Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year Day. I enjoy it very much. On the Chinese New Year Day, some of our relatives come to visit us. They often give me some lucky money. Then I would play with their children. We often play firecrakers together, which is quite interesting.
At night the whole family would sit together, talking and watching TV programmes. Sometimes we take pictures of the whole family members in the house. I often go to bed late during the holiday, but I dont feel fired at all. I think the Spring Festival is the most enjoyable day for every family in China.
韩礼德 (1970, 1973, 1985/1994/2004) 把语言的纯理功能分成三种:概念元功能 (ideational function) 、人际元功能 (interpersonal function) 和语篇元功能 (textual function) 。而韩礼德所说的概念功能包括经验功能和逻辑功能两个部分。经验功能指的是语言对人们在现实世界 (包括内心世界) 中各种经历的表达。换言之, 就是反映客观世界和主观世界中所发生的事, 所牵涉的人和物以及与之有关的时间、地点等环境因素。逻辑功能指的则是语言对两个或两个以上的意义单位之间逻辑关系的表达。 (胡壮麟, 朱永生, 张德禄, 李占子, 2005:74)
经验功能主要是通过“及物性” (transitivity) 和“语态” (voice) 得到体现的。人际功能主要通过语气系统和情态系统来体现, 而情态系统所表达的意义是从说话者的角度对命题的成功性和有效性所做出的判断, 或在命令中要求对方承担的义务和在提议中要表达的个人意愿。
功能语言学认为任何选择都是有意义的。“选择就是意义”是一条广泛应用的原则。形式是意义的体现, 形式不同, 表达的意义就不一样。在英语政治演讲的演讲稿的语篇中, 演讲者因为所要表达的政治观点, 意识形态的需要, 以及其演讲过程中相关的“参加者” (participant) 和“环境成分” (circumstantial element) 的不同, 所以演讲者在撰写政治演讲稿时对其语言要有所选择, 如及物过程类型的选择, 选择不同的及物性情态量值, 语篇衔接方式, 就意味着表达不同的意义, 撰稿者需要反复考虑琢磨怎样措辞怎样组织篇章结构才能使使信息更容易为听众所接受, 从而增加信息被听众认可的机会, 以便更有效地达到其政治目的。不同的英语政治演讲稿因其演讲者的身份, 演讲目的, 演讲的内容的不同, 其语言必有各自不同的特征, 但是其语言使用特征上在某些方面却存在共性, 现在我们以以色列总理伊扎克·拉宾1995年11月4日的最后一次演讲《要和平, 不要暴力!》为语料对其及物性、情态动词、语篇衔接词分别进行分析。《要和平, 不要暴力!》这篇演讲稿出自由高等教育出版社出版的《大学体验英语的综合教程3》 (第二版) 的第八单元的passsge B。
通常情况下, “演讲”和“演说”被人们视作同义。所谓的演讲, 是“在特定的时空环境中, 以有声语言和相应的体态语言为手段, 公开向听众传递信息, 表述见解, 阐明事理, 抒发感情, 以期达到感召听众的目的” (李元授、邹昆山2003:4-5) 。
政治演讲是“指人们针对国家内政事务和对外关系, 表明立场、阐明观点、宣传主张的一种演讲” (李元授, 周昆山2003:29) 。政府首脑的竞选演讲、施政演讲、就职演讲, 各级领导宣传大政方针和实施计划的演讲, 以及人们在政治集会上代表一定阶级, 政党或个人发表的演讲等, 都是政治演讲 (ibid:29-300) 。
在具体的演讲活动中, 演讲者以各种身份登场, 带有各种各样的演讲目的, 演讲的内容包罗万象。根据演讲的内容来分, 演讲可以分为政治演讲、学术演讲、生活演讲、法庭演讲、宗教演讲等五种类型 (邵守义1991;49) 。由于篇幅有限, 本文仅以以色列总理伊扎克·拉宾1995年11月4日的最后一次演讲《要和平, 不要暴力》作为英语政治演讲的语料进行分析。
