
2024-09-05 版权声明 我要投稿


小学的英文自我介绍 篇1

hello!!boys and grils

my name is forest , i 12 old , my is girl.my family have a three people.my is youngest than other two and i is oldest of the tow.my father and my monther very love me,i love them too.i at my family very happily.i love my family very much, and you?

i have a big eyes and a big mouth.i have a short between hair.i have a lot of hobbies ,for example : ilike play football , basketball , badminton , table tennis , i like draw a paintings, watercolours and landscapes,i like is it.and you?

now, i in a six grade.i like chinese class very much, it very fun ,i love go chinese class.my best like p.e.it very happy.and you?

my dream is to be a computer engineer when i grow up, because i very like playing computers.and you?

小学的英文自我介绍 篇2





2 . 对思维的影响。由于人们的行动都要受到思维的支配,人类的思维有一个主要的功能,就是对未来的行为结果进行预测。通过思维的活动,自我效能感会对人们产生促进或阻碍的作用。自我效能感较强的学生,更愿意去想象成功的写作作品,因此能够真正促进到学生的写作实践。









小学英文作文:自我介绍 篇3

hello !!! boys and grils

my name is forest , i 12 old , my is girl .my family have a three people .my is youngest than other two and i is oldest of the tow.my father and my monther very love me,i love them too.i at my family very happily. i love my family very much, and you?

i have a big eyes and a big mouth . i have a short between hair.

i have a lot of hobbies ,for example : ilike play football , basketball , badminton , table tennis , i like draw a paintings, watercolours and landscapes,i like is it .and you?

now, i in a six grade. i like chinese class very much, it very fun ,i love go chinese class. my best like p.e. it very happy. and you?

my dream is to be a puter engineer when i grow up, because i very like playing puters. and you?

i study very hard , i very like study .

小学生英文自我介绍 篇4

places for tourist.Not only the long history ,but also the scenery.I like Yueqing very much.Because I am one part of Yueqing.If a tourist is coming to visit Yueqing,Yandang mountain is the first choice.Of all the notable mountains in China.Yandang Mountain has its special features;Lingfeng Peak, Lingyan Rock and Dalong Qiu Waterfall are called as “Three Famous Scenic Sites of Yandang Mountain”.“It can stand scrutiny in daytime, and it can thrill with joy at night”, “Different positions, different sceneries” and “Tasting seafood while watching landscape”.All of these are the three features which are different from other famous mountains.That’s all.Thank you.1.Have you ever been to Yandang mountain?

2.which do you think is the best scenic spot to visit?Why? I think it’s Da Long Qiu waterfall.Because it’s special and beautiful.3.What kinds of books do you like to read?

I like to read English book.4.could you use three words to describe the Yandang Mountain?

Unique、beautiful、colorful.5、If you were a tourist guide, could you introduce your city to us?

小学三年级英文自我介绍 篇5

I am GuangChang tian-yu liu experiment primary school class three, grade six, I have a pair of big and bright phoenix eye, a high nose and a small mouth have kissed the blarney stone.Right after I grow two large front teeth, and very like a rabbit teeth, so the picture I can only sipping mouth smile.

My broad interests, like watching “three kingdoms” and “journey to the west” and other classics, like playing chess, like the swimming, especially like painting, I draw pictures on the panel report yet, the classmates all kua I am drawing little genius.

My ideal is to be a painter, I want to draw all the beautiful things in the world!

I am a boy, have regular features, and grow and handsome.

I observe the rules and regulations of the school in school, take good care of public property.I thought personal character is very good, have a kind heart.Especially I will not throw garbage, will be thrown into the trash.Very few people have this habit, this habit is people who know me know.I will help my family, teachers, classmates and strangers, and so on!

My study is very good, also had a lot of awards, which the disciplines are: computer, composition and mathematics.I each course is doing very good.I am also very smart.

My sport is better, each class warm-up run, I was the first run.My sports scores pretty good also, of course.I like playing football, playing badminton, table tennis, mountain climbing and travel.

