
2024-06-05 版权声明 我要投稿


模块三Unit 篇1

1.observe sb.doing sth.注意到某人(正在)做某事

2.observe sb.do sth./be observed to do sth.注意/被注意到某人做某事

3.in sight /out of sight在视线内 /外

4.at the sight of 一看见

5.catch sight of 发现42.rather than 宁可,而不是

6.make(no)sense 有(没有)意义

7.make sense of理解

8.come to one’s senses/oneself苏醒过来

9.glance at 瞥一眼,扫一眼

10.glare at 怒目而视

11.stare at 盯着看,凝视43.other than 除了…之外…

12.step out into the fog 走进雾里

13.be related to /be linked to/be connected with/be associated with和…有联系/有关系

14.It’s likely+ that 从句= sb/sth be likely to do 某人很有可能做某事

15.in the distance 在远处44.set about doing sth./set out to do sth.开始着手做某事

16.avoid doing sth.避免做某事

17.set off /set out出发,动身45.get on a lifeboat 上救生艇

18.stare up at 抬头凝视46.enable sb.to do sth.使某人能够做某事

19.be frozen with…由…而吓(惊)呆

20.can’t help doing sth.忍不住/禁不住做某事

21.wish for 盼望,企盼47.watch out for /look out for小心

22.reach out for sth.伸出(手)48.freezing cold冰冷,极冷

23.make the most of 充分利用49.personally /in person

24.ring out(铃声,枪声等)突然响起

25.feed on…以…为食 live on以…为生

26.that/this far=so far那么远

27.find sb./oneself doing sth.发现…正在做什么

28.a fresh wound 新伤50.be ignorant of 对…一无所知

29.sense/realize that…意识到

30.hold sb./oneself still 使某人不动

31.make great achievements 取得巨大成就

32.one another 互相,彼此

33.have sth./nothing in common 与…有/没有共同之处

in common 共同,共有

34.weather forecast 天气预报

35.later on 后来,以后51.bang into(不小心)撞着某物

36.have high blood pressure 高血压

37.all of a sudden 突然

38.fall asleep 入睡

39.go hungry 饿了

40.for fear of sth/doing /that 唯恐,以免

41.in fear of 害怕

模块三 Unit 1







7.在视线内 /外


































…为生 以 made up of/consist of /be composed of由…组成/构成 official language 官方语言 contribute to sth.是…成因之一,有助于…,捐献,投稿 depend on/upon 视…而定,取决于,依赖于 That/It(all)depends.那得视情况而定。make a promise 许诺keep one’s promise/word 遵守诺言 break one’s promise/word 违背诺言 have access to sth.有接近或使用…的权利 racial discrimination 种族歧视 differ from 和…不同,不同于differ in 在…方面不同in the direction of 朝着…方向 in all directions 四面八方 mix…with… 使(人/物)与…结合,使调和 pick up 好转,改善;重新开始,继续;偶然学会;得,染(疾病);廉价购买;接收 pick one’s pocket 扒某人的口袋pickpocket 扒手 take control of 控制/管理look up(在字典或参考书中)查找 care about 关注,关心,担心42.in the 1950s=in the 1950’s20世纪50年代 have an impact on 对…有强烈的冲击/影响 result in /lead to/bring about 导致43.bring sth.with sb.随身携带 as a whole 作为整体的,就整体来看的 official occasions正式场合 upper class 上层社会44.in that 在于,原因是,因为 the latter half of the 14th century 14世纪后半期 at this point 在此期间45.throughout history 贯穿历史 on the point of doing sth.就要做…的时候 have a word with sb.= speak to sb.throw away=discard 丢弃 set a standard 制定一个标准 at one time 曾经,一度 in a word 总而言之46.there is no need to do sth.没有必要做某事 simplified Chinese characters 简化汉字 undergo huge changes 经历巨大变化 raise animals 饲养动物47.life up 拿起,举起 be replaced by/with sth.由…取代… replace sth.with/by sth.用…取代…48.raise money for 为…筹款 develop from…into…从…发展为… stand for 代表,象征49.mother tongue 母语 in place of sb./in one’s place/take one’s place/take the place of sb.代替某人 It’s certain that… …是确实的 sign language 手势语50.take my concerns into consideration=think about






































1.take over 占领,接管

2.in return for…作为对…的回报

3.in ruins 荒芜的,废墟42.be in use/put…into use 使用中/把…投入使用

4.in good/poor condition 处于良好的/不好的状态

5.on condition(that)倘若,在…条件下

6.on no condition决不,一点也不

7.be concerned about/for…担忧

8.be concerned with 与…有关,涉及…

9.as concerns 关于43.set sail for 扬帆,启程去…

10.keep a diary写日记44.no more 不再

11.keep an eye on 注意,看守

12.take an examination 参加考试

13.prevent…from…阻止45.it remains to be done/said/seen 留待以后去做/去说/去看

14.point out 指出,使注意

15.focus on 焦点对准;(把光线)集中于…;集中(注意)于…上

16.carry out 实行,实施46.to make matters worse 更槽糕的是

17.in memory of 为纪念…

18.be responsible for /take responsibility for 有责任的,对…负责

19.turn to 变成;(把书页)翻到;转向;求助于

20.lost civilizations 失落的文明

21.this small, wealthy commercial city 这个富裕的商业小城

22.a stopping point 停顿点47.or rather准确的说

23.pour out of 从…中涌出48.on board在船上(飞机上或火车上);上船(飞机或火车)

