Writing is one of the four basic skills in language learning Writing combines the ability of recognition,thinking and the using of words.It is a process of complicated skilled.Written work is usually produced after careful consideration so it is a relatively complete reflection of the learners'language ability.Errors tha appeared in writing are of great importance and value to both the language learners and teachers.
Among all the errors in writing,lexical errors are the mos frequent and important ones."People could describe few things without grammar,but they could express nothing without vocabulary"(Wilkins 111).Lexis is the centre role of language study while lexical errors are the most frequent category of error(James143).Lexical errors have been a great barrier to English writing In order to promote students'writing ability,this paper will firs discuss the significance of errors,and then classify the lexica errors in writings.Finally it will put forward some approach to the correction of lexical errors in English writing.
2 Significance of Lexical Errors
Traditionally,errors were regarded negatively and have to be eradicated.The more recent acceptance of such errors in learners'language is based on a fundamental shift in perspective from the more traditional view of how second languages acquired(Yule194).An error then,is not something that hinders student's progress,but is probably a clue to the active learning process being made by a student as he or she tries out ways of communicating in the new language.
Errors are not only inevitable but also necessary.Brown argues that"the study of the speech of learners is largely the study of the errors of learners",because"correct items yield little information about the Interlanguage of the learner."(169-171)There are some keys to the understanding of the process of learning language,which can be found in the errors made by learners.Errors are of great significance because they provide valuable information not only for teachers and students but also for textbook compilers,syllabus designers and researchers in the area of second language acquisition.
Errors could provide feedback by telling the teacher the effectiveness of his teaching materials and teaching techniques Errors also show the teacher what parts of the syllabus have been inadequately learned and taught and what parts need further attention.Thus the teacher gets the information which may enable him to decide whether he can move on or devote more time to the item he has been working on.Secondly,by analysis and corrections of their errors,students may know better in what aspect they should pay more attention to and to what extent he is weak Thus they may improve their learning more effectively.They can also test their hypothesis about the nature and rules of he language he is learning.As for the researchers,Corder claims that learner errors show them how the target language is learned or acquired and what kind of strategies or procedures employed in the discovery of the language(Error 10-11).Based on a systematic error study,syllabus,teaching materials and teaching techniques can be refined.
3 Approach to the Correction of Lexical Errors in
3.1 Self-correction
Students have some ability to correct their own errors.Tha is,they can activate their linguistic competence to do so,even without detailed cues.So,students should be encouraged to correct and revise their own work.Revision is an extremely important part of the writing process and students would benefit from strategies and advice to assist them in evaluating and revising their own and peers'work,whether for form or content.Consequently,students would participate in the writing process more actively,and cultivate the ability to take into consideration the expectations of the reader to develop a sense of audience.
Teachers can offer the students two kinds of check list,routine list and special list,which is the precondition for students self-correction.
Teachers may design a routine list for the errors that appeared frequently in English writing.By using this kind of list students can easily identify the errors and then try to reduce these errors in their writings.Such kind of routine list can be applied to correct all genres of writings as it contains high frequency errors in all types of composition.The second kind of check list is called special list that is designed for errors in specific compositions and it is used to aided the self-correction togethe with routine list.
3.2 Peer-correction
Small groups of students play an effective part in correcting written errors.It is considered that this method help teachers save time and free them for helpful instruction.
Students may be asked to correct compositions of his classmates.Small group worked as a team and went through the written assignments.The members of the small group marked,discussed,and correct the written errors.The teacher occasionally emerged to visit the small groups,looked at the corrected work listened to the debates,and offered help if there was a deadlock or made clarification if it was needed.Now,the roles of teachers and students have been exchanged.From this exchange,the students will get a fresh experience and some useful information to correct their own errors.Furthermore,when interacting with peers during small group activities,students may feel less anxious and more confident than they are during whole-class discussions.The interaction hypothesis of second language acquisition states tha interaction may facilitate second language learning by providing learners with negative feedback,drawing their attention to language form in the context of meaning,and pushing them to produce more complex or accurate target language forms.
Peer review can also be used.It is a powerful learning tool providing students with an authentic audience,thus increasing students'motivation for writing.In addition,it enables students to receive different views on their own writing.This will help them learn to read critically their own writing.Therefore,teachers correction should be supplemented with students'self-correction and peer review.