小学的英文自我介绍 篇6


自我陈述 (personal statement) , 又称作研究生院申请书 (the graduate school application letter) 是一种特殊的学术促销体裁 (academic promotional genre) (Bhatia, 1993) , 它在中国学生申请国外大学研究生项目时起到至关重要的作用, 然而遗憾的是, 国内外对这一特殊体裁的科学研究少之又少, 不仅如此, 在普通全日制高等学校中, 关于这一文体的写作教学至今也仍是空白 (Ding, 2007) 。在这种情况下, 不少想要出国深造的中国学生只能求助于所谓的教育中介机构或者水平参差不一的网络资源, 这使得他们相对于国外本土学生和其他国际学生在申请研究生项目时处于劣势。而这一劣势并不仅仅是由单纯的语言能力造成的, 更多的则是由中外教育体制不同所造成的他们对自我陈述这一特殊英文写作体裁缺乏系统科学的认识:对这一体裁的既定结构 (conventions of the genre) 、语篇群体 (discourse community) 以及阅读者期望的不了解正是造成中国大学生在面对自我陈述写作时产生恐惧的源头。

Graff and Hoberek (1999) 曾经总结指出, 自我陈述写作失败的原因归根结底是因为缺乏对这一体裁语篇使用群体和既定结构的充分认识。Freedman 和 Medway (1994) 曾经指出体裁分析 (genre analysis) 是在深入研究任何体裁时的最好方法, 因为它能将社会和文化因素同语言本身联系起来, 从而更好的揭示某种体裁的应用、形成和发展。首先运用体裁分析揭开自我陈述的面纱, 接着提出分析结果对中国学生在写英文自我陈述时的应用意义。

1 概念引入

1.1 体裁分析 (genre analysis)

John Swales (1990) 认为体裁 (genre) 是交际实践的一种分类表现形式, 有其独特的交际功能。交际目的是确定体裁和体裁分类的重要因素, 交际目的制约着语篇的形式、内容与难度。而充分了解文本的使用策略则是成功驾驭某类体裁的必要条件。体裁分析就是建立在区分不同体裁和促进实现不同体裁的交际目的而形成的一种从语篇角度出发的分析方法, 它不但涉及文本分析, 而且涉及语篇分析, 只有在二者相结合的情况下才能达到我们研究语篇交际目的和文本使用策略的目的。

通过对文本中词汇和语法的分析, 能使我们对语篇的语体特征 (linguistic features) 有更好地了解, 加深对某类体裁语言表面特征的认识;通过对语篇结构的分析, 则能使我们更好的掌握某类体裁行文布局的规律以及形成这种规律的原因, 从而在写作的谋篇布局时做到游刃有余。根据Swales (2001) , 体裁分析是从语篇的题材角度解析特定的语篇所具有的特定认知结构, 它是英语教学研究中所使用的一种重要分析方法 (秦秀白, 1997) , 也是能使我们充分认识自我陈述的既定结构和语篇特点的一种行之有效的研究方法。

1.2 语篇群体 (discourse community)

Rodney Jones (2012) 指出体裁总是与一群有着共同目的和共同的实现这种目的方法的人息息相关, 而这一群人就是语篇群体 (discourse community) 。对于自我陈述这一体裁来讲, 其语篇群体不仅包括不同研究生院项目的申请者, 还包括这些项目背后的研究生院委员会和教学人员, 而他们就是学生自我陈述和其他申请材料的阅读者和决定着录取资格的人。可见, 自我陈述的写作者—即学生与阅读者—即研究生院委员会和教学人员之间的关系是极不平等的, 每位申请者都会极尽所能的证明自己的能力。如果不能充分认识到这一点, 在构思和写作中时刻将语篇群体的阅读需求放在首位, 中国学生是很难写出令人满意的自我陈述的。

2 研究目的与方法

2.1 研究目的

作为描述性的对比研究, 本文旨在运用Swales (2001) 的CARS (Create A Research Space) 语篇分析模式, 通过对15篇英文自我陈述进行语步结构 (move structure) 的归纳总结, 对比中美大学生在自我陈述写作中产生的不同点与相同点, 同时总结出一篇成功的自我陈述所需要具备的语步 (move) 和步骤 (step) , 从而更好的指导中国学生写出成功的自我陈述, 帮助他们在申请国外研究院项目时变劣势为优势。

2.2 理论依据

Bhatia (1993) 曾经总结指出:分析的理论基础和语料分析是体裁分析必不可少的两个步骤。在理论基础方面, 因为在文献中只找到很少找到关于自我陈述的研究, 而且运用的研究方法仍然是体裁分析法, 所以本文将主要着眼于语步—步骤研究法 (move-step analysis) , 这也是Swales (2001) 在其专著Genre Analysis中所提出的研究方法。它经过30多年的发展演变, 到目前为止已经日渐成熟。