24.house many of the treasures 收藏很多财宝

25.cause / do much damage to sth.造成很大损失

26.leave out 省略,遗漏

27.make an action plan 制定行动计划

28.back to the past 回到过去

29.be offto…去…地方

30.be buried alive 被活埋

31.bury oneself in/be buried in sth./doing sth.专心于…

32.arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事

33.go on a cultural expedition 进行文化考察/探险

34.the Silk Road 丝绸之路

35.a saying goes that…/ there is a saying that goes…俗话说

36.drive sb.crazy/mad 让某人发疯

37.go through 通过,经历,遭受

38.Pearl Harbor 珍珠港

39.cultural heritage 文化遗产

40.imagine sb./sb’s doing 想象某人干某事

41.give/ deliver a speech 发表演讲

42.be located in 位于





































模块三Unit 篇2

1.Teaching aims

A.Aim in knowledge:Enlarge the Ss'knowledge and vocabulary in traveling and know how to read travel leaflets and how to write a travel plan.

B.Aim in ability:Develop the Ss'listening, speaking and team working abilities.

C.Aim in emotion:Broaden the Ss'minds and help them know the importance of team work.

2.Teaching Emphasis and Difficult Points

Teaching Emphasis:

A.Help the Ss master the way of planning a holiday for their family.

B.Finish the task of listening to improve the students'listening ability.

C.Finish the task of reading and writing a travel plan.

Difficult Points:Develop the Ss'ability of team work.

3.Teaching Methods

Interactive Teaching Method

Discussion Teaching Method

Encouragement Teaching Method

Teaching procedures:

Step1 lead in

1.Greet the Ss我通过一些简单而学生又感兴趣的问题和一些漂亮的旅游景点图片从兴趣、情感和视觉上来拉近和陌生学生的距离, 同时激发学生课堂兴趣, 导入课堂。

1) Do you think school life is interesting?

2) Do you want to have a holiday now?

3) Do you like traveling?

4) What do you often do in your holidays?

5) Which places have you ever been to?

Step2 Reading travel leaflets

对本环节的处理我的变动较大。教材要求学生划出地名, 但学生对地名概念和景点名字容易混淆。我把要求改为四个问答题, 既体现了教材要求同时便于学生掌握大意, 理清旅游路线。同时我在学生读之前也强调阅读技能, 要学生带着问题读, 体现现行教材任务型教学的要求。过后我通过展示景点图片激发学生兴趣并对地名做进一步熟悉。

1) What`s the route of the first travel leaflet?

2) What activities can you have in Queenstown?

3) How many scenic spots can you find in Ji’nanand Tai’an?And what are they?

4) What is Qufu famous for?

1.Here are two wonderful places for you to choose on page33.There are two leaflets.I'll give you some time to read them with the four questions.

1) What's the route of the first travel leaflet?

2) What activities can you have in Queenstown?

3) How many scenic spots can you find in Ji'nanand Tai'an?And what are they?

4) What is Qufu famous for?

2.Pay attention to the reading skills.

Scanning for certain information that you need.

Discuss in fours3 Have you got the answers?Let's check the answers together.


1.The route is:Christchurch-Greymouth—Queenstown-Chirstchurc

2.Take a river cruise and have a traditional Maori dinner.

3.Six scenic spots.

They are:Baotu Spring, Damming Lake, Mount Taishan, South heaven Gate and Dai Temple.

4.It's famous for the birthplace of Confucius

Step 3:Practice:pair work

这部分我想通过学生自编对话和操练来达到进一步掌握信息和运用语言。希望进一步培养学生创造性地利用材料和运用语言的能力, 这样把听、说、读、写的能力培养目标落到实处。

Create a dialogue with your partner according to one of the two leaflets.One of you acts as a tourist and another acts as a guide.

Then I'll ask some pairs to act your dialogue out.

Step 4:Listening practice

1.Listen to the tape and finish the rest details.

2.I'll stop the tape where it is difficult.

3.Check the answers.

4.Draw a conclusion about what is travel plan and what it often includes.

Step5:Make a one-day tour plan to your hometown.

本环节我要求学生自编旅游计划, 力求达到学生能灵活运用所学知识的目标。而以家乡一日游做问内容是为了让学生感兴趣的同时培养他们热爱家乡, 渗透情感目标。

总结本节课内容, 帮助学生梳理知识网络。

Step 7 Homework

模块九Unit 2重点词汇讲解 篇3


【分析】defeat vt. 击败,战胜

I tried to beat/defeat him, but he was too much for me. 我试图打败他,但我力所不及。

After a long campaign Wellington’s army finally defeated Napoleon. 经过长时间的战役,威灵顿的军队终于打败了拿破仑。

defeat sb. by (10 points/2) 以……比分击败对方

The Germany Team defeated the Italy team last night by 2 to 0.


n. 失败,战败

He was depressed by his defeat.


【拓展】辨析win, beat, defeat

三者均有“赢”或“战胜”之意。win意为“赢,获胜”,其宾语一般为表示比赛、竞赛、战争等含义的名词,也可充当不及物动词; beat 意为“击败,打败”,其宾语只能为人,表示战胜或打败某人;defeat在表示“击败,打败”时比 beat正式。试比较:

They won the battle. 他们赢得了战争。

We beat them at football yesterday.