3.3 Teacher-correction
Teacher correction is an essential step in learning process.I they are not able to recognize the errors,the students do need some assistance from someone who is more proficient than they are.The teacher offers marginal notes to these corrections tha explain why certain errors are incorrect.For example,error tha is in inappropriate style.This will help students develop an idea of the criteria to judge their work and avoid similar errors in the future by offering them useful information.
As"language teaching is a very practical business",and teachers should"always be aware of the learners'needs"(胡壮麟386).Thus teacher correction should be carried out differently and error correction should be done according to the students'English level.There are three different strategies as there are three stages,which are presystematic stage,systematic stage and postsystematic stage.(Corder,270-272)At the presystematic stage,the learner's use of the target language is through random guessing because he is unaware of a particular rule in the target language.He fails to correct the errors and explain them.At the systematic stage,the learner is inconsistent in using some rules of the system of the target language even he has discovered them At this stage,he can explain why he made these errors,but he cannot usually correct them.When it comes to the postsystematic stage,the learner's using of the garget language is quite consistent.He can not only correct the errors but also explain why they are incorrect when he makes them.There will be errors at this stage,but the occurrence of them is infrequent.It happens to be the same with the three levels in learning English for Chinese students.
It is time-consuming and difficult to apply the above mentioned procedures.However,self-correction and peer-correction could be carried out after class if they are properly planned.The above mentioned methods are commonly and efficiently used by experienced teachers and play an important part in correcting lexical errors in English writings.
Teachers'correction and students'self-correction are both important.Apart from employing the common principles of error treatment,teachers should put primary focus on content and organization.That is,teachers'feedback(correction)should be given on content before focusing on language use so as to help students appreciate the communicative function of writing.Teachers should avoid premature editing and making revisions to the text at a surface instead of a global level.
4 Conclusion
The classification of lexical errors and lexical error correction mentioned above is,of course,either the only or the best way.It should be carried out differently and vary accordingly in the process of teaching and learning English.The purpose of this paper is to reduce lexical errors in English writings of senior middle school students.
[1]Brown H,Douglas.Principles of Language Learning and Teach-ing[M].2nd ed.New Jersey:Prentice-Hall Regents,1987.
[2]Corder S,Pit.Error Analysis and Interlanguage[M].Oxford:Ox-ford University Press,1981.
[3]James,Carl.Errors in Language Learning and Use:Exploring Error Analysis[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2001.
[4]Wilkins,George W.Linguistics in Language Testing[M].London:Edward Arnold,1978.
[5]Yule,George.The Study of Language[M].2nd ed.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.
They also only a small angel, the wing has not fullness。 When Mieding disaster fell, the land covered by grief, they used a strong and smiling, shook us。
In more than 10 hours after the quake, one of the North-Manlianshixue boy was rescued from the rubble。 In his armed police officers and soldiers prepared to move to safe areas, he can move difficult to hold the right hand, weakness and a standard King team at the Young Pioneers。
I ran over and discuss the father to go to the supermarket, my father looked at the home of the “food” found in fruits and vegetables are not many, so I took all her pocket money off. My father and I first came to the area of electrical appliances supermarket, there are so many appliances only on the shelf, a cooker, a cooker, a Soybean Milk machine, juicer and appliances, Ling Lang everywhere really multi ah! Zhaoyazhaoya, finally found a bread machine“. Dad asked me, ”do you want to buy a toaster?“ Its nice to give mom.” “So, I want to use my own money to buy it for mom, what about Dad?” I raised my face and asked dad. “Totally agree.”!“ Dad put out his hand. ”Thats great!“ I am happy and my father hit me in the face. We also bought a lot of fruit and vegetables, with.
Back home, I gave the bread machine to my mother and said, ”Mom, today is Thanksgiving Day. I bought a bread machine with my pocket money. Thank you, mom. I wish you a happy holiday.“!” My mother gave me a big hug and said: “thank you baby! Mom was happy today!” Afternoon, my mother made sweet bread with a bread machine to us. After dinner, I helped my mother clean the dishes, mom and Dad that I become more sensible!
Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You’re a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!