在体裁研究领域, 语步 (move) 被定义为一个作者在实现某种文体的交际意义时所要经过的步骤, 而每一个语步又根据不同的交际目的由不同的步骤来实现。语步有长短之分, 从一个句子到几个段落不等, 但它在性质上却不变, 它一定是为实现作者传播某种观点而服务的 (Rodney, 2011) 。根据Ding (2007) , 语步分析是体裁研究中的重要方法, 因为语步是文本中语义和功能的结合单位, 由交际目的和语言范围 (linguistic boundary) 来区分。

语步鉴定 (identification of move) 则是由文本的修辞目的和被语言线索 (linguistic clues) 划分出的意义单位 (meaning unit) 所决定的, 这些语言线索不仅包括话语标记语 (discourse markers) , 如连接词, 还包括明显的主题 (marked theme) 、时态和语态的变化和新的词汇的引入等。

在本研究中我们着重于由段落分界, 小标题和新词汇新概念的引入来判断区分不同的语步;步骤则由不同语步下包含的不同交际目的来划分。语步—步骤分析方法的优势就在于它可以“按照不同的交际目的将语篇的各个部分范畴化”, 从而反映不同体裁语篇所具有的特定写作布局和语言特点 (刘凤峨, 2011) 。

在现有文献中, Ding (2007) 通过使用语步—步骤分析法分析美国学生申请医学院项目的成功自我陈述时取得了非常好的效果, 通过总结, 他指出成功的医学院申请自我陈述需要包括以下5个语步:解释申请动机;陈述在医学领域已经取得的成果;讨论人生经历;描述未来职业规划和展示个人性格魅力, 这5个方面排序不分先后。虽然这一总结是建立在美国学生申请医学研究项目时的自我陈述, 但它对本研究仍然有着非常宝贵的指导意义。

2.3 语料

本研究中的语料, 即15篇英文自我陈述中, 5篇由美国学生写成而另外10篇则是中国学生所做。这5篇美国学生的自我陈述都是下载自国外高等学校官方网站的成功案例, 这些文章旨在指导潜在申请学生写出合格的自我陈述。这些文章都伴随有作者现在就读学校的信息, 所以这5篇自我陈述都是非常值得中国学生借鉴的。在另外10篇中国学生的作品中, 有5篇是笔者身边同学所写, 他们已经被英美等国的高等学校研究院成功录取;另外5篇则是笔者在2011-2012年期间修改5位国内大学三、四年级学生时得来的他们不成功的习作, 在此特别感谢我身边这些同学们的慷慨分享。

2.4 方法与步骤

研究步骤将主要分为两个方面:第一个方面是对15篇自我陈述进行字数统计, 对比成功和不成功自我陈述在文章长度上的差异;第二个方面是运用上文中所介绍的体裁分析法。而在运用体裁分析法时又包含有两个方面:第一个方面是对语篇进行宏观结构分析, 根据Ding (2007) 所总结出的成功自我陈述需要具备的5个语步, 将每一篇文章参考语义划分为5个方面:解释申请动机;陈述在求学领域已经取得成果;讨论人生经历;描述未来职业规划和展示个人性格魅力, 然后再统计他们的分布和出现频率, 从而对比中美学生文章之间的结构区别, 以及成功的自我陈述和不成功自我陈述在文章结构上的区别;第二个方面则是对语料的微观结构分析。我们将运用Swales (2001) 的语步—步骤分析模式, 将15篇自我陈述逐一分析其各自包含的语步与步骤, 然后进行对比统计, 从而更加真实的反映3种不同类型自我陈述之间的结构框架差异。

3 研究结果与讨论

3.1 三类自我陈述的长度统计

首先, 在进行体裁分析之前, 我们将15篇文章根据其作者分为三类, 一类为美国学生成功的自我陈述, 一类为中国学生成功的自我陈述, 最后一类为中国学生不成功的自我陈述。在分析文章的结构框架之前, 三类文章长度之间的对比已经清楚地展示在表1中。

从表1中可以看出, 成功的自我陈述无论是由中国学生还是美国学生写的, 都比不成功的自我陈述要长, 所以要想写出一份合格的自我陈述首先要在字数上做到与成功的文章差不多。当然, 这绝不意味着文章越长效果越好, 有时候文章的长度过长也会给人拖沓之感, 反而达不到好的效果。700字左右, 就是一个合理的长度。

3.2 宏观结构分析

根据在研究方法中Ding (2007) 提出的5个语步:解释申请动机;陈述在相关领域已经取得的成果;讨论人生经历;描述未来职业规划和展示个人性格魅力, 我们在每篇自我陈述中寻找与这5个语步相同或类似的语步, 然后对这5种语步在15篇文章中的出现频率进行对比统计。