三、伊扎克·拉宾的《要和平, 不要暴力!》英语政治演讲稿的微观语言特征
及物性是英语中表现概念功能的一个语义系统, 其作用在于把人们在现实世界的中的所见所闻, 所作所为分成若干种“过程” (process) , 并指明与各种有关的“参加者” (participant) 和“环境成分” (circumstantial element)
及物性包括六种不同的过程: (1) 物质过程 (material process) ; (2) 心理过程 (mental process) ; (3) 关系过程 (relational process) ; (4) 行为过程 (behavioral process) ; (5) 言语过程 (verbal process) 和 (6) 存在过程 (existential process) 。
通过对伊扎克·拉宾的《要和平, 不要暴力!》的英语演讲稿中各小句进行及物性分析, 我们发现六个过程类型出现了五个过程类型, 其中行为过程没有出现, 其他五个过程出现的频率大不相同, 现统计如下:
《要和平, 不要暴力!》英语政治演讲稿的及物性分析
从上面的表格中我们可以看到, 用的最多的过程类型是物质过程 (41, 43.6%) , 其次是关系过程 (28, 29.8%) , 物质过程和关系过程占总的物质过程类型 (69, 73.4%) 。心理过程排第三位 (14, 14.9%) 。第四位是存在过程 (6, 6.4%;) , 最后一位是言语过程 (5, 5.3%) , 行为过程没有用到。在伊扎克·拉宾的《要和平, 不要暴力!》的英语政治演讲稿中, 伊扎克·拉宾对物质过程和关系过程的使用比例相对大于其他过程, 过程类型呈现上述分布比例的原因是因为一篇强有力的演讲稿以客观地陈述事实, 合理的逻辑结构, 或强烈的情感表达为基础的。
将物质过程运用于英语政治演讲中, 尤其象伊扎克·拉宾《要和平, 不要暴力!》的英语政治演讲稿具有说服性的政治演讲, 通过物质过程向听众展示民众及演讲者本人对和平的向往, 对暴力的痛恨。号召鼓动听众起来采取行动。伊扎克·拉宾通过物质过程的使用清楚地阐明自己的目标, 而不至使听众困惑。
Quirk等人 (1985:219) 把情态看作是演讲者对命题的真实性的判断。在客观上, 真实性存在归一性 (polarity) , 非此即彼。Halliday把情态和归一性联系在一起, 认为情态指的是“是”与“非”之间的意义领域, 即肯定和肯定之间的中间区域。既然情态表达的是肯定和否定意义之间的中间区域, 所以演讲者可以在肯定和否定之间通过不同的情态词把他的命题表达的更趋于肯定或否定。不同点情态动词通过其具有的不同的量值可以表达不同的程度的可能性、经常性、义务和意愿。
在任何语篇中情态动词 (如will, should, could, can等) 是实现情态化的方式之一。情态量词大致可分为高、中、低三级。下面表格是情态动词must, need, will, would, shall, should, may, can, be able to的情态量值 (Holliday 1994:362;2004:624) :
在伊扎克·拉宾《要和平, 不要暴力!》的英语政治演讲稿中总共有3个情态动词出现, 分别是will、must, can, 每个情态动词的出现频率如下:
从表中可以看出will作为情态动词出现的频率最高 (7, 63.3%) , 其次是can, must, (3, 27.3%;2, 18.1%;) 。伊扎克·拉宾用限定性情态动词, 且是中量值的情态动词will来表达实现以巴和平进程的概率, 即用情态动词表达可能性, 政治演讲家用情态动词来表达可能性可以看作是运用了礼貌原则中的一种礼貌策略。因为情态表达是肯定和否定之间的中间区域, 所以情态的使用是避免将事情绝对化的一种方式, 从而使听众更愿意接受政治家们所传递的信息, 这样就会增加听众认可信息的机会, 避免听众对其主张或观点挑战和批评, 最终与听众产生情感上的共鸣, 一起为共同的目标而努力。
在《要和平, 不要暴力!》中作者用高量值的限定性情态动词must来说明在现实生活中, 整个以色列人, 所有犹太教民, 许多阿拉伯世界人民, 全世界的人民的为争取和平, 反对暴力和恐怖主义所承担的义务。在英语政治演讲中有较多用高量值的情态词来表达义务的现象, 因为强有力的鼓动力量需要蕴涵于英语政治演讲中。政治演讲者在演讲过程中, 或鼓动, 或宣传, 或批驳, 这都需要引起听众的强烈的共鸣, 需要有强有力的鼓动性和号召性, 需要表达政治演讲家为了实现某个目标承担的责任和义务。比如美国总统通常在其就职演说中表达与其人民的共同的美好希望和英雄梦想, 并展示其雄才大略和施政纲领, 除此之外, 总统们往往要表达为了实现其英雄梦想和远大宏伟的目标自己和全国人民应该承担的责任。