They defeated the army and were highly praised.




【分析】seize vt. 捉住,抓住;抓住(时机),利用(机会)等

The young man seized his teacher by the hand and shook it heartily.


seize an opportunity 抓住机遇

vt. 夺取;攻占。

The enemy seized control of the town after a violent attack. 敌人猛攻后占领了这个城镇。

【拓展】 辨析seize, catch, take, grasp

(1) seize 突然迅速用力“抓住”,如夺取政权,攻占,夺取(时间),强调占领,占据,有经过较长时间才获得而后紧抓不放的含义。

seize political power 夺取政权

seize control of 夺取对……的控制权

(2) catch 抓住;赶上;理解

Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said.


How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair? 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

(3) take拿到;带走;赢得(比赛);就任(职位)等

Liu Xiang took the first place in the race.


(4) grasp(牢牢地)抓住;领会(精神)

The young girl grasped the rope tightly with her hands. 小女孩用手紧紧抓住绳子。


【分析】 charge vt.控告,指控;指责

短语charge sb with (doing) sth 相当于accuse sb of (doing)sth.

The young man was charged with stealing.


The man was charged with murder and was sent to prison. 那人被指控谋杀并被送进监狱。

【拓展】charge v. 收费

Most clubs charge for the use of tennis courts.


The restaurant charged us $40for the wine.


charge n.费用;掌管。用于结构:free of charge 免费;in charge of 负责;in the charge of 由某人负责;take charge of 负责。

They gave us many books free of charge.


Mr Baker will in charge of the new project.=The new project will be in the charge of Mr. Baker.


The project is in the charge of an experienced engineer. 这项工程由有经验的工程师掌管。

When did you take charge of the company?


He left his son in charge of the company.



【分析】mercy n. 相当于sympathy, have a pity to。

Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.


常用短语:have mercy on/ upon,show mercy to sb 对某人仁慈,同情 at the mercy of 在……的控制摆布下

For the sake of God, please have mercy on these poor people. 看在上帝的份上,可怜可怜这些穷苦的人们吧。

【拓展】merciful adj. 仁慈的;慈悲的

The merciful king saved the young officers from death. 仁慈的国王把年轻的军官从死亡线上救了过来。

The old man was so merciful that he let the lost boy live in his cabin. 老人是如此的仁慈以致他让迷路的小孩住在他的小屋。


【分析】permission n. 许可;允许

You can’t enter the lab without permission.


You may ask for permission from your parents.



permit vt. 允许 vi. 许可;容许 n. 执照;许可证

Will you permit an old pupil to shake hands with you? 你允许一个老学生和你握手吗?

We don’t permit smoking in our school.


Schools have been set up in the places where conditions permit. 学校已经在条件许可的地方建起来了。

You should not collect money in the street without a permit. 没有许可证你不应该在街上募捐。

The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.(Mark Twain)


【分析】inspect v. 意思是“检查;审查;视察”。

No one inspected the final product of the factory.


Our mayor often inspects factories, department stores, and even markets. 我们的市长经常视察工厂,百货商店甚至市场。

【拓展】inspection n. 意思是“检查;检阅;视察”。

When word came that Napoleon would come for an inspection, every soldier got excited. 当拿破仑要来检阅的消息传来时,每个士兵都很兴奋。


【分析】smooth 作形容词是“光滑的;平静的;平坦的”;作及物动词是“使光滑;消除困难、障碍”。

Our path in life will not always be smooth.


This is a smooth meeting.


The cloth feels smooth. 这布摸起来很光滑。

The sea is smooth. 海面风平浪静。

The gardener smoothed the soil in a flower bed.


【拓展】 常用搭配是 smooth away “克服困难,消除障碍或者分歧”。如:

Don’t be afraid. We are able to smooth away these difficulties sooner or later.


The guide smoothed away/over the quarrel between the two visitors.



【分析】 mark vt. 标明;标示;做记号于;留痕迹于

be marked on 标记在

be marked with 标记着

The route on the map has been marked in red.


Prices are marked on the goods.=The goods are marked with prices. 价格标在商品上。

A large scar marked his cheek.



【分析】withdraw vt. 收回,取回,撤回。

The bank withdrew wornout money from use.


The manager withdrew all his money from the bank. 经理把他所有钱从银行取了出来。

The troops are being gradually withdrawn from Iraq. 部队正被渐渐从伊拉克撤回。

Part Two 词组专讲

10.in particular

【分析】in particular 尤其;特别;特殊的;专门的。

She loves the song in particular, because her mother used to sing it. 她特别喜欢那首歌,因为她的母亲过去常唱。

Why do you choose that one in particular?


be particular about 对……讲究;挑剔

Particular adj. 特别的;特殊的

He always took particular notice of me.


I have something very particular to say to you.


【拓展】be particular about 对……很挑剔

The young girl is particular about clothes.


My brother is very particular about what he eats.


in particular 特别地

You should avoid eating sugar in particular.


I noticed his eyes in particular because they were very charming.


11.in terms of

【分析】in terms of 在……方面;从……方面来说

He thought of everything in terms of money.