统计结果见表2, 在中国学生不成功的自我陈述中, 有一半以上缺乏描述未来职业生涯规划和展示个人性格魅力这两个方面。 这两个方面恰恰是最能给研究院和教员留下深刻印象的部分, 个性魅力的展示并不一定需要描述自身的许多特点, 只要着重描述一两件特殊事件, 就能充分体现出一个人的生活态度, 遇事处理状态和抗压能力。清晰的职业发展规划更是一个申请者必须要想明白并展示给申请学校看的重要方面, 因为教育的最终目标是培养合格的社会工作者, 申请者不但需要展示自己的潜力更要明确自己的奋斗目标。

3.3 微观结构分析

从表2中可以看出, 所有15篇自我陈述都包含有其他三个语步:解释申请动机, 陈述在相关领域取得的成果和讨论人生经历。在这里, 为了更加深入的分析, 我们使用语步—步骤分析法对文章中含有前面两个语步的语篇进行微观分析, 再经过归纳演绎将它们更加详细的各自分成了表3所列的几个步骤。

在15篇文章中, 解释申请原因都不约而同的占据了较大篇幅, 而且每个申请者所陈述的原因都不同, 然而这些不同的原因却都是大致围绕在4个话题点上展开, 于是这4个话题点被确定为第一个语步下的步骤:表达兴趣, 展示对学科理解, 陈述对申请学校的向往以及谈论个人 (家庭) 原因。同样, 陈述在相关领域取得的成果也被划分为:学业成绩, 研究经历和工作经验3个步骤。


由表3中可以看出, 只有3篇不成功的自我陈述包含有展示个人对相关学科的理解这一步骤, 而所有文章都包含了兴趣的表达和个人或者家庭原因陈述这两个步骤。对学科的理解是攻读研究生院学生必不可少的素质, 因为研究生院的学习不同于本科期间着重于基础知识的巩固, 而是需要学生自己具有探索发现的能力, 没有对学科的深入理解, 只有兴趣爱好或者家庭因素都不足以使学生发现提出新问题, 然后创新发展出的解决问题的办法。

同时, 可以看出, 表达对申请学校的向往并不一定必须包含在一篇合格的自我陈述中, 归根结底, 一篇好的自我陈述需要作者表达真情实感, 才能说服和打动阅读者。

在表4中, 所有作者都谈到了自己的学业表现, 但是在另外两个步骤方面, 美国学生的表现明显优于中国学生, 即使是在成功的中国学生自我陈述中, 也只有3篇提到了研究经历, 1篇提到了职业工作经验。当然, 出现这种情况的原因主要是由于中国大学生在校期间过分专注于课堂知识, 缺乏将书本知识与用到实践中去的经验, 相对于美国学生来说, 中国学生在独立科学研究和职业工作方面非常欠缺。

自我陈述的交际目的是向读者展示作者能力与潜力, 并说服读者录取申请者。这种说服性文章的内容一般并不可能整齐的被划分为Ding (2007) 所提出的五个语步, 更多的时候这五个语步之间相互包含, 很难将他们区分开来。而且本研究中的一些文章, 因为作者为了吸引眼球而在书写过程中运用了大量的修辞手法和新颖的结构, 这使得生搬硬套以前学者的研究结果显得并不可行。于是, 为了真实反映本研究中语料的分析结果和其对特殊英语写作教学的实际运用意义, 我们对10篇中美成功自我陈述进行了详细的语步—步骤分析法, 并归纳出以下语步—步骤结构:

语步一 (M1) :铺垫下文或者介绍申请者基本情况

语步二 (M2) :解释申请动机

步骤一 (S1) :表达兴趣

步骤二 (S2) :描述个人经历

步骤三 (S3) :表达对申请学校向往

步骤四 (S4) :展示对学科理解

语步三 (M3) :陈述相关领域取得成果

步骤一 (S1) :学业成绩

步骤二 (S2) :研究经历

步骤三 (S3) :工作经验

语步四 (M2) :描述学科研究方向

语步五 (M2) :展示未来职业规划

从上面的语步—步骤结构可以看出, 由这10篇成功的中美学生自我陈述分析归纳出的结构与Ding在2007年提出的自我陈述语步结构有很大的相似性, 不同之处就在于将个人经历的描述归纳为语步 (M2) 中的一个步骤, 同时将铺垫全文和介绍申请者基本情况列为一个单独的语步。出现这种变化的原因首先是它们所占篇幅在文章中的变化, 其次是考虑到它们在帮助申请者达到交际目的时所发挥的作用。除顺序可以变化外, 上面表格中所出现的语步—步骤结构是一个想要申请成功学生在撰写自我陈述时必须遵循的结构。