Thank you
for all my hands can hold
Thank you
for all my eyes can see
Thank you
for all my ears can hear
如今, 网络的普及性、及时性、交互性以及不受时空限制的特点, 为英语作文搭建了很好的活动平台。教师巧妙利用网络, 发挥网络优势, 有利于提升英语写作的有效性。
博客、QQ、BBS这些网络平台, 因其独特的交互性、共享性, 在当前中小学生中拥有广泛的使用基础。
1. 资源合理配置, 阵地开发。
首先, 可以利用学生现有资源, 建立写作奇葩室、QQ群。开放性强、互动性好的QQ群为英语写作活动的开展提供了便捷条件。
其次, 利用学校校园网站平台, 建立“写作奇葩室”博客。博客独特的资源共享性和便于整理、交流的特点, 应用于我们的英语写作活动, 可以有效拓展英语教学的时空。
2. 栏目设置新颖, 功能明晰。
作为服务于英语写作的博客建设, 既要考虑它的学科性, 也要顾及博客的休闲性, 当然清晰、有条理的版面设计更要体现科学理性、知性的风格。以“写作奇葩室”博客为例, 可以下设这样四个栏目: (1) “美文赏析”, 用来给学生展示一些质量较高的学生例文, 或者摘录的简易英文小故事。让学生从欣赏中获得一些习作技巧。 (2) “疑难杂症”, 用于呈现学生写作过程中出现的一些有问题的句子和解答学生的困惑。 (3) “同题实践”, 用于记录学生一个题目下的作文系列, 从中充分展示学生的个性特点, 精彩纷呈, 相互探讨。 (4) “写作接龙”, 给予一个开头, 让参加进来的人员每人填充一句话, 最终连成一篇习作, 由管理员审核, 质量较高的给予发表加分。
3. 跟进评价, 激励兴趣。
利用学生的好奇心来组织英语写作活动, 只能维持一段时间。当学生的热情消退、兴趣疲劳期到来的时候, 活动的持续性就会受到影响。所以, 利用网络平台组织的写作活动, 教师还是需要着手建立一定的激励、促进措施, 以保证活动的正常进行。
激励手段形式多样。如QQ群话题引领、丰富博客内容, 增强网络的吸引力等。但相比之下, 考评结合的手段更有实效性。比如加入QQ群、参与QQ群活动与期末成绩挂钩的办法;建立活动小结制, 对每期参与学生实行点名换积分的办法, 并将积分情况定期在课堂上反馈。这些举措都有力地推动了学生参与英文写作活动的热情, 使参与规模迅速壮大。
每一个写作活动的开展, 都少不了教师的引导。要充分发挥网络平台的引领作用, 更少不了教师有目的、有步骤地逐步推进、相机引导。
1. 技术引领, 管理到位。
要让QQ群和博客发挥其重要作用, 技术上的引领、管理上的到位是必不可少的。
(1) QQ群的管理使用。首先, 让每位学生通过群名片设置, 形成一个相对固定的交流群体, 以便管理和沟通;其次通过对群空间使用范围和功能的指导, 使学生了解和掌握网络平台的具体操作方法。
(2) 博客的管理使用。在完善博客空间的基础上, 教师做好博客使用与学生英语写作活动的嫁接工作———介绍各个栏目的作用以及功能, 并安排好具体的管理人员:如“美文赏析”一栏, 让学有余力的学生参与管理, 搜集、补充课外的一些英文浅显小故事或学生优秀习作, 如白雪公主和七个小矮人、青蛙王子等安徒生童话故事, 或者介绍周围生活的英文习作等。“写作接龙”一栏, 教师针对写作主题发一开头, 让学生进行跟帖, 如I have a_____f ami ly.帖子给学生一个导向, 要求学生接下去连成一篇习作, 充分发挥其即时追踪的效果。“疑难杂症”是供学生学习和交流习作过程中的困惑的舞台, 组织小管理员把一些中英差异较明显的句型有针对性地列出, 并欢迎大家提供疑难病症题, 一起探讨交流。“同题实践”更是博客的精华, 同一题目下各位小作者的内容手法各显神通, 让人叹为观止。学生可以在这里领略别人独特的写法, 所以教师要给予高度关注, 定期更新、提炼, 供学生相互学习。
2. 话题引领, 有效导向。
如何让QQ群真正发挥其有效性, 服务于我们的英语写作活动, 需要教师精心安排。
首先, 巧妙利用群公告。为了让学生明确QQ群的目的, 在刚建立群的时候, 可以设立类似的群公告:这里是我们的英语实践天地, 来吧, 勤动笔, 肯发言, 会有意想不到的收获哦!Welcome to our wr i t i ng r oom, come on!群公告让学生关注“写作奇葩室”, 让它来引领写作活动, 在校园里激起“流行风”。
其次, 定期组织话题交流。除了采取点名制和设定集中时间段以外, 教师还应该准备学生比较感兴趣的话题, 如hobbi es, do you have any hobbi es?What’s your hobby?Why do you li ke?What st or y happened t o you?……通过话题引领, 渗透方法和实践指导, 学生参与英文写作的积极性提高了, 写作也更有目的性。
总之, 网络技术的普及, 使英文写作得到了焕发活力的机会, 小学英语教师, 如果能够适时掌握先进的网络技术, 合理规划, 准确定位, 网络平台的优势必定会呈现出来, 架设网络交互平台, 提高小学英语作文教学的有效性, 就不是一句空话。
摘要:随着网络技术的普及, 博客、QQ、BBS等为英语作文搭建了很好的活动平台。英语教师要强化网络意识和网络文化适应意识, 有效地利用这一平台, 提高小学英语作文教学的有效性。
2、thanksgiving is a time when i tell you that i love you.
