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梦想的名言英文 篇1

Hope, happiness will come to you; dream, opportunities will envelop you.


To achieve great things, in addition to the dream, must act.


Person, the way of getting along with people: heavy imperial king, heavy friend who bully others perish.


If one does not know he wants to which port, then any wind is favorable.


Your life is not ideal in the bosom, wait until the end of the world will not be found faithful friend.


No money is not necessarily a person is rich, but if the person did not have the dream, this man is poor.


Now everything is for the future of dream weaving wings, let the dream fly in reality.


The pursuit of a dream is consistently strong, even if there are too many difficulties and obstacles on the road, the thorns bumpy.


Dream is the extension and expansion of life; Dream is the motive force of human progress. Dream is the source of creation.


Ideal is a solid pillar in life, if lost the ideal of life and spirit will also go and paralysis.


Dream is the cornerstone of success to help others; Dream is inspiring power; Dream is the source of courage.


Dream character not only on the material need to meet, to get performance on the satisfaction of spiritual purport.


梦想的名言英文 篇2

1. Introduction

Information about the author and his speech.This is a speech, i emerged during the war between North America and South America It is moved deeply by others and air man’s views vehemently About 250 thousand people listened the speech respectfully.We’l focus on how King achieved his speech by stylistic devices.

2. Analysis in features and the definition of stylistics and stylistic analysis

2.1 The feature of the speech

This speech has it’s own feature, King has used many features in his speech, the following parts will discuss the special features which used in the speech.

2.1.1 Phonological features:Rhyme

“Battered and staggered”can be considered as pararhyme, the definition of pararhyme is two syllable have the same initials persecution and police brutality can be regarded as reverserhyme, and the definition of it is syllables have the same initial consonant.All of this has a great help for readers to get the exact ideas of King in his speech, that is, struggle against the injustice.

2.1.2 Lexical features

King’s speech is very cautious and careful, because it’s very important to blacks and he’ll read it to all of the people in public“You”, “I”and“We”in his speech, is the use of personal pronouns By using this, King awoke the audience’s attention to accept his point.This is a apparent feature in the speech.

2.2 The definition of Stylistics and Stylistic Analysis

The definition of stylistics has many different study ways Wales defines it simply as“the study of style” (1989:437) , while Widdowson gives the definition as“the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation”and“a view that what it is essentially a means of linking the two” (1975:3) , Leech’s opinion is as the same as it.His definition is“study of the use of language in literature” (1969:1) .It perceived that stylistics is an area of study, it perches two disciplines:literary criticism and linguistics.

Stylistically speaking, stylistic analysis is the selection of a periodic sentence for the embedding of a parenthesis.In terms of structure, the sentence is rather formal and complicated.Halliday points out, “The text may be seen as‘this’in contrast with‘that’, with another poem or another novel;stylistics studies are essentially comparative in nature...” (1971:341) .In this part, Widdowson has the same opinion as Halliday.Therefore, we realize that stylistic analysis is a movement that is comparative in nature.

3. An analysis of the stylistic devices used in the speech

3.1 Usage of Repetition

King repeats words and sentences many times in the speech this is a very conspicuous feature, it is called repetition.The use of it is emphasizing.There are three factors in repetition:1.cognitive factors.2.psychological factors.3.social factors.Generally speaking we also combine the three factors in the speaker’s elements Otherwise, the use of them are to move forward and deepen the theme of speaker.The term repetition is restricted to mean the case of exact copying of a certain previous unit in a text such as a word phrase or even a sentence (Leech, 1969) .Repetition in this speech not only makes the audience to know what King said, but also gives a strong strength to the speech and audience, let them strengthen their position.As all the over-regular features in the literature are in some sense repetitious, audience will pay more attention to the speech Take the paragraphs for example, from paragraph 8 to 16, the words“I have a dream”which King used, appeared nine times.This repetition helps to achieve the function of coherence in address and the function of reinforcement in feeling and emotion, expressing King’s strong emotion of thirsting for freedom, justice and righteousness.All the emotion in this speech expressed very vivid.

3.2 Usage of Contrast

These are the use of contrast.Contrast may to show differences when compared, also to point out a difference that can distinguish meaning.In speech, this use can have the function of making clear the ideas of the speaker.Here, contrast has been used effectively.In paragraph 1, “great beacon light of hope”is contrasted with“flames of withering injustice”and“joyous daybreak”is contrasted with“long night of captivity”.Therefore, it is easy for us to understand the use in this speech and easy to know why King uses so many contrasts in his speech.