演讲稿作者用can, 说明实现巴以和平进程的潜在性与能力。鉴于从语义上讲, 表潜在性的成分任隶属与情态系统, 韩礼德视其为情态的另一种类型。在英语中, 潜在性可分为三类:非明确主观取向, 由can来体现 (无明确主观取向) ;非明确客观取向, 由be able to来体现;明确客观取向, 由it is possible (for) 来体现 (胡壮麟朱永生, 张德禄, 李占子, 2005:152) 。
在伊扎克·拉宾《要和平, 不要暴力!》的英语政治演讲稿我们可以找到用低量值, possble表示可能性, 如:
1、it will be possible to make peace. (明确客观表可能性)
2、But, more than anything, in the more thanthree years of this Government’s existence, the Israeli people has proven that it is possible (明确客观表可能性) to make peace, that peace opens the door to a better economy and society;that peace is not just a prayer
还出现用动词表达情态意义, 这可用来表达作者本人的主观性, 具有明确主观取向。例如:
1、I have always believed (明确主观) that the majority of the people want peace and are ready totake risks for peace.
2、I believe that there is now a chance for peace, a great chance. (明确主观)
(1) 词汇衔接的定义
Halliday&Hasan合著的《英语的衔接》 (1976) 认为衔接手段大致可分为语法衔接和词汇衔接两种。其中, 词汇衔接 (lexical cohesion) 是指通过词汇语义的选择、组织和聚合, 建立起一定的语义衔接关系, 达到语篇连贯的目的。韩礼德在书中指出词汇衔接即“用词汇复现、近义词、上义词及其他语义关系把篇章中的句子连接起来……语篇的主题是由词汇衔接的贯通而得到实现的” (1976) 。英国另一位应用语言学家Hoey (1991) 认为“词汇衔接是创造篇章织体的主要手段, 篇章的连贯在很大程度上依靠词汇关系的构造而产生, 篇章中的各个句子通过词汇语义关系得以相互联系, 使得对一个句子的解读除了依靠句法手段之外, 还必须依赖同一语篇中词汇项之间的语义关系”
(2) 词汇衔接的方式
黄国文先生 (2001) 在《语篇分析的理论与实践》一书中指出:词汇衔接指“通过词的重复、同义、反义、上下义、整体与部分等关系达到语义连贯”。
通过对《要和平, 不要暴力》演讲稿分析后我们会发现词汇衔接在其篇章中建立一个贯穿篇章的链条, 重复是其最主要的衔接方式。重复是在词汇衔接中最直接的方式是具有同样语义同一形式的词汇在同一语篇中反复出现。它与句法衔接中的重复不同。句法衔接强调同样结构的重复出现.词汇重复是一个单词或词组的重复。
在伊扎克·拉宾《要和平, 不要暴力!》演说中重复词或短语占很大的篇幅。如:peace, 26次;chance, 5次;democracy, 2次, democratic (形容词) 1次;election, 2次;violience3次;I want to 5次, possible to, 2次;more than, 2次;prayer, 2次;aspiration, 2次;partner, 2次;enemy, 2次;do one’s part, 2次;conflict, 2次;pain, 3次;path, 3次;a military man, 2次;here, 5次等等。
以色列列总理伊扎克·拉宾通过对关键词peace的26次重复使用及其他词的重复使用向听众阐明实现和平的重要性和意义, 并且代所有正义的听众表达了其渴望和平, 反对暴力的心声, 从而与听众在情感上产生共鸣, 抓住时机, 最终采取实现和平, 维护和平的行动, 达到通过演讲实现其政治目的。如的两次使用表明以伊扎克拉宾为代表的政治家们已经从事反对暴力, 实现和平神圣事业许多年了。Partner的两次使用表明实现和平需要人加入, 一起奋斗!