4 结语

以15篇中美学生所写英文自我陈述为研究对象, 通过综合运用Swales (2001) Bhatia (1993) 和Ding (2007) 的体裁分析模式, 逐一分析了英文自我陈述的宏观和微观结构, 得出了一套相对完善的英文自我陈述的语步——步骤结构。

今后, 想要申请国外研究生院项目的中国学生在撰写自我陈述时可以遵循上面的语步结构, 同时也可以加入自己独具匠心的安排, 例如, 有一篇中国学生成功的自我陈述就是以细胞核的结构为框架讨论了我自的人生规划, 成长环境和对生物工程这项学科的理解, 可谓新颖别致, 抓人眼球。这一创新也是Bhatia (1997) 所提出的体裁弯曲 (genre bending) , 通过违反一种体裁的一般呈现形式, 从而达到曲径通幽的目的。

本研究受到语料数量及类型的限制, 对自我陈述的分析结果可能带有一定的片面性, 但是在综合对比以前学者的研究成果来看, 本研究的结果是真实可取的。本研究通过对比中美学生的自我陈述, 调查了成功和不成功的中国学生自我陈述, 更加完善了以前单独研究单个地区成功语篇的研究, 同时填补了针对中国学生英文自我陈述写作指导的空白, 相信对想要继续出国深造的中国大学生有很大的帮助。


[1]Bhatia, V. (1993) .Analysing genre:Language use inprofessional settings[M].London:Longman.

[2]Bhatia.V. (1997) .The power and politics of genre[J].World Englishes, 16 (3) , 359-371.

[3]Ding, H. (2007) .Genre analysis of personal statements:Analysis of moves in application essays to medical anddental schools[J].English for Specific Purposes, 26 (3) , 368-392.

[4]Freedman, A., &Medway, P. (1994) .Locating genrestudies:antecedents and prospects[J].In Genre and theNew Rhetoric.Bristol, PA:Taylor&Francis.

[5]Graff, G., &Hoberek, A. (1999) .Hiding it from thekids (with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel) [J].Col-lege English, 62, 242-245.

[6]Jones, R. (2012) .Discourse Analysis[M].Abingdon, Oxon;New York:Routledge.

[7]Swales, J. (1990) .Genre Analysis:English in Academ-ic and Research Settings[M].Cambridge:Cambridge U-niversity Press.

[8]Swales, J. (2001) .Genre Analysis:English in Academ-ic and Research Settings[M].Shanghai:Shanghai For-eign Language Educational Press, 2001.

[9]刘凤峨, 王志祥.硕士学位论文英文摘要体裁分析[J].牡丹江教育学院学报, 2011 (3) :48-50.

小学生开学英文自我介绍 篇7

I am a lively and cheerful girl, my shortcoming is that my academic performance is still good, that is, a little partial subject, so every school competition, I usually only take part in a single subject, when I have both subjects, the results are released, always one subject wins the prize... And my advantage is that I am willing to help others. (When my good friends have troubles and want to talk to others, I will not hesitate to help them...) Treat others equally (even those students who love learning but dont get good grades, I will get along with them equally, and so will senior students...) Wait. My hobbies are: like reading, because books can let me know more knowledge, open vision, can make me intoxicated in it, but also let me know in the same blue sky, some people happy, some people suffering, some people poor. Some people are rich... I also like activities, especially feathering, leisure time or spare time to activities, what an interesting thing! I also like listening to music, whenever I have troubles, turn on the recorder to listen to music, troubles will be thrown out of the sky by me, intoxicated in music...

Xiao Hes friends, after listening to my introduction, how much do you know about me? You are welcome to comment on me.

I am a lively and cheerful little girl. I have bright black hair, big bright eyes and a cherry-like mouth. Medium height, tall.

I like lotus because it stands in the lake like beautiful little girls. I like drawing, singing and dancing... I am very smart, and I write very well. However, I still need to learn from Bian Yuxiang and go up to a higher level!