3.3 Usage of Similes and Metaphors

The basic characteristics of simile:

1.The main body and the metaphoric meaning are both in the sentence, but they are different things.

2.The main body and the metaphoric meaning may have some same points.

In our territory of study, a simile is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common.To make the comparison, words like as, as if, as though and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.Simile has the overall functions of rhetoric, it can let person to familiarize the strange things.So King also use many similes in his speech.

A metaphor, like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated.It always have the deeper sense than simile and more succinct, appropriate, lively and embody.

In speech, King makes much use of similes and metaphors.In paragraph 1, King compares The Emancipation Proclamation to two forms of brilliant light cutting through darkness;the first a joyous daybreak compares it to the sunshine.In paragraph 2, he uses“the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination, ”compare to segregation and discrimination.In paragraph 7, he compares“justice rolls”to waters and compares“righteousness”to a mighty stream.In paragraph 14, he compares“little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with white boys and white girls and walk together”to sisters and brothers.

All the usage of similes and metaphors make the audience easy to understand the speech and King’s thinking.

4. Conclusion

The thesis has discussed the stylistic devices which are frequently used in the discourse of literary works especially in speech.This makes the speech easy to understand for audience.This thesis has discussed it from the feature of the speech, the definition of stylistics and stylistic analysis, the usage of repetition and parallelism the usage of contrast, and the usage of similes and metaphors.It also gives some background of the speech and author Martin Luther King Jr..Only undering that background of period, then the speech reached public attention.

There are five main features in his speech:

1.Be adept in using parallelism.In paragraph 3, “One hundred years later…”, from paragraph 4 to 8“I have a dream…”, in paragraph 9, “Let freedom ring from…”.All the examples make the audience have the deep impression with the content of the speech, the sentences are full of energy, and also have the energy o f persuading.

2.Full of confidence.From the beginning, King has emphasized the importance of the speech in the history, “go down in history”, “the greatest demonstration”, “in the history of our nation”.It attracts the audience with his confident wording and diction.

3.The concrete examples.Some people like using unrealistic words in their speech, that is not a good way.But King is different from them He used many concrete place names, for example“Alabama” (Para.7) “New Hampshire”, “New York”, “Pennsylvania” (Para.9) , and so forth.That makes the audience feel authentic.

First of all, it must be very persuasive, and the sentences are very well-organized, with the usage of repetitions, parallelism contrasts, similes and metaphors and so forth.The second is that it must be emotional in order to be convincing, for the speaker should face the audience directly and his words must be correctly and orderly.The words not only be informative but also be expressive.So as to the speech may be full of influence.And finally in many other conditions, written-conversational style is usually used without very formal diction and very complicated sentence structure.

To sum it up, we can learn much from Martin Luther King’s speech.In addition to the stylistic devices, his ideology and deeds are worth for our reference.



[1]、Martin Luther King, Jr., I HAVE A DREAM.August28, 1963

[2]、Pan Shaozhang, English Rhetoric and Writing.Shanghai Transportation University Press, December, 1998

关于梦想的中英文名言60条 篇3

第3条 Dream just because of can’t reach, let people crazy.第4条 正如心愿能够激发梦想,梦想也能够激发心愿。

第5条 生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。

第6条 没有引发任何行动的思想都不是思想而是梦想。

第7条 The ideal of life is for ideal life.第8条 充满了精神的青春,是不会那么轻易消失的。

第9条 对于年轻人来说,未来是一个仙境。

第10条 梦想是永恒的信念,梦想是拼搏的精神,梦想是炽热的追求。


第12条 一个人如果胸无大志,既使再有壮丽的举动也称不上是伟人。

第13条 If a person heart and even more spectacular action is not great.第14条 Climb to take the bull by the horns, realize the ideal to have the courage to struggle.第15条 Dream is good, but there is no will, dream is just a fleeting moment rainbow.第16条 神话是众人的梦,梦是私人的神话。

第17条 一切活动家都是梦想家。

第18条 Have ideal, the interests of the society, have clear purpose of life is the best in the world and the most meaningful life.第19条 每个人的生命都是一只小船,梦想是小船的风帆。

第20条 先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。

第21条 Dream won’t light, light is dream of you.第22条 一个人的价值,应当看他贡献什么?而不应该看他取得什么。

第23条 梦想是一个对未来的承诺,而不是一句空洞的口号。

第24条 In the way of dream, a person to also want to go to the end!