同义词与反义词在本篇中也起到了衔接语义的作用。同义词与反义词正确运用, 是修辞的一种手段, 也是篇章衔接的方式之一。在《要和平, 不要暴力》的语篇中也有其他的衔接的方式如同义词和反义词的使用。
同义词:Peace, election, democracy, course, path, road;for peace, want peace, desire peace, support peace, every opening, and every possibility.
反义词:peace和violence;Against violence andfor peace, desire peace and oppose peace, the path of peace and the path of war;
局部与整体词是表示个体和整体的“内包”关系, 是一种实体的“内包”。这种衔接方式在《要和平, 不要暴力!》的倒数第二段, 作为一种衔接方式出现, 如:the Israeli people;To the Jewish people around the world, themany people in the Arab world, the entire world
本文以系统功能语法中的及物性理论为根据对政治演讲这一体裁进行话语分析, 找出了与这一语篇体裁相适应的语言表现形式所体现出的微观特征 (从及物性, 情态化, 语篇的词汇衔接三个方面) 。
通过以伊扎克·拉宾的《要和平, 不要暴力!》的英语演讲稿为语料, 对语篇中的及物性、情态动词、语篇衔接中的词汇衔接进行分析, 我们发现物质过程是使用最多的及物类型其次是关系过程;限定性的中量值的情态动词will的使用频率最高, 来表达一种概率即否定和肯定中间区域的一种可能性, 用高量值的限定性情态动词must来说明在现实生活中, 需承担的一种义务;重复是《要和平, 不要暴力!》的英语政治演讲稿的语篇衔接的最主要的词汇衔接方式。
英语政治演讲稿的特点, 演讲目的, 及特定的听众决定了任何英语政治演讲稿都有其共同的语言特点, 伊扎克·拉宾的《要和平, 不要暴力!》也不例外。伊扎克·拉宾的《要和平, 不要暴力!》演讲稿中表现的语言特征 (及物性、情态化、语篇衔接) 在某种程度上就折射出了所有英语政治演讲稿的特点, 如在英语政治演讲中有较多用高量值的情态词来表达义务的现象。
摘要:本文以系统功能语法中的及物性理论, 情态化, 词汇衔接为根据, 并以以色列总理伊扎克·拉宾的《要和平, 不要暴力!》这篇英文政治演讲稿为语料对政治演讲这一体裁进行话语分析, 找出了与这一语篇体裁相适应的语言表现形式所体现出的微观特征。
[1]《大学体验英语》项目组编:《大学体验英语综合教程3》 (第二版) , 高等教育出版社。
[2]胡瑾、曾蕾:《国际学术交流英语演讲稿语篇模式分析》, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2009年。
[3]胡壮麟、李永生、张德禄、李战子:《系统功能语言学概论》, 北京大学出版社, 2005。
[5]李元授、邹昆山:《演讲学》, 华中科技大学出版社, 2003年。
[6]邵守义:《演讲学》, 东北师范大学出版社, 1991。
[7]王立非、李平:《全球化中的英语演讲:挑战与创新》——首届全国英语演讲教学与研究学术研讨会论文集, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2009.。
Spring Festival and Christmas
Sdudent number:
Spring Festival and Christmas
Different peoples have different traditional fastivals.Now I will write something about Spring Festival and Christmas, and the similarlties and the differences between them.1.Spring Festival
Sping Festival is a tradtional festival of China.On January 1st in lunar calender.We will celebrate it greatly.Why Chinese celebrate Sprng Festival greatly every year ? How to Chinese celebrate it? There is a mythos about Spring Festival.It is said that, there was a cruel terrible wild animal named Xi in the ancient.In the cold winter, it would find food in the village.It would eat the animals even human.One day, a boy named Nian came to this village.Nian told the villagers to hang the red cloth on the door, keep the candle gleamily all the night, then the crowd make fire to wait for Xi.In the middle of the night, Xi came to the village.When it saw the red cloth and the lighting it was very fritended.Then Nian told the crowd to throw the bamboo into the fire.Then the bamboo cracked, when Xi listen the crack, it ran away hurrily.That night is December 30st in lunar canlender.In the next morning, the villagers congratulate each other.Now Spring Festival coplets stand for the red cloth, and the firecrackers stand for the bamboo.During the Spring Festival, one food every Chinese will eat.It is jiaozi.It named Chiese meat ravioli.Jiaozi was invented in Han Dynasty by a doctor named Zhang zhongjing.It was medicine at first.Now it is one of the most popurlar food in China.2.Christmas
Christmas is a traditonal festival in western countries.It is the biggest festival celebrated in the Chirstian countries of the world.Christian countries regard this day as the birthday of Jesus Christ, but many of the customs and celebrations are not of a