In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized. 说到顾客的满意情况,这个政策无可挑剔。

【拓展】in practical terms 从实际方面看

in the long/middle/short term 从长远/中期/短期来看



People always associate the Great Pyramid with Egypt. 人们总是把大金字塔和埃及联系起来。

I don’t wish to associate myself with what has been said. 我不希望别人把我和所说过的事联系起来。

【拓展】associate with…的意思是“与……交往,与……混在一起”。

The father warned his son not to associate with the thieves. 父亲警告儿子不要和小偷混在一切。

13.seize control of

【分析】短语seize control of的意思是“夺取对……的控制权”。

They tried to seize control of the government but failed. 他们试图夺取对政府的控制权但是失败了。

【拓展】短语be seized with 突然(生病),突然感到。

He was seized with pain in the stomach.


另外几个表示“控制”的短语:take control of, exercise control over。



1.The work makes little profit cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.

A.in need ofB.in memory of

C.in terms ofD.in favor of

2.To his great joy, the team leader gave him   to go home early.





3.Our teacher asked us try our best to the difficulty in solving the problems.

A.smooth away

B.smooth off

C.smooth down

D.smooth up

4.Weather , we’ll go to the park to have a picnic tomorrow.



C.to be permitted


5.Word came that our school that school at football.

A.defeated; the

B.won; the

C.defeated; /

D.won; /

6.My grandpa likes eating very much and he is not very about the food he eats.





7.Suddenly, a man driving a motor car the girl’s bag and took it away, into the darkness.

A.seizing; disappeared

B.caught; disappeared

C.seized; disappearing

D.took; appearing

8.Sometimes the police are not absolutely sure that someone has committed a crime, but him with having done it.





9.At the entrance to the hall, our luggage was   carefully.





10.The small grocer was at the of the people he owned money to.





11.The invention of the computer the beginning of a new era.





12.Feeling like being cheated, the old woman   her money from the project.





13.After many years of fierce struggles, they defeated the enemy and the city eventually.

A.seized control of

B.lost control of

C.was out of control of

D.was beyond control of


模块三Unit 篇4

1. Talk about healthy eating

2. Making suggestions or giving advice on diet

3. Distinguish the meanings of Modal verbs

4. Make a balanced menu

5. Vocabulary:

6. fiber,digestion,bean,slim,curiosity,lie,debt,glare,limit,benefit,item,protective get rid of, throw away, get away with, tell lies, earn one’s living in debt ,set out run one’s business ,carry on

7. Speaking: Practice talking about your ideas; practice giving suggestions and advice, practice

seeing the doctor.

8. The use o f ought to

The first period Warming up and reading

Step Ⅰ Warming up

Review the words of foods by showing their pictures. First, ask students to list the foods they like best. Then tick off 3 of them they eat most often. Second, show the three groups of foods and see which group their foods belong to. Third, ask the students to tell us in what ways their foods help them grow.

Step Ⅱ Pre-reading

Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners in this part. Then ask them to report their work. This part will help the students understand the text.

T: Please look at the slide show and discuss the questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask you to report your work. Are you clear?

Which food contains more… Examples of foods Answer

Sugar Chocolate or grapes

Cakes or bananas Chocolate


Fat Cream or rice

Chocolate or chicken Cream


Fiber Peas or nuts

Pork or cabbage Nuts


protein Potato crisps or ham

Eggs or cream Ham


Step Ⅲ Reading

Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Give the students a couple o f minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell the students to read the text silently and then ask for the main idea of the text on the slide show with their partners. Encourage the students to express their ideas.

1. Fast reading

In this part ask the students to read the text quickly for the first time and find out the main idea of the text. Then ask them to read the text again carefully to obtain some details. Before reading show the tasks and let the students read the tasks first. This text will help them have a good understanding of the text.

a. The two restaurants supplied the healthy diet.

b. The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers.

c. Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customers and decided to win them back

2. Careful reading

T: Now it is time for us to read the text carefully and decide which sentences are true. Then correct the false ones. First read the sentences.

a. Usually Wang Pengwei’s restaurant was full of people. (T )

b. Yong Hui served a balanced diet. ( F)

c. Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. (F)

d. Wang Pengwei’s customers often became fat after eating in his reataurant. (T)

e. Yong Hui’s menu gives them energy foods. (F )

f. Wang Pengwei’s menu gives tem foods containing fiber. (F )

g. Wang Pengwei admired Yong Hui’s restaurant when he saw the menu. (F )

h. Wang Pengwei decided to copy Yong Hui’s menu. (F )

Step Ⅳ Comprehending

By now, the students have had a further understanding of the text. Let the students read the text again and find out the differences between the two restaurant.

T: Now please read the text again and fill in the chart together with your partner.

disadvantages advantages

Wang Pengwei’s restaurant Not giving enough foods containing fiber Provide plenty of energy foods

Yong Hui’s restaurant Not giving enough energy foods Providing plenty of fiber foods

T: Until now we have known what’s wrong with both restaurant. What does it matter if you only eat at one of the restaurant?




T: You all have a point here. But what will they do? We will see it next period. Facing the serious competiton Wang wasn’t lost in sadness and he didn’t quarrel with his competitor either. He went to the library to learn more about healthy eating and made his menu better than Yong Hui’s menu. Do you think we should follow his example?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now let’s deal with some language points. Turn to page 10, let’s look at the sentences:

a. Wang Pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.

This sentence means that the second action “ feeling very frustrated” happened together with the main action “sat”. Pay attention to the form (v-ing) of the second action.

b. Nothing could have been better.