第25条 能够献身于自己祖国的事业,为实现理想而斗争,这是最光荣不过的事情了。

第26条 The realization of the ideal on dry alone, without talking.第27条 梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。梦想是梦与想的结晶。

第28条 你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。

第29条 梦想才不会发光呢,发光的是追梦的你自己。

第30条 No matter when, as long as possible, you are supposed to “imitate” yourself, be yourself.第31条 其实你我这美梦,气数早已尽,重来也是无用。

第32条 A man who never doubt life direction and goal, never despair.第33条 I will to love and to strive for a distant hope, and this until the dream come true.第34条 Goals, if a person is not sure, any wind is not so for him.第35条 The place which the ideal is in, the hell maybe a heaven.第36条 You may obtain the world with love;you also may lose the world with hate.第37条 梦想是助人成功的基石;梦想是催人奋进的动力;梦想是勇往直前的源泉。

第38条 所谓伟大的事业,就是要让自己的梦想成真。

第39条 The application of dream to real things, there is the civilization.第40条 The so-called great cause, is to make your dreams come true.第41条 Dream is a kind of desire, think it is a kind of action.Dream is a dream and want to crystallization.第42条 Dream character not only on the material need to meet, to get performance on the satisfaction of spiritual purport.第43条 Killed the ideal of talent is the most evil of the murderer.第44条 Dare to dream, have the courage to dream, the world belongs to pursue forever.第45条 生活以为悲欢离合而变得精彩,梦想以为道路坎坷而变得精心。

第46条 理想的实现只靠干,不靠空谈。

第47条 If one does not know he wants to which port, then any wind is favorable.第48条 Now everything is for the future of dream weaving wings, let the dream fly in reality.第49条 梦想一旦被付诸行动,就会变得神圣。

第50条 Your life is not ideal in the bosom, wait until the end of the world will not be found faithful friend.第51条 Dream is among ourselves, and at the same time, Yin hinder our obstacles to make my dream come true, is also in our own.第52条 Dream is eternal faith, is the spirit of struggle, the dream is hot pursuit.第53条 不是每个人的梦想都能实现,也并不是每个人的梦想都不能圆梦。

第54条 一个没有远大理想的人,就像一部没有马达的机床。

第55条 Dream, is a gift from Zeus.第56条 有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。

第57条 有理想的、充满社会利益的、具有明确目的生活是世界上最美好的和最有意义的生活。

第58条 让理想为你的人生导航,让知识为你增添力量,做一个成功的人!

梦想与青春的英文演讲 篇4

I’m very glad to be here, and give you a short speech. Today my topic is “Youth and Dream”.

Here is a simple question for you:

What’s the meaning of youth in your mind?

You may say that youth is a song echoed the cheerful beautiful melody, or you may say that youth is a painting engraved with rich romantic colors.

However, I think the process to achieve our dreams is the most beautiful melody of youth, and it’s what makes our youth colorful.

To be honest, I’m lacking so clear and ambitious dreams. My expectation of youth is that when I look back at my life, I will have no regrets over any time that passed, nor will I feel ashamed of not accomplishing anything.

We are still young today. We have beautiful youth. Youth is like the sun in the morning. It’s full of strength, hope, curiosity and potentiality. But one’s youth will be pale and meaningless without any dream.

If wee take the dream as a colorful flower, the youth is the best time for seeding. Youth needs dream! So I set my goal of life, to be a gifted girl. It’s my dream.

I enjoy learning. I have learnt singing and dancing. I have learnt to be a good presenter. I have learnt acting, as an actress. I’m struggling for my dream.

I enjoy life. I take part in school activities to display myself. I have led a colorful school life.

I enjoy youth. I have positive attitudes towards life. I smile to face challenges in my daily life. My friends often say that I’m an outgoing and confident girl.

In fact, I think youth is not only a period of time, but a state of mind. We need to be positive, energetic and confident. We need dreams.

Youth is a blank time. We need to make it colorful.

Youth is a green age. We need to make it mature.

Youth is like a boat, while dreams are like sails of it. Your struggling is its power.

Let’s struggle for our young dreams to make our youth colorful! Step forward bravely, and never give up!

