;P=0.04].The mean value of LVEF had no significant difference between two groups as detailed in Table 1.
2 months after the graft experiment,traditional histological analysis revealed that implanted artificial tissue patch incorporated completely with the scar tissue of infarcted myocardium(Figure 2A),the thickness(mm)of infarcted left ventricular wall in treated rats was significantly augmented compared with untreated rats[(1.75±0.24)vs(1.35±0.31);P=0.04],and a significant increase of the capillary density per square millimeter was also observed in rats from graft group than the control[(246±76)vs(89±21);P=0.01].
Furthermore,the immunohistochemical analysis detected the BMSCs survived in grafted tissue patch,with their nuclei stained in brown by BrdU antibody,and some of them exhibited the cell migration to the scar tissue of infarcted myocardium(Figure 2B).Multiple morphological neo-angiogenesis was observed in the grafted artificial tissue and also in the adjacent area of infarcted myocardium,immunohistochemical double-stain analysis with BrdU antibody and CD31antibody revealed that neo-angiogenesis was exactly originated from the BMSCs incorporated in the artificial tissue patch(Figure 2C).
3 Discussion
The ultimate goal of cardiovascular tissue engineering is the creation of a contractile heart muscle patch for myocardial repair and regeneration[7],in recent years,increasing researches aimed at selection of optimal cell candidate for bioengineering of functional myocardial tissue have enrolled multiple cell type as fetal or neonatal cardiomyocytes[8,9,10],skeletal myoblast cell[11],embryonic stem cell[12]etc,but so far,no one has yet demonstrated an effective and feasible way to construct an ideal force-generating myocardial tissue,which should be able to establish electro-mechanical synchronization with the host native myocardium,and be free of the immunogenic,oncogenic and ethical drawbacks[13].
BMSCs have shown great promise in tissue repair with their marked self-renewal properties and pluripotency of differentiation.Recent evidence shows transplanted BMSCs enhance angiogenesis and contribute to remodeling of the vasculature[14,15],and more attractively,the paracrine effects of BMSCs could introduce the activation of residual cardiac progenitor cells in adult heart[16].
The extra-cellular matrix(ECM)used to construct a bioengineered AT plays an important key role in providing the embedded cells an essential living environment with biological signals to influence major intracellular pathways such as proliferation,differentiation and cell metabolism[17].Collagen as one of the simplest biological ECM materials,have been proven to be an efficient ECM component for the three-dimensional cell culture and also have been successfully employed for myocardial tissue engineering due to its high biocompatibility characteristics[18].
In this study,we have successfully constructed a3-dimensional bioengineered artificial tissue patch by seeding the autologous BMSCs into collagen matrix,and implant it epicardially on the scar tissue of infarcted myocardium of rats.The main findings of this study are:(1)Two months after the graft experiment,the BMSCs in AT survived and migrated into the adjacent scar tissue.(2)Enhanced angiogenesis originated from grafted BMSCs was detected in the AT and also in adjacent scar tissue of infarcted myocardium.(3)A significant improvement of the myocardial perfusion in MI area was revealed by99mTc-Sestamibi pinhole SPECT imaging.(4)No significant amelioration of LV function was detected.
Our findings demonstrated that bioengineering procedure of AT does not deteriorate basic biological properties of BMSCs,in terms of their capabilities of proliferation,differentiation,migration and angiogenesis,the complete integration of grafted AT with scar tissue could provide host infarcted myocardium with supplementary blood perfusion,which should be the indispensable prerequisite for amelioration of LV remodeling and further regenerative reparation.
Indeed,we failed to find expected significant amelioration of LV function during two months followup after the graft experiment,apart from the observation time limited,the underlying reason may be attributed to:(1)Our AT bioengineered with BMSCs was not yet a real force-generating myocardial tissue patch,because of the progenitor properties of un-differentiated BMSCs cells.(2)The collagen matrix is a soft biological material lacking elasticity.But the increase of the thickness of infarcted LV wall should be considered as a positive signal of the beginning of an optimal LV remodeling.Our further study will be aimed at the cell-matrix interaction in order to find a way to guide cell differentiation and the establishment of intercellular connection in the 3D matrix architecture.
This work was granted by the special fund for promotion of education,Ministry of Education,P.R.China.
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诺和诺德办公楼项目的整个设计理念就是营造大而开阔的办公环境, 使工作人员能够在安静的办公室和会议室中不受打扰地工作。因此, 在许多楼层当中使用了DEKO FG全玻璃隔断和配套的隔音全玻璃门。在门底部的凹槽中嵌有隔音密封条, 在技术细节上进一步提高了隔音性能。在办公区域的隔断墙部分, 多处使用了富有明快设计感的贴膜图案作为装饰。
在许多实验室和生产设备区域使用了DEKO FG系列。这些区域对于隔断隔音性能、灵活性、易于清洁性等提出了较高的要求;办公区域与消防走道的分隔, 更是使用了具有高防火能力DEKO FG FIRE系列来增强楼宇的安全性。也正是基于这些原因, 诺和诺德最终选择了代高。
不同风格的内装设计与诺和诺德现代管理风格相得益彰。完工后的整个大楼呈现出一种开阔的氛围, 恰恰是这种敞开式的办公环境分隔, 增强了工作人员之间的团队意识。
长江江豚是江豚扬子亚种。它也是仅分布于长江及其附属湖泊中的唯一江豚淡水亚种,是三个江豚亚种中最濒危的一个。长江江豚体型较小,头部钝圆,额部隆起稍向前凸起;吻部短而阔,上下颌几乎一样长,吻较短阔,全身铅灰色或灰白色,体长一般在1.2米左右,最长的可达1.9米,貌似海豚,却没有海豚的背鳍。它们通常栖于咸淡水交界的海域,也能在大小河川的淡水中生活,喜单独活动,有时也三五成群,最多的有过87头在一起的记录。长江江豚性情活泼,常在9ooo水中上游下窜,食物包括青鳞鱼、玉筋鱼、鳗鱼、鲈鱼、鲚鱼、大银鱼等鱼类和虾、乌贼等。它们分布在长江中下游一带,以洞庭湖、鄱阳湖以及长江干流为主。该种群已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)红色名录列为濒危等级,在中国则为国家二级重点保护动物。 江豚种群2012年已不足1400头,如果不及时采取保护措施,最快会在15年内灭绝。
保护江豚方面,政府要起主导作用,摸 清 江 豚 死 亡 的 原 因,及 时 开 展 一 系 列 保 护措施。目前来说我们应该采取的措施:第一是政府出面建立自然保护区,这是目前最直接的也是最有效的保护措施。之前很多濒危动物的保护都采用了这种方式并取得了良好的效果,比如说大熊猫、朱鹮等等都是成功的例子。因此在洞庭湖区以及附近建立保护区是行之有效的。当然除了就地保护以外还有迁地保护,如果长江流域的环境不能有效改善的话,迁地保护比之就地保护可能是更好的选择。第 二 还是 政 府 层 面 的,就 是 国 家 立 法,进 行法律保护。导致长江江豚死亡的原因,很多是非法渔民采取非法捕鱼手段直接或者间接造成的。通过立法,坚决取缔这一系类的违法行为,一经发现,坚决打击,没收非法捕鱼工具。同时也要在沿江渔民和居民之间加强宣传保护江豚的意义。通过电视公益宣传、广播宣传、传单宣传等方式综合进行,提高沿江居民和渔民保护长江江豚的责任意识。以上这些方面都是保护长江江豚所必需的,此外,更长期的任务摆在了我们面前,那就是保护水资源,防止水污染。这才是根本性与长期性的挑战,需要我们每一个人的共同努力。