3、our first thanksgiving should be our best.
4、warm wishes at thanksgiving.
5、from all of us to all of you at thanksgiving.
6、warm wishes at thanksgiving.
7、have a full thanksgiving day!
8、thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids.
9、i love to eat, so i love thanksgiving.
10、may your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles.
11、god bless you and your family at thanksgiving and always!
12、a card can say more than a thousand words. happy thanksgiving day!
13、joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this thanksgiving!
14、wish you a very special thanksgiving day for you and your family.
2. it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed: decide可是个让你省事儿的好词了。它后面如果接从句,往往接虚拟语气。所以看见decide后面的从句,你就可以大胆地用动词 (should)+“原形”“啦!
3. dressing:调味品、填料。这里的dressing可不是穿的呀,a bread dressing可不是”面包衣服“!和bread在一起,dressing自然就是吃的啦!它是”调味品“的意思,”穿“在食物的身上了.
4. consensus on:就„„达成一致。注:consensus后面的介词要用on,而不用about。
5. continued:继续的。这里的continued看似动词continue的过去式,但它却是有自己的含义的,它是形容词”继续的“意思,
卡迪夫大学社会学教授——芭芭拉·亚当, 一直致力于时间的社会学研究, 笔者认为, 相对于其他时间的研究, 她的研究具有开创性的权威性。她的系列著作:《时间与社会理论》 (Polity, 1990) 、《时间观察:时间的社会分析》 (Polity, 1995) 、《现代性的时间步伐:环境与看不见的危险》 (Routledge, 1998) 等是她多年研究的一个积淀和积累。《时代瞭望:时间的社会分析》 (Timewatch:The Social Analysis of Time) 是作者的时间研究中更针对现代社会生活的时间分析, 并对时间进行了理论、方法等方面的解释。从古代神话和古典哲学的时间到当代社会的计算机网络和全球化的社会关系的时间建构的体验中, 我们能感受到作者力图超越时间的时钟和日历限制, 从而将时间嵌入在社会互动、结构、行为、知识、身体和环境中。
在《时代瞭望:时间的社会分析》中, 作者向我们说明了社会时间并非一个单一或者二元的概念, 而是一个复杂的客体。要理解这种复杂性, 我们有必要从基本的个人时间的理解开始。每个人的时间安排、时间体验截然不同, 但个体时间的背后隐藏着一个共同的测量标准, 即钟表时间的规划。这种规划也许是个人意识的行为, 依据自己所需制定时间表, 形成个人的时间链。但社会是一个互动的场所, 由我们所认同的“我们”构成, 我们的活动交融在一起, 接续在一系列的链条中, 整体的社会运作才能转动。海德格尔曾提到, 时间因为人的存在才具有意义。也就是说时间依附于人类社会, 人类的相互交织也会因这种依附性使时间相互交织, 形成一个社会整体的时间网。