成功的名言中英文名言 篇5

2. 要成功一项事业,必须花掉毕生的时间。——列文虎克

3. 聪明的资质、内在的干劲、勤奋的工作态度和坚忍不拔的精神,这些都是科学研究成功所需要的其他条件。——贝弗里奇

4. 人所缺乏的不是才干而是志向,不是成功的能力而是勤劳的意志。——部尔卫

5. 成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。——迪斯雷利

6. 成功的秘诀,在永不改变既定的目的。——卢梭

7. 成功,是内心的造就。——拉尔夫。M.福特

8. 你因成功而内心充满喜悦的时候,就没有时间颓废。——弗兰克·迈耶

9. 如果你具备开始的勇气,就有了成功的豪情。——戴维·维斯考特

10. 一个人事业上的成功,只有15%是由于他的专业技术,另外的85%要依依耐人际关系、外世技巧。软与硬是相对而言的。专业的技术是硬本领,善于处理人际关系的交际本领则是软本领。——卡耐基

11. 每一个成功男人背后都有一个默默支持的女人。

12. 作为一个科学家来说,我的成功……最主要的是:爱科学作者:在长期思索任何问题上的无限耐心作者:在观察和搜集事实上的勤勉作者:相当的发明能力和常识。——达尔文

13. 栽松要敲得凶(栽后把土踏实),不凶不成功。

14. 因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。

15. 勇敢,事会成功;勤劳,幸福必来。

16. 三人省力,四人更轻松,众人团结紧,百事能成功。

17. 动手成功,伸手落空。

18. 光说不干,事事落空;又说又干,马到成功

19. 大胆的尝试只等于成功的一半。

20. 成功是辛勤劳动的报酬。

21. 骄傲是胜利的敌人,努力是成功的朋友。

22. 一个成功者所知道的,除了勤奋,便是谦逊。

23. 没有多次失败,难得一次成功。

24. 困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。

25. 失败是成功之母。高不过脚底板。

26. 失败得教训,成功获经验。

27. 一个成功的商人是虎,一个失败的商人是狼,你和他们中间哪个打交道?——冯骥才

28. 外国人不需要中国人,中国人也不需要外国人,在这一点上,我任何时候都是和义和团站在起的。义和团是爱国者。他们爱自己的国家胜过爱别的民族的国家。我祝愿他们成功。义和团主张把我们赶出他们的国家。我也是义和团。因为我也主张把他们赶出我们国家。——马克吐温

29. 不光荣的成功好像一道不加佐料的菜,可以填饱肚子,但没有好味道。——乔佩特诺

30. 机会是极难得的,但他具备三大成功的条件,那就是“像鹿一般会跑的腿,逛马路的闲功夫,和犹太人那样的耐性。——巴尔扎克

31. 丈夫想到管太太,远不及情人想到接近情妇次数多;禁子想到关牢门,远不及囚犯想到逃命次数多;所以困难尽多,情人和囚犯照样应该成功。——巴尔扎克

32. 成功的企业经营所需具备的要素是:热衷于货品的产出,确切熟知产出成品,责任感以及有效地派任职务。经理人员必须能让部属充分发挥自我才能,独立作业以担负份内完全职责;也必须将企业组织内每一个人视为追寻共同目标的一份子。——洛德福特

33. 一个人上床的时候能够对自己说:我没有对别人的作品下断语,没有叫谁相信,没有把自己的聪明才智当作刀子一般在清白无辜的人心中乱搅;没有说什么刻薄话破坏别人的幸福,便是对痴呆混沌的人也不干扰他的快乐,没有向真有才气的人无理取闹;不屑用俏皮话去博取轻易的成功;总之从来不曾违背我的信念……能够对自己这么说不是极大的安慰吗?巴尔扎克

34. 只有一种成功——能以你自己的生活方式度过你的一生。——克里斯托弗·莫利

35. 成功的条件在于勇气和自信,而勇气和自信乃是由健全的思想和健康的体魄而来。——科伦

36. 天下无难事,唯坚忍二字,为成功之要诀。——黄兴

37. 应该懂得这样一个道理:要努力,努力,再努力;如果开始不成功,还要努力,努力,再努力。——威·希克森

38. 当你希望成功,当以恒心为良友。——爱迪生

39. 十九次失败,到第二十次获得成功,这叫坚持。——佚名

40. 许多人都是因为坚持到最后五分钟而获得胜利和成功。——佚名

41. 思虑熟则得事理……得事理则必成功。

42. 人在成功的道路上,都会遇到形形色色的诱惑,而显现出本能的贪欲,想消除贪欲之心,免去贪欲之苦,必须做到克制、忍耐。佛家云“一寸适九寸魔”,“一念之欲不能制,而祸流于滔天”。学会忍耐,以律己之心克制自己,常思贪欲之害,才能抵制欲望的侵扰,心胸坦荡地走好人生之路。

43. 你失败,我失败,我们之中最厉害的人失败过,其他人也是。那些无法从挫败中站起来的人,常常把失败当结局。但我们应该记住,人生并非一试定终身,而是个试误的过程。那些成功的人都从愚蠢的错误中再站起来,因为他们觉得失败只是一时的,并视为可以学到东西的经验。对此,丘吉尔有精辟的见解:“成功是从一个失败前进到另一个失败,期间却热情不减的能力。”