I have many advantages, for example, I write fast and quality, homework can be written in time. My thoughts are good, too. My deskmate is slow. He forgot the dictated words. I can give them back to him. When I go home for dinner, I can help my parents eat. However, people are not perfect, and I have many shortcomings, such as I love watching TV, usually playing computer. However, in order to achieve academic results, I should work hard, hard, hard! When I was going to school, my mother was still asked to carry my schoolbag. Oh, Im ashamed to think of it! I should be sensible. Im poor at sports, especially table tennis. I cant even reach 70, and its rare! Well, it seems that I cant keep up with sports.

This is me, a lovely me!

Style: Small eyes, flat nose, white face, a small mouth.

Character: gentle and considerate

Advantages: I love learning Chinese. There are many kinds of Chinese phonetics, characters, idioms and so on. Especially the text, I like it best. I listen carefully when the teacher is teaching the text. When the teacher asked us to draw the words in the text, I also drew them carefully.

Disadvantage: My disadvantage is lack of concentration in class.

Wish: Resolve to get rid of this shortcoming. Study hard and make progress every day.

小学生一分钟英文自我介绍 篇8

I’m a twelve-year-old girl! My name is Liu Jiayao. My English name is Jenny. I study at Jinqiao Primary School. I’m a student of Grade Six. I wil finish primary school andgo to middle school. So I should workhard and hard.

I have a three of happy family. My mother works in the Real estate companies. My farther is aworker.My mother is busy working on weekdays .So my farthercooks dnnerevery day. We three usually have dinner at sixp.m.My parents ofen go far a walk aftersupper. I finish my homeworkbefore eight o’clock. Iusually spend an hour reading books before going to bed . At the weekends, my farther likes fishing and travelling with his friends. I help my mum with housework. Sometimes we do some shopping together.We have abig dinner in the restaurant. We ofen go for atrip on holiday. Last Natinal Day holiday. We visted Lu’Shan. The food there is very cheap and delicious.

I study at Jinqiao Primary School. I had awonderful day . It’s more beautiful than old one . There are seven new buildings in our school. Three buildings are for teaching. We have music rooms,computerrooms ,excperimental room, dancing halls and sports halls. We also have a big canteen. We all have lunch there every day. The food is nice. Ourclassroom is big and bright.It’s morden. There’sa TV and a computer. On the blackbord there isa whiteboard. Teachers ofen teach us with it. It’s amazing.I have a good friend namedHuang Yanbing. We are in the same class and we are different ages . In fact ,I am two months older than her.But she is taller and thinnerthan me She ispretty, She has many hobbies. She like singing , dancing Ilike her very much. We are alwayshappytogetner!

小学的英文自我介绍 篇9

Self Introduction

Good morning dear teachers, I feel glad to be a candidate standing here for applying the position of English Teacher in your school.I think It is a pleasure for me to present myself.My name is …., and I am 23 years old.I was born in Kunming, and it is my hometown that I have lived for more than 20 years.I love this city, especially the nice people that I know and the great culture that I love.So working in here was a decision that I made long time ago.In 2005 I was admitted by Yunnan University, majored in International Trade.The four-year undergraduate education provided me a wide range of academic knowledge and practical capabilities in many aspects.By studying this major, I passed CET-6 exam in 2006 and get a degree in economics.I gained an international perspective, not only in my own field, but any other aspects as well.I prefer to focus on the latest global information everyday and I am interested in social event, culture and humanity.Moreover, the college education experience offered me a great opportunity to give full play to my creativity and intelligence, in particular I was been trained to be a good communicator during all sorts of college activities, for instance, I have learned how to cooperate with others since I participated in student union, I was aware of how to deeply understand others and how to combine different opinions by doing various social activates.After graduation, I get an opportunity to have an internship in an elementary school.I was assigned to be an English teacher for almost one year and had a great time in there.During this year, I obtained the qualification certificate for teacher in an excellent score, and I have practiced my professional expertise in teaching within two semesters.Now I realized that I want to be a good teacher and prefer to continue my educational career in order to perfected my teaching abilities and demonstrate my personal ambitions in the domain of education.Briefly, based on my four years university education and two semester’s internship, I have competence to be an English teacher.I am familiar with most affairs in elementary school not only in teaching but also other administrations.What’s more, I have many hobbies and strengths, for example, I like singing and dancing, which can be benefit to my teaching process.Besides, I have highly motivated by a strong sense of teamwork, especially a strong sense of responsibility.I would like to help others and with an attitude of working hard.Therefore, I have confidence that with my extensive experience and professional abilities.I can be a good English teacher and a worthy employee of your school.Thank you very much.