religious nature.Red,green and write are the Christmas color.Before the Christmas every family will prepare a Christmas tree in the drawing-room.They decreate it very beautiful.On Christmas Eve, the family will have a big dinner, and the children hung up the stock and listen for Santa Claus.Santa Claus is the American name for ST.Nicholas.It was his custom to go out at night and bring gifts to the needy.He is a fat jolly man who wears a red suit, a red hat and has a long white beared.On Christmas morning, the first thing for many people is gather around the Christmas tree to exchange gifts and Merry Christmas greeting with each other.Then the Christmas Dinner is coming.3.The similarlties and the differences between Spring Festival and Christmas
祝您福寿安康:I wish you longevity and health.
祝您长命百岁:Wishing you a long life.
愿二老福寿安康:May you both live long and healthy lives.
多福多寿:Wishing a happy , long and healthy life!
春天就要来了,你就想春天一样清新可人:You are as refreshing as the upcoming spring.
岁月流逝,我对你的爱历久弥新:I love you more with every passing year.
你是我最珍爱的宝贝:You are the most precious thing I have.
岁月已过,容颜已老。但有你在身旁,我将青春永不老:Although I grow older every passing year , I am forever young when Iam around you.
愿您步步高升:I hope there will be a promotion for you this year.
助您今后获得更大成就:Wishing you many future successes.
祝您事业、家庭双丰收:Wishing you success in your career and a happy family.
祝新年快乐,并原您幸福吉祥、前程似锦:I wish you joyous new year , happiness and good luck in the future.
愿您新年快乐,大发利市:Have a happy and prosperous year.
恭贺开张大吉:Good luck in your new business.
祝您生意兴隆:Best wishes for the success of your business.
恭喜发财:May good fortune come your way in the New Year.
祝好运、健康、欢乐伴你度过一个快乐新年:Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.
祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝愿:With best wishes for a happy New Year.
谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利:I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.
Dear Customer:
Chinese New Year began, Vientiane update. Intelligent interactive new media International Limited staff in this deeply grateful to you for a long time for our support and love! To you my most sincere wishes and greetings! In the new year, our company will work harder for you provide better service!
Combined with the specific situation of our company specific arrangements for the Spring Festival holiday period as follows:
Chinese New Year holiday time: January 25 (lunar December twenty-five) - February 6 (seventh lunar month). February 7 (the eighth lunar month) to resume normal work.
During the holiday business Tel: Chen: 15602963482 or Manager Zhou: 18079221715.
Holiday because you inconvenience, sorry, hope forgive me!
New Year approaching, I wish you in the new year, business is booming and good luck, happiness and good health!
刊名:Track Coach期号:2012年第202期
篇名 (作者) :
1.Racing Strategies (By Jason R. Karp)
文摘:It really does help to have a race plan. Here are 10 points of race strategy for you to think about. Excerpted from 101 Winning Racing Strategies for Runners by Jason Karp (Coaches Choice, 2012)
2.A Modern Pole Vault Training Area (By John N. Kernan)
文摘:Equipment innovations can provide your vaulters sufficient scope to develop their gymnastic skills. Here is one interesting idea.