This sentence tells us that everything has worked out the way you would like. It’s a sentence that we can use in any situation.

c. He couldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!

This sentence means that he will punish Yong Hui for her telling lies.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Try to retell the text.

2. Prepare for the language learning and do Using words and Expressions on WB (Page 49-50)

The second period Language study

Step ⅠRevision

1. Check the students’ homework.

2. Ask some of the students to retell the text.

Step Ⅱ Word study

This part is a consolidation of the words in the text. Ask the students to do the exercise individually.

T: Now please open your books and turn to page 11. Fill in the chart using the correct forms of the words which have the same root. Next activity is to match the definitions with the words we have learnt form the text. I necessary, you can discuss with your partners.

Step Ⅲ Grammar

The students will learn the usage of modal verbs. First try to make the students clear the functions of modal verbs, with the help of the practice 1on page 12. Then give them some examples.

T: Please pick out all the sentences containing modal verbs in the text.

a. By lunchtime they would have all be sold---It indicates possibility.

b. His restaurant ought to be full of people.---It indicates possibility.

c. What could have happened?--- It indicates possibility.

d. Nothing could have been better.--- It indicates possibility.

e. Something terrible must have happened if Maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did.---It indicates guessing.

f. He could not believe his eyes. ---It indicates intension.

g. He wonder if he should go to the library to find out ---It indicates duty.

h. He wouldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!---It indicates intension.

Step Ⅳ Homework

1. Review the rules of word formation and the meanings of modal verbs.

2. Prepare the Using Structure on page 50 by making a dialogue in pairs.

The third period Listening

Step Ⅰ Revision

1. Check the using structure on page 50.

2. Ask the students to make a short dialogue in pairs.

Step Ⅱ Listening( using language)

The students will hear what Wang Pengwei did after leaving Yong

Hui’s restaurant. Ask the students to finish the chart and answer the questions.

T: OK. We have studied the text and know neither of the restaurant supplied a balanced diet. Let’s listen to the tape and see how the story went on. Go through the text quickly on page 14.

( Play the tape. Students write down the answers and check the answers with their partners.)

T: Now listen to it again and try to make sure your answers are right.

Energy-giving Body-building Protective

Rice Meat Fruit

Noodles Fish vegetables

Nuts Tofu


Step Ⅲ Listening (WB P48)

The students will heat a conversation between Hong Mei and the doctor. They are asked to do exercise according to the tape.

T: Doctor know that there are illnesses you may get if you do not eat properly. In the following part, we are going to listen to a dialogue. Hong Mei is going to see the doctor. Let’s see how the doctor gives her some advice. Listen carefully and do the exercises.

Red foods: stop (Only a little) Orange foods: be careful( some every day) Green foods: go( more every day)

Butter, cream, nuts, cakes, foods fried in fat Bread, noodles, rice, neat, cheese, egg, tofu All vegetables( potato, cabbage, carrots..)

Step Ⅳ Homework

1. Pre-view the reading(2) and reading task on Page 52. See how the story ended.

2. Find some information about healthy eating on the Internet.

The fourth period Extensive reading

Step ⅠRevision

1. Check the homework

2. Share the information the students have got form the Internet.

Step Ⅱ Pre-reading

Ask the students to read some proverbs and translate them into Chinese.

T: Today we are going to see the end of the story. First, please look at the blackboard and try to translate the proverbs into Chinese.

a. You are what you eat.

b. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

c. First wealth is health.

The students discuss with their partners.

a. 人如其食.

b. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找我.

c. 健康是人生的第一财富.

Step Ⅲ Reading

The purpose of this reading is to complete the story of Wang Pengwei and Yong Hui and show the students that it is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh. After the fast reading, let the students do the exercises on page 15. Then let them match the words with their definitions.

T: Eating healthily means that no food in itself is good or bad. Eating properly depends on eating the right variety of foods in the right amount. Let’s read the passage quickly and say what they did with their menu.

Ask the students to report their work.

What did they do? Result

Combine their menu and provide a balanced one

1. raw vegetables with hamburgers

2. the boiled potatoes, not fried

3. fresh fruit with ice cream 1. cut down the fat

2. increase the fibre

3. a big success

Then find the words from the text to match the definitions.

Definitions words

Stare angrily or fiercely Glare

Take a long deep breath Sigh

Keep alive in a certain style Earn one’s living

Advantage or profit Benefit

Join or mix together to form a whole Combine

Owe a lot of money In debt

Step Ⅳ Homework

1. Collect eating attitudes from the Internet

2. Practice presenting reasons to support your ideas.

The fifth period Speaking

Step ⅠRevision

Check the students’homework.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T: Work in pairs to act out the dialogue on page 13. One plays as the role of Jane and the other plays the role of Susan. You are shopping in a supermarket.

First let the students make a good preparation themselves. Then ask several pairs to act out the dialogue before the class. In this part the, try to make the class get active.

Step Ⅲ Talking

If young people are too thin or too fat, it shows that they are not eating a balanced diet. So this exercise is to encourage the students to discuss how their diets may affect their quality of life.

( Divide the class into two groups: team A and team B.)

T: Now team A will take the role o f the patient who is worried about being too fat and has gone to the doctor for advice. Team B will take the role of the doctor and advise the patient how to change his or her diet. Here are some useful expressions. Imagine what you will say to the doctor or patient. Discuss with your group members.