44. 失败也是我需要的,它和成功对我一样有价值。只有在我知道一切做不好的方法以后,我才知道做好一件工作的方法是什么。

45. 你知道我当初为什么收下你吗?打从第一眼我看见你,我就晓得你跟我一样,一样的自负,一样的渴望成功。就是这种渴望,会驱使你努力去工作,去吸收这个圈子的养分。


47. 谬误有多种多样,而正确却只有一种,这就是为什么失败容易成功难脱靶容易中靶难缘故。

48. 对着瑰色的朝霞许诺着,我一定可以成功,我征服不了命运,但我不会屈服,我一定可以战胜所有人,走入那条命运援引我走向的那条道路,那条充满雨露阳光鸟语花香的美丽道路。

49. 失败后并不是就能真的获得成功,而是失败后要去认真反思,找出失败的原因,这样这次的“失败”才会有下次的“成功之母”。

友情的英文名言 篇6

2、good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.好书如挚友, 情谊永不渝。

3、A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。一本好书,莫逆之交。

4、A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn.路遥知马力, 日久见人心。

5、Better lose a jest than a friend。宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。

6、A friend is never known till a man has need.不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。

7、a bosom friend afar brings distant land near。海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

8、A friend is a second self.朋友是第二个自我。

9、a hedge between keeps friendship green。有一道隔墙会保持友谊常青。

成功的英文名言 篇7

2. Procrastinators who say, “There’s always tomorrow!” deny the reality that one day, they will be wrong.

3. It’s easier to take a small action now instead of a big action “some day.”

4. What you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while.

5. The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists. It rewards people who get things done.

6. If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.

7. The best way to prepare for the future is to take care of the present.

8. Don’t forget what happened, but understand that you cannot move forward while looking backwards.

9. Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones.

10. Doing something and getting it wrong is at least ten times more productive than doing nothing.

11. No matter how many mistakes you make, or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.

12. Past mistakes should teach you to create a wonderful future; not cause you to be afraid of it.

13. Don’t get caught up in wasted potential from years past. Potential is all we ever have.

14. No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you always have the choice to turn around.

15. You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

16. Stop looking back at the door shutting behind you before you walk past the door opening in front of you.

17. Being uncomfortable and uncertain is part of learning and growing. Get used to it. It’s worth it.

18. When you stop worrying about what you can’t control, you have time to change the things you can control.

19. When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you.

20. You might think you’re not good enough, but you’ll surprise yourself when you try.

21. People seldom do things to the best of their ability. They do things to the best of their willingness.

22. Don’t worry about others doing better than you. Concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between YOU and YOURSELF only.

23. You’ll never reach your destination if you keep stopping to tell everyone where you’ve been and what you’ve accomplished.

24. If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.

25. Every day we are faced with great opportunities disguised as difficult circumstances.

26. There is a hidden treasure inside every problem. It’s your job to find it.

27. Worrying is like a rocking in a chair: it keeps you busy, but doesn’t get you anywhere.

28. Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

29. The one who wins the race in the long run is usually not the strongest or the fastest, but the one who has tried the hardest.

30. Often it’s the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self.

31. The one who falls and gets up it so much stronger than the one who never fell.

32. The only difference between an obstacle and an opportunity is your attitude.

33. Approach the start of each day with one goal and end the day with one word: DONE!

34. Don’t think of all the sadness in the world, think of all the beauty that still remains around you.

35. When you are feeling down or dealing with failure, don’t be ashamed. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

36. Just because you are struggling does NOT mean you are failing. Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there.

37. It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed or if you’ve been beaten. All that matters is that you learn something, get back up, and try again. Because winning is a good feeling, but winning when nobody else thought you could is an awesome feeling.

38. Mistakes teach you important lessons. Every time you make one, you’re one step closer to your goal. The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothing simply because you’re too scared to make a mistake.

39. In order to be creative, we must lose our fear of being wrong. Take a chance on the opportunities your gut says are good, because some things only happen once.

40. Don’t let your fear of what could happen make nothing happen. If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.

41. “Time changes everything.” That’s what people say, but it’s not really true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were.

42. If you want to get over a problem, stop mulling it over and talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind. It’s nearly impossible to move beyond something when you’re obsessing over it.

43. When something bad happens, you can either let it define you, let it destroy you or let it strengthen you. The choice is yours. You have three choices in life: Give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got.

44. Don’t look back and ask, “Why?” Look ahead and ask, “Why not?” When it comes to your dreams and goals, be too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.