3.The Spirit Of The Pole Vault 10 Tips On Pole Vault Development (By Tim St. Lawrence)
文摘:Tim is co-director of the Hudson Valley Flying Circus Pole Vault Academy, Warwick, New York. He was the Warwick Valley High School (NY) track & field coach, 1974-2008, and was the 2012 National High School Pole Vault Coach of the Year. www. Hvflyingcircus.com
4.Long Jump Technique (By John Shepherd)
文摘:John Shepherd is the editor of ultra-FIT magazine. He jumped 7m89cm and now coaches some of the top junior and senior long jumpers in Britain.
刊名:Track & Field News期号:2013年第1期
篇名 (作者) :
1.T&FN Interview Carmlita Jeter (by Jon Hendershott)
2.Britain Snags 2 More U.S. Coaches (by Sieg Lindstrom)
刊名:Runner’s World期号:2013年第1期
篇名 (作者) :
The Secret language of running spouses (Marc Parent)
游泳 (Swimming)
刊名:Swimming World期号:2012年第5期
篇名 (作者) :
1.Olympic Flashback (by Jeff Commings with special contributions by Steve Johnson) (连载)
文摘:Each month from January through July, Swimming World will chronicle the history of swimming at the Olympic Games from Athens in 1896 through Beijing in 2008. This month: 1976-1984.
2.Dryside Training: Six Great Medicine Ball Exercises (by J.R. Rosania)
3.How They Train: Katie Ledecky (by Michael J. Stott)
刊名:Swimming World期号:2012年第6期
篇名 (作者) :
1.Olympic Flashback (by Jeff Commings with special contributions by Steve Johnson) (连载)
文摘:Each month from January through July, Swimming World will chronicle the history of swimming at the Olympic Games from Athens in 1896 through Beijing in 2008. This month: 1988-1996.
2.Nutrition Choices of the Stars (by Jeff Commings)
3.Dryside Training: Train Like an Olympian! (by J.R. Rosania)
4.How They Train: Chris Satterthwaite (by Michael J. Stott)
5.Goldminds: Power and Pressure (by Wayne Goldsmith)
文摘:Here's how to improve your distance per stroke-and swimming performance-by improving your feel for the water.
足球 (Soccer)
刊名:Success in Soccer期号:2012年第5期
篇名 (作者) :
1.Make teamwork your club’s top priority (by Thomas Grenz)
刊名:Success in Soccer期号:2012年第6期
篇名 (作者) :
1.The many benefits of station training (by Rolf Mayer, Technical/Tactical Training)
2.Small-sided games and competitions (by Martin Friemel, Small Group Training, Youth Training)
摔跤 (Wrestling)
刊名:Wrestling USA期号:2012年第12期
篇名 (作者) :
1.Remaining Optimistic After Losing an Important Match (Stan Popovich, Sports Psychology)
运动心理 (Sport Psychology)
刊名:International Journal of Sport Psychology期号:2012年第4期
1.An explanation for the fallacy of facilitative anxiety: stress, emotions, coping, and subjective performance in sport
2.Hold your Head High. The influence of emotional versus neutral nonverbal expressions of dominance and submissiveness in baseball
3.Self-regulation of learning and performance level of elite youth soccer players
4.Gaze behavior during the soccer penalty kick: an investigation of the effects of strategy and anxiety
5.The role of time pressure and accountability in moderating the impact of expectan cies on judgments of tennis performance
运动营养 (Sport Nutrition)
刊名:International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism期号:2012年第5期
1.β-Alanine Improves Punch Force and Frequency in Amateur Boxers During a Simulated Contest
2.The Effect of Carbohydrate-Electrolyte Beverage Drinking Strategy on 10-Mile Running Performance
3.Fluid Balance of Elite Female Basketball Players Before and During Game Play
4.Runners Greatly Underestimate Sweat Losses Before and After a 1-hr Summer Run
5.Dietary and Training Predictors of Stress Fractures in Female Runners
6.Relationship Between Eating-Behavior Disorders and Psychological Parameters in Male First-Year Physical Education Students
7.Case Study: Nutrition and Training Periodization in Three Elite Marathon Runners
运动训练 (Sport Training)
刊名:Journal of Athletic Training期号:2012年第5期