Doctor Patient

What’s the matter? What should I do ?

How long have you been like this? What seem to be the trouble?

I think you ought to.. Do you think you could give me some advice?

Perhaps you should…

I suppose you had better…

Step Ⅳ Speaking task

This is the opportunity for the students to discuss their reaction to the information they have received. It allows students to have their own point of view and to practice explaining why they think as they do.

T: In the reading task we have read two speakers’arguments. Now it is your turn to discuss what you have heard at the meeting in groups of four. Two of ou argue for and two against building the restaurant. The following is useful to you. Please look at the table.

I don’t agree That’s a good idea.

I’m afraid not Certainly/ Sure.

Of course not. All right.

I don’t think so. No problem.

Yes, I think so.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Review the sentence structures, new words and expressions.

2. Imagine the old local restaurant has gone. What do you think should be built there. Present the advantages of your idea.

The sixth period Writing and re-viewing

Step ⅠRevision

Check the homework and take a dictation.

Step Ⅱ Writing

This is an opportunity for students to practice their persuasive writing skills and try to encourage others to support their point of view. The idea of a new library is chosen because it would be very useful in a town.

T: You know, we have mad ea decision that we won’t build a Mcdonal’s. But what do you think should be built on the land? Can you write an article to support your idea? Give you 20 minutes and finish your articles. Pay attention to the orders.

1. Describe the new design

2. Draw a plan

模块三Unit 篇5

高一牛津英语模块1 unit 1

一、重点单词 写出以下词语的英文

出席,参加 vt. 集会 n.

获得,赚,挣的vt. 尊敬,敬重n ; vt.

赢得,取得 vt 成绩

文学n. 一般的,普通的adj.

具有挑战性的adj. 午餐时间n.

给…发电子邮件vt. 经历,体验 V

额外的,外加的adj 做饭,烹饪n..

准备 v. 放弃vt.

西班牙人,西班牙语n 德国人,德语n.

木工工艺n. 思念,想念vt

甜点n. 运动场n.

文化n. 文章n.

笔友n. 介绍vt

立即,马上adv. 从前的,以前的adj.

最近,近来adv. 捐赠vt.

培养,养成vt 照片,相片n.

诗歌n. 增品,礼物n.

陈列,展览 善举,好意n.

客人,来宾n. 演说,演讲n.

套房n. 题目,篇名n.

注意 n 遗憾,抱歉,后悔v.

使满意,取悦vt 需求,需要vt.

亲密的,靠近的adj. 封面,盖子

继续v. 最近的,新近的adj.

教授n. 大自然 n.

通知,告知vt 管理,经营vt

主持人,主人 批准,通过,赞成v.

广播,播放vt; n. 准备,筹备 N

选择vt 远足n..

让人恐慌的 adj 诗人n..



1 免费______ 2 注意

3 发表演讲_____4 通知某人某事 ________

5 和某人在一起很轻松6 在第一天

7 参加集会_________ 8 赢得尊敬_________

9 获得高分__________ 10英国文学

11 在午饭时候___________ 12 在学校操场上______

13平均 _________ 14 对某人有挑战性别

15 花时间做某事16体验不同的生活方式

17自我介绍__________ 18.做某事最好的方法

19. 首先 20. 上网_______

21. 培养兴趣 22. 被用来做某事

23..过去常做某事24. 遗憾地要做某事

25. 几天前26.与---相关___________

27.用简写形式_________ 28. 作出决定____________

29. 对---负责 30.由---组成______________

31. 把…捐赠______ 32.提出

33给予建议 34. 听起来象


1.What is your dream school life like?

2. Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.

3. It was difficult to remember all the faces and names.

4 …the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.

5. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.

6. Our club is much more than just music.


1. ______it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in the sea when you visit Hawaii!

A. What fun B. What a fun C. How funD. How a fun

2. All the flowers smelling sweet look _______.

A. beautifully B. lovelyC. wonderfully D. well

3.Don’t you think you’ve spent too much time ______ playing computer games? Why not spend more time ___ something useful?

A.in ;on B.in; in C.on; inD.on; on

4.Upon________ the news, he jumped with joy.

A. he heard B. heardC.he was hearing D. hearing

5.I _______ that the job has been failed.

A.regret to say B.regret saying C.regret to have said D.regret having said

6.Is _____possible ____us to master a foreign language without much memory work? A.it; of B.that; ofC.that; for D.it; for

7. Was this museum _______ you visited last week?

A.where B./C.the one D.when

8.John is one of the foreign teachers who ________ in our school.