然而, 仅仅注意到社会中的“我们”, 仍旧不能逃脱人类自我中心的片面性。因而“其他的”时间成为芭芭拉·亚当教授全面分析时间的一个重要突破口, 因为“其他的”时间是看“我们的”时间或者“我的”时间的一面反射镜。从本体论角度看, 人类个体的生物性是人类活动的前提条件, 身体的节律、生物性的惯习与人体交融在一起, 自然地相互契合, 但很少会得到人们单独的注意, 因而在工业社会化的生活中, 它显得不那么重要或者它的效用难以显现出来。但是, 正是因为它与人类个体的密切相关性, 我们才需要将它剥离出来, 为了理解人类本身而理解它。就已有的自然节律而言, 外部的自然韵律是我们自身永远逃脱不掉的, 身体的代谢、各个器官的运作都在宇宙的运动中调试, 与地球的律动形成共振, 就连人工制品钟表声的“嘀嗒嘀嗒”也融入进这个共振。芭芭拉·亚当没有否认本体论, 从时间的本体延伸到更广阔的“其他”, 尤其是我们存在的情景。从情景中看, 我们创造了一种多维的空间, 改变了以往就我们的时间而谈我们的一一对应模式。“我的”、“我们的”、“其他的”时间不是三个分离的不同时间概念, 这三个概念在本质上是相互联系、相互依赖, 甚至是相互转化的关系。
而转变一一对应的二元结构, 形成多维的视角, 需要我们探讨研究时间的更适合的理论和方法。以书中提到的社会的规范化组织——学校的时间安排为例, 我们都知道学校是一个时间高度统一, 高度规范化的场所, 让人们看不到任何统一的钟表时间安排之外的时间, 而在这样难以发觉的场景中, 延伸出时间的多维度, 无疑有利于我们对时间多维性的理解。显而易见, 学校的结构性塑造着学生与教师的结构化的活动, 钟表时间也随之成为学生学习、老师教学、老师得到报酬的测量依据, 学校的各个时间表相互关联、相互配合形成整个学校的时间网络, 进而维护了整体的结构秩序, 持续了一种确定性。但是, 在这个源于本笃会的禁欲主义而对事情进行时间规划中, 我们要研究的问题不仅是时间表、时间参量下的行为, 比如, 学生在同样的时间中进行测试, 我们很容易对很早就交卷的同学和没有答完卷的同学持消极的态度;而对在规定的考试时间前一点完成试卷的同学持积极的态度。而且要注意到它的一些隐含的假设, 如忽视学生个人能力、学习基础等问题已经成为我们学校生活的常识。在传统科学之中, 时间被定为一个参量, 一个如长度测量单位那样的不变的、不可见的空间化的单位, 社会科学也随之依赖于可测量的时间量、线性顺序和循环模式。在现在的研究中, 我们已经注意到时间的复杂性, 但是, 传统的那样为了应对复杂的事务的做法, 无论是假设性的简化, 还是强制性的简化, 都不再是应对生活和维系生活的行之有效的策略。时间作为一种研究的工具具有有限性, 我们需要认识到时间的结构特征, 不仅是将来、现在和过去, 而且是互动创造的时间。所以, 时间研究的关键在于超越这些标准化的量化的时间安排, 注意到内在的准则, 专注于那些非理论化的常识性的社会实践。
时间安排的延伸与超越需要我们质疑自然而然接受的东西, 需要进一步把我们本身、我们的理解及我们的基本假定都包含进去, 在这个过程中产生反思, 从而把焦点集中于通常情况下不关注的问题上, 继而打破“理所当然性”。但是, 这一过程中有所依赖的理论才能使时间的多重复杂性更有意义。社会学中的时间研究视角主要有三种, 功能主义者研究的时间是量化的测量工具;韦伯理性过程的分析, 依据宗教伦理的新精神, 将时间视为一种有价值的资源, 工作与经济的交换是对时间资源的有效利用, 因而时间可以在我们的控制之中;马克思主义者在去背景的过程中, 创造出非世俗的可以利用、分配和交换的时间, 时间变得商品化, 变化的质转变为不变的抽象的交换价值。但仅依赖一种理论视角似乎有些片面, 芭芭拉·亚当教授认为将诸如艺术家、诗人、作家的视角统一融入到这三种理论视野之中则是更为全面的了解时间的途径。