1.Trunk-Rotation Flexibility in Collegiate Softball Players With or Without a History of Shoulder or Elbow Injury
2.Eating Disorder Risk and the Role of Clothing in Collegiate Cheerleaders' Body Images
刊名:Strength and Conditioning Journal期号:2012年第5期
1.Maximizing Strength Training Performance Using Mental Imagery
2.Exercise Programmming for Cardiovascular Disease
3.Protein Requirements for Strength Training
体育产业 (Sport Industry)
刊名:Sport Marketing Quarterly (SMQ) 期号:2012年第4期
1.Attracting Facebook 'Fans': The Importance of Authenticity and Engagement as a Social Networking Strategy for Professional Sport Teams
2.Development of a Brand Extension Decision-Making Model for Professional Sport Teams
3.An Analysis of the Motivators of Seattle Sounders FC Season Ticket Holders: A Case Study
刊名:SportBusiness International期号:2012年第6期
1.The Business of the Olympics (Part 4: Event Management)
2.A Necessary Expense? (Corporate Hospitality)
刊名:SportBusiness International期号:2012年第7期
1.The Business of the Olympics (Part 5: The Role of the Host City)
2.Living For The City Ultimate Sports Cities 2012
3.High Flyers (Team Travel and Logistics)
刊名:Club Business International (CBI) 期号:2012年第5期
篇名 (作者) :
1.Value Proposition: Med-Fit Systems, Inc. (IHRSA Report, Member News)
文摘:You may not be familiar with this company's name, but the major product lines it manufactures or represents speak well of its reputation.
刊名:Club Business International (CBI) 期号:2012年第6期
篇名 (作者) :
1.Industry Authorities (By Jennifer H. Mclnerney)
2.Value Proposition: Sportsmith
文摘:Mastering basic business skills and catering equally to the needs of its clients and suppliers has made this firm a fitness industry leader.
书目 (Books)
1.Pedagogies, Physical Culture, and Visual Methods (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport) 《教育学, 体育文化和可视化方法》
Editor: Laura Azzarito, David Kirk; Pub: Routledge
ISBN: 9780415532778, 年代:2013, 页数:256
2.Sport Brands 《运动品牌》By Patrick Bouchet, Dieter Hillairet, Guillaume Bodet; Pub: Routledge
The Chinese New Year has a great history. In our past, people lived in an agricultural society and worked all year long. They only took a break after the harvest and before the planting of seeds. This happens to coincide with the beginning of the lunar New Year.
The Chinese New Year is very similar to the Western one, rich in traditions, folklores and rituals. It has been said that it is a combination of the Western Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. This is hardly an exaggeration!
The origin of the Chinese New Year itself is centuries old - in fact, too old to actually be traced. It is popularly recognized as the Spring Festival and celebrations last 15 days.
Preparations tend to begin a month before the date of the Chinese New Year (similar to a Western Christmas). During this time people start buying presents, decoration materials, food and clothing. A huge clean-up gets underway days before the New Year, when Chinese houses are cleaned from top to bottom. This ritual is supposed to sweep away all traces of bad luck. Doors and windowpanes are often given a new coat of paint, usually red, then decorated with paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity printed on them.
The end of the New Year is marked by the Festival of Lanterns, which is a celebration with singing, dancing and lantern shows.
At the Festival, all traditions are honored. The predominant colors are red and gold. “Good Wish” banners are hung from the ceilings and walls. The “God of Fortune” is there to give Hong Baos. Lion dancers perform on stage continuously. Visitors take home plants and flowers symbolizing good luck. An array of New Years specialty food is available in the Food Market. Visitors purchase new clothing, shoes and pottery at the Market Fair. Bargaining for the best deal is commonplace!
肯尼迪总统的就职演讲 英文版07-15