A.teaches B.is teaching C.has been teaching D.are teaching

9. My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ______half of it .

A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D.missed

10. To earn respect from teachers and students, you must first of all work hard and achieve high grades. Which of the following cam replace the underlined part?

a. gain b. win c. getd. receive

A. All are correct B. All are wrong

C. All are correct expect d D. Both a and b are wrong

11. Mr. Heywood is more than our teacher. He is at ease with us and often ______ us _____ our games and activities.

A. joins; in B. attends; in C. takes part in; in D. joins; /

12. This was such a _______test _____ few of the students could work out.

A. easy; that B. challenging; as C. tough; thatD. exciting; as

13. I found it _________ to read a poem in front of many people.

A. a bit scared; in B. not a bit frightened; out

C. a little scary; out D. not a little afraid; up

14. At that time, all the graduating students were sitting in the classroom ______ the coming tests.

A. prepared B. made preparations for C. preparing for D. getting ready for

15. Students, who are better at class, always ______ more attention to the teachers ______ are explaining something.

A. pay; who B. fix; whatC. attract; what D. catch; that

模块三Unit 篇6

1.casual adj.随便的,漫不经心的;偶然的,碰巧的 be casual about对……漫不经心

① She ______________the prize.她对获奖漫不经心。② His wife is very____about dress and she is strongly____wearing___clothes on formal occasions.A.special;against;informalB.particular;opposed to;casualC.especial;against;casualD.strict;opposed to;usual

③________________manner annoyed me.他无所谓的态度令我恼火。

2.It was he was suffering great pain when he talked., 谈话时他非常疼痛。obvious adj.明显的,显而易见的 be obvious to sb.对某人来说很清楚It is obvious that...显然…… obviously adv.显然

① Don’t cheat yourself by telling such obvious lies.你不要用这种明显的谎言欺骗自己了。

② It’s obvious that you are wrong.= Obviously, … 显然你错了。

③ Obviously,you didn’t read it.显然你没有读它。3.votevi& vt.____________n.选票,选举They voted John leader of the group.()Vote for the man you can trust.()投票赞成_____________ 投票反对_____________

________________________你投了她的赞成票还是反对票? 投票表决_____________

____________________________________________既然大家在这件事情上有不同意见,那就投票表决吧。= Let’s settle our disagreement by vote.We’ll listen to the arguments on both sides and then _________ it.我们将听取双方的辩论,然后投票表决。4.reject vt._________________后面通常跟_________作宾语,不跟不定式。

① He rejected their invitation directly.他直截了当地拒绝了他们的邀请。

②She rejected telling us the truth.她拒不对我们讲实情。③ He rejected the old records.他丢弃了那些旧唱片。reject “拒不接受,拒不考虑”(意见,计划,请求等


refuse 表示态度坚决甚至无礼的拒绝接受某物或做

某事。后可跟名词或代词,也可接不定式 decline 指有礼貌地拒绝或婉言谢绝邀请,建议,帮

助 等。其后可跟名词,代词或不定式

deny 否认,拒绝承认(refuse to admit),其后跟名词代词或动名词 ① Mary’s mother________to let her go abroad to study.A.refusedB.declinedC.turned downD.rejected②她不肯帮助我。She____________to help me.③He______the nomination politely.他礼貌地谢绝提名5.electronic/ electric/ electricalelectronicadj.electricadj.electricaladj.①This heavy freighter(货船)is driven by two__ motors.②The cooker isn’t working because of an _______ fault.③The car is equipped with an smart _________ alarm.④For many years, people have dreamed of _______ cars.However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.6.opposevt._____________________ opposed adj _____________________ ①How dare you oppose me?你怎么敢反对我?

②Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.许多居民反对修建那条高速公路的计划。He opposed the proposal to build a new hall.= I would oppose changing the law.=

I ___________________in working time.我反对在工作时间内外出购物

I ____________________ there alone 我反对你单独去那儿。

Our members ___definitely______giving in on the safety issue.我们的成员绝对反对在安全问题上让步。他父母反对这桩婚事。

His parents are________________the marriage.这个项目遭到当地居民的强烈反对。

The project _________________by the local people.“反对”,指个人不赞成某事,或持有相反的意见,其名词形式为objection。常见搭配为:object to+v.ing,have no objection to。

She objects to being scolded in public.在...情况下


In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately.在通常情况下,我本会马上辞职的 Under no circumstances shall we give up our hope.任何情况下我们都不要放弃希望。I can trust her in any circumstances.8.typicaladj.____________________

On a typical day,we receive about 50 letters from readers It is typical of him to forget.他这个人就是爱忘事。Jack is late again.It is typical of him to keep others waiting.9.sacrifice vt& n.__________ 为...牺牲...做出牺牲


She _________ her career _____ her children.她为孩子们牺牲了自己的事业

Her parents __________________so that she could go to university.为了让她能上大学,她的父母做出很多牺牲。You shouldn’t promote economic growth ________________environmental protection.你不应该为了促进经济增长而牺牲了环保。___________________不要为了美丽而牺牲你的健康 10.ridvt._____________使...摆脱..., 使...去除...摆脱,除掉

I want to rid this city of garbage problems.我想要这个城市摆脱垃圾问题!

We all wish him to get rid of drugs.(戒掉毒瘾)The man rid himself of debt at last.还清了债务。

I tried various ways to _________(驱除厨房中的苍蝇).I ____________ debt now.现在我已经还清债务了 ①Left at home alone, he felt afraid and couldn’t ___himself ___fear.(摆脱恐惧感)

模块三Unit 篇7

1 趣味竞赛导入阅读主题

本文以电视访谈形式呈现了一位心理学家Dr Brain接受有关“什么是幸福”的主题采访。文章为较大篇幅的对白, 冗长而单一的问答式文本让学生较难进入阅读状态, 为此笔者设计了小组竞赛的趣味活动, 旨在激发学生的阅读兴趣, 更生动地导入文章主题。

课前笔者要求学生搜集桑兰的资料, 比如她的个人简介、比赛历程、受伤情况等, 并试着去总结桑兰的人物特点。对于这样的预习作业, 往常会在下节课前检查学生搜集到的书面资料, 或是要求他们以poster的形式在班级展示。但是这次做了些变动, 将这项作业的检查变成了一次小规模的竞赛。

活动中笔者先让学生观看桑兰的一组照片, 场景涉及她成长、比赛、受伤以及接受治疗等, 充分调动起学生担忧、同情、感动等情感体验, 很快拉近了他们与课堂的距离。接着要求学生结合课前搜集到的资料, 尝试用一个形容词来描述桑兰的人物特征, 这样问道:

Could you describe Sang in one adjective?