我们已经习惯于对工作时间的商品化、理性主义的解释, 但在经济化的时间中是否可以发现“其他的”时间意义呢?芭芭拉·亚当教授注意到与金钱联系极少的女性的时间, 尽管女性在生育、养育子女等时间上有绝对的优先权, 但是, 商品化的社会中, 工作时间似乎拥有绝对的霸权, 即与金钱相关的时间更受重视, 由此可以看出, 工作时间的性别非中立性, 由于女性感性的特质使得她们的时间更具体化, 相反男性的特质则构建了去背景下的理性化与标准化的时间。此外, 老年人与残疾人和女性类似, 同样是工作时间中弱势的一方。这些弱势的一方能帮我们认识到经济时间准则中的高效率、可控性、灵活性优先的特征, 而这样的时间经济分析是理所当然的假设从显现到被打破的具体操作的最好例证。
即使工作时间的安排与准则处于理性至上的去背景中, 但“其他的”背景仍旧是不容忽视的方面, 尤其是超越了国家限制的全球化的背景。从时间上讲, 全球化得益于信息技术的发展, 速度成为了全球联系的关键, 因而全球化是即时性的、同时性的、联系的。从各个点向整个世界的蔓延中, 陌生的其他世界进入到联系网中的人们日常生活中, 时空被存在与不存在连接组织起来, 也就是吉登斯的社会动力学机制的表现之一——时空分离, 即超越了具体“地点”和“场所”的局限而实现更广泛的联合。现代社会因素、社会关系、社会组织跨越时间和空间距离的联合即在即时的、同时的维度中进行时空重组的过程。但是, 在芭芭拉·亚当教授看来, 这一过程既超越了工业体制的控制限制, 也产生了不确定性的因素, 如核威胁, 打破了我们习惯的线性的网络化的行为模式。因而, 在全球化的进程中, 作为“其他的”方面的全球环境不断经历着改变, 面对这样的复杂情景, 探讨社会时间要把工业化社会与传统及古代社会区分开来, 而正统科学的二元论似乎是不恰当的。全球问题的复杂性中也会掺杂一系列问题, 包括臭氧层破坏、全球变暖、资源耗竭, 甚至是核能污染, 都不是一个单一的直接的因果关系。在问题的解决中, 受经验主义的影响, 实践的证明或者事实的说明成为人们, 尤其政府人员基于问题及其危害性的依据, 往往造成治理时间落后于问题的出现, 由此, 时间因素成为我们认识问题的关键。如, 关于核辐射有各种各样的科学研究分析中存有许多猜测和大概的统计而具有证据的不确定性, 并且核危险对于大多数人来说具有不可见性, 以致一些政府仍未全面禁止, 这就产生了问题与治理之间的滞后造成的危害潜伏期。无疑, 这样的应对策略只考虑了现在, 关键的时间上的延伸关怀被排除, 以致于不确定性的危害难以控制, 对于未来难以预计。在芭芭拉·亚当教授看来, 这样的做法是对后代的不负责任, 而考虑到后代不是一件值得称赞的目标, 而是一个道德所需, 是一件必要的事情。如果科学不能考虑道德的基本作用, 那么科学与唯物论的认识论不得不被取代, 因此, 需要改变那些理所当然的科学假设:不仅相信客观物质, 而且要考虑到可见与不可见、物质与非物质及精神的层面;注重将来与长期关注的利益;超越个人, 延伸到所有人、所有的生活和所有的时间, 不仅是横向的延伸也是纵向的延伸、从内而外的延伸, 尤其是在具体的实践中, 注重亲身的参与。
时间仍然是一个生活的事实, 并且是一个多层次、复杂的生活事实, 它的形式多样, 表达层次多样。作为测量的尺度、资源和商品, 我们可以认识到时间在我们生活中扮演的角色与发挥的作用。借助时间的规律性, 可以作为以后生活的依据, 因而有助于我们看到不可见之物, 使我们所见的理解变得通透。时间分析的理论与方法的关怀是我们全面理解时间的一个面向, 这种关怀把我们存在的复杂性与我们存在的意义联系起来, 从而有助于我们理解自己、他人及外部的环境。
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[2].Barbara Adam, 1995, Timewatch:The Social Analysis of Time[M].Polity Press, p20~24, p73~83
[3].马尔霍尔.海德格尔与《存在与时间》[M].桂林:广西师范大学出版社, 2007