随即将学生分为四大组, 要求小组成员说出形容词的同时给出简单的解释, 且不允许重复, 给出形容词最多的小组为胜。学生很快各抒己见, 说出brave, optimistic, great, sunny等词。有的同学在听到其他人所提到的firm (矢志不移的) 一词后受到启发, 给出strong-willed (意志坚定的) 一词。整个课堂热闹非凡, 学生热情高涨。一场竞赛促使学生快速回顾了课前搜集的相关信息, 并自觉提炼了适合描述桑兰特征的词汇, 观点的异同制造了紧张的比赛氛围, 又激起了他们继续探索Reading板块的热情。

2 梯度表格激活阅读思路

概念图可以简单明了地帮学生理清文章脉络、人物关系、时间变化等要素。本教材有些单元 (模4Unit2、Unit3;模5Unit1、Unit3等) Reading的C2部分设计了各式概念图, 帮助学生运用所学阅读策略提炼知识, 增加阅读信息量。为了让学生弄清文章看似琐碎的语句背后较为清晰的思路, 笔者在教学中设计了几个有梯度的表格概念图。

表1归纳了访谈三要即话题、主持人、嘉宾, 学生根据本单元列出的Reading Strategy浏览首段找出主题, 而主持人和嘉宾的信息就在文本中。

表2要求学生仔细阅读材料, 与搭档共同填写这张表格, 自然将介绍桑兰的内容分成住院前——住院——出院后三部分, 学生形成清晰的阅读思路之后再进行阅读, 也能高效搜索到相关细节信息。

表3检验学生对文章总体脉络以及细节信息点的双重把握, 学生在小组合作阅读后才有可能完成任务。该任务锻炼了学生缜密的逻辑思维能力, 对学生的阅读效率提出了较高的要求, 有助于培养学生的整体阅读能力。

总之, 这三个图表本着先易后难、由浅入深的原则, 让学生在阅读实践中了解访谈的基本要素、主要内容、整体结构, 形成有效的阅读思路, 能真正意义进行了有效阅读。

3 角色体验建构积极情感

80年代由卡雷尔等人提出的“现代图式理论”倡导把“自上而下”与“自下而上”相结合, 进行有效阅读, 即把阅读看成一个复杂的心理过程和主动的思维过程。因此, 阅读教学过程中, 教师不仅要注重培养学生的认知、理解能力, 还要引导学生在阅读的过程中进行主动思维和情感活动, 促使学生感受到文本的文化意蕴, 能够与文本、教师在对话后产生情感共鸣, 最终达到在潜移默化中熏陶学生情感的目的。

因此, 在本课教学中笔者设立了情感目标, 要求学生通过阅读领略到桑兰自信、乐观、坚强的人格魅力, 能细心发现生活中的“小幸福”并努力做一个快乐的人。这其中, 帮助学生建构积极情感是核心目标。

角色扮演是让学生通过扮演情境中的角色进行交际从而促进情感体验的教学活动。本堂课, 学生已经参与了竞争、表格填写等阅读活动, 充分理清了文章的思路, 强化了访谈中重点谈论对象桑兰的信息, 自然对幸福这个主题的探讨也跃跃欲试起来。因此, 笔者在课堂最后设计了角色扮演环节。

情境:假如有一天你成为一名教育频道主持人, 邀请桑兰担任嘉宾, 你们主要探讨了如何改变不少青少年消极的生活状态这个话题。桑兰以自己的成长为例提出了微笑面对人生, 为未来拼搏的观点。



该活动极大地丰富了阅读教学内容, 提高了教学效果。学生以满腔热情主动参与到表演中, 最大限度地体会角色的情感内涵, 并由他们本人在课堂中渗透了笑对人生的观点。同时, 这对于贯彻英语新课程有着积极的意义:阅读课堂中教师不仅让学生积累知识, 拓展视野, 掌握阅读技能, 提高语言运用能力, 还应利用素材所反映的主题渗透情感教育, 从而帮他们树立正确的人生观和价值观。

阅读教学是培养学生语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等综合能力和人文素养的重要教学途径之一。教师应尝试突破传统阅读教学思路, 认真研读教材, 运用全新的教学理念巧妙设计阅读教学, 全面提高教学效果。

摘要:阅读教学是培养学生语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等综合能力和人文素养的重要教学途径之一。自2005年江苏省普通高中开始使用《牛津高中英语》新教材, 这样精心设计的教材若处理不当很容易因思维定势而完全照搬教材的设计思路而造成阅读低效。为此, 教师应充分利用教材巧妙设计教学, 提高阅读教学效果。



[1]韩银燕.新课程背景下高中英语阅读策略的调整[J].现代中小学教育, 2004.

[2]刘伟丽.谈英语阅读课教学[J].科技教育, 2004 (4) .

